We borrow money from the federal reserve and repay by taxing people. That was all I had to say to wake my friend up. (QRV)
submitted 5.3 years ago by 3397327?
E: yea I know it’s not 100% but hes now figuring that shit out on his own.
What’s important is that I got him to look into it.
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20308674? 5.3 years ago
Good job. I wish it were that easy for the sheeple that I know...
20314574? 5.3 years ago
The Pyramid ponzi scheme and a Babylon Eye on top? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3257775/18998698 and probably greedy bastards with bunkers from back then
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20308674? ago
Good job. I wish it were that easy for the sheeple that I know...
20314574? ago
The Pyramid ponzi scheme and a Babylon Eye on top? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3257775/18998698 and probably greedy bastards with bunkers from back then