20321429? ago

Serious question, doesn't the corporate entity have to compensate the human who put in the effort? It is illegal to force someone to work without payment (slavery), so why not just deduct as an expense money used to compensate the human, not the "person"?

20312473? ago

Ultimately money is just an IDEA!!!!

20312270? ago

Babylonian Money Magic system.

20312073? ago

We were always on the gold standard until 1973 when Nixon put us on the current fiat-federal reserve system. This is not what our founding fathers had in mind. The responsibility for maintaining currency belongs to the US Treasury, but this (our Constitution) has been subverted. There are many Mike Malone videos that explain this very well and simply. Here's one https://youtu.be/iFDe5kUUyT0 but I recommend listening to the other videos Mike has published. I do believe Trump will do what JFK tried to do -- take us off the fraudulent federal reserve system and get us back on the gold standard. With gold, there's no cheating. You can't "print" it. You have to earn it.

20312118? ago

What he said!!! :)

20311207? ago

FYI low number high response=You kinda close to the truth. Shill bombing holds you down but you can see all the craters.

20311162? ago

That thing you are calling "YOU" is anything but. It is a bond. You are a living, breathing man and not a piece of paper or a debt instrument in their banking system. The trick is they convince you to think it is you. It is all based on fraud. Semantic deceit. Remember "The consent of the governed." Don't consent!!!

20311186? ago

Agreed, but you have to realize MOST people have zero clue what the federal reserve is or isn't.

20311150? ago

TRUST THE SOURCE!!!! Its on the internet so it must be true....did you look up snopes?

20311224? ago

No I looked into it years ago. Say people being hauled to nail so I gave up. Just happened to be on Treasury direct doing something else and thought you would get a kick out it. You response was 99% predicted. Here is the Snopes thing for you.


Like I said before,HAVE FUN. Write to me from the pen and will send you a few bucks for your canteen account.

20311247? ago

^^Snopes guy....fyi I got a copy of my original BC...checked it and found the fund.

20311269? ago

Me too, was yours a Fidelity acct?

20311627? ago

Mine was in a Charles schwab account

20311685? ago

I doubt that

20311040? ago

More Soveriegn citizen nonsense. It's all true and fun till you try it in real life.

20311035? ago

Buy bitcoin. You'll probably hurt youself if you dont.

Dont start about a 'bubble', because fiat is one giant bubble itself. Plain and simple. At te time of writing this one bitcoin is worth 10.080 USD. See you in one month

20310779? ago

Look up Robert Menard and the Freeman On The Land ish

20310757? ago

Fucking gay retardation from OP

20310789? ago

^^^^^^ This guy I have many more ^ :) As a parent of people with LKL you make me laugh.

20310677? ago

Wow. This is really retarted

20310684? ago

^^^^^ This guy

20310660? ago

Lmao! OP looking like a sensitive little SJW in this thread

20310674? ago

^^^^ This guy

20310646? ago

Stupid as fuck

20310664? ago

^^^ This guy

20310641? ago

totally gay

20310625? ago

Super fake and gay stuff here

20310639? ago

^^ This gUY

20310567? ago

I genuinely feel more retarded in the head after reading that

20310615? ago

^^ Shill Bug light gets them again.

20310604? ago

I genuinely feel more retarded in the head after reading that

I genuinely feel more retarded in the head after reading that

I genuinely feel more retarded in the head after reading that

I genuinely feel more retarded in the head after reading that

I genuinely feel more retarded in the head after reading that

I genuinely feel more retarded in the head after reading that

I genuinely feel more retarded in the head after reading that

20310560? ago

If I’m a corporation, how come I don’t pay corporate taxes?

20310582? ago

I don't fucking know? I am just telling you what I was enlightened to (GOD, JESUS, WHO KNOWS). Either you listen or you don't because I give two shits if you do.

20310596? ago

Sounds like Lucifer is whispering in your ear demon

20310528? ago

Jews create Monopoly money and convince goyim to enslave themselves trying to get some of it!!!!!. Is that simplified enough for you????

20310551? ago

Our work is their currency.

20310959? ago

Bonds. China's nuclear option is to dump all of the US bonds they own, devaluing them. I believe the plan is to buy them immediately back with the tariff money we've been collecting. Restoring sovereignty to a now Whitehat US government that can then restructure when our currency and bonds are finally back in house.

20310970? ago

Good thesis, much better then the children in the basement living at their moms house comments :)

20310875? ago

Copypasta from /pol/


it is production that gives value to money. A pile of money without corresponding products does not keep anyone alive, and is absolutely worthless. Thus, it is the farmers, the industrialists, the workers, the professionals, the organized citizenry, who make products, goods and services. But it is the bankers who create the money, based on these products. And the bankers appropriate this money, which draws its value from the products, and lend it to those who make the products.

So, when the Government would discuss a new project, it would not ask: “Do we have the money?”, but: “Do we have the materials and the workers to realize it?”. If it is so, new money would be automatically issued to finance this new production. Then the Canadians could really live in accordance with their real means, the physical means, the possibilities of production. In other words, all that is physically possible would be made financially possible.

If there are a lot of things for sale in a country, there must be a great deal of money to dispose of them. The more the people and the goods, the more money in circulation that is required, otherwise everything stops. Money, on the other hand, produces nothing. It is merely a means to facilitate trading beyond the limitations of bartering. Money was created for the purpose of keeping goods moving

When the German economy seemingly ground to a complete halt in the years 1932 and 1933, the following became more clear to me than in the preceding years: the salvation of our Volk is not a financial problem; it is exclusively a problem of utilizing and employing the available work force on the one hand and exploiting available soil and mineral resources on the other. The Volksgemeinschaft does not subsist on the fictitious value of money but on actual production, which gives money its value. This production is the primary cover for a currency, not a bank or a vault full of gold! And when I increase this production, I am actually increasing the income of my fellow citizens; if I decrease production, I decrease income, regardless of what salaries are being paid out.

Adolf Hitler - Speech to the Reichstag

Berlin, January 30, 1937

We have not practiced a policy of using cheap popular phrases. We have divested money of its phantom-like traits and assigned to it the role it deserves: neither gold nor foreign exchange funds, but work alone is the foundation for money! There is no such thing as an increase in wages if it does not go hand in hand with an increase in production. This economic insight has enabled us to decimate seven million unemployed to approximately 800,000 and to keep prices almost completely stable for all essential vital goods. Today there is work going on everywhere. The peasant is tilling his fields, the worker is supplying him with manufactured products, an entire nation is working.

Adolf Hitler – speech in Regensburg

20310901? ago

Simplify please. Re-posting someones post without explanation is not sharing. I can take a smear of my shit on your face....it does not explain.

20310980? ago

I ain't explain shit to you brainlet learn to read and figure it yourself.

20312529? ago

God bless you. That idiot can go back to Israel.

20311016? ago

"I ain't explain shit to you brainlet learn to read and figure it yourself." Is this English or LKL?

20311096? ago

Go choke on some zyklon pellets kikeshillrat

20311132? ago

LKL temper tantrum lol

20311178? ago

What is this LKL Sorry I don't speak JDIF your obviously a jew shill infiltrator go gas yourself and claim holocaust reperation we see striaght through your kike lies

20311814? ago

Guess some people can't handle /pol/ banter.

20311838? ago

More LKL

20312257? ago

Absolute state of coping.

My sides my sides.

If you can't handle the banter get in the oven. no one is gonna save the world by being nice. take your fee fees and go shove them up your gay poophole nigger.

20312574? ago

Amen. OP is a stupid faggot

20310607? ago


20310718? ago

OPs theories suck

20310744? ago

LKL here.

20310509? ago

What if you offshore your wealth? Does your stock price go up or down?

20310498? ago

This may be the most uniformed post on markets and economics that I’ve ever read

20310524? ago

People that offer only criticism and no explanation or ideas are the lamest cunts on this earth.

This doesn't make you look smart. It makes you look like an ignorant narcissist!

20310493? ago

Generally you raise interest rates during periods of growth and lower them during periods of economic contractions. Interest rates and employment are negatively correlated. Not positively correlated like OPs insane theory states

20310536? ago

Sovereign CREDIT rating you idiot, God I am tired of being the smartest person I know.

20310539? ago

Lol. OP has to be a shill

20310562? ago

^^ This guy.

20311254? ago


20311270? ago

^^^ This guy.

20311286? ago

^^^^^future inmate

20311697? ago


20312057? ago

Blowing up a research board!

20310425? ago

become incorporated



When do dead men tell tales? When they are SUMMONED to Court. Why to Judges and Lawyers wear black Robes?

Word Wizardry.

Fantasy Land!

20312500? ago

A summons in Spellcasting is a Casting Spell.

The Sentence is a Binding Spell

The Magi-strate is a Sorcerer

Magi ==> Plural of Magus

Magus ==> Sorcerer

20311005? ago

They are summoned because they are ghosts

They (we) are legal fictions thus we must "APPEAR" out of nowhere in front of the court. We hold no ground.

20310393? ago

This sounds like mental illness. As a financefag, none of this is even remotely close to the truth

20310450? ago

Haha they use the nom de guerre arguement as a part of that nonsense, and don't even know the name of the strawman arguement.

20310442? ago

Ya ya financefag so am I , but I pulled this info from many years of strings of info. Care to explain our system?

20310472? ago

Why can’t I find my name on the stock exchanges?

20310540? ago

Find your original Birth Cert.

20310461? ago

Where can I find a record of the corporation that the government supposedly created in my name?

20310416? ago

Then go ahead and explain.

20310339? ago

I’m the poster of the OP. Thanks for sharing. I’m gonna show my friend both posts.