17226037? ago

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16894090? ago

Racist here but have to disagree with this statement:

"Disagreement is the cause of war"

No, it isn't. Humans go to war for both cultural/psychological and resource-related reasons. "disagreement" is far too vague and general a term to be used to explain it.

The American Indians of the Plains had inter-tribal war throughout their history but for various reasons it became more widespread and deadly after the introduction of horses.

  1. More effective hunting of Buffalo caused larger populations which led to more resource competition

  2. Need for huge expanses for grazing caused resource competition

  3. Hit and run mobility more possible. When whole tribes and encampments were on foot, war was much more difficult to prosecute

16895476? ago

No, it isn't. Humans go to war for both cultural/psychological and resource-related reasons.

Which result in disagreements. Making me right and you arguing semantics as proven here;

"disagreement" is far too vague and general a term to be used to explain it.

The American Indians of the Plains had inter-tribal war throughout their history but for various reasons it became more widespread and deadly after the introduction of horses.

Because of disagreement and increased technology to bring about further proximity. As i said. So thanks for stopping by, attempting to give an English lecture and failing and then proceeding to agree with my original point.

16893704? ago

can we crowdfund tickets back to Africa for black America? every last one

not even bullshitting. i'm sick of living lies day after day. we are equal , we are equal..... NO FUCK WE ARE NOT

16890744? ago

Individual races are a natural occurrence. Nature let the healthiest and strongest survive and thrive. Societal manipulation is a disaster!

16890583? ago

For all lurking newfags, diversity is a cancer pushed by the Jews to destroy society from within. The United States was always intended to be an ethnostate until JFK gave them civil rights in exchange for them not destroying the country for the (((communists))).

Read these pics on diversity and the numerous studies done that find diversity is Extremely destructive to a country. Also, diversity always leads to races mixing, which is incredibly damaging physically, psychologically, and emotionally to the off spring. Again, Harvard proved this true.

 Harvard interracial study https://scholar.harvard.edu/files/fryer/files/plight_of_mixed_race.pdf

 Harvard diversity study https://macaulay.cuny.edu/eportfolios/benediktsson2013/files/2013/04/Putnam.pdf

Harvard proved it's toxicity. Normie fags cannot deny these studies.

 interracial and diversity study dump.  https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/184904374/

Race Mixing Memess  https://imgoat.com/uploads/e65972dce6/197234.jpg https://imgoat.com/uploads/e65972dce6/197224.jpg https://imgoat.com/uploads/e65972dce6/197236.jpg https://imgoat.com/uploads/e65972dce6/197238.jpg https://imgoat.com/uploads/e65972dce6/197239.jpg

16890145? ago

High IQ post. Thanks for this.

16889076? ago

Really you are using as your source kikepedia.... Really! Genius just genius... Starts off with propaganda yah OK, whatever. Sounds like a cabal slave to me.

What about E pluribus unum —Latin for "Out of many, one" That was the motto of this nation. The the constant naval gazing about what is different and certainly not using a kikpedia to defend ones cabal thinking.

Good job cabal slave getting all the other not yet fully red pilled folks yackin along cabal dogma lines.

16889261? ago

Found the shill! There is no Wikipedia listed in the OP but you would have known that had you actually read it.

Trump=Q and there is nothing you can do to stop the great awakening.

16889452? ago

The op first png is kikepedia genius. Right there states reading the rest of the post will be reading the cabal daily talking points. No thanks. Q and Trump are all about E pluribus unum —Latin for "Out of many, one" can't get one if we keep looking for how we are different. Demographics are a tool of the cabal used to divide as is this the blather of the op.

16889520? ago

Right there states reading the rest of the post will be reading the cabal daily talking points.

With logic like that no wonder you don't believe Trump is Q. You might be incapable. Sad.

16889667? ago

LOL good try cabal slave.

16887046? ago

Alternatively, there is nothing wrong with racism.

16886339? ago

That's all fine and great for those who integrate into American ideals. The problem comes when other groups declare extermination orders against White Americans and the institutional and governmental powers collude with or oblige the extermination orders. Another example is the influx of political Islamists, with declared global Jihad and demand the replacement of the Constitution with Sharia Law. These people are typically useful idiots, but they are supported by Internationalists who want to destroy the Constitution and replace it with a Global Constitution and military to impose such Global Order. Any member of the military who swore an oath to uphold and defend the US Constitution is honor bound to stop or slaughter all such powers and influences.

16887220? ago

America was founded by a unique body of European Caucasians and prior to 1940 was 90% White.

That's all fine and great for those who integrate into American ideals

Merritt based societies are the answer. If they can contribute and add to what we have they can come so long as they abandon any other flag prior to adopting ours. Sadly over progressively previous generations the situation was made worse by having their good nature taken advantage and due in large part to the development of technology to allow for mass communication and hence easier methodologies with witch to both create and program the collective hive mind. The logarithmic growth of which is why there will be no other time and that its up to us alive now to make the last stand against the cabal or remain forever in darkness.

Q is clearly Trump, that is a fact now and im sure only more proofs are to come. I hope dearly that when the cabal within the United States is exposed that its people will be deeply moved into one of unity as we restore the United States and that those who were once unaware of our common enslavement will start to see each other in new eyes and to behave accordingly. I think that by extreme shared psychodrama this global cognitive dissonance can be broken and by one step at a time the veils removed. The leap is when the President asks for trust in the plan but i do believe the plan is moving forward in such a fashion that only in the moment of its execution will it reveal itself as to eliminate all doubt. The TRUTH is the only way out unless they want an unavoidable war in Western Europe against Islam ( and other groups) and much to the same for many areas in the United States. There is no avoiding this without certain revelations being made to the public and "disclosure" being just one, each veil itself could be weaponized in its reveal. The cabal left behind these divided communities as being inevitable mechanisms to fulfill that which THEY HOPE for. We've been in the dark for a very long time, so much so that our entire history is forgotten and we contain no knowledge of the present. I see no greater darkness than a people living in a complete wonderland entirely fabricated solely from the masters mind and to live clueless to the depravity of what is below and above yet here we are, living inside a matrix of their own hands.

Either they deliver or they don't and recognize that things are going to take some time but certainly the last you should do is put away your anger. Righteous indignation. Do not look at our dark state of existence and say to yourself that all is well. They abduct children and sell them into sex slavery as a form of currency. They torture and murder these children to harvest their body mind and soul. They want us to stay in the dark so that you can never find your way out and if there is one thing we should always do its to remain skeptical that we are in the cave still for clearly and without doubt we are inside one now. We demand justice for justice is proof that the beacon of light is activated and without that proof you can change the guard but you can't escape the prison. Step by step, proof by proof, action by action. Without honesty with mankind they are no better than our previous handlers lets watch and see what comes of this yet.

16894154? ago

Who decides what constitutes "merit".

Under your system, all (((our enemies))) - like the Chamber of Commerce - need to do is capture the levers of the immigration system and redefine "merit".

Then they can have all of the culture-smashing coons and Mudslimes and and middle-class smashing low-IQ cheap labor that they want.

And this is exactly what they have done.

16895544? ago

They haven't redefined merit they have simply used other avenues of immigration while ignoring this one.

16886313? ago

Multiculturalism only benefits globalist vermin.

Even if you were in favor of the asymalation model a nation can only handle about 10% foreign at any time.

The US was 90% European until the globalist vermin passed the 1965 ethnic cleansing immigration act. Now they want open borders to hostile cultures and discourage asymalation. The globalist vermin are the enemy and will never stop. They must be removed from power forever.

16885959? ago

Q is not going to like this. It is against The Kalergi Plan

16885992? ago

Q916: We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time. Q

Sorry to burst your bubble but Q is already waking them up.

16894119? ago

Trump is a tool of the Jews.

How is he doing on H1B? State of the Union he said the US needs many more migrants - but the country can't absorb what it already has,

He works for the Jews.

16885773? ago


16885754? ago

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16885643? ago

Tower of Babel = Nimrodism. It is not the New World Order, it is the Nimrod World Order we are fighting. Q told us the 'N' does not stand for new.

16885829? ago

when did he say that?

16885395? ago

Exactly this. Multiculturalism, forced integration and miscegenation are tools of the Marxist and the Commie. The Tower of Babel was a warning. Peoples do not live together peacefully. MultCulti doesn't exist in nature. Look at red and black ants. Are you going to say it is racism that causes them to fight over territory? You would if you were a braindead cuckservative or liberal POS, but the truth is, all intelligent life seeks to continue its existence by fighting for territory or gene domination. If you believe otherwise, you are a victim of the Marxist brainwashing BS.

16887711? ago

I just realized that I'm racist toward ants. I want them all to die.

16890157? ago

Chicken stealing hawks... get the gas first. If only I could get my grubby dick-beaters on them.

16890448? ago

I don't have chickens. There is a hawk that flies around my yard. I see him swoop down and get things, but can't figure out what it is. It's not chickens and I don't have pets outside, so I'll let them be.

16890730? ago

Small rabbits or voles perhaps? depends where you are at.

16891432? ago

I haven't seen either of those, myself. Perhaps, because the hawk gets them before I ever have a chance to see them.