Taylor Swift new song - signalling her new allegiance to the Illuminati / DS (magaimg.net)
submitted 5.4 years ago by 3396619?
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20302824? 5.4 years ago
That boy has been in the allegiance for a long time
20303287? 5.4 years ago
The Pyramid and Eye on top?? They pray to some Tranny Baphomet god? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3257775/18992371 The last century gave them more power than ever with the creation of the Federal Reserve and the US income tax.
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20302824? ago
That boy has been in the allegiance for a long time
20303287? ago
The Pyramid and Eye on top?? They pray to some Tranny Baphomet god? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3257775/18992371 The last century gave them more power than ever with the creation of the Federal Reserve and the US income tax.