It’s all in the finger dude! Lol... I liked that flair you had earlier... at the moment if you switch the CSS on and you look at the side bar you may loose your lunch... Lemmy must have a song for this! :D
You are just trying to downplay everything I say to maintain appearances. I get it because I towed that line as well. Thing is that this place doesn’t matter.
It is a quarantine zone for all that is undesirable upon the internet. All the hate channeled into one place.
Also I never said what atko did was good or bad. Way I see it is that him and putt are the owners and can do whatever they want. We have no more of a say then we would with reddit or any other place.
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You can down play it, but fact is that these communities have been stagnant for a long time. Soon as putt stopped subverse xfer many content creators just stopped.
You have plenty of content added, but it is barely noticeable the OC. 99.9% is recycled memes from fucking Reddit. Even some from Facebook.
Before you say blah faggot for using Facebook. I use a smart phone and if you do as well you have zero privacy.
This place is the swamp, and it’s clear that zero movements or lasting past being known as the haven for nazi is what this will always be. Atko showed it wasn’t about free speech when he unmodded someone for altering the css.
The user base is just 25 people that have many accounts arguing with each other to show there is activity.
Featured Subverse mentions are gone, and that was actually a good thing. All you have now is each week you know you will see that gutiar one up.
It isn’t about karma Kong’s yet, but I promise you it will soon be. This site is just the frog in a pot story is all. Perhaps it could have been good, but I don’t see it anymore.
You don’t remember when atko unmodded that user on videos because he altered css banner and atko unmodded him?
Far as the user base thing.
Seems there isn’t any way that a congregation of that many people within the Qanon subs is real. Especially qrv. The anon subs provide zero accountability for anything.
However for a time there was a method by which they were able to find out who a user was. Well Putt said they were not even after another user said they did it to them too.
But hey putt also said the canary was good as well and I know for a fact the site has had an inquiry because I caused it.
However for a time there was a method by which they were able to find out who a user was.
Oh yeah this is 99.9% made up, although theoretically possible. The only people ‘discovered’ in anon threads were you and needle. And to my knowledge this was not through any sophisticated unmasking algorithm.
remember when atko unmodded that user on videos because he altered css banner and atko unmodded him?
What does that have to do with free speech? He didn’t ban the user.
Far as the user base thing. [You said something like 25 users w/ alts lol]
There are at least 25 distinct mods in SBBH, much less active posters in our little subverse, and then the rest of the users on the site. There is an average of something like 800 comments/hr. Yeah, it’s a small site. I get that. But outside of the chans, what else is even close?
I also saw about the PayPal button, but I admit I do forget precisely why that was taken away. @gabara definitely won’t know, I don’t think he was active.
Last, about the canary, I very recently read it more carefully and maybe it doesn’t say what you think it says. (I was mistaken!) Also maybe the feds only followed up with you.
No he didn’t ban him, but the user base supported the admin without much question and those that did were downvoted into the negatives.
The PayPal button was taken away because SRD posted CP and notified PayPal as soon as it was done. Before atko could even scrub it they had seen it and SRD was bragging about it on reddit.
About the canary.
It was made by sanegoat and encouraged its useage as something. Never trust it.
The old guard is pretty much all gone now. They all left, and remember it was us that made this place, but we left and only a few come back.
You don’t know how much effort and time we put in this place during whoaverse days. Yet many gave it up.
I get it with your ideal of what voat is or should be. You are for the most part level headed. It is just a place to fuck around. Well this place should have matured over time, but it didn’t. Now it is devolved into a putrid pile of something everyone points at and stays away from.
The only time new blood comes here is during a ban from reddit. Lol imagine that even when this place gets an influx they still try to turn them away. Lol I find that the best part.
As far as i remember, the mod was put in place to clean spam etc from v/videos. Instead, he started putting up banners with shit talking on Atko, for changing some feature on voat that they didn't like.
The mod proved he cant be trusted, as he dicked around with the css of a system sub like it was his own private play sub. He was removed. It has nothing to do with free speech, as the user was not prevented from speaking. No one is entitled to being a mod on a system sub and playing with css.
I honestly believe it was a reddit cancer squad, buddies with sanegoat, and they purposely started drama to fuck with voat, and its creators. It's why everyone missed @Atko. He was always willing to put his foot down and stomp out reddit jews without thinking about it too much.
Na I have fought the fight before and ended up taking a hit for it.
Anyone can look up what I said and spend the effort to find it, or not and allow history to repeat itself. I actually learn from my mistakes and don’t allow them to happen again.
There is a very large force here upon voat that disregards the past of this place and how it is now.
Bet you don’t even know how the PayPal button was taken away.
I think @AR47 may be conflating dial with another malicious actor.
Dial wanted to ‘destroy’ sbbh but a) we’re much better at it than he will ever be and b) you simply can’t destroy a shitpost sub with shitposts.
In all frankness: This sub is really humming along these days. We are back to picking up subscribers at a slow but steady rate, and I frequently see a good bit of new blood stopping in.
It’s certainly suspect. Yet: The account is actually pretty funny, admittedly. I am sure it’s the only reason it survives, although I will say that I do not contribute upvotes to it because parody accounts do not belong here commenting on virtually every single post.
“That's great, Dial. As I said, PuttItOut can reset my points. I don't care about internet points. I can't cash them in for cool little toys or cock books or anything. Shaloms™”
Fat, alcoholic and Jewish. No wonder the miserable cunt drinks 24/7. There's no way someone at that stage of alcoholism (I'm guessing brain damage from alcohol abuse) can hold down a real job. It is highly likely that he gets paid to disrupt VOAT. No one with a real job has the time to post crap and ping putt 1000x a day.
Kev it isn’t that Eugenix, whitesoimustberacist, sanaegoatiswear, or his new name have here will ever be a threat to an individual. It is that he breaks up community.
This guy is the embodiment of disruptive force. This fucker has nothing but time. I honestly don’t think they get paid for it either.
Each account I listed has used influence to get their way each time. You leave it alone and stop the drama it will end and they will go away.
You made the front page of voat by getting him to admit that. I don’t even know where the thread is or how long ago it happened but someone gave me that screenshot and it seemed relevant.
I also got a Jew on 9GAG to admit she was Jewish and was against whites while just a few posts back they proclaimed to be white and disgusted with “us whites” .....
I wonder... how difficult it would be to make a sort of "label/WatchOut for this user" extension so when browsing voat, youd have a list of accounts and a short list of the crap theyve said, or evidence of them being jeuden or shills and nignogs... and this way when they are in the chat you can easily identify them. Their name can be highlighted or wtvr. Shit... version 2.0 coudl even give a warning scoree of unknown accounts if they are shills or proxy's of other shill/jeuden accts...
That's great, Dial. As I said, PuttItOut can reset my points. I don't care about internet points. I can't cash them in for cool little toys or cock books or anything. Shaloms™
Nadeshda ago
Lol, it didn’t take long, you now rightfully have two downvotes! It wasn’t me btw...
Nadeshda ago
It’s all in the finger dude! Lol... I liked that flair you had earlier... at the moment if you switch the CSS on and you look at the side bar you may loose your lunch... Lemmy must have a song for this! :D
Nadeshda ago
Why don’t you have any downvotes? We all have downvotes around these parts... your tweaking the buttons! Must be :p
ExpertShitposter ago
not needed really, AR47 is just inhaling gunpowder fumes again so hes getting flashbacks.
gabara ago
Ah, so @AR47 left out some key details to make it sound bad. Next he'll accuse us of attacking him.
AR47 ago
Na man you are not attacking me.
You are just trying to downplay everything I say to maintain appearances. I get it because I towed that line as well. Thing is that this place doesn’t matter.
It is a quarantine zone for all that is undesirable upon the internet. All the hate channeled into one place.
Also I never said what atko did was good or bad. Way I see it is that him and putt are the owners and can do whatever they want. We have no more of a say then we would with reddit or any other place.
I just gave you a place to look is all.
andrew_jackson ago
Yeah, you're a faggot!
SearchVoatBot ago
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SearchVoatBot ago
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AR47 ago
Pretty much fractured what little user base there was on niggers after it split and then whitesoimustberacist took it over
Then when the mod of videos pissed off atko and left
Historic anticdotes by Locke because of all the shit sanegoat was doing.
Your attention span is very short isn’t it?
heygeorge ago
Lol that distillation is a bit of a loooooooooong stretch
AR47 ago
You can down play it, but fact is that these communities have been stagnant for a long time. Soon as putt stopped subverse xfer many content creators just stopped.
You have plenty of content added, but it is barely noticeable the OC. 99.9% is recycled memes from fucking Reddit. Even some from Facebook.
Before you say blah faggot for using Facebook. I use a smart phone and if you do as well you have zero privacy.
This place is the swamp, and it’s clear that zero movements or lasting past being known as the haven for nazi is what this will always be. Atko showed it wasn’t about free speech when he unmodded someone for altering the css.
The user base is just 25 people that have many accounts arguing with each other to show there is activity.
Featured Subverse mentions are gone, and that was actually a good thing. All you have now is each week you know you will see that gutiar one up.
It isn’t about karma Kong’s yet, but I promise you it will soon be. This site is just the frog in a pot story is all. Perhaps it could have been good, but I don’t see it anymore.
heygeorge ago
The entire comment is full of wut. And I have developed an ability to pull out your intended meaning over the years.
AR47 ago
You don’t remember when atko unmodded that user on videos because he altered css banner and atko unmodded him?
Far as the user base thing.
Seems there isn’t any way that a congregation of that many people within the Qanon subs is real. Especially qrv. The anon subs provide zero accountability for anything.
However for a time there was a method by which they were able to find out who a user was. Well Putt said they were not even after another user said they did it to them too.
But hey putt also said the canary was good as well and I know for a fact the site has had an inquiry because I caused it.
heygeorge ago
Oh yeah this is 99.9% made up, although theoretically possible. The only people ‘discovered’ in anon threads were you and needle. And to my knowledge this was not through any sophisticated unmasking algorithm.
heygeorge ago
What does that have to do with free speech? He didn’t ban the user.
There are at least 25 distinct mods in SBBH, much less active posters in our little subverse, and then the rest of the users on the site. There is an average of something like 800 comments/hr. Yeah, it’s a small site. I get that. But outside of the chans, what else is even close?
I also saw about the PayPal button, but I admit I do forget precisely why that was taken away. @gabara definitely won’t know, I don’t think he was active.
Last, about the canary, I very recently read it more carefully and maybe it doesn’t say what you think it says. (I was mistaken!) Also maybe the feds only followed up with you.
AR47 ago
No he didn’t ban him, but the user base supported the admin without much question and those that did were downvoted into the negatives.
The PayPal button was taken away because SRD posted CP and notified PayPal as soon as it was done. Before atko could even scrub it they had seen it and SRD was bragging about it on reddit.
About the canary.
It was made by sanegoat and encouraged its useage as something. Never trust it.
The old guard is pretty much all gone now. They all left, and remember it was us that made this place, but we left and only a few come back.
You don’t know how much effort and time we put in this place during whoaverse days. Yet many gave it up.
I get it with your ideal of what voat is or should be. You are for the most part level headed. It is just a place to fuck around. Well this place should have matured over time, but it didn’t. Now it is devolved into a putrid pile of something everyone points at and stays away from.
The only time new blood comes here is during a ban from reddit. Lol imagine that even when this place gets an influx they still try to turn them away. Lol I find that the best part.
gabara ago
Correct, there was no PayPal button by the time I became a regular member.
heygeorge ago
LOL! “regular”
gabara ago
I refer to frequency, not content, although I guess even then....
gabara ago
@AR47, can you back that up?
ExpertShitposter ago
As far as i remember, the mod was put in place to clean spam etc from v/videos. Instead, he started putting up banners with shit talking on Atko, for changing some feature on voat that they didn't like.
The mod proved he cant be trusted, as he dicked around with the css of a system sub like it was his own private play sub. He was removed. It has nothing to do with free speech, as the user was not prevented from speaking. No one is entitled to being a mod on a system sub and playing with css.
I honestly believe it was a reddit cancer squad, buddies with sanegoat, and they purposely started drama to fuck with voat, and its creators. It's why everyone missed @Atko. He was always willing to put his foot down and stomp out reddit jews without thinking about it too much.
@kevdude might remember things more clearly.
@AR47 @heygeorge
AR47 ago
Nope because I don’t need to dig for it. You can ignore me or make your jokes, but by all means play it off and forget I even said it.
Just memory hole it.
gabara ago
Thank you. I can't memory hole something were unable to prove. Regards, @heygeorge
AR47 ago
Na I have fought the fight before and ended up taking a hit for it.
Anyone can look up what I said and spend the effort to find it, or not and allow history to repeat itself. I actually learn from my mistakes and don’t allow them to happen again.
There is a very large force here upon voat that disregards the past of this place and how it is now.
Bet you don’t even know how the PayPal button was taken away.
gabara ago
I'm going to just assume you're the asshole that did all of this and tell you to fuck off.
AR47 ago
See that right there is the reason a vast majority won’t engage here. They assume automatically that they will be met with conflict and strife.
Also fuck you for insinuating I had anything to do with it as it involves child porn.
andrew_jackson ago
Tinfoil hat faggot. You're calling me a friend of his? Fuck you and your surveillance posts.
Faggot, are you 12? "Interesting." You sound like you watch too much X-Files. Go back to Reddit.
andrew_jackson ago
Screen grabs are stupid. This post doesn't make you look that smart.
SeanBox ago
“We don’t negotiate with terrorists”
... unless Brenton Tarrant ever shows up. He can kick it.
heygeorge ago
I think @AR47 may be conflating dial with another malicious actor.
Dial wanted to ‘destroy’ sbbh but a) we’re much better at it than he will ever be and b) you simply can’t destroy a shitpost sub with shitposts.
In all frankness: This sub is really humming along these days. We are back to picking up subscribers at a slow but steady rate, and I frequently see a good bit of new blood stopping in.
AR47 ago
Just saying he has destroyed at least three subs that I know of on voat, and perhaps it is just better to leave them be.
heygeorge ago
Right now the real target seems v/QRV the comments are being spammed with teh ghey und interayshal prono
XSS1337 ago
I watch the watchers while in the nude as those that wish to watch me must pay a psychological price.
That being said , those that amass ccp in a short time had a purpose , a reasoning behind said shit-posting.
I hope you are right about the immune system , but I will never stop seeing.
heygeorge ago
It’s certainly suspect. Yet: The account is actually pretty funny, admittedly. I am sure it’s the only reason it survives, although I will say that I do not contribute upvotes to it because parody accounts do not belong here commenting on virtually every single post.
XSS1337 ago
Thank you for your time and input @HeyGeorge.
He said you can wipe us points so please do so.
heygeorge ago
Nah I can’t go operating like that unless there is specific actionable intelligence.
XSS1337 ago
“That's great, Dial. As I said, PuttItOut can reset my points. I don't care about internet points. I can't cash them in for cool little toys or cock books or anything. Shaloms™”
So this doesn’t count ?
heygeorge ago
Not really.
XSS1337 ago
Well thank you for your time.
heygeorge ago
And likewise for yours. Stay vigilant and post nudes
XSS1337 ago
You understand he is counter ops and gaining power to be used or sold in the long-game .
Thoughts ?
NosebergShekelman ago
You want to buy my account? I want 6 goriddlion shekels₪ for it! Shaloms™✡️
Alcoholics_R_Us ago
He's the iron fistula hic....burp.
Alcoholics_R_Us ago
Fat, alcoholic and Jewish. No wonder the miserable cunt drinks 24/7. There's no way someone at that stage of alcoholism (I'm guessing brain damage from alcohol abuse) can hold down a real job. It is highly likely that he gets paid to disrupt VOAT. No one with a real job has the time to post crap and ping putt 1000x a day.
AR47 ago
Kev it isn’t that Eugenix, whitesoimustberacist, sanaegoatiswear, or his new name have here will ever be a threat to an individual. It is that he breaks up community.
This guy is the embodiment of disruptive force. This fucker has nothing but time. I honestly don’t think they get paid for it either.
Each account I listed has used influence to get their way each time. You leave it alone and stop the drama it will end and they will go away.
SeanBox ago
@XSS1337 where are you?
XSS1337 ago
Life runs fast and never stops , it hurts that I can’t roam more here.
What I do , I do with purpose and reason.
SeanBox ago
You made the front page of voat by getting him to admit that. I don’t even know where the thread is or how long ago it happened but someone gave me that screenshot and it seemed relevant.
XSS1337 ago
I also got a Jew on 9GAG to admit she was Jewish and was against whites while just a few posts back they proclaimed to be white and disgusted with “us whites” .....
Purpose .... and ..... reason
SeanBox ago
Screenshot call outs seem to hurt their feelings
satisfyinghump ago
I wonder... how difficult it would be to make a sort of "label/WatchOut for this user" extension so when browsing voat, youd have a list of accounts and a short list of the crap theyve said, or evidence of them being jeuden or shills and nignogs... and this way when they are in the chat you can easily identify them. Their name can be highlighted or wtvr. Shit... version 2.0 coudl even give a warning scoree of unknown accounts if they are shills or proxy's of other shill/jeuden accts...
heygeorge ago
It exists, along with a host of other features, but it’s been left rotting for so long it hardly (if at all) even works. It’s called AVE.
This functionality will soon* be part of Voat again.
NosebergShekelman ago
I also work for the JIDF. We love Dial. He works overtime ery night. Shaloms✡️, goy fegits
CognitiveDissident5 ago
Do they know they hired a drunk?
XSS1337 ago
4 months
18k ccp
@Puttitout will you check for voat manipulation ?
PuttsMum ago
Loly shit, that's curious.
NosebergShekelman ago
I give PuttItOut or other ADMIN permission to set my numbers back to zero to prove that Internet points don't mean shit to me, son.
XSS1337 ago
Please erase his ccp since you have his blessing.
NosebergShekelman ago
I give PuttItOut or any other ADMIN permission to reset it at any time they wish. Now cry some moar, fellow baby dick blood sucker
XSS1337 ago
Nice edit , now I asked Georgie and putt to wipe your points
NosebergShekelman ago
That's great, Dial. As I said, PuttItOut can reset my points. I don't care about internet points. I can't cash them in for cool little toys or cock books or anything. Shaloms™
heygeorge ago
What’s a cock book
NosebergShekelman ago
A playboy or other nude girly mag
SeanBox ago
ExpertShitposter ago
I make jankem molotovs. 230% more methane explosive power than other fertilizer based explosives.
i_scream_trucks ago
I work for the JIDF. never seen him on the payroll.
Drunkenst ago
i_scream_trucks ago
Who's bigger, me or god?
XSS1337 ago
You spelled ADL wrong
i_scream_trucks ago
You spelled GNAA wrong
gabara ago
Everyone listen to this Jew!
i_scream_trucks ago
The_Duke_of_Dabs ago
My fucking eyes. Nightmode!
gabara ago
gabara ago
Lol! He chose the booze, the booze did not choose him.
ExpertShitposter ago
nah, its consensual