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15882781? ago

the average black person lacks the capacity of thought required to make informed political choices. you are wasting your time focusing on their political affiliations when you should be trying to figure out how we can stop paying them to outbreed productive intelligent people by cutting off welfare for parasites.

world IQ map -

race and IQ study -

IQ and genetics study -

brain structure IQ and genetics study -

Black on white vs white on black crime -

Crime normalized by racial population -

World rape map -

And to finish, a site with even more sources than me -

15885868? ago

And.. speaking of trolls..

15885962? ago

oop. been accused of being a shill/troll again. as per my new policy i will now state my username so people can judge for themselves what im about. will you be doing the same my (((friend)))

im u/markrod420

15885984? ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @markrod420.

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