superspathi ago

It's interesting to me that the New York Times article present Watson as some kind of King Lear figure, brought low by his own character flaws, while I think it's possible people of the future will see him as more like a Galileo, banished for speaking intolerable truths.

Butterbread ago

Ok, so jews are smart is OK, but blacks can't be stupid. And blacks are stupid because they were put through hell, but jews were put through the greatest hell and got smarter. Got it.

Gee it's tough to be a Leftist

Truthsayer9000 ago

The comment by that chink is especially disgusting. Chinks will always stab whites in the back if the opportunity arises.

Vhaine ago

Be journalist in current year. Acknowledge the individual in question is an authoritative source on genetics by listing his pedigree. Put forth the idea that one of the fathers of modern genetic research doesn't know wtf he's talking about because...reason? Provide no statistical data to disprove his position. Cite no sources. Provide no evidence.

This is the journalistic equivalent of virtue signaling.

Rellik88 ago

“They have no place in science, which must welcome everyone. I was wrong to toast, and I’m sorry.’’

Welcome everyone even against science?

CulturalImperialist ago

Well someone has to explain how black magic calls down lightning to smite your enemies, cause White so-called scientists can't.

Baconmon ago

I'm sorry, I didn't realize science was about "welcoming everyone".....For some WEIRD reason I thought science was about FIGURING OUT THE TRUTH.. And if the truth is that bell curves are REAL, then it is NATURE that is racist; White people are just being a messanger and refusing to play a big larping game of pretend.. "Let's pretend all races are totally the same even though we acknowledge that every type of animal species is very different!"

curiouserdude ago

The fundamental idea of political correctness is that the world will become the way we want to be if we pretend that it is that way. The only thing that can stop the world becoming the way we would like it to be is someone pointing out empirical evidence to the contrary.

Pluviou5 ago

The only thing that can stop the world becoming the way we would like it to be is someone pointing out empirical evidence to the contrary.

Because political correctness is denialism. The lies it promotes are against truths that can be learned and experienced in objective reality.

webster_warrior ago

I recently noticed something strange about online IQ tests, which I have taken now and then for years just for fun. know I am not the brightest, and certainly haven't gotten any smarter; but, according to the tests I have recently taken, I am getting dumber by leaps and bounds. How is that possible? By the way, the tests that come up on search look nothing like the ones that used to come up. BTW, I am a conservative & they know it.

Soyboy69 ago

You're also white and they know it.

Crackrocknigga ago

Poor aspie just wanted to advance the science of genetics, but didn't realize we are living in a talmudic world.

Talc ago

the opposite to real is fake, or fantasy. The antonym to Realist is probably fantasist

race fantasists, has a nice ring to it.

Walk1 ago

Its an argument that does not hold that Nigger countries are shit because of colonial oppression. Its not possible in any sense of the word, as there must be some other component involved, but since we can only draw from inference that this is the case and since it is otherwise unverifiable, we are left in the dark at the end of the day with only our racial instincts and intuitive guessing to guide us and that is only good enough to get us so far.

Nigger countries are basically broken and cannot get behind that point because they are run by people with lower intelligences and even though they can know things they cannot put it too good use and apply things correctly to the realities that exist around them.

I think the other non-white countries cannot get themselves going because they are in fact in a similar state and they are degenerative.

ninjajunkie ago

Not just a genticist, the fucking founder of modern genetics himself! They sure don't mind using his science they agree with to push their agenda, but sure the rest is "unfounded". These people need a slap in the face, with a chair.

HighEnergyLife ago

Most of black children still can't pass the Mirror Test by 5yrs old. How is that cultural or have anything to do with the destruction of Wakanda by evil 25th century hipsters from Connecticut?

stbelmont ago

Texas struggles to graduate black men Only one school in the state graduated more than 100 African-American men within six years of the students’ freshmen year.

HighEnergyLife ago


Gorillas are another good example: for many years, nobody thought gorillas could pass the mark test. Turns out, the test was just very uncomfortable for them.

They rationalize failed test results by comparing black kids to animals, namely gorillas. Jesus Christ.

Peacethroughpower ago

Toppest of all keks

UKD ago

I have so much respect for someone who will tell the truth come what may.

0fsgivin ago

Can we make a gofundme for this poor guy? He did amazing work FOR ALL RACES. And im sure wants what is best FOR ALL RACES. And the poor bastard is broke?

Fuck this...I'm gunna look into this shit. It's not fucking right.

cantaloupe6 ago

GOGETFUNDING (a more conservative friendly giving site with fewer fees)

GIVESENDGO (a Christian based funding program with almost no fees)

dundundunnnnn ago

If you get his address, PLEASE let us know. I'd send him monies.

cthulian_axioms ago

Call the Cold Spring National Lab (or whatever the article said his former place of employment was) and see if they have a forwarding address on file for him.

HighEnergyLife ago

Nobody will process the payments. You'll have to mail him a check yourself

SaneGoatOySwear ago

Alright. Here's an idea how we get around GoFundMe. Create a GoFundMe for like, uh, ladders to illegally cross border walls. Collect the money. Then send the check to James Watson.

Butterbread ago

Go to jail for fraud

canuhunter ago


bagano1 ago

Thought I saw Jameis Winston for a minute.

Scroobius ago

“I reject his views as despicable,” Dr. Lander wrote to Broad scientists. “They have no place in science, which must welcome everyone…"

Science show blacks are statistically dumber than other races. "Science has no place in science." WTF

flapjack_charlie ago

What a profoundly stupid comment. First science MUSTN'T welcome ANYONE because all that matters in science is empirically reproducible results. Second, his comments haven't been in the least bit exclusionary to anyone. He never said or implied black people shouldnt or couldn't be scientists, just that on average they have a lower IQ than whites. This does not mean that there are no brilliant black scientists, it has to do with effectively dispensing foreign aid rather than ineffectively squandering it to protect your political biases.

This is just an unbelievable failure of logic.

14WordsToFreedom ago

So cringey. Is science the pursuit of truth? Or is it the pursuit of welcoming everyone? Because we could do the latter with a lot fewer grants.

notYOURfriend ago

Welcome everyone except James.

Gumbatron ago

They will welcome everyone that agrees with their progressive agenda. Everyone else are Nazis.

This kind of mentality is not scientific, it's religious but without any God or guiding moral base. That makes it particularly dangerous.

GapingAnus ago

They will welcome everyone that agrees with their progressive agenda

This is good. Let them. They will then learn about the benefits of a meritocratic system and get out-competed by cultures which care more about the results than the intent.

KoKansei ago

It does have a guiding "morality:" slave morality - i.e., the idea that that which is noble is evil and that which is base is good. It is the one thread that runs through all of their thought and it is why they hate white people especially (and Asians to a lesser extent).

yewotm8 ago

One of the greatest thinkers of our age has been outcast due to his heretical beliefs. Leftists will insist it was christianity all along that was shutting down scientists though.

Peacethroughpower ago

And i fucking believed them. It makes me sick to even think about.

soygoy ago

From the comments on the article:

The solution is government managed and supported intermarriage. If a yearly 20000 credit was given to white women with black babies and a 20000 penalty for white babies it might take 25 years to end this debate. This is the equilibrium state in the world anyway.

Gorillion ago

Any white woman who took that deal would deserve everything coming to them. A 20k penalty in that context should be a mark of pride.

Also: Saved a pic of the comment. Not much info in the user's name ("as" - NYC). But I'd hate for them to miss out on the DOTR.
Perhaps some nice intel spook will leak the illegal commenter tracking on TNYT articles once the pendulum swing has made it safe enough to do so.

webster_warrior ago

Tell that to 19th century Portugal.

Rawrination ago

That is Genocide. We are being genocided already, that would just be a faster form of it. Maybe it would wake people the fuck up and get us off our asses.

mrfetus ago

That's fucking sick.

KoKansei ago

State-sponsored dysgenics.

Guardbuddy ago

Brazil tried that and it became, well, Brazil.

Millions of Pardo favela rats and slums that their police literally have to lay siege to.

flapjack_charlie ago

That's what they dont get. They're literally fighting for the opposite of what they think they are.

redpilldessert ago


Scroobius ago

To the gallows

Pubiclouse ago

Thanks for the update and saving it to read more later. I have been following what's been going on with poor Professor James Watson for a while now. The Scientific Community is a joke

edistojim ago

Peer review is a joke. If everyone agrees it must be correct. Madness.

KoKansei ago

Peer review works in a very small, tight knit academic setting consisting mostly of European gentry, but its usefulness as a social technology ends there.

anoncastillo ago

The results of life speak for themselves. When east Asians who were put through similar oppression (considered colored under Jim Crow, prevented from owning businesses outside the Jim Crow south, thrown in internment camps during WWII, etc.) and today make more money than whites while all the help in the world leaves blacks still poor, it's obvious genes affect us more than public policy.

OhGoodLord2 ago

Chinks are still basically a combination of Jews and niggers. Intrigued by shiny things, prize asshole behavior. Did you see their float catch on fire and scuttle the Rose Parade yesterday? That's what we have to look forward to as a society.

anoncastillo ago

Every race has its strengths and weaknesses. East Asians are not as creative as whites but they tend to improve on the things we invent with their cold logic.

Butterbread ago

They tend to steal tech and make shittier versions of it. FTFY.

anoncastillo ago

Japan and South Korea make better cars than the Us and Germany.

Sparky159 ago

SoKo is the leading producer and innovator of the world's superconductors

SearchVoatBot ago

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edistojim ago

I didn't take a renowned scientist to tell most people that niggers are stupid. Look around.

derram ago :

James Watson Won’t Stop Talking About Race - The New York Times

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