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17608429? ago

I think NZ and the MSM were shocked that (1) few people took their word for what had happened and (2) how quickly the video came under the critical eyes of people who knew what to look for. First off, I noticed while watching the video that the shooter was shooting a lot at a pile of "bodies" or so we are told, that had already been placed there... the few movements I saw could have been from the impact of bullets on a body or a rag doll or a straw man, hard to tell. Then there's the fuckery of the ejected casings seeming to evaporate in thin air.... nah, there was a lot about the video that created more questions than answers. And toward the end, the supposed "shooter" referred to the mosque thing as a "firefight." Anyone who has a TV and a brain knows that an actual firefight is where two opposing sides go at it muzzle to muzzle, so something odd there too.

17609715? ago

Don't forget too. The one guy shot in the hallway had bare feet but when the shooter came back down the hallway past him after shooting up the room, the freegin guy had blue/purple socks Seriously sloppy work man.

17610214? ago

Wasnt bare foot. Stop spreading misinfo. One was barefoot after the shoe turned blue.

17610728? ago

Sure was. I put screen stills in my video with his gun even shining on the socks. Of course Yt deleted my video. But just watch it slow mo. The guy.he shoots in the hallway. One lands in the doorway half inside the room on the right and the other (barefoot) one just laying in the hallway itself. No doubt guy has bare feet on shooter's way in but socks (bright purple imo some see blue..;) on his way out. If you can't see that then you're blind. This is not just my opinion. Itxs what is!

17611685? ago

Can you share this video with me? I haven’t seen it.

I thought this YT did a good job of showing the vanishing brass but I haven’t seen what you’all are talking about.

17616569? ago


Here are the fake scenes for sure:

[Vanishing shells] 8:57 No shells hitting the ground.

11:55 Still no shells on the return visit. And this time, the video is pretty smooth, you would have seen brass on the ground here.

6:56 More vanishing acts.

11:10 Appears to be shells here though. See how easy they are to spot on the dark green carpet?

11:28 Shells bounce off the wall for sure here but. . . That’s the odd part, this pile of fake bodies were like this before he entered the room. So, no hard shooting fake mannequins with real rounds? Less CGI to do?

11:37-11:41 Lots of ammo shot in the hallway but now what was easy to spot is not impossible. No shells in the hallway.

[Magic windshield] 12:50-13:12 The dude is shooting through the front windshield. Glass never breaks?

13:20 Glass finally breaks?

13:21-13:36 Notice that there is some kind of sticker on the front windshield, top right. But the window has no cracks or any damage.

Notice a full windshield:

He must have cut the scene where he got it replaced, I missed that.

[Appearing socks] 6:45-6:49 Guy in hallway with no socks. Feet are red with ketchup.

8:41-8:42 Guy has bright blue feet? Or did his feet get cold so he threw on some socks while he bled to death?

7:10 Actually, earlier, at this time stamp the guy looks like he fully put on shoes. Blue and aqua shoes? The guns light, it illuminated them here pretty good.

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