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17384468? ago

These people were shot.

RainDrops ago

There looks to be damage to the windshield in this photo:

17384493? ago

He shot through his window in the video.

RainDrops ago

Right but people in this thread were saying that there was no damage to the windshield and this photo shows that there was.

RainDrops ago

I have watched the video several times, the whole video.

When the shooter goes back to his car to change weapons, he grabs the gasoline jug and then changes his mind, and puts it back. As he enters the mosque again, there is the body of the first guy he shot and a large pool of blood that has run down the entrance stairs. In the hallway, there is visible blood pooled around one of the bodies. There are several individuals in the large room wearing light clothing, you can see large amounts of blood on them. There is definitely blood and impact movements.

As the gunman exits the mosque, he shoots a woman from distance (2 shots), she is the one laying in the road at the curb. As the gunman rounds the corner onto the street, he then shoots twice at her again as he approaches her. When he gets close to her, she is pleading for someone to help her, he shoots her twice in the head with the expected damage visible.

The people were trapped inside that large empty room, they clustered at the two corners because they scattered when the gunman was shooting up the hallway, which was the only exit. They had nowhere to go and were panicked.

pckpat ago

Good old MSM- they're nothing if not very predictable. The Guardian wasting no time throwing shade on the POTUS as if he were somehow culpable for an event on the other side of the world, by someone with whom there is no evidence of any connection whatsoever. This type of fake news "editorial" just shows how low, and despicable the DS and MSM tactics have gotten. (The last paragraph in particular.)...Guardian's propaganda piece on NZ

bvaughan1015 ago

I watched the video. Pure and simple BS. No blood, fake bodies. My grandson could have produced a better video. I am an avid shooter and I can tell you that there is no way that this is real. Also, the floor should have been littered with shell casings. I cant save the video but I really hope some anons will. Just my 2 pesos worth...

Blacksmith21 ago


"ENDORSED (SPECIAL) LICENCES: are required by dealers, collectors, pistol club members, and owners of "military-style semi-automatics". Less than 3% of all firearms owners have such endorsements and they must comply with much more stringent conditions than sporting firearms licenceholders."

Anon-Dan ago

Just went to BB to post on the shooting, I must be banned or on a "do not post" list. Won't let me post anything, even just a one word test post. More censorship.

Headwest127 ago

Is there any symbolism in the fact that a muslim mosque was shot up in the town called Christchurch?

Archangel_79 ago

Shooting the female outside, it looks like a piece of scalp with hair attached that flies off when shot.

It looks like a .223/5.56mm and obviously an AR style rifle. Depending on what rounds are used there can be little visual effects upon impact. Reference the Daniel Shaver shooting video.

That said, my mil experience and owning this type of weapon, auto corrected volume has been mentioned regarding the weapon firing. However, the sounds of reloading seems off too, most specifically the bolt being released. Could be my speakers, but it sounded wrong to me. Not the best, but for me it's one of those things that you hear over and over in person and on videos. This sounded odd to me.

Bey1 ago

I saw the video. There is no way that was fake. U see blood splatter when bullets impacts them. This is terrible. God bless those ppl. No one deserves that.

Fateswebb ago

No way? You have seen realistic looking movies before? Are they real? All I'm saying is that's white a stretch to say "no way" as if it's just impossible to fake this sort of thing. I'm personally undecided if it's fake or real at this point.

17381475? ago

Dude the internets filled with gore videos and shootings.

Fateswebb ago

Okay sure, but my question was different, it was is it possible to make a realistic looking video that's fake? Like in the movies for instance.. (which answers the question) it is possible. And really while movies tend to show less glood and gore than real life would, this video also shows less or the same amount as a typical movie does. Makes ya wonder.

I have seen real internet videos where the gore is off the charts, because, we'll they're real..

CMAnon ago

Eastern European music on radio? No Blood??? Shoots thru windshield but it doesn't shatter? This is like a grade C student movie.

nooo ago

Windshields have a layer of rubber in the middle, specifically so that they hold together when damaged instead of spraying you in the face with glass shards. Here is an example of a bullet-damaged windshield:

I actually wondered if the music was really playing through the radio -- I didn't see him adjust the radio. It seemed to me like a boombox somewhere in the body of the van, especially since it kept playing after the vehicle was stopped for a while. I didn't recognize all the music but I see people saying it was a bunch of meme references like the Initial D track.

CMAnon ago

Did you see the windshield spider web or even have a hole? Try shooting a windshield at point blank range with and AR or shotgun and see what happens.

nooo ago

It was a little tough to make out but here is a before and after showing damage:

Blacksmith21 ago

The fact that the "shooter" was a "Trump supporter" located 10,000 miles away and yet had a socialist agenda, should have been the first red flag.

This is what fake looks look. Go look at cell footage from the Ft. Lauderdale airport shooting, another hoax. You'll see similarities.

Not to mention, none of the Muslims or bystanders interviewed look the least bit shaken or emotional. If you've watched any video of Muslim tragic events, anyone would recognize that everyone would be wailing at the top of their lungs like an animal stuck in a trap.

KyJane ago

I also saw in one of the articles they said police evacuated people for a good ways from the shooting. The first thing that came to my mind was that those people wouldn't be able to see anything real to tell that way.

Blacksmith21 ago

You seriously didn't think out your handle, did you?

KyJane ago

No, I guess I seriously didn't Blacksmith21. Well, maybe just a tiny bit. It's not really like I'm a Jane. :)

Blacksmith21 ago

Hopefully, you're from Kentucky.

KyJane ago

I'll admit that one.

MolochHunter ago

Yes, muslim culture is rife with 'performative grieving '

17381396? ago

Wait didn't he say he wasn't a republican and was critical of trump or a non trump supporter?

fspu ago

In his manifest he says that he likes the fact that Trump gives hope to whites. But he then mentions he does not like any of Trumps policies. Further down he starts ranting about nature and shit as if he's AOC's twin brother. He's definitely no replican. Calls himself an eco fascist.

KyJane ago

They also said he was socialist. Since when are socialists for Trump?

17384390? ago

so literally hitler?

Anon-Dan ago

The video is fake, at least the part of him shooting in the car. The windshield is not broken out after 2 shots? Also, I suspect the rifles are actually high powered air rifles which are easy to get in Australia and NZ. When guns were confiscated the hunters and sport shooters moved to air rifles as they were legal. Since then, they have become very sophisticated and powerful. All of the stickers on the rifles didn't look right to me.

lucas19 ago

alright so i listened to people who were at the attacks and their storys just dont add up to what i saw in the video, i smell bullshit everywhere honestly think the video is fake

SearchVoatBot ago

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Stfudvs ago

Don’t push this narrative it causes people to reject you, push that we don’t support mass shootings instead. We need to win people over not give our haters ammo to make us look crazy. Also to a few points, there is blood in the entry way where the shotgun was used and freeze frame when he picks his mags up to reload you can see they are real bullets. Don’t get sucked into this debate instead condemn the shooter

ICE_2010 ago

In no way did I suggest that I am pro mass shooting, or that all of them are fake, I am saying this one is, everyone needs to download the video and watch it in full. The point of this hoax is to set Q up with the blame, not the first time they tried it. I am calling out the fact that this is entirely fake and no one has died in this video, I am urging people to find it for themselves and ask why it is being scrubbed from the internet so vigorously. Also what was Podesta doing in NZ two days go...

Butch201 ago

It was a mass event that really would be impossible to pull off (if you're thinking rationally)! You're putting Q in far worse light than an incident 1,000s of miles away!

angelCole ago

Question everything. It's damn time to take a stand. If we can't do it here, where? We have to quit going along with the lies.

Stfudvs ago

Slow mo the lady shot in the end in the gutter, not rubber bullets he clearly blows pieces off f her into the street. When he returns to the mos the second time there is blood in entry way from shotgun victim, Also freeze frame on the clips those are real bullets. Why I think many questions around this and it’s a ff I don’t think it was rubber bullets

PGLiterati ago

Yeah, we do--but we also have to pick our battles and I don't think this is the one we pick....

the_art_collector ago

Never apologize.

SearchVoatBot ago

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ICE_2010 ago

threw this together quick, paint skilz =/

Fateswebb ago

notice the police department statement to not share the video, theyre removing it from the internet.

Fateswebb ago

Doesn't it seem kinda weird that pretty much all the bodies landed face down?

KyJane ago

And if they were running away from him, they'd be shot in the back somewhere. You'd think then that there'd be blood on the back of them somewhere, wouldn't you? But out of all those people, only a few had any blood on them at all.

tokui ago

It's not playing. They're throttling or something.

sammyg2087 ago

open in a new link

lord_nougat ago

Bitch utes never play for me.

tokui ago

I don't have a problem playing any other on site...

lord_nougat ago

I've tried playing like 5 or 6 bitch ute videos and they just sit there forever. There's that play button, so I hit that, then it goes away and I'm just left with a still image. I figured maybe it needs to load for awhile, but I always end up just closing it after 15 or 20 minutes. Does it take longer than that and then eventually play? Or perhaps I've only tried opening broken videos or something...

bopper ago

I have a contact at the NZ hospital who is supposedly tending to survivors, but no absolute confirmation on that. This was third hand info and several hours after the incident.

I'm withholding judgment but fake would not surprise me at all. When I get an update I'll post about it. I'd have to see some pretty credible pics tho.

hollywood2020 ago

Thats what I saw, no blood......also he blasts the windows from the inside of the car and they don't break, no shot no smoke, and the camera don't flinch, having shot a gun from inside a truck once, it's rather loud. Also,the film is almost like a script, with real world experience, like a cop or swat. I doubt a civilian could have been that professional

Fateswebb ago

Not to mention I believe that was a shotgun.. doesn't it have more of a kick and more of an effect on a windshield?

SharpSliceOfMango ago

I doubt a civilian could have been that professional

Training. And he was not that professional. His adrenaline response kicked in fast.

no blood.

You can see blood and splatter in the video.

And the camera don't flinch, having shot a gun from inside a truck once, it's rather loud

The camera uses volume normalisation, you can hear this right after the shots. The volume was automatically turned down. If its a modern GoPro then its also stabilized.

hollywood2020 ago

Thanks for the wisdom patriot!

survey_girl ago

no blood

I noticed that too... and look at this picture I got off one of the news sites, does that look like real blood to you? Looks like red paint to me?! Blood does not stay bright red after it dries.

The video, honestly felt like a video game to me... like it could be a level in a GTA game.... right down to a soundtrack playing in the car when he got back in.

the_art_collector ago

Do windshields normally break when shot from the inside? They are slightly curved so may be stronger than side windows. Are they thicker?

I didn't even notice a hole in the windshield though.

ToOnMaN ago

I cant answer your question directly as i have never shot out a window from the inside of a vehicle, fuck that shit. What i can tell you is that windshields are made of a laminated safety glass, they arent all that easy to smash through, even with a sledge hammer.

sentient-citizen ago

I haven't seen the video yet, so I don't know what weapon the perp used in the vehicle. But here are a couple of thoughts on popular AR15 ammo.

The NATO 5.56 M855 round (M4/M16/AR15 ammo) has a steel penetrator rod inside the bullet lead. The bullet also moves at a high velocity. All this allows the bullet to penetrate steel, glass, or other hard surfaces and remain lethal (5.56 level lethal anyway). Basically, the construction and velocity of the projectile means it leaves only a tiny little whole in the penetrated surface, especially at close range while the bullet still carries max velocity.

556 is so small and fast it doesn't cause massive wound trauma (blood and deformity) at close ranges. It just zips thru the target. The hole in gypsum board interior wall would be about a 1/4 inch and would look self sealing.

Sorry if I'm way off about what went down in the video. I just know a little about this ammo.

ICE_2010 ago

I saw that shotgun shot, he then puts a real round in and makes a hole, but the side window I feel he just knocked out with the gun. Why are all the bodies piled up in a corner when he walks in? Dummies set up with some actors mixed in making noises. Watch the reactions when they are hit. There is also a real bullet magazine taped to the side, always in camera shot, I think he puts it in by accident when reloading and then clears the chamber and puts in rubbers around 7:40 or so.

Bey1 ago

They are hiding and cowering.

Zadim ago

rubber bullets are not as safe as the movies indicate. Although they are designed to be 'less than lethal' it does not guarantee they won't be lethal. Perhaps blanks or something.

I watched the video of the people laying in the corner and the gunman shooting point blank, there was no blood on their shirts, no impact movement in the ones he shot and no blood on the walls or carpet.

Fateswebb ago

He said dummies and rubber bullets, are they lethal to dummies?

Not saying it agree with him (yet) without further research, just pointing out you perhaps missed his point.

ICE_2010 ago

I said "or", or both, it looks to me he had a few clips with him with different ammo - the one he kept in the shot was never actually inserted into the gun (i think he did that once by accident and then cleared the round right away) - but you can SEE real bullets in that clip. Also another clip somehow appears in the hallway halfway though the shooting. This is like a movie set with people updating the scene while the camera is off. I did see some "blood" after watching it a few times - always suspicious where it appears. I am also of a mind that the woman on the street and some other passer byes might have been a few real victims to give the FF some legitimacy - all they need is one nurse somewhere to do an interview about treating some people and they will run that one clip on every channel. The piles of bodies, some of the "people" sitting on the windowsill and the "reaction" when getting shot looks very fake to me. He didn't fire nearly enough rounds to have two piles of bodies from the very beginning. Looks like the stagehands were still in the process of set up...

Fateswebb ago

Idk bro, I got it from torrent network last night and reviewed it, on a TV sized monitor full quality, with full access to pause and I have now changed perspective. I full on believe the incident was a really killing of probably all of the people.

I still think it's probable that mossod or five arms intelligence network parts are behind it. Or most likely podesta and his criminal network.

Zadim ago

I guess it went over the weakend and I missed it!

crazy_eyes ago

I saw impact movements

KyJane ago

There was impact movement on some of the bodies, but on others up close that he shot into, it seemed to be like only a puff of air. That is, I could see no hole, blood or anything other than what you'd see if it was an air gun. Also, I could see no holes in the white plaster walls. None. Not even when he got up close shooting at the bodies next to the wall. Also, no blood spatter at all on the walls that I could see. Is that normal? I just don't think so. And one more thing, out of those several bodies lying there when he got close up to shoot them again, there was only ONE that I could see any blood on. Not a drop on the rest to be seen.

crazy_eyes ago

I watched it again, and there definitely was not much blood, the most blood I saw was on the body laying in the entrance. The other bodies inside did have a lack of blood anywhere to be seen

Zadim ago

Could be just the video I saw didn't have any. But then again, you have crazy_eyes, could be you see stuff I can't.

crazy_eyes ago

are there different videos?

KyJane ago

Yes, the first one I saw wasn't the full video. It didn't include some of the first of it nor some of the last part of it. The mp4 version I saw had more before and after.

Zadim ago

4 different ones I only watched the one

DerivaUK ago

Wait. What? Four different videos? Since when?

Zadim ago

there is 3 plus images, uploading them for url conversion (slow)

crazy_eyes ago

There's 4 different videos? How is that even possible?

RockmanRaiden ago

There was blood and there was impact movements. It was strange how the bodies were piling up. The women asking for help, shot in the head, and run over, that bit was definitely real.

KyJane ago

Yes, I was just thinking that was the most real part of it all, but I don't remember him shooting a woman there earlier as he was heading to the mosque. He didn't shoot anyone before he went into the mosque, so where did she come from?

Fateswebb ago

Was it though? Could the woman's body have been replace while off camera? Before ran over?

RockmanRaiden ago

It was within view until right before he got back in the car. If this is all fake, there would have had to be multiple handlers present in real time. The DS hasn't shown us this level of efficiency in their last few false flags.

Fateswebb ago

Yep me too, no bump, no sign of dragging or anything at all, just a smooth ride.. hmm....

I know it seems to be a unedited live cut.... But I wonder if there are parts that show just a frame of black or quick blurred motion.. so an edit would be undetectable.. hmm

KyJane ago

And who could fail to take in how the guy was cool as a cucumber the entire time! Well, you wouldn't be if you knew it was all playacting and you weren't really killing anyone. Yeah, I know there are some crazies that might be that insane, but... it's really hard for me to fathom how they wouldn't get at least some nervous.

Fateswebb ago

he came off as trained.

MotoshiBoy ago

No blood anywhere. And he shoots off two rounds in car and nothing happens.

SpaceForce45 ago

When someone video records a mass shooting (POV), I always think its fake....

Bey1 ago

Wtf are u talking about? There was a shitload of blood. The ladies brains at the end splatter out ...and pools of blood on the men in the front entrance. Def for real. Sad.

KyJane ago

Compared to how many others that no blood at all can be seen on? There should be puddles of blood or maybe even rivers where those bodies are piled. In the on pile, there is only a single on with any blood on it. I don't even see any splatter or holes in the walls.

crazy_eyes ago

i saw blood

brettco12 ago

I did notice that and was wtf? I saw body moments it time to the sounds of shots tho?