15929276? ago

"enslaved to certain parameters."

I wish my baby momma was this smart.

..I also wish she spoke english but still.. a man can dream..

15893436? ago

I am in total agreement.

15893099? ago

Go Candace , so perfect !! Praying for her voice to resonate and her message to resound !

15890460? ago

Candace Owen's prevented her blexiteers from participating in the Walkaway March.

15889731? ago

There are a ton of black conservatives that I follow. Larry Elder, Brandon Tatum, Derrick Grayson, Kevin @ Kevin's Corner, just to name a couple. I am always greatful for their work and insight. Candice has a good point. I can give two shits what color someone is as long as they are a patriot to our country. WWG1WGA baby.

15889608? ago

Good luck trying to convince people that the 3% or so good blacks make up for the 97% niggers causing problems. Until the blacks clean up their own house, things will remain the same. That includes dropping the slavery gambit and the reparations delusion.

15888457? ago

RACIST or Patriot? Choose one. You can't be both. Do you Love your Country (and every weirdo that includes), or do you hate people that are 'different' from you? We KNOW witch side the globalists are on because they aggressively attack anything they see as different, like not being a pedo. (((They))) hate you, mostly because you think it's wrong to diddle kids, which they consider a religious right. From their SICK perspective you filthy dregs will never understand the finer points of enjoying a young child like a fine wine, how backwards and uncivilized, how DO the commoners manage their offspring without eating a few?

To RACIST Anons: You got moar red-pills incoming son, better get a big glass of water Fren. You think skin color, or culture of your fellow Humans is an issue? LMAO, wait until we get to the ET's! Different colored skin will be the LEAST of your worries. Sure that female ET looks HOT in her tight space-jumper and perfect shaped body, but turns out she's part Mantis and sees your sexual advances as permission to bite off your head! Whoops. Go ahead tell me how backwards and weird those Humans who don't look and act exactly like you are, it's hilarious to me. So quaint with your old fashioned misguided ignorance.

I Am not worried though. Three things will never remain hidden for long, The Sun, The Moon, and The Truth! Remember that time before Q came around and we All thought we knew everything that was important? Ya those were the good 'ol days huh? We thought we knew the worst things politicians did (stealing Our government's money), then we REALLY found out what mattered (stealing Our KIDS!) because red-pills habbened. Well guess what? Moar red-pills incoming...

15887042? ago

No one is free. Total illusion. You are free to do as you are told. For freedom, is a figment of your imagination. It seems to me if we are restricted to living our lives according to the law, we are not free. The concept of freedom,to me,is being able to do whatever you want,whenever you want as long as it isn't infringing upon another. Are there different levels of freedom or are our countries (supposed free countries only) founded on a lie?

Should we say "quasi-freedom isn't free" or "less restricted living isn't free"?

America has more freedoms than other countries but we definitely are not free.

15886618? ago

A normies guide to 8chan, where the real digging happens:

For any true normies reading this, heres a crashcourse for 8chan:

step 1. https://8ch.net/qresearch/index.html step 2. scroll down till you see "Q Research General #5XXX" (each time one of these threads reaches 700+ posts they create a new bread (thread)). step 3. a Baker will make a new bread (thread) and you can find it simply but putting https://8ch.net/qresearch/index.html into address bar and pressing enter, repeating step 2 after. step 4. Once you've located the Q research general post, locate the following line: "500 posts and 300 image replies omitted. Click to expand." (random numbers chosen). step 5. click on the button "click to expand". step 6. read through the thread, learn the comms, do not CLUTTER the thread.

ESPECIALLY learn and watch how they EAT SHILLS ALIVE with great ease. The shills don't even bother over there anymore, they mindlessly copy paste trash and its extremely easy to avoid.

Lurk on 8ch and avoid shills:

Every post that has Jew or a picture attach of a jew, immediately disregard. THAT EASY! Or "Q is a larp" just dont read the content of the post when these 2 things are in it, LARP and JEW.

15886642? ago

Like I said normies avoid the Chans... period

15886662? ago

What if many are not even sure of how to Lurk on the chans? Think outside the box, put yourself in the shoes of a normie. They are lost... be their shepherd.

15886672? ago

Nope they won't go there. They come here.

15886522? ago

The truth is so obvious to the human spirit that those who wish to divide their brothers by race actually deceive themselves more than they deceive others (most are not THAT stupid), and bring sickness into their own bones. Your lies are written in you. It's sad that some weak, incompetent, and hatred filled sadbois sit in their parents basement seeking to impart their weakness, ignorance, and incompetency unto other men. What they don't realize is that they are mostly alone in their weakness. Men with strong, rational minds recognize the difference between statistics and individual character. Those that seek to divide by blurring these lines do themselves a grave disservice... If you hate your brother American without due cause, then the American Spirit lives not in you. You are like a child wearing a costume on halloween for candy. You don your false "Patriot" costume in order to seek out that sweet sugar of justifying your own foolishness by interfacing your ugly darkness with other men. Real men do not lean on small-consciousness group-think and view the world through the lens of hatred. Sincerely hoping some of these slugs grow some hair on their balls and get out into the real-world where American patriots are working together to make the world a better place-- if you refuse to do that, take a look in the mirror you disgraceful idiot.

15886275? ago

Candace Owens is an intelligent woman and a proud American whose views are widely heard and respected. I'm disgusted by those who cast aspersions on someone they don't know but reject because they have a different appearance. Ppl coming to this site for info and brotherhood are doing themselves a disservice by standing by and tacitly condoning racism and bigotry. There's no reflection of WWG1WGA when you see trash commenter use the N-word indiscriminately or call "Jew" like it's some sort of epithet. I know blacks and Jewish ppl who would give you the shirt off their back if I needed their help. That's the kind of America the Framers envisioned when they penned our founding documents. This racism displayed here makes us no better than BLM or ANTIFA fascists we claim to despise. I for one won't be a part of it.

15886419? ago

The only racists here are the Soros/Brock butt puppets.

15886159? ago

One thing I'll say, is there is more shilling here on QRV than on Qresearch (8ch).

The anons over there are much more adept at shutting them down and ESPECIALLY at ignoring the shills.

Just a single reply to completely, and efficiently rebuke the garbage and call them out and everybody moves on.

Conversely on QRV... it's like Feed-The-Troll central.

The people on here are MUCH less awake to how to spot these shills and instead engage in back and forth tirades with them, cluttering up topics.

Literally use a copy-pasta or something people, don't engage the shills back and forth... we know they are here. We know they will slide the topic and many other forms of PSYCH WARFARE... war of words, confusion.

Once you are on to them and their tactics it becomes much easier to find real content and ignore them.


  1. JEWS (called the muh jews shills)
  2. BLACK/WHITE/RED/BLUE people, do not engage in fucking racial division TRASH (newsflash were all humans).
  3. CONCERNFAGS (people who say its time to give up, was all larp, etc... even if it fucking sounds sincere, DO NOT ENGAGE THE POSTER).

They will use tactics like responding to each other to seem genuine. Some of them are clever albeit most are fucking morons and legit terrible at their jobs - but not all of them are stupid.

Be smart about how you interact on these boards - it will help keep our place clean.


15887897? ago

Found the censorshipfag!

15886273? ago

Normies tend to lurk on Voat. Normies avoid 8Chan. So occasional we have to post Alerts etc. Normally we down vote shill shit post. Learn our communications.

15885857? ago

This is the trouble with having to put up with trolls. I like the anonymity and the freedom-of-speech, but the jew-trolls and n-trolls are pretty revolting. If you belong to either group, keep in mind that their purpose is to drive you out and disrupt the board.

15885232? ago

A nigger is a nigger is a nigger. They will ALWAYS resort to the lowest common denominator.

15884870? ago

DAMN RIGHT! I was about to create a similar post. It is time to consider all of these racefags SHILLS, since they clearly don't understand the point of this movement.

Black people are victims of the cabal. Their families have been torn apart intentionally to keep them weak. If you are filled with hate, you aren't part of the solution.



15887972? ago

Black people are victims of their own genetics. Yeah, you get a few smart ones and the atha-letes, but that's it. Together in a group, trouble. No matter what you do though, you will never de-program blacks to not hate whitey. Too many generations of being told whitey brought them here to pick cotton. Black run anything turns to shit.

15885195? ago

Nogs sow destruction where ever they go.

Show me a country they have built.

15884633? ago

"They want you divided by race" -Q

15888860? ago

Kikes want white people divided by race, which is why they flood our country and not theirs. I know it, we know it, Q knows it and Trump knows it. The game is up Jew.

15885142? ago


15885090? ago

Also lots of shills have responded to me in recent weeks that Q is confusing everyone with ridiculous claims of ritual sex abuse (etc.) to distract from the fact that a race war is necessary, etc.

15884392? ago

A very good reply on twitter: The crazy part is, so many people, black, white, or whatever, refuse to think too deeply about it. Do you know how many secret Trump supporters I encounter? A ton. Why the secrecy? Could it be that one party has made it shameful to disagree with them? Sounds like fascism to me.

15885116? ago

Do you know how many secret Trump supporters I encounter? A ton. Why the secrecy? Could it be that one party has made it shameful to disagree with them? Sounds like fascism to me.

Same here. It's how they keep up the illusion that the country is evenly split when it's more like 75-25 at most, more likely 85-15 or even 90-10 at this point.

15884373? ago

This is disgusting! We should have long ago moved past this racist shit. All patriots deserve respect.

15884276? ago

This submission was linked from this v/Niggers submission by @AR47.

Posted automatically (#17047) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

15884234? ago

Dear black patriots,

Don’t bother trying to convert racists. Not worth your time.

Most of the rest of us don’t care anymore.

As a white male I say, yep, blacks have been systematically oppressed and suppressed. They are raised in shitty situations, taught in shitty schools, and are treated like shit.

All true.

The solution is not to bitch about it but to overcome it. No, I don’t know how hard it is. No, I can’t possibly appreciate it. Yes, I pity you.

But I also have my own shit to deal with. Everyone has their cross to bear. Overcome as best you can and try to give your children more opportunities. That’s all any of us are doing.

My parents didn’t pay for my college. I did by joining the military. I didn’t learn anything in my public schools either.

So get over it, find a way to overcome, and stop feeling sorry for yourself. No one is going to help you, because no one cares.

The choice is yours.

15884461? ago

Dear Cucklord,

Gas yourself

15885131? ago

Anyone promoting suicide is working for the Cabal, that's a tactic of demon lovers.

15885246? ago

He's calling you a cock, not promoting suicide.

You're in your late thirties early forties, right?

15887221? ago

He wasn't responding to me, and he's telling someone he considers a cuck to kill himself. Suicide promoters aren't the good guys. They're not even funny.

15889220? ago

I'm against harm to white people and I don't think it's funny either.

I'd suggest you re-examine your aversion to race realisim.

15890474? ago

No aversion to race realism. Aversion to suicide promotion.

15895635? ago

Fair. Be well fellow goat.

15887199? ago

LOL at you trying to categorize and dismiss using a faulty projection of ageism. I'd guess you're one of those entitled knowitalls born between 1995 and 2000 who hate your parents because they did such a horrible job raising you. Then you were completely over-educated compared to what your cognitive architecture can handle under the Obama regime — so you just spend your days regurgitating divisive nonsense in the name of unity and other bullshit while working to end Western Civilization because you were taught to hate, rather than revere, human sovereignty. Am I close?

15889277? ago

Wrong, completely.

Hitler did nothing wrong, stop being so anti-white

15890454? ago

You're arguing with a straw man. The person typing consistently risks safety to stand up to racism against white people in every day situations.

15895662? ago

Thank you for what you do. I'm not sure who's who on this board.

15899578? ago

That's why the shills are here, to get us all confused and at odds with each other.

15884742? ago

Can’t understand you when you mumble like that. Must be the cock in your mouth.

15884137? ago

Q said Patriots have no skin color. Anyone selling any other attitude here is harming the movement.

15886457? ago

Q sent us to this site bcuz it was supposed to be a place to discuss his revelations. But I will not condone the racism or bigotry I routinely see directed at my fellow Americans and neither should anyone else. Edmund Burke said "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." My oath was to the Constitution - not a bunch of racist bigots who think they can parade their race prejudice around while dressing it up as patriotism. It's not. If you've never put your life in the hands of another man who didn't look like you and been glad for it then you have missed out on a great opportunity to become fully human instead of animal scum. The bible says a man's character will be known by the fruit he produces. I reject all forms of your poisonous fruit which is racism and bigotry.

15888554? ago

^^^ Preach it bro!

15885166? ago

Q said Patriots have no skin color

Yeah, blacks have color and aren't Patriots. Duh.

15884216? ago

They want us divided. No individual group has the power to overthrow the Cabal. Together, united, we can do it. To foster racism, religious bigotry, and division is to weaken us.

15884192? ago

So Q is a kike?

15884005? ago

If you.vote Democrat you are choose enslavement. You give n your conscent. You just hope to be a "drivrr" in the slave economy. A slave with privileged. Much like high level law enforcement (the slaves holding the whip).

15883867? ago

It's ok to be black and think for yourself.

15888726? ago

Yep .. also the IQ stuff is all NWO bs. They've successfully deceived one race to think themselves as superior based on a fake study carried out at one small university in South Africa! Smh... In the UK, they still tell them at school that they're better than the rest. When many later realize they've been deceived because they couldn't get out of real difficult life situations with their high IQ, they choose the only escape route left... SUICIDE ! Check the suicide rates in the west compared to other parts of the world! People need to wake the fuck up!

15894915? ago

Found the retarded nigger.

15895298? ago

Found the Racist bigot Cocksucker!

15883780? ago

Check out the newer Hodgetwins.

15883715? ago

Black Conservative Patriot has 146,000 subscribers on YT. Great channel. youtube.com/user/semajthethird

15883923? ago

absolutely! he's got some good takes, and really dives into the materiel. loved his hollywood walk of fame vid

15883635? ago

If any individual can't exist without being socially lynched and smeared, then no one is actually free.

15894969? ago

Good thing niggers aren't people and I don't want them socially lynched and smeared, I want them physically and publicly to be lynched and disposed of, so my people can be free of the White Man's Burden.

15885208? ago

Protect pedos!!


15883622? ago

Good vs evil. Do not let the enemy divide us by race or religion.

We fight true evil. 1 Peter 5:8

15888026? ago

Who do you think "the enemy" is? Who runs the media that divides people by race?

15889402? ago

You evil twisted fuck. The enemy is the deep state. Not a race or religion.

15889962? ago

Islam and the Quran explicitly commands them to kill all non Muslims. That sounds like an enemy to me.

Talmudic doctrine explicitly works toward the enslavement of all non Jewish people. Sounds like an enemy to me.

15890340? ago

Fuck off you evil fuck

15883500? ago

We should judge people by their character and ethics, not the amount of melanin in their skin.

15885215? ago

It's not their skin I have a problem with, it's what's underneath.

15888108? ago

Exactly. There is a definite cultural problem, mostly having to do with the lack of fathers in those communities.

15889187? ago

I think the culture suits their genetics. Most whites have zero interest in that life.

15889492? ago

That culture didn't exist until fathers were replaced with food stamps.

15895763? ago

Would you like me to quote white settlers observations of Africa? Would that change your mind?

15884624? ago

You idiot. Did you see the ststistics posted above?? They are being judged because they are rape murdser assault numbers are off the fucking charts.

15888088? ago

You're the idiot because those statistics do not pertain to the blacks with good character and good ethics. And Yes, they do exists. A friggin' 2nd grader could see your logic sucks.

15889125? ago

I know some nice Muslims, maybe we should let them all in since we can't judge based on "statistics".

15889474? ago

No sir. Must convert to Christianity first.

15883495? ago

Ironic most blacks voluntarily walked back on to the DEM slave plantation trading votes for handouts and victim mentality.

15884306? ago

During Reconstruction, things would have turned out very differently if freedmen could have received land of their own on which to become subsistence farmers. In areas like the Port Royal community in South Carolina, where freed blacks were given land to farm, they did well. They became self-sufficient. In Tulsa, Oklahoma, in the 1920s, Black Wall Street demonstrated that blacks could achieve financially.

Unfortunately, in Reconstruction, the Eastern Establishment didn't want freed blacks prospering. What they wanted was a voting block of poor, dependent whites AND blacks that would vote Republican. General McClellan's autobiography says that Lincoln was manipulated by radical Republicans (from the Northeast) who wanted to free blacks and form a permanent Republican voting block from them. During Reconstruction, former Confederates were denied the right to vote while blacks and poor whites were allowed to vote without restriction.

The dependency of large groups of blacks today goes right back to Reconstruction and the very plan of the Cabal to enslave poor whites AND blacks.

15883445? ago

First get rid of all the House Niggers that keep other Niggers from leaving the plantation. Ye is trying to free the slaves but other are dragging him back. True patriot without color, all other that fight him are stupid shill negros.

15883180? ago

Check this out, what a bunch of morons, perfect place to drop some red pills https://www.reddit.com/r/NHLHUT/comments/abnhip/never_puck_ragged_or_played_like_an_ass_on/

15883090? ago

Blacks have been conditioned to continue pushing slave mentality and not let any blacks stray or the welfare state will cease!

15883029? ago

There is a lot of deliberate attempts at division in here. This looks like a GuLP thread. The more people who value each other as individuals and can stand together against the cabal's corruption (why we are here), the better our society will be.


15885659? ago

Which posts are shills? Please answer directly

15882948? ago

not sure that was the right terminology to use

15882808? ago

Why don't they try to first exist without causing most of the crime in this nation per capita? You might find that the self-imposed social lynching just might then disappear all by itself.

15882887? ago

Being conservative while Black is not a crime, self imposed or otherwise.

15882911? ago

Did I use the word 'conservative', fuckhead?

15883263? ago

That's what the post is about fuckedhead

15883319? ago

Not mine, fuckface.

15885465? ago

I'm sure I'm not the first person who's told you that you're dumb as a fucking rock. Your stupid ass post was in reply to a post about black conservatives, duh. . .it sounds like you didn't even read the damned post and had no fucking idea what you were responding too.

15885084? ago

then you're in the wrong place, aren't you?

15882827? ago

Look into the British empire before you open your fucking mouth.

15883027? ago

You mean the one that was destroyed by importing a bunch of niggers?

15884147? ago

The British Empire wasn't destroyed, it transformed itself into the 'Commonwealth' (much like the Roman empire transformed itself into the Catholic Church). It pretty much controls 50 members of the UN (a quarter of the total) in the new democratic age, most of the world's tax havens, as well as covertly influencing the USA for its 'muscle'. Don't be fooled by the bumbling Hugh Grant or Mr Bean image the UK likes to project of itself. The Spanish, French, Germans, etc all fell for it over the centuries..

15882877? ago


15882929? ago

You know the truth

15882990? ago

That you suck cock? Everyone knows.

15883290? ago

Your mother sucks a lot cocks

15883339? ago

I'm sorry... I can't hear you with that cock in your ass.

15882803? ago

I love Candace Owens.

15884395? ago

I’d love to throat her...but that’s about it

15882789? ago

Racists should rethink their approach. There are black anons and black patriots here among you.

15894664? ago

They should go be with their nigger brothers in Africa. Niggers are unfit for civilization.

15893238? ago

Yes and we love our black Patriots and anons. We don't care about race they are the ones who harp on race they want us divided!

15886377? ago

blacks belong in africa, everywhere else they create tiny africas that blight their surroundings.

15886255? ago

Yao Ming is tall, so you can’t say Chinamen are short. /s

15885496? ago

Tell your cousin Jerome to stop playing nigger music and stop breaking into my car. Go back to Africa and fix your shit hole nation.

sign @truthwoke33

P.s. you cowards should die

15888480? ago

It’s ok, I still love you brother.

15885318? ago

You can be a racist and recognize racial differences are a big deal on average and still make room for exceptional people who are not average to prove that they're exceptions.

15884775? ago

We need to stop labeling people racist. It is a word used to persecute and oppress those against the globalist agenda. Have yet to meet a black patriot who did not understand this.

15884607? ago

Totally agree. This is not about race, it's about power, control and lies! What does it matter what race any of us are, if we don't have the ability to have TRUE freedom, period!

15884531? ago

I think the racist comments on this board are coming from paid shills whose sole purpose is to divide us and get people to give up and leave. No way those disgusting comments are from true, God loving patriots. jmo

15890969? ago

youre wrong. we are simply able to see the pervasive pattern of propaganda that has you brainwashed into thinking racism and patriotism are mutually exclusive.

15884149? ago

No one gives a shit about your skin color. People talk shit to prove this is a free speech forum.

15884082? ago

you know most of the racists here are pro Robert Mueller and pro Bernie Sanders. I'd say 99.9999% of them are. Their goal is to pretend to be pro Trump and they have failed.

15883942? ago

Also, the racism is the poison. Of course we have allies who are of a different race. Of course we have enemies who are of the same race.

Our enemies' tactic is to divide us along meaningless lines so that we don't know friend from foe. The racist shills are either intentionally sabotaging us all, or unintentionally as the former's tool.

First they divide us by convincing the stupid their friends are foes, and foes are friends.. then they use them to frighten the cowardly, and divide us further. Their hope is to start a civil war that none can rise above while they make off with the power and wealth.

15885576? ago

↑Anon who gets it.

Don't let them divide us.

United we Win.

15883592? ago

And people descended from Jewish blood.

15883494? ago

Doesn't change crime stats.

15883467? ago

you think i like the fact that racism is accurate? i dont. its terrible. it makes me very sad (despite my often colorful and calous language) and its an incredibly difficult problem to solve. if racism was mostly false the problem would simply be educating people and that would be much easier and preferable to the truth. which is that there are deep and meaningful genetic differences between the races on average.

15883280? ago

The racists are too fucking stupid to think...

No matter how many times Q tells them, they want you divided... they come and post their blinkered bullshit trying to divide... but hey ho, there are morons in all walks of life... and while I dont have to agree with them, i will defend their right to speak their mind letting us all know what a bunch of fucking morons they are...

15883898? ago

Youre too fucking stupid to debate them, thats why youre mad and ranting. Probably an inbred kike, ive seen this type of hatred towards whites before.

15884443? ago


I am white you fucking moron, back to the darkages... dosnt mean i hate people based on the colour of their skin...

I save that judgement for what those people do and say...

The Irony is your following a movement that is dedicated to highlighting that division is bad


They want you divided

And your too fucking stupid to understand that...

15885670? ago


15883233? ago

When it comes to a personal level, I treat everyone like an individual. I have no idea who you are as a person, and I make sure not to hold attributes of their group against them. I have a good amount of black friends and I never treat them like anything other than an individual.

But when we get closer to group level, demographic differences appear. Statistics are evidently racist. I have black friends, but I won't live in a black neighborhood.

To say every individual black is guilty of the worst of their group is bigotry proper and im not actually for that. But if you think the group is as good as the best individual, that will get you killed.

15929299? ago

My black friend knows exactly why I wont visit him in Compton lol. Yes IRL lol. He's smart though, hence he knows me and also knows It's not him or people remotely like him that are the concern.

15886453? ago

I agree with this post. Individualism is the answer to overcoming the statistical differences between demographic groups that apparently do legitimately exist. Each individual has an equal opportunity to use his/her talents and skills, whatever they are, to make their way in the world.

15884349? ago

Exactly! Perfectly said.

15883520? ago

absolutely correct.

15883229? ago

And Mexican patriots

15893271? ago

and Mexican Patriots , we love you too!

15923026? ago


15883099? ago

Saying that Whites deserve a space and Nation for themselves is not hate against blacks. Only those who would genocide Whites take issue with their self-determination.

Blacks too deserve and have the right to collective self-determination. I fully agree with Candace.

15882958? ago

Niggers vote something like 90% leftist, there is no point. Once niggers outnumber whites, and we're very close to that point, voting becomes pointless.

15883597? ago

Blacks abort most of their children. They have not increased the size of their group since the 70s. We are not close to them out numbering us. Unless their entire culture changes, we never will be.

15883870? ago

We have declined from 90% of the total population to 61% in just a few decades, you lying faggot. We are literally only 10 to 20 years away from that happening.

15884074? ago

There are other minoroty groups than black. You either do not understand or falsely misrepresented the statistics you cited. Either way, your ad homonem attacks do little to bolster your credibility.

15884229? ago

I never said black, you lying faggot. I said niggers, which encompasses all turd colored peoples. Keep on arguing semantics to avoid having to admit that everything i said was 100 factual.

15882992? ago

It won’t matter if we’re all slaves.

15883091? ago

We've all been slaves for centuries.

15882890? ago

95% of what’s said here that is racist is tongue in cheek.

15885537? ago

Yes blacks voting 90% Democrats and committed 60% of murders is tongue in cheek.

-truthwoke33 PS kill yourself

15884221? ago

meh. dont imply that we dont mean it on a base level. the racism isnt ironic. its real. the extreme language we use is often hyperbolic in nature. but at the core the racism is meant, because it is true.

15882942? ago

It doesn’t trigger me at all, I’m used to the culture. We have bigger things to worry about IMO.

15883057? ago

The racists have your best interest in mind more than any other group. Everyone else just wants to use niggers as a pool to get votes from, us evil nazis just want everyones tribe to go their own seperate way and do their own thing. Segregation is natural and black people are already doing it, look at all the black only spaces they set up at colleges and leftist gatherings. Theres nothing wrong with blacks wanting a black only space, every race should he allowed that.

15882845? ago

Amen us Pariots have come together from all over the world to fight against evil.

15893260? ago

Preach it brother!

15882805? ago

There are literally none.

15882815? ago

You’re talking to one.

15882888? ago

Q is a LARP and so are you.

15883083? ago

I half agree with you.

15882781? ago

the average black person lacks the capacity of thought required to make informed political choices. you are wasting your time focusing on their political affiliations when you should be trying to figure out how we can stop paying them to outbreed productive intelligent people by cutting off welfare for parasites.

world IQ map - https://www.targetmap.com/ThumbnailsReports/2812_THUMB_IPAD.jpg

race and IQ study - https://www.news-medical.net/news/2005/04/26/Race-differences-in-average-IQ-are-largely-genetic.aspx

IQ and genetics study - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heritability_of_IQ

brain structure IQ and genetics study - https://www.technologyreview.com/s/412678/brain-images-reveal-the-secret-to-higher-iq/

Black on white vs white on black crime - http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2015/10/black-white-crime.jpg

Crime normalized by racial population - https://infogram.com/us-crime-in-black-and-white-1gzxop49q0okmwy

World rape map - http://www.geocurrents.info/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Prevalence-of-Rape-Map.png

And to finish, a site with even more sources than me - http://thealternativehypothesis.org/

15886546? ago

YOu are only presenting half the argument though. Individualism can override these statistical differences between demographic groups. Each person has an equal opportunity to use his/her talents and skills, whatever they are, to make their way in the world.

15900936? ago

Individualism can override these statistical differences between demographic groups.

aka outliers

15901746? ago

Maybe. I don't know how many actually succeed in beating their demographic average, but you are right they are not in the majority of their group or they would be pulling that average up.

15887682? ago

You aren't presenting anything. NAXALT is not an argument. The only thing that matters is statistics. Blacks consist 13% of the population and commit 60% of the crime. Mexicans commit almost the entirety of the rest, they just get lumped in as "white" on crime statistics.

I know this might be astounding for you to comprehend, but populations and IQs among races exist on a bell curve. Just because there are a small number of individuals in a population of 35/40 million with high capability doesn't mean anything about the group.

Black people and black culture have a serious problem. Hundreds of billions of dollars in welfare, diversity affirmative action grants etc. is not solving it. Black people need to sort their own shit out. The truth is not racist.

15892153? ago

I don't disagree with you on any of these points. I just say complete the picture. Individualism is how this is overcome. There are some things we can do for the group. We can certainly make welfare more sensible so that only truly needy people get assistance and quit subbing the government in for black families, and do other such steps to improve the group situation, but it will take decades for the situation to right itself. In the meantime, we should not discount Joe Blow Individual as having no chance or hope of success just because he's black He should have his chance. If he fails, he fails. That is really all I am saying.

15892726? ago

Of course. There are tons of hard working black people making a huge difference in the world way above and beyond most people period. Individual achievement is a cornerstone of the improvement of the community health and perhaps most importantly the family health. I think we can change it all for the better very rapidly once the poisoning influences are removed.

15888538? ago

Implying that blacks in America have any control over their current state is like me blaming white people for the cabal seizing control hundreds of years ago and poisoning our air/food. Obviously if your IQ was so high, we wouldn’t need Q or this movement would we? /s

15888800? ago

The cabal is Jews, they are trying to eradicate white people using other races. It's called the Kalergi plan.

15889235? ago

I’m not deflecting, there is absolutely a level of personal responsibility. But you can’t just hand wave away systemic and concerted efforts to dumb us down and set us back either. Both can be true.

Deep state assassination of MLK, cointelpro used on the Panther Party, the seeding of crack cocaine into urban areas, minimum sentencing etc etc.

Blacks have been beaten down into submission by the same monolithic conspiracy that you call yourself fighting against. Because when it comes down to it, I’d lend you a hand if you needed me to and you don’t even know who I am.

15892245? ago

I agree. There was actual movement afoot to beat blacks back down after civil rights. We know Planned Perenthood was formed in part to reduce the black birthrate and welfare was formed with the goal of wrecking the black family and creating a dependent near slave condidtion among them that they would feel they had to continue to support withtheir votes.

15891059? ago

MLK plagiarized his doctoral dissertation, was a womanizer, and a supporter of reparations and affrimative action. he was better than most black people but he wasnt some golden icon of perfection either and his death certainly isnt the reason black people act like primitive half ape people everywhere on the planet that they gather up in numbers.

15892195? ago

Trump's not perfect, but he is the right man for this job at this time. MLK was the right leader for that situation at that time. We don't seek angels. Just people that can do what needs to be done.

15892255? ago

im simply pointing out his death does not at all explain the global degeracy displayed by people of africa heritage.

15900127? ago

I think we can explain that in large part by the creation of the welfare state and the resulting destruction of the black family unit. I think it was Lyndon Johnson himself who stated that it would lock in the black vote for generations because of the dependency it would create. But it was replacing the black father with the welfare system which led to this degeneration.

15900204? ago

none of that explains why black populations act the same no matter where they are in the world. and none of this disadvantaged BS explains why blacks rape people so incredibly much more than everyone else. there is nothing profitable or beneficial about rape. it doesnt feed you or cloth you or help anyone in any way. it shows a significant lack of empathy and some serious animalistic behavior and it is a global constant. i mean looking at rape stats africans could make muslims blush. the events of the united states in the last 60 years do not explain a globally and historically consistent pattern of failure and animalistic behavior. and neither does oppression. every race has conflicted with and oppressed every other race at one point or another. the black race is the only race that attempts to use that fact to explain why they have never formed a prosperous civilization in modern history. we all have problems, black people are the only group that completely lacks the intellectual capacity to overcome those problems.

15901932? ago

You are correct. These points can't really be debated as simple observation proves out your statements. This is why I prefer individualism, judging each individual by their merits, because if we judge by the group, then they are toast. individuals do not choose what demographic group they are born into. They each deserve their equal opportunity, however. (Not to be confused with the Leftist equal outcomes.)

15902345? ago

everyone deserves equal oportunity. but giving them welfare is damaging to the gene pool. thats not equal oportunity. its dysgenics that is harmful to our species. we should be forcing them to improve not encouraging them to breed more of the same.

15908842? ago

That is true, but I did caution against confusing equal opportunity with equal outcome. The welfare state was the leftists misguided attempt to facilitate equal outcomes. So we are in agreement here.

15915218? ago

thats basically the entirety of what i would do if given control of the govt. no more welfare or support for parasites. no more affirmative action. and freedom of association (discrimination) would be legalized on a private level. govt would not be allowed to discriminate still.

15889469? ago

Malcolm X realized it was the Jews so they killed him. They have been exploited tremendously of course. This isn't a denial of the exploitation of blacks. Gangster glorification and drug dealing culture etc all was made by the cabal.

But take this for what you will, a white person cannot say "hey black community maybe get your shit together and stop murdering each other and robbing liquor stores" because it's not going to be received well.

Black families used to be strong in the 50s when the church still held a dominant role in society. The group itself ultimately has to decide the pattern of behaviour is not worth pursuing any further. It's mostly the exploitation of impulsive behavior that is the problem with the community at large, that was ultimately exacerbated by the crack dealing and minimum sentencing etc.

15894838? ago

FAKE NEWS EVERYONE. Blacks have always committed a disproportionate amount of crime, particularly violent crime and rape, ever since their emancipation. 1950s niggers only being half as bad as 2018 niggers is still grounds to call them violent subhumans. The only thing that kept them in check was white men who didn't hesitate to bring out nooses when necessary.

15896236? ago

In the 1950s blacks attended church and had a single motherhood rate of a little over 25%. Today the national average among all people of any color is over 50%. This directly correlated to the increase in mind control weaponry levied the American people and the black community. You going to call black servicemen names like that to their face? People who would fight and die for their fellow man? You have to treat people as individuals if you really value individual liberty, even if you can still make valid observations about the group behavior as a whole.

15904871? ago

I have served with niggers and 95% weren't worth a shit, just there for the paycheck and housing. Many got busted for failing drug tests or just regular nigger criminal activities.

15890113? ago

Right. So in short - mind control. Just a different methodology used to dismantle a different culture/race.

The technique would obviously need to be altered for the different subsets of White America, but they have that covered as well.

We’re all victims of it. What you’re essentially doing is sitting in an ivory tower gloating about which slave is the superior slave. We’re all slaves, you just might have been born into a better slave caste that has lighter skin. Congrats, I suppose? If that makes you feel better about yourself, sure, but it’s counterproductive in the grand scheme of what we’re trying to do here.

You mentioned that whites telling blacks to clean up their act wouldn’t be received well. You are correct. Everybody has an uncle with a substance abuse issue. The family shit-talks him all the time. The second that kid at recess makes fun of your crackhead uncle you’re probably going to want to punch little Johnny in the face.

It doesn’t make logical sense, but nobody can shit on our family members but us. It’s a lot more painful/embarrassing when it comes from an external source. We have to hold up a mirror to our own culture and deal with it internally first.

This is why the race/bio truther angle is not going to resonate anywhere but here and /pol/. The cabal has done a number on us for sure, but we still have tons of baggage to sort through ourselves. I would urge you to be patient with black people, because trust when shit hits the fan and cabal spell is broken on the people, you WILL have brothers in arms.

There won’t be a humanity left for us to have this discussion if we don’t come together - and fast.

15892274? ago

This is a good post. You are right.

15892761? ago

Seconded, very quality post

15890397? ago

Thanks for your contribution. The world could use a few more of you

15886591? ago

one individual can override them. a group cannot. that is literally the definition of there being a difference. a black person can be capable. a large group of black people cannot and will not. individuals within it can. but that changes nothing of the reality that paying parasitic people to breed will NEVER result in a net positive result. in fact their genetic quality will degrade from lack of selection.

15892448? ago

Well, we certainly should not be paying them to breed. That should certainly be ended. One cannot really discount these points. Simple observation will reveal your statements to have truth. Problem is that these points cannot even be discussed on the major forums, which denies us the opportunity as the American people to brainstorm solutions. I would just caution against passing judgement on any one individual until that individual has done something deserving of the judgement.

15892663? ago

i treat every individual i meet with the respect that they prove themselves to deserve.

15886244? ago

It seems some that accuse you of being a shill demonstrate that there are those with low IQ scattered all over the planet. Oh I forgot, allowing the 3rd world to invade Western Civilization (with a running guilt trip) has been going on some while now. But let us not forget our once puppet masters socially engineering through race baiting :)

15886471? ago

oh indeed. low IQ is definitely not exclusive to any race. idiots come in all colors.

15889799? ago

And it seems the lowest IQ inbreds are running the Asylum :)

15885868? ago

And.. speaking of trolls..

15886084? ago

btw, trolls and shills dont typically link to scientific information. they tend to shy away from that in fact because what they spread isnt the truth and so data is harmful to their cause. unlike myself.

15885962? ago

oop. been accused of being a shill/troll again. as per my new policy i will now state my username so people can judge for themselves what im about. will you be doing the same my (((friend)))

im u/markrod420

15885984? ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @markrod420.

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15882859? ago

Is that you David Brock?

15883168? ago

nope just a realist who is unwilling to ignore the facts in favor of good vibes.

15883279? ago

Fuck off racist shill

15883387? ago

lolol i am u/markrod420. im tired of this anon shit and anytime someone calls me a shill im simply going to link my actual account so people can decide for themselves. thats more than enough of these anon spygames for me.

15884382? ago

Don’t let these emotional idiots get at you. Just keep spreading the facts. You’re doing good work.

15884925? ago

Love is an emotion, you're right. Many of us are able to look past skin color and see human potential. If you truly believe white people (of which I am one) are superior, than the onus is on us to improve society and unite humanity.

Your way of thinking is counter to the Q movement, so you and the stormfags can fuck right off.

15885375? ago

feelings cannot alter the genetic content of human beings. we can pump all the money we want into minority communities. they will continue to fail. they will continue to commit violence and rape at significantly disproportionate rates. they are genetically different from us. this is not an issue of culture or society or education. this is an issue of genetics. your feelings and good intentions have no bearing on the genetic content of anyone. you cannot fix a genetic problem by continuing to support the propagation of poor genetics. the ONLY hope the black race has is if we STOP supporting their continued propagation of failed genetics. those rare few blacks who are of a decent genetic quality will prosper as the low quality blacks are allowed to fail as nature would intend. if the issue was cultural i would be on your side. sadly the issue is wired into our genetics and has been created over many millennia of natural selection as separate populations. and nothing short of allowing their poor genetics to fail will ever have a positive impact. you can love them all you want. they will still kill you, rape your wife, and rob your home.

15887035? ago

You can make up a million reasons to hate somebody, but the bottom line is that (((they))) want us divided by race. You are either with us or (((them)))

15887997? ago

your views literally dont align with the available facts.


15887261? ago

lol thats only one choice. the fact that you think you arent with (((them))) doesnt make it true. and do you even know what (((this))) means? it stands for jews. its like sticking a gold star on their chest lolol. i feel like you think it means illuminati or deep state. no. its how we label manipulative kikes for the jews they are. and if Q has you ignoring the realities that are doing irreperable damage to our society and gene pool then hes really (((Q))). but he sent you all here. so in some ways i think his statements on race have just been necessary deceptions because it seems unlikely that a member of the jewish elite ran deep state would send a ton of people to voat so they can be redpilled on jewish control of media and finance and race realism.

15884958? ago

How do you fix a problem you can’t admit exists?

15885023? ago

I freely admit the problem exists. We're all aware the problem exists. I simply take issue with relentless bashing of your fellow Americans instead of going after the REAL problem. In other words, you're so focused on the symptoms you've forgotten about the disease that causes it.

15885640? ago

You're delusional if you think genetics have no impact on behavior.

15886994? ago

Oh so you're a genetics expert now?

15887778? ago

You don't need to be a genetics expert to observe that 13% of the population is committing 60% of the crime, all of whom are from the same genetic group.

15888396? ago

He won't address that because he's not a genuine voat user.

15888409? ago

Yeah, it's understood.

15885047? ago

Completely agree with you

15884419? ago

thank you. i never let them get to me. but i admit the anon nonsense was because it lacks all accountability. which is why i have decided to make myself accountable so that i can stop being frustrated by the anonsense. i am who i say i am. who are all these other people running around screaming shill everywhere, and do they have the stones to do what i did and let everyone see how they actually behave.

15885619? ago

Hahaha I've been doing the same. I know the real reason for the anon sub but you hit a key part, lack of accountability. Nobody has to stay true to their words, and as a result, nothing of value is said in the sub. It's perfect because people absorbed into this cult can never be reasoned with or shown reality, they will always fall into their delusional design.


The mods of this sub are disgusting slime and deserve to be shot dead in public. They are child molesting pedophiles and Jewish terrorists.

If only the people here knew.

15885700? ago

sounds like you have more depth of knowledge on that topic than me. my behavior is just a reaction to what i was able to perceive myself. anon boards are useless when shilling is such a common issue lol.

15886127? ago

Anon is oPSec. If you are anon, you can be led by anyone.

Let me say that again. You should be able to understand what I'm saying.

If you are anon, you are able to be led by anyone.

By (((anyone))).

By $$anyone$$

By ∆anyone∆

15886456? ago

seems accurate.

15886528? ago

What would you do if you were the leader of a man hunt and the guy they were looking to kill was you?

15886552? ago

mislead them significantly. trust me ur not waking a Q person talking to me lol. i observe Q in the very off hope that its real. but it is infinitely more likely that it is not.

15886734? ago

My posts aren't really for who I'm replying to.

15886899? ago

i know that feel as well. i use shills on reddit as ways to build out big threads of redpills for people. just had to clarify that we are on the same page.

15883425? ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @markrod420.

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15882776? ago

Das rite niggers. You cant be free here, best to move off to some african shithole. Like canada or france something.

15882852? ago

Spoken like a Soros Shill.

15885226? ago

Kikes like Soros are pushing the nigger plague on us.

Fuck off boomer.

15885280? ago

Suck it Shill Bitch

15885461? ago

Welcome to Voat, we we here first. Heil Hitler.

Boomer confirmed.

15885493? ago

Suck my cock bitch

15887559? ago

Fuck you OP, you are a turbo faggot, you should go back to Reddit

15889287? ago


You're awesome

15887613? ago

We'll keep calling you out Brock/Soros butt plug

15887789? ago

Who is "we"? Blow your brains out OP

15887892? ago

Easy to get a Shill on full tilt.

15889299? ago

There's many of us, this is our place.

Niggers commit almost all the crime.

15887931? ago

Read the Kalergi plan. Look up the FBI crime statistics.

15885741? ago

Your cock? Who's cock? Can't suck the cock of some no name coward who hides in the shadows. But you're welcome to suck my cock @truthwoke33 any day of the week. I live in Houston Texas and do power washing to clean up shit.

Facing multiple charges and I might fight cannabis in the supreme Court. I have to spend a ton of money time and go through extreme agony and torment so that you can continue to enjoy your cushy easy retirement.

I'm a real patriot, you're just a no name faggot who's never done anything.

15889329? ago

Damn, I like you. You've got that fire.

I'm /u/mrfetus

15886436? ago

Suck it cunt bitch

15886490? ago

That's right, you have nothing to say for yourself.

Now go ahead and call me a shill. Go donate money to Israel. Keep hiding in your anon threads and don't poke your head out. That's exactly what I want, stay predictable for my amusement.

Do my bidding.

15882968? ago

Yes boomer, every conservative who says something you dont like must be a hired sors shill. You tards dont sound like a cult at alllllllll...

15885680? ago

Wow look at this faggot with his rationale and logic PFFFFFF everyone knows real patriots don't waste time on that silly thinking nonsense!

15882723? ago

https://archive.fo/kVqXA :

Candace Owens on Twitter: "That’s the whole point. If black conservatives can’t exist without being socially lynched and smeared, then no black person is actually free.

You don’t have to agree with how people use their freedom to recognize that you’re enslaved to certain parameters.… t.co/hcWSXGbt1V"

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