19996842? ago

Do your homework you lazy asshole. Go read all the Q drops, Q proofs second button on left and Trump tweets (clicking "POTUS ON" button). Then if you think Q is a LARP, tell that to your editor. He will probably fire you cuz that is not the MSM narrative. It is Orange Man Bad and anything that supports POTUS is a conspiracy theory. You sound a little too naive to be a journalist - so go have a soy drink and take your half-hearted investigation elsewhere. We are too busy digging the truth in a world totally corrupted by satan and his NWO followers to waste our time spoon-feeding some libtard punk too lazy to do his own research.

19996088? ago

Of course Tippy Top and Q baby are obvious ones, but I think one of my favorites is Trump's tweet from 10/28/17 when he said

"Very little reporting about the GREAT GDP numbers announced yesterday (3.0 despite the big hurricane hits). Best consecutive Q's in years!"

19998660? ago

Trump used Tippy Top more than 30 times that year.

19996113? ago

pretty sure they also released some JFK files that day...

19996000? ago

Q is a zionist 8 chan larp.

19996687? ago

Shill alert - not Q follower

19998647? ago

Jew alert - not a white nationalist

19996107? ago

Hey OP!! Do posts like this ^^^ count as a PROOF?!? All this ^^^ for a LARP?😆

19996170? ago

Nope, have to avoid a few turds such as yourself to get to the good stuff here. Takes more than an emoji to drive us away, dummy.

19996185? ago

'drive us away'?? so there is an 'us' and you're here on purpose? 😱☠️☠️☠️

19996585? ago

Q is IDF.

19996215? ago

Everyone is where they are "on purpose" I suppose. You are just here for a dollar per post, ya whore.