17616539? ago

Here are the fake scenes for sure: https://leekwire.com/v/videos/ChristchurchMosqueShootingCBX8o15526150321_5c8d44f87c9176.54925353.mp4?download=1&title=Christchurch+Mosque+Shooting-CBX8o+1552615032+%281%29_mp4_.mp4

[Vanishing shells] 8:57 No shells hitting the ground.

11:55 Still no shells on the return visit. And this time, the video is pretty smooth, you would have seen brass on the ground here.


6:56 More vanishing acts.

11:10 Appears to be shells here though. See how easy they are to spot on the dark green carpet?

11:28 Shells bounce off the wall for sure here but. . . That’s the odd part, this pile of fake bodies were like this before he entered the room. So, no hard shooting fake mannequins with real rounds? Less CGI to do?

11:37-11:41 Lots of ammo shot in the hallway but now what was easy to spot is not impossible. No shells in the hallway.

[Magic windshield] 12:50-13:12 The dude is shooting through the front windshield. Glass never breaks?

13:20 Glass finally breaks?

13:21-13:36 Notice that there is some kind of sticker on the front windshield, top right. But the window has no cracks or any damage.

Notice a full windshield: https://meaww.com/the-moment-hero-cop-was-able-to-drag-and-arrest-the-suspected-white-supremacist-from-his-car

He must have cut the scene where he got it replaced, I missed that.

[Appearing socks] 6:45-6:49 Guy in hallway with no socks. Feet are red with ketchup.

8:41-8:42 Guy has bright blue feet? Or did his feet get cold so he threw on some socks while he bled to death?

7:10 Actually, earlier, at this time stamp the guy looks like he fully put on shoes. Blue and aqua shoes? The guns light, it illuminated them here pretty good.

[Other posts on this]


17616794? ago

Majority of that can be explained with compression.

Nothing but assumptions.

17616898? ago

Um. Did you read what I wrote?

Best parts to me. Guy magically gets socks. Compression gives you socks?

Guy shoots through windshield and it doesn’t break. Compression?

I gave you the timestamps, look for yourself. It’s that easy.

17617124? ago

I’ve watched the video a half dozen times. I don’t need to see it anymore.

Just so you know...the dude with the appearing socks was actually wearing blue shoes with red on the soles.

17617263? ago

Okay. There’s more odd stuff like:

[Planted mag?] 6:54 Running down the hall, mag ready for him on the left.

7:12-7:15 Still there.

8:32-8:34 Picks it up. Nice of someone to plant it there for him.

17614117? ago

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17439728? ago

Is there a link to one with sound?

17409232? ago

I hate to say this

But how did Muslims and Government not expect this to happen Their religious beliefs are not welcome in a free society. Look at all the rape gangs and the terrorist activity they are known for I am starting to wake up. At first i did not understand why this happened until i seen videos of what Muslims do to women. Its sickening.

17412113? ago

Remember the earthquake that Christchurch had in ‘11? Killed 200 people! They were replaced by refugees shortly after!

17415882? ago

lol and the earthquake was provoked by the government, lemme guess

17420079? ago

How would you trigger an earthquake? Possible?

17385890? ago

That was totally awesome!!! Hopefully some true 1776 patriots spread the love to American mosques, all they are is gatherings of non western civilized culture, USA was founded on Christianity and the holy bible not a bunch of evil mutants from the badlands of Africa and the middle East TRUMP 2020!!!!!! #MAGA!!!!!!!!!!!

17415904? ago

"don't believe this book, THE OTHER ONE IS THE REAL ONE!!"

Fucking idiot

17405167? ago


17405157? ago

Not cool.

17380107? ago

Is there any more videos besides these two of the shootings?

17379431? ago

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17377864? ago

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17376793? ago

I'll wait for CNN.

17376343? ago

17376003? ago

Christ, that was brutal. Especially the part with the one guy who rushed him and was literally inches away from stopping him before being gunned down himself. God bless all the families of those affected by this tragedy. Fuck these evil pieces of shit. They're going to face the wrath of humanity and God in the very near future. Stay strong my fellow patriots, be alert about your surroundings. See something say something. WWG1WGA!

17374709? ago

Where was all the blood?

17439772? ago

And bullet holes in bodies or splatter on the walls. No bullets in the walls, either. Strange video. Strange nonscoelant behavior.

17375405? ago

Someone else noted that and a few other things, like no bullet holes, the bullet didn't go through the person who charged at the shooter.

I rewatched after and even a group that was shot near the beginning, he walks past the bodies a few minutes later and there's no blood at all... like AT ALL.

17415824? ago

depends on the bullet type for most of that. Little blood spray, bullet shatters inside body, internal bleeding kills as fast .

also i don't know where your eyes were during the clip, but there is blood to be found near almost every corpse. Sometimes it's more noticeable than others. When he shoots the woman on the sidewalk and goes double tapping some random folk inside the mosque you can see some that have a blood spray, particularly when hit in the head facing a downwards position.

As for bullet holes, if the bullet shatters inside the body then there's no exit wound, thus no bullet on wall. And idk if you are aware but bullets are not fucking cannon balls, they don't shred through plaster like in Call of Dung. They are often tiny entry points that you absolutely cannot see in the video, since the resolution is as blocky as a fucking lego.

Also timestamp for that disappearing blood plz, i've seen people talk about it but I've yet to see where in the video that happens

17614434? ago


17614426? ago

Thank you for speaking sense!

People need to keep their imaginations in check. Questioning everything doesn’t mean going with the most fantastical theory you can think of!

17376206? ago

Go back an watch when he goes back in. part 2 It was REAL as fuck. Don't kid yourself. Fawk it was so brutal.

17614479? ago

I agree. I couldn’t stop shaking after I watched it.

17375659? ago

Yes and there was plenty of time especially since he went back to his car, changed guns, walked thru parking lot and then back in to shoot some more. Very strange.

17375909? ago

There was blood. When he went back in, it was starting to pool around the bodies....

17614311? ago

This is what I’ve been trying to tell people. I can clearly see it’s legit. I trust myself.

Evil exists. People died. False flag doesn’t mean faked/staged/it didn’t happen.

9/11 was a false flag. These same idiots are the ones who say the planes were actually holograms. It discredits the legit theories and makes us look stupid. Bait. Disinfo. Alex Jones-esque.

Our enemy kills people daily. They don’t care. We are cattle to them. All power structures are tools for them to corrupt and use against us. Including the boards where we communicate.

17374297? ago

What's with the 14 on the guns? Doesn't podesta have a pic where there's a 14 on one of his hands being held up?

17374123? ago

No thanks

17374011? ago

Absolutely fucking brutal

17373895? ago

iCunt phones won’t open it. Anybody got a YouTube link or something?

17373594? ago

This was a pro mercenary

17373536? ago

False flag or Nazi maggot - it's sickening and gross. Definitely nothing to do with the great research work done by Anons and Team Q.

This could also be exactly what the globalists satanist wanted by force migration policies - wars are profitable to those SOBs.

I'm always surprised that these killers always target innocents as opposed to the real trouble makers. Killing innocents will just take you to hell.

17441960? ago

wow what a tru christian

17372867? ago

https://www.bitchute.com/video/fXWr00E70K50 - ( Every patriot should watch the New Zealand shoo... )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/GHfcUPnKZa1i - ( Every patriot should watch the New Zealand shoo... )

17374248? ago

Unavailable here on iPhones

17372753? ago

I have no love for Muslims.

If the Zionist Owned New Zealand government won't protect it's citizens then patriots will need to protect themselves.

17374486? ago

I have no hate for my fellow human beings.

17374537? ago

We are very different people because I hate anyone who hurts children.

I believe passive tolerance is nothing but white-genocide-indoctrination, cowardliness and apathy dressed up as moral superiority.

Your attitude reminds me of the hippies from the 60s who lazed around in parks and promoted peace and pacifism while better men were bleeding and dying to protect their right to be lazy and ignorant.

Taking the moral high-ground when other people do your fighting for you is as easy as being generous with other people's money.

If you truly loved western civilization then you'd be angry too.

17415732? ago

amazing how your thinking process supports the war side but not the peace side.
wars are between rulers. population are measly pawns, FUCK ANYONE who wants to think of me as a pawn. FUCK EM'
If you are so comfortable with that idea, great, go die in iraq or some shit country like that. Be a good pawn

17415803? ago

There can be no peace with Muslims.

Muslims can't even live peacefully with other Muslims.

17415940? ago

embrace it.

17376163? ago

In this case it's the slaughter of muslims in the news to which you respond in your first statement that you have no love for them

Despite your bombastic and grandiose words your anger and hatred shines through.

17373839? ago


17372749? ago

Where were the cops? Carry concealed where ever it is allowed.

17372583? ago

Apple dont seem to want me to open them. They are warped. Only sound and scrambles video

17415868? ago

how much did you spend on that fucking phone to have all of your shit censored? Choose open systems next time ;)

17419090? ago

U mean my second hand iphone 5? About 100 usd 😂

17441931? ago

eish, even then..

17373676? ago

Just tried on my phone and video is gone already...

17383851? ago

The video download links given there are still working: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3096171/

17373157? ago

It's better to save it first locally and then watch it. The files are not on a streaming site so it may be not continuously playing from there.

17372451? ago

99% of people are stating that it wasn't very convincing and not acting like you at all.. and no, 'we' don't 'all need to witness evil' ... for any reason. So take that shit out of here.

17372529? ago

The shooting wasn’t very convincing?

Have you ever seen someone shot? Watch the video.

17375959? ago

Why yes I have.....! The video I saw was authentic and how a professional killer does his work. Sad, BUT TRUE!

17374957? ago

Either way, we'll heal as a world. Now onto other more important news.. Did you know that Obama committed treason? The truth is being revealed.

17372445? ago

Thanks. Some of the earlier links had been deactivated.