20834976? ago

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20322334? ago

“The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is, perhaps, the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banks can in fact inflate, mint and un-mint the modern ledger-entry currency.” Major L. B. Angus.

“The study of money, above all other fields in economics, is one in which complexity is used to disguise truth or to evade truth, not to reveal it. The process by which banks create money is so simple the mind is repelled. With something so important, a deeper mystery seems only decent.” John Kenneth Galbraith (1908-2006 ), former professor of economics at Harvard, writing in ‘Money: Whence it came, where it went’ (1975).

20322356? ago

“The financial system has been turned over to the Federal Reserve Board. That Board administers the finance system by authority of a purely profiteering group. The system is private, conducted for the sole purpose of obtaining the greatest possible profits from the use of other people’s money,” Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh Sr., 1923

20319410? ago

The US borrows nonexistent money and pays Interest for the privilege. What a (((racket))).

20316749? ago

Buy a copy and read "An Enemy of the State" by Wilson and then give it to your friend.

20316413? ago

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20316106? ago

The Federal Reserve also has shareholders and they receive a 6% annual dividend. https://www.federalreserve.gov/aboutthefed/appendix-b-dividends.htm

20314591? ago

In the 90's I read an article about the Twin Pumps of the Federal Reserve. The Fed puts in massive liquidity, and without the IRS to skim off some of it, there would be hyperinflation.

20312890? ago

Bull-shit. I wish we had enough Patriots willing to go do something about this.

20312656? ago

Now show him how worker pay has been stagnant for more than 40 years, and how we've had a Jewish Fed chair for 45 of the last 50 years, and how worker pay stagnation overlaps almost perfectly with Jewish control of the Fed: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZgQiBxRuaNGl/

20311489? ago

Watch the documentary "JFK to 9/11: Everything is a Rich Man's Trick". Amazing documentary, I've watched it several times even though it's 3 hours

20310968? ago

This is the most accurate graphically narrated explanation I have seen. -Mike Maloney


20310811? ago

Don't forget to tell him the Jews started the Federal Reserve.

20310724? ago

Let's not forget the scam of "fractional reserve lending" while we're having this discussion.

20310709? ago

No borrowing. It's all IOU's, federal reserve NOTES & interest charged on top of it all. Tax returns double up on this debt, because to get a tax return, they have to print more notes & charge more interest. None of the federal income goes back into the system or the communities. These debts can never be paid back. It's permanent debt, using private reserve NOTES as a "currency."

They can print whatever they want basically & then use scare tactics & controlled agencies to collect your wages & income. If you don't, they scare you into paying them. If you still don't, they take your hard assets such as houses, vehicles, etc. because you didn't pay back a fiat note currency balance.

Complete scam from the ground up. No federal reserve, fiat note has an actual backing.

20310354? ago

And if you don't know who is directly behind the usury/financial slavery scams, look into it. Suddenly, many things become quite clear.

20310373? ago

I do. That part is a bit tricky to navigate. Friends are still brainwashed, but little by little, I’m doing my part.

20310326? ago

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20310292? ago

In not sure how people find this acceptable.

20310248? ago

Actually your all wrong, when you are born you are assigned a stock certificate number on your birth certificate (Original).Your name is in all CAPS and you become incorporated and traded on the stock market. The value of YOU is a set number based on current inflation figures as an estimate of taxes you will pay (Dividends). Cabal trades your stock based on its remaining tax payments. Credit rating is the number of people paying into the system and it goes down as unemployment goes up (Increase in interest rate).

BTW this came out of me from some unknown higher source that I cannot really understand.

20311051? ago

I touched on a different aspect of that...

20310071? ago

Most normies would struggle to understand this SCAM even though it is plain and simple.......sheep need to wake up.

20312798? ago

It isn't plain and simple. It is intentionally convoluted to prevent normies from realizing what is going on. It can be understood but you have to dig and do your own research. If you search mainstream sites, Wikipedia or Google they all are going to suck the Feds dick.

20310022? ago


The Federal Reserve Bank is NOT Federal, has NO Reserves and it is NOT a Bank.

20309781? ago

Lots of good responses below.

One other consideration the bank owns the Note so when the system crashes they own everything with a note on it. They don't care if it crashes just redoer.

20309537? ago

Global warming wants to be the next skimming operation. It’s to pay off the connected goy, who otherwise would be envious of the scum at the big banks.

Am sure (((they))) will want a piece of that as well, (((they))) are insatiable.

20312839? ago

And communist health care. Theyd love to charge a tax to both employer and employee for it. Absolute control of your health plus more control in your take home income.

20313028? ago

Ya right? It’s almost like they have figured out to the penny how much money people should be allowed to save, or spend how THEY see fit.

The rest feeds the Borg.

20309283? ago

Wait... There is more... The FED MAKES MONEY UP, tells us its real, then loans it at interest and we all have to, by law, use it and it alone, then WORK to pay back what they made up and charge interest on... We are almost all so stupid as to be ok with this. ... Some of us are waking up though. FTFY.

20309102? ago

Actually it is a wee bit deeper than this. But close.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfnJ1rOFK7o Published on Sep 20, 2010

You're birth certificate is a bond.or Bank note. The U.S. government borrows 1 million dollars per person at birth. The bond [your BC] is a promissory note to the Bank of England on the 1 million borrowed. It is a promissory note that the U.S. will pay back that debt to the BOE with your labor [Income] taxes.

You are a debt slave.

It is why it is very hard to get disability benefits. The U.S. government borrowed 1 million dollars at your birth and your income taxes is how they pay back that debt.

Get it?

20310052? ago

This is nonsense, lot of people (mostly "sovereign citizens") make claims like this and nobody has ever been able to provide any actual evidence and certainly never succeeded in terms of acting like it was true.

20309072? ago

The amazing thing is that the money borrowed is created out of thin air without anything to back it up. All the Fed does is print it when needed. Then we citizens pay them back through taxes WITH interest added every second of the day. The Fed and all central banks fund both sides of any war. They know there will be a winner and a loser. The winner borrows money from the Fed/Central Banks to rebuild the loser's country. The Fed also dictates who will go to war and when to foster more revenue for them. The Federal Reserve is not part of the Federal government. It is a privately owned bank with many wealthy banking billionaires as their shareholders. Our Federal Reserve is the third of its kind in the US. The first two were shut down because of corruption. The present Federal Reserve was voted in by very few Congressional senators as most were away during Christmas break 1913. It would never have past Congressional vote if all were in attendance. the IRS was created by the Fed right after to collect taxes to pay for the money borrowed. The Jekyll Island conspiracy was the brainchild of the Paul Warburg (Rothschild emissary) to force the US to have a Central Bank system (Federal Reserve) that mimicked the Bank of England central banking system.

20309924? ago

Let’s not forget the guys that was going to vote against the Fed. All were invited on the Titanic. All were invited on the great voyage, but only the ones that didn’t want the Fed actually made it. The others had something “come up” and could not make it. Then the Fed was voted in. See how that works? Clinton style before the Clintons were even alive.

20310134? ago

Rothschild...J P Morgan...style

20309025? ago

Taxes aren't for revenue, they are to control your behavior. A government-appointed institution with a license to create USD doesn't care about earning a return on its activities in the way that you or me, or a private lender would.

Their job is to destroy money.

And as a side note: the debt can never be repaid because it's always more than the USD being created. Every time USD are loaned into existence we have the principal that is created, plus the interest to repay.

We need to default on the whole thing.

20309386? ago

We need to default on the whole thing.

Why was Trump chosen?

Is he a master of navigating through bankruptcy and coming out stronger than ever?

20308929? ago

Actually that is incorrect. You do not borrow money from the federal reserve. The federal reserve gives a note approving you for the amount of money you are asking for. Then the government actually prints it. The federal reserve does not give you money nor does it at anytime spend money on your borrowing. In other words federal reserve is a scam. The money is printed by the government not the federal reserve but the federal reserve receives interest on that money your government printed without actually doing anything at all. Then we pay interest for nothing.

20314468? ago

You do not borrow money from the federal reserve.

The federal reserve gives a note approving you for the amount of money you are asking for... the federal reserve receives interest on that money

That's what borrowing means.

20314209? ago

Who owns the Federal Reserve?

According to RonPaulLibertyReport, the Federal Reserve is NOT "federal" and it has NO "reserves." Is it a public institution? NO. Is it private? NO again. Is it Constitutional? Absolutely NOT. Who owns The Fed, and does it even matter? Watch RonPaulLibertyReport's video at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc

Still according to RonPaulLibertyReport, the Federal Reserve is own by ~3,000 members. Mostly banks, and establishment owns the Federal Reserve stock. But they do NOT control the Federal Reserve. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=6m20s

Why is the Federal Reserve BAD for working USA citizens?

• The Federal Reserve is rigged for the benefit of its members. For example, the member banks get paid 6% commission. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=6m54s

• The members of the Federal Reserve get pay dividend, they get special benefits, it is easier for them to get loans. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=6m20s

• The members can get stock in the Federal Reserve. But you can NOT. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=8m7s

• The Federal Reserve is a deceptive organization. They deceive you the working citizens. For example:

______• The Federal Reserve is NOT there to regulate the economy. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=8m46s

What the Federal Reserve really do is making plan for themselves. Not for you. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=9m14s

______• The members of the Federal Reserve take advantage of you the working citizens. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=9m28s

______• Federal Reserve first priority is to protect and serve their members. NOT you the working citizens. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=9m37s

______• The Federal Reserve does trillion of dollars of bailout for their members. Which is related to privatizing the profit for their members, but the Federal Reserve socializing the bailout costs to you the working citizen. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=14m34s

How to resolve those challenges with the Federal Reserve?

Suggested steps:

  1. A total separation of between banking and state. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=13m15s

  2. A total separation of between corporations and state. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=13m15s

  3. New ideas. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=13m25s

  4. A new rule about NO fraud. NO lies about the currency value. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=16m04s

  5. Abolish the Federal Reserve. Get rid of it. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=16m52s

What would NOT resolve those challenges with the Federal Reserve and make the present challenges worst? Take over the Federal Reserve and run it with entrepreneurs. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=17m4s

In the case of the Federal Reserve, owning it and controlling it are two very different thing. The most important questions is who CONTROLS the Federal Reserve?

Archived 1 video at https://archive.fo/Xy3WZ

Archived 2 video at https://web.archive.org/web/20181124105148/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dg0aysCJZyc

20311397? ago

The government and......North Korea?? That's right friends, N.K. has been counterfeiting IDENTICAL $100 notes for years and years. Flooding the world with fake USD. Page 25 (of the doc, not the PDF) https://www.utep.edu/liberalarts/nssi/_Files/docs/Theses1/North-Korean-Supernotes-Yatskievych.pdf

20309374? ago

the interest should go to government for projects of infrastructure and real education.

how about financing basic healthcare with that interest, usury one, jewery one ?

20310989? ago

The interest is usury. Criminal. The only thing worth saving in the Muslim world (most nations with a fair amount of Muslims) — is their Sharia Financial system. NO USURY. I think the Jews in Israel have something similar, but not in the US. Fractional lending is only the start of it. What they do with real estate mortgages affects Americans just as bad if not worse. Banks are forbidden to use borrower deposits, so ey securitize mortgages (forbidden) and through some barely veiled maneuvers get the homeowner to pay for he home twice. When you sell a house and get the deed pack, you can look at the date the deed was paid. You will note it is at e BEGINNING of the mortgage, not when you “thought” it was paid at the end. Americans are creditors, not debtors. The cabal put US/our future earnings up as collateral for the National Debt to the Fed Res.

20311067? ago

that why I mentioned it

It needs to go mainstream

USURY is a sin, an cog made to enslave us Christians ...

And I do not care about any of semitic tribes either Jews or Muslims they have the same goal,

dominate the world, dominate us !

20309556? ago

You dont need a government to build a hospital, you need an organized community. You dont need a government for education, you need an organized community.

20312850? ago

exactly. Governement is inefficient and corrupt. Keep them out. Go local

20311469? ago

Sounds like we need a community organizer!

20308992? ago

Very little USD is ever literally printed. Almost all of it is electronic credits. And it's not all done directly by the Fed, you have a wide variety of USD-creation machinery because of fractional reserve, credit cards, private money market leveraging etc.

This is all assumed when we talk about "printing money" - it's a figure of speech.

20311018? ago

Read what they are trying to do next.


Read about Congressional Response:


20309884? ago

Fractional Reserve Lending, and a network of approved dealers (Banks) control the windows. Still a scam. Babylonian Money Magick to be precise.

20310477? ago

Yep. Inflation is a dangerous scam. In 10 years that $100 you have is $80. Fuck you for saving and planning for your future without giving (((THEM))) money.

20310463? ago

Tribal life (these days the tribes are big) is based on barter of either stuff or effort. But barter is cumbersome and inefficient so we use symbols, barter-chips. Gradually the symbolic money became increasingly abstract and susceptible to manipulation by cunning and deception (Napoleon won – England is done). Cunning deceivers took over just about the whole system. So here we are, stuck in an advanced world with our primitive human nature virtually intact. To regulate this messy situation the Declaration's principles and the Constitution's laws are the best so far devised. We really need to guard them or a long dark age is coming for us and for our children's children. Courage, President Trump. Courage Q and Patriots. Take down the "Fed"!

20312818? ago

Well said

20308923? ago

Its not real money. So it's not real debt

20314535? ago

Yup. All we gotta do is end the fed and create a gold-backed currency. All debt to the FED is erased, and the only debt owed is to bond-holders.

20308994? ago

Bingo, debt created through fraud is odious debt and does not have to be repaid because they have "unclean hands". Iceland in 2008 threw the bankers in jail and wiped out the debt with a flick of a pen in response to them crashing the economy.

20314229? ago

I want my money back!

20308910? ago

Worse still, it's literally an unpayable debt.

I produce the only hundred bucks in existence and loan it to you with 1 penny's interest.

Where you gonna get that penny from, friendo? Oh wait...

20310988? ago

That penny is your labor. Slave trade is alive and well.

20310026? ago

Everyone must understand this! It is designed to be eternal debt slavery!

20309987? ago

Sounds like the chicken and the egg thing. Which came 1st.

20310453? ago

Your mom

20314545? ago

Dad came first, mom was left pregnant and unsatisfied.

20309565? ago

I'd put a trade tariff on China.

20309168? ago

Obvious goy is obvious. Those interest rates are much too low.

20309504? ago

Then pay me back my fucking penny you fucking Jew Fuck.

20309312? ago

Don't be obtuse. He's close enough - any number would do for the purpose of explaining that princinple, and 1% IS in the ballpark. The actual rate as of this moment is 2.25%

It was actually less than 1% for most of the last 10 years. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/fedfunds

20309514? ago

Literally any sum beyond the borrowed sum is by definition unpayable SINCE THEY PRODUCE ALL THE CURRENCY. It's not like I can go to Rim Job Steve over there for some USD to pay back the USD debt now can I?

20309544? ago

No way. Rim Job Steve is a lowlife scum who doesn't pay back loans OR put the cap back on the milk.

20309531? ago

Well on an individual basis a person can repay his debt just by earning that much and then a little more.

But en masse, no it can not be repaid. That's what we're talking about.

20308851? ago

Tell me in any kind of logic how we borrow our own money, from our paychecks and sweat, just to pay it back with interest to the Banks? Please I need to know how this is acceptable on any planet.

20319525? ago


20308943? ago

Its not acceptable you pay federal reserve for absolutely nothing. It has always been a scam and will be til its shut down.

20309043? ago

We're working on it patriot.

20310478? ago

How? Not trolling but what is the exit plan?

20312760? ago

Exit plan is how do you build a bridge, when the old one is going to crash, and you have to continue with flow?

Old system is going to crash and burn.

New system will take over.

Not sure how, but if you're interested, follow x22 report on youtube. They have updates daily. Keep you in the loop.

20311579? ago

You. And everyone like you. God has returned to make sure we all make it.

Trust in no one but God. Oh and precious metals.

20309394? ago

from at least 1913

20308834? ago

"Life is a disease, and you can die of indeed."

20308757? ago

You don't actually borrow money from the fed.

They print that money out of nothing robbing the whole economy. Then you are taxed to pay back what they stole from you already. With added interest.

It's a triple robbery!

The principle, the payments and the interest!!!

20308824? ago

You left out selling T bills. You really don't understand how the scam works

20309052? ago

Kindly explain then?

20309276? ago

Except for qe BS. Money doesn't come from think air it comes from tbill auctions.

20311045? ago

Who sets the "reserves" at these auctions?

20311308? ago

Don't know, do you?

20311646? ago

Nope. Not familiar with tnote auctions.

20308920? ago

YoU mIsSeD oNe Of ThE dEtAiLs, YoU rEaLlY DoN't UnDeRsTaNd HoW tHe ScAm WoRkS

20308674? ago

Good job. I wish it were that easy for the sheeple that I know...

20314574? ago

The Pyramid ponzi scheme and a Babylon Eye on top? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3257775/18998698 and probably greedy bastards with bunkers from back then