19581969? ago

She's not a street urchin but not of the LA Times Chandler Dynasty either. There was a long post about who her parents are, https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3312729/19540252 I don't have it handy.

19466646? ago

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19237345? ago

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18680822? ago

Perpetual war Conspiracy? Clermont France. The Roman Catholicism, the Knights Templar, Kabbalism, Freemasonry, & the NWO. Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. Government Lies https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3224621/18662176 Roman Question?

18377881? ago

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17960282? ago

Why was I summoned? btw nice meme...

17915320? ago

Satan seduced Eve and Cain was the result. Cain is never listed as Adam's offspring. The offspring of Cain have similar or the same names as those of Adam's offspring for several generations where Satan was setting up his copy of God's people on earth. The offspring of Cain are known as Kenites in the Bible and are the tares that the enemy sowed as God sowed the wheat. The Kenites had attached themselves to the Hebrew Israelite tribe of Judah in 1 Chronicles 2:55 as the scribes (accountants and keepers of liturgical works). These are the people that say that they are Jews but are not and do lie and are the synagogue of Satan. Moses did not marry a Kenite. The father of the wife of Moses was a Medianite priest making him and his wife both full-blooded Medianites. They simply lived in the land of the Kenites. In the secular world the offspring of Cain are known as Khazars. Your enmity is with the seed of the serpent, the Khazars, and not with the Hebrew Israelite children of the tribe of Judah. These two people are currently mixed - the good figs and the bad figs. Jesus ordered us to leave the tares alone as they are performing the negative side of the plan of God. Be aware of them and be aware that they are the tail of the serpent. Satan is the head of the serpent and he will arrive on earth soon in his role as the antichrist saying that he is here to rapture people away. The snakes known as the Kenites have made sure that the churches have stopped teaching truth and instead feed the blather of the rapture lie by wolves in sheep's clothing.

17915349? ago


17896552? ago


17893901? ago

50+ posts about masons

"Why are we ignoring masons"

Rinse and repeat with Jews, niggers, etc.

17890877? ago

Wow I thought I was going to be clicking on another MuhJooShill post but I saw the number of upvotes and said -- Hmmm.. mebbe not? -- happy to see the secret society kid traffickers being called out. This is how 800k kids can go missing right in front of our eyes, these secret groups taking blood oaths to babylonian pedogods at risk of death if they ever speak of any of it.

Satan dragging faggots to the pits of hell with him, which is where he KNOWS he is destined to go. He is like pissed off and jelly that he has to go there while we all have the option of going to heaven so spitefully he tries to drag as many souls as possible down with him, using bullshit.

EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. of these "shills", "spooks", CIA glowfags, all these secret society idiots have ALL BEEN DUPED! They don't realize that fucking lucifer knows its all for naught and that the end has already been told... they can't do SHIT, so they are crybabying out by lieing and acquiring useful idiots to do their bidding which is get as many souls to the pit as possible.

Good vs Evil.

17893316? ago

lol, Karma is a bitch :)

17886146? ago

fucking shill thread.

17885839? ago

If you go on the 8chn boards.. you'll know exactly - zionists

17886723? ago

Did WikiLeaks prove the Illuminati exists? SECRET US Government Rockefeller talks revealed. Order of the Secret Monitor masons rockefeller, Skull & Bones, Masons and Bilderberg? Old Logo and black and old white picture of men. he returned from America following the American Civil War in 1875. Under Dr Zacharie's leadership a Grand Council was formed in 1887, and the ritual was expanded to include two extra degrees, one of which pertained to the chair of Supreme Ruler. The degree gained in popularity, however, unfortunately for Dr Zacharie, the Grand Council for the Allied Masonic Degrees had empowered their American body (or a similar name) to confer their version of the degree. This resulted in the Allied Grand Council denouncing the Grand Council of the Order of the Secret Monitor, and attempting to assume sole jurisdiction over the degree. However, in 1931 an arrangement was reached between the two orders, which saw the degree of the Order of the Secret Monitor being transferred from the Allied group of degrees. The Order is sometimes known as the Brotherhood of David and Jonathan. A Benevolent Fund was formed in 1901. The International Supreme Council is the governing body of DeMolay International. It is composed of dedicated adult leaders from around the world who are responsible for the growth and success of DeMolay. The Grand Master, the Grand Senior Councilor, the Grand Junior Councilor, the Grand Secretary, and the Grand Treasurer are the elected leaders of the International Supreme Council. A lodge masonic order came into existence in 1922, when the Reverend W. Mark Sexson, a Freemason, was asked to make an address before South McAlester Chapter #149, Order of the Eastern Star, in McAlester, Oklahoma. As the Order of DeMolay had come under his close study during his Masonic activities, he suggested that a similar order for young women would be beneficial. The first Initiation consisted of a class of 171 young women on April 6, 1922, in the auditorium of the Scottish Rite Temple in McAlester. The original name was "Order of the Rainbow for Girls". The countries outside the United States that have assemblies are Aruba, Australia (in Queensland, New South Wales and South Australia), Bolivia, Brazil (in Parana, São Paulo, Distrito Federal, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso do Sul, Tocantins, Pará, Espírito Santo and Santa Catarina [ Biguaçu ]), Canada (in Ontario and New Brunswick), the Philippines, Italy, Mexico, and Romania. Rainbow has had assemblies in the following countries, mostly due to American military presence: Cuba, Germany, France, Panama and Vietnam.

In order to apply for membership in Job's Daughters, one must be a girl between the ages of 10 and 20. The original age for membership was 13-18, as stated in "The Official History of the International Order of Job's Daughters", but has been changed several times over the years. Until August 2015, the girl must be related to a Master Mason or Majority Member. Now, she may be sponsored by a Majority Member and Master Mason if no relation is found. Members are not required to practice any particular religion, but they must believe in a Supreme being. If a daughter reaches the age of 20 or marries, and is in good standing in the Bethel (chapter), she is considered a majority member. Majority members are not allowed to hold an office or vote on Bethel affairs; however, they are encouraged to remain active in their respective Bethel. At age 18, they also are eligible to join the Order of Eastern Star, Order of the Amaranth, Or The Daughters of the Nile. From Sweden? International Order of the Rainbow for Girls. Membership in the Council of Royal & Select Masters or the Council of Cryptic Masons is not required for membership in the Knights Templar in some jurisdictions, so it can be skipped. In others it is required. It is called Cryptic Masonry or the Cryptic Rite because a crypt or underground room figures prominently in the degrees. In England and Wales, a Holy Royal Arch Chapter is required to be sponsored by a Craft lodge and bears the same number. In nearly all cases, a Holy Royal Arch Chapter also bears the same name as its sponsoring Craft lodge, although the Holy Royal Arch itself is a separate order from Craft Freemasonry. At the same time, the Holy Royal Arch is the only appendant order that is actively endorsed by the United Grand Lodge of England among Craft freemasons. Craft lodges in England and Wales normally have a specially appointed Royal Arch Representative, and newly raised Master Masons are actively encouraged to seek exaltation into the Holy Royal Arch before considering membership of any further Masonic organisation.

17886773? ago

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17883726? ago

which came first the Jew or the Mason?

17883204? ago

Sure, because there is more important things then hating Jews just because you want to. Next you'll want to talk about blacks, gays etc, there will be no end to hatred. People are people are people regardless of skin, race or background. Antisemitism is being projected by ProArab, Proallah and ProPalestine groups. Freemasons are not mentioned in the bible, but evil and corrupt people are and they are a diverse group, Romans, Arabs, Jews, Gentiles etc. Your hatred and focus is directed at Jews and using the false hatred interpretation of other haters.

17886844? ago

17883193? ago

Niggers and Jews do hate Americans the most, though. Freemasons have been infiltrated by Jews since their inception, so again, why are all the Freemasons Jews?

17884170? ago

Philippines? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3133589 and who are the Shriners?

17883123? ago

The <<< >>> is brilliant.

17885371? ago

Masonic Police with Eastern Star Symbol https://vigilantcitizen.com/latestnews/bizarre-masonic-police-force-uncovered-in-los-angeles/ a Pentagram they pray with

17883695? ago

6 pyramid shapes and all seeing eye?

17882916? ago

here we go again with trolls trying to blame THE JEW ..blame the jew!! i would love every one of YOU to come to my house and tell me as a jew the things you say on here...you would not dare ..you are cowards ...Q and trump have NO issues with jews....wake up grow up and look in the mirror..

17882959? ago

Uh, Satanic Jews and occultists definitely run the world. Q and Trump are certainly aware but can't admit it for obvious reasons. I just made this meme because there's too many shills pushing divisive narratives instead of attacking the Satanic conspiracy from all angles.

17883990? ago

To take that idea and distill it to "BAD JOO" is pure identity politics. I like the meme. The problem I have with the muhjoo types is they reject the idea of individualism and generalize the corrupt few to an entire population. Then when you call them out on it, they call you a Jew as if that wins their argument for them. They're children in their thinking and sophistication.

17890158? ago

92% of American Jews support Israel. Some individualism there.

17882605? ago

excellent point, thanks

17882343? ago

That's because it is and will continue to be directed away from the masons.

The masons largely comprise the real enemy. Most of the top layers of their factions are to blame, but those joining the orders are certainly to blame, at the very least in a useful idiot capacity.

The orders have long stifled progress and hidden truths that would shatter the world in terms of consciousness.

17885072? ago

a Female Lodge? https://i.imgtc.com/NR2oULC.jpg Can u explain the Symbols, are they praying to a pentagram??

17885716? ago

Much of the symbolism in use is pure LARP.

I'm not privy on the intricacies of the orders to the point where I'm going to be able to describe the use of every instance of symbolism they utilize, but I can tell you that the Lucifer symbolism isn't a LARP, but largely misunderstood.

To start off, there are two tiers to the Luciferian symbolism: the first is the lower levels of the orders and then the lower orders themselves. These lower orders and lower members are basically doing the same thing as the vast majority of those making use of the pepe memes. As an example: most of those that use the pepe memes don't understand its origins, don't understand its various uses, and don't understand the mythical explanations behind it or the meanings of its various associated symbolisms. Yes, I'm saying most of these people are essentially edgey redditor memers in comparrison.

Now, this is where it gets a bit more complicated. The higher levels are what we've been told are considered by the messenger(s) as "Esoteric Jews". But, don't be confused - these aren't the same as your typical "Jews". These are, more or less, the very people described by that Revelations verse you're thinking of right now - "those who say they are Jews but are not".

It's best to explain it this way: The Bible tells two sides of the same story (which is largely symbolism itself). The Old Testament and The New Testament. The older version is a story featuring a fallen angel who carries with him truth (to what extent this explains the truth is going to be known and closely held secret by the people being described). The truth which this symbolism denotes is, more or less, that certain people who formed secret orders hid the previously unexplained truth a very very long time ago. The protagonist, in case you hadn't noticed, of the Old Testament is Lucifer. The protagonist of The New Testament is Jesus/Yeshua. This man came to consciousness all on his own (it's explained that consciousness was previously lost essentially species wide but that the survivors, like I explained above, formed secret orders to hide the truth and preserve conti unity) without assistance of the orders. This man eventually began to spread the truth for everyone, saying, "The Kingdom of Heaven is within you." You'll discover in time how important those words are.

Now that that's all explained, those at the higher rungs of these orders take the "symbolism" relatively seriously and most of the symbolism derived from this explanation as well as the symbolism in The Bible itself are purposefully obfuscated.

This is what I've gathered so far from an outside perspective. Join a local lodge and subvert them if possible. Funnily enough, this is precisely how the Great American Revolution started. Washington and Franklin were said to be masterful subversive, actually. But, they did have help: /ourguys/ (hint hint: Q popped up at a very particular time and very likely is working with/for these very people, likely along with POTUS himself).

17884152? ago

So which came first the Jew or the Mason?

17885756? ago

You're an idiot falling for "Jewish" seeded LARP.

"Jews" play a role only insofar as they were allowed usury and used specifically because of it. You've been taken for a fool. Although there are those in certain places that outsiders consider to be "Jews", but they'll never reveal something like that to you.

17882165? ago


17881848? ago

The burden of proof here lies with Q. But he doesn't have to prove shit since all you guys believe him anyway! So, can you show any proof of that claim?

19581982? ago

Weinstein and Epstein ? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3317817 Cyrus Vance

19583354? ago

I like that you remembered me from three months ago lol. So what did Q say about the three of them?

17881956? ago

Calling Senate Anon Researchers >>>>The Shriners & ROJ >>>>Leads Found https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2125555

17881792? ago

I feel like the conversation on this board is very recently directed away from a certain (((group of people))). I'm sure this sudden change is entirely organic and not a result of discord trannies being upset.

17881966? ago

Jesters & Shriners II (pizzagateproof)

submitted 1.6 years ago by Silverlining https://voat.co/v/pizzagateproof/2098918 The Royal Order of Jesters is a masonic group that runs sex blackmail operations. (archives.fbi.gov) Aug 30 2017

17881091? ago

'This is MUCH BIGGER than even AUTISTS can imagine (MUCH BIGGER!)' Quoth Q. Consider the vastness of the subject?

17881887? ago

What the Freemasonic Shriners really believe https://www.bitchute.com/video/riBiNP5fR2Ko

17880812? ago

Jews control the Freemasons.

17881879? ago

Shriners- Chicago Camel Walk 2010 https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=pDNLbZmLINo

17880755? ago

This is great. I believe the Jesuits are also the handlers.

17884965? ago

The Shrine has often been called the “playground of Freemasonry.” Before a man can become a Shriner, he must become a Freemason. In fact, if you look carefully at the full name — Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine — you can rearrange the letters A.A.O.N.M.S. and spell “A MASON.” https://www.dummies.com/religion/spirituality/how-shriners-and-freemasons-relate/

17881920? ago

Prostitution, embezzlement allegations fly in lawsuits involving Shriners https://voat.co/v/CAJI/2142421

17881770? ago

perhaps through Knights of Malta masonics?

17880707? ago

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17880403? ago

The ascendancy of freemasonry was predicted 400 years ago.


Masonry, which will then be in power, will enact iniquitous laws with the objective of doing away with this Sacrament, making it easy for everyone to live in sin, encouraging the procreation of illegitimate children born without the blessing of the Church. The Christian spirit will rapidly decay, extinguishing the precious light of Faith until it reaches the point that there will be an almost total and general corruption of customs. The effects of secular education will increase, which will be one reason for the lack of priestly and religious vocations..."

"In the 19th Century there will be a truly Catholic president, a man of character whom God Our Lord will give the palm of martyrdom on the square adjoining this Convent. He will consecrate the Republic to the Sacred Heart of My Most Holy Son, and this consecration will sustain the Catholic Religion in the years that will follow, which will be ill-fated ones for the Church. These years, during which the evil sect of Masonry will take control of the civil government – will see a cruel persecution of all religious communities, and they will also strike out violently against this one of mine."

17884905? ago

Shriner wiki damage control? https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Talk:Freemason#Masons_and_Shriners A Master Mason is one who has completed all three degrees of Masonry and belongs to at least one Lodge of Masons. There are two rites of passage through which a Master Mason may further his enlightenment and practice the principle tenets of Masonry: The Scottish Rite (29 more degrees = 32) and the York Rite(10 more degrees). Only Master Masons are invited to join these concordant bodies. Both York Rite and Scottish Rite continue or intensify the value and practice of charity. In the US, both Rites own and operate independent charitable foundations. Two examples: Scottish Rite Scholarship Foundation and Early Life Speech & Language Clinics

After completing all of the degrees in the Rite, a Scottish Rite Mason or a York Rite Mason may be invited to join the "Shrine";also a concordant fraternity. Shriners operate the penultimate Masonic charity, the Shriners Hospitals for Children® 
Recently, the Shrine eliminated the requirement to pass through one of the Rites first and now extend an invitation to all Master Masons to join the Shrine. It still holds true that all Shriners are Masons.

17881739? ago

Historically, Freemasonry has been charged with corruption of public officials because of the oaths and promises they swear to keep amongst themselves, above all else. At the very least, joining a secret society, or a "society with secrets," creates a glaring conflict of interest. The following document doesn't go into corruption or masonic favoritism. A secret society, by its very nature - and one as widespread and established as masonry - would naturally enable such intrigue. My only intention here is to outline its influence, and guiding hand on a unique phenomenon that occurred at the crossroads of the 19th and 20th century. Having learned from earlier criticism, and with all brevity aside, I hope this page is seen as one of the most comprehensive and accurate expositions in this field of study. The Hoodwinking

“Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled ...”
“The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them. Their true explication is reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry.”

The Occult Revival

“Satanic Ritual is a blend of Gnostic, Cabbalistic, Hermetic, and Masonic elements, incorporating nomenclature and vibratory words of power from virtually every mythos .... Masonic orders have contained the most influential men in many governments, and virtually every occult order has many Masonic roots.”
- Anton Szandor LaVey, The Satanic Rituals — Companion to the Satanic Bible, pp. 21, 78 [PDF Version here]

The occult revival of the 20th century can be directly attributed to Freemasonry and its peripheral entourage of acolytes: Theosophy, the New Age Movement, Satanism, Cabalistic Black Magic, Enochian Magic, Gerardian Wicca, Alexandrian Wicca and Sex Magic. The Who's Who List of 19th & 20th Century Occultism Arthur Edward Waite Arthur Edward Waite A. E. Waite (October 2, 1857 - May 19, 1942) was a Freemason, an English occultist and member (later Grand Master) of the magical order, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Waite is most famous as the co-creator of the Rider-Waite Tarot deck, the most popular tarot deck in use today. From Wikipedia: "Waite was a prolific author of occult texts on subjects including divination, Rosicrucianism, freemasonry, black and ceremonial magic, Kabbalism and alchemy; he also translated and reissued several important mystical and alchemical works. His works on the Holy Grail, influenced by his friendship with Arthur Machen, were particularly notable. A number of his volumes remain in print, the Book of Ceremonial Magic, The Holy Kabbalah, and New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry having seen reprints in recent years." At least one Masonic authority had high praise and glowing approval for Waite's writings. In Builders: A Story and Study of Masonry, in a chapter entitled Secret Doctrine, Baptist minister Joseph Fort Newton, the Grand Chaplain for his lodge, said:

“Perhaps the greatest student in this field of esoteric teaching and method, certainly the greatest now living is Arthur Edward Waite, to whom it is a plesure[sic] to pay tribute. ...Much learning and many kinds of wisdom are in his pages, and withal an air of serenity, of tolerance; and if he is of those who turn down another street when miracles are preformed in the neighborhood, it is because, having found the inner truth, he asks for no sign.” (p. 57) 

Dr. Wynn Westcott Dr. Wynn Westcott William Wynn Westcott (December 17, 1848 - July, 1925), East London coroner, a Freemason, Theosophist, Qabalist, Supreme Magus of the Societas Rosicruciana and founding member (and organizing genius) behind the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Westcott, along with MacGregor Mathers, initiated Golden Dawn students into the study of the Qabalah, Alchemy, Astrology, Geomantic and Tarot Divination, Tattwa Vision and the Pentagram Ritual. Before the Golden Dawn had its own Lodge, its rituals (the Isis-Urania) were performed, covertly, in a Masonic Lodge Hall:

“From the beginning, the ceremonies of Isis-Urania were conducted at Mark Masons’ Hall in Great Queen Street (now demolished) but members were careful not to embarrass the Masonic authorities, being told that they ‘must not enter Mark Masons’ Hall by the front door, but go under archway and down passage, entering by a door on the right”
- A. Gilbert, Golden Dawn Companion, p.31.

The mention of Golden Dawn rituals being performed at "Mark Masons' Hall" is also repeated in other places recounting the history of the magical order: A Short Treatise on the History, Culture and Practices of The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, A Detailed History of the Golden Dawn and The Magicians of the Golden Dawn: A Documentary History of a Magical Order, 1887-1923, by Ellic Howe. It seems to be generally accepted as fact. Wynn Westcott is also famous for his translation of the legendary Kabbalah treatise, Sepher Yetzirah "Book of Formation," into English. S. L. MacGregor Mathers S. L. MacGregor Mathers Samuel Liddel "MacGregor" Mathers (January 1854 – November 1918) a Freemason, a Rosicrucian and an adept occult magician. Mathers was one of the most influential occultists in modern times. Along with Dr. Wynn Westcott, he founded the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. On the Golden Dawn, Wikipedia has this to say: "The 'Golden Dawn,' as it is commonly referred to, was probably the single greatest influence on 20th century western occultism. While it existed, it was the focal point of the development and redevelopment of magical thinking in Europe. In it, most concepts of magic and ritual that have since become core elements of Wicca, Thelema, western mystery schools and other forms of magical spirituality were first formulated." Mathers was instrumental in formulating instructions on the occult meanings of the Tarot. From the Golden Dawn website: "Much of what we know of the Tarot comes from Mathers and his wife. Albert Mackey’s Encyclopedia of Freemasonry devotes almost three pages to the Kabbalah, noting “It has sometimes been used in an enlarged sense, as comprehending all the explanations, maxims, and ceremonies which have been traditionally handed down to the Jews; but in that more limited acceptation, in which it is intimately connected with the symbolic science of Freemasonry, the Cabala may be defined to be a system of philosophy which embraces certain mystical interpretations of Scripture, and metaphysical and spiritual beings.” Johannes Buxtorf in his book titled “Lexicon Hebraicum et Chaldaicumcensoredbrevi Lexico Rabbinico Philosophico”(Lexicon of the Talmud) defines the Kabbalah to be “a secret science, which treats in a mystical and enigmatical manner of things divine, angelical, theological, celestial, and metaphysical; the subjects being enveloped in striking symbols and secret modes of teaching. Much use is made of it in the advanced degrees, and entire Rites have been constructed on its principles. Hence it demands a place in any general work on Freemasonry.”

17880384? ago

Freemason is another word for jew.

17881901? ago

https://voat.co/v/Conspiracy/2910922/15558958 Shriners are older than most Masons because you have to be a master Mason to become a Shriner. That takes time.

17881799? ago

She wears the jewel of a Horned Creature? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3131598 the Rothschild?

17880197? ago

Yeah, you subhuman JIDF nigger shills are actively trying to point away from (((you)))

17884887? ago

wiki talk on the Shriners. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk%3AShriners The Shriner's blood oath and confession of Allah as God is documented in the secret Lodge document, THE MYSTIC SHRINE, AN ILLUSTRATED RITUAL OF THE ANCIENT ARABIC ORDER NOBLES OF THE SHRINE, 1975 Edition, (pages 20-22). Remember that Allah is not just another name for God. Allah is the name of another god. In usual occult fashion, the initiate swears that he will be inseparably obligated to this "most powerful and binding oath", in advance, and that he may NEVER retract or depart from it.

"The Fez itself, is an example of this double meaning behind most of Freemasonry's facade. Worn and even carried to the grave with pompous dignity, the history of the Fez is barbaric and anti-Christian. In the early 8th century, Muslim hordes overran the Moroccan city of Fez, shouting, "There is no god but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet." There, they butchered approximately 50,000 Christians. These men, women and children were slain because of their faith in Christ, all in the name of Allah, the same demon god to whom every Shriner must bow, with hands tied behind his back, in worship, proclaiming him the god of his fathers in the Shrine initiation , at the Altar of Obligation."

http://www.saintsalive.com/freemasonry/fmsatansdoor.html http://newsletters.cephasministry.com/masonry_lucifers_network.html

We see perhaps the roots of this factual occurence here in an old text entitled: "The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume II" Behn, Aphra, 1640-1689

"King Philip made a War in Barbary, Won Tunis, conquer'd Fez, and hand to hand Slew great Abdela, King of Fez, and Father To this Barbarian Prince. Abd. … you fit me for Despairs, That may instruct me how to follow him in Death: Yet as I'm Prince o'th' Blood, and Cardinal too, You cannot be my Judges. Abd. You shall be try'd, Sir, as becomes your Quality. Osmin, … 'tis my Moor,--give him admittance strait, The Thought comes o'er me like a gentle Gale, Raising my Blood into a thousand Curls"

The jist being that the Moors sought and achieved revenge against King Philip for the sacking of Fez.

Of the their little known sect, it is written "The Fatimids (8th century) propped up their power by gathering the Ishmaelites into a Grand Lodge of complex initiations and hierarchical degrees; the members were used for political espionage and intrigue; the forms of the order were transmitted to Jerusalem and Europe and strongly influenced the organization, garb and ritual of the Templars, the Illuminati,and other secret fraternities of the western world. The American (Masonic) businessman is periodically a zealous Mohammedan, proud of his secret doctrine, his Moroccan fez and his Moslem shrine." (The Age of Faith, Will Durant p 289).

17881864? ago

https://voat.co/v/RomanQuestion/3108425 SHRINERS CIRCUS of ABOMINATIONS!

17880327? ago

Red Shoes and a New Orleans House? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3136767

17880152? ago

Excellent Meme my friend. Synagogue of Satan is pissed. They are used to hiding in the shadows and in the trenches "never see them coming". Well the lights are on now and you cucarachas are scattering.

17881933? ago


The Wine Of Babylon - By: Professor Walter Julius Veith

17880213? ago

Who are the Masonic Shriners? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3119904 did the BBC tv host Savile have a Mason funeral with this guy Bruno attending

17879890? ago

Trump should look into making secret societies obsolete - a lot of evil minds hide in the dark. Humanity could then truly move forward in unity.

18998939? ago

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18680672? ago

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17885016? ago

The Fem Lodge? Rob Morris was a prominent American poet and Freemason. He also created the first ritual for what was to become the Order of the Eastern Star. https://files.catbox.moe/3boezb.jpg Female Masonics pray to a Pentagram?

17882004? ago

Freemason Shriners secret sub-group, the "Royal Order of Jesters" https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1588990 The Freemason's Royal Order of Jesters is a bizarre group. They have been linked to human trafficking, prostitution, pedophilia, and other sorts of perversion I won't mention. Granted, Shriners raise a lot of money for children... but they have ulterior motives.

17879976? ago

in England did a BBC pedophile named Savile have a Masonic Funeral with a Boxer 'Bruno' ... who was 'the Ripper' they met and was the original Ripper Jack connected with Masons? .... is there a huge scandal about to break bigger than Catholic Church or Hollyweird perverts, what is this Pyramid and Eye https://voat.co/v/QRV/3141258/ Q 714 Wizards & Warlocks: Ex-Master EXPOSES Freemasons, Corrupt Police, Lucifer ... why do they wear red hats celebrating a massacre in the City of Fez, who is that Shriner god??

17879748? ago

From the title, I was expecting another muhjoo post. Surprise!

I dig it

17880448? ago

Christ killing nigger slave trader.

17881998? ago

Okay, cupcake. So cute

17882288? ago

Indian swindling, slave trading heeb rat.

17883903? ago

I was going to ignore you, but I'll try to help instead. Then you can call me whatever you want again.

This behavior is why you're not taken seriously. It's not that we object to the language, it's that you're behaving like a 10-year-old who just learned some new swear words. We may or may not agree with you, but either way it's boring, simplistic, and childish and only serves to harden opinion against the very thing you're trying to promote because it proves you have no intellect behind your beliefs, only the infantile idea that you can use bad words to get us to not fight you anymore.

Keep it up, though, because this is the best way for you to undermine your own argument and I disagree with your argument.

Hope this helps. Doubtful. But one day when you're older and wiser you'll look back at this behavior with regret.

17888661? ago

Dirty heeb.

17889663? ago

And yet here we are almost a year later more convinced than ever that your argument is deficient.

Do you know why you won't get rid of us? Because we have nowhere else to go. The censors have cornered us here for our ideas and little ol' you won't be pushing us out of the corner. Doesn't matter that you were here first or that you continue to defecate all over it. We're here rubbing your face in your own filth.

17893571? ago

Well no one cares what you think .lol

17879851? ago

Who are the Shriners? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3136667 little Soros with red shoes? and Mike Rothschild nothing better to do all day but debunk 'conspiracy' and talk about Q-Anon

17879916? ago

Potato salad is delicious. But what about dog ears? I like petting rabbits.

Gee, this random-unrelated-word-salad-response game is fun!

17879569? ago

Normally I try to use rhetoric properly but come on QRV, you guys are just hiding from reality every single detail of our reality is pointing at the jews for the problems we have today and you want to keep them in power of banks, news, journalism, TV, Hollywood, the music industry, porn industry, the judicial system, political parties, government, publishing, finance, advertising, and landlording, they compose 2 of the population and their exclusive rights to freedom of association, and nepotism have given them the exclusive ability to control every significant element of our life and civilization because they and only they are allowed tribalism, favoritism and in group biases in the west. they've scammed their way to the top and cut down the ladder as they did it, this is exactly why they've been forcibly removed from 109 countries throughout history.

Free masons are a fucking foil for this shit, free masons were just doing their own tribalism shit and then jews got in it to make sure nobody could fucking compete with them, now freemasonry and the other secret clubs are just ways for jews to recruit goys to serve them by promising them a chance for their kids to marry into jewery and co-ordinate the shabos goy.

Wake up QRV! You can't hide from this any longer, they are here to ruin you and kill your children, ruin your bloodline and genetic history of our people along with the actual history of our peoples, those tranny children are because of jews, those niggers and muslims raping kids and our women are because jews let them in helped them stay or gave them rights, those degenerates wasting away on porn, TV and having children so late the kids they shit out are diseased are because of jews. the list goes on, you want fix education? can't do it because niggers have to pass, who says? fucking jews. Unequipped to fight sex abuse? guess who doesn't want young people to know most faggots are products of homosexual childhood abuse? Kike run Media. Feel like your religion is under assault? it probably is if you are white, the leading atheists are all jews, the leading muslims were all let in by jews, the leading feminists are all jews, and the judicial system stripping your rights is disproportionately made up of fucking jews, feel like your 2A rights are being targeted or infringed, Jews all the way down. JEws hate Christianity, their talmud clearly states Mary mother of Christ was a whore, that jesus boils eternally in feces in sheol, they fund all of the documentaries on easter about Mary magdeline being a prostitute, about Thomas being a woman in disguise or the new "thomas was trans" shit, their publishing companies work to remove the word "virgin" from the gospel and they fund new intentionally bastardized translation every chance they get. In new documentaries they claim Lazarus was Jesus' "special friend" and insinuate they were gay, and that Jesus and Judas were also "special friends" that John the baptist was just an unwashed loon and stoke the false pretenses already common in the "christian west", their television productions all support satanists where they can, it used to just be wicca but now satanism is their new brand not even the edgy "luciferianism" that was actually atheists trying to piss off Christians, full blown Laveyan Satanism, (guess who was jewish), they push santeria, (occultic paganized catholic rooted witchcraft). ALL the leading communists have been jews, Marx to Lenin, only Stalin wasn't a jew. Israel is an ethnostate only jews can migrate to and DNA tests are now required.

I could go on like this for a whole day and still not have reached the fucking bottom of their evil. I get that some jews aren't in on it but it's in their DNA, their souls, they disassemble what is good and righteous endlessly because they are inherently destructive to gentile cultures and civilizations.

17880008? ago

Meth is a helluva drug.

17879786? ago

Not gonna fall for your identity politics.

17879714? ago

Why are the Shriners praying to a Moongod? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3140515 Who Are The Royal Order of Jesters? Uncovering a Police-Driven, International Sex Trafficking Ring that Actually Happened? The international Masonic exploitation, abuse, trafficking?

17879550? ago

This board has been corrupted with anti-semites, and has done a great job of pushing serious Q research and info-sharing to the fringes. Who else ignore all the jew-related posts? Maybe it's time they started their own board.

17880201? ago

Q sent you to voat for a reason, to get Redpilled on kikes is the most obvious answer.

17884020? ago

Q didn't send us here, we came as refugees from Reddit. Q suggested the creation of QRV, but that's the end of Q's involvement with Voat.

You're rewriting history then coloring it to suit your stupid ideas. Good luck with that strategy.

17880127? ago

What are these Shriners? in Japan also .... Underneath Tokyo Tower in Japan you have this Egyptian Pagan Babylon crap. Shibakoen under a Watkin 1st Baronet Tower, Lahore Paki Fez Tower. An Ugly version of the Eifel Tower hides a Mason Temple https://voat.co/v/QRV/3140992/17840397 We have to kick these fuckers out. They do not represent non-masons.

17879778? ago

They have their own boards. They come here to recruit, hoping we're susceptible to their brand of identity politics.

17879742? ago

? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3130977 the rituals of these Shriner and Masons?

17879363? ago

Freemasons are often talked about by these people, but what they deliberately conceal from their audiences is the fact that the masons are subordinate and beholden to the Jews, which is admitted in the masons’ own books. On page 249 of “Duncan’s Ritual and Monitor” it states that Masonry is subservient to Judaism, noting that a recipient of the Royal Arch Degree pledges himself “For the good of Masonry, generally, but the Jewish nation in particular.” The undeniable fact that Freemasonry itself is based on the rites and rituals of the Jewish religion and the mysticism of the Jewish Cabala, is also purposefully glossed over by these deceivers. The Protocols of Zion make clear this intention to use subservient Gentiles (shabbas goyim) as scapegoats, “GENTILE masonry blindly serves as a screen for us and our objects, but the plan of action of our force, even its very abiding-place, remains for the whole people an unknown mystery.” (The Protocols of Zion, 4:2)

17885037? ago

there is a Fem Mason group... https://files.catbox.moe/ftau85.jpg Why are the Women praying to a Pentagram?

17879759? ago

Who are these Shriners and why do they pray to a Moongod? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3131795 Freemasons, Chase Manhattan & the Arming of Saddam Hussein, charged with fraud and embezzlement in France, Drug Corruption ...Canada Paradise Papers leak

17879275? ago

Great meme! I appreciated it and stole it for ammo!

17879384? ago

and the Occult rituals? The Shriners' Dirty Little Secret - Royal Order of Jesters. Masonic Shriners? Buffalo chapter of the Royal Order of Jesters https://www.voat.co/v/AnonBoard/3140593/17844102 'Aren't they connected to Danny Thomas hospital ,. Yeap think of that , Hollywood and hospitals. ..'

17879203? ago

muh joo shills! oy vey The jesuits are the problem!! We must bomb Iran!! Israel is the only democracy in the middle east. How dare you backwards anti-semites talk bad about us jews. wagawaga!oogabooga

17880310? ago

the roof? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3140712/17842364 All of this shit is based of the "Egyptian Book of the Dead," and the original Babylonian Talmud, from which the juden stole after the nation fell from my understanding. This is pre-Abrahamic monotheism and is based off of polytheism. You will find that if you research more into this that the Ancient South Americans worshiped gods of similar character traits as those in Egypt.

17879439? ago

Why do they pray to a Moongod, who are the Shriners? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3140712/17836612 'they say Rothschild are the head, i don't know'

17880095? ago

You don't know who the head is? https://archive.is/ztCRF

17879075? ago

Again .... attacks on Jews, Blacks, and Freemasons ... and not a mention of the Jesuits who control them all including Catholicism and the Vatican .... wonder why that is? .... is the Jesuit control somehow being masked and are the shills being ordered to redirect people's attention and anger at the wrong people? OP ... you are the fucking enemy, or you are fucking stupid ... one or the other.

17893383? ago

No man, were all waiting for someone like you to come along and fill in the spaces and make sense of it all :)

17880180? ago

they wear a hat that celebrates a massacre in the City of Fez? https://voat.co/v/anon/3058906 What the Freemasonic Shriners really believe

17880275? ago

Constant spamming of this shit ... on every comment. Seems you have an agenda more than an understanding of the size of the problem.

17882017? ago

the Masonic reveals itself

17884463? ago

The Shriners only exist in the U.S. ... Freemasons from other countries are not allowed to join .... but go ahead ... keep spreading and spamming your shit .... an offshoot that is not officially recognised by any other constitution and is confined to one fucked up country and constition ... rules the world ... lol .... the ignorance is stunning.

17886490? ago

lots of Arabic and Babylon connections the "Rose Croix" the Templar and Rosicrucianism?

17880421? ago

What is a 'Shriner'? its connected to the jew or mason??

17879511? ago

who are these Mason Shriners? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3119904 what is this three headed creature and a Moongod?

17879107? ago

No, I agree with you about the Jesuits. Will make some memes for them as well.

17879170? ago

What are some of the names for Venus?

Why were "Venician" banks so influencial?

Just think of the vastness of space.


17879837? ago

What are some of the names for Venus?


Venus is but the Latin name of Inanna, who became queen of Sumer around 2500 BCE

Uh oh...

Why were "Venician" banks so influencial?



17880165? ago

Lol ... mention Jesuits and getting downvoated .... over the target.

17879050? ago

Exactly. There are even Masons on this board that get on here and lie their asses off and downplay any connection they have to anything bad.

It is Gnosticism. Gnosticism is bad. Period.

17880010? ago

Economist Mag using strange Occult symbols, they don't even hide it anymore? Masonic Rothschild, Opium Gangsters, Court of St. James, Tea Company, Chartered Bank of India?? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3140630 They're creepy because they're used in divination in the occult mystery religions that the people that rule over us practice.

17879189? ago

Gnosticism is bad. Period.

Gnosticism, derived from the word Gnosis, which is Knowledge. You're literally saying Knowledge is bad, period.

You would have been absolutely adored by YAHWEH my dude.

17879349? ago

No that's not what I'm saying at all. True knowledge is good.

The so called knowledge of Gnosticism is that the most high God is not the creator and that the creator, called the Demiurge, and creation is actually bad. And it goes off into a labyrinth of numbers, geometry, and letters and gematria which end up being totally meaningless. Oh yeah they also teach the serpent is Christ and that man can become God just like satan told Eve.

They hold that this knowledge is what saves and perfects man, not faith.

True Christians know that we are justified by faith, not knowledge.

Nice try.

17879025? ago

You can't do Black Magic without Symbols. It's like writing without the Alphabet. The Symbols are the essence of the Ritual, they create the Spell.

17879793? ago

whats up with these Shriner people, the hat celebrating a massacre at the City of Fez? https://voat.co/v/whateverAnon/3059201

17879213? ago

You can't do Anything without symbols. Your alphabet, your numbers, they're all symbols. Stop signs, traffic lights, everything in your Universe is symbolic. It represents information that you interact with.

17879508? ago

It is almost as if we're living in a Matrix of Symbols that appears below as a living world but above it is a field of pure consciousness, a field of symbols.


17893279? ago

As true as that may seem to be it is not entirly the case. What give SYMBOLS power is the Power of one's Attention. The only power anything has is the power one gives it :)

17894755? ago

Very true! Our Consciousness is Kin with God and is most Powerful.

17903105? ago

Yes. The Scriptures are full of these Nuggets, yet somehow People have been led to "believe" and it is just a belief, that One is entirely at the mercy of Power being outside of OneSelf :)

17879829? ago

Are you high?

17879857? ago

Not today. Besides, this is actually our reality. Welcome to the World. Honk Honk.

17878807? ago

I like this meme

17881387? ago

Quote : Moslem Brotherhood was probably Masonic. David Rockefeller number 777 was a freemason, and so his torch would be passed down. It can't completely be proven that anyone in office or any owners of corporations are freemasons or a part of any secret society because it's bad for their reputation. 10th Degree : An Excerpt taken from the Initiation of the 10th Degree of the Scottish Rite: I do promise and swear on the Holy Bible to keep exactly in my heart all the secrets that shall be revealed to me. And in failure of this my obligation , I consent to having my body opened perpendicularly, and to be exposed for eight hours in the open air, that the venomous flies may eat of my entrails, my head be cut off and put on the highest pinnacle of the world, and I will always be ready to inflict the same punishment on those who shall disclose this degree and break this obligation. So may God help and maintain me. Amen. (Blanchard. Scottish Rite Masonry Illustrated, Vol .1. Pg 196)

During the above initiation ceremony, a dagger (or poniard) is pointed at the chin and drawn down the chest to the waist as if the abdomen was being ripped open to symbolise the seriousness of the oath.

17th Degree : From the 17th Degree initiation of the Scottish Rite: I ____________ do promise and solemnly swear and declare in the awful presence of the Only One Most Holy Puissant Almighty and Most Merciful Grand Architect of Heaven and Earth that I will never reveal to any person whomsoever below me the secrets of this degree which is now to be communicated to me, under the penalty of not only being dishonoured, but to consider my life as immediate forfeiture, and that to be taken from me with all the torture and pains to be inflicted in manner as I have consented to in the preceding degrees. (Blanchard. Scottish Rite Masonry Illustrated, Vol .1. Pg 448)

During this ritual a skull is placed on a blood stained cloth and the Initiate is told this: The skull is the image of a brother who is excluded from a Lodge or Council. The cloth stained with blood, that we should not hesitate to spill ours for the good of Masonry.

18th Degree : From the 18th Degree of the Scottish initiation Rite: I ___________ do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear under the penalty of all my former obligations which I have taken in the preceding degrees, never to reveal directly or indirectly, the secrets or mysteries of this degree under the penalty of being forever deprived of the true word, to be perpetually in darkness, my blood continually from my body, to suffer without intermission the cruel remorse of soul; that the bitterest gall, mixed with vinegar, be my constant drink; the sharpest thorns for my pillow and that the death of the cross may complete my punishment should I ever infringe or violate in any manner or form the laws and rules which have been, are now, or may be hereafter made known or prescribed to me. And I do furthermore swear, promise and engage on my sacred word of honour, to observe and obey all the decrees which may be transmitted to me by the Grand Inspectors General in Supreme Council of the thirty third degree. So help me God and keep me steadfast in this my solemn obligation, Amen. (Blanchard. Scottish Rite Masonry Illustrated, Vol .1. Pg 473)

For this oath the candidate kneels on the step to the altar with his right hand on a Bible or whatever holy book he chooses (Koran, Vedas, Teachings of Buddha etc.)

30th Degree : Excerpt from the 30th Degree initiation rite of the Scottish Rite: I ____________ of my own free will and accord, do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear to keep faithful the secrets of the sublime degree of Knights Kadosh and strictly to obey the statutes of the order. All of which I promise to do, under the penalty of death. So help me God. (Blanchard. Scottish Rite Masonry Illustrated, Vol .2. Pg 269-270)

During this initiation the Grand Provost of Justice holds the point of his sword to the heart of the candidate who is taking the oath. He then says:

�When your rashness prompted you to enter this awful sanctuary, you were no doubt informed of the danger which threatened you, and of the trials which still await you. Swear therefore, upon your word of honour, never to reveal what you have seen or heard hitherto. Forget not that the slightest indiscretion will cost your life. Are you still willing to proceed?� (Blanchard. Scottish Rite Masonry Illustrated, Vol .2. Pg 275) Bush laughs when speaking about JFK assassination, (laughs), our nation turned to (32nd Degree Shriner Freemason) Gerald Ford and a select handful of others, to make sense of that madness.” Yale Skull & Bones photographs?

”There is a small circle of men who control the world's finance. "Each member, before initiation, knows its religion to be reward for friends and extermination of enemies. Once a man is within the magic circle...punishment for disloyalty is sure and terrible, and in no corner of the Earth can he escape it, nor can any power on Earth protect him from it." The magic circle is "at the receiving end of the greatest information bureau in the world." - Thomas Lawson Everybody's Magazine "Frenzied Finance" 1904

"Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. Our minds are molded, our tastes are formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of." Walter Bernays Propaganda 1928

”The Ango-American Establishment "There is... an inner core of intimate associates who unquestionably knew that they were members of a group devoted to a common purpose and an outer circle of a larger number on whom the inner circle acted by personal pursuasion, patronage distribution, and social pressure. It is probable that most members of the outer circle were not conscious that they were being used by a secret society." Tragedy and Hope 1966 "Their aim is nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole." - Carrol J. Quigley Professor of International Affairs at Georgetown University, Bill Clinton's mentor

17895980? ago

The vast majority of masons in the US are NOT scottish rite masons. Most stop at the third degree and never see any oaths past that..... Ignore that though. Lets act like all masons are devil worshippers, even though they're fully devoted christians.

17896310? ago

How can you be a devot Christain with connections to a Moongod al-Lah and those Shriner hats? https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=cIMZZsB8Wrg

17896789? ago

Most masons aren't shriners. Actually, shriners are a MINORITY in the masonic community. Most masons aren't scottish rite either. Actually, the northern jurisdiction of the scottish rite BROKE AWAY FROM the southern jurisdiction specifically because Albert Pike was looney tunes, but Im sure you're gonna give me a Pike quote as though he represents all masons right?

17896935? ago

So its basically out of control now and much like the CIA elements within the larger group may get into bed with anyone else, drug runners, molesters, terrorists, criminals ... is Freemasonry at the stage where the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing

17898353? ago

Maybe, and technically yes. Each state in the US is completely independant and answeres to no other state. So if we're talking US masonry, for sure masons in one state may have zero clue what the masons in another state are doing. But since Catholic priests rape babies does that make all catholics devil worshipping baby rapers? Do you see what's happening? Most masons became masons because they were inspired by George Washington or Ben Franklin or some shit. Patriotic reasons! But because some masonic offshoot does shady shit, all masons are devil worshipping globalists. It's nonsense. Just like most catholics are trying to do the right thing, and stay catholic, even though priests rape children. If anyone can clean out the garbage in thw masons, its patriotic masons.

17896737? ago

Ask George Washington, John Paul Jones, Paul Revere etc....

17879624? ago

Are they praying to that dude from Lord of the Rings? https://files.catbox.moe/5nffmq.jpeg Sauron: Frodo you cannot hide. I see you. There is no life in the void. Only death.

17895987? ago

There is a theory that the lord of the rings is Saturn and that most religions pray toward saturn. Including Judiasm and Islam. Black cube= Saturn. Look at what they do in mecca when they make rings around the black cube. Or when jews wrap the black cube's straps around their arm 7 times.....

17879318? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3133323 Whats this Mason Shriner thing?

17878755? ago

The reason is Freemasons are Jews.

17880022? ago

Grand Orient D'haiti De 1824 https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3142005

17878918? ago

Masonry is Judaism for Protestants. They are fucking traitors.

17879032? ago

Judaism when the Jews worshipped Baal and Ashteroth and Molech.

17878981? ago

Death to catholics

17878730? ago

The symbolism of Jews. Good point.

17881697? ago

Louis Farrakhan a Freemason? We can see beyond the present shadows of war in the Middle East to a new world order where the strong work together to deter and stop aggression. This was precisely Franklin Roosevelt's and Winston Churchill's vision for peace for the post-war period." - Richard Gephardt, in The Wall Street Journal (September 1990) Chase Manhattan had long been known as the Rockefeller bank, though the family never owned more than 5 percent of its shares. But Mr. Rockefeller was more than a steward. As chairman and chief executive throughout the 1970s, he made it “David’s bank,” as many called it, expanding its operations internationally.

His stature was greater than any corporate title might convey, however. His influence was felt in Washington and foreign capitals, in the corridors of New York City government, art museums, great universities and public schools.

Mr. Rockefeller could well be the last of an increasingly less visible family to have cut so imposing a figure on the world stage. As a peripatetic advocate of the economic interests of the United States and of his own bank, he was a force in global financial affairs and in his country’s foreign policy. He was received in foreign capitals with the honors accorded a chief of state.

He was the last surviving grandson of John D. Rockefeller, the tycoon who founded the Standard Oil Company in the 19th century and built a fortune that made him America’s first billionaire and his family one of the richest and most powerful in the nation’s history. Many US presidents have been masons. Freemasonry inspired Mormonism and was a central theme behind the occult assassination of JFK. People in high positions of power place their oath to Freemasonry above their oath to serve the people who elected them; some such policemen and judges make decisions not based on truth and justice but rather based on protecting the masonic network, the Lodge and their masonic brethren. Many lower level masons are deliberately kept in the dark, not told what they are getting into, but what are the higher level initiates really worshipping? Who or what is the god of Freemasonry? The Great Architect of the Universe

In trying to decipher the god of Freemasonry, there are many clues that point towards a dark force that is the engineer or creator of this world, especially the dystopian aspects of this world which some people have dubbed The Establishment, The System or The Matrix. It is no coincidence that in The Matrix movie series themselves, Neo finally meets his maker, i.e. the being who created the entire system. He is called “the architect” and is represented by a bearded old man. Saturn, god of time, harvest, law and death, is also represented this way. Masons typically refer to their god as the “Great Architect of the Universe” while Gnostics also used the same term in reference to the tyrant they claimed had created a fake, inferior copy of the original perfect world (they also called this force “Demiurge” and “Yaldabaoth”). The primary masonic logo of the letter G is enclosed inside a square and compass, which are tools of an engineer, draftsman or architect who designs and draws with them to create things. At the London Olympics, a flying Shriner playing the saxaphone.

The Olympics closing ceremony took on a strange Masonic theme. There are over 600,000 Freemasons in Britain. Unlike Brazil, Britain is not a Christian country but Masonic. The coat of arms of Greek Freemasonry.

The rising of the phoenix bird also symbolizes the New Age idea that the “Divine Cosmic Plan” that the highly evolved Great Masters have for our Earth Civilization is going to come into effect soon. Earth will “rise from its ashes” and begin anew, its inhabitants having the new Cosmic Consciousness. It is like a “rebirth” of the Ancient Occult Mystery Religions in our World.

The following quotation is from an Occult site, regarding the Phoenix bird:

“Ovid tells the story of the Phoenix follows: “Most beings spring from other individuals; but there is a certain kind which reproduces itself. The Assyrians call it the Phoenix. It does not live on fruit or flowers, but on frankincense and odoriferous gums. When it has lived five hundred years, it builds itself a nest in the branches of an oak, or on the top of a palm tree. In this it collects cinnamon, and spikenard, and myrrh, and of these ‘materials builds a pile on which it deposits itself, and dying, breathes out its last breath amidst odours. From the body of the parent bird, a young Phoenix issues forth, destined to live as long a life as its predecessor. When this has grown up and gained sufficient strength, it lifts its nest from the tree (its own cradle and its parent’s sepulchre), and carries it to the city of Heliopolis in Egypt, and deposits it in the temple of the Sun.” Many of the Templar Knights (and much of their treasures) escaped the purge and some fled to Scotland where they went underground and eventually emerged as the Scottish rite of Freemasonry. Others that were scattered around Europe became known as the Teutonic Knights and still others joined a group known as the Knights Hospitallers, another military order involved with the crusades. There is even evidence to suggest that a group of the Knights Templar arrived in America in 1308, almost two centuries before Columbus ever set sail. In 1312, the Knights Templar was officially dissolved, and in 1314, the Grand Master Jacques Molay was burned at the stake.

One of the recent myths surrounding the Templar Knights, based on the book Holy Blood Holy Grail, and popularized by author Dan Brown’s book and subsequent film the Da Vinci Code, is the idea that the Knights Templar guarded the secret that Jesus Christ survived the crucifixion and that he conceived children with Mary Magdalene, and that they escaped to southern France and seeded what became the Merovingian bloodline. Certainly the Templar Knights possessed esoteric knowledge; however the story presented in recent popular books and films is merely a cover story. In fact, author of the Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown, and his publisher were sued by the authors of a book called, Holy Blood Holy Grail for copyright infringement in 2006.

The aforementioned is just a scratch in the surface concerning the Knights Templar, and I do recommend the book Holy Blood Holy Grail, and there is a large amount of other research available that goes into great depth concerning the Knights Templar.

In “The Egyptian Masonic Satanic Connection” by David Carrico, available from Followers of Jesus Christ, P O Box 4174, Evansville, In. 47724, Nimrod (Tower of Babel) is great according to the Masons. Masons’ mystery religion comes in part from Ancient Babylon, borrowing occult symbols, paraphernalia and candles. It is claimed that the Masonic history book has pictures of Ashtoreth, Dagon, Baal (associated by some with human sacrifices) and the Satanic Goat of Mendes. The Masons move up by degrees. 1st degree Masons are allegedly threatened with the loss of life if they divulge any secrets.

Albert Pike, “Father of Modern Masonry” Pike discusses connections of Masonry to the occult in “Morals and Dogma” (a pro-Masonic book). S.M.A.R.T. (newsletter) also has numerous letters from people alleging Masonic ritual abuse. Eastern Star

Founded by a Mason, only women related to Master Masons may join. The degree system is connected to changed Biblical stories, where in two stories it is believed torture or human sacrifice are alluded to. The pentagram is Eastern Star’s symbol. It is claimed by some that Youth groups, Job’s Daughter, Rainbow girls, DeMolays are “feeder groups” for the Masons.

17880064? ago

https://www.bitchute.com/video/zYnP1o3y7RAb/ in the Philippines, who is the islamo they pray to?

17879258? ago

and a symbol of ragheaded Arabians of Babylon, why do they pray to a Moongod? https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/3058915 What do these guys really worship?

17878703? ago

It is getting harder and harder to find the posts that delve deep into Q posts.

17879732? ago

In fairness, Q posts are less substantive in recent months, mostly cheerleading and rehashing for newcomers. To be expected, I suppose.

17887941? ago

We have more than we know. Go back through drops.

17880309? ago

Q never gave real data. Mere cryptic hints. He was selling hope harder than Obama.

17880488? ago

I largely agree with that, but disclosure was never Qs goal. Q is about 1) pointing people willing to think in the right direction so they could find real data, and 2) misdirecting the enemy into panic and mistakes.

If you're looking for some kind of oracle in Q then you've misunderstood what this whole thing has been about.

17880571? ago

There are limits to citizen journalism. Some of the most damning stories of the last decade were made possible by whistleblowers. Q needs to blow the whistle or enable some whistleblowers to really restore any power to the people.

17882031? ago

We have a lot of whistleblowers available. Q has pointed us to many. To be one is not Q's role.

17883692? ago

But quite a lot of whistleblowers ended up being murdered despite with Trump in office. Doesnt really look like patriots are in control to me.

17885793? ago

Not yet to be sure, the battle is ongoing.

17884155? ago

That's kinda the point. You have to make the enemy overconfident, which the patriots have done by projecting chaos. All the while, they're maneuvering behind the scenes and preparing the battleground for a killer blow. It's textbook Sun Tzu.

I get your frustration, it's totally understandable. I have to battle to tamp it down myself.

This is among the most complicated, delicate, and important operations in all of human history. I'm surprised it's going as quickly as it is. To you I can only advise patience and to also focus more time on learning what's happening behind the curtain. If you look there, it's a great deal. Also study Sun Tzu, Trump is a fan and you will gain a great deal of insight into his actions if you understand that philosophy.

17888560? ago

Your apologism is hilarious. Q is using you and you're too blind to see it. Keep cheering to Make Israel Great Again. Good goy.

17888768? ago

M'kay cupcake

17890565? ago

diversity is our strength

Gas yourself boomer.

17878826? ago

Because it's all just circle jerking about the future that never seems to come. Been that way since the beginning.

If arrests ever happen watch how fast things change.

17878741? ago

Many on this board are being awoken to the jew problem.

17884295? ago

In a world where you can identify specific individuals for crimes and hold them accountable, you choose to cloud the field by blaming an entire group. You're going backward. Hi Rabbi. Please stop making it harder to catch the actual criminals.

17884407? ago

I am calling for both. They are not mutually exclusive.

17884492? ago

Okay, then you're trying to waste my time. And people that do that are worse than niggers, cause that just makes you a thief.

17884514? ago

You are trying to put your head in the sand. If that is your wish, then go for it.

17884539? ago

It's not my head that's in the sand. I work everyday, and call a spade a spade. You're trying to distract from real criminals. I'm not going after my Jewish neighbor minding his own business. Those Samaritans earned their peace.

17885050? ago

No, I want ALL the criminals held accountable. Including the multiculti jews.

I never said to go after your jewish neighbor. You are building strawmen.

17885307? ago

You blame all the Jews, and I'm the one building the strawmen. Clown world.

17890581? ago


17885598? ago

So what do you call it when the innocent Jews won't call out the bad cabal Jews for making them look bad?

Why don't they?

And why are you ok with it?

Makes one think.....

17885732? ago

They do. I just linked it. Here's another guy. Alan Dershowitz hates him for calling out the Holocaust Industry.

Norm Finklestein

No one owes you anything. Nice troll, though. You knew all this, you just like to gaslight. I get it, you're a faggot.

17886172? ago

And yet here you have a problem with us calling out the bad jews....why is that?

17886385? ago

OIC, mental gymnastics.

Call out bad people. If they're Jews, so be it. Why do you think only Jews are bad?

17886635? ago

You make many incorrect assumptions.

Jews comprise a very outsized portion of the cabal relative to their population.

Moreover they are the only ones in power who I have seen distinctly call for the genocide of Whites.

17886670? ago

And since you know who they are individually, how about culling the guilty, instead of trying to herd the innocent in with them. Or is that too hard for you? I realize whites don't like to do the hard work of thinking, so let me know what you decide.

17886816? ago

We all know who they are.

My real question is why won't the good jews call out the bad ones for making them look bad?

Let me know why they won't when you get the chance.

17886914? ago

I've already thrown up three links in this thread. It doesn't look like you're trying, so I'll leave you to your cognitive dissonance.

17887113? ago

But the majority still resist the message. Including you.

All you need to do is say "the cabal jews are giving other jews a bad name".

But you cannot....

17887274? ago

Yes. "Toxic masculine men are giving other men a bad name."

No one is "resisting" anything. There are already media outlets that call out Jews for being Jews, and they're Jewish. I already linked it. 3 times. lol

I don't presume to know your exposure to earthly media. I feel like I'm talking to the wall on this. I can lead you to water, horse, but I can't make you drink.

17887851? ago

Toxic masculinity is made up. Doesn't exist.

Yet you seem unable to say it here, that the bad jews are giving the giod jews a bad name?

17887889? ago

wow man, you take this shit way too seriously.

Go workout, get healthy, get off the drugs. Start there and build yourself up. You ain't leading, or fixing shit that has to do with Jews in your current State.

17888223? ago

And now you get personal. Don't call names, get a better argument or admit defeat.

Until the innocent jews or you patriots start calling out the cabal jews, people will keep hearing about the bad jews.

17888284? ago

What name were you called?

17888634? ago

I didn't say I was called a name, I said you got personal. By saying I was on drugs or something. Or that I take this too seriously.

Point is, you got persobal and that is what people do when they have nothing else.

17888745? ago

Well, it's personal for you. Just trying to help you at your level.

17895971? ago

No, you have nothing left but to get personal.

Which means you are invested and emotional over it.

Logic wins. Use it.

17898408? ago

Definitely get some help man. You're projecting.

17898548? ago

You soepent a whole post about ne and not the topic.

And now you have done it again.

Say it with me.

The bad jews who are running things are making the good jews look bad.

Can you say it? Why not?

17882881? ago

ok mr insecure muslim...what jew problem? Q never and president trump never would say this...u do not support the president i bet u r not even american..you're the problem not any jew

17883210? ago

One can support Trump while not being 100% aligned with him.

I find it funny how when Patriots call out the jew problem, that the innocent jews call out the Patriots instead of calling out the cabal jews for making the rest of them look bad.

17883405? ago

Really makes you think.

17879934? ago

It seems to me that attempts on the internet to blame things on the freemasons is simply distracting from the Jews. But let's not dismiss the OP's point and let's ask questions.

Is the admissions department in Harvard run by freemasons who admit children of freemasons at a rate 3000% higher than non-freemasons?

Does the bible write about the corruption of freemasons including referring to their meeting places as a "lodge of satan"?

Were the communist revolutions in Russia, Vienna, and China run by noted freemasons?

If I were to look up radical feminist leaders would I find a bunch of freemasons? How about transgender theory is that a bunch of freemasons?

Was the NAACP that acted as race agitators for the past century founded and run by freemasons?

Are the most corrupt hedgefunds that undermine the economies of their host countries extensions of masonic lodges?

Are there laws specifically made to protect freemasons and is denying the stories freemasons tell punishable by jail time in many countries?

This is a short list of questions but at what point can anyone claim that grandpa spending a few nights a month wearing an Apron in an old building is somehow part of a vast conspiracy while ignoring the (((elephant in the room)))?

17880170? ago

another High IQ post.

17879553? ago

I hope, this place is the faggiest shit-hole on voat with all the nigger lovers who've never had to live in black areas, they are as bad as liberals; then theirs the actual fucking mossad and JIDF interlopers who are so fucking invested in this community and nigh impossible to fight off because the board is set to anon for no actual reason at all. The sidebar makes me want to puke with it's "diversity is our strength" bullshit.

Normally I try to use rhetoric properly but come on QRV, you guys are just hiding from reality every single detail of our reality is pointing at the jews for the problems we have today and you want to keep them in power of banks, news, journalism, TV, Hollywood, the music industry, porn industry, the judicial system, political parties, government, publishing, finance, advertising, and landlording, they compose 2 of the population and their exclusive rights to freedom of association, and nepotism have given them the exclusive ability to control every significant element of our life and civilization because they and only they are allowed tribalism, favoritism and in group biases in the west. they've scammed their way to the top and cut down the ladder as they did it, this is exactly why they've been forcibly removed from 109 countries throughout history.

Free masons are a fucking foil for this shit, free masons were just doing their own tribalism shit and then jews got in it to make sure nobody could fucking compete with them, now freemasonry and the other secret clubs are just ways for jews to recruit goys to serve them by promising them a chance for their kids to marry into jewery and co-ordinate the shabos goy.

Wake up QRV! You can't hide from this any longer, they are here to ruin you and kill your children, ruin your bloodline and genetic history of our people along with the actual history of our peoples, those tranny children are because of jews, those niggers and muslims raping kids and our women are because jews let them in helped them stay or gave them rights, those degenerates wasting away on porn, TV and having children so late the kids they shit out are diseased are because of jews. the list goes on, you want fix education? can't do it because niggers have to pass, who says? fucking jews. Unequipped to fight sex abuse? guess who doesn't want young people to know most faggots are products of homosexual childhood abuse? Kike run Media. Feel like your religion is under assault? it probably is if you are white, the leading atheists are all jews, the leading muslims were all let in by jews, the leading feminists are all jews, and the judicial system stripping your rights is disproportionately made up of fucking jews, feel like your 2A rights are being targeted or infringed, Jews all the way down. JEws hate Christianity, their talmud clearly states Mary mother of Christ was a whore, that jesus boils eternally in feces in sheol, they fund all of the documentaries on easter about Mary magdeline being a prostitute, about Thomas being a woman in disguise or the new "thomas was trans" shit, their publishing companies work to remove the word "virgin" from the gospel and they fund new intentionally bastardized translation every chance they get. In new documentaries they claim Lazarus was Jesus' "special friend" and insinuate they were gay, and that Jesus and Judas were also "special friends" that John the baptist was just an unwashed loon and stoke the false pretenses already common in the "christian west", their television productions all support satanists where they can, it used to just be wicca but now satanism is their new brand not even the edgy "luciferianism" that was actually atheists trying to piss off Christians, full blown Laveyan Satanism, (guess who was jewish), they push santeria, (occultic paganized catholic rooted witchcraft). ALL the leading communists have been jews, Marx to Lenin, only Stalin wasn't a jew. Israel is an ethnostate only jews can migrate to and DNA tests are now required.

I could go on like this for a whole day and still not have reached the fucking bottom of their evil. I get that some jews aren't in on it but it's in their DNA, their souls, they disassemble what is good and righteous endlessly because they are inherently destructive to gentile cultures and civilizations.


17883764? ago

Each individual will have their chance to be a productive patriot. I am not going to write off certain people just because of some demographic they were born into. Now, if they blow it, they blow it, and I would hold them accountable, but until such time, I will withhold judgement.

17883275? ago

I've been researching this shit for 20+ yrs and I have not heard this issue said with such clarity and conciseness, lol. There is a "Job opening" waiting for you :)

17890110? ago

If only.

17881861? ago

"Wake up QRV!" Uhm...."Q" being the defining word here. Q says

They want you DIVIDED.










I didn't see anywhere on Q's list something that said, "Except the Jooo's" LOL...the Talmud is not the "only" book that is studied by the joos. And not all joos "worship" the Talmud. But you already knew that. You are no patriot. You want to divide. You don't belong here.

17882033? ago

Your pro-jew rhetoric is weak, Moshe.

17882211? ago

LOL...Looks like facing "Q" facts is not your strong suit. Don't let the door hit ya....

17882682? ago

First, you're on our site.
Second, Q facts are equally as valid as Leprechaun facts.

17882766? ago

"our site" Ahahahahahahahahhahahahaaaaaaaaaa.....

17884138? ago

Leprechaun facts!

17880913? ago

Thank you, this needed to be said.

17880075? ago

High IQ post

17880025? ago

What a terrific post! You'll get some push back, people will recite their conditioned responses like "NO IDENTY POLITICS" but there is not a single person here who could factually correct what you just wrote.

They may try, they may run to google to try and "debunk" your points. But they will come back more and more redpilled. There is a reason that Q sent us to Voat and 8ch, he knew we would all be brought to light. That was his goal. I used to say WWG1WGA, but now I simply say 1488.

17879796? ago

Yay, more identity politics

17896050? ago

Identity politics is a requirement in a multicultural society. Whether you like it or not, it’s foisted on you by your enemies. I also hate identity politics, the difference is I know the only way to get rid of it is to live in an ethnostate, the way the US used to be when it was 90% white.

17906416? ago

An ethnostate might get rid of it, but the other thing that would get rid of it is unification around a strong American culture. You're right that multiculturalism is poison, but I firmly believe your way makes it worse by highlighting cultural differences rather than subordinating them to a core identity.

17879154? ago

It's not a Jew problem any more than it's a Muslim problem. Kill the head, the body crumbles. Stop being so myopic as to view all of a given ethnicity the same. Regardless of what their so-called sacred texts suggest. They aren't special.

Scapegoats have existed since antiquity, y'all need to step up your game.

17880323? ago

I did not say all Jews.

The problem here is Jews calling out patriots for recognizing the Jew problem.

The innocent Jews should call out the cabal Jews for making all Jews look bad.