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20300649? ago

yup the ROTHCHILDS do as THEY Please

20303303? ago

Almost everything you said about the Cabal can be backed up with Jim Marrs' "Rule by Secrecy."

Same with this Aaron Russo interview

20311500? ago

Satans plan can be found in 4 books...


the first one is Helena Blavaskies " Secret Doctrine " ( forgive my spelling )

This book inspired Holy Blood Holy Grail ..

The second book is Alice Bailey " Rays and Initiations "

In a nutshell man cannot evolve tot he next step until he takes the LUCIFERIAN INITIATION ( yup HER words )

Third book Elizabeth Clair Profit " The Great White Brotherhood " (the name of the "ASCENDED" masters )

Talks about taking over the Schools, taking over a MAGOR Political party and talks about he TRUE reason for Feminism ( to bring the FULL GODESS worship ) lays out HOW many things will happen

Fourth book Marilyn Ferguson " The Aquarian Conspiracy "

The "SOCIAL " Transformation of California and how it is the MODEL for the rest of the nation

book also goes into medical science and psychology