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17379090? ago

Somebody post a download link.

17379325? ago

See another commenter. Was about to link to the same post but they beat me by 22 seconds.

this one.

2 parts. I’m sure you’re aware of what you’re getting into watching it, but just be ready.

17380394? ago

Thanks. I probably won't watch it now that I've seen more comments from people who have seen it.

I normally won't watch stuff like this, but at first a lot of people said it was fake, with no blood, etc. Then the fact that the media and tech platforms seemed to be suppressing it.

17388270? ago

The only reason to watch something like that is to make a judgment on its legitimacy. I wouldn’t ask another anon to just “trust me,” but that is why I chose to watch it, and I have individually concluded that it is legitimate.

I think the people speaking on the lack of blood either were not paying attention, and/or were expecting real life to resemble a video game, or something.

People undoubtedly died here.

I can’t say I agree with the ideology of many Muslims, and think it is often incompatible with Western Culture, but this was wrong and completely unjustified. These people were not actively preaching hate and death. They appeared to be engaging in peaceful prayer. Some of them were massacred in the streets outside.

It was sick, and wrong. Please, by all means draw your own conclusions if you feel it is necessary. I would never, ever recommend otherwise, to anyone. Friend or foe.

But it is my conclusion that this was very real, and the work of a sick and deranged individual or group.

I’ve seen things more graphic... both in person and online, but the footage weighs heavy on my heart.