17142329? ago

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16806799? ago

This submission was linked from this v/Niggers comment by @VicariousJambi.

Posted automatically (#23630) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

16704222? ago

Because anonymous people tell the truth?

16675487? ago

They want you divided.

It's working. Open your eyes. It's not about color it's about control. Wake up!

16673909? ago

It's okay to be white.

16673412? ago

I'm not white but a patriot that loves white people. I have many white friends that are like family to me.

16673040? ago

What is a race traitor? How will an upvote show how many there are?

16672839? ago

What are we fighting for really? Trying to maintain our heritage and traditions!! I don't want my kids growing up in a socialist society. That's what it all boils down to for me.

16670502? ago

This submission was linked from this v/AskVoat comment by @SeanBox.

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16662490? ago

Everyone is proud of their race. If you aren't then you have issues and allow others to dictate how you feel about yourself. White people are allowing this. I'm white and I don't care what people are making up. These people are wrong. It's time to stop cowering and stop being afraid of what someone might call you. The buzz word is racist. Fuck them.

16661337? ago

Posting time: 1.1 days ago on 2/7/2019 6:48:51 PM

Last edit time: never edited.

Traffic stats Views: 2597

Score SCP: 1300

1338 upvotes, 38 downvotes (97% upvoted it)

Other than a handful of people virtue signalling I would say the results speak clearly and that perhaps the media and bloggers and opinion makers are shouting in the wind, amplifying the voices and shrieks of very few people.

If only they stopped for just a moment and consider the sleeping bear they are poking...

Oh and to you white religious moralizers virtue signaling that God sees no color - your bible says you are wrong -your bible tells you God knew you before you were born and therefore placed you in the white race -if you were not in the white race the overwhelming odds are that you would be virtue signalling as a zealot of your god Mishnu, Allah or Buddha.

16669446? ago

I think I love you OP

16660902? ago

Q hates White People.

16660871? ago

Voted up but with just a total how are you going to even see negatives let alone how many views /votes there are?

Upvotes without downvotes and "no votes" at best are a redditard internet point harvest.

16659761? ago

The very notion of the existence of something known as a "race traitor" means that you supposedly owe something, such as loyalty, to a "race". My race doesn't own me. My parents raised me, and Jesus died for me. And you know what? He died for the most evil people in the world, too. My loyalty is to Jesus the Christ!

16662923? ago

You owe loyalty to your race whether you want to admit it or not. You are simply in denial. You, my friend, are part of the problem.

16661031? ago

the Christ? the fuck are talking like a dumbass Sunday school teacher from 1983? go pull that shit on children you want to fuck and get bent.

16660437? ago

your race is likely why you are not giving your loyalty to mishnu, allah or buddha.

BTW the god of your bible is very RACE aware and makes a pretty big deal about lineage and genealogy.

16659586? ago

I've stumbled into the shill/bot playground 😬

16654388? ago

Wow. A lengthy discussion here over race. But it proves the op right. It is turning out to be an informal poll. I upvoated anyway, not because I am white and I know that we are under attack by the liberal nazis, but rather because I am proud to have an open mind. I refuse to live in misery, and I refuse to be demoralized by this very nasty spiritual war.

16661069? ago

you're just a tool of the Jews. at least admit it and be honest with yourself.

16675140? ago

Hahaha. Aren’t we all?

16654231? ago

Proud to have my European heritage, but WELCOME all other peoples to be PATRIOTS, as long as those people follow the same moral and ethical guidelines put forth in the Constitution. If they don't do the basic, minimum, of respect and hard work, then I don't care what "color" or lack of "color" a person has, they don't belong in civilization.

16661075? ago

shut up you dumb boomer cunt

16654127? ago

Is is Great to be white. 99 percent of scientific and engineering advance has been produced by US! Be proud. Don’t lat (((them))) cause you to doubt yourself or your people. America is the Greatest so far.

16653992? ago

OK-- I upvoted, BUT--- I'm over 60, always worked my butt off, and found out a few weeks ago that I was over 30% American Indian.

I knew we had SOME native American genes, but never checked it, and didn't feel right about using something like that as an advantage over others. Me, I think EVERYTHING should be MERIT BASED. I'm sure some will disagree--THAT is your right.-No problem.

16661091? ago

fuck off you pathetic fat boomer cocksucker. go suck off niggers at the bus station

16665756? ago

PYHO-- know what means ? Stupid little twitfag

16666692? ago

I love that in your head that sounds clever. go back to taking nigger cock up your fat ass.

16675630? ago

Go be stupid somewhere else pissant.

16653294? ago

how come so many people upload this divisive post? being white is not your personal accomplishment, folks, same as being black is not that persons fault. i dont find anything honorable in being born into a certain culture to people of a certain skin color.

btw, i am white caucausian. i am NOT proud of my ethnicity, esp. not in moments like this here where whites name 'cucks, liberals and race traitors' in one breath.

sorry but i hate this racist shit, its soooo stupid. and i am shocked and ashamed to participate on a forum where a bullshit post like this here receives 1200+ upvotes. thats ridiculous.

16654058? ago

Why don't you tear down the border walls that we built for you, and bring in your black brethern. Rules for thee and not for me, is the motto of your country, right? Oy Vey my fellow hebrews and shebrews.

16660057? ago

thats stupid jew bashing. as i said, i am white caucasian. no ashkenazi or semitic genes.

accusing everybody who is no racist for being an evil jew is just sloppy thinking. grow some brains, bring your IQ at least up to room temperature.

16661683? ago

Does your wife’s boyfriend let you watch them two as a reward, when you think like this?

16662994? ago

nope, i am not lesbian... there ye go with the stupidity...

16671176? ago

Racists tend to be assuming and not smart.

Remember everyone, racism falls in line with socialism, think Richard Spencer.

16653277? ago

Crikey - how long ago do your egg hatch mate? Then what happens ... you gonna shoot em up?

16652822? ago

I’m proud of my family heritage, where we came from (Norway), and how hard the family worked in the past so we can enjoy the life we have today.

16652785? ago

35 so far...

16652781? ago

White folks have been discriminated against for years, in my opinion. It shouldn’t matter what your race, color or religion is. Don’t let them divide us.

16652738? ago

Classic case of divide and conquer, are we all one ?

16661044? ago

as if anybody gives a shit about your stupid paranoid contributions

16652358? ago

Close to 1488 upvotes

16652266? ago

Denied - Vote has already been registered for device :(

16652158? ago

cant find neither pride nor shame in any skin color. folks, dont buy that manufacture racism thing, its [their] divide+conquer strategy. we are ONE HUMANITY. period.

16651770? ago

I feel this is a good opportunity to invite fellow whites to voat!

16651630? ago

Just proud to be human.

16651576? ago

Same thing goes for every skin color in the fleshly rainbow, by the way . . . of course. The whole race issue is manufactured and based in insecurity and insanity. Look who rekindled it! a half-white half Kenyan Muslim homosexual with America's First Tranny! How bizarre is that, that such a "couple" could have caused so many to go flying full-tilt boogie off the sanity precipice?? geez . . . it sickens we the sane.

16661108? ago

holy shit you sound so fucking dumb. cutting and pasting someone elses sense of humor and trying to pass it off as your own is excruciating. so pathetic.

16683538? ago

Unfortunately, you are CLEARLY a moron and are no judge of my intellect.

16651568? ago

Fuck Reddit. Anytime you complain there about anything race related you're quickly moderated. Fuck them they deserve to die when its controversial to say you are uncomfortable being a white minory

16661133? ago

everybody should go over to that stupid Qult subreddit and do to same thing they are doing to us... trolling us to make us look racist. nothing racist about Q. its all about stopping the satanist pedos. babbling about niggers isn't going to arrest Crooked Hillary! God Bless America and all my patriot friends.

16651551? ago

It is NATURAL and is God's Will for each of us who ARE white to BE white. Any talk to the contrary is completely moronic.

16651459? ago

16651500? ago

Happy Hanukkah!

16651446? ago

Haven't seen 1k upvoat awhile. That's, interesting.

16661139? ago

its almost as if this place were a white supremacist shitheap populated by scumbags and meth abusers

16693340? ago

Dats raciss

16651355? ago


16650506? ago

I am an American. That is my race, my breed, my heritage. Color matters only to racists.

16650469? ago

How about being blessed to be married to someone who is white? Color doesn’t matter unless you’re pushing an agenda!

16650380? ago

QRV mods- you fucking fail! You stupid motherfuckers have let a racial bullshit post collect DOUBLE the upvoats of most other legit Q posts. Race posts have nothing at all to do with Q related material, and is denounced by Q. FUCK YOU FAIL MODERATORS!

16654078? ago

Yes! Moderators you failed to censor things that hurt my feefees! You have let all of us down by not squashing anything that doesn't conform to my ideals! Why can't you be more like moderators at Reddit! Remember, when you go suck start a shotgun, you want the barrel at at least 20*, otherwise you run the risk of just blowing off your nose.

16650582? ago

Hey faggot this is Voat. Users moderate here. Shouldn't you be watching your wife's kids right about now anyway? Stop crying or I'll tell your wife's boyfriend you're neglecting your babysitting duties.

16651557? ago

And I am user moderating. The extraordinary number of upvoats on this thread is clear proof that this bullshit thread is nothing more than an obvious, coordinated shill forum slide. Which is why the QRV mods need to be called out for not removing this forum sliding spam, non-Q related bullshit.

16654083? ago

No, you are being a whiny little bitch.

16651603? ago

Yeah and with thousands of visitors to this sub only 28 downvotes?

16650322? ago

It's a trap!

16649807? ago

So far there are 28 cucks liberals and race traitors here.

16649551? ago

Why do you insist on labeling ... why can't we all be proud humans of Earth working together? Why do we keep having to divide ourselves in groups as the deep state would have us do? If you can't be comfortable without labeling ... call me liberal ... through and through, and not ashame to say so despite being demonize by the deep state and those that believe them.

16654087? ago

How dare he speaks to you, or your wife's kids like that!

16649575? ago

Because they are on a mission to make us look bad.

It's the ONLY thing they have left.

Which should mean it's almost showtime.

16650683? ago

Only 28 downvotes? So everyone else is a shill?

16651168? ago

How am I supposed to know? Why don't you ask them?

16650593? ago


It's okay to be white. I promise.

16651164? ago

Never said it wasn't.

16649522? ago

Whites being racist against whites just shows us who we need to lock up in insane asylums.

16649082? ago

I'm human...and struggling to maintain 'pride' in that fact -- and the species.

16649005? ago

I think Q was saying that we are equal no matter what ethnicity we come from. There is only one race and that is the Human race. Right now they want Caucasians to hate themselves and others in order to divide and discourage to cause severe depression, violence and suicide. These tactics have been used for centuries against all Ethnicities. All Ethnicities have been slaves in some form or other. Study history and one can see that slavery and inequality has been going on for thousands of years and is still happening currently. If you notice now they want to commit infanticide. Margaret Sanger from Planned parenthood wanted to exterminate the African American Ethnicity. Now they don't differentiate between whom they kill and sell body parts for. One Ethnicity is good as the rest. The bottom line is that we all bleed red blood. If we allow ourselves to become filled with hate and swallow their poison then they will win. Bottom line our only hope is in our Creator.

16661149? ago

holy shit you're gullible. can you give me your social security check? trust Sessions you cunt. The midterms are safe.

16648944? ago

Everyone bleeds red. No need for pigment.

16648772? ago

I'm very white however one of my ancestors fucked and knocked up a squaw, tainting our bloodline. What a fucking idiot. Same issue in my wife's line. Just one squaw in there within the last 10-15 generations.

16648762? ago


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white

16693200? ago

if millions of whites were brought into non white countries....it probably would improve them somewhat

16698225? ago

Understatement of the century

16648615? ago

White, VietNam vet w/Cosmic Nato Crypto TS clearance (expired of course), red pilled '71, Patriotic to the hilt, hate criminals especially if they are in power in DC, staunch Trump supporter from well before the election, demoncraps are totally anti-American (though there is no difference between the demoncraps and the repukicans - both are blackmailed), Justice for All not for some, MAGA, WWG1WGA, Q follower.

16648078? ago

Fuck man, I love being white. Shits awewome.

16647523? ago

24niggers to 934aryans at this point... I approve

16647323? ago

If you are proud of your race, no matter what race, to me that screams, "I'm insecure that I've done nothing and will now give myself credit for what people who look like me did 100 years ago."

It's stupid when black people do it, it's stupid when native Americans do it, and it's stupid when white people do it. You can be proud to tell of what YOUR ancestors did, as in your family, but you can't tell me that this doesn't sound retarded, "Harriet Tubman ran away then came back and ran the underground railroad, I'm so proud to be black!" or "George Washington led the colonists through the revolution and even sat in the shit with them, I'm so proud to be white!".

Tl;Dr: If you have to base your accomplishments on what someone else did in the past simply because you are the same race as them, you are a loser.

16662959? ago

Found the loser!

16663077? ago

Ironically coming from the guy who bases his accomplishments on someone else.

16661055? ago

found the kike

16647265? ago

Pajeet here

I see It’s OK to be White

Therefore I upvote

16646772? ago

Proud...damn straight...Straight and not guilty about it....but not defined by it. That's what makes us different and superior to the left. They are defined by their Identity Politics. No room in our culture or society for that shit. If we did have that approach the modern world would have evolved we'd still be shitting on our hands like they do in India by the roadside.

16646496? ago

Im happy with my whiteness, I don't care what some people might say. It is ok to be White

16646402? ago

I'm white and I'm proud that I don't smell like the maggot infested, shit-skinned cucks that put our race down!

16645201? ago

Don't sing and play the blues too bad for a white boy.

16645123? ago

It's OKAY to be anything that believes in Liberty for All. Liberty for All is the great equalizer and can transcend all other measures that some may consider or claim to be shallow.

16644864? ago


Meanwhile non-whites voting up and down. Not exactly science.

16644706? ago

I AM Proud of my heritage and Race (although "white" doesn't begin to describe the complexity of my heritage), as we all should be.

16644694? ago

United You Are STRONGER ♥

By remaining united you are stronger ♥. Including united Whites, Blacks, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, and all other flavors. Compare to divided where you would be weaker :(

You could continue to be united and strong, while both staying unique and NOT interfering with each other’s lives :) Thank you for being you. With infinite love ♥.

Uplifting Videos

Suggested resolutions, including unite at https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ?t=380

Donald Trump's speeches and commitments during his campaign for the Presidential post 2016 https://youtu.be/G2qIXXafxCQ

"Divide & Control" Strategy

For those not familiar with the "Divide & Control" strategy. It means someone with immature behaviors is trying to weaken and isolate you. In turn, if you are fooled into being divided and isolated, it would be easier for the divider to manipulate, dominate, and control you :(
In other words, the "Divide & Control" strategy means someone with immature behaviors is trying to gain and or maintain power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into pieces that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy. The concept refers to a strategy that breaks up existing power structures, and especially prevents smaller power groups from linking up, causing rivalries and fomenting discord among the people. Thus divide.

• Source at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divide_and_rule

• Archived source at http://archive.fo/SqQml

Refuting the Central Point STRONGEST Strategy


For those interested in using the strongest strategy, find the "DH6. Refuting the Central Point." section at http://www.paulgraham.com/disagree.html

• Archived at http://archive.fo/I9n3U

16644395? ago


16644232? ago

How would you get a poll of cucks, liberals, and race traitors by only measuring who is white? Doesn’t make mathematical sense.

16644202? ago

"Data mining"

16643854? ago

This poll assumes Jews and race-traitors do not lie

16643766? ago

Truth is... there is nothing wrong with Embracing the / race / color / sex / that we are born with! It's the insanity of the DEMS and DEMONS to continually use God's creation of various races, that no one can change as a weapon against self acceptance and love respect for our fellow man and woman! So if our Creator chose to make us with RACE differences why not celebrate and be proud of what we are??

16663045? ago

Our creators chose to create slaves for their bidding. They didn't care about color.

16643562? ago

Our cultural cohesion had been destroyed by forced intergration and affirmative action.

I hate it...

16643523? ago

Happy I married a white man.

16643738? ago

Congrats, sir!

16645967? ago


16642908? ago

I'm white but I ain't up voting this nonsense.

16642858? ago

It's not okay to be WHITE it's great.

16642788? ago

Typical divide and conquer strategy by (((them))).

Hilarious when you see it.

16642391? ago

White pride, world wide.

Proud racist.

Non-whites, go back where you came from.

16661877? ago

Look, living proof you don't have to be black to be a nigger.

16662079? ago

Yes, you are.

16651712? ago

It's sad we can't tell these fucking infiltrators to fuck off to where they came from because other whites don't want us to appear "racist." Anyone who discourages white pride is a race traitor and needs to get off the jew tv. As for the non-whites, they're just doing the smart thing and stealing our shit, but goddamn libtards have made it easy for them.

We've gone 1 step forward to being a diverse country and I hope Trump takes us 2 steps backwards to a pure white nation.

16649226? ago

Poetry in motion

16642277? ago

Scotland Forever

16693279? ago

You might need to get rid of the SNP if you want that

Those SJWs want to sell you down the river

16698070? ago

screw the SJWs.

16642262? ago

I'm tanned, can I still upvote?

16642235? ago

Color isn't a race... the race for Mankind is HUMAN.. I believe ALL men are one race...

16642535? ago

No... No you don't and you never will.

16649872? ago

thanQ i need that laugh... you rock

16642092? ago

I up voted.

However. Slay the ego.

If a blind person leads a blind person, both of them will fall into a hole.

Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else,

For the day of the LORD of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up; and he shall be brought low:

But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.

Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.

When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom.

Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips.

For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.

Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,

If anyone thinks they are something when they are not, they deceive themselves.

"Proud," "Haughty," "Scoffer," are his names, Who acts with insolent pride.

For behold, the day is coming, burning like a furnace; and all the arrogant and every evildoer will be chaff; and the day that is coming will set them ablaze," says the LORD of hosts, "so that it will leave them neither root nor branch"

For the sin of their mouths, the words of their lips, let them be trapped in their pride

16641777? ago

As a parent I teach my children to be proud of who they are and of what they do. Every parent of any nationality should be doing the same.

16646010? ago

America, Founding Fathers, Civil War, Pioneers, Wild West, Industry, Small Towns, Farms.

We cant forget this stuff.

16641764? ago

Black upvote

16641755? ago

While i support your pride of whiteness its okay to be brown too

16641643? ago

All races are honorable, all individuals are not.

16641563? ago

White is color, not a race. My people have shit all to with you wops, micks and dirty slavs

16641427? ago

Embrace your heritage. Dont be shamed into guilt.

16641312? ago


16642907? ago

Beat it kike

16643730? ago

Thanks for proving my point for me.

16641198? ago

No upvote, I'm occasionally proud of my accomplishments, as well as those who came before me in my lineage. The danger is presumption on racial lineage, which effectively leads to selective devaluing of other racial lineages to protect one's own assumptions.

The very act of publically proclaiming one's pride seeming to be necessary is already a bad sign that things are going in the wrong direction. No on asked, and few care. Enjoy the accomplishments, quirks, and characteristics of your racial lineage but be sober about the limits of its usefulness in getting through one's own life and passing one something valuable to the next generation. Don't get so caught up playing the same dame race identity schoolground politics like everyone else. Or at least stop trying to identify that with the patriot movement. SMDH

16641179? ago

Oldest trick in the book is to frame your question in such a way as to give your responder no choice but the desired answer. My answer: I am proud to be a child of God and so very happy that Jesus died for the human race.

16641084? ago

What if it doesn't matter to any of you but it matters in dirtying up your bloodline while they keep theirs perfected? Why would you allow that?

16641076? ago

Actually a Cherokee upvote here. 1/8 cherokee 7/8 caucasian. I am only 12.5% victim.

16646040? ago

I thought i had indian blood in me my whole life, turned out to be east asian, via finland.

16651812? ago

when did the finland become asian

16683596? ago

Most finns have east asian admixture along with Russians. There is also a sub group there that has more than a little.

16657996? ago

When a Finn blew a load into one.

16642566? ago

I'm Cherokee as well. If your skin is white you qualify. Unlike being blacked or other races, Native American is often able to be bleached out.

16641039? ago

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

16660993? ago

that 14 words shit sounds so fucking corny. its always a fat guy or some meth addicted shitheel with no teeth saying it like it means anything.

nobody is going to let you close to children, you weird fucker.

16640788? ago

wow... the last vestiges of the unwoke Q tards are what 14 people? damn. voat is like a virus i swear. it infected me and im not easily swayed.

16649156? ago

Haha that's why all these Q is anti-racist posts are hilarious... Q brought loads of people here knowing full well what would happen.... and I'm not easily swayed either but here I am in my new home with the smartest and most based coumminty I've ever met!

16660974? ago

pure redpill move from Q. I love that they think they can speak for him just because they watch YouTube videos

16650475? ago

right? they think Q sent them to voat with the intent of them NOT becoming racist?? good luck.

16641476? ago

Probably less. I nearly downvoated based on the 'fuck people who say vote up if' principle. The discussion in here is excellent though so I made an exception.

16660961? ago

yeah its so brilliant when they talk about niggers

16651149? ago

Also, votes don't count in here.

16640762? ago

God made me the way I am, and I'm appreciative of it. He also blessed me with mixed-race children, and they are beautiful.

16651519? ago

They look nothing like you.

16642497? ago

Holy shit.

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

16646023? ago

Everyone race on earth does this, nnnnguy.

16646421? ago

I don't give a shit about other races, I care about the white race.

16683611? ago

Its what all other races do. Why whites got off i track i have no idea.

16640742? ago

I have pride in what I have ACCOMPLISHED, not how much melanin my skin has. This is a STUPID post.

16642373? ago

What have non-whites ever accomplished?

Not much.

16641613? ago

Oh come on, the discussion this post created is damn near priceless. The skin color = all racial differences meme is a blue pill for sure. Best to set your mind free from that so you can think clearly. Look just at the head shapes of people when sitting in a work meeting. The diversity of the human species is beautiful. We're so much more than a spectrum of skin tones.

16640700? ago

But wait I have a ton of Sicilian blood in me. What the hell race am I supposed to be proud of? Too many to count.

Seriously. Racial and cultural differentiators need to be more clearly defined by those making an issue out of it. It bores me to tears because its so ambiguous and just becomes an excuse to spew insults at other races, at least in these parts. At what point in the tiers of rights, privileges, and basic human values does it fall? On what basis does it elevate ontologically one individual over another, all other things being equal?

16640666? ago

Thank God im not a (((jew)))

16640654? ago

I am not about portraying myself and my culture as anything better than anyone else. I believe we are all equal, but our interactions with one another shouldn't promote one over another. Individually we can be better than what we are grouped as. I am a Caucasian male as per the classification I have been lumped in, but I am far from being superior to anyone else. I have qualities and drawbacks that make me unique, as does everyone else. While I may not agree with having pride in being Caucasian, because we have been beaten down by race-baiting of white-guilt. I'll take the lashings that society pushes and move on, because none of that effects me since I prefer to keep to myself. I choose not to acknowledge or endorse the portrayal that one person is above another person based on qualities or traits that are out of anyone's control. I do on the otherhand support the patriotism and pride in American values of 'We, The People". The People (all inclusive) are more powerful than the individual person. Especially, those who choose to divide and separate us into groups.

16640622? ago

Do we down voat if we're not white?

16640533? ago

Death to the anti-white vermin.

Ungrateful peices of shit are not welcome in the West our homelands or places we've conquered.

16640513? ago

I know who and what I am and am comfortable in the White Skin I wear. I refuse to apologize to anyone for being White. My philosophy is that there is only one Race of People's on this Planet and that is the Human Race. Peace Y

16640503? ago

Why would anyone be "proud" of something one had no choice or input in, for a biological ORGAN? The skin is just an organ.

Pride is one of the 7 deadly sins,.

And fuck OP for its false dichotomy bullshit where we either have to feel unjustified pride of a freaking organ of the body, or else an effective "fuck you" schoolyard bullshit.

Yes, it is OKAY to have any color for your body's biggest organ, BUT IT IS IN FACT IRRELEVANT o what we are fundamentally as beings, which as Aristotle explained, the defining characteristic of humans is that we are a RATIONAL species.

It is our COGNITION, our mental faculty, that fundamentally defines us.

That links ALL humans together, provided people act in accordance with a rational ethic and morality, and it is a fact that feeling pride for a body organ is irrational.

White pride, black pride, asian pride, etc,etc, ALL irrational and all dangerous.

To the OP who posted this submission, YOU are a fucking shill for calling disagreement with you being a "traitor". I have ZERO obligation to ANYONE based on their body organs. I ONLY have obligations to others based on INDIVIDUAL THOUGHTS AND ACTIONS.

You are not a good person because of your body organs. You are a good or bad person because of your INDIVIDUAL ACTIONS.

You don't get unearned guilt and you certainly don't get unearned praise based on your body organ color. And you, whatever "race" you are, you have no moral authority over me or anyone else who thinks like me, i.e. Patriots and Q anons and pro-Trump Americans.

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q


If you disagree, you are anti-Q and anti-America.

16641676? ago

I bet you're proud to be an American.

16641748? ago

Not proud to be anything except what I do by my actions.

If "being American" means to have a particular set of beliefs and ethics, THAT is what I would be proud of.

16640400? ago

5064472 what you don't realize is this corny 'racialist'/antisemitic bent of the q cult is what poisons the well. q will never go mainstream, and will never 'redpill' 'normies' because of this shit, along with flat earth, nibiru, chemtrails, pedovore, qclock, aliens, time travel, rothschilds and all the other mind-numbingly stupid cult retard bullshit you guys are so desperate to believe just to see some fucking nebulous father figure save you from your own failures and imprison anyone you disagree with politically. what a fucking pathetic, impotent fantasy that will never, ever, EVER have even a scintilla of a chance of being 'real'.

q hoisted you dumbfucks by your own ignorant petard just by getting you to come here. you got tied in a knot of incredulity and ridicule, and can never get out of it. q is a psyop on dipshits like you, to totally marginalize your idiotic strains of thought in the conservative movement and tie it to the antisocial incel neetsoc CHUDs on the chans. q is RINO chemo, and you're the moronic cancer.

no arrests. no declas. no tribunals. you get NOTHING, and still believe this bullshit. can't wait for you fucktards to start the mass q suicides and put us out of your misery.

16640383? ago

Off topic

16640323? ago

Pride for something that just happened because of your genetic makeup? Oooooook. Participation medal for all whites I guess. Lmao

16640186? ago

I just checked in the mirror to make sure. I am 100% American and proud of it!

16639983? ago

I’m very proud of who and what I am. My heritage is important to me. God chose my heritage and I will honor him with it. Each person should be proud of who they are. Each of us are wonderfully made in the image of God.

16639970? ago

I wouldn't have it any other way.

16639866? ago

Yes white people have done some shitty stuff in the past. Most of the European countries we came from, advanced more quickly than most others technologically and societally so it makes sense that some of us would have taken advantage of that. Slavery involved numerous races, it wasn't just white people enslaving black people. Watch some Thomas Sowell to get a better understanding.

I am a white man with red hair, born in Canada but my family came from Scotland, England and Germany. Some shitty stuff happened to the native people of Canada right after we got here. Much of it was horrible beyond comprehension. The problem is, the more everyone who's been victimized in the past, stays in victim mentality, it's never going to do anything good. What good does it do that I am coerced into feeling guilty simply because I was born white. That brings along with it baggage that I didn't ask for.

I am proud to be white, white people have done so many amazing things. We ended slavery. We've created some of the most amazing civilizations that have ever existed. People from other countries predominantly non-white, want to immigrate to our countries for the opportunities available.

I am absolutely NOT a white supremacist. In no way whatsoever. The things I said are generally just factual and I am sick of being told to feel guilty or to essentially apologize for being white. I believe we were all created equal under God but I don't believe God would support this kind of broad stroke judgment upon an entire race.

16663078? ago

Every race has done shitty stuff. Stop running around the mulberry bush.

16640162? ago

Fuck white guilt, no white person in the US alive today has ever legally owned a slave, how many whites died to free slaves?

16639791? ago

Lost me at race traitors

16639604? ago

The white race has no future. The future is us jews ruling over the brown skins.

16639569? ago

Hispanic upvote

16639470? ago

I'm white, not much I can do about it unless I get a permanent suntan!

To hell with the critics!

16639450? ago

Hmm upvote if is kinda gay and reddity. Why not do a sraw poll?

16639433? ago

I am white and I am not up voting this. Our movement around the world has NOTHING to do with skin color. Let the Dems talk about color. I refuse to.

16639320? ago

I am half Mexican (including almost a quarter Native American), and half white. I basically look white though. I always hated being told to be proud of my heritage but to basically ignore and hate my white heritage. When I lived in the San Francisco Bay Area I was treated like a dirt and called a gringo often.

16640561? ago

Do you think race-mixed people will ever prefer other race-mixed people as an in-group? Regardless of the mixture.

16639282? ago

It's ok to be white.

16666658? ago

its even better if you think for yourself into of spouting lame 4chan crap like a kike

16666977? ago

Happy Chanukah!

16641108? ago

what are y'all snowflakes now?

16641909? ago


16639213? ago

well... my heritage says I'm 100% white.

16639191? ago

I do, But I relate to an Apache Attack Helicopter.

16639068? ago

I love being white but I'm not super stoked about white people coming to America. I often wonder what things would be like if my family had stayed in Europe. Maybe I shouldn't be complaining. I'm open to being schooled on the matter.

16639034? ago

Separatist fool

16639231? ago

You assume other races want to be friends with whitey. How is that working out for the Europeans? The Boers? By empowering the nonwhites and increasing their numbers we ensure our destruction. Every single "diversity " policy in place in higher education and the public and private sector is basically institutionalized discrimination against whites. More specifically, white males. Tell me what is factually incorrect about what I just stated. Now ask yourself where that mindset will lead when we are cemented as a minority. You are the fool. Perhaps well-intentioned, but a fool nonetheless.

16641825? ago

I try to assume nothing as it makes an ass out of you and me.....ass-U-me. People are People, some are evil, some are good. Making a blanket statement does nothing to unite, just as separation does. WWG1WGA

16639010? ago

nothing wrong with being white or proud of being white

that is not the same thing as hating other races or feeling they are inferior or deserve to be treated differently.

16638945? ago

Can you imagine what this attack on white would be if Hillary was in office. Now they can expect nothing but white pride.

16638927? ago

Being proud of who you are does NOT mean you hate everyone else!

16646136? ago

I think all niggers and kikes should die

16651573? ago

who will be the slave class then? kill our masters, keep our slaves

16649640? ago

All niggers and kikes who read that think pretty much the same thing towards you. What are you hoping for? A Mexican standoff?

16651084? ago

A war.

16666624? ago

get to the front of the line, fatass.

16677709? ago

Find my crosshairs, niggerfaggot.

16642320? ago

Thank you...

16639243? ago

And you can even hate a few of your own, just gotta find a balance.

16642519? ago

I’m not prejudice, I hate everyone equally.

16645612? ago

Cuck trope.

Lose that shit my dude.

16640869? ago

You can even dabble in hating everyone and everything

16649608? ago

You can all hate my husband's youngest son. He's a cunt and an ingrate.

16653908? ago

Husband's son


16642452? ago

I'm 100% there.

16640478? ago

Like reasonable people like or dislike based on merit! The M word!

16638897? ago

I would rather live in a white nation. There are obviously tens of millions of brown people that feel the same.

16651620? ago

don't let them the pc faggots away your right to call things like they are, it's just as important as guns. You're cucked if you can't call a kike a kike and you're cucked if you're not allowed to be proud of being white.

16652493? ago

More important for UK fags... their freedom of speech is limited to debating scones vs tea at the moment

16640930? ago


16640140? ago

Societies are a reflection of the people that make them up

16638814? ago

Er yeah, this is a shill bait post

16638432? ago

Nothing wrong with being proud, no need to put others down

16646403? ago

White people are constantly being put down and reviled upon.

17015507? ago

So what, so that makes it right to put others down? Like I said everyone can be proud of who they are.

17017506? ago

Cuck and traitor.

16638285? ago

I'm not proud of my race. I think it is stupid to be proud of things that you did not choose or have control over. I can be a proud American because I choose to live here. White pride, black pride, Asian pride, etc, it is all a moot point to me.

16639004? ago

Is that really you, Whoopie?

16640084? ago

I wasn't aware she said that, but it doesn't change my mind any.

16640310? ago

Word for word, you nailed it nigger.

16641168? ago

Oh well, I still stand by my statement whether some dumb bitch agrees with me or not. Also, calling me names has no effect, that part of my brain burned out years ago.

16641558? ago

Well good for you. Keep pushing on!

16638268? ago

I don't know about anyone else but I'm sick of the identity politics and the race card being played every time a liberal has facts and data put right in front of them.

16639228? ago

I don't know about anyone else but I'm sick of the identity politics and the race card being played every time a liberal has facts and data put right in front of them.

That's what diversity brings. Why not say, "We're sick of this. Now we want things the way we want them. We're the winners. Now you're going to get REAL RACISM.

16639089? ago

Imagine a country were diversity/affirmative action didn't exist.

16638198? ago

People should be fine with whatever race they are. I've white and like being white. Not sure if I'm "proud" of it, but I think it would be good if whites had more of a sense of community. I guess getting back to church-based community might help that.

16638181? ago

Karma Farming no upvote !

16637921? ago

Only a few rules here.

"No upvote farming" is among them.


Distraction. Other shills posting to make whole group appear racist.

All are welcome among MAGA and WWG1WGA and Q.

Others (this post) try to divide us.

16639274? ago

These votes don't get added to your account, so it isn't "farming".

16639439? ago

It artificially moves the post to the front page.

16639468? ago

Well a lot of people on the sub seem to like it, so you don't get to decide for everybody.

16650948? ago

Don't kid yourself, the vote manipulation bots are well established here at this point.

This thread is planted and managed by ShareBlue or TMoR or worse to justify their attacks against the Q movement.

There are valid conversations to be had about race, and there are plenty of reasonable points being made in this thread. There is also a shitload of openly racist garbage. Most importantly, this thread is an optical nightmare when it comes to waking up normies.

16652457? ago

This thread is planted and managed by ShareBlue or TMoR or worse to justify their attacks against the Q movement.


16651322? ago

You can't take downvotes away.

openly racist garbage

www.reddit.com sounds more your speed.

16637966? ago

Real is real dumbass.

Even if you were somehow to get rid of all the "racists", the concept would come back again because objective truth reveals itself.

16637920? ago

It truly is OKAY to be WHITE. That is not a "white supremacist" statement... it's just a REAL statement

16650397? ago

And the slogan was invented by a black guy who printed it on a white T-shirt.

16650522? ago

The real Q:


"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

Why would anyone be "proud" of something one had no choice or input in, for a biological ORGAN? The skin is just an organ.

Pride is one of the 7 deadly sins,.

And fuck OP for its false dichotomy bullshit where we either have to feel unjustified pride of a freaking organ of the body, or else an effective "fuck you" schoolyard bullshit.

Yes, it is OKAY to have any color for your body's biggest organ, BUT IT IS IN FACT IRRELEVANT to what we are fundamentally as beings, which as Aristotle explained, the defining characteristic of humans is that we are a RATIONAL species.

It is our COGNITION, our mental faculty, that fundamentally defines us.

That links ALL humans together, provided people act in accordance with a rational ethic and morality, and it is a fact that feeling pride for a body organ as if it mattered to justice or treatment, is very much irrational. It is ANCIENT. Barbaric. Crude and antiquated.

White pride, black pride, asian pride, etc,etc, ALL irrational and all dangerous.

To the OP who posted this submission, YOU are a fucking shill for calling disagreement with you being a "traitor". I have ZERO obligation to ANYONE based on their body organs. I ONLY have obligations to others based on INDIVIDUAL THOUGHTS AND ACTIONS.

You are not a good person because of your body organs. You are a good or bad person because of your INDIVIDUAL ACTIONS.

You don't get unearned guilt and you certainly don't get unearned praise based on your body organ color. And you, whatever "race" you are, you have no moral authority over me or anyone else who thinks like me, i.e. Patriots and Q anons and pro-Trump Americans.

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q


If you disagree, you are anti-Q and anti-America.

16652014? ago

If Q was anti-racist he wouldn't have brought you all to voat like he did.... but he did... TRUST THE PLAN!!!!

16653501? ago

This subverse is anti-racist.

You dumb fuck panicking race baiting shills who are terrified of Q, do NOT "represent" the Q movement, we Patriots do.


"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

Try harder you dumb fuck PANICKING anti-Q shillbot piece of shit.


16660954? ago

ppft this is a white nationalist community you fucking idiot. we will be here when you fuck off back to your Jew fantasyland.

16674796? ago

^ this anti-Q race baiting shillbot is panicking so bad it wants new visitors to falsely believe "this community", meaning the Q movement, is also racist.



"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

No, it's just you fucking fringe leftist commie shills and your sockpuppet bots that are only trying, AND FAILING, to trick new visitors into falsely believing is in any way related to the Q movement.

You sick fucks are outsiders, a virus, AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE.

Attention all new visitors:

The above account is a verified "Joofag" shill trying to deceive you into falsely believing the Q movement is anti-semitic or even a race-based/ethnicity-based movement at all.

The shills always always always speak in tribal warfare narrative and rhetoric, this tribe of people are enemies with that tribe, based on ethnicity or race or gender or religion or age.

Never do the shills use exclusively the reality of individual choice and values.

They want you and everyone else divided into allegedly economically and socially incompatible and antagonistic...Appearances.

They are psychotic.

Why do they shill like this, which their evil rhetoric is guaranteed to cast guilt against an innocent individual because of what they look like?

To turn you away from the accelerating great awakening taking place worldwide that they are deathly afraid of continuing to accelerate.

And why is that?

Because these shill's puppet masters are the very enemy Q is taking down and the world is learning about!

Any time you see any poster submit or make a comment like this one, which makes sweeping judgments of an entire ethnicity as guilty, while refusing to focus exclusively on individual choices and values, are 100% guaranteed shills who are trying to divide the movement that scares the living daylights out of the cockroach shills.

The real Q:


"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

These "Joofag" shills do not represent the Q movement, they are enemies of the great awakening.

Everyone who loves america and loves Americans are welcome here, regardless of appearance!

The shills are panicking.

How to identify these sick fucking shill pieces of shit with 100% accuracy:


16675300? ago

Your failure is delicious.

16675310? ago

This failed anti-Q shillbot is panicking so bad it is imagining its own failure to be outside of it.


16651053? ago

Fuck you and heil Hitler

16650996? ago

I'd rather be anti Q and anti American if it means I can't take pride in my race: WHO I AM and my identity. My culture is White, my values are White. I care about my race because I don't want those things to die out. If us white people do not race about it no one else will. No other races care about the things we do, just look at the voting statistics for Trump by race.

16651373? ago

You are absolutely terrified.

16661212? ago

Of white genicide?

Of living in a 3rd-world country run by shitskins?


16674764? ago

^ This anti-Q race baiting leftist commie shillbot is panicking. Fears the great awakening.

16675289? ago

@Crikes fears that QRV has awakened.

16675316? ago

I own this shillbot.

I command it, it replies to me.

16650967? ago

If you disagree, you are anti-Q and anti-America.

nice jewposting, kike.

16645508? ago

Found the anti-Q leftist commie race bait shill!

The real Q:


"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

16807001? ago

This comment was linked from this v/Niggers comment by @whitemouse.

Posted automatically (#23631) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

16675131? ago

^ The above spammer is @Crikes. He's Israeli and a sleeper JIDF agent.

16693065? ago

He's a fucking transparent idiot who if he projected harder could get a job in a cinema

16675215? ago

^ this panicking shillbot is copypasting "@" and random user names.

16665531? ago

True Patriots don't have a skin color not should they. But it would be ignorant to not acknowledge that there is biological difference between breeds. Suck as Arabs are inbreed, Jews have large noses and niggers can't resist prison.

16674746? ago

Rational ethics and just treatment is not affected by biological characteristics.

16676913? ago

Did I saw anything like that?

16660897? ago

Q sent you to a white nationalist community to redpill you, retard. sit down and listen when your betters are speaking.

16674843? ago

No you dumb fuck, Q sanctioned this site because it is UNCENSORED, which has as one unfortunate but totally worth it evil/negative side effect of allowing YOU fringe panicking leftist commie shillfucks to spew your FAKE NEWS which is in fact designed to TURN NEW VISITORS AWAY from the Q movement, BECAUSE YOU FEAR Q.

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q


Because the Q movement is not about race you stupid degenerate lying fraud.

"This is not about religion, but good versus evil" - Q

Good versus evil is the core of this, not race.

Try harder you sad pathetic shillbot.

16675266? ago

^ Exposed JIDF agent: @Crikes.

16675292? ago

Attention all new visitors:

The above account is a verified "Joofag" shill trying to deceive you into falsely believing the Q movement is anti-semitic or even a race-based/ethnicity-based movement at all.

The shills always always always speak in tribal warfare narrative and rhetoric, this tribe of people are enemies with that tribe, based on ethnicity or race or gender or religion or age.

Never do the shills use exclusively the reality of individual choice and values.

They want you and everyone else divided into allegedly economically and socially incompatible and antagonistic...Appearances.

They are psychotic.

Why do they shill like this, which their evil rhetoric is guaranteed to cast guilt against an innocent individual because of what they look like?

To turn you away from the accelerating great awakening taking place worldwide that they are deathly afraid of continuing to accelerate.

And why is that?

Because these shill's puppet masters are the very enemy Q is taking down and the world is learning about!

Any time you see any poster submit or make a comment like this one, which makes sweeping judgments of an entire ethnicity as guilty, while refusing to focus exclusively on individual choices and values, are 100% guaranteed shills who are trying to divide the movement that scares the living daylights out of the cockroach shills.

The real Q:


"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

These "Joofag" shills do not represent the Q movement, they are enemies of the great awakening.

Everyone who loves america and loves Americans are welcome here, regardless of appearance!

The shills are panicking.

How to identify these sick fucking shill pieces of shit with 100% accuracy:



16654195? ago

Being caucasian goes Way beyond skin color. We evolved in the cold North of Europe! We evolved as a race and culture to think hard, cooperate and take care of each other. Don’t lose that because the MSM wants you weak! Stand Proud of All we have accomplished. The greatest civilizations and intellectual achievements.

16674868? ago

No, being any race stops there.

What you think is caused by race is in fact caused by value judgements, choices, ideas, of individuals.

16693014? ago

So tell me of any other race than the white one that makes better judgements choices or ideas?

I used to think like you....and I still judge a man on his actions not his colour.....but to deny race makes a difference to this is flying in the face of all evidence

16728829? ago

Races don't make choices, only individuals make choices, and other people's choices are not your choices, they say nothing about who you are.

16653709? ago

Quoting your holy man AND circular logic?


16675133? ago


16653630? ago

Man, you really don't want white people to unite. Why?

16675172? ago

^ This panicking anti-Q shillbot is trying and failing to trick new visitors into falsely believing the Q movement is race based.

It is not.

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

"They want you divided by race" - Q



16677306? ago

Calmer than you are

16653190? ago

If you think the only difference between white and black is skin color, you are either lying or naive. You can't ignore statistics.

16653457? ago

If you think skin color determines thoughts and ideas and truth, you are either lying or truly ignorant.

Statistics are not theories or explanations.

By "statistics", according to your shit logic, men, because they commit the most violent crimes, is somehow proof that there is something inherently wrong with you and you should be treated unequally under the law.


Now fuck off dumb fuck PANICKING leftist commie anti-Q shill, you're embarrassing yourself.

The real Q:

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q


16693051? ago

Ah I see.....so facts don't matter?

I'm a fucking Qtard.....but not for much longer if your idiotic ramblings become widespread

Yes...patriots have no skin colour.....that's not the same as accepting anyone as a patriot even if they clearly hate you and your culture

But hey....why not copypasta that I'm panicking too and earn another shekel

16728814? ago

Facts do matter, but you're evading and deflecting from the supposed facts that you are actually trying to say.

We see you shillbots.


You're proving Q is real.

16653917? ago

It may not be causation, but there sure is a strong fucking correlation there. Even controlling for economic background and geographic origin, the correlation exists.

Hey, you know what happened in Liberia, with all those freed slaves who should have known better?

They enslaved the locals.

Hey, why don't you put your money where your mouth is and move your family to Chicago. Or Detroit. Or Watts. Or somewhere in sub-Saharan Africa.


Why not?

16674926? ago

There is a "strong fucking correlation" between global temperature and pirate attacks.

According to your shit logic, pirate attacks are responsible for changing the Earth's temperature.

Dr. Thomas Sowell, who is black, is more intelligent than you entire inbred family combined.

Fuck your correlations

16682097? ago

Wow, strawmen and insults and causal fallacies!

Bonus: you believe in Q and climate change?

...that's just absolutely precious!

16729117? ago

This panicking shill is saying "Q is real! Q is real!"

And yes, the Earth's climate does in fact change, so, yes, I do believe what actually happens.

16729241? ago

Two days, and that's what you came up with?

Don't be obtuse. "Anthropogenic climate change." Is that better?

Don't tell me you believe that farce. Of course, you think Q is real, so I suppose you'll believe just about anything.

16729457? ago

What do you mean two days? Don't flatter yourself. I wasn't even thinking about your stupid reply until I just saw it now.

Hillary Clinton colluded with Russia.

Hillary Clinton colluded with Russia.

Hillary Clinton colluded with Russia.

Hillary Clinton colluded with Russia.


16731218? ago

I wasn't even thinking

That much is certain.

16731268? ago

Ah, resorting to straw man by selective quoting that changes the meaning in your own warped traumatized mind when reality can't do it for you.


Oh, and projection, dumbass


Shill lost.

16731468? ago


You can't even get your logical fallacies right

Lol get bent qtard

16731725? ago

I win.

This shill is retarded

16731752? ago


Good for you

Have a cookie


16653844? ago

Skin color tells a bunch about behavior.

It's science, faggot

16675035? ago

No, that's conformation bias.

Dr. Thomas Sowell is black, and Charles Manson is white.

According to your "race bait" "I am fucking terrified of anons so I will shill here" dumbass "science", Sowell is "supposed" to act like Manson and Manson is "supposed" to act like Sowell.

You stupid shits are worse than the Bolsheviks, At least the Bolsheviks tried to split people into groups according to their actions, which recognized that it is people's choices and values that determine what they do, not their body organs. And when "proletariats" did not act the way they're "supposed to", and when capitalists did not act the way they're "supposed to", contradicting the predictions of the dumb fuck Marxist Bolsheviks, the Bolsheviks kept on making the same falsified predictions because empirical reality was less real than their fucked up imaginations.

You stupid fucks go more fucked up than those mass murdering psychopaths. You try to split people up into groups based on appearances, When empirical reality contradicts you imbeciles, you look even more evil because you attack people who can cure cancer, teach people good ideas, thus destroying people not even because of their actions, but the color of their body's largest organ.

You don't push science, you push old Marxist ideology in just another iteration. Capitalists against Proletariats turned into Blacks against Whites.

You shills are pushing 19th century falsified religion masquerading as science.

16653500? ago

You guys are funny. I have to go collect my shill check from the anti-Q store.

16651810? ago

If Q was anti-racist he wouldn't have brought you all to voat like he did.... but he did... TRUST THE PLAN!!!

16651139? ago

Found the jew/non-white promoting White genocide. You get a free rope on the DOTR.

16653519? ago

Attention all new visitors:

The above account is a verified "Joofag" shill trying to deceive you into falsely believing the Q movement is anti-semitic or even a race-based/ethnicity-based movement at all.

The shills always always always speak in tribal warfare narrative and rhetoric, this tribe of people are enemies with that tribe, based on ethnicity or race or gender or religion or age.

Never do the shills use exclusively the reality of individual choice and values.

They want you and everyone else divided into allegedly economically and socially incompatible and antagonistic...Appearances.

They are psychotic.

Why do they shill like this, which their evil rhetoric is guaranteed to cast guilt against an innocent individual because of what they look like?

To turn you away from the accelerating great awakening taking place worldwide that they are deathly afraid of continuing to accelerate.

And why is that?

Because these shill's puppet masters are the very enemy Q is taking down and the world is learning about!

Any time you see any poster submit or make a comment like this one, which makes sweeping judgments of an entire ethnicity as guilty, while refusing to focus exclusively on individual choices and values, are 100% guaranteed shills who are trying to divide the movement that scares the living daylights out of the cockroach shills.

The real Q:


"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

These "Joofag" shills do not represent the Q movement, they are enemies of the great awakening.

Everyone who loves america and loves Americans are welcome here, regardless of appearance!

The shills are panicking.

How to identify these sick fucking shill pieces of shit with 100% accuracy:



16653984? ago

Attention all new visitors: The above account is:


16674896? ago

^ These dumb fuck shillbots can't even get their story straight. They are claiming mutually incompatible characteristics apply to the same person.

Why? Because their goal is not to learn about anyone, but to turn new visitors away by making them falsely believe the Q movement is anti-semitic.

These dumb fucks are PANICKING.


16675249? ago

Jew yourself, jew.

16675299? ago

Attention all new visitors:

The above account is a verified "Joofag" shill trying to deceive you into falsely believing the Q movement is anti-semitic or even a race-based/ethnicity-based movement at all.

The shills always always always speak in tribal warfare narrative and rhetoric, this tribe of people are enemies with that tribe, based on ethnicity or race or gender or religion or age.

Never do the shills use exclusively the reality of individual choice and values.

They want you and everyone else divided into allegedly economically and socially incompatible and antagonistic...Appearances.

They are psychotic.

Why do they shill like this, which their evil rhetoric is guaranteed to cast guilt against an innocent individual because of what they look like?

To turn you away from the accelerating great awakening taking place worldwide that they are deathly afraid of continuing to accelerate.

And why is that?

Because these shill's puppet masters are the very enemy Q is taking down and the world is learning about!

Any time you see any poster submit or make a comment like this one, which makes sweeping judgments of an entire ethnicity as guilty, while refusing to focus exclusively on individual choices and values, are 100% guaranteed shills who are trying to divide the movement that scares the living daylights out of the cockroach shills.

The real Q:


"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

These "Joofag" shills do not represent the Q movement, they are enemies of the great awakening.

Everyone who loves america and loves Americans are welcome here, regardless of appearance!

The shills are panicking.

How to identify these sick fucking shill pieces of shit with 100% accuracy:



16653758? ago

We hate Jews here

16675128? ago

^ This panicking anti-Q shillbot is PROJECTING.

The real Q:


"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

"They want you divided by race" - Q


Try harder you fringe lunatic sick fucks.

16651368? ago

^ Projecting shillbot is projecting

16652191? ago

Some of us know the definition of 'shill"... A 'shill' only shills FOR something. It can't shill against something like Q. That's known as a person who calls bullshit on the shill.

16653488? ago

Shills shill "for" the purpose of turning new visitors away from the Q movement out of a false belief, influenced by said shills, that the Q movement has ANYTHING to do with race.

"They want race wars" - Q

"They want you divided by race" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q


16655744? ago

Fighting the good fight, buddy.

16653954? ago

Everything you're admitting this "Q" says is proof that it's a jewish op. How retarded are you? Are you in on it? Do you sport a huge beak?

16674907? ago

^ This leftist commie shillbot is lying and only trying to trick new visitors into falsely believing the Q movement is anti-semitic.




16675267? ago

^ This shill is PANICKING!

16675290? ago


Even repeats my own commands back to me.

I own this shill, I am its master.

16675592? ago

^ This shill is literally PANICKING!

16692927? ago

It's comical that it expects people to take it seriously when all it can do is insult questioning minds and copypasta deliberate misinterpretations of Q drops

16693577? ago

You think I expect a Q-believer to have a Questioning mind? I do not. Question the psyop itself if you want real answers.

16675639? ago

I own this shillbot. It repeats my commands back to me.

Hahahahaha, I am its master, it is my slave.

16653820? ago

You're a retarded kike

16675113? ago

This sad pathetic shillbot is only trying to trick new visitors into falsely believing the Q movement is anti-semitic.

Why? Because they fear Q and want to divide it.

Nope, the Q movement welcomes people of ALL appearances.

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

This shill is PANICKING

16692954? ago

The minute you start calling people who disagree with you a bot you lose all credibility

Plenty of us have been around long enough to have seen that tactic many times....and it is always projection

16728874? ago

It is not about "disagreement".

Facts matter

16651062? ago

Kike fan boi

16650501? ago

The left/right is divisive too

16651378? ago

That's why the Demokkkrat party must be and will be utterly destroyed by the time this is over.

This is a Constitutional Republic.

Not a watered down communist mob rule (democracy)

16653925? ago

Imagine thinking it's just democrats who are the problem

16666596? ago

surely the fat adulterer with the gold toilet will save him! Trust Sessions!

16669955? ago

I trust Sessions!

To do fuck all...

16648123? ago

It's ok to be white.

It's ok to be whatever color you are born.

It's ok to help out and be proud of any American of any color who puts the laws and principles of the American Constitution and white European ideals above all others.

I am white. I am happiest around other white people but I judge each man on his own merit. If he acts like his worth is based on his membership in some special group, be it the Oppressed Brown Skin Club, the Misunderstood Chosen People Club, the Jesus Loves Me Better Club, the Skull and Bones I Am Special Club, the Celebrities Are Gods Club, the Rich People Know More Than You Club, or the Mickey Mouse Club I respect him less because he's basing his worth on a meaningless, pop culture construct.

It's ok to be white. It's ok to be brown. It's ok to be whatever you were born. Was America a better place back when it was mostly white and most people followed the law? Do I really have to answer that?

16651396? ago

The quantity of melanin in your body's largest organ has no bearing on your virtues as a human being.

16692879? ago

It may have a bearing on what the pedovores use you for though

16674757? ago

Correlation is not causation.

16665586? ago

That paid swamp creatures won't. Likely it has never seen it before.

16653662? ago

It represents what's happening in the brain though

16675153? ago

No it doesn't. Melanin doesn't "represent" thoughts.

16677329? ago

I didn't say that

16653148? ago

How do you explain the chimp outs?

16653467? ago

You are derived from chimps, your chimping out takes the form of being a panicking anti-Q shillbot on this subverse, intending to turn new visitors away in understandable disgust.

Attention all new visitors:

The above account is a verified "Joofag" shill trying to deceive you into falsely believing the Q movement is anti-semitic or even a race-based/ethnicity-based movement at all.

The shills always always always speak in tribal warfare narrative and rhetoric, this tribe of people are enemies with that tribe, based on ethnicity or race or gender or religion or age.

Never do the shills use exclusively the reality of individual choice and values.

They want you and everyone else divided into allegedly economically and socially incompatible and antagonistic...Appearances.

They are psychotic.

Why do they shill like this, which their evil rhetoric is guaranteed to cast guilt against an innocent individual because of what they look like?

To turn you away from the accelerating great awakening taking place worldwide that they are deathly afraid of continuing to accelerate.

And why is that?

Because these shill's puppet masters are the very enemy Q is taking down and the world is learning about!

Any time you see any poster submit or make a comment like this one, which makes sweeping judgments of an entire ethnicity as guilty, while refusing to focus exclusively on individual choices and values, are 100% guaranteed shills who are trying to divide the movement that scares the living daylights out of the cockroach shills.

The real Q:


"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

These "Joofag" shills do not represent the Q movement, they are enemies of the great awakening.

Everyone who loves america and loves Americans are welcome here, regardless of appearance!

The shills are panicking.

How to identify these sick fucking shill pieces of shit with 100% accuracy:


16692889? ago

Okay joofag

16728887? ago


16672492? ago

You sound like a religious zealot taking everything at face value. You dont even try to uphold discourse or offer a counter arguement to his statement. You parroted this comment twice. You have no argument only feelings. Offer discourse prove him wrong you win. Parrot something someone said because you believe them word for word means you no longer think critically.

16674728? ago

^ This projecting anti-Q narrative cult-following shillbot is running ANGRY_NPC.EXE

The copypasta same old same old narrative spewers are mad that their panicking posts are treated as such.

GTFO this board you projecting shillbot. Everything you said in fact applies to the shills and bots you're defending.

16677818? ago

Lol I'm a Canadian up north hoping trump gets shit done. I see tangible evidence that Q isnt a larp. However not refuting his claims means have no counter argument other than "Q said it." I'm sorry but that's not good enough man. Prove him wrong and you have my ear

16653832? ago

Fuck off boomer copypasta nigger

16675063? ago

^ this leftist commie shillbot is trying but failing to divide the Q movement by age and race.


Nope, Patriots are united.

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

Try harder you shillbot, you are only proving to the world you fear us.

16680224? ago

You have blue hair, don't you?

16653707? ago

Stop trying to control how we think here. You are the minority.

Check the current upvotes. Fuck off, big-nose

16675148? ago

Stop trying to tell the Q movement to stop.

It won't.

We are winning against you lefitst commie shillbots trying to trick new visitors into falsely believing the Q movement is anti-semitic.

The real Q:

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q


16680201? ago

lmfao. This cuck here is auditioning for the next Gillette commercial. what a betacuck

16651590? ago

the source code that produced that organ has tremendous influence though

16647911? ago

I've seen this 4 times and skipped over till now. Glad i skimmed down, that's the best post I've read in a long time anon. Your right learn our comms.

16646480? ago

Thing is. Thinking Nigger = all non-whites is a Leftist Loser State divide+conquer psyop.

Niggers come in all colours. I know a lot of white niggers, black niggers and everywhere in-between.

Every black stand-up comedian, if not all most have been articulating how Niggers are a problem, specifically in the black community-- but Niggers in general are a problem, a lot of white leftists, are Niggers.

16660920? ago

man that's some lame shit. if you said that out loud around me I'd punch you in the mouth just for sounded liking a fucking retard.

16692963? ago

Would you punch Richard Pryor in the head for saying much the same?

P.s. I know he's dead now

16664655? ago

Interesting. This has been normal sentiment here since at least 10 years ago. If you're a Nigger you'll get called out for it, simple as that. It's an effective way to incite extremely emotionally responses in people here, white, black, yellow and then steal their coke as they wallow in their emotional baggage.

In all seriousness, I don't want to assume or presume your thought process-- but what is retarded about calling Niggers, Niggers? Shaming people has been an effective form of manipulation since we began using words to bend others to our will.

All white, black, brown, yellow and more scum, hillbillys, twats and cunts buckle and break when called a Nigger. They can't handle it and literally break down it's quite endearing. White trash that live in their Ivory Tower are a favorite to observe as they have a breakdown when they're exposed as a Nigger.

16666547? ago

Goddamn that's piss poor. You sound like you're obsessed with fucking black guys more than anything else.

16666734? ago

This is a very interesting response and attempt at misdirection.

There are white Niggers.

Does this trigger you? Scare you? Because your emotionally charged response says it does, and if it's true-- you need to not get triggered by internet comments, as it makes you a liability.

Your attempt at misdirection, on an anon-board populated by many Nigger critics, alludes that you, Anon, are actually a Nigger and terrified of being "exposed" as a Nigger-- on a fucking Anon board.

16651894? ago

I couldn't agree more. I have no problem with black people, but I fucking hate niggers, of all colors. My methed out uncle has burned every one who's ever tried to help him, even stole shit from his own mother while on her death bed. That's a nigger right there and we're irish/norse

16651430? ago

^ This anti-Q anti-America "race bait" shillbot is having a panic attack.

Attention all new visitors:

The above account is a verified "race bait" shill trying to deceive you into falsely believing the Q movement is anti-black or even a race-based/ethnicity-based movement at all.

The shills always always always speak in tribal warfare narrative and rhetoric, this tribe of people are enemies with that tribe, based on ethnicity or race or gender or religion or age.

Never do the shills use exclusively the reality of individual choice and values.

They want you and everyone else divided into allegedly economically and socially incompatible and antagonistic...Appearances.

They are psychotic.

Why do they shill like this, which their evil rhetoric is guaranteed to cast guilt against an innocent individual because of what they look like?

To turn you away from the accelerating great awakening taking place worldwide that they are deathly afraid of continuing to accelerate.

And why is that?

Because these shill's puppet masters are the very enemy Q is taking down and the world is learning about!

Any time you see any poster submit or make a comment like this one, which makes sweeping judgments of an entire ethnicity as guilty, while refusing to focus exclusively on individual choices and values, are 100% guaranteed shills who are trying to divide the movement that scares the living daylights out of the cockroach shills.

The real Q:


"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

These "racist" shills do not represent the Q movement, they are enemies of the great awakening.

Everyone who loves america and loves Americans are welcome here, regardless of appearance!

The shills are panicking.

How to identify these sick fucking shill pieces of shit with 100% accuracy:


16675232? ago

This is the most upvoted submission on QRV. You've failed. Badly.


Kill yourself.

16675280? ago

^ this shillbot is angry that it and the many SHILLS who have infiltrated this uncensored site is not convincing any Q anon.

Death will indeed come, but it won't be for us.

Now run along you PANICKING SHILLBOT.

The Great Awakening continues to accelerate.

You can't stop it.

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

Buh bye loser.

16660937? ago

your cut and paste isn't going to stop people from being redpilled about niggers. fuck your idiot ploy.

16674811? ago

You dumb fuck shills copypasting name calling isn't going to stop people from being red pilled about you panicking leftist commie shillbot infiltrators of this subverse.

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

Try harder you sad pathetic, transparent, easily identifiable shillbot piece of worthless shit.

16662167? ago

Haha this ^

16653853? ago

Beep boop

Load Qbot.exe

Load boomercuck.exe

16674931? ago

^ Projecting anti-Q shillbot is TERRIFIED OF THE Q MOVEMENT

16692976? ago

Sounds more like you are tbh

16728852? ago

You're not honest.

16653372? ago

How is an anonymous account "verified"?

16653751? ago

That guy is just a kike trying to control the Q movement.

16675255? ago

The kike's identity is @Crike.

16651609? ago

this NPC can do nothing but output the sequence of letters programmed into its memory even when its irrelevant or silly to post said message

16646462? ago

"If you disagree, you are anti-Q and anti-America." This statement seems to nullify much of what you said. Questioning popular narrative is intelligent, important and patriotic.

16651436? ago

No, it's logic dumbass.

If you're against pro-Q and pro-America, you're anti-Q and anti-America.

Fuck you and your "opinions".

Patriots think for themselves you dumb shillfuck

16653769? ago


patriots think for themselves

...he said on QRV, without any hint of irony.

16675117? ago

Correct, without shred of it you panicking anti-Q shillbot.

You fear us.

16648752? ago

If you disagree, you are anti-Q and anti-America.

I think it would be very easy to meet your high standards for Q worship and unquestioning patriotism. All I have to do is click my heels together when I salute you.

16645596? ago

Perfect reply to this post! I couldn't have said it better. Thank you Patriot! "Patriots have no skin color" - Q

16646546? ago

That can be true but per capita most Patriots skin color is White. Go through mental gymnastics all you want but most of you will be able to count your non-white patriot allies on only one hand. You feel what I'm saying, stop the cognitive dissonance now.

16649167? ago

I think we all know on some level that the majority of white hats are white. White people are more likely to wear stars and stripes on the 4th, more likely to dive in to save a drowning child, more likely to value the continued existence of the United States. But I dont like the current vision of patriots I get from media. Patriotism is more than just voting for war, enlisting in the army, hanging a painting of your great great great uncle with General E. Lee, or whatever pop culture tells you would make a grid of perfect little patriots all in a row.

Why why why are we discussing this at all? Most people on Voat are white, but if you want to contribute your ideas about how to rebuild America and you're black, Asian, brown, you should feel welcomed. Even if you hate the US, I would like you to feel this is a good place to give your opinion.

16693078? ago

To be fair....if a nigger tried to save a drowning kid they'd both end up dead

16645611? ago

Every time bad news for the Demokkkrats....

Race bait shills spew vomit.

Every time.

Like it's all robotic.

16651390? ago

It IS! A Diabatic, Quantum (D-Wave) computer. Quantum annealing anyone...?

16648838? ago

Like it's all what?

16645698? ago

Yes I agree but almost 800 upvoats? True Patriots are colorblind.

16666612? ago

niggerlovers might be colorblind. but Q sent you to white supremacy central you dumb cuck boomer.

16646246? ago

Doesn't mean anything. Some will read as white and not ashamed. Some will vote up or down because of perceived agenda. Some will vote up or down because it's racist. Some will vote up or down because it's not racist. Some non-whites voted up, and some non-whites votes down.

I'm white and not ashamed of it. I am proud to be related to my ancestors who were white. I always assumed everyone else felt the same way regardless of their race and I think they should!

So what does this mean? Nothing. Grandstanding.

That's the problem with an "evolving" language which is constantly subverted, and with an enemy controled narrative.

16645705? ago


16645661? ago

I haven't noticed that correlation, but it definitely comes in waves. That would make sense.

16645584? ago

I won’t read that wall of copied/pasted text. I have become anti-Q. Yes.

16645598? ago

LOL, refuted.

16646292? ago

“Refuted.” Moron.

16651450? ago

I win.

Dumb fuck.

16651903? ago

No u


16645566? ago

You are a fucking freak and you should kill yourself.

16645573? ago




16651068? ago

Try hard.

16638253? ago


Fuck that, it's like winning a hundred lotteries.

16651237? ago

Don't be a faggot

16643514? ago

Yeah, for now.

16640483? ago

What about me ? I am one of the darkest “white” men to walk the planet. Which lottery did I win ? (Note: diversity wasn’t a thing when I grew so I checked WHITE on all applications and forms)

16643981? ago

I am one of the darkest “white” men

The term you're looking for is, "shitskin". Ancestors shouldn't have race mixed. Best you can do now is be a warning to others who are tempted into beastiality.

16645578? ago

Your trying to hard, nigger.

The French are absolutely white and have varying degrees of admixture. Take your 4 pol shit the fuck outta here, jew.

16645820? ago

The French


16644035? ago

Nice ... you could say that, and I may laugh. My brother said it looked my mother had sex with a black man ... and friends used to call me angry Blackman or Nubian. But my ass is fairly white ... I don’t lose tanning contests

16640779? ago

European blooded is what we mean

16641841? ago

I am European ... 50% English and 25% Swedish yet I have been subjected to more “racism” my entire life by progressives than some black people

16645547? ago

Yeah, im Anglo, Saxon, with a bit of Irish and a wee bit of east Asian. I look like i belong in the Netherlands or Sweden and WASP whites have always looked at me with contempt my entire life. I mean the blacks are by far the worse so fuck them, but it hurts more when its your own kind.

I would honestly rather hang out with non whites then a bunch of fake, faggot, uppity wasp sociopaths.

But if you havent seen racism from blacks, you aren't looking hard enough. They do it on the sly non stop. Pay attention to how they talk.

16641858? ago

Try living in a black neighborhood

16640141? ago

Winning a hundred lotteries? Whites are losing everything rite now... Whatcha slidin' moishe?

16651129? ago

Maybe the retard Whites are. The Whites I know are doing quite well for themselves, AND, they're White.

16657862? ago

Really? The whites I know, straight non-degenerates with STEM degrees in engineering and physics and math, are not.

16663599? ago

Are they business types, or employee types? There are a lot of factors that go into 'doing well', and IMO, the employee types tend to do poorly in that realm, being essentially tools used by a business. While the categories of knowledge you mention could be the basis for a business, they strike me as more of an employee function, although maybe a bit less so for engineering.

16685439? ago

They are straight non-degenerates with STEM degrees in engineering and physics and math. Without jobs. Primarily because of the foreign worker mafia that runs our country, a nightmare issue that Trump is completely avoiding.

16685775? ago

The exact nature and cause of a "foreign worker mafia" is open to debate, but the general theory sounds plausible. What has a bit of a sad tinge to it is the existence of people who top out at being employees. Obviously, not everyone can be a 'chief', but there's something depressing about people destined to be tools and followers.

16644048? ago

Would you rather be one of the Asian ant colony people? How about a street shitter from India? Maybe you could have one of those plates in your lips like African niggers? How about a beaner, be 5'5" and grease pouring out of your body all day long?

There is NOTHING better than being born white. Mostly because whether or not you choose to use it, you have higher cognitive abilities than any other race by a HUGE margin. Unless you believe the stupid stereotypes of smart Asians, because here's a red pill for you, it ain't true.

16642305? ago

I want some!!!

16643432? ago

Sir...im gonna need you to turn in your white privilege card😂

16656700? ago

oh THAT was revoked when I got shot in the back by 4 gang members in 2008! ;)

16639299? ago

Really? Then why did Elizabeth Warren feel the need to pretend to be Native American? Fuck off with your SJW bullshit.

16641339? ago

To advance her career?

16642652? ago

Sure, but why would it be necessary if she won the big lottery by being born white.

16643518? ago

Because of Affirmative Action, not being white has become an advantage.

16644030? ago

Niggers are given privileges everywhere just for being niggers.

16644142? ago

Unfortunately, niggers get the biggest boost.

16640444? ago

Why would anyone be "proud" of something one had no choice or input in, for a biological ORGAN? The skin is just an organ.

Pride is one of the 7 deadly sins, OP.

And fuck you for your false dichotomy bullshit where we either have to feel unjustified pride of a freaking organ of the body, or else an effective "fuck you" schoolyard bullshit.

Yes, it is OKAY to have any color for your body's biggest organ, BUT IT IS IN FACT IRRELEVANT o what we are fundamentally as beings, which as Aristotle explained, the defining characteristic of humans is that we are a RATIONAL species.

It is our COGNITION, our mental faculty, that fundamentally defines us.

That links ALL humans together, provided people act in accordance with a rational ethic and morality, and it is a fact that feeling pride for a body organ is irrational.

White pride, black pride, asian pride, etc,etc, ALL irrational and all dangerous.

OP, YOU are a fucking shill for calling disagreement with you being a "traitor". I have ZERO obligation to ANYONE based on their body organs. I ONLY have obligations to others based on INDIVIDUAL THOUGHTS AND ACTIONS.

And you, whatever "race" you are, you have no moral authority over me or anyone else who thinks like me, i.e. Patriots and Q anons and pro-Trump Americans.

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q


If you disagree, you are anti-Q and anti-America.

16644151? ago

And Qing Qlown is back for more humiliation.

16645305? ago

Projection from a panicking anti-Q shillbot who has been having daily meltdowns since Oct 2017.


Every post it makes IS proof it is panicking about the Q movement.

16651110? ago

You'e looking in a mirror. No one cares about "the Q movement". It's just annoying to have traitors and seniles pretending to be conservatives, or on the right. Even the left doesn't care about "the Q movement", because they can see it's a bunch of hokum to mesmerize the morons. Q is basically proof that the voting classes are too stupid to be saved.

16651370? ago

^ Projecting panicking shillbot is panicking.

Look at fear the Q movement! Hahahaha


16652199? ago


16653529? ago

^ Run{angry_npc.exe} When butt=hurt Do {pffft} Else{"shill"}

16647663? ago

I used to think you were annoying but you trigger the shit out of them.

16651405? ago

I found their weakness. It was easy.

They're stupid.

16644124? ago

You are right that actual skin color is irrelevant, but skin color has nothing to do with the racial problem, which are incompatible behavior differences. Because niggers behave the same way everywhere on Earth that they live in numbers, we can infer a genetic component to their behavior that can’t be changed via geography, “education” or money.

16645311? ago

Behavior is a function of ideas, not skin color.

Try harder.

16649332? ago

Behavior is a function of IQ and environment. Try harder.

16651389? ago

IQ of an individual is not determined by the quantity of melanin in their largest organ, i.e. skin.

Try harder.

Read Dr. Thomas Sowell.

He's black and more intelligent than your entire inbred family combined.

16645368? ago

I repeat: Because niggers behave the same way everywhere on Earth that they live in numbers, we can infer a genetic component to their behavior that can’t be changed via geography, “education” or cash.

This is irrefutable.

16645412? ago

^ This leftist commie "race bait" anti-Q anti-America shillbot is having a meltdown.


The real Q:


"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

Try harder panicking shill.

16645496? ago

The problem with race has nothing to do with skin color. It’s about inherent incompatible and ultimately untenable behavior dynamics between niggers and humans.

16645539? ago

"Nothing to do with skin color"

"Something to do with skin color"

Pick one dumbass.

16645557? ago

You really are an idiot. I said it’s about behavior you dumbass. Ugh!

16645587? ago

Projection you dumb fuck.


GTFO this board you anti-scientific degenerate.

Read Dr. Thomas Sowell.

Learn from a smarter, BLACK, person.

16646344? ago

Sowell still remarkably lacks an ability to think in abstract terms, like all niggers. Yes, even the “intelligent” niggers are still stuck seeing the universe in terms of “absolutes.”

16651448? ago

Sowell is infinitely more intelligent than your stupid inbred low IQ ass.

It's why your life consists of shilling anti-Q race bait rhetoric on a Q research board, you sad pathetic fuck.

16651482? ago

Distracting from your failure.

16651506? ago


16651513? ago

I forgive your ignorance.

16651525? ago

^ this projecting ignorant shillbot is trying to pretend to forgive itself for its own ignorance.


Projection projection projection


16651529? ago

I forgive you.

16651546? ago

Aw, this shillbot is demanding forgiveness.

Projecting anxiety over its own guilt.

Is it becoming self-aware?

16651914? ago

You can be honored that I am so forgiving. Now if only you could find just one example of a beautiful sheboon to prove to everyone that you don’t think that niggers are all filthy disgusting beasts.

16645672? ago

Behavior has nothing to do with skin color. I’ve repeated that. It’s about other DNA not related to actual color, which is merely incidental.

16645755? ago

Nobody has found any "violence gene" in DNA.

Try harder.

Read Dr. Thomas Sowell.

He's black. And he's smarter than you. According to your shit logic that can't be possible.

But it is.

So you're a dumb fuck.

16646277? ago

Geez, you’re an idiot.

16651452? ago


16642746? ago

You know what organ of the body I'm proud of? My vagina. Because I earned it. Not like everyone who takes hers for granted. No, I earned my vagina. It took many years of transition, but I earned this organ! I'm proud of myself.

16643479? ago

You didn't earn any body part, you were born with it.

16643674? ago

No. I was born with a penis. The vagina was earned.

16645369? ago

No, you were born retarded.

16646452? ago

Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to become girls.

16642646? ago

I'm with this guy.

16643569? ago

That's because you're human.


16642308? ago

If you disagree, you are anti-Q and anti-America.

You're anti-White, and if you are white, you're on the traitor list.

16643540? ago

If you're anti or pro any race, you're just a stupid fuck.

16646504? ago

What about the human race?

16651422? ago

Logic connects all humans.

16641209? ago

If you disagree, you are anti-Q and anti-America.

It's okay to be white.


16641237? ago

Yes, it is, but it's just the color of your body's biggest organ.

It's okay to have one's body organ of any color.

Except maybe green because that likely means sickness.

16644060? ago

Your actions are more important

You mean like statistically committing more violent crime per capita? Because that isn't the whites.

16645340? ago

Per capita?

Men commit the most violent crimes "per capita", by your own shit logic, YOU are an evil entity that must be destroyed.

Go fuck yourself collectivist leftist commie shill.


Dr. Thomas Sowell is more intelligent than your entire inbred family combined.

No individual is responsible for the actions of others who have the same colored hair, or eyes, or skin.


16645537? ago

You are worse than a nigger. You are a traitor to your country try and race. And we kill traitors first.

16645560? ago

Aw, this anti-Q anti-America anti-Trump, leftist commie "race bait" shillbot is PANICKING.

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q


This shillbot is PANICKING.



16645633? ago

Now that is hilarious. Q. The all powerful. Who has accomplished exactly nothing. You are a follower of a psyop and you're too stupid to realize it.

16645701? ago

Aw, you sound absolutely terrified.

Q has accomplished so much! That's why this shill lies and HILARIOUSLY says "nothing".

Funnier than when Schitt for brains said Trump has done nothing for two years about border security.




If you didn't fear it, you wouldn't shill here.

16645890? ago

I have been here at voat for years before you even knew it existed you simpleton. Absolutely noone here is afraid of your fantasy. Q has done nothing and will continue to do nothing but string you along. And you'll continue to fall for it. Isn't it past bedtime at the old folks home Gramma?

16651498? ago

Fuck off you leftist commie shill fraud piece of shit, nobody believes you anti-Q sliding shill degenerates.

The fact you continue to shill AFTER OVER A YEAR is absolute proof Q scares the living fucking daylights out of you dumb fucks.

Your posts ALL scream PANIC.

WTF did you think your "muh divide them by muh age.exe" programming was going to look?




16650656? ago

How come retards always spell 'no one' as 'noone'? Then call someone else a simpleton?

16645961? ago


GTFO this subverse you unwelcome degenerate "divide them by muh age" first gen shillbot.

EVERYONE who loves America and loves Americans are welcome here, regardless of appearance.

You dumb fucks are only proving to the world Q is real. Your shilling IS ITSELF THE PROOF you believe Q is a gigantic threat.


16646164? ago

You came to Our website. You gtfo. Gramma. Thanks for fucking up the world you halfwit nigger loving bag of rotten garbage. And let's talk about fear, I don't hide in an Anon sub. You're afraid to see the real world around you. So you hide in here and you hide your username. Because you're afraid of the truth and showing your face. Go back tor Reddit w the rest of the retards. Oh that's right, they kicked you out and not a single Qfag can code a dedicated website for Q discussion. And then Q himself didn't want shitting up his Chan. EVEN Q DOESN'T WANT YOU MONGOLOIDS AROUND.

16651480? ago

LOL, "our website"

You don't own, represent, or have any authority over this subverse you leftist commie shillfuck degenerate piece of fraudulent shit.

YOU "go back to reddit" where shill mods control every subreddit just like you can only wish was here too.


If you didn't fear Q you wouldn't shill, but you do shill so you are afraid.

Dumb fuck

16642401? ago

Except maybe green because that likely means sickness.

Except black, because that likely means crime.

Except Arab, because that likely means they follow a hostile religion.

We can do this all day. You opened yourself up to being attacked by facts, there you go.

Skin color matters, race is genetic, genetics have a major effect on humans or what are known today as humans.

16643510? ago

^ This anti-Q "race bait" shillbot is PANICKING.

The real Q:


"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

"They want you divided by race" - Q


Skin color is not a factor in logic, science, morality, ethics, or virtue.

You are thinking as a subhuman.

16640824? ago

I bet you like Jordan Peterson. Are all identity groups evil? Why are white Christians the only ones who aren't supposed to collectivise? Fully functional and moral humans operate on an individual and a collective level. They aren't mutually exclusive. It's good to be anti Quck.

16641001? ago

Collectivism always leads eventually to evil, when it is fully expressed.

16651044? ago

So you are anti Zionist and anti-semitic. Israel is the only ethnostate on the planet.

16651372? ago

Nope, just anti-shill, you shill.

16641908? ago

Fuck yourself, @Crikes.

16643558? ago

@[insert random handle here] posts child porn.

16641135? ago

That is an untrue reduction. The collectivism of the body of Christ leads to the coming of God's Kingdom on Earth. Morality and truth invelop collectivist and individualist principals. To eliminate collectivism for a group is to eliminate the group from existence, akin to genocide.

16641178? ago

False. The definitive characteristic of Christianity is INDIVIDUAL HUMAN REDEMPTION, not redemption of the species or groups or COLLECTIVES.

"The collectivism of the body of Christ" is a false equivocation of the term. You just made that up.

Collectivism leads to evil because it leads to sacrificing individuals for the sake of said collectivist concepts.

16642839? ago

I've read the Bible front to back a dozen times but I wouldn't have needed to do it twice to know you are dead wrong. Yes, salvation is ultimately of the individual soul, but God is not afraid to condem nations, cultures, and churches throughout the Bible. Have you read the letters at the end of the NT? They are written to churches, not individuals. If your IQ was higher, and you sucked less Q dick, you would know that we exist with both individual and collective traits and as Christians, we need to be aware of both. The devil promotes a form of individualism through selfishness. The ultamite individualist is a Satanist like Jordan Peterson.

16643429? ago

You haven't read the Bible ONCE, let alone the obviously contrived and false "twice cover to cover."

You are full of absolute shit on a stick.

"Yes, salvation is ultimately of the individual soul"

I rest my case.

You totally misinterpreted the motivation of God condemnation. In the Bible God NEVER condemned any nation, or culture, or churches, WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED PRESUMPTION that each and every individual of said nation, culture, or church was held as following whatever ideals that contradicted God's commandments.

That's precisely why the passages are written in such a way that the condemnation is against INDIVIDUALS who SHARE the same beliefs AS INDIVIDUAL CHOICES.

Christianity is the definitive anti-collectivist theology, which is precisely why everywhere Christianity spread, CAPITALISM followed suit.

Capitalism is the economic system based on individual economic freedom, working, hiring, production, selling, buying, and capital re-allocation.

A theology based on individualism not collectivism, and an economic system based on individualism not collectivism, is THE reason why capitalism exploded across such nations and lands.

Yes, God spoke to "churches", but again the presumption was that He was speaking to INDIVIDUALS SEPARATELY.

If you were honest, and not a sucker of anti-Q shilldick, you would know that Christianity's individual redemption feature is as anti-collectivist as any religion can get.

The devil promotes not individualism but collectivism you dumb fuck. The selfishness the devil speaks of is stealing the individual away from their righteous path of individual redemption to Christ, towards "the fallen", a collectivist concept that groups all lost souls into a FALSE individual flowering by appealing to the base instincts of humanity that go BACK to sacrificing the individual for the sake of the collective, in this case the collective ruled by the devil.

Nobody is fulfilling their individuality by rejecting individual redemption through Christ and becoming a mere pawn, a cog, in the devil's plans for humanity as a whole.

The devil is not seeking humans who are individualist, he is seeking humans to be pawns in the devil's own game.

Your last sentence by the way is PROOF you are an ignorant lying sack of shit. Jordan Peterson APPEALS to Christianity, Christianity is one of Peterson's respected and admired theologies. If you had actually read any of his works, you'd know that too.

Dumb imbecile. GTFO this board, you aren't fooling anyone. You FEAR Jordan Peterson because he appeals to the individual worth of people, he tells young people if they want to make the world a better place, they must first start with bettering themselves as good, moral individual people.

You shillbots are an embarrassment to whoever the fuck was dumb enough to pay you dorks.

16643914? ago

Your Boomer ideas didn't work. That's why the west was lost. The church is not evil for being a collective. Read the Bible you ignorant Boomer neocon.

16645358? ago

Aw, this "divide them by age" PROJECTING shillbot is having a panic attack.

You stupid dumb fucks are only proving to everyone you fear the Q movement.


16646525? ago

What's to fear about a bunch of boomers ignoring demographic realities? Seriously, what is there to fear? Some obease old people larping that anyone other than whites are conservatives?

16651421? ago

^ This Soros shillbot NPC is coded with "divide them by muh age.exe"


16653821? ago

Divide who? The Q movement is 98% old and white.

16675088? ago

Hahaha, this shill is panicking. Tries but fails to divide us by age and race.

The Q movement welcomes people of ALL appearances.

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

Try harder you panicking shillbot.

16677261? ago

50% Latino support is not a fact. It's about 30% tops. The rest of them are here to rape your children and you don't care. America was 90% white in 1950. It was a better country then. We need to make America great again.

16642785? ago

There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus

16643447? ago

We are each one as ourselves individually in Christ.

16643660? ago

Yeah, that's the individualist part you already mentioned. This is the collectivist part that you're ignoring.

16645383? ago

Nope, there is no collectivist part.

Individualism is mutually exclusive and incompatible with collectivism.

They are opposites, polar extremes.

Try harder.

16646438? ago

for you are all one


16651438? ago

That's Buddhism not Christianity you stupid imbecile.

^ Ignoring reality of Christianity.

16651977? ago

That's literally a quote from the New Testament. Lol

16640412? ago

Why? Because of sjw bullshit.

Are you retarded?

16642392? ago

Warren’s claim was to make sure she got into Law School with mediocre grades instead of a proud white woman with great grades. Affirmative Action isn’t just for blacks.

16642503? ago

Affirmative action is some OG sjw bullshit

16642632? ago

You’ll get NO argument from me, that was a stupid ass decision by stupid ass people. “Don’t be a racist, judge everyone on their merits” until it comes to a quota, “then judge em on which space we are told we HAVE TO fill”. Fuck that !!!

16641227? ago

How is white winning the lottery if you have to pretend to be nonwhite to receive unearned advantages?

16674259? ago

Because one dumb attention whore did it, it doesn’t mean anyone else wants to. Nice try trollfag.

16650981? ago

it's ONLY not winning the lottrey if your goal is free fucking gibmedats government handouts.


16651314? ago

Preferential treatment in college admissions. Preferential treatment in hiring for public & private sector.

16693091? ago

Only if you are a (((fellow white)))

16651447? ago

you're white, you dont NEED preferential treatment, you have a capacity to be twice as good as any other applicant WITH preferential treatment ADDED.

live up to your genetic line, and start excellence

16641529? ago

I didn't say that.

I answered your question about Elizabeth Warren's choices. She lied to receive benefits from sjw policies.

16642643? ago

She lied to receive benefits from sjw policies

Which are codified into law through affirmative action and are immune to discrimination lawsuits. So minorities get preferential treatment in education and employment. THAT is privilege.

16642800? ago

Agreed. Still would rather be white. And feel lucky to be white af

16638752? ago

What I bet he means is that theres nothing wrong with it or that it shouldn't be condemned. An old judge not by color of skin sentiment.

16647522? ago

skin colour isnt an end-all-be-all, after all youve got much more accurate traits like skull dimensions, brain size, and the wrinklness of the cortex, but its a solid shorthand that doesnt require anything but eyes and nose

16638999? ago

Judge by skin. Fair skin is the best by magnitudes!

16640220? ago

then why do so many self-proclaimed proud whites try to shit on the Irish?

16642414? ago

Because red.

I don't even have red hair, but red is nice.

16640434? ago


16639169? ago

Glad the authors of ITS OKAY TO BE WHITE disagree with you and lefties. So effective and opened a lot of eyes.

16639128? ago

Woo whooo! So are green and blue eyes! And size 7 shoes! Wooooowhooooo!

16637841? ago

I am not white I am Asian, I upvote.

16647023? ago

I live you guys. Awesome WWG1WGA! Also, this is the most upvoated post I've seen here besides the stickys!

16643452? ago


16642430? ago

We can keep this good goy.

16640454? ago

There is a whole lot of effort to get people to think that you muat be racist. You can't be for people of some group without being against people in others. That was the left can pretend a pro America hat is racist. Blows up in their face when smart black people wearin. That's it. Just scared of blacks realizing that they better off with Trump!

16646522? ago

Black folks would be 'better off' surrounded by actual racists, than in the midst of those who intend to use them as victims.

Hell, we'd probably teach them to read and work hard, out of sheer frustration.

16661233? ago

Blacks would be better off around anyone other than other blacks.

16639551? ago

I'm with this guy, I'm Asian and I upvote. Fuck this SJW shit.

16643001? ago

Sicilian upvote

16646492? ago

Holy shit, theres 2 of us!

16642459? ago

Redneck upvote as well...

16648554? ago

White guy upvoat

16651076? ago

✋🏻 seconded

16642634? ago

A good sunblock can help with that..

16642662? ago

Or a red scarf, without the doorknob please.

16639563? ago

Mexican upvote

16647675? ago

pakistan upvote

16651239? ago

Jewish upvote

16647604? ago

turkroach upvote

16639259? ago

The yellow vests were holding a demonstration in Edmonton, Canada and there were several oriental-Canadians among them. The white leftists of Antifa were screaming at them, calling them "white supremacists". What we have in common is a long history of civilization and literacy.

16649549? ago

Ok there are orientals and there are orientals. Go to hawaii to learn the traditional ranking of Asian hierarchy from asians themselves. I would never lump all orientals together.

16689355? ago

Exactly, there are different levels of Asians. The hierarchy exist, which organization like Antifa would lump everyone into just "Asian" or "White".

16647104? ago

I was thinking the other day how racist it is to call people white nationalists (usually with some negativity and anger or hatred).

Projection at is finest.

16638971? ago

At least you're not a nigger.

16642654? ago

Sadly, niggers come in all colors. Mostly black though

16642875? ago

But you have to acknowledge who the minority is. The answer is everyone but you, if you're a white male.

16648053? ago

"the minorities" is a brown blob of of humanities failures that are united by their mutual desire to rape, slaughter, and steal from anyone more willing to work for their things than they are.

16638081? ago

Thank you sir, we appreciate the support. And we've got your back as well.

16639395? ago

Haha, after the white males they'll come after the Asian males. Just look at a country's development and determine their people's capability. Absent extenuating circumstances like war (Syria, Iraq, Libya need a few decades to rebuild) or natural resource wealth (KSA), countries reach the level their population is capable of handling.

16642496? ago

You are correct sir, they’ll destroy any race that wants to better their surroundings and accomplish great things. ALL the 3rd world countries (most) are happy living in mud huts with chickens shittin on the fancy living room dirt floor.

16641279? ago

yeah, but theres over a billion of you guys. why is it always up to us white guys to rout our reptile overlords? sure we are bigger, meaner, and stronger. but youre smarter and theres more of you. please end the lucefarian elite, Asian dudes. we'll trade you some hot blondes.

16640193? ago

Not really, in a CIA/cabal controlled world nothing ever reaches a stable natural state

16637803? ago

Why is this anon?? I question the agenda. Why wouldn't someone proud put our name on it? I could understand if it were a question of shame.

16639338? ago

Because this is an anon sub.

16638149? ago

Because actual honest de-anonymized discussion cannot happen without attempts at character assassination

16638087? ago

So what's your name?

16637768? ago

we dont want you here

16639361? ago

Which is what nonwhites are telling whites in all of the white lands that the nonwhites moved to.

16637984? ago

So fuck off back to your reddit safe space

16639458? ago

There's NO NEED for the racial crap here. Not what this forum is about. This is about you cockroaches leaving as many droppings as possible to make the entire community look like a racist "Stormfront" group.

QRV---thats Q Research.

16639540? ago

Niggers are still black

16637908? ago

Funny, we say the same about you.

16637755? ago

I'm not proud of being white, I didnt do anything to be born that way. Not ashamed of it either though.

16662799? ago

You should be proud of your race. Everyone else is, why not if you're white? I don't understand.

16664230? ago

I didn't do anything to earn it. I don't understand why you're proud of things you had nothing to do with.

16667427? ago

I think you are looking at the picture wrong. Earn it? Nobody earns their ethnicity, you are just part of the group and should be proud of that. People want to shame you for being white? Well, I guess you can sit on your heels and say how shamed you are, or you can stand up and say that you are not ashamed for who you are. Your own choice.

16668439? ago

Are you fucking daft? I said I have no shame for being white. I might have some shame about having something in common with an asshole like you though.

16682348? ago

OOOOh you win. not only am I fucking daft, but also an asshole. You sound like an angry dem.

16683042? ago

You sound like a piece of shit.

16661002? ago

found the faggot

16664220? ago

Your Mom is a man? Cause I enjoy fucking the shit out of her. She's the best value for money prostitute I've found yet.

16642694? ago

Weak, not good enough.

16640909? ago

Do you find the moral, scientific, and philosophical accomplishments of your ancestors to be honorable? How do you feel when you listen to Bach, or view a cathedral?

16666650? ago

as if Bach is going to share credit with some cunt like you

16670002? ago

Credit? It's not about credit. It's about cultural pride. Isn't your culture noble?

16639776? ago

I’m not PROUD of being white either—I am white, God made me that way. I am a white human being. Whites should not be under attack for their skin color; no one should be. I am so sick of this marxist fake racism.... more than that I am sick to death of the morons who push this garbage. Lotta brain damage in this country ☹️☹️

16642423? ago

You're ignorant of biological facts.

16642507? ago

You're triggered we don't give a fuck.

16645615? ago

Keep crying kiddo

16639413? ago

Are you proud of your family? Your children?

16638284? ago

Helped you from -1. How dare you make sense.

16637745? ago

Posts like these are intended to hijack the movement to make us seem like white supremacists. People in The_Donald fell for a similar post, an Asian guy telling 'us' white people that he's proud of his race and we should be too. 5k+ upvotes.

Problem? Pride in skin color is no different than hatred toward skin color.

I know this is voat and n'er this, n'er that but this is the truth.

If you have racial pride, you're racist.

That all said, yes I'm a Q follower, white, male, married, and aware Jews rule the world.

Stay on track, do not fall into the trap of an imbecile.

16663119? ago

Only you think that being proud of white race is supremacist. You are buying into what the far left wants..

16777977? ago

Actually, I'd suggest that you're being pushed into the direction of what the far left imagines the conservatives in America are today rather than standing your ground based on logic, morals, and principles. The far left is controlling your beliefs by being so damn radical, pushing you there too. Consider it.

16642531? ago

Whatsup Shapiro?

16642687? ago


16642781? ago

You're all for the browning of America, right?

16643528? ago

I don't even know what that means but I'm not aligned with Israel like Trump if that helps. Against the mass migration and NGOs taxi feeding from Libya to Europe or Mexico to the US.

16643665? ago

Besides lip service and a few very aggravating actions, he didn't seem to be doing what Israel wants. Certainly not what the media wants.

And before you cry "cognitive dissonance", tell me how Israel's dirty deeds becoming more widely known helps them or the cabal.

16870470? ago

I just came across this today... and thought you'd appreciate the knowledge. I'm shocked, frankly. https://imgoat.com/uploads/4d9ee44e45/198189.png

16872655? ago

It's no danger to me. That law doesn't afford any action against me, only action toward folks reporting on the state of anti-Semitism. Kinda like state funded doxxing. But I don't care: they've always known about me. I'm right here.

The reports will no doubt be used to frame the narrative though.

16887773? ago

Touche & that's how I feel as well but it's disgusting that there's a database of those that question the narrative.

16777948? ago

The only anti-Israel action that Trump's done is pulling out of Syria which is pretty huge I'll admit. Beyond that, he's suckling on Israel's teet when their soldiers and firing on children and their citizens are what the far left imagines conservatives in America are today.

16778992? ago

He's building a wall and promoting America first. No war with NK. No war with Russia. Bringing troops home.

You are blind or lying

16640592? ago

I appreciate your post, because though you oppose the notion of pride in race, you endeavor to engage with the argument earnestly. This is quite rare, and is commendable.

I, however, support the notion of racial pride and would like you to take into consideration my arguments regarding your opposition.

For the sake of clarification. I would suggest you are making a category mistake pitting pride antagonistically to hate. We might more accurately consider hate the foe of love, and for pride, we might say shame. In the case of pride versus shame, a good choice may very well be pride, every time.

I would gather, however, that your point is more along the lines of saying that "skin color" is irrelevant, and instead of pride, or shame, we should more properly be indifferent to it, or we would be "racist[s]".

To this point I have two responses:

Firstly, the concept of race cannot be reduced to the the feature of skin color, or any other single phenotypical expression. Race, more properly, refers to the heritage by which a person has come to exist. That is, the lineage from which they have derived the particulars of their being. As such, race is a crucial part of one's self.

We take pride, and love our race, in the same way we might love the parts of our body. Not exactly because of the way they look, compared to others (though that's innocuous enough), but because they are our parts. We don't feel shame for having our legs; we don't feel indifferent to owning our arms; we love and cherish our own lives, and feel proud, fortunate, and grateful to have been gifted them.

So it is with race. As we love our bodies, and our minds, we also love our genes, and our people. Our ancestors and our progeny. Our brothers and our cousins. We love them not because they are better, but because they are ours. We take pride in them not because they are superior, but because they are part of us; and we take pride in ourselves.

Secondly, if having "racial pride" is "racist", then it's OK to be racist. If all one means by racist is hateful, then say hateful. If all one means by racist is ignorant, then say ignorant. If all one means by racist is prejudiced, then say prejudiced. So if not all these things, then what does "racist" mean? Is it a person who believes races exist? Only in the case of whites. Is it a person who believes races are different? Yes, if they're white. Is it a person who prefers his own race over others? As long as they're white. Is it a person who is proud of being a member of his race? Definitely. If his race is the White race, that is.

The notion of "racism" is a weapon used against Whites by agents seeking to destabilize White nations. It is a vague/empty/nothing term, ready to be applied in any situation to instill shame in oneself, through the denigration of one's people. It's propaganda. It is successful propaganda. And we are trying to rid ourselves from it.

Through this inflicted propaganda, we have destroyed our history, taken down our heroes, and disparaged and trampled on the memories of our fore-bearers. We have done this ourselves, to our own being, because of fear of being racist, and lack of racial pride. Generosity, kindness, and heroism beyond any in the world, has not been enough to rid Whitekind of the shame of their "privilege". The atrocity of murder is a worse sin, when committed by a White person against a member of another race. Call it out, complain, mention it, or even "have it in your thoughts" when doing something else, and anything you do is forever marred by the stain of race "hate". If your White, of course.

All of it because of the propaganda of racism.

Racism is the whip and chains of our occupation, in the West, which is leading to our downfall.

And it only exists because we believe it.

They are lies. And they are empty.

I'm am proud to see this truth. I'm proud to be back, loving my people. And I'm proud to take pride in who I am, heritage and all.

I truly hope you take pride in your race one day too, and that you might consider these arguments in favor of it.

16642633? ago

First off, your post really got me thinking to simplify my explanation as much as possible for a better foundation of what I believe so thanks for that.

Simply put, I find it destructive to collectivize "for" or "against" physical attributes. I think you picked up on this then wanted me to see the broader picture which I can appreciate but race carries the connotation of skin color. There are better words to associate with pride (if we must) such as cultural, ethnic, heritage, nationality, etc.

I love everything about myself and the life I lived to get to where I am today and I am grateful for everything that had to happen for me to be born. I respect traditions that are passed down and I evaluate which ones I appreciate most as well as incorporate other cultures'.

I'm not sold on the history of racism in the context given but I'm familiar with similar topics with that origination and intent.

I'll say this. Racism sucks. Overthinking it sucks. Overclassifying it sucks. Grouping people into these categories sucks because it pins them against each other. This is why collectivism based on physical attributes is a horrible idea. I can see how and why we'd be baited into it because we would love to preserve our heritage and culture, even nationality. However, assuming race is the same thing without recognizing the dire consequences of swearing allegiance to the skin color will become even more destructive via coup or false flags. There will be no escape from association. Furthermore, there's no point swearing allegiance to the color of your skin. It changes in the sun.

P.S. that last paragraph was just shooting from the hip because I've crafted the others above it over the course of hours with great comtemplation of your post with colleagues walking up and down my cube row. Don't take any offense to it.

16654699? ago

I admit to some difficulty about knowing what best to respond to. But I appreciate the effort of carrying out a conversation, so I will do my best.

Initially, I would take issue with your insistence in the association of race, with skin color. Race, more properly, is to be understood as a much greater concept.

If we are to divide the human species into its constituent groupings, race would be the first large set of groups we make. Within races we might further down find ethnic groups. And within these, smaller groups we might call nations. Further down we might speak of villages, or enclaves, etc.

These groups developed naturally, on their own, through thousands of years of divergent evolution, which provided them with differing traits, among them skin color. Besides skin color, however, this isolated development had an impact on nearly every other human trait, whether physical, or mental, or emotional. Not enough time passed for these groups to have diverged too much though (they are still part of the same species), but it would be wrong to say they only have skin color as a difference. They have different mental capacities, behavioral proclivities, and internal makeup. They can be identified by their test scores, by their cultural facets, by the diseases they are susceptible to, and even by their fossilized remains.

So when we speak about race, we are not merely referring to some superficial, arbitrary distinction. Is is a reflection upon the path our ancestors took, through their history, up until the point we arrive at ourselves; how that path was not the only one taken by the many human groups; and that one is different from the others.

Nations, in this context, for example, are better understood as a group of people within a race that developed in isolation from other groups, and incurred differences associated with the land to which their generations were bred (think, Cherokee nation). Today, this concept has been degraded to a political entity, rather than biological, in the case of White Nations.

If race were just something arbitrary, I would agree "collectivizing" in its support would be "destructive", or at least unproductive. However, it is worth pointing out that people have collectivized under ideological banners throughout all of human history. Maybe you're a "capitalist", or an "individualist"; or maybe even a "communist". Maybe you're a "Christian", or a "Catholic"; or increasingly, these days, an "Atheist". Whatever these positions entail, and with whichever good the reasons they may have to do so, people group up (collectivize...) under these labels, even though the don't need to do so (...arbitrarily). We know they don't actually need to collectivize, because they often change their minds, and along with them, their affiliations.

But if we take race to be as I've defined it. You can't just choose not to be part of your race, anymore than you could choose not to be part of your species. So it isn't a matter of affiliation. Your bond is biological, and immutable. You are that which your race is.

Now, if some nefarious entity wished to alter this bond of race, in order to profit from its dissolution, or gain power in the turmoil, they would have to use highly sophisticated and pervasive propaganda. With enough coverage that it could change the perception of the majority of people as to what constitutes reality.

It turns out, that in modern times, this isn't so difficult. We often forget how powerful something like Television is, when it comes to altering our reality. Today, in Western countries, mass media is controlled by people with an Anti-White agenda. So is print media; so are the school systems; the universities; the entertainment industry; the churches.

While they can't truly ever break the bond we have to our race, they can distort our reality. They can have us believe races don't exist; or that they don't matter; or that it is evil to think of race (they push these messages only on Whites, in White nations). All the while, they push the "positives" of multiculturalism, and diversity; promote and force mass immigration schemes to White countries; and incentivize the furthering of minority populations, within White lands.

The confluence of differing racial groups occupying the same political space, inevitably leads to a battle of interests, and a fight among naturally (immutably) distinct groups.

These White nations, which have developed for thousands of years, and came to spread and conquer many new lands, have been infiltrated. And instead of using guns, our enemies are using psychology to have us destroy ourselves, and discard our heritage. And it has been working.

We forget who we are at our peril, and we can only fight back, once we recognize the truth of our natural bonds.

Human flourishing, for all races, can only occur in a state where independent homogeneous nations can be allowed to freely develop unperturbed and unburdened with each other.

16778896? ago

Work's been busy. To respond:

I'm not denying the natural progression and existence of the race classification nor its usefulness but to swear allegiance to it is a different story. This is where we differ.

Our society is completely entrenched when correlating race with skin color. There's no escaping it. To deny that it is one of the first things that comes to mind for 90% of Americans would be almost ridiculous to believe.

Let's take your natural race progression example. White man and black man may have been under developed or developed differently at one time. Perhaps the white man was more developed. So the white man and black man weren't able to communicate or rationalize the same goals. They went their different ways. Fine.

However, that natural progression is more aligned with culture than it is skin color. Sure, the different ethnicities were conflicting with one another but that wasn't because of their skin color. The skin color was an attribute that helped everyone associate with one another. Their clashing ideas was a matter of culture.

This is the point. America is a melting pot, there's no denying this. I'm not pro-immigration and in fact I think we should stop taking in any immigrants until we solve the homeless problem. However, to pride ourselves on race while in this racially charged time only separates us more. Our society has, for the most part, gotten along and had an American/western culture to it. Whites, African Americans, Asians, Hispanics can all work together. Sure we may have pockets of poverty, gangs, etc. but I'm not talking about those. CULTURE should be our only concern of preservation. Preserving RACE is purely a defense mechanism triggered by anti-Zionists (intelligent people aware of their agenda) and those ignorant of the consequences. Since the Zionists want a mixed slave race, our natural position is to refuse the order of the Zionist. However, we do not rationally consider the consequences of promoting racial pride and separation. It is proven to degenerate America. If we're living in a different country where there are no mixed races and it's purely white, sure... go ahead and preserve that lifestyle to refute the inevitable political struggle. That is not my battle. My battle is America. We aren't going to deport non-white citizens.

Promoting pockets of racial pride is certainly not the answer, this will be a war zone by the time its done and that'll happen if us white people start encouraging more events like Charlottesville (before the false flag psyop). If you look into the truth of what happened at Charlottesville, you'll find that your solution will lead to more pride events like that which WILL and HAVE BEEN PROVEN to have false flag psyops to make the movement look bad. You're essentially creating a perfect false flag opportunity for the enemy with literally nothing to gain. In the end, the movement will get hijacked and everyone associated will have their legacy tarnished for generations. It's so easy to see...

I believe we're at the point of where we will need to agree to disagree but I encourage you to look into Charlottesville... how the woman that died was a different woman than the official story presented and she died from a heart attack (own mother said so), and how the truth tried to get out on the so-called free-speech platform Gab.ai then its registrar threatened 24h to take it down unless they suppressed evidence contradicting the official narrative... you'll see exactly how just the media alone can shape the narrative to destroy an entire movement. KK|< had its roots taken from under it and there was no going back. Dav1d Duk3 is a perfect example of a tarnished legacy destroyed forever. Hijacked.

Give consideration to how racial (instead of culture) pride has no benefit yet risks everything. One simple hijack = game over.

16784673? ago

You are a well meaning person and I appreciate you taking the time to expound on and clarify your views. I will endeavor to clarify my own.

I am aware of the Charlottesville events, and I agree with your conclusion that given the state of White people in America, there are large risks to espousing racial pride, as long as you're White. While I see this as a sad situation, that Whites can't feel pride in their race within their own country, I agree that the state of their gaslighting makes it too volatile for anyone to dare say the taboo thing. Let's remember that the reason the Charlottesville event was so demonized, is because the Cabal, and Global interests want to maintain their campaign against White America. The event in Charlottesville sought to protest the taking down of a Robert E. Lee statue. Along with immigration to reduce White American numbers, they want to erase American History.

I suppose I would insist that this is a terrible state of affairs and that we must do what we can, talking to each other to rid ourselves of this self-defeating mindset.

I believe this is proper given what I take to be my own understanding of human nature, as it differs from your own.

I would suggest to you, to clarify the issue more definitively, that what races are, is an arrangement of diverging paths in the lineage of different human groups given their geographical isolation. These changes are marked by variances in DNA. Today, after hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, and the piling accumulation of different gene sequences, we find the existence of different human races, whose DNA is different from each other. Part of this DNA accounts for their different skin color. But that is the least of it. Other bits of DNA account for differences in much more important traits: like intelligence. Still other parts of our DNA are reflected in the way in which we form our societies, the languages we create, and the culture we come to produce. The gap between race and culture is not as it seems, and wherever you find people of one particular race in enough numbers to cal themselves a community, you will come to see the makings of a culture akin to their natural ways. So it is that blacks in Africa, America, Brazil, and Haiti express many of the same cultural traits. Similarly, Whites in South Africa, Argentina, and Sweden adopt similar customs, and organize their societies with the same instinctive tendencies. A very obvious example is the great amount of Chinese communities in nearly every developed country which are but a slice of China outside of Asia.

So it is clear to me that it is simply a mistake to think of race as something as inconsequential and superficial as skin color. Of course you can tell someone's race by their skin color, usually, but race is much more than this. And the numbers bare this out.

Take IQ, for example. IQ has been studied for over a hundred years now, in practically every country on earth, and the results have been ever consistent. Asians come out on top; Whites come second; and Blacks come last, when it comes to average IQ scores. Could you find a Black person smarter and a Japanese person? Of course. But randomly take a hundred of each, and the results will be replicated yet again.

It just so happens IQ is a very important trait. By the time the Europeans had figured out how to circumnavigate the Globe, in sub-Saharan Africa, there was no written language, wheel, or multi-story dwelling. Were there smart Blacks then, as smart as today? Sure. But the Black race doesn't produce high IQ people in enough numbers to manage the building of as high degree of civilization as either Europeans or Asians. It didn't then, and it still doesn't today.

And IQ isn't the only thing determined by DNA. Asians are by all accounts smarter than Whites, but something in the White makeup allows for philosophical thinking, and a type of creative expression that is lacking in the Asian brain. Blacks are seemingly unparalleled in athleticism, especially in matters of speed. These are all products of our DNA, and mark the differences between our races.

If we realize that we can expect, not only a different appearance from members of a different race, but also a different behavior on average, then we can understand why in places like America, where there are large populations of several races, their achievements seem to be so different. Why are blacks poorer? Ultimately, because their Black. Asians happen to be richer than Whites in America. And that's probably because their Asian. The violent crime race in America is often touted as a way to try and curtail gun ownership. But if we only take into account White violent crime, America is no different than any other European country, where guns are banned. As a matter of fact, if we take into consideration only Black crime, America would line up with other African countries in violent crime statistics.

These are the facts of life and how reality works, and when we understand it and accept it our experience of it becomes comprehensible, and everything fits into place.

American Whites, as well as other Whites around the world, have been victims, however, of a campaign of Cultural Marxism, where they try to blame the natural differences in achievement between Blacks and Whites on White Racism towards Blacks. Before this campaign the concept of racism as an injury from one group to another didn't exist. It is a form of propaganda used by the Cabal to induce guilt in Whites, and outrage in Blacks.

The ultimate point of having White pride is to break free of this spell, do away with it's influence, and accept reality. That way we can take away this weapon of the Cabal over our minds.

I would advocate we don't cower away from this effort, in fear of being attacked with this very weapon, because until we are willing to face the possible backlash, we will not come to disarm them. Let's remember that this weapon of theirs only works when we turn on each other. When we shun each other without hearing each other out.

I believe we can do better and we have been taking steps forward of late.

I will add that simply because races are different. Some smarter, some dumber. Some faster some slower. This does not mean that we ought to hate them, of course.

Ideally we would seek to preserve our differences, even when that means some might have cleverer countries than others, and that the Black countries will win all the Track medals in the Olympics.

Our natural state is to be with our own nations (races) in our own lands (countries), and this would be the best hope for our mutual flourishing. This is after all, how countries formed in the first place.

I don't however, advocate for the expulsion of citizens from their adopted lands. In places where the minority populations are small, like in Hungary or Japan, the minorities will get absorbed, or otherwise be forced to toe the majority line. In places like the US, where the minority populations are so large, there will linger a lasting tension, which might at least be ameliorated if we properly understand the actual effects of race on our behavior as groups and recognize these effects in our disparate outcomes as sectors of the population. If given true freedom of association (without relocation, busing, housing, quotas, etc) we might see these groups self segregating, as they had been doing before the advent of the Cultural Marxist campaign. And that might actually be best for all.

I hope you take this explanation on my part as well meaning, and you see where someone with my views is approaching the issue. I hope you also would consider the inherent truths of my position, as I claim them, and look into them further.

We deserve better than to be tricked and alienated from ourselves, and our biggest source of meaning: our blood, both past, and future.

16866459? ago

I appreciate the conversation but I don't think there's any moving the goalpost for either of us. I'm not for racial pride since race carries the heavy connotation of skin color. There are better words to use.

So it is clear to me that it is simply a mistake to think of race as something as inconsequential and superficial as skin color.

Inconsequential is poorly used here because current events reflect the opposite. We're living in an era where race/skin color is politicized so heavily that it's detrimental to say 'all lives matter' rather than 'black lives matter.'

I acknowledge the differences in race and the stereotypes of their wholeness but I reject your conclusions on how/why non-whites are the way they are... and this warrants a different in-depth conversation that I won't indulge. Simply stated, correlation <> causation.

White Pride won't break free of any spell, it will encourage it. You will feel as though you're breaking free from their agenda then when you're swallowed up by the echo chamber you'll have no way out. Further division is inevitable, I'm not sure how you cannot foresee this. Your Utopian belief of this strategy will be way off mark when implemented because there will be no authority figure to respect. The only authority figure for this movement is Richard Spencer and he doesn't have a solid plan at all. I've heard him talk through it many times. He's more interested in more appearances and getting the word out than having an effective strategy. This movement has no leader and it will get hijacked.

Self-segregation is key but the question is why. I want to leave society but it has nothing to do with the color of my skin, it has to do with values. It is my belief that an honest movement to segregate with prosperity must address values and nothing else. You believe racial pride groups do this, I do not.

Mark my words, if White Pride catches on in America, an event (false flag or not, doesn't matter) will tarnish its reputation and those associated... forever. It's a disorganized solution that sets up the perfect storm for the enemy.

16642348? ago

Very well stated

16639378? ago

Pride in skin color is no different than hatred toward skin color.

Cool, so cancel Black History Month?

16639418? ago


16639357? ago

This was an attempt to hijack/derail. That being said:

Humans are tribal by design, and tribalism is another side of the same coin as racism. Nothing wrong with this reality unless you ignore it. No one is asking you to preserve your race beyond means necessary, rather that you not turn a blind eye to threats against your race. This is not a call to action for revolution, but and advisory to be vigilant and SMART about the current state of affairs. By smart, I mean non violent, unless you are in imminent danger with no other means.

16639521? ago

I agree with this. I tossed in the mixed slave race JWO piece to acknowledge I'm aware of (((their))) plan. I'm simply against shifting toward racial pride as the bastion of preservation.

16642266? ago

Agreed. We need to shift our pride in skin color to one of culture. Out cultural pride should be the bastion preservation. After all that is how we are defined.

16639087? ago

With "fellow white people" like you who needs enemies?

16639221? ago

Care to elaborate? Are you mad that I enjoy Dav1d Duk3's political commentary without subscribing to white pride?

16639346? ago

You will live to see the result of ignoring that different cultures have different values, and that these values are fundamentally incompatible with each other in many cases.

Your call against collectivism is only heeded by white people. Other races are just laughing at you for being so stupid as to willingly destroy your own countries. Your idealism doesn't matter because nobody else is playing by those rules. Third worlders from Somalia don't care about morality and ethics and they don't have any respect for your culture.

You will live to see the naivety of your insulated and sheltered opinion come to fruition.

16639979? ago

You will live to see the result of ignoring that different cultures have different values, and that these values are fundamentally incompatible with each other in many cases.

Wrong. I'm aware of the culture clashing ideologies as can be seen throughout my responses in this thread and by acknowledging the mixed slave race desire of the JWO. The problem is CULTURE, not RACE. That's the entire point of my objection.

Your call against collectivism is only heeded by white people. Other races are just laughing at you for being so stupid as to willingly destroy your own countries.

I reject the notion that we preserve America by collectivizing under White Pride. You'd get infiltrated and false flagged so hard and fast your head would spin. Your name would be contaminated for the rest of your life by having the association. Don't believe me? That's what happened with Dav1d Duk3 after the KK|< was hijacked.

Your idealism doesn't matter because nobody else is playing by those rules. Third worlders from Somalia don't care about morality and ethics and they don't have any respect for your culture.

Idealism is not my focus. My focus is to bring awareness of toxic collectivism like racial pride so like-minded people on Voat don't go down the same roads I've gone down before, getting swallowed up by the echo chamber.

You will live to see the naivety of your insulated and sheltered opinion come to fruition.

These words strung together make you seem intelligent but I'm lost. What opinion of mine will come to fruition?

16640187? ago

Culture is inextricably linked to race. People identify their culture on their race. If you allow other races to mongrelize your own the result will be the death of your people. The American of life will end.

Immigrants illegal and otherwise vote 90+% Democrat. They vote for open borders and welfare programs for themselves. These immigrants are overwhelmingly non white.

If you don't take pride in preserving your race nobody else will.

What opinion

Collectivism is not toxic. It is necessary to preserve your own existence. The NWO media told you it was toxic. When their legitimacy is destroyed there will be no one to call it toxic.

16640681? ago

Culture is inextricably linked to race. People identify their culture on their race. If you allow other races to mongrelize your own the result will be the death of your people. The American way of life will end.

Wrong. Correlation <> Causation. You think black Americans identify with their African culture, half naked clothing, drums, and multicolored hats for their rituals?

If you don't take pride in preserving your race nobody else will.

I don't take pride in preserving my race but I will defend the honor of truth and persecuted individuals because it's the right thing to do. You won't see me joining white pride groups, white preservation however... sure.

Collectivism is largely toxic by today's standards and sure we're meant to be tribal in ways but subscribing to racial pride groups is toxic to me. Racial pride = racist. You can steer an argument to say it's for preservation purposes all you want but that's not called pride. That's called preservation. Pride infers superiority. There's a reason it's one of the seven deadly sins...

16641145? ago

black Americans

Not always, but sometimes they do. It took hundreds of years to get to that point. Black Americans are the integral exception to the rule of the white supermajority in the USA, because of that whole slavery debacle perpetrated by the NWO. However in many places they still shame outgroup for "acting white" and as a group they still commit massively more crime than any other group in the USA. Still I would not deny that they are an integral part of America. In many ways what makes America America as much as whites.

Is it just the word "pride" you have a problem with? Pride = supremacy but 14 words are ok?

Not toxic for Chinese though is it? Not toxic for Japanese though is it? Not toxic for Indians though is it? Or any other group except whites? Weird huh?

So what do you call the organized effort for white collectivist preservation? If not racial pride? Is it literally just a marketing issue to you? Seems petty

16643026? ago

An exception to the rule means the rule is not correct. I don't want to turn this post into a hate-bash against the scientific community but this is exactly what they do. They create a rule that works 'for now' then when it's disproven it goes away as if it never existed.

America isn't the only exception, there's many black Germans that align themselves with German culture over African.

Cultures can and do exist with other races, it's the mass migration of conflicting ideologies that causes the problem. Half our country is a bunch of white libtards and I dislike engaging with them more than any other libtard. They're myopic virtue signaling SJWs and if this made up 50% of our country (probably more like 40%), our culture would be screwed and that's with minimal invasion of Islam. Frankfurt School would've been successful.

Not toxic for Chinese though is it? Not toxic for Japanese though is it? Not toxic for Indians though is it? Or any other group except whites? Weird huh?

Actually "AzN PRiDe" was my first encounter recognizing that racial pride was an issue when I played Starcraft in 2000. So yes, racial pride is toxic for all.

So what do you call the organized effort for white collectivist preservation? If not racial pride? Is it literally just a marketing issue to you? Seems petty

You saved the best for last. I'd prefer "white preservation" over "white pride" and it may seem like marketing but the consequences otherwise are dire. Aside from the inevitable socio-developmental toxicity, if you align with "white pride" with good intentions to save the white population, all it'll take is one false flag or infiltrated member to tarnish everyone associated for the rest of their lives. See Dav1d Duk3.

Also, I mentioned in a few other posts that race has a direct correlation to skin color. I'm not a fan of pride itself but if you need to be proud of something choose ethnicity, heritage, or nationality -- not race. Skin color can change in the Sun. Why does a color deserve your allegiance?

16643838? ago

Do you know what a supermajority is? I never said that America is a white Ethnostate. America is a country with a white supermajority. The other population consisting the USA is black Americans.

there's many black Germans that align themselves with German culture over African

There's really not very many, not anywhere close to 13% of population. There's fewer than 1 million black Germans in a country of 80+ million. What I am trying to express is a little bit larger conceptually than navel gazing over your personal experience with Starcraft.

The Chinese people, in China, are not ashamed of being a collectively Chinese country. There is nobody shaming the Chinese people for not bringing in more immigrants from Africa. The Japanese people, in Japan, are not being shamed for being a collectivist ethnostate, which by all standards they are. The Japanese have always been more ethnically and racially homogenous than America, or nearly any other country. Nobody is shaming them in the media for doing this and they have no reason to feel ashamed. It's literally not a problem. But for you, it's a problem if white people have even the protection of their own country against outsiders, which is patently ridiculous.

Why do you keep bringing up David Duke? The KKK was a Democrat organization that has always been patently racist. It wasn't just suddenly racist when the Feds coopted it. It was always blatantly racist. This is about the protection of white people. Ethnicity, heritage, nationality and race are all linked together. A race of people hails from a homeland where they all share a culture and racial characteristics. This isn't that hard to understand. Race is more than skin color. There is a reason that genetic differences exist between different races. It's just a fact. All people are not genetically the same. Preserving your genetics is not wrong. I am not admonishing the Chinese or Japanese for preserving their race or culture. Only saying that it is not wrong for whites to do the same.

16777919? ago

Huh? I'm not pro-immigration by any means. We have homeless people that we need a solution for before even considering bringing more people into our country. You're inventing an argument I don't have, stop strawmanning.

KK|< was a civil rights movement that was infiltrated by the IC to create the narrative as we know it today. Look into it.

I'm not pro-immigration (homeless solution has priority) but we aren't going to force non-white immigrants from America. Stop living in this fantasy. We are a melting pot whether you like it or not and if you're suggesting a non-white cleanse of America, just say it. Otherwise, start following and supporting Richard Spencer's ideology. Perhaps you'll recognize how far you're driven away from your own beliefs based on your opposition pushing you there.

16781864? ago

we aren't going to force non-white immigrants from America

Not with that attitude!

Richard Spencer is a MOSS BOY! KKK is a pseudo Masonic creation!!! Two wrongs do not make a right!!!

16638917? ago

That all said, yes I'm a Q follower

Yep, you are a Qtard.

16639382? ago

Sheer brilliance

16638805? ago

This. Why it's always shilled here and those who point it out are attacked and buried.

16638102? ago

It's about ideology. And I'm for americans. Border jumpers are not americans. They're burglars.

16638652? ago


16638046? ago

Pride in skin color is no different than hatred toward skin color.

It's absolutely different. You can like who you are and your racial heritage without hating other people.

If you have racial pride, you're racist.

No, if you judge people based on the color of their skin and not their individual characteristics, you're a racist. Being proud of your heritage does not make you a racist. How in the world do you come to these conclusions?

Being proud of your heritage doesn't mean you think you're better than other races, it just means you are proud of your heritage.

16638238? ago

See other post as you left out context and strawmanned me too.

P.S. I see your response loves referencing heritage which I never once mentioned.

16638379? ago


I don't think you quite understand what that means...

16638866? ago

I'm not sure if I didn't read fully or if you edited when I responded with strawman but... to properly respond:

You can like who you are and your racial heritage without hating other people.

This is where this goes into semantics. "who you are" is something I'd challenge. You'd probably say that our ancestors did x,y,z and we should be proud of it and we are who we are because of them. This is horrible logic. This is the same mentality that enslaves us to white guilt. We cannot have it both ways. You are NOT who you are because of your ancestors, you were born because of your ancestors and certain DNA has you behave and look certain ways but YOUR PERSON IS NOT DEFINED by ancestors. You MAKE CHOICES to DEFINE yourself.

Enough with the collectivism please, it's so toxic.

16639038? ago

You are splitting hairs. You are deconstructing posts, making your own conclusions then arguing against a literal strawman after accusing others of doing the same.

. You'd probably say that our ancestors did x,y,z and we should be proud of it

This is an actual strawman. You inferred a conclusion that wasn't presented and then argued against it.

I don't know if I've ever seen someone so obviously oblivious to their own hypocrisy.. This proof you are literally retarded. Seriously, get the fuck out of this discussion. You aren't even capable of contributing

16639337? ago

You'd probably

Strawmanning wouldn't suggest with the "probably," it would dictate an argument.

I intentionally put that forward to speed up the process of you defining what you meant by "who you are" -- if I'm wrong on this please correct me. You seem to be defined by your ancestors.

16639441? ago

That's called strawman you dumb fuck

16640465? ago

Strawman: an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument.

I did not intend to misrepresent your argument. I even asked you to please correct me. I see you folded then doubled down on it. Sorry to see you go so soon, I was looking forward to learning how you feel you are defined. It seems you had enough of the cognitive dissonance hitting your poor lil brain so you couldn't effectively proceed in the intellectual discussion. Travel with hard hats, friend.

16640647? ago

You did engage in strawman and you are unwilling to acknowledge it which means you are pridefully disingenuous, facetiously proceeding as if you founded a discussion on a legitimate premise and therefore aren't worth talking to. You are a charlatan and a hack, and not worth wasting time in discussion with because you will only do the same thing again. I have no interest in a discussion with someone who is willfully disingenuous.

16640782? ago

I get it, you folded. Hard hat begone.

16641197? ago

No, I called you out for not arguing in good faith. I'm not wasting time explaining myself to someone who is not going to discuss in good faith.

16642745? ago

hard hat begone

16638363? ago

Your race is your heritage. This is splitting hairs aka pilpul.

16638918? ago

It makes no logical sense to be proud to have blue eyes. My blue eyes don't define me. If they define you, you've lost individual thought.

16639060? ago

When did I ever say anything about blue eyes defining me? Get the fuck out of here

16639248? ago

And there it is. Replace 'blue eyes' with 'white skin' and you've lost your entire argument. Sad to see you go so soon...

16639432? ago

You are literally arguing against a strawman

16640382? ago

I used it as an example and you fail to see any correlation. God help common core

16637975? ago

Dude, this post does NOT in anyway suggest that it is about white supremacy. Having white pride is no difference than having Asian, Black, Indian, etc etc Pride. What we really have to do is really understand that white people are attacked and that soon enough may be extinguished due to the left's policy of division and hate.

16640159? ago

They're looking for "race traitors" clearly in line with a supremacy movement. How many people didn't read to the end? At least 300+

16642548? ago

Can I get your wife's number?

16640421? ago

If you think not hating yourself for being white is racist, keep sucking that bull; maybe you'll find some enlightenment as you choke.

16644897? ago

I don't think not hating yourself for being white is racist. However saying that you're searching for "race traitors" (as stated in title of this post) is racist. It's a bait and switch. Put a ton of good points at the beginning but just a drop of fatal poison at the end.

16638208? ago

Actually the post does as it mentions pride. I agree 100% with your last sentence but this isn't going to force me into white pride. It's going to force me to broadcast that truth while sh1tting on the concept of white guilt.

16637974? ago

Posts like these are intended to hijack the movement to make us seem like white supremacists.

That and karma farming. Might as well setup a sign at a grocery store checkout saying “Donate $1 to support this pro life organization and if you don’t then we know you murder babies and possibly eat them”. Oh and the organization would be anonymous, so it could be a pro life org or it could really be planned parenthood, the risks of anonymity. The fact this made front page shows just how gullible people still are.

16638223? ago

Yes, even us 'awakened' people...

16637813? ago

Pride is different than hatred. I hope you don't have to believe they're the same to feel ethical. I would call that a blue pill. Just be honest with yourself. It's ok to believe pride and hate are different. It's correct in fact.

16638979? ago

Isn't pride a sin, period?

16639325? ago

Yeah maybe. My point is pride and hate are different. Usually a lot different. Our culture tries to conflate the terms which I like to call a blue pill. This turns off the brain because hate is off limits. Voat is here to free your mind. We can't do that if you keep taking the pride is hate blue pill. Language can and does control thought.

16637933? ago

You're leaving out context then strawmanning me. I'm not sure if you intended to do that or not but let me break it down for you.

Pride and Hate are different sides of the spectrum. When having PRIDE in skin color and when having HATE in skin color, they're effectively amounting to the same thing: racial preference, superiority, inferiority, etc.

It would be similar to having pride of eye color. BLUE EYES MATTER.

This has nothing to do with ethics and everything to do with preventing the toxic collectivism that'll result from the ideological trap.

16642565? ago

The opposite of pride is shame or disgust.

16642678? ago

I never said they were direct opposites.

16642759? ago

Only 2 ENDS of a spectrum. I guess that's my confusion.

16643498? ago

With tons of variability in between. Semantics.

16643556? ago

A bunch of room in which to build wack arguments. 🤣

16777957? ago

Whatever helps you sleep at night

16638220? ago

They're still not the same thing. Loving something isn't hating everything else. Hating something is significantly more malicious than loving something or having pride in something.

The opposite of pride would be shame or embarassment, but it feels like you're putting it on the love-hate scale and equating not loving with hating.

I don't think I'm strawmanning you. I think you're blue pilled and it's preventing you from thinking clearly.

In some instances pride and hate can have the same effect such as if I hire a nanny the same race as me even though the nanny I interviewed of a different race seemed a bit better. I think you mean something along these lines, but that is more accurately described as discriminating based on racial preference. It's separate from love hate pride or embarassment. It's in-group preference - a much more interesting and honest debate topic.

16638596? ago

You're leaving out context once again so I won't respond to that portion.

re: nanny example- Racial Pride is a form of discrimination...

16637671? ago

@Crikes is the biggest race-traitor cuck on all of Voat.

16638055? ago

I see posts like this as karma farming. Might as well setup a sign at a grocery store checkout saying “Donate $1 to support this pro life organization and if you don’t then we know you murder babies and possibly eat them”. Oh and the organization is anonymous, so it could be a pro life org or it could really be planned parenthood, the risks of anonymity. The fact this made front page shows just how gullible people still are.

16638850? ago

You’re forgetting this sub is comprised mostly of reddit refugees. These kinds of posts are part of their “culture”.

16649703? ago

Reddit refugees should learn to speak the language of their new country. Learn to speak Voat or die in a swamp in Vietnam somewhere.

16651702? ago

trufax: if you didnt die in a swamp in 'your not a patriot to Q

16638106? ago

No karma on an anonymous sub, boomer

16641793? ago

millennial shitbird

16640106? ago

No karma on voat either, Reddit-fag.

16638226? ago

Either way I wish they’d stop shitting up the front page, because then they complain when goats redpill the shit out of the other QRV threads with race stats. It’s like they haven’t pieced it together yet, or maybe it’s all part of “the plan” to redpill the masses one QRV comment at a time.

16638280? ago

Sorry did I twigger the itsy bwitsy bwoomer??? Bwahahahaha! You boomers r so easy to trigger, you’re all such squares.

16638477? ago

You suck

16638381? ago

Square? Fogie? I had to google those terms. Holy shit you must be a time traveler from earlier decades. Wait, so if you didn’t time travel, then that would mean.....

16645694? ago

You are talking to a jew i bet, sowing dissent.

Their cadence is always a bit off.

16648459? ago

Definitely a kike

I can hear the kvetching from here

16640231? ago

Paid foreign troll

16638984? ago

Knock off the Tom foolery

16637940? ago

@Crikes, the kike!

16638083? ago

Never heard of him before but his 3rd highest submission was saying Jews are behind a lot of anti Semitic attacks: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2717018

16638904? ago

I believe that post is an apologetic.

Hear it from the shillkike, himself: https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/3018126/16595398

16637556? ago

Lots of shills and other distractor posts here tonight after the Blackhawk news. Hmmmm coincidence?

16637439? ago

I have always thanked the Lord I was born an American white male!

16646575? ago

What if reincarnation was real, and imagine dying then being told, here you go, here is your new life, you're a healthy baby boy!

You: "um, there must be some mistake"

Them: "No sir! It's your turn to be black!"

Me: "I'll stay here. It's cool."

16651979? ago

It is real.

16651629? ago


16637382? ago

Duality is one of the "beautiful lies".

Consider that darkness and light are ONE.

Good and Evil are ONE.

We (or I should say YOU) fight yourselves!

Can you not see that??


WHILE you fight YOURSELVES, others pick your pockets.

Who is the greater fool?

WHO is truly at fault? YOU for fighting yourself, or others, who rob you while you struggle?

That is why you are viewed as foolish children.

You will have a place at the table when you have proven yourselves worthy.

And don't think you are not being WATCHED and EVALUATED

16651838? ago

This comment contradicts itself. Most of it emphatically states that all is one, good and evil are the same, the act of robbing is no different than the act of struggling.

Then, the last three sentences completely contradict the previous ones. Suddenly there is judgement and condemnation. They have to prove themselves worthy. Every thought and action is being evaluated for wrongdoing.

If the poster truly believes that good and bad are one, there would be no notion of unworthiness based on shortcomings.

These are two separate beliefs and, cannot, with true conviction, exist simultaneously within the creature.

16641849? ago

Consider that darkness and light are ONE.

Good and Evil are ONE.

Very inaccurate. Your assessment relies on parsing the usage of "good" and "evil" in relative terms.

A relative observation is generally defined in terms of contrast or "comparing oneself to another." Thus we may perceive the evildoer's acts as a lesser form of the good doer's acts and see the contrast as a necessity caused by the gradient of choice. In the common usage of "good" as "benefit to myself" and "evil" as "harm to myself," this meaning is inevitable.

However, good and evil can also operate in terms of the absolute. In the absolute sense, your statement is very wrong. The absolute definition is defined by the effect on reality: that is, its value; and the integrity with respect to reality: that is, its truth. An absolute good logically causes reality, sustains reality and promotes its general improvement. An absolute evil logically destroys reality, attenuates one's sense of it and multiplies harm.

A true definition of reality can only function in the scope of one of an absolute good for in its absence, reality would eventually cease to be real and we would be left with the ontological question of how reality began if evil were all that could exist. Such a question does not exist for absolute good, since it can continue acting infinitely in that capacity. The only variance comes from the observation that a perfect absolute good can permits a gradient of "less perfect good" to exist in its shadows.

The sense that morality operates is close to absolute in that it is the "net benefit to all things," but it's imperfect and limited somewhat by temptation to limit one's usage to "benefit [only] to myself and those I care about." At any rate, the problem is very serious as it is written "Woe to those who call good evil and evil good." (Isaiah 5:20) Those who assume that evil can be substituted for good are, frankly, insane.

16637826? ago


Without Evil, how would one have a concept for Good?

Everything... simply... is.

16637553? ago


16637473? ago

Whatchutalkinbout Willis?

16637666? ago

Anyone ever get denied to bid a contract because your a white male?

16649396? ago

Come try making a living in South Africa as a white male. Not just BE(Black Empowerment - here all companies that want a contract need to be BBEEE compliant. Black owned, black empowered bla bla bla. As the phrased it - slowly boiling the frog - whites going extinct here ultra fast.

16641809? ago

I got denied a promotion after 10 years on the job because I was white. Then they made me train the guy they hired who had no experience at all. He was black. My friend in HR told me off the record they had to fill a quota.

16645779? ago

Its time to start suing for that shit.

16642473? ago

I would train him incorrectly. So what if you get fired. He would probably lose his job too.

16651966? ago

I trained him good but with no experience or knowledge of the job he quit within 6 months. They still hired someone off the streets a second time rather than promote me and I quit without notice..

16655305? ago

Good. Fuck them. Their product quality will suffer and eventually they'll go out of business. Companies with quality products don't have tons of niggers working there. It's a proven fact. When you think "nigger employees" you think of the US Post Office or the DMV.

16667765? ago

No shit. Or nursing homes for elderly white people who have families who don't give a fuck about them.

16644558? ago


He probably has no need to force this. Niggerfaggot has a high chance of butchering the job anyway. You cannot succeed without prior EXPERIENCE, and without experience, no past failures to build success upon.

16642190? ago

I'll tell you depending on where you live nepotism is also prevalent.

16640460? ago

Yes, I was denied admission and a scholarship to Law school because I was a white male state resident. Their diversity admission quota had been met for my "classification".

16661017? ago

bullshit. more like you were bottom feeder scum who couldn't get into a good school

16640617? ago

We're your LSATs good? The same happened to a friend that couldn't afford to take on loans. It was in the 90s.

16640720? ago

Excellent scores, 4.0 Undergrad GPA, top of my class in the Dept. of Poly Sci., The University of Montana only gave out so many scholarships and accepted only so many in state applicants. They also had a racial quota they were following at the time (1990), which has since then been rescinded. The Director of the Poly Sci. Dept told me if I was a female or POC I would have been accepted. I just was not able or willing to go out of state to get my JD, so I got a masters in ED and taught high school and later at the same college I was an alumni until retirement a few years ago.

16642574? ago

There ya go, you were too smart, they needed an applicant that was stupid. Makes perfect sense-to someone somewhere, maybe.

16640915? ago

This information has been kept from us. Thanks for sharing

16638774? ago

I have. Group of Iranians picked the Iranian contractor and openly admitted it was because of their in group preference

16640317? ago

It's almost as if we set a standard of opposing in-group preference then opened our borders to people who don't subscribe to that ideal at all.

16638065? ago


16637366? ago

My skin is white but what the fuck has skin color got to do with ANYTHING, shillfag?

16654044? ago

Your skin is white, but your heart is jewish. Oy vey!

16638876? ago

Go to a nigger club and find out.

16638036? ago

This. Helped you from -2 patriot. Fellow white married male here.

16637417? ago

Because the cabal is working to destroy white countries.

16638073? ago

Assuming that Jews want a mixed slave race and promote this doesn't mean I'm going to raise my children to only date white people. You should consider how this plan is negatively affecting your morals...

16638301? ago

My morals are that all people, cultures and races should be protected.

I would have agreed witj you when we were allowed to have our own country with few foreigners.

But simce now we are not allowed our own landmass, then we must adapt accordingly, and I feel there is nothing morally wrong with that.

16639099? ago

I agree with the first sentence. For the other sentences, I'd suggest a broader look at the state of affairs:

America was fine as a melting pot. Something changed. What happened? Our culture became increasingly manipulated and choreographed. Cr4ck c0ca1ne was introduced to the black community by the CIA. Islam migrates in troves after Obama bombs their families in 9 different nations. Media, political figures, local authorities, and education is infiltrated to keep this growing concern quiet. A major political party only survives from the class division and wants to implement communism. They garner votes any way possible.

The only reason the white population is attacked right now is because they're the majority voting Republican, even the middle class which is where I'm originally from. The middle class is waking up to the lies sold to them by the Democratic party.

What you're seeing is not a battle of races, it's the choreographed culture attacking a crash dummy who's white for political purposes. Islam would be a problem even if all of Russia was the point of origin.

The problem is the Marxist ideology and tactics used.

16639199? ago

We were a melting pot of ethnic Europeans until 1965 when the immigration reform act was put into place with the deliberate intention of displacing Whites.

Yes the cabal has been at it for awhile now.

16639452? ago

I'm 100% with you but against Racial Pride. I understand the desire to shift to toward White Pride in this dire time of their attempts to eradicate but I will not allow evil to push me toward becoming Richard Spencer.

16639528? ago

The problem is that you equate pride in your people as evil.

Pride in your people and preservation does not mean hate for others. That is what the cabal wants you to think.

16640355? ago

Precisely. Racial Pride IS evil.

What makes you so proud of your skin color?

You can defend the White Race vehemently against the intentional extermination: JWO, South Africa, Zimbabwe. I have no problem with this. I'm in this boat actually.

To resolve this by having racial pride or forming groups of the such is not the answer.

We must broadcast the truth then defend those persecuted.

"White Pride" vs. "White Preservation"

The choice may seem trivial and close but it's very important to not choose the wrong ideology.

16640545? ago

Pride is, like anything else, only evil if wielded that way.

Every race and people should have pride in where they come from.

Every race and culture has a rightful place on this plamet.

16640923? ago

I only disagree with the second sentence.

16641071? ago

Until the world gives Whites the same pride rights as other people, I disagree.

Or removes those roghts from other tribes.

16643476? ago

Perpetuating racial segregation doesn't solve the problem but my only suggestion is for you to reconsider your position of knowingly preserving that ugly cycle.

I'm in the position where I'm preserving trying to bring awareness of the White genocide in African countries, the media's attacks on White people (uncle chang's white-to-black chrome extension for slate articles was funny), and exposing the media calling people racists without any concrete examples along with a history that proves the opposite.

Good questions work too. "How long should affirmative action stay in place for?", "Does marking Caucasian on my job application or college applications negatively affect me?", etc.

Lots of work ahead of us, that's for sure. Cheers.

16645165? ago

It doesn't solve what "problem"?

Segregation by nation (how it always was in the past) absolutely solves the genocide problem.

What problem are you tryibg to solve that is somehow ruined by segregating the nations again?

16777859? ago

You'd be best off being a follower and supporter of Richard Spencer. Best of luck to you.

16783456? ago

You would be best off by accepting Whites have rights too, and not try to pass it off as racist.

Best of luck to you.

16638130? ago

Maybe we are the ones with the right morals... the morals passed down from many generations of ancestors... not 2 generations of (((brainwashed))) boomers... you should question yours.

16639156? ago

I'm open for a legitimate discussion and to challenge my way of thinking but it's the culture that needs to survive, not the skin tone. Change my mind.

16639525? ago

Because we are different species not just different color skin and my ancestors never mated with negro's. And culture is linked to the species... I smell a boomer in here...

16640523? ago

Your low intellectual capacity is showing if your educated guess is that I'm at least 55 years old. Stop mating with your siblings. Travel safely with your hard hat, friend.

16648879? ago

So every African is inbred? Every Chinese? Must be because every white is.... and if you aren't 55 then your brain is as rotted and filled with anti-white propaganda as one...

16637341? ago

We have more important things to deal with. Stop with the division.

16638034? ago

This. Helped you from -1 patriot. Fellow white married male here.

16637296? ago

What if I accidentally tripped and fell while naked into a naked (and hot) 6th generation Hispanic female with a white father, and got her pregnant?

16638060? ago

If they're here and established, they're americans. Even the blacks. But the lifeboat is full. Fix your own fucking ship.

16637632? ago

Then you should be upvoated, as long as she doesn't do porn or cams.

16637581? ago

Split hairs all you want, but Whites have a right to self-preservation and self-determination.

The cabal is engineering the destruction of White countries in case you have not noticed.

16637621? ago

well then pelosi and hillary would kill the baby for you, no questions asked

16637440? ago

Ahh the old Tijuana bamboozle. I think that's fair play.