18901270? ago

Illuminati Symbolism in Madonna’s MDNA Concert http://www.conspirazzi.com/tag/david-spangler/

18776010? ago

weird symbol

18831874? ago

Was he going to expose something? Was it just a suicide? Cornell of Temple of the Dog, Audioslave, and Soundgarden, hanged himself inside a room at the MGM Grand Detroit hotel. https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3242355

18744342? ago

sad to see someone young die, maybe she got caught in something weird

18832149? ago

Was he a Jester, KnightsMalta? did he pray with Shriners to Lucifer? They have a Funeral Mass seems normal, 'Satan' they believe a fallen Angel....Broadmoor Ripper Who is the guy Mike Tyson boxed? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3140795/17836783 ... which came first the global Jew or Masonic?

18739077? ago

The numerology 5? What else ... 444 or 4444 repeatedly or Number 33: Secret Societies, UFOs, Death, Destruction & Disneyland https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2012/10/number-33-secret-societies-ufos-death-destruction-disneyland/ Occult Numerology

"In Freemasonry is embedded the core or the secret heart of the occult mysteries, wrapped up on number, metaphor and symbol."

Benjamin Crème, “The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom” (87)

"Numbers are a key to the ancient views of cosmogony ... spiritually as well as physically ... to the evolution of the present human race; all systems of religious mysticism are based upon numerals.”

W. Wynn Westcott, “The Occult Power of Numbers” (15)

The numbers 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 33 and all multiples of them have esoteric meaning to the Brotherhood and are used in a variety of ways.

They are geometrically encoded in brand names and encrypted in corporate logos https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/atlantean_conspiracy/atlantean_conspiracy39.htm Finding Nero: The Root of False Flags https://extracapsa.com/tag/freemason/ Did you know World War I was declared over at precisely the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month? (11:00, November 11) To this day we celebrate this Armstice as Veterans Day every year on the 11th. Just after 9/11 the movie Oceans 11 was released 12/7/01 (1+2+7+1 = 11). The “Two Towers” Lord of the Rings movie featuring an evil all-seeing eye enemy came out the following year 12/19/02 (1+2+1+9-2 = 11 and 12+19+2 = 33). The trilogy starts with Bilbo’s 111th birthday party. http://www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/2008/09/911-numerology.html

18736513? ago

What's Slipsnot?

18831931? ago

Heavy metal guitarist facing federal child pornography charges https://www.voat.co/v/pizzagate/3240582/18815701 There are hundreds of bands around the country that are essentially nomadic pedophile/kidnapping gangs.

18832348? ago

"Hollywood Babylon" is a cultural term for a reason.

18832179? ago

There is hardly anyone in the media industry who isn't involved in human trafficking and exploitation in some way.

18832401? ago

Their real religion?? What is the burning eye they pray to? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3150083 Royal Masons in Napervile Worship a lidless eye wreathed in flame.

18737292? ago

Bands have used this symbolims for a long time, they may not be satanic at all but a show however some might take the ritual serious. The Hollywood stuff and the Genre of Rap, Heavy Metal discussed on voat https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1453400 , https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1813331 , https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1846963 , https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2080795 , https://www.voat.co/v/pizzagate/3230854 , https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1460522 , https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3073406

18736534? ago

Nu Heavy Metal https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slipknot_(band) Slipknot is an American heavy metal band from Des Moines, Iowa. The band was founded in 1995 by percussionist Shawn Crahan, drummer Joey Jordison

18735567? ago

She was raised by a heavy metal head banger called Slipknot....what could possibly go wrong?

18735923? ago

Maybe she seen stuff that sent her to alcohol drugs and drink .... maybe some people pray to an old ritual that connects with baal cronus, the canaanite heresy, saturn molech

18734925? ago

Wrong. I've been in AA for 31 years and carry a chip similar to that one in my pocket every day. The triangle stands for UNITY, RECOVERY, and SERVICE. Unity because we can't stay sober by ourselves; Recovery because this is what makes our lives livable; and Service because we don't keep what we have unless we give it away... we freely share our experience, strength, and hope with newcomers. While AA is a spiritual program, it has nothing to do with the occult or pagan practices. Each of us finds God in our own way... sort of like Q telling us to think for ourselves.

18740222? ago

mutual friend of Bill here. you are correct. nothing cabal-ish or illuminaughty-esque about that. just an AA coin. AA doesnt really help further illuminaughty goals. seems like they would want us all to out-of-control messes, not getting our shit together.

18736439? ago

The Op said it was 'AA' symbol so not wrong, its not incorrect but it might also be a freemason thing

18735486? ago

The Masonic symbols are all over the United States when you see it, any person in a new group you might be Mason you may not be maybe your Christain, Atheist, Hindu, Buddhist but underneath these groups the same mason symbols. Once you see the ritual and symbol they are everywhere, it dates back to Egypt, the Templar and Babylon paganism.

18735587? ago

Yeah, if you look hard enough and suspend critical thinking, you can come up with all kinds of weird conspiracy theories.

18735819? ago

The Masons, the Babylon rituals and the Templar were real and are very real, it is a real part of Western history. @1Sorry_SOB @killer7 @Empress @carnold03 They were the original 'War on Terror' guys, they were once simply soldiers like the modern response to 911 way back in the day Knights were used to counter-attack islam and mohammedan Turk Barbar armies which invaded Spain though N.Africa and attacked Europe's Eastern front though Constaninople, Greece, the moslems attacked Sain and the Balkans and all the way into Austria. Some Knights counter-attack hitting key points in 'the holy land' some of the Templar were stuck behind enemy lines and became part of an even older cult dating back to Egypt, Stone Cutters and Babylon. When the Knights returned with experience the European Kings seen them as a political threat, they were attacked, their temples demolished and they were banished, at this time they started to change from soldiers to political people and a secret cult of sorts. They fled to Scotland to form what you know as Freemasons, all the offshoots, the Order of the Eastern Star, the Shriners, that Rosicrucian guy who shot Kennedy, the Skull and Bones frat parties in College and Uni this rituals, all of this connects to the original Stone Masons. The original Royal-Dutch network was the first international Freemason bank, Amsterdam-London the new Empires of Europe would start to collapse as America and other independent nations were born but they left behind secret networks and secret banks, it was original from Arabia, Jewish mysticism and the old British Royal family but there is a reason this Masonic symbolism traveled much of the world, some believe it to be 'satanic' of sorts or has been corrupted and infiltrated by atheist devil worshipers, some say they pray to a three headed ja-baal-on or pray to transexual thing with an animal head and horns but that's another conspiracy. Did you know there are Masons which drive around in little childrens cars and wear red hats which celebrate a bloodbath of Chirstians? Did you know Masonic groups produce a 'bible' of sorts that prays loyalty to the Moongod Al Lah ... again this is classed 'conspiracy' but the Masons themselves are very real.

18735442? ago

You have to admit it's kind of creepy to have a triangle with the fifth age in the center of it. That couldn't be any more occultic. The fifth and final age.

19291870? ago

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18735556? ago

The number 5 plainly shows it means 5 months sober, nothing more.

18735634? ago

Don't believe in so many coincidences. Too many symbols to be a random mistake.

18776243? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3236705 ..Ritual numerology? Scripted Death of Gabrielle Crahan, Daughter of Slipknot's Shawn Crahan-Gematria The KILLING Name

18735527? ago

They came to America long ago https://voat.co/v/QRV/3141258/

18735576? ago

Muslims March around a black Cube, Israel has a star in the middle of their flag which represents a black Cube. Black Cube= Saturn= Satan. Learn sacred geometry to see.


18734760? ago

They have a nine pointed star. Black mass robes, skull n bones horror culture, babylon symbols ... seems some of them know something of Masons, the nine-pointed star is also used in the Baha'i Faith

18735645? ago

Ive been around the entertainment business a few years and this type of death is kind of common, what typically happens is some performer takes a drug, it could be an instrumentalist, an actor, singer song writer anyone. Maybe the drug is to jump past some mental blockage? It begins innocent enough sometimes but Once the parties start, the networking in come criminals, the alcoholics, the hoodrat, the scammer gypsy types and drug dealers connect @happycutie @JesusRules @TheBuddha @thewebofslime ... often the musicians or actors, before they go over that edge they will try clean themselves up stay sober, sometimes their children become pray to the same weirdos, the same demons and freaks that surrounded them. I don't know much of the scene today but I was around a lot, metal, hip hop, electronic music, stage productions ... Some people are into this dark stuff and illuminati crap and for others its just symbols, stage and background show, its hard to prove anything because before all of this religious stuff was underground and now its all gone mainstream. Drug Abuse? in some Metal Rock I would see a lot of Stims, Speed drugs to help them stay fast/quick, the sickness and addictions are the same, I'm not sure if Metal guys take the Occult serious I think its mostly stage show but maybe some people are deep into the dark religions.

18735539? ago

For some it might be just stage or fantasy, some might take the occult stuff serious. I find it strange how people in the entertainment business suddenly expect the public to hush up and stop talking about them

18734472? ago

Lots of strange deaths in the Heavy Metal and in Hollywood and the general Music scene these past years, something weird might be going on

18734376? ago

For fuck's sake, can you fuck off with your stupidity just once?


Gabrielle’s sister Alexandria posted a message on Instagram asking people to “stop speculating” on the cause of Gabrielle’s death.

“If you’re going to be negative, please leave my family alone,” she wrote.


"It is with a broken heart, and from a place of the deepest pain, that I have to inform all of you that my youngest daughter, Gabrielle, passed away … May 18, 2019. She was 22 years old," Crahan, 49, wrote in a statement posted Sunday across the heavy metal band's social media accounts.

He continued: "My family and I ask that our privacy be respected moving forward."

Stop fucking capitalizing on the pain of others to push your shitty theories.

18734452? ago

Not all alcohol groups are Freemason but Some of these groups are mason connected thats why they use the symbols.

18734415? ago

A lot of Heavy Metal got those satanic clown themes, it does look like that symbol http://freemasonrywatch.org/jahbulon.html , https://deephighlands.wordpress.com/2012/05/15/fukushima-as-the-1st-passover-in-the-transhuman-creation-of-a-third-gender/ dressed like a crazy joker or Stephen King's IT the clown

18734370? ago

That's the AA triangle you fucking retard. If you bothered to look at her pictures she was already dead inside and likely not sober.

18734463? ago

Some groups use these symbols some do not, the ones that connect to masonic stuff love the symbols, there are many other alcohol groups who do not connect to Masons.

18734589? ago

It's a fucking triangle you idiot.

18735377? ago

Yeah, you have brought up a very important point, that people here are completely missing: her substance abuse.

The problem with substance abuse, is that it is self destructive. It also makes it a great way to kill a person and look like an accident. I have found it extremely suspicious that Los Angles does not seem to care about it's drug problems. In fact if a prostitute dies over there, most of the time the cops classify it as "NHI" or "no humans involved".

The law enforcement system has been engineered to NOT investigate strange deaths and drug use.

so going back into this, we need to ask such questions as :who did she associate with? Was her death the result of poor life choices or did her father make the wrong enemies? Slipknot had some anti establishment themes back in the day, some anti cia themes.

18734813? ago

Another death in the family of the entertainment industry. Heavy Metal, Black Metal is just theater ? Most Americans are just hard working, most are ok good people yet unaware of all the babylon, egypt symbols, the devil stuff its everywhere on the Dollar, in the Rap songs, the Hells Angles gangs, its on the Tv shows, at the Music Awards ... once you see it you will see it everywhere @hafen @madmalloy @senpaithatignoresyou @WinterWatch or its all just theater?

18735437? ago

That apparently is related to alcoholics anonymous. I am not sure what the significance of the symbol is with AA, but if anything it is a false lead or red herring in this case. We need to look into HOW she got caught up into destructive substance abuse. Who were the pushers?

I had one of their cds when i was younger. What makes this interesting was that they songs seemed to be connected to various different conspiracies at the time. I wrote it off as leftist political theater, which was very common back then.

They were on mtv, and mtv is a viacom connection. Viacom is a funder of the democrat party. They also own nickelodeon. It is extremely interesting that the same people responsible for madonna's rise to fame are also the same people who own nickelodeon and who also fund the democrats.

on a different note: nickelodeons had a variety of things on them, including porn. Everything about nickelodeon is creepy when you take a closer look at it.