HappyWarrior ago

LOL ... Reddit wishes it was Voat.

FridayJones ago

Standard QRV Comment: "Don't be racist or you'll scare all those millions of based niggers out there away from us!"

Goathole ago

There are ton of new reddit niggers here. I know because I start having a problem with a user being fucking retarded and then, unhappily, I have to look. Yep, 6 mos.

Don't get me wrong, there is normal retard and then there is extra fuckhead reeetodd. Stupid so dumb that you shake your head and say wtf out loud. Not funny dumb, just fucking dumb. It's then that I cry for this nation.

Demonsweat2 ago

You'll never here them chirp outside of the anon sub because they will be destroyed with truth.

regulator1488 ago

Fucking boomers. The Day of the Pillow is coming.

Shekelstein6M ago

I think the racist comments on this board are coming from paid shills whose sole purpose is to divide us and get people to give up and leave. No way those disgusting comments are from true, God loving patriots. jmo

I challenge any retarded boomer to a debate on why racism is good. None will accept the call because it would shatter their reality. They have to de-person us to avoid debate.

zyklon_b ago

fucking be the death offree speech qrv is