Haven't seen any here but on 4chan it's a common tactic to bring the reader down to his base instincs, especially cuck porn images to make white people insecure. Remember that they do the same thing on tumblr telling the girls how awful men are. It's meant to instill a reaction into you, don't fall for it. Just think “nice try fbi, dirty tricks mi6, not today cia, i can only laugh jidf“
It could be an agenda or could be Dumb Stoners and Alcoholics here, a common problem is soap box ban hammer, there are spammers for hire from India, maybe Vietnam, Pakistan, the Arabs are not hired to spam because typically too stupid to use computers. Soap box faggots brag about spamming Q boards @xenoPsychologist@heygeorge@TheBuddha@bdmthrfkr it also may not be them because they are the 'boogeyman' of voat
1) it's not some fuxkin satanic holy war to make u spill your semen, gtfo and get wrecked fundamentalists
2) potentially shell activity
3) potentially troll activity, since Q is ever increasing in exposure levels only.makes sense trolls will.be attracted due to all the nutjobs that live here.
Dumbfuck You stupid stupid cunts just can't seem to get this. We don't give a fuck about you or your 'target'. You've managed to offend and disgust all of voat with your ridiculous boomer nonsense. Tired of seeing porn in QRV? Leave.
The 'Q' psyop sent you stupid fucks here to be redpilled about the jews. You sit here still in your tepid bathwater refusing to accept that the waters of your jewslave belief system are filthy and laden with disease and instead demand everyone climb in with you.
Do you understand yet?
It's time to get out of the bath. You've had plenty of time to get clean. Now get the fuck out, get dressed, and for the only time in your lives put your money where your mouths are and your dignity used to be.
ever looked at the jesuits? ever looked at the black nobility families? they are not jews, they dont care aboout religion, and they are happy about haters like you because you fight their frontment, the jews, and your fellow brethren, instead of focusing on them.
You've managed to offend and disgust all of voat with your ridiculous boomer nonsense.
really? poor goats, i pity you ... offended by non-haters and non-racists? now imagine it the other way around, sensible people are talking while mujoo faggots are constantly trolling.
The 'Q' psyop sent you stupid fucks here to be redpilled about the jews.
Q sent us here because its the only free speech platform besides the chans.
btw, get the difference between a realist and a racist. the realist knows about the khazarian mafia, the media being in jewish hands, the holohoax, and different average IQ with different enthnicities. thanks for teaching those who dont know.
a racist is someone who takes this information as an excuse to blame entire folk groups for the misconduct of their criminal minority, and who hypes up emotions and spreads hatred.
thats so stupid! such mind-sets are the reason why the world has become such a swamp.
grow some fucking brains, dudes, bring your IQ up to room temperature!
Psh i know what ur saying, but honestly who even knows if he is a “pro” it does seem to post a lot I’ve been having random discussions about random bs the past night it was funny just keep saying things that makes them know it’s me posting again lol fail nye. As far as I’m concerned the 1-4 shit posters rn are all called fail nye the tyranny guy now. It’s fun trying to get them to go off topic and tell a little personal info why not experiment w the shills while we have them here?
That’s the saddest part, that this fail nye is prob not even pro so he is essentially larping as some deep state agent assett spreading his oh so hurtful tranny porn! Woah so deep down the rabbit hole man! The internet’s serious business! Lol
The same asshole anti-Semites are the ones posting the porn and all other spam. They're in serious panic mode and trying desperately to clog up the sub.
Jews literally use porn as a weapon. They broadcast it over the airwaves of Palestinian cities they attack and Jews started basically all of the major porn sites.
You would think that eventually even the less guilty Jews would start to question thatthey might be the bad guys...
Only pathetic, brainwashed fools want to look at porn. The worst kind of people are the ones posting it. Too bad for y'all that it only amps up the search for how to take y'all offline permanently.
Yeah, a fuck ton of gay porn and shit. Someone out there must have discovered Pornhub recently and decided to try to use those tactics to get people to stop posting on these boards. It ain't going to work. Fucking imbeciles.
Yeah. It’s designed to scare “normies” . First they scream “gas the Jews” and call everyone boomers and niggers. Then the porn. Next comes gore. It’s an old tactic.
And we can see right through it like the Wizard of Oz hiding behind the curtain. No one can stop us. Keep thinking clearly and independently, fellow Patriot.
It’s meant to discourage Patriots that are sincerely trying to share information. Definitely not worth clicking on any unknown links, jpegs or gifs at this point. It the source isn’t recognizable, don’t click.
Bernie Sanders is putting his supporters to work this weekend.
Volunteers will host an estimated 5,000 house parties across the US and in 34 other countries on Saturday, the campaign said, as it launches the 2020 edition of its national organizing program -- a grassroots effort that the independent senator from Vermont believes could be decisive in what is shaping up to be a tightly contested Democratic presidential primary.
Keep dreaming bitch. More like what's happening in your fucked up life. I bet your kids are watching this shit now too since you've decided to keep it stored locally on your computer. Have fun raising the gender fluid suicide prone kids of your dreams fag!
It only took you a few minutes to get back to me on that. You're definitely one of the spammers. Don't worry. I'll find you now. Thanks for falling into my trap.
Could be Jew or could be someone else, I also notice the Mason fags getting pissed off with Q anon community, weird lodges across the world getting exposed. @theoldones@thewebofslime will get worse coming up to election @SarMegahhikkitha@Mumbleberry the moslem Indians are paid up to post shit, check the source Vietnamese, Paki and Turk are also doing it
They're copying the URLs from Voat porn subverses run by SRS (/v/SoapBoxBanHammer). They're originally from reddit (/r/SoapBoxBanHammer), so a lot of the images are imgur because they're reposted from Reddit.
Here's proof "incellivision" (the mod of most of these porn subs) is a shill who attacks anyone who exposes SRS:
They're not actually uploading the images, they're copying the URLs from Voat porn subverses run by SRS (/v/SoapBoxBanHammer). They're originally from reddit (/r/SoapBoxBanHammer), so a lot of the images are imgur because they're reposted from Reddit.
Here's proof "incellivision" (the mod of most of these porn subs) is a shill who attacks anyone who exposes SRS:
Free speech does not mean allowing subversive behavior on this website. Puttitout needs to simply ban SoapBoxBanHammer and every contributor to that subverse. The alternative is to allow them to continue to undermine the site, start posting child pornography, and eventually lead to us being shut down.
There are groups of these people who post racist and pornographic stuff here and on the 8 chan Q boards. They comment on their own stuff, as well. They've amped it up to the extreme this weekend. They post the garbage here and there, and then turn around and use it on their actual named blogs, threads, and videos to say it is "Qtards" and "Boomers" doing it. They're a pathetic lot and they will eventually go down... Legally, of course... A few days ago they were calling for bloodshed in their posts. It's insane, but it is happening.
You're full of shit about it not being the same groups of people... When I finish collecting data on you people, it is going straight to the authorities and Trump administration. Fuck posting it here and anywhere else. You sick fucks are going down.
We're all on the same side, whether you like Q or not. Fuck the shitposters, they'll get tired eventually and next week, it'll be robot gay porn. Who cares? Don't let them get to you, and you always win.
18324679? ago
Some dude is spamming porn is what's up
18317661? ago
And it's sick porn too! [[[These]]] people ARE sick!
18309985? ago
Shill NPCs attempt at creative spamming, yet nothing creative about it.
NPC FAIL, once again.
Dont give them power by being offended by it.
Dont click on Imgur links.
We know this is the work of poorly written computer AI with a general lack of intelligence if that is the best they can do... feel sorry for them.
18308930? ago
Haven't seen any here but on 4chan it's a common tactic to bring the reader down to his base instincs, especially cuck porn images to make white people insecure. Remember that they do the same thing on tumblr telling the girls how awful men are. It's meant to instill a reaction into you, don't fall for it. Just think “nice try fbi, dirty tricks mi6, not today cia, i can only laugh jidf“
18308959? ago
It could be an agenda or could be Dumb Stoners and Alcoholics here, a common problem is soap box ban hammer, there are spammers for hire from India, maybe Vietnam, Pakistan, the Arabs are not hired to spam because typically too stupid to use computers. Soap box faggots brag about spamming Q boards @xenoPsychologist @heygeorge @TheBuddha @bdmthrfkr it also may not be them because they are the 'boogeyman' of voat
18309135? ago
Yeah, could be anything really... I think the best we can do right now is reckognize it and drown it out
18307174? ago
jew AIDS infected the board.
18305985? ago
The jews do this anytime you get near the truth
18305761? ago
1) it's not some fuxkin satanic holy war to make u spill your semen, gtfo and get wrecked fundamentalists
2) potentially shell activity
3) potentially troll activity, since Q is ever increasing in exposure levels only.makes sense trolls will.be attracted due to all the nutjobs that live here.
18306577? ago
Have you seen this? https://gfycat.com/paleblaringacornbarnacle
18305109? ago
Some tranny dick...... in lieu of arrests from Q.
18305016? ago
I mean..im not mad. just dissapointed
18304997? ago
Please rate my wife http://magaimg.net/img/7usc.jpg
18304823? ago
Dumbfuck You stupid stupid cunts just can't seem to get this. We don't give a fuck about you or your 'target'. You've managed to offend and disgust all of voat with your ridiculous boomer nonsense. Tired of seeing porn in QRV? Leave.
The 'Q' psyop sent you stupid fucks here to be redpilled about the jews. You sit here still in your tepid bathwater refusing to accept that the waters of your jewslave belief system are filthy and laden with disease and instead demand everyone climb in with you.
Do you understand yet?
It's time to get out of the bath. You've had plenty of time to get clean. Now get the fuck out, get dressed, and for the only time in your lives put your money where your mouths are and your dignity used to be.
Time for you to get to work.
18308617? ago
ever looked at the jesuits? ever looked at the black nobility families? they are not jews, they dont care aboout religion, and they are happy about haters like you because you fight their frontment, the jews, and your fellow brethren, instead of focusing on them.
18308609? ago
really? poor goats, i pity you ... offended by non-haters and non-racists? now imagine it the other way around, sensible people are talking while mujoo faggots are constantly trolling.
Q sent us here because its the only free speech platform besides the chans.
btw, get the difference between a realist and a racist. the realist knows about the khazarian mafia, the media being in jewish hands, the holohoax, and different average IQ with different enthnicities. thanks for teaching those who dont know.
a racist is someone who takes this information as an excuse to blame entire folk groups for the misconduct of their criminal minority, and who hypes up emotions and spreads hatred.
thats so stupid! such mind-sets are the reason why the world has become such a swamp.
grow some fucking brains, dudes, bring your IQ up to room temperature!
18305194? ago
The globalist Luciferian cabal sent you here to take the heat off themselves by blaming Jews.
18304978? ago
Yet here you are. Paid shilling is not a good look.
18307524? ago
The fact that you think people would have to be paid to mock your retardation is your greatest downfall.
18305045? ago
Then for god's sake why do you do so much of it? The usual retreat of the cultist and leftist is to hide behind disparagement.
And cowards. Boomer.
18304579? ago
18304577? ago
18313124? ago
my poor wife...
18304425? ago
Keep replying endless bull shit posts to the spam links keep their inbox busy
18313119? ago
i read they get paid for replies but this does seem like a good tactic, as long as they haven't automated their responses...
18318347? ago
Psh i know what ur saying, but honestly who even knows if he is a “pro” it does seem to post a lot I’ve been having random discussions about random bs the past night it was funny just keep saying things that makes them know it’s me posting again lol fail nye. As far as I’m concerned the 1-4 shit posters rn are all called fail nye the tyranny guy now. It’s fun trying to get them to go off topic and tell a little personal info why not experiment w the shills while we have them here?
That’s the saddest part, that this fail nye is prob not even pro so he is essentially larping as some deep state agent assett spreading his oh so hurtful tranny porn! Woah so deep down the rabbit hole man! The internet’s serious business! Lol
18303992? ago
It's the same shill-mill that posts all of the racist stuff... Since that shooting, they've been hitting here and 8chan extra hard.
18303839? ago
They think porn is a weapon. LMAO! To me it is totally ineffective. These people are so stupid! Must be running out of weapons!:)
18308244? ago
You must be having actual sex!
18303816? ago
The same asshole anti-Semites are the ones posting the porn and all other spam. They're in serious panic mode and trying desperately to clog up the sub.
18305993? ago
Yes. The anti-Semites are clogging up the sub with Jew-produced and disseminated porn.
Wait, what?
18305810? ago
actually, the porn posters are trying to stop q followers from finding out about the jews
18303517? ago
Jews literally use porn as a weapon. They broadcast it over the airwaves of Palestinian cities they attack and Jews started basically all of the major porn sites.
You would think that eventually even the less guilty Jews would start to question thatthey might be the bad guys...
18313107? ago
back in the 90s i was going to start a competitor to voyeurdorm.com but the market research showed the mafia owned everything porn.
perhaps the market researcher was too scared to tell the truth? because, i do believe what you say...
18305821? ago
that is their worst fear: the the jews would wake up to what the (((jews))) are doing.
18303503? ago
They want you spilling your seed. It makes you weak.
18304385? ago
Only pathetic, brainwashed fools want to look at porn. The worst kind of people are the ones posting it. Too bad for y'all that it only amps up the search for how to take y'all offline permanently.
18305013? ago
Triggered by a LARP? LOSER.
18303176? ago
Why? we are over the target. that's why
18305798? ago
over target = q followers are starting to wake up to the jews
18303146? ago
With the latest invaders from reddit they brought Jews and sand niggers with them.
18303815? ago
You need to try harder, too obvious racis name calling looks fake AF
18303062? ago
They are running out of ideas and everyone needs to down vote them every time. I can't yet, but I will when I can.
18305046? ago
What do you think of my wife? http://magaimg.net/img/7usc.jpg
18302670? ago
Yeah, a fuck ton of gay porn and shit. Someone out there must have discovered Pornhub recently and decided to try to use those tactics to get people to stop posting on these boards. It ain't going to work. Fucking imbeciles.
18305792? ago
(((they))) own pornhub
18304329? ago
Yeah. It’s designed to scare “normies” . First they scream “gas the Jews” and call everyone boomers and niggers. Then the porn. Next comes gore. It’s an old tactic.
18305037? ago
Please Rate http://magaimg.net/img/7usc.jpg
18306004? ago
Would cum on
18305031? ago
That shows they are focused on preventing our growth! They are scared shitless!
18306037? ago
Is the great awakening sub doing it?
18304419? ago
And we can see right through it like the Wizard of Oz hiding behind the curtain. No one can stop us. Keep thinking clearly and independently, fellow Patriot.
18302624? ago
It’s meant to discourage Patriots that are sincerely trying to share information. Definitely not worth clicking on any unknown links, jpegs or gifs at this point. It the source isn’t recognizable, don’t click.
18306017? ago
This is our objective
18308237? ago
Your objective is to hijack the Western mind with porn so our men can't get it up with a real woman and therefore can't reproduce.
18302395? ago
This dumbass board is all spam of one form or another
18303791? ago
Brought to you by: People Like You!
18302149? ago
I dunno, but the one with AOC is pretty entertaining. (Sorry)
18302123? ago
It's all Bernie Bros.
Bernie Sanders is putting his supporters to work this weekend.
Volunteers will host an estimated 5,000 house parties across the US and in 34 other countries on Saturday, the campaign said, as it launches the 2020 edition of its national organizing program -- a grassroots effort that the independent senator from Vermont believes could be decisive in what is shaping up to be a tightly contested Democratic presidential primary.
18302645? ago
18302008? ago
This is what they are doing to this board https://i.imgtc.com/fFlbURO.jpg
18302696? ago
More like what you did a few hours ago. Enjoy the syphilis and AIDS. Personally, AIDS is a much more comical death.
18301941? ago
LInks or gtfo
18302150? ago
What’s happening to this board right now https://files.catbox.moe/souu4j.gif
18302681? ago
Keep dreaming bitch. More like what's happening in your fucked up life. I bet your kids are watching this shit now too since you've decided to keep it stored locally on your computer. Have fun raising the gender fluid suicide prone kids of your dreams fag!
18302703? ago
My kids are otherkin you specist bigot.
18302742? ago
It only took you a few minutes to get back to me on that. You're definitely one of the spammers. Don't worry. I'll find you now. Thanks for falling into my trap.
18302761? ago
This is my hero https://i.imgtc.com/yZ8YqB7.jpg
18302817? ago
Spell this word. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2nTbqbtGug
18301894? ago
Hummm I wonder who makes all this porn???
Could it be (((them)))
18306035? ago
Funny that. Jews produce it. This sub exposes Jews. Maybe it is Jews who are spamming the sub with porn.
Is that possible?
18303704? ago
Nice try, kike.
18301878? ago
Mossad distractions
18309001? ago
Could be Jew or could be someone else, I also notice the Mason fags getting pissed off with Q anon community, weird lodges across the world getting exposed. @theoldones @thewebofslime will get worse coming up to election @SarMegahhikkitha @Mumbleberry the moslem Indians are paid up to post shit, check the source Vietnamese, Paki and Turk are also doing it
18305053? ago
They're copying the URLs from Voat porn subverses run by SRS (/v/SoapBoxBanHammer). They're originally from reddit (/r/SoapBoxBanHammer), so a lot of the images are imgur because they're reposted from Reddit.
Here's proof "incellivision" (the mod of most of these porn subs) is a shill who attacks anyone who exposes SRS:
More proof SRS is responsible for flooding Voat with porn:
Proof many SRS posters are Indian Muslims paid off by Muslim oil billionaires:
Proof SRS are the ones shilling against QRV:
18303248? ago
A good illustration of their efforts here: https://i.imgtc.com/yZ8YqB7.jpg
18304641? ago
Lol sad
18301832? ago
We have screenshots of them organizing brigades on CringeAnarchy https://i.imgtc.com/BDHBNnx.jpg
18301754? ago
Why was first thing the Israelis did after taking Ramallah taking over the TV stations and broadcasting pornography to the Palestinians?
Because pornography is a weapon.
If porn is being posted here, mods should remove it (if any of them are active).
18308977? ago
This is obviously what’s happening:
18305047? ago
They're not actually uploading the images, they're copying the URLs from Voat porn subverses run by SRS (/v/SoapBoxBanHammer). They're originally from reddit (/r/SoapBoxBanHammer), so a lot of the images are imgur because they're reposted from Reddit.
Here's proof "incellivision" (the mod of most of these porn subs) is a shill who attacks anyone who exposes SRS:
More proof SRS is responsible for flooding Voat with porn:
Proof many SRS posters are Indian Muslims paid off by Muslim oil billionaires:
Proof SRS are the ones shilling against QRV:
18318410? ago
Free speech does not mean allowing subversive behavior on this website. Puttitout needs to simply ban SoapBoxBanHammer and every contributor to that subverse. The alternative is to allow them to continue to undermine the site, start posting child pornography, and eventually lead to us being shut down.
Deplatforming works both ways.
18306010? ago
@heygeorge have you seen these accusations?
18308963? ago
Lol yeah, it’s copypasta written by faggots
18305754? ago
Great detective work, anon! This deserves tons more upvoats. Porn is terrible, this anon wishes it weren't so available and anon didn't have needs.
18308983? ago
18305817? ago
18306073? ago
Trust but verify.
Oh, look! It wasn't pr0n! Shill aleet! ^^^^^
18306136? ago
Did you see this one https://gfycat.com/hideousklutzydogwoodclubgall
18306365? ago
No, you c dis???1 https://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/819/404/74b.jpg?q=
18303194? ago
New orders from mossad after we discovered and identified the capslock {{{}}}s.
18306754? ago
What's the ID?
18302163? ago
diseased drunk stoner soap box homosexuals, the worst type of fag cancer @kevdude @Redcobra ! @JJNova @gabara @zyklon_b they stopped being funny about 3 yrs ago
18303846? ago
Blaming people for what you do?
18302605? ago
I’m actually none of those people. But I would invite them to join. This has mostly been a one man job.
18302731? ago
Of course it is! It's always just one man, a lone assassin.
18302596? ago
u mad bro
18302460? ago
18311648? ago
I clicked on the names, but most of them aren't posting porn spam. I am severely disappointed. You hyped them up like it was going to be a goldmine.
18301677? ago
I don't even like Q and it's annoying and needs to stop.
18304200? ago
There are groups of these people who post racist and pornographic stuff here and on the 8 chan Q boards. They comment on their own stuff, as well. They've amped it up to the extreme this weekend. They post the garbage here and there, and then turn around and use it on their actual named blogs, threads, and videos to say it is "Qtards" and "Boomers" doing it. They're a pathetic lot and they will eventually go down... Legally, of course... A few days ago they were calling for bloodshed in their posts. It's insane, but it is happening.
18306012? ago
The people who post what you call "racist" stuff are not the people who are posting this Jew-produced porn.
You must be aware, after all, that porn is a Jewish industry.
18307169? ago
You're full of shit about it not being the same groups of people... When I finish collecting data on you people, it is going straight to the authorities and Trump administration. Fuck posting it here and anywhere else. You sick fucks are going down.
18308248? ago
Calm down, Mike. Go jerk off so you can relax.
18302720? ago
We're all on the same side, whether you like Q or not. Fuck the shitposters, they'll get tired eventually and next week, it'll be robot gay porn. Who cares? Don't let them get to you, and you always win.
18301734? ago
If you don't like Q, why are you here, knowing about porn spam? Are you the one posting it?
18301884? ago
I just browse /all without looking at the sub
18301930? ago
Understood. Just wondering how you'd know there's porn in a Q sub, if you don't care for Q. Sometimes, we all browse All.