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18992819? ago

All great points and absolutely valid.

When the civil rights efforts really started to take effect LBJ came out with his Great Society Plan, that was the welfare program that paid "unwed blacks" for their children. That plan was designed to create Black dependency on the Government and it worked well, they vote democrat ever since. The hand the hold is the hand that is holding them down.

And now think of the College education scam, the Congress made it illegal to dismiss student loan debt in bankruptcy.

It used to be you could pay for college with a part time Job, now you are a debt slave for life.

Time to change some things, by that I mean everything.

18998936? ago

I feel like the conversation on this board is constantly directed away from a certain group of <<<people>>>. Trump should look into making secret societies obsolete - a lot of evil minds hide in the dark. Humanity could then truly move forward in unity.