16018589? ago

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16018566? ago

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16018460? ago

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15623181? ago

Do you know if any of the chans have found anything re: "the wives"? https://voat.co/v/QRV/2917543

15483595? ago

One of the best posts I’ve seen here in awhile.

15465184? ago

OP, it's not Burr it's Barr. I like your post but you need to correct the guy's name. Some people would think it's less credible if the author didn't know the name of the man he was writing about. Otherwise, good post.

15468613? ago

Will update any Barrs to Burrs thanks.

15468913? ago

You bet. Again, good post.

15462366? ago

Gowdy is hated by the left and Whitaker even more so. So Trump showing that he is trying to nominate "bipartisan" candidates that are worthless will make the Gowdy pill easier to swallow. Stable genius! Brilliant!

15462331? ago

Fucking nicely assessed anon. I'll buy that. I'm actually starting to think GEOTUS is a time traveler or some kind of super human god

15461750? ago

Ahhh I don't know.......Lindsay Graham has already said he thinks he is a good pick??!?

15461655? ago

Why would the deepstate stand in the way of the instillation of one of their own?

15461409? ago

Bull seye

15461097? ago

Greatest post ever (so far this morning) lol

15460699? ago

That is why I am OK with him nominating him. POTUS always has a reason. I trust his reasons. Therefore I trust his plan & actions.

15460609? ago

Evidence of voter fraud by Dec. 21st followed by declas and swamp rat arrest's in January or Trump is done.

Trump also needs to get health care fixed the wall built and a trade deal with China worked out the time for all talk and no action is over.

15460153? ago

Hope and pray voter fraud against the rats gets released by Dec. 21st or a DemocRAT controlled house in January is going to attack and BBQ Trump like a roasted pinata.

Gateway Pundit: Rep. Nadler: Investigations into FBI, DOJ Will End – They’re “A Waste of Time” and There Is “No Bias at the FBI” (VIDEO)...


15459983? ago

I noticed that too. But his personal bio on wikipedia says he went back to work there in 2017 maybe not updated yet or he means nothing to the firm? Hah!

15459948? ago

Barr is crooked as fuck he is a deep state swamp rat to the core. Some of the speculation about why Trump nominated this swamp rat Barr for AG had better come true or Trump is done in 2020 because right now Trump's base is absolutely irate, especially after the Sessions AG debacle, with the swamp creature Barr AG appointment.

15459885? ago

Yes !!!!!

15459496? ago

Barr is a DS Rat. I know POTUS is using this nomination to have the RAT investigated before the senate. This puts Whitaker in charge for a long time. I called this whole scenario out yesterday. For more info on Barr, you can visit the website www.whatdoesitmean.com and it has some more info. (No, go type it in yourself...I'm late for work).

15459486? ago

Watching the Republicans Kavanaugh this guy for months?

Must see TV!!!

15459413? ago

I love you for this analysis anon. Thank you.

15459275? ago

Old guy here. Lyndon Larouche is always interesting but he's a political cult. I remember when he was leading a Trotskyist group called the National Caucus of Labour Committees. They were the Antifa of their day, clubbing communists for not being far left enough. The movement has morphed over time. Now they can solicit funds over the Internet instead of manning desks in airports and asking you to sign meaningless petitions for nuclear energy.

15460770? ago

Oh, I'm old enough to remember the LaRouche cult. Now, is he speaking lies about Burr? :)

15462261? ago

The thing about LaRouche is he speaks truths but they always lead to his plan to save the world.

15459208? ago

"douche canoe".......lol. felt it was worth repeating.

15459107? ago

I love the way this really relates to a chess game, with calculated maneuvers and risks. Scaramucci/Knight, Whitaker/Knight?, Sessions/Bishop?, Surrounded by an army of Rooks, and all the front headline people Pawns.

15463512? ago

And Barr is a pawn. Meant for sacrifice. I still think the rook who will complete the exchange is Gowdy.

15458826? ago

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15458426? ago

What can one say but, Brilliant! May this cleansing come to pass. Let's get this party started!

15458359? ago

Excellent! Thank you! This will be a part of my next yt video...;)

15460779? ago

Glad to help. WWG1WGA.

15467036? ago

Ok in case you wanted to see the end result...;) https://youtu.be/LYyBbpc_kO8

Thanks again for your take. I seriously think you could be right about this.

15460847? ago

Hey, did you see I found that Q2562 music?...:D https://voat.co/v/QRV/2899758

Now wtf does it mean?...lol

15458356? ago

William Barr may be put in place quicker than you think because he is more acceptable by far to those voting for him in Congress than Whittaker is. They can't wait to get Whittaker out. Whittaker is playing the same temporary role that Scaramucci did. Scaramucci came in for a short period (very short) to be the cause of getting rid of Priebus. Whittaker is there to remove bad actors still remaining in the DoJ and take the blame for it. That's his role. You can cause trouble and be controversial when you are temporary.

15458350? ago

I partially agree but what I don’t get is the 240 days you reference since Whitaker can be AAG for 210 days per policy. I get that Burr is a monkey wrench but maybe to expose Bush crimes and Clinton crimes

15460801? ago

You're correct. My numbers are wrong. He can be for 210 days, AND he can be re-appointed Acting AG for a second 210 days.

So, 420 days of Whitaker. I'll smoke a bowl to that.

15458158? ago

Burr is a swamp creature from the Bush era.

15460923? ago

Congratulations on not reading the post!

15465532? ago

Yeah, yeah 4D chess of course. I know. Trump is a God and only picks the best.

15470814? ago

Congrats on not reading the article! I hope you get paid per reply!

15458129? ago

Nice find Anon. Clearly a Red Herring.

15458082? ago

Lyndon LaRouche is suspect source material under any circumstances and this guy sounds exactly like what the DS wants -

Under the leadership of AG Richard Thornburgh & William Barr, who was then an official in the Bush Justice Dept, the BCCI investigations were stopped. Plea bargains protected the world's top drug bankers, & protected President Bush & his criminal employee North.

15460944? ago

Which is why it's BETTER that he's being forced to answer questions under oath!

My opinion is that he's a blackhat that was turned. He's doing this to avoid his Day Of The Rope. He's gonna sing like a caged bird.

15457737? ago

Well shit better start getting more glorious, the year is ending soon.

15460970? ago

You're obviously too young to remember Bush II: Electric Boogaloo. Watching Bush Jr. and Laura freak out while Jeb proves he's the worst poker player in history was glorious. He's going to die.

15457651? ago

There are only 23 days left for it to become a glorious 2018.

I'm not sure why the House wants to call Lynch and Comey this late in the game when they know the Democrats will drive a stake in the heart of ever Republican investigation. Comey showed up and his DOJ lawyer advised him not to answer anything beyond name rank and serial number. Lynch will do the same because she has already given up everything she has to Horowitz, Wray, and Huber.

Huber's testimony is irrelevant since he already has it all and he isn't going to reveal the results of any of his investigation.

I see no reason for Trump to just drop the hammer now unless a key part of the plan is to wait for the House to recess and force Ryan to keep in recess while people are being rounded up.

I guess time will tell if 2018 is glorious or a dud.

15461000? ago

I know you're a concern troll, but you're clearly not paying attention.

The House is meaningless. They own the senate. Completely. That's where all the investigations are going. Democrats have no power there.

15457286? ago

Yeah I'm sure its 69th dimension chinese checkers and not just trumpstein acting like a kike again...

15457433? ago

fuck off nigger

15460711? ago

@srayzie @Shizy @hangry @gabara @zyklon_b @SaneGoatISwear @Vindicator

Are you gay?

Are you a nigger?

If you answered "yes" to both of these questions, then GNAA might be exactly what you're looking for!



15464561? ago

@Gabara got a dick the size of a niggers. Does that count?

15470842? ago

a niggers

That's like "one gentlemen". His dick is either the size of more than one nigger or it isn't. Let's not bring abstract concepts such as a singular plural into this to confuse things.

15462447? ago

look at the nigger pinging all his nigger fucker friends. how cute, how scary!

15461401? ago

Will I be welcomed if I'm not totally sure and still just questioning my gay nigger status?

15460942? ago

1990 for eva

15461075? ago


15457080? ago

The question becomes who is the lesser of two detriments?

15457049? ago

Reading some of the other comments; OP is correct, imo. Being described as involved doesn't even start the picture with this guy. DT is likely just drawing attention, and there are others. Plenty of avalanche clearing charges to deploy.

15456796? ago

Nice idea, hopefully true.

15456790? ago

Wow. Scratching my Chin, Anon. Very good. When I first say Burr's name I was like WTF - a deep state operative. But, you "may" be correct. So ??? The Senate will get to hold hearings on this guys past dirt and do it in public???? (The counter argument is why the H would this guy consent to same if he is a deep state operative?). Very interesting argument.

15461018? ago

One thing about snakes and rats: They'll turn tail to save themselves, even if sacrifices everyone else.

This rat is agreeing to go under oath and tell stories in exchange for his new custom necktie being put away for good.

15461057? ago

Boy I am learning. So you are suggesting there is a "deal' that he will be our AG (though corrupt) in exchange for testimony to the Senate (to be confirmed). Interesting

15458424? ago

They've run out of ammo and will grasp at any straw. Plus they're stupid and probably think they can actually pull it off - getting Senate approval and everything.

15458101? ago

DS will force him to try to take the position. They’ll think they will b in charge again. It’ll b their only hope.

15456780? ago

Thanks for this, I have been wondering for days why the hell Trump would nominate this dude over so many other great picks. I sure hope you're correct. It seems plausible.

15456209? ago

I think this is a brilliant theory and probably correct. Well done anon.

15456060? ago

Nice theory. Sounds plausible, thanks

15455814? ago

Anon - this is a brilliant write-up. It makes the most sense of everything I have read about Barr today. Hopefully this is true.

15456229? ago

Thank you for this great scenario , it will be awesome to see it come to pass!

15455762? ago

Interesting theory

15455577? ago

Trump needs a few bad actors on his team to go down with the rest of the cabal because optics, would look strange if when the hammer drops Trump just happens to have a totally innocent staff. Barr is being set up. Same thing with Israel, move an embassy there, rub elbows, then bam, feign shock at what we just happen to find thanks to the Clintons and their servers. How could you Israel! After how nice we've been to you, we had no idea...LOL

15461037? ago

Thank you for seeing the long game. :)

15457881? ago

Barr is Mueller 2.0.

Mueller will face charges re: U1

He's working to save himself.


Same with Barr. Full cooperation.

15456757? ago

After all, we do have the saying, "keep your friends close, and your enemies closer" for a reason.

For stuff exactly like this.

15455522? ago

I agree with you. I do not think this nomination is intended to be the sitting AG either. GOWDY! GOWDY! GOWDY! I want to see Trey Gowdy LOCK HER UP!

15461043? ago

Atko here gets it.

15458855? ago

Can Trump withdraw the nomination during the process?

15459488? ago

That's what the vagina hat crowd was demanding he do with Kavanaugh.

15458976? ago

Yes I would think he could. Do you think that this "Bush guy" Barr will be a smooth run through the Senate? I don't, not even with a majority. I think this nominee buys more time for Whitaker to finish his job.

15459199? ago

I don't think there's a chance that Barr will be approved by a Republican majority in the Senate. Trump is putting him up there to be shot down. If they opened an investigation into him, it would go on forever, but this nomination will allow the Senate to ask all sorts of questions of a nominee who is under oath, and since he is Trump's nominee, the Dems will want to ask all sorts of embarrassing questions to try to get at Trump. Keep in mind that there has been a big turnover among the Repubs in the Senate, too. A lot of the RINOs will not be back next year so they will not be there to cover for a fellow DS guy. All the while this melee is going on, Whitaker can be cleaning house.

15459317? ago

Yup that is exactly what I think I am seeing too. Its a play for time. This is interesting though. Kirkland and Ellis is where Barr is working now. Check out the "Notable attorneys and alumni" section and look at how many ties to this organization that POTUS has with the people there.


15459651? ago

Interesting. And did you notice the statement under Political Contributions? "Kirkland, through its employees, was a top-20 contributor to Barack Obama in 2008, giving at least $493,735." It might be interesting to see what else unwinds if Barr is examined under the Senate microscope.

Have we heard whether or not he is going to accept the nomination? Seems like anybody with any sense would decline with thanks.

15459853? ago

Yes I did see that. Look under the Notable Clients and Cases. They represented Epstein, Deep Water Horizon, and Bain Capital. It looks to me there will be a BUTT LOAD of questions to ask this guy. Not sure about acceptance. I have not seen hard proof of that myself.

15459917? ago

I noticed that the top name on the list was Kavanaugh. That's also interesting. Not sure which way, but it's interesting, and Barr is not listed. Is he not notable enough?

15459232? ago

Are Kamela and Spartacus going to be in the Judiciary Committee next year to question this guy?

15459097? ago

I don’t know much about him because I was asleep then, but I do think the Dems have to go against everything that Trump does for their Antifa NPC’s, so they may make a fuss!

15459170? ago

We shall see. There are a lot of ifs and buts in all of our guesses, including mine. POTUS is the one that we should trust and will make the best decision for us. I just hope we get Gowdy.

15459206? ago

Me too, but who confirms the AG? Is it just the senate? If so it could happen maybe with a Romney defection. He is the new no name/flake

15459520? ago

Yes this is going to be a interesting one to watch.

15456223? ago

Gowdy would be a real gift!

15456722? ago

All I want for XMas Q, is a FISA DECLAS release and a Mufukin Rowdy Gowdy AG 🍿🍿🍿

15458787? ago

That would be a Christmas to remember. GOWDY! GOWDY! MUFUKIN ROWDY GOWDY! I love it!

15455886? ago

Gowdy is just another narciccist, gasbag, DOJ swamp rat, DS lawyer who, to date, has accomplished ....... nothing.

15456132? ago

I don't care! Gowdy rocks!

15455407? ago

This guy is clearly meant to be a monkey wrench to toss into the system to buy Whitaker more time. It's an excuse that Trump is trying to get nominate a new AG (lol not really though.) becaouse all of the dems and their dogs are going to piss and moan if he just left Whitaker in AG until the duration ends because he was a recess appointment.

Plus the guy is crooked as hell. So obviously, the Dems will want this guy in, but with a republican majority, they can Kavanaugh this guy if they really wanted to, and it wouldn't even be hard to do. Trump can literally pick people off one by one by "nominating" them for AG and having the senate judicial comity dig up the dirt on them publicly. After one or two people, everyone will catch on and nobody who is crooked will want to go through the process, thus giving Trump and the republicans an excuse for the guy they do want. (a person always looks cleaner when the guy before them gets busted for something.)

This move is a solid balance of appeasement and action. It actually is pretty fucking brilliant, honestly.

15481510? ago

You make good points. Even Bush used this technique for a Supreme Court spot.

15484659? ago


15459432? ago

Pretty fucking brilliant sums up POTUS perfectly.

15458793? ago

I hope this is the plan but think about the optics for the sheep. Trump can’t unite his party behind him or if he is quickly nominated Trump is part of the swamp. I try’s t God, Q, and the plan!

15457766? ago

Good angle on it. You don't think there'd be blow back on Trump for nominating a crooked as fuck character?

15458409? ago

This is the democrats and the media we are talking about here. They are likely fill the sheeps' heads with how he's a great guy. Then again, it wouldn't surprise me if they threw the guy under the bus. Odds are blow back won't come from the media. Though we'll just have to wait and see.

15456736? ago

Trump and his top tier spooks are playing on a level with a ferocity that no-one in this country has borne witness to ever. They are playing for KEEPS. If Barr is just another Scaramucci meant to act as pawn and run cover/take flak for "Acting" AG Whittaker then so be it. This administration, replete with PATRIOTS is the embodiment of the 48 Laws of Power. Good Wins.

15461336? ago

Whitaker is Scaramucci. He's the hit man that comes in to clean house.

They may need up to 420 days to do that cleaning.

In the interim, the Senate (and the MSM) will be tied up with all the crazy shit coming out of Burr's mouth.

15456709? ago

He's winning when losing

15456745? ago

He was getting bored of winning so easily, so he thought he'd raise the stakes by still winning while losing.

15459901? ago


15455784? ago

Didn't he have like 6 months to nominate an AG? Not sure I buy this thread's theory.

15459311? ago

Maybe, rather than wait 6 months, T wanted to get Barr's testimony on record ASAP to aid in exposing the DS.

15460589? ago

Exactly this. I think the timing is to foil the House's reconvening.

15458494? ago

Me neither.

Trump’s plan is to delay the process by giving Uniparty the type of AG they’ll bend over backwards to confirm in heartbeat?

I don’t know POTUS’ play, but this ain’t it.

15456680? ago

Q actually goes into this. There was even an EO signed (I forget what it was exactly) that had to do with Whitaker. They waited for a reason. Which was for control to go directly to the new AG/acting AG vs Rosenstein having control over it. However they broke protocol and violated chain of command to get around this to some extent before it would really take place, iirc.

I forget exact detail, but there was an important reason.

15458376? ago

Q post #/s ?

15456637? ago

If Whitaker starts being the executioner we all hope he'll turn out to be, Trump needs the cover of, "Hey look, I'm trying to get a real AG in there as fast as I can, but gosh darn it, all these safe mainstream nominees keep ending up having so many skeletons in the closet that I just can't get them confirmed. The Senate just keeps shooting them down. Not my fault. Who knew there was all this corruption? Maybe if you want Whitaker out that badly, you'll try actually confirming somebody I nominate." And boom, that's when he nominates Gowdy.

15462529? ago

God I hope this is the scenario.

15459624? ago

You know, I have never seen this particular move. If it is, its brilliant (but would it not require Burr to play the game)?

15463290? ago

Barr could be an unwitting patsy. "Food for powder", as said by Falstaff.

15463801? ago

Ha Ha Ha (I laughted out loud at the computer). Henry IV. PRINCE HENRY I never saw such pitiful-looking losers.

FALSTAFF Now, now: they’re good enough to die. Cannon fodder, cannon fodder—they’ll fill a mass grave as well as better men would. They’re just men, just men.

WESTMORELAND Maybe so, Sir John, but I think they look terribly poor and bare; they look like beggars.

///// The problem with the current SJW generation is the DELIBERATELY REFUSE TO READ WHITE MEN LITERATURE any more. No one knows this stuff anymore. Bunch of PCC S and multiple gender S and .... don't get me started .;;///

If he is a patsy, he must have a bunch of crimes to hide.

15461346? ago

Rats will turn to save their own neck.

This man is trying to avoid a custom-fitted necktie.

15456712? ago

Rowdy Gowdy for Mufukin AG 🍿🍿

15455374? ago

Janet Reno was AG during the Koresh massacre.

15458328? ago

I think it was only days after taking office that she sent the ATF boys in. They could have taken Koresh down anytime without incident when he left the compound but she wanted to put on a show. Many innocent children died a horrible death.

15459321? ago

But then the snipers couldn’t take out the FBI/ATF agents that knew too much. This was cover for execution orders on Federal Agents.

15456967? ago

Janet Reno, the reigning champion of Texas church massacres, stated “Donald Trump will never be President in my lifetime.” She died 11/7/16 😆

15457523? ago

I fucking laughed my arse off at that timing, to be honest.

15459309? ago

She never new just how right she was. Good reddens POS

15455271? ago

https://archive.fo/bmpSA :

John Roberts on Twitter: ".@realDonaldTrump wants to nominate William Barr to be the next Attorney-General. Barr served as Attorney-General during the Bush 41 presidency. While POTUS normally likes to surround himself with people he knows and likes, he doesn't know Barr, but Barr commands immense respect"

https://archive.fo/FEDdW :

Marg Wood on Twitter: "William Barr, the Bush clique, and their friends at Dope, Inc. (1994)

1/"Two members of George Bush's covert action team, former U.S. AG William Barr & Lt. Col. Oliver North, both plunged into VA politics this year. Barr was head of the governor's commission to abolish parole,"… t.co/atuqoSGSM8"

This has been an automated message.

15455267? ago

Maybe he wants Barr to answer some questions during a Senate hearing. He had the goods on Clinton, Bushes, C_A. ... Because he was a gangsta too. A great awakening.

15456221? ago
