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Food_Stamp ago

Everyone here knows that. Except for the q boomers, those retards don't know shit.


Bahahaha, retards calling other people retarded. Fucking funny. You going to ask us if we've seen your baseball?

Food_Stamp ago

How is your larp coming along, boomer?

VicariousJambi ago

Seems to me like you attack the wrong enemy.

Food_Stamp ago

Calm down nancy, no one has been attacked here. I'm pretty sure it's still perfectly legal and harmless to make fun of stupid ass boomers who fell for a larp and still think israel is their best friend.

VicariousJambi ago

Eh, just pointing out they're not as far gone as some of ya'll think.

Food_Stamp ago

Perhaps, but they still have that hard on for israel and things with big noses.

VicariousJambi ago

I really think it's mostly that one caps lock kike. Pretty much every thread thats pro - jew and manages to get upvotes gets assblasted in the comments.

Example -