Rydal ago

Your right, I should not of pointed out this [new] direct link and just wrote the 18th post about a basement. /s

Or I could of been a genius and wrote a post like "Someone else said something, heres 0 links to it... I think its real" - AKA your style of sharing information.

Rydal ago

Sorry, for pointing out a complete advocate for the worship of satan who happens to have a 'pizza time' tattoo on his stomach and have performed with bands that have performed at Comet ping pong. It is all just coincidence. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

It is also interesting that you created an account just to address this post as something we should ignore. It is also just a coincidence. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Maybe the music genre themed information is absolute jack shit - who knows. What I do know is this guy 'Thomas Jefferson Cowgill' AKA 'King Dude' is DIRECTLY connected to multiple faucets of our recent discoveries and I simply pointed it out.

Rydal ago

What a weird term to google and wow, scary.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

I think Satanism within the hipster culture is worth exploring. Where does it come from? These aren't rebellious teens in their bedrooms listening to heavy metal. I think it comes from the cult-like indoctrination of the left that has become the norm, especially in college. Certainly the Comet Ping Pong crew were all staunch Hillary and Bernie supporters. So what does Satanism have to do with it? That's what we should find out.

Skyshark77 ago

I went to a super hipster left wing art school. Lots of students are into satanic/occult imagery because they think it's edgy and fun to rebel against their parents. They usually have no idea what it means. They also absorb it from pop artists who intentionally use certain occult imagery.

Rydal ago

Agree, I didn't think anything of this guy but after posting his pic last night and tweeting a few people with it he deleted the Twitter account. What are they odds a musician would delete his twitter account over pizza? lol