tomdogg ago

Sometimes it’s nice to have anonymity.

divine_human ago

anonymity invites shitposting and shilling.

FoolsGold ago

Yep, here you can actually point out who are shills and keep track of them via their actual username, and not having to just guess.

JodyOnTheBlock ago

IMO the /QRV subverse is infinitely more important than this 'verse because it is officially sanctioned by Q, themselves. If they sanctioned the board, they monitor it (participate?). Using an anonymous board on an anonymous site allows for all but the most cautious to freely post and discuss what could be very important information in this war.

When I get enough imaginary internet points, I'll help downvoat the porn posts and idiotic comments (they do a decent job already). But I've been doing most of my posting is done over there (we should be united) where points don't matter, so I don't have enough social credit to do so. WWG1WGANF

I sub to all the Q related subverses I've found, but I only post in /QRV and here in /GreatAwakening, the "O"riginal Qverse. I do wish people would come here instead of /theawakening. I came here from reddit during the great Q migration and was initially as shocked as you are at the sight of unfettered free speech without any form of self-censorship. Today, I find it difficult to be offended by the words of idiots and shills.

Intothewind ago

I agree...i occasionally check qrv/hot but migrated mainly here a month or two ago

Azurenightsky ago

You understand "Bigot" is literally a nonsense word, yes? It means one who is intolerant of someone else's opinion.

Something for you to stew on, alongside the heaping helpings of Irony and Hypocrisy.

rickki6 ago

yea QRV is horrible.

Ashamandre ago

This subverse will be the only saving grace when the Q is asked, and the onslaught begins. This place was here before QRV, and should be recognized for not being infested with shills and bots. This, in my opinion, is due to the forced anonymity QRV required in order to feel safe. It followed the chan formula, and in doing so, made it a target. When the assault starts, WE need to be ready to counter the narrative, and steer people here, so they can get a more accurate view. WWG1WGA

B-------D ago

QRV is for Redditors. Simple as that. Once that clicks in your head it all clears up. Also QRV is anon. This means it is loaded with shills.

benjitsu ago

I have said it before and I will say it again...I think QRV was purposely pointed at to be used of as the toilet of the Q movement. Keep all the facebook fucktards over there, we have enough as it is

Azurenightsky ago

I'm so superior to those OTHER Q followers.

WWG1 Only some of us go...

Wait a tick, that don't sound right to me.

benjitsu ago

Social media retards are literally a level below. GTFO facebooke or GTFO of here

MudPuddlePie ago

You're trying too hard.

OsoCovfefe ago

I wonder where the shills who troll so heavily in QRV come from...?

Are shills just barely wise enough to not shiite in their own nests?

GeneralBoozer ago

QRV turned into a lightning rod to keep the shills in one place. Was this by design? I think so. It's a shithole.

MudPuddlePie ago

Agreed...but they migrate here often...

digital_minuteman321 ago

A true Q follower doesn't look at skin color, only by the character of the person.

the_art_collector ago

Ironically that's exactly what the link in the OP espouses.

supranational_stoner ago

Which I implied are not Q supporters but shills trying to depict us that way. Which is why I left v/QRV

indeknow ago

These voat subs are just looking glasses for the normies. The real Q research is up on the chans.

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

I agree, but much of what is uncovered on the chans finds its way here. And the chans aren’t for everybody. They can be hard to navigate, and very unforgiving for those who choose to go there and act like a bitch.

nevergiveup2them ago

I imagine that when Q is proven to be real in the MSM they will point to these shill posts and say see Q and the movement are racists and evil. They are planting the evidence they will later use. IMHO.

B-------D ago

Yeah. This is what is going on. I don't think it will get that far honestly. I think it is safe to say "its happening". Finally.

supranational_stoner ago

Yep, my thoughts exactly. Either that or they're gonna ramp up the false flags with Q and MAGA symbols.

benjitsu ago

I am flabbergasted that these retards haven't been smart enough to buy a thousand maga hats and hire mercs to fuck up some cities. These people really are stupid

B-------D ago

Same. I expected a lot more of that type of thing. The "Q failed MAGA riots" shills on 8ch were an attempt to get us to go do some shooting but it was pretty obvious tbh. Everyone just laughed at them. For some reason they just spray the same thing over and over 24x7 and think people will believe a real person is doing it. Its silly. My 5 year old knows better than that.

onelson1 ago

If there is info to be had, either will do. Just don't pay attention to dumb fuck commies. This is a great site and lots of great info.

mrGaudi ago

Actual intellectual discussion happens here (ie. real people talking).

Azurenightsky ago

Don't go breaking your arm jerking yourself off so hard now.

mrGaudi ago

The one liner is handy if you literally have nothing to add to geopolitical discussions, which it appears you don't.

mark7 ago

Or sucking yourself, (as you seem to be doing).

CovfefeFan ago

I agree. This place is better.

MudPuddlePie ago

Agreed. Not "anonymous" seems to make comments accountable.

Azurenightsky ago

Good Lord, if you're so weak that you feel you can only be held to a standard if you've got a name attached, you're not ready for what's coming.

The reason you feel safer here is because it's curated, it's kept safe and molly coddled. Pay attention to what's going on around you. You are not enlightened for being "Superior" to those whom you would think to condescend towards. Where We Go ONE, We Go ALL, you daft fools.

mark7 ago

I condescend towards anyone who sows hate. If you cannot be civil to everyone, then you are (just like) what we are trying to eliminate. I am guilty of saying "Faggot" too much as well, (but those types have rejected God, and his nature)imo. Being held to a standard is not a strategy "of daft fools", much the reverse. Your fellow QRV bigots await you!!

supranational_stoner ago

saying "Faggot" too much as well, (but those types have rejected God, and his nature)

If God wanted them to be straight he would have made them that way. Homosexuality is not something you choose or can change - as it has been proven. Just accept that back in the old days people put their own zeitgeist opinions on everything, including the Bible.

Saying someone is not worthy of Heaven because they like to fuck other people is as hateful as lynching someone. Homosexuality literally happens in EVERY SPECIES, but only one is dumb enough to judge their own for that. Stop that, you are better than that. Freedom for all, you don't need to agree with everyone but NEVER try to FORCE other people into YOUR own beliefs even if YOU think it's right.

Our founding fathers made sure to focus on this: America first, you can choose your own religion.

Saying "those types" imply you see them less human or less worthy than you, which is not true at all.

mark7 ago

Sorry, but the sodomites are the leading edge of the abominating modern culture. If said persons cannot control the unnatural desire to bugger their own sex, fine, we who do not agree, did not want to hear about, have it flaunted in our faces, taught to our children, degrading our marriage institutions, or creating special classes of deviants, that we must respect under degraded law, and claiming anyone whose values it goes against somehow insane? Yeah go ahead and bugger all you want, I call it like I see it. But don't somehow claim you or your fellow dorks are somehow moral, and did not start attacking natural families long ago. Your kind agree with the what thou wilt. Ever heard of NAMBLA ?? If we have to go where you people are... f&($ it.., I quit!!!!

MudPuddlePie ago


CTCZ ago


CovfefeFan ago
