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17614706? ago

Anyone that believes this video is fake watch from 10:40 onward. Youll see all of the things people are saying dont happen 1 shell casings on the floor 2 blood on floor 3 blood on people 4 bullet impacts 5 brain matter exploding from heads

Watch it and tell me how you dont see any of that

17620211? ago

I have seen it. Don't agree with you. When some say it is fake, this doesn't necessarily mean some people were not hurt. There was clearly more than one take involved. Some used live rounds, others faked. Inside was most likely faked/set up. As was some of the outside. The woman getting shot outside may have been genuine. Point is, if you know how these FF go down and can see past the narrative and look at everything with an open unclouded mind, there are lots of questions raised and too many inconsistencies, "coincidences" and other mindfuckery going on for it to be legit!

17621275? ago

Why would they use live ammo on some but not all? Are you listening to yourself?

People died here. It really happened. That does not mean it cant be a false flag.

17615327? ago

I haven't watched and am not interested in watching the video of this event. From what I have read, there do seem to be some strange happenings surrounding it, so I think it would be safe to conclude that this is not a case of one crazy guy independently seeking to create mayhem.

But for all of the claims that this and other mass shootings were staged events, I just cannot believe that this is how business is done. If the attack was staged but people believe it was real or if the attack was actually real - the end result is the same: the massacre is used to further someone's agenda.

So which is easier to pull off? Getting actors to stage an attack (who just might spill the beans afterwards) or blowing 50 innocent people away? If killing innocent people is not an issue for you (and I don't believe it is an issue for the DS), then killing the people just seems like a much tidier way to go with.

No need to gain access to the mosque, No need to keep away people who are not in on the ruse don't accidentally wander onto the set. No need to worry about someone blabbing after the fact. Just activate your asset, let him mow down the innocents, and then spin the story to further your desired outcome.

Until someone can explain to me why staging a mass killing event is more efficient than actually committing a mass killing event, I can't buy the staged event claims.

17620038? ago

More can go wrong if it were real. i.e. Possibility of people having weapons and firing back, or simply attacking shooter from behind and grappling to ground. Or one of dozens of other unplanned eventualities.

17620651? ago

I don't live in New Zealand and have never been there, but I suspect that the chance of a person attending a mosque while armed with a gun would be quite low.

Even if something unexpected happens to disrupt the attack, that is less serious pulling off the attack only to have it later revealed that the whole thing was staged.

If the NZ attack was staged, how many people would have to be involved? Not only people from inside your organization, but people connected to the mosque who are not part of your organization as well. How do you control them? How do you keep everyone from talking?

Compare that to actually massacring innocent people: only your own people need to be involved. It's much smaller and easier to contain than the staged option.

Now the 'survivors' who get interviewed after the attack, I think that it is entirely possible that some/most/all of them could be actors controlling the narrative.

I just think it doesn't make much sense to stage the attack.

17618000? ago

Maybe you're right. It would be a flase flag anyway. Both types of "attacks" occure. But it's easier to recruit people for a staged event (who think it's for a "good" purpose) than to find someone who really kills a lot of people and wants to get caught afterwards to get a real life sentence.

17620426? ago

From many descriptions, the people with the guns seem to be under some type of control - perhaps MK Ultra.

They don't seem to be ordinary people but rather are being controlled.

Earlier I read the work of one anon who described people dressed in red or red cars that seemed to be some kind of marker/signal for the attacker. While this anon promoted the 'staged' theory, it is equally possible that the red people/objects were part of the attacker's programing. In other words, red was used as a signal as the anon suggests but it was a signal given to someone under some type of mental control and the attack was actually a real event.