17711953? ago

Discussion with Hadi Shriners in Evansville, Indiana. All Shriners are freemasons. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3117658

17621846? ago


I've thought about all of the ramifications of each detail. Now I'm going to explain why I think the entire event was nothing but a theatrical production where ABSOLUTELY NOBODY was killed or injured. It has taken me several days to finally draw this logical conclusion. Now I'm going to tell you exactly why.

17617159? ago


17615106? ago

THIS IS WHY THEY ARE BANNING THE NEW ZEALAND VIDEO SO HARD. Please Patriots. Save this. Archive. 5.5 minutes. Australian Truther who made it is risking all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TSum0TG75M&list=WL&index=2 IMPORTANT: The "Video is CGI" is FakeNews, a cover story being spread to take the focus and to control the narrative. This video clearly shows the shooter is not working alone. Possible Black op. AND the video potentially identifies the other person since it shows his license plate. PATRIOTS please watch and --> DIG IN ON THIS LICENSE NZ PLATE: https://magaimg.net/img/7kfz.jpg <-- still is from video.

17619766? ago

Here’s a list of topics folks are talking about with timestamps from this video: https://leekwire.com/v/videos/ChristchurchMosqueShootingCBX8o15526150321_5c8d44f87c9176.54925353.mp4?download=1&title=Christchurch+Mosque+Shooting-CBX8o+1552615032+%281%29_mp4_.mp4

[Vanishing shells] 8:57 No shells hitting the ground.

11:55 Still no shells on the return visit. And this time, the video is pretty smooth, you would have seen brass on the ground here.

A YT review: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JR2I8PeASfgYouTube

6:56 More vanishing acts.

11:10 Appears to be shells here though. See how easy they are to spot on the dark green carpet?

11:28 Shells bounce off the wall for sure here but. . . That’s the odd part, this pile of fake bodies were like this before he entered the room. So, now shooting fake mannequins with real rounds? Less CGI to do?

11:37-11:41 Lots of ammo shot in the hallway but now what was easy to spot is now impossible. No shells in the hallway.

[Magic windshield] 12:50-13:12 The dude is shooting through the front windshield. Glass never breaks?

13:20 Glass finally breaks?

13:21-13:36 Notice that there is some kind of sticker on the front windshield, top right. But the window has no cracks or any damage.

Notice a full windshield: https://meaww.com/the-moment-hero-cop-was-able-to-drag-and-arrest-the-suspected-white-supremacist-from-his-car

He must have cut the scene where he got it replaced, I missed that.

[Appearing socks] 6:45-6:49 Guy in hallway with no socks. But this one could be white soles on his shoes.

8:41-8:42 Guy has bright blue feet? Or top of shoes are blue.

I could go with shoes and not bare feet on this one. I’ll go with shoes and play it safe.

[Planted mag?] 6:54 Running down the hall, mag ready for him on the left.

7:12-7:15 Still there.

8:32-8:34 Picks it up. Nice of someone to plant it there for him before he started.

Um. This is so bad.

[Other posts on this]


17614706? ago


Anyone that believes this video is fake watch from 10:40 onward. Youll see all of the things people are saying dont happen 1 shell casings on the floor 2 blood on floor 3 blood on people 4 bullet impacts 5 brain matter exploding from heads

Watch it and tell me how you dont see any of that

17620211? ago

I have seen it. Don't agree with you. When some say it is fake, this doesn't necessarily mean some people were not hurt. There was clearly more than one take involved. Some used live rounds, others faked. Inside was most likely faked/set up. As was some of the outside. The woman getting shot outside may have been genuine. Point is, if you know how these FF go down and can see past the narrative and look at everything with an open unclouded mind, there are lots of questions raised and too many inconsistencies, "coincidences" and other mindfuckery going on for it to be legit!

17621275? ago

Why would they use live ammo on some but not all? Are you listening to yourself?

People died here. It really happened. That does not mean it cant be a false flag.

17615327? ago

I haven't watched and am not interested in watching the video of this event. From what I have read, there do seem to be some strange happenings surrounding it, so I think it would be safe to conclude that this is not a case of one crazy guy independently seeking to create mayhem.

But for all of the claims that this and other mass shootings were staged events, I just cannot believe that this is how business is done. If the attack was staged but people believe it was real or if the attack was actually real - the end result is the same: the massacre is used to further someone's agenda.

So which is easier to pull off? Getting actors to stage an attack (who just might spill the beans afterwards) or blowing 50 innocent people away? If killing innocent people is not an issue for you (and I don't believe it is an issue for the DS), then killing the people just seems like a much tidier way to go with.

No need to gain access to the mosque, No need to keep away people who are not in on the ruse don't accidentally wander onto the set. No need to worry about someone blabbing after the fact. Just activate your asset, let him mow down the innocents, and then spin the story to further your desired outcome.

Until someone can explain to me why staging a mass killing event is more efficient than actually committing a mass killing event, I can't buy the staged event claims.

17620038? ago

More can go wrong if it were real. i.e. Possibility of people having weapons and firing back, or simply attacking shooter from behind and grappling to ground. Or one of dozens of other unplanned eventualities.

17620651? ago

I don't live in New Zealand and have never been there, but I suspect that the chance of a person attending a mosque while armed with a gun would be quite low.

Even if something unexpected happens to disrupt the attack, that is less serious pulling off the attack only to have it later revealed that the whole thing was staged.

If the NZ attack was staged, how many people would have to be involved? Not only people from inside your organization, but people connected to the mosque who are not part of your organization as well. How do you control them? How do you keep everyone from talking?

Compare that to actually massacring innocent people: only your own people need to be involved. It's much smaller and easier to contain than the staged option.

Now the 'survivors' who get interviewed after the attack, I think that it is entirely possible that some/most/all of them could be actors controlling the narrative.

I just think it doesn't make much sense to stage the attack.

17618000? ago

Maybe you're right. It would be a flase flag anyway. Both types of "attacks" occure. But it's easier to recruit people for a staged event (who think it's for a "good" purpose) than to find someone who really kills a lot of people and wants to get caught afterwards to get a real life sentence.

17620426? ago

From many descriptions, the people with the guns seem to be under some type of control - perhaps MK Ultra.

They don't seem to be ordinary people but rather are being controlled.

Earlier I read the work of one anon who described people dressed in red or red cars that seemed to be some kind of marker/signal for the attacker. While this anon promoted the 'staged' theory, it is equally possible that the red people/objects were part of the attacker's programing. In other words, red was used as a signal as the anon suggests but it was a signal given to someone under some type of mental control and the attack was actually a real event.

17612797? ago

Good information thanks. I haven't watched the video so the description in the link you gave is useful. However regarding the Facebook live stream meaning FB are involved Im not so sure. I think its more likely a technical trick.

17614018? ago

secret networks and a lot of cult in NZ https://voat.co/v/QRV/3058881/17000447 'why would you trust secret societies ?'

17612795? ago


The video shows a PLANTED magazine. No blood, no screams. There is a second video of "victim" texting from floor, "dead" person moving leg, man with "bloody" outfit followed by a man w/ a bottle of red fluid - same man inside of mosque had only one "spot" of blood. Floor of mosque in video clean. Floor of mosque for newspapers - totally bloody and trashed. An unexpected error happened Preview


The video shows a PLANTED magazine. No blood, no screams. There is a second video of "victim" texting from floor, "dead" person moving leg, man with "bloody" outfit followed by a man w/ a bottle of red fluid - same man inside of mosque had only one "spot" of blood. Floor of mosque in video clean. Floor of mosque for newspapers - totally bloody and trashed.

Podesta was in NZ
Sandyhook psychiatrist was in NZ ([https://www.cchrflorida.org/sandy-hook-shooters-psychiatrist-arrested/](https://www.cchrflorida.org/sandy-hook-shooters-psychiatrist-arrested/)) He had destroyed his records before moving to NZ ([http://ablechild.org/media/page/2/](http://ablechild.org/media/page/2/))
Silicon Valley Billionaires buy land in NZ [https://www.theguardian.com/news/2018/feb/15/why-silicon-valley-billionaires-are-prepping-for-the-apocalypse-in-new-zealand](https://www.theguardian.com/news/2018/feb/15/why-silicon-valley-billionaires-are-prepping-for-the-apocalypse-in-new-zealand)
NZ is 'officially' a UN Agenda 21 country ([http://www.wakeupkiwi.com/agenda-21-new-zealand.shtml](http://www.wakeupkiwi.com/agenda-21-new-zealand.shtml))

17612667? ago


The video shows a PLANTED magazine. No blood, no screams. There is a second video of "victim" texting from floor, "dead" person moving leg, man with "bloody" outfit followed by a man w/ a bottle of red fluid - same man inside of mosque had only one "spot" of blood. Floor of mosque in video clean. Floor of mosque for newspapers - totally bloody and trashed.

17612664? ago

Nice analysis.

These people are STUPID.

We should never forget that anything and everything Q says could easily be disinfo designed to trick the deep state.

17611844? ago

Two major chemical fire accidents in Texas chemical plant corridor this week.

17611696? ago


"Ammunition spent."

In the video, the spent ammunition vanishes before it hits the floor (obvious CG).

17611639? ago

This is a stupid question, but why does it matter what the MSM tries to distract us with?

I know, I know, the Parkland shooting came the same day as a suspicous happening at NSA headquarters but we were all forced to argue about gun control for a couple weeks...

But, why should it matter so much what the MSM does?

17611576? ago

Where can I watch this thing?? I’ve searched everywhere and can’t find it.

17611148? ago

After reading this I went back and seen all of this and much more. One of the real bis mistakes was the car parked to the left of the door that moved up about 10 feet towards the door between him changing rifles and then completely disappeared when he came out for the last time. Looked like the brown car parked behind it was moved back for his strange return for the last entrance. The clip laying in the hallway floor before he ever went in shooting the big giveaway and very stranger??? There is actually a table set up between two cars with a white cloth covering up something. The more I looked at it the more mistakes I noticed. They had to get that video before anyone in NZ seen how they were fooled into giving up their weapons.

17611701? ago

Still got the vid? I want to see that.

17616213? ago

not sure how to get it to you. I don't want to post it. E-mail address?

17616599? ago

I got it! Another anon got my a link. Here’s my review:

Here are the fake scenes for sure: https://leekwire.com/v/videos/ChristchurchMosqueShootingCBX8o15526150321_5c8d44f87c9176.54925353.mp4?download=1&title=Christchurch+Mosque+Shooting-CBX8o+1552615032+%281%29_mp4_.mp4

[Vanishing shells] 8:57 No shells hitting the ground.

11:55 Still no shells on the return visit. And this time, the video is pretty smooth, you would have seen brass on the ground here.


6:56 More vanishing acts.

11:10 Appears to be shells here though. See how easy they are to spot on the dark green carpet?

11:28 Shells bounce off the wall for sure here but. . . That’s the odd part, this pile of fake bodies were like this before he entered the room. So, no hard shooting fake mannequins with real rounds? Less CGI to do?

11:37-11:41 Lots of ammo shot in the hallway but now what was easy to spot is not impossible. No shells in the hallway.

[Magic windshield] 12:50-13:12 The dude is shooting through the front windshield. Glass never breaks?

13:20 Glass finally breaks?

13:21-13:36 Notice that there is some kind of sticker on the front windshield, top right. But the window has no cracks or any damage.

Notice a full windshield: https://meaww.com/the-moment-hero-cop-was-able-to-drag-and-arrest-the-suspected-white-supremacist-from-his-car

He must have cut the scene where he got it replaced, I missed that.

[Appearing socks] 6:45-6:49 Guy in hallway with no socks. Feet are red with ketchup.

8:41-8:42 Guy has bright blue feet? Or did his feet get cold so he threw on some socks while he bled to death?

7:10 Actually, earlier, at this time stamp the guy looks like he fully put on shoes. Blue and aqua shoes? The guns light, it illuminated them here pretty good.

[Other posts on this]


17616868? ago


17613482? ago

Will voat van me for posting it?

17618904? ago

Somebody up above already posted information on how to get it:


17616646? ago

I don't think so since that's where i got it but that was the day after it went on. Was lucky to come crossed it because it wasn't labeled as the video. It was labeled "here it is".

17611408? ago

They had to get that video before anyone in NZ seen how they were fooled into giving up their weapons.

That's thing thing though: once you've given up your weapons, what are you going to do about it?

17611732? ago

If you don't give me my gun back I'll... Wait, I'm more fucked than a Brit.

17610808? ago

Also, explains the sudden teen suicides. Use that for ammo instead.

17616324? ago

How many of the Parkland children were visited by "Therapist(s)?"

17618330? ago


17612681? ago

Let me ask this...

What are your criteria for news stories you believe to be true or false and why are jumping in on the Parkland suicide narrative?

17611670? ago

My thoughts, too... The sick bastards.

17610609? ago

The shooting is easily proven as fake. Over and over.. no holes in the wall when shot at almost point blank range. No blood spatter... to easy to prove faked. That's part of the reason, the other part is they are using it to remove the freedom of speech from Australia and nz. As well as guns from NZ. It's the motive of the staged shooting.

17620424? ago

You don't know much about guns. Or much else I reckon. How big a hole would a 5.56 round, at high velocity and close range, leave in a wall of unknown material/construction? How visible would that hole be in such a poor quality video? How big a wound and how much "blood spatter" should there have been?

Remember, those victims are also wrapped from head to toe in their layers of muslim rags. Blood should have sprayed everywhere, huh? At least they did get a couple of the headshots to look almost believable, right?

You didn't prove anything, let alone easily.

17621765? ago

The video isn't that fucking poor of quality. And yes there would be holes. Shit man he shoots many people over and over AND NOT A SINGLE FUCKING ENTRY WOUND. Not on a person, not in a wall, not a single evidence of ANYTHING SINGLE THING being shot one single time much less hundreds of them.... You claim I don't know? Hahaha that's funny, we all know bullets make holes man.. nice try though. Tell podesta I said hi...

17634491? ago

I told Podesta you said hi. He told me to tell you thanks for swallowing.

17613964? ago

Secret Agenda of High Level Freemasonry? https://voat.co/v/AskAnon/3058923

17610531? ago

Except they are taking NZ guns and NZ and AUS freedom of speech.

17613840? ago

They are also going after shipping companies changing the health an safety policy now no shipping company is delievering ammo. And pocket book bans. They say its because of the nazi killed so many in ww2 thats why they want to ban free speech, from the horses mouth.

17610509? ago

The backup plan is having their women wearing hijab and playing muslim music. Not a good look.

17626774? ago

The Mason Shriners ? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3117634

17610466? ago

Good point OP anon. You think maybe RGB's cadaver gets rolled out now?

17611689? ago

I sure hope so.

17610387? ago

'Fooled Again (I Don't Like It)' From: 'Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers' (1976). But We Sheep Waking up to you Muther F ers in the C_A.

17610156? ago

False flags are always followed by some fucked up law or group of laws being passed, thus paving the way for the dummying down. We’re on to to the pattern, and seriously, we’re downright tired of it.

17613819? ago

Shriners, Freemasons, and Islam Connection...Have you ever wondered why there is so little resistance to the Muslim invasion into this country? https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/3058915

17609905? ago

It could be that all those in the kill boxes are going to move to NZ and trying to make sure there are no guns.

17610777? ago

Yes there have been rumors of just this for years. When do we start going after the monarchy, who is the obvious connection of 4/5 "eyes in FVEY. Clearly her majesties government has had a large role to play in all of this, and it is time to out this family. Free speech is being curtailed in Britain as well under "hate speech" laws. There is a common pattern here, along with the obvious delay of Brexit, until conditions are more favorable to a second referendum, rigged to remain in the EU. Research how the queen initially sold her own nation out and how she profits from being a part of the EU.......

17609694? ago

Notice a pattern to false flags before and after Trump.

Before they always seemed to cause massive panic and control the narrative.

The people watched helplessly as local authorities,intelligence agencies were warned but failed to stop terrorists hitting their marks.

Now they are disrupted by white hats, social media exposes oddities, and narrative falls.

Russia Kavanaugh Covington Smollett NZ etc

17611224? ago

Las Vegas was the false flag that woke me up. Afterwards, I couldn't believe how badly it was staged and covered up.

17609037? ago

Shill comments = OP over the target.

17611511? ago

I posted many things - but this might be one of my longest...... Danes/Denmark involved in NZ terror attack? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3113271/17580741 'Great to have the breakdown and research. Thank you for sharing.'

17610215? ago

Oh? And what is kiwi farms? Are those 'special individuals' they mock also over the target?

17608682? ago

I do decodes of Trump tweets and in the middle of the NZ news, a decode I did read:


I interpreted it to mean that there was a "false flag" TRAP underway. Looks confirmed.

17620449? ago

Please quote the specific tweet you used for your decode.

17625908? ago

I posted on another thread, will have to find it and will come back here for you. The one I cited was pretty simple but I was not too sure of it at the time.

Here is one from March 19 that I am pretty sure about:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump The Democrats are getting very “strange.” They now want to change the voting age to 16, abolish the Electoral College, and Increase significantly the number of Supreme Court Justices. Actually, you’ve got to win it at the Ballot Box! 9:04 PM - 19 Mar 2019

My speculative decode reads


CLUES & Notes are “strange” Ballot Box !

T D are “strange” T …..16 E C I S C J A B B !

strange in quotes, make all caps

”are” is a homonym for “R”

T D R S T R A N G E T… 16 E C I S C J A B B !

perform ! double

T D R S T R A N G E T… 16 E C I S C J ABB A B B


S T A N D R T R G E … 16 C J S T I C E ABB A B B

convert E to A-D

S T A N D A R D T R G … 16 C J S T I C E ABB A B B

Convert T-A =21 = U

S T A N D A R D R G … 16 C J U S T I C E ABB B B

rearrange RC=Rachel Chandler?

S T A N D A R D R C J U S T I C E A G 16 BB BB

BB=22, BB-BB=44, 44+16=HOTEL=60


A-G=(10-7)= 17 = Q




9:04 PM - 19 Mar 2019 9-4-1-6-1-3-1-9-3-2-1-9 =49

17608991? ago

Why do we have to do "decodes" why can't Trump just tell everyone the truth in plain English?

17616296? ago

Because of National Security Laws. It's one of the reason Q has to release info using the Socratic Teaching method. He has said so several times when he said, "Think NatSec." There are of course other reasons. The Socratic Method is the best teaching method ever designed, Jesus used it with the Disciples. The teacher asks questions, the students have to do the research to find the answers. While doing the research the students learn everything there is to know about the subject. The last reason Q uses it and the reason he uses misinformation occasionally is because anons aren't the only ones reading his drops. The Deep State reads them also. So Q throws in some disinformation, as evidence by the Clowns doing the NZ shooting on the wrong day. That is also why it isn't wise to predict dates or times from what Q drops. Just do the research and when something happens you realize that Q told us about it in the past. It becomes obvious. "Future proves past."

17620463? ago

too many secrets --- that's what got us in to this mess in the first place. we have two different groups in America: those in the know and everyone else. the secrets need to end. everyone needs to hear the truth.

17620650? ago

That's exactly what Trump is trying to do, be transparent. You have never seen any other president invite cameras into private meetings with democrat leaders or cabinet meetings. Trump has done it numerous times. Remember when Pelousy whined about the cameras when her and Scummer met with Trump?

17620785? ago

So, enough of the puzzles, and games, and "decodes", and vague drops from Q. Just come right and and TELL THE FUCKING TRUTH to the American people. Quit doing everything in secret.

17612213? ago

"hey guys here are my plans all laid out in plain english".... " gee do you think the bad guys will read em? cause theyre only meant for the good guys to know" derrrrrrrrr you fucking sack of foreskin go lay down for your kime overlord

17620760? ago

Why can't the "bad guys" just watch the YouTube videos and see the decode for themselves?

17614239? ago

the deep state, the people literally secretly running the world, cant decipher trumps tweets but some random dude on voat doing "decodes" knows exactly what he is saying? Fuck off dipshit

17611384? ago

There are a lot of good reasons. First Trump is not the President of New Zealand and has no jurisdictional authority there.

Since the incident is in New Zealand, and the "official" New Zealand establishment or the unoffical NZ Deep State (Five Eyes) may be friend, they may be foe, we do not know. Trump is not in a position to make public statements about the NZ establishment and their potential involvement is a phony attack on NZ citizens.

There are several other reasons Trump cannot speak plainly about this type of operation. One is, that the perps also may read and be inhibited from following through. By speaking plainly in public,Trump is putting himself in a position where he can be proven wrong on a public statement, simply by the criminals electing not to follow through.

17610254? ago

Because the autism needs to decode "the real meaning" of things. You give your target market what they're looking for.

17609637? ago

Because numerology can be used to prove anything if you try hard enough

17609629? ago

Some of it is classified. Can't just come out and post classified info. But we can figure it out thru public sources. Q just guides us.

17627412? ago

Why the fuck do we have so much "classified" info? Is this what the founding fathers wanted? Two classes of people? Those who know stuff and everyone else who are just mindless dumb sheep?

17610818? ago

Exactly! You can't release classified information without being charged with a crime.

17610259? ago

Just admit you have the tism.

17608429? ago

I think NZ and the MSM were shocked that (1) few people took their word for what had happened and (2) how quickly the video came under the critical eyes of people who knew what to look for. First off, I noticed while watching the video that the shooter was shooting a lot at a pile of "bodies" or so we are told, that had already been placed there... the few movements I saw could have been from the impact of bullets on a body or a rag doll or a straw man, hard to tell. Then there's the fuckery of the ejected casings seeming to evaporate in thin air.... nah, there was a lot about the video that created more questions than answers. And toward the end, the supposed "shooter" referred to the mosque thing as a "firefight." Anyone who has a TV and a brain knows that an actual firefight is where two opposing sides go at it muzzle to muzzle, so something odd there too.

17610166? ago

You should have watched it on a decent monitor.

17609715? ago

Don't forget too. The one guy shot in the hallway had bare feet but when the shooter came back down the hallway past him after shooting up the room, the freegin guy had blue/purple socks on...lol Seriously sloppy work man.

17610214? ago

Wasnt bare foot. Stop spreading misinfo. One was barefoot after the shoe turned blue.

17610728? ago

Sure was. I put screen stills in my video with his gun even shining on the socks. Of course Yt deleted my video. But just watch it slow mo. The guy.he shoots in the hallway. One lands in the doorway half inside the room on the right and the other (barefoot) one just laying in the hallway itself. No doubt guy has bare feet on shooter's way in but socks (bright purple imo some see blue..;) on his way out. If you can't see that then you're blind. This is not just my opinion. Itxs what is!

17611685? ago

Can you share this video with me? I haven’t seen it.

I thought this YT did a good job of showing the vanishing brass but I haven’t seen what you’all are talking about.


17616569? ago


Here are the fake scenes for sure: https://leekwire.com/v/videos/ChristchurchMosqueShootingCBX8o15526150321_5c8d44f87c9176.54925353.mp4?download=1&title=Christchurch+Mosque+Shooting-CBX8o+1552615032+%281%29_mp4_.mp4

[Vanishing shells] 8:57 No shells hitting the ground.

11:55 Still no shells on the return visit. And this time, the video is pretty smooth, you would have seen brass on the ground here.


6:56 More vanishing acts.

11:10 Appears to be shells here though. See how easy they are to spot on the dark green carpet?

11:28 Shells bounce off the wall for sure here but. . . That’s the odd part, this pile of fake bodies were like this before he entered the room. So, no hard shooting fake mannequins with real rounds? Less CGI to do?

11:37-11:41 Lots of ammo shot in the hallway but now what was easy to spot is not impossible. No shells in the hallway.

[Magic windshield] 12:50-13:12 The dude is shooting through the front windshield. Glass never breaks?

13:20 Glass finally breaks?

13:21-13:36 Notice that there is some kind of sticker on the front windshield, top right. But the window has no cracks or any damage.

Notice a full windshield: https://meaww.com/the-moment-hero-cop-was-able-to-drag-and-arrest-the-suspected-white-supremacist-from-his-car

He must have cut the scene where he got it replaced, I missed that.

[Appearing socks] 6:45-6:49 Guy in hallway with no socks. Feet are red with ketchup.

8:41-8:42 Guy has bright blue feet? Or did his feet get cold so he threw on some socks while he bled to death?

7:10 Actually, earlier, at this time stamp the guy looks like he fully put on shoes. Blue and aqua shoes? The guns light, it illuminated them here pretty good.

[Other posts on this]


17610143? ago

This is the one piece of evidence that I think makes it UNDENIABLE that there is something wrong with the main story... there's just no explanation for it and it's as clear as it gets.

The disappearing ammo could have been because of the video quality, compression, etc. but no video puts socks onto a dead guy.

17610789? ago

Exactly! That is undeniable proof that there were multiple tapings of this film. Either that or the dead guy hurried up and grabbed some socks from somewhere (maybe the other dead guy gave them to him..lol) and he hurried up and put them on real quick while the shooter was busy shooting everyone in the larger room at the end of the hallway. Afterall, the guy is dead right? His feet would probably get cold so ... ugh

17610227? ago

You can see the casings. Most of them went into the grass.

17611372? ago

Care to point them out? I'm not saying you're wrong but I've watched it again and again, and I'm not seeing them.

17608155? ago

They removed the shooting video it from the Interwebs because of the children. There are some things children just do not need to see. If you want to read the Manifesto it is available here:


So again you have posted a lie. The Manifesto has not been buried. You just have to know how to research.

17609752? ago

shut up faggot

17609922? ago

Awe .. did I hurt your wittle bitty feelings? Younpoor wittle thing. Would you like some crackers and cheese to go with that whine.

17611215? ago

You're the one whining about the children, like a jew.

Fuck off concern fag.

17609005? ago

Fuck that! Here's the video: https://mega.nz/#!CRE2hASD!5ZaED9EMMFixXsMmXOBDfTu-u_t4BRij3CIF2Km4TD8

Children need to see this shit! They need to know that Isreal and the US Govt. are their enemies.

Everyone should watch it.

17609156? ago

No children do not need to see it. No more than children should experience satanic acts of pedophilia slavery.

17627455? ago

It's all fake you dumbfuck. It's a FALSE FLAG. It's 100% fake. Nobody died.... they were already dead.

17627505? ago

You poor NPC QDS Q-tist.

Get this in your very very naive and dull mind. IT HAPPENED The victims were not dead prior to the shooting. Get it? Got it? Good.

17627606? ago

WRONG! I don't believe you. Fuck off. Just because you say it's true doesn't mean it is. Besides -- killing a bunch of Moslems would not be a bad thing anyway. We should remove ALL of them.

17627679? ago

Yeah .. I am right. I served along side Muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq. Not all of them are radicalized. Need to rethink your ideology.

17627712? ago

You need to wake the fuck up and realize that Jews and Muslims are your enemy.

17627975? ago

You need to wake up and listen to what the Messiah Yeshua Immanuel taught.

43 You have heard that it was said, "Show kindness to your neighbor and hate your enemy." 44 But I say to you, love your enemies and bless the one who curses you, and do what is beautiful to the one who hates you, and pray over those who take you by force and persecute you. 45 So that you will become the children of your Father who is in Heaven, for his sun rises on the good and upon the evil and his rain descends on the just and on the unjust. 46 For if you love those who love you, what benefit is it to you? Behold, do not even the Tax Collectors the same thing? 47 And if you pray for the peace of your brethren only, what excellent thing are you doing? Behold, are not even the Tax Collectors doing the same thing? 48 Be therefore perfect, just as your Father who is in Heaven is perfect.

17628028? ago

Step 1: Kill all the Tax Collectors

17628144? ago

Step 1: Find the Messiah. B-4 it is too late.

17609204? ago

this is not Moore violent then Disneys cartoons, Let the kids see this ff

17609318? ago

Studies show extensive viewing of television violence may cause children to become more aggressive and anxious. Children who watch many hours a week of violent TV may become inured to violence and begin to see the world as a scary and unsafe place.

As a parent, you are your child's first line of defense. It's your job to protect your child from the negative effects of excessive TV violence and protect him and her from the problems resulting from such exposure. Monitoring your child's viewing habits as well as engaging in frank conversations about what he or she might have seen can help stave off any lasting emotional effects.

Antone who promotes innocent children to view violence at this level is SICK.

17608311? ago

He didn’t say it was buried. Try losing your faggy tone, fag.

17608451? ago


to put an end to the activities of (a person, body of persons, etc.): to suppress the Communist and certain left-leaning parties. to do away with by or as by authority; abolish; stop (a practice, custom, etc.). to keep in or repress (a feeling, smile, groan, etc.). to withhold from disclosure or publication (truth, evidence, a book, names, etc.). to stop or arrest (a flow, hemorrhage, cough, etc.). to vanquish or subdue (a revolt, rebellion, etc.); quell; crush.

Bury - Buried Is a Synonym of the word suppressed.

Of course you would of known that if you didn't have a below zero IQ.

17608590? ago

Weird. He didn’t say it was suppressed either. Holy fuck man go outside.

17608786? ago

They haven't stopped talking about it yet. Watched more reporting on it this morning and the papers are full of the story.

17609008? ago

Wasn’t Candace Owens listed as his biggest influence in the manifesto? Every article trying to tie her in to NZ is more than 6 days old now. The guy says she is the reason he killed 50 Muslims during worship last week and MSM stopped going after her after 2 days? Strange.

17609130? ago

People blame others for there sins all the time. Many people go on to deny that their failures are their own responsibility; they are inclined to place blame elsewhere. Clearly, their understanding of the notion of responsibility is vague and contradictory. Many today shift blame onto others to excuse their actions of evil.

17607994? ago

NZ video could be an insurance policy, he deliberately video'd himself so that it could be proved, e.g. shotgun not blowing windscreen out, that he was not responsible for the actual killings and others were involved.

17614140? ago

which exact video are you referring to? links please

17610272? ago

shotgun not blowing windscreen out
Did you not watch the video?

17615961? ago

Yup, have a look at this short vid https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=BGORUSUB2H4N

17617194? ago

Man, so many spergs on the internet. He clearly blows holes in his windshield, but people are failing to notice the cracking around the holes blends in with the white hood right behind that camera angle.

As for the grey van, he apparently notices someone (bizarrely behind a steering wheel on the right side), aims his weapon at them, but decides to spare them. They then wisely decide to drive away ASAP.

With the claim of "shooting at nothing up the alley", narrator again reveals he's physically blind, and not very bright. He clearly shoots a person standing there, who then falls over. My theory is it's the guy who crawled out the window at that very spot just as the shooter turned to the left on his last trip into the main room. Did that guy really just hang out outside, waiting to see what would happen?

So, we have some combination of blindness, poor version of the video, low quality or tiny monitor, and a knack for drawing unfounded conclusions based on no or poor evidence.

17620494? ago

Nailed it.

17620589? ago

I'm seeing a flood of these "it's fake or a FF!" videos. Is this the alternative suppression technique? 🤔

17620757? ago

You really have to wonder anymore. Certainly seems a viable option to experiment with for those so inclined.

17608103? ago

suicided or an inmate murders him would solve the problem of it being shown in court of course

17608191? ago

me again, this might fit in with another anon who said that the shooter said something like " you won't be getting your birds tonight boys" birds=helos. He wasn't talking about the victims, he was talking to the actual set up guys who rigged the event.

17607917? ago

Well said! And for this who have seen the video there are bizarre anomalies. One blatant thing was street scene where bullet casings just vanish into thin air. Not saying it didn’t happen. It’s just weird that a live stream would have this kind of “data loss”

17608008? ago

People are getting arrested and jailed for sharing images from the mosque shooting or watch the news videos streamed on social media, New Zealand also pulled Sky News off the air https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3103545/17467730 'Exactly!'

17612320? ago

They have said people have been arrested, I think one report said a 17 year old and this report a 22 year old. Neither of these people have been named as far as I can see ... so have they been arrested or have they just made this up for the media to report as a warning to others? If someone has really been arrested then they should do the GoFundMe thing and we can all help out with funding a top lawyer who will make the court go through the video frame by frame highlighting all of the faults in it. That would be amusing - talk about shooting yourself in the foot!! (Sorry!) So that's why I tend to think these arrests are more than likely made up ... why else wouldn't they name them?

17607207? ago

[WE] thought it was coming last year. Someone arrest somebody for something!!!!

 +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+
 |A| |r| |r| |e| |s| |t| |s|
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 |o| |r|                    
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 +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+            
 |G| |T| |F| |O|            
 +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+  

17618339? ago

Someone arrest somebody for something!!!!

Hey crybaby, good news for you! Someone did arrest somebody for something! It happens every day!

17620436? ago

Some low level peon that nobody has ever heard of? What about high level Deep State cabal members?

17608163? ago

No Q follower agrees with you. We are patient adults.

17607952? ago

We? I never thought that. I still don’t think it will be until his second term.

17608435? ago

Which will be too late. If they aren't arrested BEFORE Nov. 2020 then I'm not voting. MILLIONS of independent voters will sit at home and just not bother to vote.

17612496? ago

Thanks for your complacency in defeat.

17620660? ago

Trump / Q can fix the problem by arresting the traitors before Nov. 2020.

17622604? ago

To jail any traitor you have to remove all connections to them in the incredibly massive blackmail web.

The web includes virtually every politician and most senior law enforcement. Triggering one dead man’s switch will trigger them all and bring all of them down, sending the entire US into chaos, prime for invasion and civil war.

That’s why it takes longer than you think, that’s what “behind the scenes” means. More is happening than you think.

Then there’s also optics that are a smaller degree. It can’t look like he’s trying to sway his election because it will be probable that they held off on prosecution in the end, so they must also prove that they chose to hold off at the most appropriate time. After any election is made.

17627283? ago

Allow me to retort:

 █████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ ███████╗███████╗████████╗███████╗    
███████║██████╔╝██████╔╝█████╗  ███████╗   ██║   ███████╗    
██╔══██║██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔══╝  ╚════██║   ██║   ╚════██║    
██║  ██║██║  ██║██║  ██║███████╗███████║   ██║   ███████║    
╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═╝╚══════╝╚══════╝   ╚═╝   ╚══════╝    
 ██████╗ ██████╗                                             
██║   ██║██████╔╝                                            
██║   ██║██╔══██╗                                            
╚██████╔╝██║  ██║                                            
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 ██████╗ ████████╗███████╗ ██████╗                           
██╔════╝ ╚══██╔══╝██╔════╝██╔═══██╗                          
██║  ███╗   ██║   █████╗  ██║   ██║                          
██║   ██║   ██║   ██╔══╝  ██║   ██║                          
╚██████╔╝   ██║   ██║     ╚██████╔╝                          
 ╚═════╝    ╚═╝   ╚═╝      ╚═════╝                           

17628260? ago

Much thought

Very reasonable

17628320? ago

Still waiting on those arrests --- any fucking day now......

17628867? ago

Of course you are, you are incapable of comprehending anything I said that would give you some perspective on that matter.

Go on, keep waiting. Keep complaining.

See how far you get.

17611338? ago

No asshole, not millions. Only you and your shill buddies will be sitting at home with your fingers firmly planted in your respective asses waiting for a knock on the door.

17627386? ago

Boomer fantasy #102: "People who say mean things on the Internet will be rounded up and killed"

BZZZZZTTTTT!!!! Wrong! This is America. We have freedom of speech. I can say whatever the fuck I want.

17610885? ago

The MSM tried to tell conservatives to sit at home too. Go fuck yourself.

17609673? ago

How mature. Way to go supporting your fellow Patriots. You have a low I.Q.

17609143? ago

That means your and my vote is very important.

17627502? ago

Yep. If we have no arrests before Nov. 2020 you can kiss my vote goodbye. I'd rather have a communist dictator in charge of America because it will force this issue and bring on the Civil War.

17607808? ago

? ... more fakes news

17607039? ago

[They] don't want the truth in the manifesto revealed

17607830? ago

In reality a bunch of Muslims getting killed at a mosque after invading another country is pretty low on the concerns of the non-muslim community. I really don't give a fuck what the manifesto says, I'm just pissed that the guy worked so hard to get caught, showing it was an obvious lie.

17611991? ago

Yeah, he's thinking, "I'll shoot holes in my windshield---that way they'll never suspect it was me when I drive away."


17623332? ago

I think he did that so everyone would go "look real bullets". This must be real.

Meanwhile I am thinking what a dumbass, roll the window down first.

17623588? ago

There is a picture of the front of his car where it crashed when they caught him.

Three holes in a neat triangle in about the middle of his windshield.

17607902? ago

He is a member of the Masonic Forum in Canberra, capital of Australia, listed as something very much other than a social organization. Before the attack, 12 bombs were planted in the same area? https://www.voat.co/v/AnonNews/3101187 !

17613752? ago

Maybe they were like the bombs one democrat sent to a bunch of democrat politicians here. I.e., they were never meant to harm anyone, just "props for the movie". Just speculation. One question though, who was supposed to be in charge of detonation of said "bombs". Any sauce on locations of these bombs?

17607898? ago

You need to care. You're being replaced in your own country.

17607971? ago

You need reading comprehension.

17608226? ago

The manifesto was called "The Great Replacement", idiot

17609083? ago

Shooter spoke a lot of truth. But that doesn’t mean he was a plant. He did everything he could to not only get caught, but link himself to Everything our enemy hates.

17609096? ago

Just like the leader of the KKK endorses the opponent of the person he supports....think about it..

17609067? ago


17608253? ago

And you still don’t comprehend OPs comment...

17609350? ago

No, but he doesn't understand the manifesto was truthful

17607959? ago

I do care. It was fake unfortunately, the Invaders are still invading.

17607788? ago


17607906? ago

You are being replaced