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16883720? ago

Proud Qtard here. I also hate niggers. I can have my feet in both worlds. It’s hard for me not to hate them when I see how they raise their kids like wild dogs and treat each other like garbage. Apartheid existed for a reason and after slavery we should have shipped them all back. Granted, there are a few blacks who do not fit in this category but they are few and far between. I know niggers who laughed when their 12 year old son stole a cigarette truck. He’s now 22 and in jail for life for breaking into a pawn shop to steal guns. His family all think it’s funny. I have seen two nigger lesbians “raise” two toddlers with zero love or affection. Diapers were all they wore 24/7 and the two bitches hardly even interacted with them. I have seen niggers witness a shooting and when asked for details collectively say “I ain’t seen nuffin” when it was very clear on the video they saw everything. If being “united” means I have to put up with nigger bullshit then I want off this train. They need to assimilate into MY culture. Not the other way around.

16932557? ago

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16914372? ago

You almost saved your post with that last paragraph, but then you succumbed to a racist sounding statement again with that last sentence. No one has to be "forced", just "allowed". It isn't race, it's living in extreme poverty that induces such "inhuman" culture.

16899743? ago

Edit: I’d like to add that this has nothing to do with race and everything to do with culture.

You were doing so well, what a shame. lol

16900345? ago

There are (a few) blacks I respect. Thomas sowell is a prime example.

16900354? ago

I shit on Thomas Sowell's monkey face.

We have a million white men better than that nigger.

16901189? ago

You’re an idiot.

16903443? ago

You mean 100% correct.

He might say some things that make you nod your head, but that's about it.

The rest of his "brethren" are positively detrimental.

None of them contribute a single thing we couldn't have for ourselves.

16889181? ago

you sound like a stupid cunt, to be honest

16888086? ago

It wasn't always like that. I know it's hard to believe because of the situation in Africa, but there was a point where black American marriage rates were higher than whites (slightly).

Trump's black approval rate is what, 30% now? Probably already half the white rate and will likely keep going up.

16899435? ago

Trump's black approval rate is what, 30% now? Probably already half the white rate and will likely keep going up.

Whites voted for trump at ~53% in the midterms Blacks voted for trump at ~10% in the midterms

approval rating =/= voting record. Reminder : even when the KKK being democrats was not merely "well known" but was literally real at the time actively happening and occuring and a reality of the present time, blacks STILL voted for democrats the majority of the time.

16900364? ago

Alright, dude. Look. I just got out of racist rehab, I'm trying to stay clean, and I don't need these kinds of facts in my life right now.

16885615? ago

Based Qtard. I agree with most of what you say but how can we force blacks to live like humans? I too have known a select few blacks who are nice, regular people with a great work ethic. I have come to the conclusion that those blacks are either genetic mutations away from the norm or have a considerable amount of white DNA from a parent or grandparent. The situation only gets worse as black children learn more from social media than they do their parents or teachers. Twitter teaches them everything is the fault of whites and to rebel against all authority as it is institutionally racist. When I see stories of black children refusing to stand for the pledge or national anthem and physically fighting teachers I can only envision a future where things are worse.

16887621? ago

The tolerable blacks I have encountered have been legitimately religious (Christian) and rewuire themselves to live by god’s standards, not the ghetto around them. And they are demonized by other blacks for it.

16885398? ago

POS shill

16887604? ago

Found the nigger

16888172? ago

God is watching everything you do, say, and type.

16891726? ago

God is watching everything you do, say, and type.

Which is why I tell the truth about niggers. God doesn't want me to lie and say they're equal to us.

16893807? ago

God have mercy on your wretched soul

16899025? ago

Passive aggressive faggot.

Us placating blacks has lowered our standards across the board. Everything has been effected.

16901838? ago

Then leave. Go get a job or a hobby, anything.

16927030? ago

How about i fucking bitch about it to try and effect some change instead?

Your standards are complete garbage. How do you tolerate all the murders that happen in this country?

16889206? ago

I love black people. I especially love the ones who are productive members of society.

16889465? ago

We're all children of God. Except maybe the DS garbage being crushed. They're the devil's spawn. Who's side do you want to be on? We all must face our maker at some point.

16899049? ago

I hate to tell you this....The deep state are gods children.


16891730? ago

They may be children of God but they still have 85 average IQs and can't form functional civilizations without white people.

16893818? ago

Have a blast in Hell

16899130? ago

So what your saying is.....Everyone prior to the 1950 is burning in hell? Your grandparents, frying in hell, for ever. Because they way he is talking is how people used to talk before decades of programming gave us our (moral) compass when it comes to race.

Wake up you goofy fucker.... Also, there is no hell. Your dumb.