18998959? ago

Great post and comments.

I would love to read your "manifesto".

18998549? ago

Really good write up. The thing that kills me is not knowing when we will finally get the first big break. I, with a small family, seriously need money and more free time. Somehow it gets very hard now, or feels like I can't bear another few years of this.

18998294? ago

What discoveries and breakthroughs have been denied us?

If the people of this planet fail to end the hoarding of secret technologies by those who have made it their agenda to do these (secret technology hoarding) things, then the people of this planet are certain to live in hell on earth. That day is already upon us. But the reality of what that really means will not be fully understood for several more decades.

Eugenics; biotechnology; quantum computing; etc.... It's mostly here already, and the people who control those technologies have proven in the past that they are totally incapable of ethical use of high technologies. It's soon going to get much, much worse. Disclosure of high tech secrets, to search for ethical solutions to the coming technological catastrophies, is the only chance we have. Right now, we are losing the race. The cabal must fall. They cannot be allowed to control such technology in secret.

18998108? ago

O yes I can, and it is easier than you think.

You simply start with the basics: You go and take a dump. You know, one of those really spiritual ones.... While being enclosed my bet is, you do not envision you to only be able to do this because of the cabal.

Whether you flush, bury or dry shit, whether or not a cabal exists is completely irrelevant.


OK Give.you a second issue:

You are busy with eating out your lady......Yeah... You are imagining the cabal, right. It really gives you are hard-on. Nah.... Of.course not. Your mind it simply not occupied with matter of mundane value.

You want a third one? Envision it your self. It is easier than you think.

18997740? ago

As a historian, I can make a pretty good case for showing similarities between the opium trade in the early twentieth century and the crack trade in the 1990s to show how the investigative and police agencies at the federal level sought to divide us by race.

PLEASE DO. This would make a great post by itself. Ping me if you write something up.

18997710? ago

Star trek the next generation was pretty good

18997702? ago

This is absolutely true. It's almost impossible to explain to the average person how much income taxes and current fiscal policy are weighing them down. How consistent 5% growth would alter their lives. They think that being able to support a family on a single income would never be possible again. The brainwashing is very real, and critical thinking is almost extinct.

18997635? ago

Yes!! I truly believe that more good folks are coming to this perspective every day. Your clarity and testimony are highly appreciated.

18997526? ago

This^^ is the main reason why the Normies will have a hard time, or flat out refuse, to believe.

18996674? ago

-FYI- Woodgas generators are nothing special. They have been around “forever” and you can literally DIY a pretty decent one with stuff you probably already have in your garage.

18996127? ago

That's a really good point. We're fighting the fight now, and for the foreseeable future, but who will we be when that's finally done? What will we have allowed this fight to turn us into?

This QRV post recently gave me more insight into how it's not just about taking down the Cabal, but also about remaining conscious of who we are as we do it. And, as you pointed out, afterward.

18995956? ago

I see a world where up is up and down is down.

Families that are wholesome will continue to build prosperous communities and those who continue to try and cause chaos and disorder will not find comfort there. Hopefully there will be breakthrough therapies for all, including true help for the hurt, lost and broken souls.

We can do this, but only in the name of Jesus Christ.

18995774? ago

Imagine knowing about all of this stuff for over half your life. Ive been a conspiracy theorist and a bibical eschatologist for almost two decades. Ive taken so many blackpills I became immune. Jesus is the truth.

18998925? ago

Humanity is Controlled by a Satanic Cult https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3254622/18966239 Was

18995207? ago

This is why the only true freedom is spiritual. Everyone has a choice to be a part of this world system of sin and death, or to receive eternal life in God through Jesus.

The world order has always been satanic. Even Satan brought Jesus to a high point and showed him "you can be king of all this world, just say the word," and Jesus did not fall for the trap. Any other man would become corrupt by the enticement of complete power and control. Jeus is the only way, truth, and life. And the true freedom from this world of sin and death. If the "cabal" is removed, another will take its place. Anyone can be bought and corrupted because sin within us hungers for us to be our own gods. We don't see that in the very desire to be gods, we cause the pain and misery that we so despise. The problem originates in the hearts of men.

18995069? ago

...I can imagine quite a bit.

18994427? ago

I have property taxex i can barely carry a gun anywhere and every online sight i say jews are evil i get banned is this what our constituion is supposed to have created? I think not.

18994040? ago

Almost everything you said about the Cabal can be backed up with Jim Marrs' "Rule by Secrecy." Same with this Aaron Russo interview:


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18993885? ago

I have a few things to talk about.

  1. Your family. If you or your family is still suffering the daily effects of PTSD, find a shaman and get a ritual. I'm serious, take some ayahuasca and get the demons out of your mind. I've seen things you can't even imagine. He told me the story of a man so riddled with PTSD that he was unable to function without barricading himself inside his room. He was cured, and went home. His wife came running to the shaman later, crying, pulling on his clothes and thanking him with an ocean of tears. She had the husband that she lost come home that day, and she nearly burst with joy.

  2. We are evolving exponentially technology wise, but we are actually moving at only a fraction of how fast we COULD be. You're absolutely right about them suppressing the breakthroughs, but things like this will only change when we as a society as a whole begin to awaken and to make better choices for each other as well as ourselves. It will take some time, but it can happen. But we have a lot of work to do to clean up the mess that the opposition has made for us. It's a finite mess, though, so we will get through it.

  3. I've had my own personal dream about starting a new VR company and building a new game interface. I lost so much money in the past, I will make it all back and then start something new that I love. Believe me, there's only a fraction of good ideas used in the VR space. There's a lot of other things we can explore and discover. I'll give you a hint. Did you know that you can use visual stimulus to reprogram someone's thought responses? We can react to situations better if we train for them in VR. There's no limit to the imagination that I can put forth.

Just one dreamer to another. Thanks for sharing, it means a lot to talk about these things.

18995354? ago

Just want you to know, this really resonated with me. I'm recovering from multiple concussions. I just emailed your comment to my wife, asking her to help me find a shaman. She misses me.

18995970? ago

Then make it your definite purpose to get her back. I want you to be the best version of yourself, the version that the world deserves to see.

Nothing but love for you here brother. I held a friend who came back from the military when he had an episode and then just started crying out of nowhere. We know. We're with you. God Bless, Anon.

19002464? ago

Apologies for my compression: we are together, but, she misses "me" since mostly "angry me" is around these days. God bless you as well.

18993808? ago

Eh actually we were raised imagining they didn’t exist and a lot of those who raised us knew people, were people or raised by people pre federal reserve.

18993742? ago

Oh I think if this all the time. What would reality look like? GOD bever intended us to live this way. They push communism and socialism for power and greed. GOD intended us to love one another and help each other not take from those that work and give it away to those that are lazy (there I said that word). Charity comes from love, empathy and compassion not from taxes. JESUS said love your neighbor. Now we dont want anyone bothering us. Myself included. I moved away from my family. Families are our tribes but we've been taught "raise your kids and then they move out". What ever happened to sticking together where ALL the family helps with the kids. Now we ship them off to school and expect schools to raise them. What would reality be like if there was no government? GOD warned the Israelites that they would regret wanting a king. Boy do I ever.

18997814? ago

JESUS said love your neighbor. Now we dont want anyone bothering us.

So true. How can I show love to a neighbor who wants to be left alone? Genuinely asking because I live near several neighbors who have this attitude. Luckily not all are reclusive, just a handful, but my question remains. How can I show love to those who want to be left alone?

18993256? ago

“who wanted to destroy the monarchies of Europe”

Uh, they WERE the monarchies of Europe. Still are, in part.

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18993197? ago

Boomer excuse #125: "It took gazillions of years for the cabal to get established so it will take gazillions more years to get rid of them"

19002849? ago

You're an ass.

19002928? ago

Show us some high-level arrests (e.g. Hillary) and all the trolls will disappear over night.

18993112? ago

This guy thinks.

18992961? ago

Real history must be brought back to schools and also civics. The Govt should not be something we must think about every single day. Income taxes could be a thing of the past. In medieval times in Europe the people really felt put upon when they had to pay up to 10%, it was considered outrageous. Gov't employees should only be given Middle income on the low side and the Fed. workforce cut dramatically. It should have never become a job people strived for because you get good pay and better services than the general public.
We are not a free country, think about it what are you allowed to do for free. Big Govt wants to tax, surcharge or fee every single aspect of our lives. We would then be able again to support causes we care about. So many building codes and now surprise bills from Govt for servicing those codes. We can get rid of codes and go back to a system that punished a person if their shoddy built homes caused harm.
With freedom comes responsibility, if you punch someone, you pay for the damage even if it lowers your own standard of living. A crime is really only a crime if it causes harm to another. If there is no damage, there is no crime. Neighborhoods would consist of people that want to live together. Growing up in Santa Barbara our neighborhood was almost all German, and people had weekend cookouts or in winter, pot luck. In high school my Mother had to go to Texas and she left us kids to take care of ourselves. Two of us were old enough to be responsible and we had a lot of peoples phone numbers to call if we got in a pinch or needed advice. Even the Police did not scold us for walking down town together late at night. If they stopped us it was to make sure we were Ok and they asked if we went to school while she was gone. When they found out we had and we just wanted to join in on some of the weekend fun happening down town they left us alone but gave us the number to call if we needed help. One even offered to give us a ride home since it was 5 miles, we thought then wow that's great but no we wanted to stay and walk home. No problem, we were not doing anything wrong, and we were fine. We walked everywhere safely and never really thought about having to walk 10 miles to get to the beach. Even prostitution was not as bad. This may sound crazy but my friends and I went to the area where the prostitutes hung out to find a good pimp for our friend. She had to have sex with her Step father anyway and every time her mom suspected she sent my friend to Juvy. The police woman that was trying to find my friend to return her home asked us if we would tell them if we knew were she was not surprised when we said no, she is happy now. The ONLY reason she wanted her daughter back was for the child support check she lost. Thing were so different then, that friend was allowed to finish school and went on to graduate from city college. She was freely allowed to quit because she was older anyway and turned out successful. She got medical care under an assumed name paid for by her pimp. He sure was surprised that a bunch of kids wanted to interview him to be her pimp, but set and talked to us. She could call us and sometimes he brought her and a couple others to spend an afternoon at the beach with us. I am not saying prostitution is a good thing but it was better than home or a foster home. The govt run foster homes at the time were really horrible. I only remember one instance of racial murder that I remember and the whole city was shocked. The school they attended was closed the next day due to safety issues and the guy that was the shooter was turned in by citizens that were pissed that he had done it.
Such a different world, even in the last 50 years. You could even be a conservative Hippy.

18998681? ago

oh man ... this is like Strange things or Goonies but with sex and sad things for adults make a script sell it to see that movie :D

18993974? ago

So true. If kids did anything like us when we were kids in the 50' & 60' the kids would be in jail. We learned from our mistakes but kids now are afraid to live life.

18992819? ago

All great points and absolutely valid.

When the civil rights efforts really started to take effect LBJ came out with his Great Society Plan, that was the welfare program that paid "unwed blacks" for their children. That plan was designed to create Black dependency on the Government and it worked well, they vote democrat ever since. The hand the hold is the hand that is holding them down.

And now think of the College education scam, the Congress made it illegal to dismiss student loan debt in bankruptcy.

It used to be you could pay for college with a part time Job, now you are a debt slave for life.

Time to change some things, by that I mean everything.

18998936? ago

I feel like the conversation on this board is constantly directed away from a certain group of <<<people>>>. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3144313/17879890 Trump should look into making secret societies obsolete - a lot of evil minds hide in the dark. Humanity could then truly move forward in unity.

18992371? ago

The last century gave them more power than ever with the creation of the Federal Reserve and the US income tax.

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18998921? ago

? Someone on Voat, some group doing damage control ... Cube? that Traingle & All Seeing Eye on Dollar Bill ...music awards Saturn in the sky... moslim red hats, little kids cars... rituals with Hubbard https://www.voat.co/v/AnonThoughts/3066455 ?

18992287? ago

18992170? ago

This is the greatest post of all time. It even incompasses time and numerous wars. So very thought provoking and I hope we do ponder this a long time. I have wondered what will happen after 2024. We have taken on some very bad qualities and need to get past this. I hope that we can get to work on improving ourselves well before. All the wasted years and bloodshed. If the population was getting too big for Earth, we could have already been on the Moon and exploring Mars and other moons. We have had the know how to spread out. It's time. Thank you sir for a truly great message.

18998923? ago

?? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3224621 Perpetual war Conspiracy? Clermont France. The Roman Catholicism, the Knights Templar, Kabbalism, Freemasonry, & the NWO. Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. Government Lies

18991795? ago

I understand where you're coming from. It's important to get some perspective. The "Cabal" has been made up of nefarious individuals who have been working toward a goal that was set in the future, beyond their lifetimes. Global government was the goal. Control of all things by a select few. It is key to understand who has been behind this push for control over all these generations.

Isaiah 14:12-17 KJV How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, k son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! [13] For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: [14] I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. [15] Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. [16] They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms; [17] That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened p not the house of his prisoners?

Nothing will change until the Son of Gad the Father returns.

Revelation 20:1-10 KJV And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. [2] And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, [3] And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season. [4] And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. [5] But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. [6] Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years. [7] And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, [8] And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. [9] And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them. [10] And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

It will only change when Christ comes back to take his people home.

Ok Shills on your mark, get set, go...

18993441? ago

Now go to Rev. 22. God and his people win.

18994130? ago

That's the idea. The point is that Satan will run things as the prince of this world until the return of our King Jesus. This fight is good vs evil. We are winning however scripture is accurate. All predictions have come true except the last days. The good news is we win in the end.

18991646? ago

Very well said, if shit is going to go down like they are saying then these questions will have to get answered sooner than later. God bless.

18991591? ago

I'm starting to believe that the cabal is the ancient remnants of some old civilization that is dated back before the comet hit earth and caused global flooding setting everyone back all while they tried to gain power and control from the great catastrophe.

18999768? ago

There are various theories out there. The one you've mentioned with tons of variations, there's also the Satan black goo with tons of its variations.

18998698? ago

and probably greedy bastards with bunkers from back then

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18993965? ago

Probably right. Canaanites/phoenicians.

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18991571? ago

Fucking Brilliant!

18991482? ago

I hope people can quickly realize that we don't need the 'Fed Reserve', nor the IRS. With honest judges it can come out that the income tax amendment was not properly/legally ratified. And so on.

19196616? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3279455 A fake rights campaigner, head of a Britbong Londonistan 'Art Gallery'? is also co-owner of an Israeli cyberweapons company with software is used by perverted Dictators to spy on people

18998912? ago


https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3140515/17836154 'Each generation thinks they are seeing something for the first time. You are a witness to the corruption of your time. It has been going on for thousands of years and often evil masquerading as good. As to the subject of freemasons. If you knew nothing else of Freemasonry this should be all you need to know, to know it's demonic.

Often times on this board you will hear that it is a battle of good and evil. God and Satan are very real and so is the battle they fight over man. We may never fully grasp what encompasses being made “in the image of God” while we walk in the flesh. God is infinite, and simply trying to comprehend God’s attributes can sometimes seem overwhelming. Keep in mind there will be a day where those in Christ will be made into the image of Christ will sit in judgement of angels. Do you not know that we are to judge angels - to say nothing of ordinary matters? (1 Corinthians 6:3). That is another story for another day.

The god of the lodge in freemasonry is lucifer and all that brings. It is not until you move up levels that it becomes very apparent. The other attribute of freemasonry is they practice witchcraft. Here we get to a revelation that will surprise many. Freemasonry practices some of the same witchcraft that God through Moses of the bible fought in Egypt to free the Israelites and others. “Jews” were not the only people God freed from Egypt. God gave Moses powers in a rod to do all kinds of things, to break the Egyptian spell placed on them to free them. Another story for another time.

The battle you fight in your generation is the same evil fought by those before you. You should be aware that your fight is against demonic powers nothing more or nothing less. Do not fool yourself, witchcraft is very real. You must grant permission to be asked to join freemasonry or be taken over by a demonic spirit. The principle spirit behind Freemasonry is Witchcraft. The Masons and others of the same type of organizations have drawn from every type of witchcraft trying to gain power. The power to control the rest of mankind.'

18991476? ago


18991415? ago

Only three more days before the trials begin. And I think we're all looking forward to Jesus returning as JFK Jr.

18994064? ago

princess diana too?

18994090? ago

She lives in the cloning facility now.

18991197? ago

God Bless YOU Patriot!!!!

The kicker is the cabal is also a puppet of whom/what!

Back to your question: Just think of the internet, and what that gave to us.

Without the cabal, it will be the same concept. Mega boom!

Tesla's invention of electricity was taken out because the cabal couldn't put a meter on it to make money.

With this invention alone, free energy, this will be a bigger boom than anything ever. Think it, you can run any device without running cost.

This alone will revolutionize the Earth. Imagine being able to operate anything, and without running costs. Money will be near useless. Materials will be highly valued. New form of money will be created and used.

Without the evil cabal, the Good Guys will have to fix a corrupted system. Change/remove old laws that was put in place to destroy the family values. It will take a few generations to fix.

18991057? ago

We went from inventing the airplane to reaching space in 60 years. Since then we've had piss poor decisions crashing revisions of airplanes that were originally designed around the time of the first spaceflight. I blame women in the workforce

18990902? ago

Jesus couldn't either. Moses? Forget about it... keep going back. Babylon.

18990874? ago

Thank you and your family for all your efforts and sacrifices.

Also briefly thought about what comes next at moments, it might take a bit of time to shed some traits indeed, for me personally i've become pretty closed and suspicious sometimes.

But God is in control, and His divine plan includes what comes next, just the thought of replacing and endoctrinating and suppressive education system and all the poison from our air, food, water...

People will be able to fully develop their God given talents and contribute to the world, i'm sure that soon enough we will mostly forget the sorrows and will be in awe of the way God uses and works through His righteous people, things we never seen before...

And then there is disclosure, contact with other planets/ civilisations maybe (i think this will happen).

18990809? ago

All "selfishness, anger, hatred, intolerance, racism, and enmity" will disappear but it will take time to shed our bad habits. Q has said 'we will be united' after it is all done. I for one hope so otherwise we are screwed as a human race because we will kill each other and eradicate ourselves. I remember as a very young child in the 50's people seemed fairly happy and even though my family was poor, we had fun and got along. Now my family (siblings) don't even care to communicate much. I reach out to them many times but I can't get them to reach back. Sad. I hope that changes.

18992941? ago

from Babylon? https://www.voat.co/v/AnonThoughts/3066455 Someone on Voat, some group doing damage control ... Cube? that Traingle & All Seeing Eye on Dollar Bill ...music awards Saturn in the sky... moslim red hats, little kids cars... rituals with Hubbard

18991222? ago

That happens. Just wouldn't worry about them and find new family.

You've outgrown your siblings. Family is family, but that shouldn't stop you from making new family.

18990790? ago

The entire world is run by the Cabal.

Rap your head around that.

6000 years they have ruled.

18991881? ago

12,000 actually

18995038? ago

more than twice the hebrew year? get out of here with your outer space assumptions

18998714? ago

no he is right 12.000 ago there was an c3 comet impact on North American Ice cap it was around Greenland to New Foundland It melted ice and created massive floods felt world wide It raised the water and destroyed all coastal civilizations then 2000 year again another impact to Antartica another flood and freezing of it, the world is shaped as we know it today. Remains of two civilizations from before are in Egypt India and South America Andes

19002498? ago

comet? how can a comet get through the firmament? sheesh, you people really haven't absorbed Scripture fully...

agree that remains are everywhere we just need to look. do not think there was more than one flood though

18990853? ago

They have been around for 6,000 years. Global control has only recently been available, mainly since the Age of Exploration and colonization. World War II solidified it and connected all the pieces. Nevertheless, your point is well-taken. None of us has ever known a world where somebody wasn't pulling the strings. If we are not good, then the next wave of corruption will begin with us. Time for us to banish dishonesty, unscrupulous business practices, bigotry, racism, and religious intolerance or we will simply invite the evil ones back again and it will be us that does their bidding. This is an unprecedented opportunity for individuals as well as society to reform.

18998726? ago

oh OP..... ye of little faith, and even less of actual imagination...

All I see is tldr blah blah boo hoo so sad bah hum bug...

Imagine Trump having a safe and successful journey in the uk.

Imagine Trump arriving safely back to usa/white house/mar a lago , all fine and hunky dory





18991236? ago

You can't banish it. There will always be good vs evil. Just by how much, is the factor.

Just have to create a system that promotes good vs evil.

18991228? ago

I think you hit on something, there. It's my opinion that this generation won't lose that anger, hardness, or suspicion that we've fed for the past few years. I believe, however, that it's absolutely pertinent that we retain that drive to question powerful peoples' (and the media's) motives/messages. The level of scruitiny we are bringing to the table not only needs to persist pur lifetimes but needs to be passed down in order to ensure that this level of control by the cabal never happens again.

My hope is that our children grow up in a very different world than I am currently, but they need to understand what humans with malicious intent are entirely capable of, and how to protect themselves (and others) from it.

I really appreciated your post by the way. It's nice to be reminded that one day this fight will be over, and there will be peace like we've never experienced.

18990621? ago

What a pathetic post. You want to go with em? Have at it chief. They are done.

18990676? ago

How did you get that I want to go with them? You must have not bothered to really read what I wrote.

18992985? ago

If you read what Jesus said, and do as he commands, he said trust in me, love other people, and be kind to others.

Basically, Jesus said quit being a jerk.

18991293? ago

I want to be a good people

18990458? ago


18990410? ago

Cannabis has really been helping folks with PTSD, sorry for your losses and your son's PTSD.

18997672? ago

I'd recommend cod liver oil before cannabis, but that's just me.

18993159? ago

I believe it can be a big help but it does sometimes make attacks worse after use. As long as your on top of your brain retraining it can give you the cure much faster. The real cure is retraining the brain not ingesting the cannabis. God bless the cannabis and it's many uses.

18994094? ago

Cannabis use requires care if you are using it to help with PTSD. I've used it to help a few ex military people. They usually prefer sativas, and indicas seem to have some negative effects (indicas sometimes induce paranoia, even in regular smokers). One used to literally take one dose of sativa, and then pass out and sleep on the couch for 30 minutes. He'd do that, and then be a high functioning man during the rest of the week. The problem with cannabis is that no one understands that hybrids are a different realm entirely. Sometimes, they put on something like a sine curve, you go up, and then you go down, and then you go up again. Some of these are absolutely detrimental to anyone with PTSD, so I'd avoid any hybrids.

20311411? ago

ThanQ for that ... as for strains that seam to help PTSD are those with some CBD with it....

18996235? ago

That sounds about right. I still needed to train my brain though. Avoiding an attack is different than curing them. When I have control of my mind and am aware of my body I can stop them before they ever start because they can't take me by surprise. It took work and then a little practice but now it's a new behavior, automatic. The different types of cannabis were just part of the journey. Control the mind and you control the way you experience the drug. Just food for thought. No pain, no gain unless you train your brain!

18996417? ago

You're already on the right path then. But there's ways to cut to the chase and get the results that you want faster. And the method is kind of interesting, though it is completely dependent on your own willpower.

One way to get started that's really beneficial is to train your body to react to positive stimulus with sativas. I used to take dab sativa concentrates to get myself motivated to go to the gym. I lost 125 pounds that way. When you're using indicas, on the other hand, associate those activities with activities that you know well. Repetitive activities are best, like cleaning, cooking, or laundry. The next step after this is to vary your preferences based on the results that you want. If you view any activities as a negative, or something that you don't like doing, don't mix them with a sativa, use the same emotion, so use an indica. When you can be positive about the activity again, then switch to an sativa. Your emotions 100% determine the results. Keep yourself happy by finding a good balance.

18996777? ago

I’ve had panic attacks and psychosomatic seizures after smoking sativa before. I’m prone to panic attacks without the bud as it is. I hate when I become paranoid on weed! Thank you for this info! 🙏🏻

18997159? ago

That happens with some people, but it's actually for a different reason. You're panicked because your under a constant amount of fear. Let me guess, you've had plenty of nights where you've gone to bed early and then woke up on time, only to discover that you're still tired, right?

That is fear mixing up your body chemistry. You're stressed out, and constantly junking up yourself with adrenaline when you don't realize it. The secret is getting rid of your fears. A psychotropic or psychedelic like LSD or ayahuasca could help, but you should take care and do your own research if you want to step into that realm. If you're interested in pursuing the truth a little bit further, try finding a shaman and asking about what he can do to help.

As for the cannabis, don't smoke or use concentrates. Instead, buy an Arizer Extreme Q Vaporizer and get all the accessories (the two that you need are the whip and the bag with the glass joint attachments), then start vaping your weed instead of smoking it. It should give you a clearer, uplifting body high, and if you combine it with a nice green tea or a downer tea of your choice, it should blend into a combination that won't trigger your anxieties.

18991144? ago

It has been proven, in actual case studies that DMT, (Extacy), "CURES" PTSD!! As Greg Gutfield said, "when was the last time you heard of something being cured"? Yet, even though it is proven to be true, no one with PTSD is being given this "CURE". WTH?

18991869? ago

DMT is far, far from ecstasy. DMT is an extremely powerful psychedelic drug, and ecstasy is is what can help PTSD victims. DMT may be able but I haven’t read anything on it.

18993131? ago

Sorry, I was going from memory, (which fails me sometimes), and I generalized. I think you get my point though.

18996735? ago

Yeah. You’re not wrong. Both drugs are currently being used! Ecstasy is super powerful for therapy. It helps people open up.

DMT would be helpful for anyone dealing with psychological issues. Specifically anxiety, depression and fear of death. If I’m not mistaken it’s naturally occurring in most living things.

Of course you should always use caution, especially if you have mental issues.

18993940? ago

You're actually not wrong. DMT is a small part of the psychedelic ayahuasca, which I've personally witnessed CURE PTSD. You need to take the drug under a qualified shaman, someone who understands the energy balances of nature. But there's no disease that CAN'T be cured, just diseases that they don't want to be cured.

18996580? ago


Sorry for the all caps, but it is THAT important to me.

18998159? ago

I've researched up on AYUHUASCA and it seems pretty powerful.

I tripped on street-bought lsd most of my youth, with self picked shrooms when that wasnt around. Many Many bad trips. sweaty trips. a few good ones.

From what I've heard and my analysis of the rituals I can see it being a nice trip and if it's soul shattering thats a nice bonus.

18998793? ago

Tripping is a fragile thing, it requires the set and setting to be absolutely ideal, to be surrounded by people you trust and bring genuine “good vibes”. That’s the thing about psychedelics, they allow our minds the ability to expand our senses beyond the 5 we “only” have. When on certain psyches, you can feel and even see the very energy we and others omit. It’s hard to describe to someone without experience. I was listening to Wiz Khalifa, a famous rapper, on the Joe Rogan experience. He talked about how he took psychedelic mushrooms, and he was able to see each of the individuals around hims intentions towards him. Were they in his circle because they believed in him and wanted his success? Or were they there to party and live the cool “touring” life?

Why am I saying this? Because I believe the deep state are heavily into psychedelic drugs. Why wouldn’t they be? It allows human beings to access a realm of knowledge they can’t normally tune into and understand. If they know how it works, they can bend it to their will.

I believe they use different means, electronics, military grade weaponry, prescription drugs, cell phone secret tech, to dull down the populations natural human energy and create a very slight sense of depression. Our zest for life is essentially zapped. Meanwhile, they are immune via similar technology, and they can know, benefit and expand their power over us “peasants”. I truly believe they know our via thoughts through our cell phones.

I’m sorry this is wrong but it’s something I believe with a passion. I can expand or make a post about it as well.

18998661? ago

IT IS NO JUST POWERFUL it is a bridge to another dimension and beings there We were welcomed "Oh you found a way/vehicle to travel to us .... good for you, let's see now what is bothering you ! ..."

18990390? ago

I didn't know anything about the Illuminati until the Podesta emails dropped. Rabbitholes were everywhere. Now I'm living in a clown world.

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18998139? ago

everything floats down here..

18997669? ago

Same here. It's been a weird few years. I'll never be the same.

18990845? ago

18990626? ago

honk honk