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15882781? ago

the average black person lacks the capacity of thought required to make informed political choices. you are wasting your time focusing on their political affiliations when you should be trying to figure out how we can stop paying them to outbreed productive intelligent people by cutting off welfare for parasites.

world IQ map -

race and IQ study -

IQ and genetics study -

brain structure IQ and genetics study -

Black on white vs white on black crime -

Crime normalized by racial population -

World rape map -

And to finish, a site with even more sources than me -

15882859? ago

Is that you David Brock?

15883168? ago

nope just a realist who is unwilling to ignore the facts in favor of good vibes.

15883279? ago

Fuck off racist shill

15883387? ago

lolol i am u/markrod420. im tired of this anon shit and anytime someone calls me a shill im simply going to link my actual account so people can decide for themselves. thats more than enough of these anon spygames for me.

15884382? ago

Don’t let these emotional idiots get at you. Just keep spreading the facts. You’re doing good work.

15884925? ago

Love is an emotion, you're right. Many of us are able to look past skin color and see human potential. If you truly believe white people (of which I am one) are superior, than the onus is on us to improve society and unite humanity.

Your way of thinking is counter to the Q movement, so you and the stormfags can fuck right off.

15885375? ago

feelings cannot alter the genetic content of human beings. we can pump all the money we want into minority communities. they will continue to fail. they will continue to commit violence and rape at significantly disproportionate rates. they are genetically different from us. this is not an issue of culture or society or education. this is an issue of genetics. your feelings and good intentions have no bearing on the genetic content of anyone. you cannot fix a genetic problem by continuing to support the propagation of poor genetics. the ONLY hope the black race has is if we STOP supporting their continued propagation of failed genetics. those rare few blacks who are of a decent genetic quality will prosper as the low quality blacks are allowed to fail as nature would intend. if the issue was cultural i would be on your side. sadly the issue is wired into our genetics and has been created over many millennia of natural selection as separate populations. and nothing short of allowing their poor genetics to fail will ever have a positive impact. you can love them all you want. they will still kill you, rape your wife, and rob your home.

15887035? ago

You can make up a million reasons to hate somebody, but the bottom line is that (((they))) want us divided by race. You are either with us or (((them)))

15887997? ago

your views literally dont align with the available facts.

15887261? ago

lol thats only one choice. the fact that you think you arent with (((them))) doesnt make it true. and do you even know what (((this))) means? it stands for jews. its like sticking a gold star on their chest lolol. i feel like you think it means illuminati or deep state. no. its how we label manipulative kikes for the jews they are. and if Q has you ignoring the realities that are doing irreperable damage to our society and gene pool then hes really (((Q))). but he sent you all here. so in some ways i think his statements on race have just been necessary deceptions because it seems unlikely that a member of the jewish elite ran deep state would send a ton of people to voat so they can be redpilled on jewish control of media and finance and race realism.

15884958? ago

How do you fix a problem you can’t admit exists?

15885023? ago

I freely admit the problem exists. We're all aware the problem exists. I simply take issue with relentless bashing of your fellow Americans instead of going after the REAL problem. In other words, you're so focused on the symptoms you've forgotten about the disease that causes it.

15885640? ago

You're delusional if you think genetics have no impact on behavior.

15886994? ago

Oh so you're a genetics expert now?

15887778? ago

You don't need to be a genetics expert to observe that 13% of the population is committing 60% of the crime, all of whom are from the same genetic group.

15888396? ago

He won't address that because he's not a genuine voat user.

15888409? ago

Yeah, it's understood.

15885047? ago

Completely agree with you

15884419? ago

thank you. i never let them get to me. but i admit the anon nonsense was because it lacks all accountability. which is why i have decided to make myself accountable so that i can stop being frustrated by the anonsense. i am who i say i am. who are all these other people running around screaming shill everywhere, and do they have the stones to do what i did and let everyone see how they actually behave.

15885619? ago

Hahaha I've been doing the same. I know the real reason for the anon sub but you hit a key part, lack of accountability. Nobody has to stay true to their words, and as a result, nothing of value is said in the sub. It's perfect because people absorbed into this cult can never be reasoned with or shown reality, they will always fall into their delusional design.


The mods of this sub are disgusting slime and deserve to be shot dead in public. They are child molesting pedophiles and Jewish terrorists.

If only the people here knew.

15885700? ago

sounds like you have more depth of knowledge on that topic than me. my behavior is just a reaction to what i was able to perceive myself. anon boards are useless when shilling is such a common issue lol.

15886127? ago

Anon is oPSec. If you are anon, you can be led by anyone.

Let me say that again. You should be able to understand what I'm saying.

If you are anon, you are able to be led by anyone.

By (((anyone))).

By $$anyone$$

By ∆anyone∆

15886456? ago

seems accurate.

15886528? ago

What would you do if you were the leader of a man hunt and the guy they were looking to kill was you?

15886552? ago

mislead them significantly. trust me ur not waking a Q person talking to me lol. i observe Q in the very off hope that its real. but it is infinitely more likely that it is not.

15886734? ago

My posts aren't really for who I'm replying to.

15886899? ago

i know that feel as well. i use shills on reddit as ways to build out big threads of redpills for people. just had to clarify that we are on the same page.

15883425? ago

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