Factfinder2 ago

Nice research. Ralph Rieckermann describes seeing people being killed, then is even more revolted by an activity he doesn't identify--bet it was eating the victims.

spacewitch ago

I found an article that gives information about it : Uli John Roth says Virgin Killer album cover makes him cringe ; archive, but the link to the original interview they give doesn't work.

It says :

Classic Rock Revisited: "Virgin Killer" was banned!! Who was the girl on the cover and whose idea was it to have a nude child with broken glass in that area? What a statement.

Uli: "Looking at that picture today makes me cringe. It was done in the worst possible taste. Back then I was too immature to see that. Shame on me — I should have done everything in my power to stop it. The record company came up with the idea, I think. The lyrics incidentally were a take-off on KISS, whom we had just supported on a tour. I was fooling around and played the riff of the song in the rehearsal room and spontaneously improvised ''cause he's a virgin killer!' trying to do a more or less way-off-the-mark Paul Stanley impersonation. Klaus immediately said 'that's great! You should do something with it.' Then I had the unenviable task of constructing a meaningful set of lyrics around the title, which I actually managed to do to some degree. But the song has a totally different meaning from what people would assume at first. Virgin Killer is none other than the demon of our time, the less compassionate side of the societies we live in today — brutally trampling upon the heart and soul of innocence.

"I can't blame Tipper Gore for brandishing the cover on TV as offensive, though. She was completely right in doing so and she's a good person anyway, although she probably didn't make the effort to check out the lyrics, which put a different slant on the whole thing — can't blame her for that either, because knowing what I know today, I would have possibly reacted in a similar vein. Incidentally, I read Al Gore's book — 'Earth in the Balance' — and I can only wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone who loves this planet of ours. His vision is strong, clear and inspired there. Shame not enough people got to read it."

I feel like he's lying and painting an innocent picture of himself. But he's trying way too hard. (My translation : "I can't even look at it, I was too immature, shame on me, I should've, it's not my idea, I created the lyrics by accident, I didn't want to construct the lyrics, it doesn't mean what people think it means, but I agree it's offensive and that woman is a good person even though she didn't read the lyrics the stupid f*ck, hum let's change the subject, I've read an interesting book, blablabla.")

Also, he never says who was the girl on the cover.

equineluvr ago

Uli may not know who the girl on the cover was.

"The record company came up with the idea, I think."

The label creates the idea and then develops it, arranging for the photography/artwork, NOT the band.

spacewitch ago

Possibly true but the thing is, we won't know, because he changed the subject.

independenceday ago

Just found Scorpions In Trance & Virgin Killer CD The Back to Black Collection Deluxe RARE for sale on EBAY right now. This is deeply disturbing.

gamepwn ago

Great find! Added it to my post with a link to the item. I actually laughed at how blatant these people are look who the company is. "Axe Killer Records" LOL

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Modern music is a propaganda tool of the elite. It has been since at least the 50's, At first only some acts. Kind of a trial basis. Then a flood in the 60's. The entire 60's counter culture bands are creations of the CIA.

They infest everywhere there is a chance to influence the masses of people. Thus Music, the Film industry, Politics, the Media. Have all been infiltrated in almost totality. Because it makes no sense to let the "tastemakers" not be your puppets. If you work hard to push society in one direction would to allow it to potentially drift back?

DonKeyhote ago

I was looking into Blue Oyster Cult because I saw their logo incorporates the Saturn symbol and it says their manager/creator was (((Sandy Pearlman))), a good friend of the first rock critic' (((Richard Meltzer)))

"The hook-and-cross logo was designed by Bill Gawlik[2] in January 1972,[16] and appears on all of the band's albums.[15] In Greek mythology, "... the hook-and-cross symbol is that of Kronos (Cronus), the king of the Titans and father of Zeus ... and is the alchemical symbol for lead (a heavy metal), one of the heaviest of metals."[17] Sandy Pearlman considered this, combined with the heavy and distorted guitar sound of the band and decided the description "heavy metal"[18] would be aptly applied to Blue Öyster Cult's musical sound. The hook-and-cross symbol also resembled the astrological symbol for Saturn, the Roman god of agriculture,[19] and the sickle, which is associated with both Kronos (Cronus) and Saturn (both the planet and the Roman god).[20] The logo's "... metaphysical, alchemical and mythological connotations, combined with its similarity to some religious symbols gave it a flair of decadence and mystery ..."[16]

Look at these album credits:

Band members Eric Bloom – vocals, stun guitar, keyboards Donald "Buck Dharma" Roeser – lead guitar Allen Lanier – keyboards, rhythm guitar, synthesizers, second lead guitar on track 11 Joe Bouchard – bass, vocals Albert Bouchard – drums, vocals Production David Lucas, Murray Krugman, Sandy Pearlman – production Tim Geelan, Jerry Smith – engineering Lehman Yates, Lou Schlossberg – recording


pizzagate007 ago

90% of rock music groups are Satanist pedophiles. John Todd exposed this in the 70s

Jobew1 ago

Id say more like 95% of the record label execs and agents are satanic pedos or at least pushing that agenda. Prob like 30% of rockers

Darkmeth69 ago

So, 90% of your mom is a pedophile too, I used to fuck her every day when I was 8 years old. PS I'm your dad.

equineluvr ago


Album covers are designed by the record label, not individual band members.

AND he was very uncomfortable with the snuff party scene, hence he left.

gamepwn ago

It's literally showing a nude little girl and called "Virgin Killer" I never said it was designed by the band. Plus who the fuck gets invited to a snuff party where people are murdered for 100 k?

DeathTooMasons ago

I thought the same thing.

DonKeyhote ago

Youve never thought in your life, period, faggot

ScalarWhaler ago

You're receiving resistance for this post. One attempted to refute your claim with factual deflection, and the other attempted to deflect with humor. Labeling this as onto something and saving...