while reading one of the links Q provided, I came across a massive (and quite alarming) comment chain repasting Lyndon LaRouche's critique of the guy. Some nuggets:
William Barr, though little known to the public, is a top lawyer for the same criminal covert action team. He was also AG in the Bush admin, when Lyndon LaRouche, then a political prisoner, submitted 6 volumes of new evidence proving that the govt always knew he was innocent, evidence which the Justice Department & the courts refused even to look at. We shall report here on Barr's unusual career, protecting the political and financial
managers of the world narcotics trade
Under the leadership of AG Richard Thornburgh & William Barr, who was then an official in the Bush Justice Dept, the BCCI investigations were stopped. Plea bargains protected the world's top drug bankers, & protected President Bush & his criminal employee North.
Does this sound like the person Trump is going to really replace Sessions with long-term? NO. He knows this guy is going to be LOCKED in CONGRESSIONAL GRIDLOCK FOR 420 DAYS while Whitaker cleans house. THINK MIRROR. He's going to do a KAVANAUGH on Barr! You want to see Senate demand an investigation into the background of someone? Imagine Lindsay Graham demanding answers about the shit Barr did above! They're going to dig up MOUNTAINS of Dirt, not just on this poor douche canoe, but on THE ENTIRE DEEP STATE ITSELF. And he'll be TESTFYING UNDER OATH about it! I bet the Deep State will be in even deeper panic mode, and that's IF the House even sits after the Director of National Intelligence's report on Election Meddling is released the 21st of December! Imagine a functional senate, with a useless broken House, or a House with half the [D] members missing!
Ever pay attention to Waco, TX and the Koresh Massacre? How about Ruby Ridge, ID and the Weaver Family Massacre? Who was Attorney General then? NOBODY. It was an ACTING Attorney General Stuart M. Gerson who conducted the raids under Clinton, just AFTER William Barr left office, but BEFORE Janet Reno was nominated. Clinton used Gerson to clean house of his political enemies and opposing influencers (Think NXIVM and SNCTVM's rise to power post-Koresh). Now, THINK MIRROR.
Sessions has kids to keep safe. He can't be liable for the raids. Best to use an ACTING Attorney General to do everything and avoid any criminal liability (Hint, you'll never see a $PERSON vs. Whittaker Lawsuit). NXIVM and SNCTVM are being rounded-up. Hillary Finds Out She's Fucked: The Movie just happened (Thank you to @shadow332 for the summary). We're about to see names we've want to see hung by a rope witness the DAY. OF. THE. ROPE. And it'll happen while congress is in gridlock over whether or not this clearly evil accomplice of Bush is worth being AG, while he keeps spitting out incriminating information about everyone, under oath and on the record.
Whittaker can serve as Acting AG for 210 days, PLUS he can be RE-APPOINTED for another 210 days. That's plenty of time to clean house before we KEEP AMERICA GREAT! in 2020. All of it will be under Whittaker's iron grip. Q was right, 2018 will be GLORIOUS. The BEST Christmas Ever!
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15458359? ago
Excellent! Thank you! This will be a part of my next yt video...;)
15460779? ago
Glad to help. WWG1WGA.
15460847? ago
Hey, did you see I found that Q2562 music?...:D https://voat.co/v/QRV/2899758
Now wtf does it mean?...lol