17142894? ago

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16937356? ago

Why do we look at skin color?




APART, we are weak.



16924959? ago

If people of different races and religions would stay in there own homelands, we wouldn't be facing these problems! They come into your country with there own views, then they want to change the views and ideals of said country into the country they have left! This to me is not on!

16921550? ago

The Deep State is always working overtime here at Voat and everywhere else to divide by race. Q-"THEY want you divided by race"

The elites never cared about race in the sense that you've been taught. It has been a great tool for them to sow hate and discontent. There is nothing wrong with being proud of whatever color you are but like the sheep they call us we spend too much time meeehing at each other while the wolves are steadily feeding. Egypt had slaves of every color. Rome had slaves of every color. The first slave to set foot on American soil was a Scot. The Islamic state has slaves of every color.

Now rh factor is something they do care about even though rh negative blood is represented in a small percentage of all races. By the way, rh stands for rhesus just like the monkey. An rh negative mother's body can develop antibodies and attack and kill a baby in her womb that has been conceived with an rh positive father. The mother's body treats the baby as a foreign invader or dare I say "Alien". This phenomenon only occurs in one other instance in nature and that is when a horse and donkey (two different but similar species) are mixed. Modern medicine has developed drugs to protect the child in the mother's womb so it doesn't cause death like it used to in the old days.

And before you get your little shill fingers twisted up in a panic trying to slander or discredit go read these well known scientific facts for yourself.

Sheep no more!

16903877? ago

*except negroes are subhuman and jews are the very definition of evil

16903009? ago

85 downvotes on this post? Ok, we now know there are 85 accounts, (surely not 85 people though,) on QRV that are anti-Q and racist.

16901574? ago

Yet another "proofs" that Q is the jew.

16911209? ago

"At what point are the odds mathematically impossible?"

16914640? ago

Bedazzled by 'Q-logic'? Ask a smart person. (Seriously, ask the smartest person you know to explain how this tactic is being used against you.)

16927188? ago

I meant to say "at what point do we say that this motherfucker is certainly a jew".

Their logic applies to them as well.

16900599? ago

Anyone focused on a particular race in this fight is not MAGA. Real patriots want freedom and egalitarianism for everyone.

16911028? ago

MAGA turned out to be stupid anyway.

Blood and soil.

16913667? ago

Stupid if you're some shill fag, I suppose. Go join the soil, you won't be missed.

16913887? ago

Go join the niggers in their nigger paradise, you won't be missed.

16899163? ago

This movement is not about christians only!!!… It's about the whole world! If you have a religious agenda take it elsewhere!!!

16911036? ago

If you are not white and Christian, fuck off to your shithole and shut the fuck up.

16898581? ago

American isn't a skin color it is a way of thinking. That thought is to be free and self sufficent.

16911041? ago

It was founded by white people, for white people only.

Even says so in the first Naturalization act.

16897243? ago


16896550? ago

Fuck your diversity bullshit and shove it up your ass !!

Diversity = destruction of white civilisation from within

16896517? ago

Now I know Q is a NWO Psy-Op for sure !!

Diversity KEK

16896310? ago

If these race baiters believe in free speech so much, please go post a similar thread on The Great awakening boards, we’d love to get to know you better! If you truly stand by you comments, repeat them in a place where we can see wtf you actually are.

16911049? ago

That goes for you too, feel free to spew your bile in news or politics.

16895319? ago

I'm proud that this got 380 upvotes.

As for the shills, survival of the FITTEST

16895168? ago

I'm a bit late to the thread here and not read other replies yet, but here's my thoughts for what it's worth.

You are 100% right this movement is not about race/colour - it's about freeing us from the grip of the evil Satanic Cabal and saving humanity as a whole.

So, l'm with you on that. And you are right now is not the time to get in to all the minutiae of all the other related issues.

Nevertheless, some of these issues/problems that have being engineered by and taken advantage of by the Cabal include the immigration issues, Islamification, 3rd world invasion and the related problems caused by that. So these issues do still need to be addressed otherwise the White Christian culture in US and Europe is going to be wiped out within 50 to 100 years.

Also, whether you believe all Jews are evil (I don't personally subscribe to this) or just those in power, there's no escaping the fact they do hold most of the power in the world and are at the heart of the Cabal and therefore this also needs dealing with.

So, it is frustrating for those people here who can see these two issues and feel they are not being resolved and that they are being criticised for mentioning these very valid subjects.

But nevertheless I do feel you are right to state that Q is not advocating doing anything directly about these issues right now (doesn't mean Q won't later in the Process/Plan) so we shouldn't get distracted by the issues.

But I do feel they need to be recognised. Anyone NOT admitting these are valid issues that need addressing as part of the whole plan to free the world is not being honest or realistic.

Overall guys, we need to just get along and get this job done. Stop infighting and deal with things step by step. Otherwise we'll sabotage the whole thing and none of it will get done.

So, let's just get it done eh!!.

16895006? ago




16894933? ago

Kushner is Bibis bitch and Trump os their bitch. Those bitches approached Trump uears ago for running. They said they would make Ivanka putos after a 1 -2 term democrat. Kushner = Kissassnigger Kissinger dinal Jew mob boss lv10 armed dragon just below dark armed dragon banking families. Most of Trumps staff departures are due to fucking with and crossing kushner. Q is Kushner Voldemort trying to pacify and retard all you dumb mother fuckers who would see through Ojama cock faggot sucker Trumps mother fucking bullshit. The vast msjority of media is playing kayfab and pretending they hate Trump. Seth Rick was fucked by Mossad. Richard Spencer is glow in the dark nigger but not CIA assfucking hoe negress. The economy is crasing in 2020 and the elite want a one world world wide currency after the crash in 2030. Iran is going to be next on the hit list after Syria. Russia and China are ZOG oy vey goyim the sabber rattling is wrestling kayfab theater. The government has had contact with extra terrastrial ET probes. JIDF is real and composed of tens of thousands of paid shill bots. Daily shill shit storm is JIDF honeypot Nazi boogeyman to make us look bad. Voting is pointless it's the fucking Jews who select while controlling behind the shadows faggots. https://archive.is/m0Fx9

16894835? ago

What if there's only one race ,the human race, with different ethnicities? What if each ethnicity has their own culture(s)? Is the problem skin color or ethnicity? Or, is it culture? Asking for a friend.

16894766? ago

https://i.imgtc.com/hXCes0i.jpg Just saw this... Man, I wish I had it earlier! Anyway, this is something I completely agree with when I see your post.

16894675? ago


16894414? ago

Except the Jews we gotta pay attention to that.

16893955? ago

16893920? ago

Shills will shill in the comments but real Q followers upvoated it to the sky because it's TRUE!

16893886? ago

Agreed. Funny how shills are told to have more that one VOAT account so they can down vote and repeat the same junk. A little creativity goes a long way. Maybe it's time they read and learn from the Master Troller of All-time, POTUS, 45, in your face DJT.

16893830? ago

Remember that religion is not race, it's an ideology.

One 'religion' in particular is an ideology that imposes on others, that is Islam.

I'm happy to be friends with reformist muslims who reject koranic violence but I haven't met many, and they are usually under threat of death.

So, yeah, let's not divide by religion but if your religion is a political ideology that wants to kill me, you're on your own, sorry.

16893619? ago

these crime stats tell me otherwise. these education stats tell me other wise

i'm sick of living lies everyday just to get along with a group of people willing to take anything I have at anytime and they are just fine with it. they game the tax system, the welfare system ---ANYTHING black Americans can get over on they will do and im sick of laying down and turning a blind eye when it is ripping our country apart having to live lie after lie

at what point will you decide enough is enough?

16892832? ago

Funny how Q is basically in agreement with the MSM and Soros on race, as is Trump.

Hmmmmm...nah, had too much to think. Back to your regularly scheduled programming. lol

16892791? ago


16892731? ago

OP is an anti-white shill.

16892530? ago

I do not want America to become a non white country.

They tend to suck ya know? We have to reverse the demographics are America is dead.

16892397? ago

Being unified with the 13% of the population causing 50% of our nation’s violent crime sure seems to be working well for us. Together you are strong sure sounds a lot like a rebranding of “diversity is our strength”.

16891847? ago

I can caps lock too.


16891669? ago

We are all humans. Division is what they want. We all succeed together.

16891105? ago

16890562? ago

americans have been so nicely nuttered that they dont even know who the fuck they are, but you fuckwits still think some kind of diverse future is about rainbows and flowers... are you high? have you worked with a nigger, have you employed a spick? they are fucking brainless imbeciles that can lift shit but will not win any Nobel Prices........ this 6D chess is fucking annoying, and you are all retarded.

16890500? ago

You can't save the world without saving white people.

16890368? ago

we're all pink in the middle

16890283? ago

Shut the fuck up boomer.

This is not the future we want.


16889913? ago

Ignore the race baiters, this is about patriotism and ideology. Under the skin we're all flesh and blood and those that want to destroy our way of life are all colors including white.

16889258? ago

America has its own culture. It is not the culture of Europe or Europeans. It is not culture of Africa, the Middle East, Russia, China or anywhere else. It is our own. Made up of all races. It is the culture of self reliance, helping our neighbor, freedom and liberty.

16911087? ago

No, they did not contribute to any positive aspects of culture, only negative ones that we want removed.

And the easiest way to do that is to simply remove them.

16889140? ago

I’ve lived in the south my entire life. Race relations have never been worse since BO and every time he got at the podium and spoke about Jim Crow law. I have two black friends in their 70’s two a little older than me in their late 50’s. Good people. I see every day what a “nigger “ is and there are as many white ones now as black. It’s a lifestyle pure and simple. My oldest black male friend, none of the blacks around here lick him except my older black female friend. Because he tells it like it is. Get off your ass get a job and quit waiting for a handout.My other two help me with boxing and live across the state. I have to believe that Q knows what he is talking about. This is a world wide movement. Someday when this is all brought to light and the nonbelievers are awaken then we can live in peace and harmony.

16892243? ago

My oldest black male friend, none of the blacks around here lick him except my older black female friend. Because he tells it like it is.

If you find that nobody licks you, at least you don't have to wash off their saliva.

16889072? ago

WWG1WGA!!! Patriots have no skin color!

16888787? ago

Great white flight happens for a reason.

16888773? ago

"they" must be referring to the jewish influence over first world countries like the u.s., u.k., germany etc...

16888647? ago

Wow. Finally a top post that has race in it that isn't representing racial pride (racist & divisive). My long arguments with people seemed to have resonated...

16893884? ago

Huh? Almost every comment in the thread rejects the OP's view.

16894475? ago

yet it's 367 upvoated

16888450? ago

My only race agenda is that the diversity of our races, with all the unique gifts given to each one, is preserved rather than destroyed (as it would be in a human melting pot).

16888712? ago

Preservation is good.

16889718? ago

Remember this going forward, you'll find that most 'white nationalists' are that way because they simply want to preserve their own race and heritage. You can find common ground with the ones that will listen and the ones that wont can fuck off.

16911100? ago

No, there's no common ground there, shit stain.

Your monkey friends go and you go with them if you can't handle it.

It's happening, one way or another.

16911624? ago

We outnumber you 4:1 and that's just QRV. Good luck.

16912393? ago

Yeah, anywhere else you try posting that shit you get smoked.

Even here, your feel good posts are coated in downvoats. lol

16913074? ago

4:1, tick tock.

16913207? ago

8-1 if you leave your hovel. shit shock.

16888413? ago

Look at the downvotes!!! Over the target

16892476? ago

Is that what you said when you teacher gave you an F? Is that what you said when your mother scolded you? Is that what you said when you got passed over for a merit badge?

16911107? ago

Yep, that's why they're losers.

16888463? ago

indeed, 56 downvotes? i take it thats a mix of old goats, a few shills, and a lot of sleeping idiots who dont realize that their racism feeds into the DS' divine+conquer strategy, sigh.

16902738? ago

No its mostly shills. The majority of the sleeping idiots are nowhere near Qrv

16888364? ago


16888361? ago

Still a shameful handful of negative downvotes. These are the people who can't handle truth.

16889380? ago

But more in some races than others.

16888431? ago

The downvotes are from people who have had to deal with niggers. Most of you are still brainwashed trying to prove how diverse you are.

16888252? ago

THANK YOU! I scream this at my laptop constantly. I do wonder if all the hateful anti-Black anti-Jew crap on 8 chan etc is genuine. Seems like more manufactured Trump supporter hate".

16888245? ago

Racist trash make a lot of noise but they don't have the votes so they can shut the fuck up and go back to their other sub

16911228? ago

"They want us divided". lol

16893910? ago

"go back to their other sub"

What ever happened to your deep commitment to "diversity".

Didn't you say it was our strength?

16897182? ago

No need for racism on a q sub. Unless you're a fucking shill

16888116? ago


16888018? ago

Fuck off nigger, you will get the rope.

16887782? ago

OP is a jew trying to divide us.

16888486? ago

you are a muhjewfag who is trying to divide us, perfectly following the DS plan.

16889106? ago


alright now i know who you are.

you're the same nigger jew spamming previous threads about trying to get us to stop hating on jews.

fuck off kike.

16889665? ago

you're the same nigger jew spamming previous threads about trying to get us to stop hating on jews

i just know that hatred doesnt solve any problems, it only creates more. totally immature.

and checking on my DNA, well, there is no afro-american, not semitic and not ashkenazi genes. mostly caucasian.

but simple minded people think those who dont think like them must be shills or jews or black or whatsoever they hate most. what a kindergarden!

16887612? ago

Notice how the shills are out in force spreading hate and division. Something to remember when someone states that you are calling them out as a shill...

Shill = anyone who does not believe that humanity of all races, religions, cultures, classes, political affiliations, etc. should not come together against corruption.

Shill = anyone who would promote death and destruction through provocation of fear and division.

Shill = anyone who would promote these things and stymie independent thought, rationalization, and research through these means

Shill = anyone who would promote fear of government by the people instead of people having power over the government

16889184? ago

How is pro-white a division when 95% of the Q movement is white?

16889300? ago

How the fuck would you know anons skin color? You pull that % out of your diseased ass?

16887799? ago

shill informal•North American noun 1. an accomplice of a confidence trickster or swindler who poses as a genuine customer to entice or encourage others.

16887497? ago

Another minority whining about not being included.

Shitskins messed up this country and are trying to ruin it. They throw racism in the face of whites every single fucking minute.

Many years back, I had no problem with minorities because treating everyone equally is fair. Until I realized, that's not what the minorities want. They don't want fairness or equality. They want superiority and denigrate whites to get it. I'm tired of this shit and I'm tired of shitskins. You had your chance and you fucking blew it. Go back to your land and stop raping the monkeys. Even they don't want to mate with you.

16899363? ago

This is all that needs to be said.

We did our part, our kindness was taken for weakness.

I had some nasty black power looking bitch smirk at me in the store today when i moved out of the way of her and her cart, i didnt notice she was black till the cart came around. This stupid bitch took my kindness as my weakness. They all do it....I'm done with them, have been for years. All i do now is look them in the fucking eye.

Q, fuck your equality bullshit nigger, you know its not going to work....what are you doing? No one here is a white supremacist but we have all seen the writing on the wall and how non whites are conducting their selves with a little power. Pure fucking trash.

16888506? ago


16887290? ago

We Need To Unite FULLY Right Now to accomplish what's needed. 90% of the bad actors in this fight are white-skinned. Don't forgt that. Abandon any division tactic peddled out there.

16889226? ago

90% of the bad actors in this fight are white-skinned.

Yeah their skin is white but their last names end in -stein and -berg.

16888551? ago

Unite and do what? The only thing needed is for people to wake up. Q never mentions race-mixing or tolerating niggers anywhere.

16889341? ago

He's watching you

16889588? ago

Sounds like a fucking pervert.

16889698? ago

Nope. He's watching pervs like you. You'll get yours, one way or another.

16890865? ago

Enjoy your molestations!

16888810? ago

Unite to destroy the common enemy. Then we go our separate ways after the Victory!

16886975? ago

It's about culture not race. I would far rather have a country populated by Fredrick Douglas's than Karl Marx's any day.

16889287? ago

Karl Marx wasn’t white, he was a Jew.

And you won’t get Frederick Douglas, you’ll get Tyrone.

16891313? ago

Well since White is no a race, and Jew is not a race I guess we are both wrong. But you no what I meant. I would rather have a country of patriots no matter the race than a country of leftist dogs.

16894051? ago

Ashkenazi Jews consider themselves a race, they consist 90% of Jews, and are directly responsible for the leftist dogs. Frankfurt school.

16886864? ago

The color of our skin does not matter, what truly matters our unity in fighting for a better future for our World and more importantly for the Generations to come. We cannot choose our color or race since it was given to us at birth. But instead we can choose to unite on our share values of Freedom, Liberty & Justice for All.

16892372? ago

Yes, they are free to continue the fight in their own nations.

I support them and hope they finally figure out how to do basic shit.

On the other hand, if they starve, they starve. Fuck 'em

16886843? ago

No matter how we feel about other groups (including races), everyone should be treated the same and all have the same rights. Such things gives no one the right to mistreat others. We are all equal under the law.

16893795? ago

Whites do not get equal treatment under the law. Every day, Whites are denied their right to freedom of association.

16889354? ago

Thank you!

16886682? ago

Fuck off.

16888568? ago


16886540? ago

Someone please tell me the obsession they have with living WITH US. Go live in yiur iwn fucking country. They act like they cant be happy unless they inhabit white countries wtf???? Leave us the fuck alone

16889059? ago

You forget, brown people are indigenous to this country. Not whites!

16911148? ago

Yeah but then we defeated them militarily and founded America, not a collection of teepees built by men who eat each other.

Also, they crossed the land bridge from Siberia, where they were 1/3 European, 2/3 asian from the start.

So yeah, take that, roll it up and shove it sideways up that funky nigger asshole of yours.

16886510? ago

Um... fuck you and your fucking whole world bullshit. I don’t see any other race being genocide except the whites. I don’t see any other race being propagandize to race mix except white women. I don’t see any other race being manipulated into race shaming except whites. I don’t see any other countries being forced to take in savage fucking niggers except white nations.






Stupid fucking blah blah blah faggotry!

16886440? ago

Damn shill bots pissed about this one

16886364? ago

Deport the jews

16886116? ago

ANYBODY coming into these forums to DIVIDE IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM directly goes contrary to Q's remarks. Every ethnic grp has bad actors which have contributed to the Deep State agenda. But We Do Not Paint With A Broad Brush.. Anyone who divides I consider the enemy... WWG1WGA

16911166? ago

Not everyone is a beta.

16888597? ago


16888367? ago

Walls divide people.

Q Drop #2764. Illegal migrants do not share our nations values. Non-white people vote overwhelmingly Democrat, are overwhelmingly socialist, and take overwhelmingly more welfare than any other group both per capita and monetarily.

16888619? ago

the irony, right?

16886528? ago

You fucking stupid Fuck!! It’s not the bad actors. ITS THE JEWS WHO ARE PAYING THE BAD ACTORS!!!!!

16886044? ago

Now this also got my attention : sent from an anon on this thread ... short vid : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U974JvNe56o&bpctr=1550594974

16885989? ago

Quintessential Qoomer.

16888649? ago

Qute Quip, Queer!

16885938? ago

Whites are the only ones with an extermination order against. If Q cannot address the extermination order, then Q has no foundation to stand on.

16903441? ago

i dare you to hold your breath for that

16886551? ago

Q is a faggot ducking Zionist who wants us to support his swamp draining mission ONLY never mention the disgusting parasitic Jews. What a fucking sham

16888704? ago

Q mentions Israel for last, whatever the fuck that means. I'm more worried about the nigger problem.

16897051? ago

sadly, I’d rather coexist with niggers than jews. NOT EVEN NIGGERS are as disgusting, parasitic, and truly FRIGHTENINGLY fucking evil!

Niggers any day vs a gross lower then vermin Jew

16891549? ago

The nigger problem exists because of Zionists

16885930? ago

This Voat subbreddit is flooded with posts from B list actors and professional readers from dangerous alt left conspiracy propagandists such as CNN so they can point to it and say "these Q followers are all racists". its an old trick they learn from serving time in prison.

16885904? ago

Crime statistics are racist.

16885894? ago

Divided we are weak, like a single stick.

But bound together, we can form a mighty faggot.

16885882? ago

The black neighbor boy told us he cannot hang out with my children anymore once they found out we were pro-Trump.

Your message is falling on deaf ears. Go tell the nogs to deprogram and stop being so racist.

16886659? ago

The black neighbor boy told us he cannot hang out with my children anymore once they found out we were pro-Trump.

Wow. That took care of itself, eh?

16887774? ago


16886980? ago

Room temp IQ family is racist. Shocking.

16891557? ago

Get a fucking clue you JIDF soldier

16888242? ago

Jew found.

16889120? ago

I am not a Jew. My grandfather fled from the Jews in commie Hungary. The last thing I am is a Jew. Fuck off, nog.

16892258? ago

Then you ought to know better.

16893266? ago

I should know better than to share a story about the racist neighbors we have?

They have low IQ and they are racist.

I ought to know better than to state facts?

16899834? ago

Racism is a word coined by the communist jew Trotsky in his book, History of the Russian Revolution in 1933.

You are the one spreading yid garbage here.

16900316? ago

So what word do you use for people who hate you because of the color of your skin?

16900334? ago

Nigger or spic.

16912298? ago

Do those labels inherently imply they hate others for the color of their skin?

16912485? ago

That's always the source of the problem.

White people weren't sitting around calling each other racists 500 years go, it was never an issue.

16912507? ago

I see your point. Fair.

16899397? ago

Your fine Hungary anon. Your points are valid. He's just trying to shit up the thread.

16899821? ago

Act like a jew, get called a jew.

The thread was shit to begin with and so are you.

16927057? ago

Yup, your a jew.

16929649? ago

Too late for that. lol

16885646? ago

The votes says it all. Thanks to all the sane, high IQ people who upvoted

16892732? ago


16885594? ago

If you don't care about the white race take your shit posts somewhere else op

16886051? ago

Fuck off traitor cunt and if your not white fuck off out our business

16886646? ago

I agree with you. This is about the white race. Not the whole world

16885571? ago

Start by asking the question: "WHAT IS AMERICA?"

The reason America has become so great is because of the white Europeans who live here. American culture is white European culture. Up until 1960, America was a very homogenous place. There was peace and prosperity. Everyone in the world wants to come here. Why? Because our culture is strong, and creative, and growing. That was only possible because of the whites who built this place. You don't see people climbing walls to get into Mexico. Why not? They want the stuff that we all have -- white Americans -- they want wealth and strength and productivity. By letting in non-whites we have ruined this country and turned it into a shithole. We need to cleanse America and get back to being a strong, white, Christian, European nation again.

16885546? ago

We need to start peaceful protest like the yellow vest. I think instead of just yellow vest we combine it with camo or somthing. Doesn't matter we need to start getting really active. We won't tolerate the public being asleep anymore. Even if you believe in Q or not, it's time to do somthing about the sheep epidemic. I'm tired of it, and know all of you are. I hate being called a conspiracy theorist from brainwashed idiots, and I'm tired of people thinking the Democratic party is for the people. They need to wake up, it's our only chance

16885499? ago

If you are in favor of the ethnic cleansing of the European people you are the enemy.

Use your brain that is how the enemy is using race to divide. Europeans all over the world have no choice but to oppose their destruction. Other races benifit from plundering and parasiting us while we are being attacked by the globalist enemy.

We are not going to roll over and die, if you want to be united you better be against this European ethnic cleansing plot.

16888731? ago

Use your brain that is how the enemy is using race to divide.

no excuse to do the same. you can honor personal, cultural, and national sovereignty without having to attack others.

16894091? ago

Attacking people who are trying to Ethnicly cleanse you is in no way the same thing. Nor is it immoral. Anti-whites are the enemy period.

16902341? ago

the khazarians are the enemy. the pedos are the enemy. the vatican is the enemy. not your neighbouring jews, blacks, muslims, hispanics, boomers. period.

16905835? ago

Who said they were? The working class has no power, attacking those people, my neighbors, accomplishes nothing.

That doesn't extend to illegals or anti-whites they have to go.

16905992? ago

it seems the issue with 'anti-whites' is esp. prevalent in the US. over here in europe, we have hardly any of this. our white straight males dont feel like an endagered minority so i have difficulties accessing that mind-set i see so much displayed on voat and the chans.

16906183? ago

Have you ever watched TV. It is the same there, they cover up non white crimes and do wall to wall coverage of any Perceived racism. Those Jews have a monopoly on your media and they hate you.

Their propaganda will get half your people to hate themselves and advocate for importing infinity savages.

You are where we were around 1965 learn from our mistakes.

16892330? ago

If you are more worried about language being used than actual actions in the world that is causing the destruction of whites you are the problem.

16892859? ago

not really about language, more about attitude. protect, not attack. simple as that.

16885481? ago

Nigger is a state of mind you stupid nigger.

16889299? ago

One that’s disproportionately held by niggers.

16885361? ago

Those who come here with an agenda to divide are sent to do just that. Ignore and keep posting facts and information for all to see.

16885338? ago

Valid point op, anyone trying to make this a race thing obviously doesn't follow Q. WWG1WGA

16885333? ago

You haven't even read the very first ammendment on the constitution you claim to defend. Funny that! I WONDER WHY WE LOST IT LONG Ago? I wonder if it was small minded people like you? Doing what you are doing? What do you think?

16885302? ago

Bell curve. Look it up if you can.

16885298? ago

Another shill post.

16885295? ago

Ignore the racist, jew hating democrats. They are nasty people and have nothing in common with the Q movement. In fact this is exactly what we are fighting. Fake News.

16889314? ago

White racists are Republicans. And they’re the only redeeming part of that party.

16889924? ago

Check your history and reality. You've got it all wrong sorry to say.

16911247? ago

Check present day reality, you've got your head up your asshole.

16892534? ago

Demonkkkrats are the real racists. <squeak!>

16885284? ago

Question to all the downvoaters?:

What part of Q's statement do you dislike? This is a free speech forum so please be honest.

16892401? ago

We've been more than clear.

Get your shit together, you little worm.

16885440? ago

Jussie Smollett wants you dead.

16885257? ago

The ethnic dispossession of Europeans in all Western countries is a real issue that needs to be dealt with. Diversity and multiculturalism will inevitably lead to tribal/civil war. We need to end these policies and deport non-Europeans to their ethnic country of origin.

16885238? ago

You don't have to hate people of other races or want a racially pure nation to notice that race and ethnicity play a huge role in the character of a country. Race and ethnicity influence behavior, IQ, preferences, natural abilities, all of which influence values, and all of which which lead to creating cultures and political systems that suit the people of that nation. American and Liberia were founded on the same principles, but couldn't be more different. All good people are deserving of respect and consideration, and some level of diversity enriches a nation. But if you allow whites to become a minority in America, the country they founded and built, it won't be long before it is no longer America.

16885229? ago

Even if the US has been predominantly white that doesn’t mean we are only for white people. We are for Americans. We are for the constitution. We cannot defeat the DS by selecting one group over another. We are ALL the same! Where we aren’t the same is in levels of cruelty. The DS believes they are better than 99% of us. We are useless feeders and breeders to them. We mean nothing. Wake up — just because someone looks different or dresses different or has different beliefs does not mean they less then you or can’t be trusted. We all have one enemy and it’s real and we need to fight together and get beyond this brain washing! Love it or hate it — WWG1WGA or this will fail.

16910898? ago

Even if the US has been predominantly white that doesn’t mean we are only for white people

Yes, it does.

Our vote is the only vote that counts.

16885214? ago

Niggers hate Whites and Asians. Hell, they hate niggers that aren't even as dark as them. So... go fuck yourself, boomer.



YOU ARE A KIKE SHILL ...how much does the JIDF pay you per post / comment?

How's your aunt at the ADL doing? How about cousin Merkel at the SPLC?

16885068? ago


Who the fuck was here first?

16888994? ago

Exactly. Wasn't the "white" people!

16892741? ago

Actually it was, indians are 1/3 European from the first settlers who crossed the land bridge 20,000 years ago.

And they were migrants.

There is no "Indian" race, they are a mongrel race.

16893145? ago

🙄 Skin color brown.

16899809? ago

Lost war, never actually occupied land nor built any structure in 20,000 years.

Basically animals. lol

16903477? ago

with the exception of thousands of structures in the Southwest, mound structures in the Midwest and Mississippi valley and pyramids larger in volume than Egypt's found in Mexico. E.g. : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaco_Culture_National_Historical_Park

16903482? ago

Cortez defeated them with 500 drunk Spaniards. lol

16912001? ago

Hernan Cortes was never in New Mexico.

16912455? ago

And yet, he defeated the "Incan empire". Anything else, fuckwit? lol

16913673? ago

That wasn't Cortes. I think it was Pizarro.

16913915? ago

Same guy, he had like 50 names.

16892396? ago

I guess its time for Israel to open its borders then no?

16885063? ago

This movement needs to calculate the nigger problem and come up with a solution.

It's cute to parrot the phantom Q, but I am guessing Q and team have never lived amongst the savage niggers.

16885052? ago

Tell that to that one tribe trump keeps putting before America

16885046? ago

Really? Because when I walk into an inner city and get attacked by a mob of hate-filled non-whites and try and defend myself, I catch a hate crime. You want to tell me how it isn't about race? White heterosexual men are the ONLY group which can be legally discriminated against. Until that changes, I'm not going to pretend that race doesn't matter.

16899260? ago

You know how i know Q is a fucking LARP.

They want you divided by race.

Yeah, whites tried that fucking game, tried to be fair. Non whites are not interested. Ill be glad when this Q shit fades out, i just hope it triggers people to go to the right once they find out their hail mary was nothing but a LARP.

16899507? ago

Counter theory :

Q et al know America is so deeply compromised by (((diversity))) already, they have no choice but to go ahead with it. You simply can't deport 160,000,000 people - it would be a feat larger and more challenging than a civil war. They had a choice - either pretend diversity is all yay ok, or kill the current America for a chance to reforge a new one in the pattern of the original America from the ashes of the present one. They chose not to risk that, and as such have doomed all whites.

An increasingly brown and "yay diversity" (on both R and D sides of the aisle) America will without a doubt shove this down the throats of whites everywhere, and prevent white nationalist groups arising wherever they appear. White nationalists will be the new communists, to be stamped out wherever they appear in the name of "democracy" and "freedom".

16899588? ago

Scary shit and possible. But whatever, my homeland is Europe. Ill be making sure my kids end up back their if this trend continues.

Fuck this dump. What a joke.



16904101? ago

Europe is the answer. I live in the UK, which by European standards is pretty bad - in terms of non-white threats to safety I'd say the top 3 riskiest in europe are france > uk/sweden >/= germany. Safety here is still pretty exceptional. Don't get me wrong, I wish I had a gun, and I wouldn't want to wander through London or maaaybe parts of Birmingham at night, but beyond that safety is pretty damn high. I could go walk more or less anywhere in a 100 mile radius at night with no issues, and I've known exactly one person who even ever got burgled.

16885020? ago

I am sorry, but Q never said shit about tolerating niggers and spics. Until the nigger problem is addressed, this shit ain't gunna work.

16893834? ago

Fix the Jew problem and the nigger problem will fix itself.

16893962? ago

Turn the EBT cards off and the nigger problem will get solved pretty fast.

16885003? ago

Translated: My daughter lives in the basement with her black boyfriend. My sister also dates black men and latino's. They're just like we are!! You should drag them into the nest because what could go wrong ----don't look at crime stats because they are racist!-----

qtard cuck cult ZOG army who want to see the white race genocided.

16892204? ago

Funny how you fuckers beliefs align with The Kalergi Plan.

Yuge coincidence. lol

16887736? ago

Holy shit those crime stats sure do set off these stupid shills.

16889266? ago

Keep posting black crime stats here and watch them go!

16892900? ago

Better yet, post iq scores for each race. They lose the "we just need to educate them more" excuse.

16885007? ago


16884973? ago

For all lurking newfags, diversity is a cancer pushed by the Jews to destroy society from within. The United States was always intended to be an ethnostate until JFK gave them civil rights in exchange for them not destroying the country for the (((communists))).

Read these pics on diversity and the numerous studies done that find diversity is Extremely destructive to a country. Also, diversity always leads to races mixing, which is incredibly damaging physically, psychologically, and emotionally to the off spring. Again, Harvard proved this true.

 Harvard interracial study https://scholar.harvard.edu/files/fryer/files/plight_of_mixed_race.pdf

 Harvard diversity study https://macaulay.cuny.edu/eportfolios/benediktsson2013/files/2013/04/Putnam.pdf

Harvard proved it's toxicity. Normie fags cannot deny these studies.

 interracial and diversity study dump.  https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/184904374/

Race Mixing Memes  https://imgoat.com/uploads/e65972dce6/197234.jpg https://imgoat.com/uploads/e65972dce6/197224.jpg https://imgoat.com/uploads/e65972dce6/197236.jpg https://imgoat.com/uploads/e65972dce6/197238.jpg https://imgoat.com/uploads/e65972dce6/197239.jpg

16899289? ago

Robert Putnam set out to dispel the notion that diversity was bad. His conclusions told him the notions were right

16891520? ago

Hard to swallow when you're first confronted to it, but I'd rather be hurt by the truth then comforted by lies.

16891943? ago

Yep. The red pill is never easy especially when you've been lied to since birth. Welcome friend. The air is purer over here

16884967? ago

Culture doesn't have a color. Fuck off racists.

16889414? ago

Of course it does. That’s why black and brown countries have the shiftiest cultures.

16885032? ago

Thank you, George Soros!

16886728? ago

Soros hates our culture nitwit.

16884931? ago

Fuck that. If you can't hate the jews then there ain't anything worth living for.

16889260? ago

poor you... if its ony hate that keeps you alive, you are fucked and nobody needs you. you are a burdon to our planet. the world will be a better placec without haters like you.

16889358? ago

Whatever you say, assface.

16884901? ago

THIS IS A FREE SPEECH PLATFORM. Go read the constitution you fucking idiot. You know that you are here because your freedom of speech was CENSORED by blacks and Browns and communists on reddit right! That is why you are here. You lost your home on reddit and us evil RAY-CYST white men here welcomed you into our hard-won and viciously defended home here on voat. You lost your internet home. We don't agree with that loss because us RAY-CYST white men were also attacked and thrown from our homes... Not for being racist... BUT BECAUSE WE WERE WHITE MEN. so we made this place. And we welcomed you in... And what the absolute fuck do you do? You do this. YOU TRY TO FORCE US FROM OUR HOME HERE ON VOAT. you sorry sack of shit go to fucking hell... How can you not see that the above is true? At this point I fucking hate white people as well for being so fucking blind and for being such stupid traitorous fucks. You. Are. A. Feel. Nigger. You do not support nor defend THE FIRST AMMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION that us white men made and fought and died for by the millions. You do not support the very freedom of speech that we gave you. Why don't you go to racism-free SOUTH AFRICA and see what happens when us racist white men FAIL.

16889279? ago


if you think free speech is synonymous with the read to spout your hatred onto everybody you dont like, you havent understood a thing. your freedom ends where the freedom of other people begins.

16894133? ago

Speech doesn't harm people. You aren't the arbiter of what is acceptable discourse or not. What you feel is hatred is simply truth you didn't learn in your sheltered little bubble. This should be obvious. The fact that it is not is deeply alarming.

16902335? ago

Speech doesn't harm people.

not true. countless people have been traumatized by speech. words ARE actions.

What you feel is hatred is simply truth you didn't learn in your sheltered little bubble.

honey, i started waking up 40 years ago when you were probably not even born. no sheltered little bubble here.

you dont need to be an antisemite when realizing that the khazarian mafia has ruled the western world over centuries. its not all jews, its some of them.

you dont need to be a racist when realizing that IQ and volent crime is an ethinc issue.

you dont need to hate others when you feel threatened by them.

hatred and all of that is fear-based and not logical whatsoever. we can draw boundaries without having to attack others.

16906094? ago

Words are words. Words are better than bullets and bombs. You will survive a mean word. You would not survive a world war. You do not get to decide what people talk about. You do not know what the first amendment means. Saying something you think is mean is not a violation of your freedom or anything else. It's just a phase. Nobody gives a fuck about you in an anon board. That's the entire point. The only thing that matters is the truth or falsehoods you say. That's ALL.

16889531? ago

The only reason you can even speak here is because it is a free speech platform. If not it would be censored just like Reddit. Really. Have you ever asked those "evil racists WHY they are the way they are? How about those who hate jews? Have you asked them WHY? Nope. Instead you tell them they cannot speak on their own platform that they invite you to speak freely on and I don't understand a thing. So I can't say nigger... Whats next? I can't say MAN OR WOMAN? Oh yeah... we are already there. See this is the slippery slope. My freedom does not end where YOUR FEELINGS begin. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS HATE SPEECH. ONLY FREE SPEECH AND CENSORED SPEECH.

16893855? ago

if you think free speech is synonymous with the right to spout your hatred onto everybody you dont like, you havent understood a thing. your freedom ends where the freedom of other people begins.

Silly statement. If I can't say things that other people don't like, my free speech has no value.

16886617? ago

Hello. Yes, this is a free speech platform that we must all be very grateful for, and do our best to preserve it. That means respecting others' opinions while having the opportunity to express our own, no matter what. I am coming to realize more and more that we are in a worldwide spiritual battle, and this struggle involves the entire human race, I am also a while man and proud of that. But there are many people of other colors who are also human. We must hate what (((they))) do, but there is no room for hate against the true spirits of our fellow good human beings. We must unite in order to survive.

16911012? ago

And they have other places they can go, they are not homeless.

16886834? ago

Hate wakes people up. It's that simple. It makes them fight back... It makes them swing and swing hard. Then the other person swing a back over and over and over. IT BREAKS THE CONDITIONING... Its not fun. It's not fair. It's not OK but it works. Blacks and brown people have to help white men. It's that simple. White women have to help white men. We are too few and our enemies are too vast. Being NICE AND POLITE. Doesn't work. We tried it for 100 years and nearly have been wiped out in that time.

This is it. This is the end. My man. There are 2 ways this can go. Other races can ally behind white men and our values or they can face our ever increcing wrath. Perhaps we will be destroyed and Whites will end up like native Americans. A cultural oddity put in zoos and reservations. Exiled to tiny islands of white people in extremely remote and inhospitable places that only Whites can survive unaided with a first world lifestyle. Who knows. What is true though is that this is the end. One way or another. Choose your side because Whites are fighting back. Whites are the most dangerous race BY FAR. DO NOT EVER FORGET THAT.

16884896? ago

GTFO Fuck off kikeniggerfaggot. You came to Voat. Q brought you to voat to open your eyes. NOW OPEN THEM

16884809? ago

Upvoat for you.

16884785? ago

I don't consider myself a racist, but I see myself creeping closer and closer in that direction. I don't think it's the Q movement, I think it all began with Obama. If you want to blame someone blame him not Q

16887983? ago

People in responsible positions who fail MUST be held accountable.

16884767? ago

It's about keeping brown turds out of America.

16884737? ago

niggers and sandniggers are literally a biological weapon being forced into coutries by the kikes.

measles epidemic? imported from shitskin being forced in trough jewish agencies.

same goes for europe, rape theft, murder epidemics? imported by jewish organisations forcing multiculturalism and mass immmigration into the countries.


16884656? ago

caps-lock kike back again!!!

disguised as a patriot and using Q's name in vain to push the jew subversion - their oldest trick in the book is deception.

this obsessive copy/paste posting the same faggot points literally thousands of times now makes any thinking person stop and wonder if this asshole is mentally deranged or purposely pushing an agenda. One also wonders WHY the board moderators have not thrown this clown out for spamming the exact same post time and time and time again.

no one should be fooled by this paid jewish operative. he and his team leaders know most people are opening their eyes to their subversion, perversion and outright hatred of white people and christians in general - after all they DID kill Jesus Christ and their holy books describe his mother as a whore and that their magic kabbalah binds Jesus in hell boiling in a pot of excrement.

Q brought you people here for a very specific reason...and that is to open your damned eyes to the jew. this clown is trying his damndest to tell you otherwise.

16884648? ago

It's important to point out that the movement can only achieve any justice or success by focusing on merit.

Your enemies have a war on merit. They need to you to be so fearful that you fall for their collectivist trick, which will sabotage this movement.

In other words, communists are the enemy, and collectivism their weapon.

If you can't see that every good person is your ally, you are poisoned. You have been corrupted by our enemies, and you are their tool.

Collectivism is the poison they're using to try and defeat this movement, and eliminate you. If you don't understand this.. if you can't learn from history, you are already lost.

16889105? ago

Focusing on merit is how I realized that races aren’t equal.

16889645? ago

Now wake up from the communist's collectivist poison, and realize that groups don't matter.

There is no such thing as equality. Neither individual equality, nor equality under the law... however, with freedom we get the only equality possible, equality under the law.

16910941? ago

That's all yid hokum.

The only thing that matters is blood an soil.

Get rid of the niggers, jews, spics, etc. we have no problems. The economic system is a matter of preference.

Scandinavia had the highest standard of living before the nigger hordes arrive and they were socialist.

I don't particularly care for it but it worked well enough.

16884647? ago

there's -literally- nothing wrong with preferring your own race over another.

16889316? ago

agreed. prefering your own race doesnt mean that you have to hate on other races.

16884635? ago

The people moving people of different races into the same places are the ones trying to divide us by race. That's the point of it all. Eliminate the possibility of unity against the oligarchs. They used this to destroy occupy wall street. White men were thrown out of the leadership for being white men.

16884568? ago

A lot of you have this backwards. This comes down to a simple question, do you force the world to get along or let it get along naturally?

Do you force groups of people from one nation into another despite being separated for hundreds of thousands of years and except them to get along? When was the radio invented? Do you really think its been enough time for the races to just "get along"?

You need to wake up and realize that mixed populations is a mechanism of their control that has the direct intention of dividing us. They have intentionally mixed the populations in Europe and America for the sole purpose to cause division. There is nothing wrong with ethnostate nations getting along with other ethnostate nations and you normies really gotta see through the shit.

16895456? ago

do you force the world to get along or let it get along naturally?

As if the last 4 decades hasn't been a clusterfuck of elites running amok burning down countries and looting at firesale prices.

Prior to 1953s, Iran was modern. Left to their own devices, they would have done much better than having had the US assist a coup d'etat and installing leaders that would lead their country to today's radicals.

You have no idea how people would behave "naturally" because there are no modern examples. You have no idea how people would behave "if forced to get along" because there are no modern examples (plenty of force, but for intentionally destroying their countries for the profit of a few).

16895607? ago

because there are no modern examples

Japan. Thanks for playing tho.

16885094? ago

It's a liberal fantasy that they want really bad. The Qultists are as delusional as the leftists. This is proof of that. They obviously have some sort of agenda to destroy the white race. Anyone who lives around niggers know how they are, unless they are nigger fuckers, then they ignore all of that.

16913684? ago

I don't think they come any more "liberal" and "racially stupid" than the shill who wrote this piece of crap

16884562? ago

ALL CAPS BOOMER strikes again!!

16884496? ago

Reminder that most of these comments are fake and made up by pathological liars. None of this dogshit is real.

16884443? ago

All the racist bs is shills trying to scare off the newbs

16884439? ago

Do you know where the shills are coming from? Our sub is obviously being raided, just a question of scope and intent.

16884400? ago

All i want is to live in a country where everyone shares the same faith, Christianity. Islam/Christianity cannot coincide along with one another, the differences between these religions are major, and i suppose this is why its being pushed onto Western countries, to keep us dived, this is not an easy situation.

16889352? ago

Judaism has more control over our country yet you’re rambling about Islam. Why is that? Because the Jew on TV told you to, that’s why.

16884871? ago

They're more alike than different. Both are being manipulated for the sake of division. "They" want you to be afraid. I have complete compassion for both Christians and Muslims that are being brainwashed for the sake of division. Wake up.

16885252? ago

Prophet Mohammed, married a 6yr old and consummated the marriage at 9! Yeah we have loads in common! I care about my Christian brethren, more than brainwashed Muslims! They hate the West, yet here they are, living mostly on benefits, spouting their hatred and pushing for Sharia Law. You take them out of Shit hole countries, then they just recreate them in their new neighbourhood. I wish they would just go home, im sick of seeing woman dressed from head to toe in black, they look like the grim reaper gliding up the shopping isles.

16885774? ago

Yes there are those types of hateful, twisted Muslims. And there are also God-loving, humanity-loving, reasonable, beautiful ones. There are also ugly, dangerous, self-righteous Christians. Just look at the abuse and pedophilia coming out of the Catholic Church and Vatican. Unfortunately, it is the Muslims that are mostly being displaced from their homes and culture by incessant wars. Many are acting out of fear and outrage, and being stirred up into hateful, vengeful actions. Very sad. They are being propagandized just as you are. I know the horrendous actions being committed are real. Ask yourself why. Even the stories you hear about Muslims are twisted to make them seem evil. Here's a short video about a priest that turned Muslim. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83c535Rpdhk A short video on what Muslims are taught about Jesus. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTzmtzCKTNQ --- Not so black and white, is it?

16886631? ago

Your vids prove nothing, the woman is foolish and has been deceived, no ones come to the father except through me, the Jesus of the bible. The fact that Muslims will not accept that Christ is God, and will not accept the trinity is a problem. More Muslims are leaving Islam than converting, thank God.

16884386? ago

Oh really? We didn't decided for it to be about us, (((they))) did. Mass immigration is only being pushed in White countries. Communism and degeneracy is only being pushed in White countries. The war is being waged against us. So denying that and pretending WE are the racist ones, saying WE are wrong to desire homelands to live in, makes YOU a part of the problem and supporter of White Genocide. We can help the other races without giving up OUR culture, OUR people, and OUR land.

16892778? ago

We can help the other races without giving up OUR culture, OUR people, and OUR land.

They can jolly well help themselves or get fucked, it's not our problem.

16896729? ago

Either we teach them to be self sufficient or kill them. Otherwise they will just keep sneaking in. Kikes help or not.

16887715? ago

We can help the other races without giving up OUR culture, OUR people, and OUR land.

Amen anon

16886219? ago

I'm sure OP doesn't want us talking about (((them))) either.

16888178? ago

Absolutely. It's no small wonder that half of Voat is from fucking Israel.

16914082? ago

Do all you Soros shills come from any particular place, or do you justt get here out of shear stupidity?

16884363? ago

There is only one country in the world that guarantees the right to own and bear arms. Guess which one? The rest of the world gave in and now are we to rescue them?

16884346? ago

The only agenda is countering the narrative currently being used to rile low IQs into wanting a race war.

16884270? ago

I agree! I am no fan of how every tv show, commercial, movie and print add pushes race down the throats of every Amercan. It is as if you must mix or you are bad!

16884264? ago

Dont you ever wonder who "they" is? A vast percentage are people of a specific race/religion who try to divide the rest of us. Does that mean that all members of that race are bad? Of course not, but to ignore the obvious makes you stupid, not righteous. If you just can't stand "offensive" comments and posts, then perhaps Voat is not the place for you.

16884536? ago

OP is the All Caps Kike Shill so....

16884259? ago


16889381? ago


bullshit. Q chose voat because, besides the chans, its the only free speech platform. Q certainly didnt bring us here to learn hating on jews, blacks, boomers, etc. thats just the ugly thing we have to accept to be among when we want free speech. doesnt mean that we have to take that shit.

16889649? ago

So military intelligence couldn't understand that dumping all of you here would result in a huge rise of white nationalists? So either military intelligence is shockingly bad, Q is fake, or it was all PART OF THE PLAN... pick one.

16884818? ago

My definition of Nationalist may be different from your definition of Nationalist.

Clarify, please.

To me, nationalist = non-globalist...firm believer in national sovereignty. Race has nothing to do with it.

I'm white. I'm a nationalist. I'm not racist. I invite US citizens of all races to be nationalists too.

One nation under God.

16888373? ago

I'm in total agreement...

16888295? ago

Q Drop #2764. They DO NOT share our values. Race, unfortunately, has QUITE a lot to do with it.

16886960? ago

That's why I say White Nationalism... any other nationalism is fake or foreign. And if god wanted us all to mix the same he would have made us the same... the synagogue of satan forces us together moron.

16886337? ago

Nationality and ethnicity are intertwined. You can't have a Japanese nation full of Portuguese people. You can't have any nation full of all peoples of the world. America is a European nation, now and forever.

16887199? ago

America is a European nation

Is that why we beat all the German children if they spoke German in schools after WW2? Because America is a European nation?

16889007? ago

WW2 is the turning point. That’s when cultural marxism began to suffocate our European roots. We should have fought alongside germany and welcomed those kids with open arms. If they didn’t it was because of Jewish anti-white propaganda.

16884240? ago

Good vs evil. Evil resides in people of every race, so does good.

16910971? ago

Yes, but not in equal measure, by any stretch.

16884220? ago

So you’re saying it’s about a kind of ... One World Order?

16884182? ago

No niggers no kikes no faggots.

16884760? ago

They fear the day white people actually work together.

If you understood IQ you would not trust what Q has just said.

IQ based scientific studies are the most replicable. IQ by race is a a settles science.

Sure use and maybe work with some of them. but remember the other races do not have the same potential.

IQ is potential not how smart you currently are. Your upbringing does not effect IQ.

If blacks where left to their own devices they would not ascend the kardashev scale. We would develop faster with out them.

You can point out some smart Africans but on average they are a burden.

The people who tell you that IQ is not real are the same people who tell you that race is not real.

16889404? ago

If you understood IQ you would not trust what Q has just said.

IQ - left-brain linear thinking - is not the only valuable human trait.

16902087? ago

The Average IQ on a nation is directly linked to its people's standard of living.

Import the 3rd world and become the 3rd world.

You can work with others but remember that they are not the same. Do not love unconditionally Do not trust unconditionally. People should earn those things. There are people from all races that are worth you love and trust but not all of them.

16902304? ago

Do not trust unconditionally. People should earn those things. There are people from all races that are worth you love and trust but not all of them.


Do not love unconditionally

not agreed. true love/compassion is always unconditional. if it has conditions, its liking, preferences, attraction, a give-and-take game, not love. unconditional love doesnt mean that we have to accept bad behavior or take other peoples shit. we can love them and still put boundaries because we love ourselves, our families, our nation, too.

16902340? ago

close enough

16884178? ago

White survival is not a race agenda.

Why does that trigger you?

16889434? ago

White survival is not a race agenda. Why does that trigger you?

because most white survivalists attack non-whites. in order to protect our culture, we dont need to hate on other cultures, we just need to take care of our own. the moment these morons - half of voat? - realize that, voat will become a much more comfortable place to be.

16891748? ago

in order to protect our culture, we dont need to hate on other cultures

But they hate us.

16892846? ago

no excuse to hate back.

16893854? ago

You don't need to hate them, but you can't reason with people who are trying to exterminate you. You defend yourself or you die. It really is that simple.

16902347? ago

You don't need to hate them...............You defend yourself

agreed. defense yes. attack no.

16910790? ago

The best defense is a good offense.

16889678? ago

I agree there are some total asses here who attack the other cultures. However I think they are the shills who try to divide us.

I think the position that we all have a right to a homeland for every culture is a universal feeling and that is intolerable to the cabal.

Defending Whites is not attacking others.....but shills want you and everyone to link the two together. So they attack the non-Whites.

16888217? ago

Wow double think

16888839? ago

Let me rephrase for your simple mind.

Survival is not an agenda, it is a Right.

When you call survival an "agenda" you minimize the right of survival.

16888951? ago

May our ancestors create Beautiful Brown babies into eternity

16889032? ago

May your descendants be reduced to the oblivion you wish upon other peoples.

16884302? ago

if you want "white survival", you'll have to have more kids. I dont see it happening do you? plain math (im not white but I know math)

16888158? ago

The reason white people don't have "more kids" is because the economy is RIGGED and the r/K selection theory of whites does not apply to 3rd world Somalians.

Which means the solution isn't to try to reverse r/K selection theory in whites, it's to END THE FED.

16886192? ago

Not sure why you have so many downvoats for telling the truth.

16886548? ago

"easier to fool people than to convince them they are being fooled" comes to mind.

16885261? ago

Or we can say no more invaders, Whites are allowed a homeland too, just like everyone else.

16886450? ago

You can close borders, stop all immigration both legal and illegal, even kick out all non whites, but if you dont procreate at a rate just to replace the dead, your population will shrink. basic math.

America was never your homeland, your ancestors left their homelands long long ago.

16886883? ago

Populations have grown and shrank all through-out history.

It will again go up if we are not genocided forst by those who want us dead.

America was the homeland of the germanic tribes who crossed over siberia, also called the Clovis people.

16884798? ago

No, we we need fewer niggers.

16884368? ago

Or to close the border and rely more on technology like Japan.

16884511? ago

Japanese population is shrinking and aging at a fast pace. Japan is,also bringing in loads of workers from other Asian countries mainly. In Tokyo you encountet many chinese students working at stores, nurses from Philippines, fishing crews from indinesia usually on 3 year work visas

16884808? ago

This is a good thing, they are overcrowded.

16884574? ago

And? They are all Asian. We moved past hating each other over country border lines a long time ago. We are all European, we are all White. That's the first and most important step to survival. No more brother wars.

16886300? ago

You still need to procreate at a rate for replacement. This is just not happening.

16892540? ago

I have 4 kids and encourage my peers to have large familys. It's the best I can do. And again, that's a consequence of comfort, something that may not be around much longer.

16888134? ago

It's "not happening" because the economy is RIGGED and r/K selection theory of whites does not apply to 3rd world Somalians.

Which means the solution isn't to try to reverse r/K selection theory in whites, it's to END THE FED.

16886398? ago

No, feminism tricked White Western women into hating child bearing and instead send all their resources to the third world so their kids could replace us. Now to literally survive, we're being forced to segregate. Who is behind the White Guilt/White Supremacy --> White Genocide narrative?

16886574? ago

fyi, feminism is doing this in other countries, its not just a white thing.

16884151? ago

Amen brothers!

16884134? ago

There are Hillary type division agents, but also don't forget the losers that actually are KKK brainwashed - they would like to take over this movement. They don't realize we don't give a shit about division like they do. We are patriots, we support good people and destroy criminals/jihadis only. Live and let live - no mercy to any criminal from Hillary to MS13 butt boy.

16883862? ago

caps-lock kike back again!!!

disguised as a patriot and using Q's name in vain to push the jew subversion - their oldest trick in the book is deception.

this obsessive copy/paste posting the same faggot points literally thousands of times now makes any thinking person stop and wonder if this asshole is mentally deranged or purposely pushing an agenda. One also wonders WHY the board moderators have not thrown this clown out for spamming the exact same post time and time and time again.

no one should be fooled by this paid jewish operative. he and his team leaders know most people are opening their eyes to their subversion, perversion and outright hatred of white people and christians in general - after all they DID kill Jesus Christ and their holy books describe his mother as a whore and that their magic kabbalah binds Jesus in hell boiling in a pot of excrement.

Q brought you people here for a very specific reason...and that is to open your damned eyes to the jew. this clown is trying his damndest to tell you otherwise.

16895365? ago

I love this anon system.

Got you fucking shills running around in a circle calling everyone the same dude.

You are even easier to spot than the caplocks guy.

16887643? ago

Haha I'm pretty sure this is the shill poster that badgered me all day yesterday

16884326? ago

This OP loves loves to hinge his whole philosophy of Qanon on just one drop.

Definitely a subversive trying to control the narrative: working to setup a mental barrier in the minds of those who aren't fully aware/admitting reality.

16895387? ago

Survival of the FITTEST mindset.

Stop complaining that you're losing and REEEEEEE some more.

16895437? ago

That's funny, I say the same thing to niggers

16889496? ago

This OP loves loves to hinge his whole philosophy of Qanon on just one drop.

one drop? utter bullshit. just go to qmap.pub and type 'divide' into the search field. i found 45 drops.

16890278? ago

Source: scroll up, and pay attention to this comment in the future:

"Attention all new visitors:

^^^this paid Soros shill is here to divide you blah blah blah..."

Lurk more, boy

16885219? ago

How can a self proclaimed Patriot and lover of the constitution try to chase away others because of speech.

16885263? ago

Because the subversive's agenda requires people be separated from the truth.

A child of the lie

16885254? ago

"thou shalt not lie"

16883720? ago

Proud Qtard here. I also hate niggers. I can have my feet in both worlds. It’s hard for me not to hate them when I see how they raise their kids like wild dogs and treat each other like garbage. Apartheid existed for a reason and after slavery we should have shipped them all back. Granted, there are a few blacks who do not fit in this category but they are few and far between. I know niggers who laughed when their 12 year old son stole a cigarette truck. He’s now 22 and in jail for life for breaking into a pawn shop to steal guns. His family all think it’s funny. I have seen two nigger lesbians “raise” two toddlers with zero love or affection. Diapers were all they wore 24/7 and the two bitches hardly even interacted with them. I have seen niggers witness a shooting and when asked for details collectively say “I ain’t seen nuffin” when it was very clear on the video they saw everything. If being “united” means I have to put up with nigger bullshit then I want off this train. They need to assimilate into MY culture. Not the other way around.

16932557? ago

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16914372? ago

You almost saved your post with that last paragraph, but then you succumbed to a racist sounding statement again with that last sentence. No one has to be "forced", just "allowed". It isn't race, it's living in extreme poverty that induces such "inhuman" culture.

16899743? ago

Edit: I’d like to add that this has nothing to do with race and everything to do with culture.

You were doing so well, what a shame. lol

16900345? ago

There are (a few) blacks I respect. Thomas sowell is a prime example.

16900354? ago

I shit on Thomas Sowell's monkey face.

We have a million white men better than that nigger.

16901189? ago

You’re an idiot.

16903443? ago

You mean 100% correct.

He might say some things that make you nod your head, but that's about it.

The rest of his "brethren" are positively detrimental.

None of them contribute a single thing we couldn't have for ourselves.

16889181? ago

you sound like a stupid cunt, to be honest

16888086? ago

It wasn't always like that. I know it's hard to believe because of the situation in Africa, but there was a point where black American marriage rates were higher than whites (slightly).

Trump's black approval rate is what, 30% now? Probably already half the white rate and will likely keep going up.

16899435? ago

Trump's black approval rate is what, 30% now? Probably already half the white rate and will likely keep going up.

Whites voted for trump at ~53% in the midterms Blacks voted for trump at ~10% in the midterms

approval rating =/= voting record. Reminder : even when the KKK being democrats was not merely "well known" but was literally real at the time actively happening and occuring and a reality of the present time, blacks STILL voted for democrats the majority of the time.

16900364? ago

Alright, dude. Look. I just got out of racist rehab, I'm trying to stay clean, and I don't need these kinds of facts in my life right now.

16885615? ago

Based Qtard. I agree with most of what you say but how can we force blacks to live like humans? I too have known a select few blacks who are nice, regular people with a great work ethic. I have come to the conclusion that those blacks are either genetic mutations away from the norm or have a considerable amount of white DNA from a parent or grandparent. The situation only gets worse as black children learn more from social media than they do their parents or teachers. Twitter teaches them everything is the fault of whites and to rebel against all authority as it is institutionally racist. When I see stories of black children refusing to stand for the pledge or national anthem and physically fighting teachers I can only envision a future where things are worse.

16887621? ago

The tolerable blacks I have encountered have been legitimately religious (Christian) and rewuire themselves to live by god’s standards, not the ghetto around them. And they are demonized by other blacks for it.

16885398? ago

POS shill

16887604? ago

Found the nigger

16888172? ago

God is watching everything you do, say, and type.

16891726? ago

God is watching everything you do, say, and type.

Which is why I tell the truth about niggers. God doesn't want me to lie and say they're equal to us.

16893807? ago

God have mercy on your wretched soul

16899025? ago

Passive aggressive faggot.

Us placating blacks has lowered our standards across the board. Everything has been effected.

16901838? ago

Then leave. Go get a job or a hobby, anything.

16927030? ago

How about i fucking bitch about it to try and effect some change instead?

Your standards are complete garbage. How do you tolerate all the murders that happen in this country?

16889206? ago

I love black people. I especially love the ones who are productive members of society.

16889465? ago

We're all children of God. Except maybe the DS garbage being crushed. They're the devil's spawn. Who's side do you want to be on? We all must face our maker at some point.

16899049? ago

I hate to tell you this....The deep state are gods children.


16891730? ago

They may be children of God but they still have 85 average IQs and can't form functional civilizations without white people.

16893818? ago

Have a blast in Hell

16899130? ago

So what your saying is.....Everyone prior to the 1950 is burning in hell? Your grandparents, frying in hell, for ever. Because they way he is talking is how people used to talk before decades of programming gave us our (moral) compass when it comes to race.

Wake up you goofy fucker.... Also, there is no hell. Your dumb.

16883667? ago

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.

16883648? ago

I can't wait for people to be united. My son's best friend's mother unfriended me on FB and in real life because I voted for Trump. She is so brainwashed. It made me really sad because we really had great times together when the kids were playing high school sports, etc. She's black, and this was before the whole Blexit movement. I wonder how she is reacting to it all. So many things about the Trump Presidency that get downplayed it's unbelievable. 40% black approval rate is mind blowing for a Republican (or non-Democrat whatever), and it gets almost zero attention. People tell me that she was never REALLY my friend, blah blah blah. But she was, and I miss her still.

16891664? ago

before the whole Blexit movement.

There is no blexit movement. It was completely astroturfed by cuckservatives.

40% black approval rate

Trump's approval rate among blacks is 17%.


The 40% approval comes from Rasmussen which is a right-leaning pollster that only polls "likely voters", and most black people don't vote. Which is great for us, because most of them hate Trump.

90% of blacks voted for Hillary. 90% of blacks voted Democrat in the mid-terms.

They're not on our side. They hate us. Always have, always will.

16885073? ago

Blacks HATE you... They won't say it. They want the services you provide. It's that simple. Not all. But a vast majority. Look at the Mexicans! Doctors and lawyers right? Nope. They want your welfare and they smile in your face while the government robs you.

16892945? ago

Not all hate us but enough do that we really shouldn't even botherbwith them.

And they are fine with that.. We are just to different.

16886331? ago

As you were typing I accidentally kicked the black lawyer sitting next to me in court when I sat down next to him. Civil court so no government money here.. He apologized to me simultaneous to my apology. So yeah, no.

16886469? ago

So he gave you a teeny tiny bit of respect so you would not wake up. Keep making those welfare payments.

16884522? ago

It's her loss, Patriot. It is true, she NEVER really was your friend. You're going to have to accept that fact.

16884575? ago


16884325? ago

Keep steady my sister, you're right on track.. ppl will hate you for your beliefs. I also can't wait for ppl to be as close to united as possible.

16884194? ago

She's black, and this was before the whole Blexit movement.

There is no Blexit movement. At least not among blacks. It's most popular with white conservatives who never voted democratic anyway.

16892923? ago

Blacks will always vote 90% left. Mexicans 70% left.

16884261? ago

40% approval is a migration away from the Democrat plantation.

16884489? ago

Yet when it came to voting, where was that 40% last year?

16884564? ago

The question is, WHO was voting?

16884626? ago

The ones most likely to not show up at the poll booth, are the ones that would have voted Dem anyways. The welfare cases. So that's not really an excuse.

16883952? ago

I can relate. I ama musician and had played with a group of folks weekly for over 25 years. The 2016 election fractured the whole group and we have only had 5 jam sessions since. It seems all the government pension folks all vote Democrat and became rabid anti-tTrump, so much so that they ended up splintering the group. So sad. It seems any who are dependent on the government all vote democrat to I guess keep their benefits coming. This is why the education system is controlled by Democrats, they have them all under financial blackmail, making them believe that only the Democrats will provide them with their pensions.

16889200? ago

its almost like most people don't like being around you because you're a fucking creep and a failure

16891317? ago

Now THAT'S what I call projection

16889322? ago

Right!! Go fuck yourself shill, I was debt free, retired and set for the rest of my life at 55. You are the loser and creep. Enjoy your failure of a life punk.

16884184? ago

The small-minded don't deserve you as their friend. Their loss, Patriot. There are many, many patriots who would love to jam on some great tunes. Music is not just for Libs. Those of us who truly love Liberty are all about the music of freedom.

16884306? ago

It is still sad, many good memories over the years with some tremendous friends and musicians. Hussein is responsible for all the division. The sooner that fucking traitor is exposed and hung, the faster we can reunite as Americans as far as I am concerned.

16884392? ago

Absolutely agree on all of your points. Cheers to you.

16883616? ago

Its the Cabal throwing out all the racist bullshit. That way its very difficult for us to bring normal people here for information. If you truly follow Q, then there is no need to spout racist bullshit. But the truth does hurt, and many get upset when you make them understand.

16889168? ago

Right. If they were trying to divide us then you’d see AT LEAST ONE major media platform pushing a pro-white agenda. Show me that. Oh, you can’t? That’s because they don’t give a shit about divide, they just want to conquer whites, period.

16888325? ago

SEE Q DROP #2764.

16884989? ago

We welcome you here to our FREE SPEECH PLATFORM. after you were thrown from reddit by blacks and Browns and traitorous jews. Then you come here and are you our ALLY? No. You attack us and try to THROW US FROM OUR HOME WE BUILT! Some American you are.

16889536? ago

we will become allies when you stop spouting hatred all around.

16893960? ago

Not interested in becoming allies with someone who wants to eradicate Western Civilization. With friends like you who needs enemies?

16902342? ago

wrong conclusions.

16906522? ago

Fuck no it isn't. Western Civilization is being destroyed by the cabal mass white replacement plan and we are supposed to stand by and accept it? No. Fuck you. You aren't my ally. You call defense of our own nations "hatred". Not ever.

16911577? ago

you jsut dont get it. defend, dont attack. we have a right to protect our personal, cultural, and national sovereignty. we are not well advised when we attack others simply because we are afraid. and sorry, all this 'fuck jews/blacks/boomers' etc. is simply fear-driven. act from love for your country, not from fear of others.

16911998? ago

Defend means "remove illegals and subverters from your country". Physically, by force if necessary. That's defending yourself. I very much do "get it." Being replaced in our own countries is not going to be tolerated. This is not "attacking" people. Love of family and country is the root of self defense, not fear.

16913699? ago

totally with you.

the only thing i object is the generalization that all jews, blacks, hispanics, fill in the blanks of your illusionary enemy, are bad/evil/WTF. thats sloppy thinking.

16913893? ago

This is the nuance that real people (not shills) are trying to emphasize on QRV. There are a ton of shills that aren't just saying the normal tripe "Q is a LARP! Where are the arrests!" but instead saying "KILL ALL JEWS! LYNCH ALL BLACKS!" The extremism is ridiculous and often perpetrated by trolls and shills.

Yes, the majority of murders really are committed by blacks, despite them being 13% of the population. That doesn't mean that all black people are evil murderers. Yes, an overwhelming majority of the groups bringing Somalians and Muslims into the country are Jewish, but it doesn't mean that we should holocaust them for it.

16915559? ago

love your comment...

Yes, the majority of murders really are committed by blacks, despite them being 13% of the population. That doesn't mean that all black people are evil murderers. Yes, an overwhelming majority of the groups bringing Somalians and Muslims into the country are Jewish, but it doesn't mean that we should holocaust them for it.

here we go... thats the difference between realism and racism, between logical thinking and emotional hype.

16915664? ago

Respect patriot. +1

16925010? ago

thank you <3 (+1 reference to my country's school grades? interesting honor... respect patriot. ++++1)

16889809? ago

There is no such thing as hate speech... Only free speech and censored speech. There is no hatred. It does not exist. What you say would seem like wisdom but this is a road that has been walked for 100 years by the men and women in the US and all western nations. We have opened our nations, our women have opened their legs and we have opened our bank accounts and our borders to these people. We also gave them our technology and our time. What do I get in return? I. LIVE. IN. FEAR. Every single day. I am not a wealthy man. My wife has been attacked by blacks. I have been attacked by blacks. I was forced to train a Mexican to take my last job if I wanted to stay on another month. All I did was tell that guy what I was paid and asked him what he was paid. He said he didnt care because he had kids to feed. Dude, I am a fucking homeless vet. You know that? I haven't found work for YEARS. Yeah.. I am full of hate and I have little to lose and I am going to say it because someone has to stand up.

16884413? ago

Yep.. Nice analogy there!

16892383? ago

Thats not what an analogy is.

16884149? ago

Its different in Europe, its not so much about race, but cultural differences that is being pushed.

16884734? ago

If you understood IQ you would not trust what Q has just said.

IQ based scientific studies are the most replicable. IQ by race is a a settles science.

Sure use and maybe work with some of them. but remember the other races do not have the same potential.

IQ is potential not how smart you currently are. Your upbringing does not effect IQ.

If blacks where left to their own devices they would not ascend the kardashev scale. We would develop faster with out them.

You can point out some smart Africans but on average they are a burden.

The people who tell you that IQ is not real are the same people who tell you that race is not real.

16884223? ago

Having a different culture is perfectly fine. Preference for a specific culture is fine. Believing we cant have sex with someone because of their skin color, or causing harm to someone because of their cultural beliefs is wrong. It only causes us to be divided. Look everyone should understand, if you don't fuck with me i will not fuck with you. It's that simple.

16884779? ago

niggers weren't even considered 'human' up until a dozen or so years ago, and here you are, brainwashed by jews, advocating for beastiality.

16884470? ago

Racemixing is a disgusting sin against God. Babel was for a reason.

16883592? ago

I agree you qtards should go fuck yourselves. You embrace the nigger species because you are so cucked by the jews that you cannot see your coming demise. Genocide of the white race is the jews ultimate goal and niggers are their tool. Go tell your wives and daughters to burn some coal and you go suck a black dick. You people are a waste of of your heredity.

16883782? ago

You are confusing live and let live with multiculturalism and miscegenation.

16883852? ago

If our ancestors had that mentality we would be driving on the left side of the road and paying tax to the queen.

16883707? ago

You are a fucking mental case! Move along.

16884185? ago

Don't feed the troll. They live for this kind of interaction.

16883754? ago

Who is more mental the one that sees the train coming and steps off the tracks or the one that stands in the middle of the track fixated on the bright light?

16883583? ago

Q is for the wall. Q is for preserving American heritage. How you describe American heritage is the question. Up until the 60s it was pretty fucking white.

16890173? ago

The 60s was 2-3 generations ago... That white-only 'heritage' is long dead.

16889579? ago

Up until the 60s it was pretty fucking white

you mean, until the descendents of the slaves whites brought into the country - originally a native american non-white country, btw, most of them slaughterd by WHITE invadors - gained voting rights?

16890358? ago

Yeah...who's bright idea was that?

16888445? ago

You are letting the bad guys frame the debate though if you go with their narrative that "racism is nationalism and nationalism is racism." The bad guys came up with that and you're buying it!

16888444? ago

America is about liberty. Read the Declaration of Independence, and any other founding document. It's about principles. The sovereign individual. The same principles they encourage us to turn our back on.

Being "American" isn't about being born in the American hemisphere.. It's about being libertarian.

At least it was, and if it's to continue being worth anything, it will remain.

If they're targeting "white" people it's secondarily, as their main target is those with sufficient IQ to realize freedom is the answer.

Hence their war on merit.

16887166? ago

That and Q also sent everyone to voat. Plenty of other censorship free options, but voat has a unique “something” about it that Q certainly liked.

16887071? ago

I totally agree but the point is MAGA. What's that got to do with skin color? Please help me out here. My IQ is over 130 am not going to state my race.

16885733? ago

Except for all the wops

16885530? ago

Wrong! Re-read The American History prior to the native Indians being displaced & slavery.

16885189? ago

The wall isn’t about race, it’s about security. It’s about economics, its about stopping criminal activity. It isn’t about keeping brown people out. Fuck off.

16885136? ago

Wall or not, (wall is being built as we speak) Q is Q.

16884990? ago

The United States was founded as and always intended to be a European ethnostate. Immigration of anyone non European WAS NOT ALLOWED until the Immigration and Nationality act of 1965. The Jews played an outsized role in getting this legislation passed and ushering in the genocide of whites in America.

Don't believe me it was always designed as an ethnostate? Learn your history...

The Real History of the United States https://imgur.com/gallery/fFKkosQ  https://imgoat.com/uploads/4d9ee44e45/198503.jpg  https://imgoat.com/uploads/4d9ee44e45/198504.jpg  https://imgoat.com/uploads/4d9ee44e45/198505.jpg

16887668? ago

Huh. How did we end up with Chinese immigrants who did much of the mining and railroad building in the west if they were never allowed into the country?

Better check your facts because your assertion doesnt pass even a simple observation of history.

16890616? ago

They were only allowed citizenship if born here. Their children were citizens they were not.

There was even debate about this, and whether or not africans and american indians were citizens.

16890780? ago

So... non white citizens? Guess that argues against the racists assertion.

16891533? ago

The fact is, no gook or nigger ever went through ellis island.. And in 1921 maybe 24 they changed the law to limit some European ethnics. Early documents even clearly specify some rights only apply to whites.

As for the chinese citizens, They weren't considered citzens, like american indians and african freed slaves until laws were revised.

Why don't you read the bill of 1964 for yourself see whats in it and then you can come educate us dumb rednecks. Non-whites had some paths to citizenship but not the same as whites.

16894728? ago

They have the 14th amendment. Whites are supposed to be covered in Article IV if I remember correctly. But, since birth certificates and social security #'s we all claim to be citizens of Washington, DC, US Inc.. State Citizenship has been all but abolished.

16889501? ago

How did we end up with Chinese immigrants who did much of the mining and railroad building in the west if they were never allowed into the country?

They weren't considered humans back then, they were just soulless animals. It is said that when talking about the Canadian Transcontinental Railway, "There is one dead Chinaman for every mile of track."

After expendable soulless labour wasn't needed anymore, Chinese immigration was almost completely halted until the immigration laws changed in the 60s and 70s.

So my question to you is - If Chinese/Asian immigrants were always welcome, then why was immigration from there severely restricted leading up to the 60s and 70s?

16889780? ago

"They weren't considered humans back then"
Reminder: that's an intrinsically Judaic concept, not a truly Christian one. And they feel the same way about everyone except their own. (And even their own are expendable whenever necessary.)

16888859? ago

They were brought in as cheap labor by people who didn’t give a shit about the american spirit. Even so, they were a tiny share of the population and so nobody thought it was a big deal. And it wasn’t. As evidenced by the fact that country was still 90% white a hundred years later.

16889232? ago

And yet it still proves your assertion is full of shit.

16890023? ago

No it doesn’t.

16890769? ago

Go home you racist asshole. Your bs isnt wanted here.

16892579? ago

So let's import 100 million non whites?

You stupid fuck that would destroy the country.

16892730? ago

How do you come to the conclusion that is what I want?

This is a fascinating exercise in Poe's law. You are either a shitty human being or you are a paid shill who is posing as one. Either way, its clear you are just a sad and pathetic example of humanity

16892863? ago

No, your ignorant of history. Your fee fees of me make no difference to the facts you Boomer pussy.

Babylon if your religious. The fall of Rome. The Balkans... You cannot maintain a society without cultural cohesion. Sure some can assimilate but they assimilat BRCAUSE they are forced to due to said dominate culture.

None of the brown hordes comi gherw are assimilating unless there is gibs to be had.

I would bascially call you a peice of shit for wanting to destroy the country. You should know better.

And by the way the UN defines replacing a native population via immigration genocide.

America used to be 92% white. It's now 62. This is how wars start. And it will happen.

16895217? ago

You conflate cultural cohesion with racial purity.

The first American to die in our revolution was a black man.

Fuck off you racist piece of shit.

16896377? ago

Yes I do conflate it. Becuase there is a correlation. Try harder.

Blacks have a place here you stupid fuck. Everyone leaves until this place resembles a country again.

Who died doing what and when doesn't change anything. Back to the house with that basic bitch shit nnnnguy.

16896761? ago

This place is a great country already and it can always be better. But not by the means or measurements you are applying.

16893588? ago

You cannot be taken seriously, you are an idiot.

16894124? ago

Any moron knows borders are required to maintain a country.

I see you.

16895185? ago

I have never suggested that we should not have them nor that we shouldn't control who crosses them.

Do you enjoy arguing with straw men or are you just a fucking moron high on the scent of your own farts?

16896458? ago

So we are in agreement.

America needs to reverse its demographics

16896720? ago

Go away troll, we are not in agreement.

16911111? ago

So no wall?

16913334? ago

Where are you getting that from?

16914205? ago

Stop defending the lefts charges of racism.

Just them do it.

16914601? ago

You aren't even making any sense. Is your scripting broken you poor NPC bot?

16892066? ago

Your facts aren't wanted here. They disturb my boomer fantasies.

16886888? ago

European includes Hispanic, Slav, Greek and Bulgarian right?

16892555? ago

All but Hispanics.

Some are fine but we have to remain majority white. More the our current 62% for sure. 80 to 85 would be ideal

16903345? ago

Do you mean that people from Spain are not European? Or do you mean that they are not 'white'? Or both. What about Catalunyans, Galicians and Basque? (Most of those folks look whiter than Joe Genova.) I think that's an impossible line to draw. Your proposed numbers may be perfectly reasonable but could never be implemented.

16891954? ago


16891577? ago

Not really, there were quotas on Eastern Europeans as well.

16922011? ago

Eastern Europeans were called 'Bohunks', a reference to Bohemia and Hungary.

16927225? ago

You learn something new every day...

16887001? ago

Hispanic means Spanish mixed with nigger and Indian

16903171? ago

so you are saying that being 'Hispanic' is based on language usage, and not ethnicity? write your own special dictionary - freedom of the press and all. many would rather turn to the American Webster's or English Oxford dictionaries.

16910559? ago

Hispanic has two major components in every dictionary. Spanish speaking and Latin American. It DOESN'T mean from Spain, it means specifically a latin American mutt (niggers and Indians) that was conquered by Spain. Stop trying to play gotcha games.

16911966? ago

By that definition the Seminole of Florida would be considered Hispanic.

Hispanic adjective

His·​pan·​ic | \ hi-ˈspa-nik \

1 : of, relating to, or being a person of Latin American descent and especially of Cuban, Mexican, or Puerto Rican origin living in the U.S.

2 : of or relating to the people, speech, or culture of Spain


This popular dictionary, the American classic, says "of or relating to" things of Spain. The word is first known to have been used in English in 1584, in the second sense seen below. Whereas Latino refers only to Latin American things and was not used in English until the 1940s, adapted from the Spanish language term Latino-Americano. There is a real distinction but some overlap. Many do use the terms interchangeably, while others would rather their language and identities weren't muddied with what you call niggers and Indians or anything having to do with old Mexico. The territory of New Mexico was first 'settled' by people from Spain who never settled anywhere in Latin America and had no intermixing with natives and had no involvement with African slavery. Many were granted land by their sovereigns, the various Kings Philip of the house of Hapsburg who dominated Europe in that era. These settlers established the Capital, Santa Fe, in 1610, a full decade before the Mayflower crossed the Atlantic. There are families in the same territory today who do not consider themselves Latinos in any way. The Webster dictionary quoted above confirms that distinction.

Or should we defer to the ostensibly superior OED?

16914413? ago

The real world is a lot messier then dictionaries, encyclopedias, or even non fiction novels can handle and you can't undervalue sweeping stereotypes -such groupings necessarily enable human cognition. Our brains cannot make effective decisions while maintaining the voracious specificity that modern inclusiveness and individuality demands.

Although I'm naturally racist and so is she (and you), I just fucked a super hot Brazilian black chick 4 times last night. I think she is the primary distinction between Latin American and Hispanic. Brazil was a Portuguese colony. She's certainly not Hispanic but you could call her Latin American. Similarly there's some French cultivated niggers and Indians down there too.

She's superhot and not "dumb" but I certainly wouldn't trust flying in a plane anyone from her family engineered.

It gets really hard when you include the Hispanics from the islands. They aren't even in any " America" thus the need for Latin American vs Latino. Hispanic actually comes from the Isle of Hispaniola but what about the French Hatians!? People would look at you cockeyed if you called them Hispanic even though they're more Hispanic than any Latin American.

It's exhausting but no matter how you look at it people living in Spain do not call themselves Hispanics.

16924462? ago

Most of what you say is fair, maybe even true.

Hispanic may be from Hispaniola which comes from the Latin for Spain.

If the Gulf and/or Carribean islands are not in the Americas, is Ireland in Europe?

I didn't say that citizens of Spain call themselves 'Hispanic'. They have Spanish words for such things.

Yes it's exhausting or complex. Look at the variety of ways people use the words English or * American*.

Somebody was making some claim on a basis of ethnicity using fuzzy terminology. Even if race was the primary way to determine social/political decisions (doubt it), any case to be made has to be made using mutually understood vocab. Why not get clarity and precision up front?

16930286? ago

You called people from Spain Hispanic . It's wrong on many levels. It's like trying to call the CEO a contractor . Sure you can do it with some mental gymnastics but it's wrong and you don't fucking get it

16935796? ago

I'm with Webster's

16936629? ago

Nice to meet you. Please pay attention to the views addressed on this site. It is a rare unfiltered public forum. The views you get here will be closer to what sincere people really believe without fear of retribution. Publications like Webster's are of a leftist slant because everyone in our society is afraid of the PC wrath. PC does not mean correct, it means politically correct. Since leftists are domineering and censor diverse ideas, anything PC will always have a leftist slant.

16936957? ago

I thought Noah Webster was an American genius and patriot.

16937028? ago

Everything gets corrupted by leftists overtime if you don't protect it

16938001? ago

every earthly thing gets corrupted, sometimes by leftism. if you can't protect you gotta renew. including language. if the issue of race is so important, then it deserves the rigor that is reasonably applied to scientific and legal things (and Scriptural things). getting us all speaking the same language with shared definitions is a good way to start focusing on any issue. i don't care so much which definitions are used as long as they are clear and mutually accepted by the party's involved. when discrepancy arises a referee or reference is useful. maybe there is a better reference than Webster's. can you suggest one?

16912558? ago

What are you trying to prove ? A white Spaniard from Spain would kick your fucking ass if you called him a Hispanic. Fuck your dictionary cherry picking ass. Reality trumps leftism's nigger washing of history every time.

16913723? ago

Okay go talk to the Sandoval family of the San Luis Valley and ask them which they would prefer to be called. I've known them. They schooled me on this years ago.

16914593? ago

They don't dictate any narrative because there's not enough of them. Humans just aren't good enough to get it that correct. They'll just be pissed off that everybody gets it wrong in their specific case forever.

16924483? ago

Okay. And your family can't speak for whatever ethnic group you belong to.

N.B. People in Spain don't wouldn't the word 'Hispanic' because it is not a Spanish word. But they could decide if it was acceptable if they knew clearly what it means. The second Webster's definition would probably be acceptable.

16930211? ago

Now I know you're just full of shit and can't handle being corrected

16935807? ago


16886859? ago

shoulda put European in the constitution. we hardly got Christian in there.

16892609? ago

The naturalization act of 1790 states exactly this.

This should be revisited.

16903365? ago

So Hispanic Europeans are okay, but Arians from the middle east, and Caucasians from the Caucuses are not?

16887243? ago

Christian or God is NOT in the constitution

16903232? ago

Correct, I think. But our 'Creator' is in the Declaration of Independence. How many belief schemes have a singular Creator of humans who gives us certain abstract qualities?

16891607? ago

Doesn't need to be. Everyone was a European Christian.

16886068? ago

Thank god we got some actual anons around

16887593? ago

No shit. I just "SHILL" screamed at me for pointing out facts like that

16884913? ago

Agreed. This dope doesn't get it.

16884792? ago

Q is international bro.

16884738? ago

I'm racist for pointing out that other races cultures are shit.

16885126? ago

Wouldn’t that make you a culturist?

16895137? ago

race is the seed, culture is the flower

16892623? ago

If mexiaco was full of Japanese there would be zero problems.

16893025? ago

Yes and no. Overall, they’re lots better, but Japs have gangs, too.

Mexico wouldn’t be as bad as it is without the influence of the cartels. Building the wall will cause Mexico to become a much safer place as the cartels are forced to move to Canadialand.

16885474? ago

That's correct, has nothing to so with color of skin, its about destructive culture. Some cultures are productive and some are destructive, we just call a spade a spade, regardless of WWG1WGA. If we all allow some cultures to survive, they will destroy us all, just like radical Islam. Do we include them in the category of WWG1WGA? Do we include the Deep State? No, "we" includes patriots, citizens, and all those people that want to MAGA, it does NOT include communists, socialists, and those that push victimhood culture.

16888903? ago

WWG1WGA is those who support good.

And yet 95% of you are white. Maybe there’s a lesson in there somewhere.

16884417? ago

the wall is not about a race, its about the layers of problems associated with unaccounted-for, undocumented and substantial ingest of foreign nationals.

16884187? ago

Op black and slow

16885201? ago

Am no slow, just giving time for shills like you to show up so I can Whack-A-Mole

16885231? ago

Have fun

16885335? ago

I am already kekkk

16885230? ago

Hello JIDF Jim.

16885365? ago

Hi bro ... I see no skin color.. everyone's got a good heart. Very hard for me to see skin color.

16892656? ago


16892582? ago

Skin color has nothing to do with satanic cultures that wish to destroy others. Also you are in denial.

16885791? ago

I can see your good intentions. There is still undeniable jewish influence over the banks that control the world's monetary system. Not taking any sides here, just being honest. Like you, I am a good-hearted human and disagree with any form of control over my fellow man. Good luck.

16886087? ago

Thank you "bro fist" kekk

16886111? ago

Same to you.

16884756? ago

op is a jew

16885783? ago

Naw just a stupid white who is still brainwashed BUT THINKS HE IS WOKE. STUPID NORMIE WHITE.

16885010? ago

Many in the Q movement have admitted right here that they are jewish.

16885117? ago

and that makes them enemies of EVERY WHITE MAN, whether you like it or not

16886866? ago

So if I find out that my dad was 50% Jewish genetically, am I an enemy?

16892644? ago

Na, jews are white just change your last name if it's Jewish and carry on.

It's what I would prolly do. Jews exist in surname only for the most part.

16893321? ago

Hebrew logic right here.

16894146? ago

Once your change your last name how would anyone even know, or care. Anyway jews content they are a race. So no it's not Hebrew logic.

16891628? ago

I don't know, are you?

16887559? ago

why dont you ask the jews themselves and check the chart for the nuremburg trials

16887841? ago


16887090? ago

If you are posting that all races are equal, yes you are attacking whites.

If I were a shrew and hateful of humans, I'd tell everyone that monkeys are equal to humans. If I could force them to mate, I would. If they figured out what I was doing, I'd make laws to protect shrews

16884770? ago

Ha, yeah I know

16883569? ago

But we're told to believe that niggers are equal to whites. Anyone that's been around them for 5 mins can tell you that's definitely not true. So is Q preaching the NWO multicultural shtick?

16884224? ago

You don't know a lot of non-white people, do you? I do. Expand your breadth and scope of the people with whom you socialize. Trust me on this, there are many non-whites you'll choose over leftist whities.

16884878? ago

I'm surrounded by them, and no, I wouldn't

You're a cocksucker, plain and simple.

16888652? ago

You keep that fantasy alive there. Good luck with that.

16889092? ago

Faggots like you never lived in the ghetto

16889171? ago

Projecting again? You like that back cock, eh. Keep on keeping on there, faggot.

16889382? ago

No, you faggot ass bitch, I'm telling you, it's easy to have that attitude about minorities when you never lived in the ghetto

16883842? ago

By having non-whites in your society it means that you are already divided. I am guessing "Q" isn't old enough to remember the OJ Simpson trial where just about every single "educated black" squealed with delight when one of their own got away with murdering a white girl. Multi-ethnic societies do not work.

Frankly, these anonymous posts are so tiresome. I think the idea is that if they can't see our post history they can call us shills when they are called out on their BS posts. Most Q people are new to this "red pill" thing and are going through the motions many people go through. They still think there is a chance for reform by working through the system because their hearts haven't been broken yet. At this point they see how the media can manipulate an entire population, but they still think Hitler was this monster because the media tells them so. They think all races can work together because the media tells them so.

Our Q friends don't realize nothing you see today is new. That trying to get minorities to vote conservative has been tried for decades. They don't know that the GOP even reached out to the "Model Minority", the Asians, this past election cycle, that they had their candidates at all the lunar new year events, on asian social media, took up every asian rights cause, and were rewarded with under 20% of the asian vote.

They find themselves as refugees on a national socialist message board and yet they think that somehow by playing nice with non-whites they are going to be legitimized. They will learn soon enough this is not the case.

16883971? ago

And if OJ was found guilty, the same niggers were prepared to burn down the city.

16883509? ago
