Cuck_not ago

I won't speculate too much but Jeb's expression was priceless. Something's up.

Whalerock ago

I think the best part of the video of HRC getting her envelope is watching Carter. He sees the envelope drop out of her program and then proceeds to look though his and finds nothing...he obviously says something to Rose and she pans though her program. Poor Carter thinks he got short changed.

PygmyGoat ago

Too bad that pic of Jeb, Laura and G Dub isn’t better. You could read what Laura showed to Jeb.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Question_Sleep ago

So, when Q was talking about "GODFATHER III", he was talking about the funeral scene where everyone got arrested?

Holy shit, gigantic Q proof.

Luis_Sphincta ago

Hillary Finds Out She's FUCKED...

Not even with Michael's dick.

(I'll concede, Once, 35ish years ago, Webb might have banged her, but he was in a really weird place at the time.)

Question_Sleep ago


Tallest_Skil ago

Yes, nothing is happening. Nothing has happened for an entire year, and nothing will continue to happen. The ZOG will not arrest the ZOG. Kill. Yourself. Immediately.

Question_Sleep ago

When he resorts to "Kill Yourself" with periods and a timeframe, you know he's pissed.

Tallest_Skil ago

Yes, nothing is happening. Nothing has happened for an entire year, and nothing will continue to happen. The ZOG will not arrest the ZOG. Kill. Yourself. Immediately.


Question_Sleep ago

This bot above is broken; he didn't even ask any questions to answer.

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported for rule violations.

Merchant_Menace ago

So, this is all premised on this tweet from breaking news live. Who the fuck is breaking news live? Do we have any other sources? Is there a source for the claim? Which court? What specifically does "blasted" mean? What, legally, are the implications here? The fuck does any of this mean? Or are we just making shit up at this point?

httbmc ago

If this is true... and I hope it is... The POTUS is once again saving American taxpayers a fortune.. just in postage and delivery services alone!! LOL

Beta_Ray_Bill ago

very very interesting.

aCuriousYahnz ago

Not getting my hopes up. Seems like it would be a letter from Bush before he died or something. Would be very glad to be wrong.

capnflummox ago


senpaithatignoresyou ago

That peanut farmer was not a bad president, he was just too naive. Carter was a bad ass who led a damage control team to stop a reactor from melting down, even being lowered in himself for a few minutes at a time as they rotated people around to avoid radiation poisoning. The man had radioactive urine for a month.

robot7247 ago

It's habbening

headfire ago

This post is a delusional, childish fantasy.

OMG! Someone handed someone a slip of paper at a funeral omg omg omg!!1!

OP, you have no idea what they were talking about or what was communicated on paper. To be clear, you may be right, or you maybe wrong, but you don’t know whether you are because you have no evidence, and neither do we.

You have presented nothing. Garbage like this belongs in those bullshit “Q” subs. Please keep it there in future.

robot7247 ago

OTOH, the reactions at the funeral are truly odd and they did get something of concern.

Perhaps notification that they are all out of the chicken entree at the post-funeral luncheon?

headfire ago

I have no idea what information they received, nor do you, nor does OP. OP has provided literally no information.

That's kinda my point.

robot7247 ago

My money is on the chicken.

headfire ago

Sure OK.

robot7247 ago

We both know no one likes the fish.

2Weird2Live ago

It really does doesn't it. If Trump takes them all down publicly, I mean prison and executions, I'll even go apologize to some q folk.

fhaqyu ago

so why does them having an envelope give you the impression 'Something is happening'?

seriously guys, how many more years do you need to fall for this bullshit.

Smarty_jc ago

You Q worshippers are fucking naive.

httbmc ago

Maybe it was an invite to an after party at Little St. James island??!! Oh, wait, they blew that island up and burned it to the ground!

EnterTheUnKnown ago

This is all BS, You all are making somethng out of nothing

shadow332 ago

How do you know it's nothing?

EnterTheUnKnown ago

How do you know it's something?

I remember you retards were making that nigger lady getting passed a note during the Kavanaugh trial into something big...And it was NOTHING. Do you really think, if "Trump" was woprking on something Yuge to take down the cabal, he would send them a couple notes, like school kids, at a Presidents Funeral?

Use some common sense and stop jumping everytime someone sneezes

capnflummox ago

User for one month. You're nothing.

EnterTheUnKnown ago

Shut up Fag Boy, if you have nothing better than that, better to just not type.

capnflummox ago

It's all I needed. Thanks for taking a bite...

EnterTheUnKnown ago

You needed someone to reply to you? You sound rather pathetic.

capnflummox ago

Mhm... and then?

KryptoKoins ago

Looks to me like GW knew what was going on. He probably flipped. That letter Laura got then showed Jeb was probably just letting them know I'm a snitch but I might be able to save myself. Look at GW s face he looks like he just ratted his entire family out. Laura looks at him in disgust. Women are the most ruthless. Thank God we are not dealing with Evil Killary as POTUS.

jollux ago


Rawrination ago

This might just be some high grade hopium but that would be a world worth living in if it turns out Trump really is the 4D master chess player the Qtards would have us believe.

NevadaDesertPatriot ago

lol. We Q tards are just ordinary people... PATRIOTS, that united. When have you seen such a movement, of peaceful people, that want to commonly eradicate EVIL? Only here, with Q. So yes, I am a Q-tard, and proud to call these other Q-tards family.

Rawrination ago

I started out on the Q train, but I'm getting increasingly impatient. "Midterms are safe" my ass. Q has made a few too many predictions that came out complete bullshit.

I like the idea of the movement, but "Trust the plan" and sit on our asses, is how we are in this mess to begin with.

NevadaDesertPatriot ago

I am a believer, there are too many coincidences. Worst case scenario people throughout the WORLD are united. right?

Rawrination ago

Worst case scenario is we think someone else is coming to save us and blissfully walk ourselves into the slaughter house. Death by a million cuts. Slow boiling the frog. Mass genocide, but slowly enough to not trigger people into self protection.

Worst case scenario is every day that goes by with the kike in power over the world's money supply, and every nation on earth being their slaves.

Worst case scenario is the good guys lose a world war for our freedom and then a generation of slaves are raised thinking that they are free. Also known as what already happened. The good guys lost world war 1 and 2.

NevadaDesertPatriot ago

Wait a little longer friend. What do you have to lose? I have children and I'd gladly die to secure the true Liberty that the USA is supposed to be about. Let's see what Christmas brings.

Rawrination ago

I'm going to sit on my ass scowling at the evil world till I'm able to do something better.

I've always known about some of the bullshit. Had friends in hacker circles growing up. So stuff like the phones all being taped on everyone all the time wasn't news to me. But I never knew the real reason behind all the evil in the world until about 6 months ago.

It's been a rough road to walk getting red and black pilled and learning the truth. But now I feel like I have a responsibility to take some sort of action with the knowledge I now possess.

Q has failed us many times over. I'm deeply worried Q is a kike backed psyop to get us to "Trust the plan" and sit on our asses.

We've got a fleeting window where Trump has to at least pretend to be on our side before the demographic shift and illegal aliens and all the evil shit Obama got in motion overwhelms us.

White people are heavily armed, but even more heavily sedated and divided.

NevadaDesertPatriot ago

Some of us, Vets, Patriots... have not forgotten being lied to all our lives. There are more of us than we can know. Like I said... relax and wait for Christmas. These testimonies coming up are too big to ignore.

Rawrination ago

I'm afraid that if I relax I'll go back to sleep. Only it will be worse because instead of being able to be woken by the red pills, I'll be asleep for good completely black pilled and hopeless.

The good guys lost the war has been true more or less for the past couple hundred years. Ever since the final fall of Grande Tartaria at least, and following on with their descendants in Japan and Germany losing the next couple major world wars.

DangersDad ago

Fake and gay.

15438816? ago

Nice theory. Could be anything in those envelopes though.

Could even be a poor taste troll from the shitkicker handing out the order of service folders.

the_magic_man ago

So you proof is people's facial expressions? Fucking hell @shadow332 you're an idiot

Le_Bucheron ago


CowWithBeef ago

Aren't their reactions immediately following important new information the only time politicians behave honestly?

jollux ago

I don't know what the notes could possibly be, but they certainly seem to be something.

sguevar ago

This was interesting.

I hope you are right on this.

I would love me some good DS convictions or accusations before the end of the year.

Troll ago

I hope you're right. Something's gotta be done about these fucking people, and fast. As time goes by I'm becoming more and more disillusioned with Trump. If he pulls this shit off and gets the Clintons in jail he's gonna secure his second term, wall or no wall. And if the Bushes get behind bars along with creepy Biden that would just make me ecstatic.

Rawrination ago

We need executions. Not jail. Public beheadings or hangings.

These evil bastards have done every crime imaginable and harmed millions upon millions (if not billions) of lives.

TheUnWantedMan ago

Never make them martyrs. That is what they want.

To die for their cause is much more 'honorable' of a fate, than to rot away in a federal prison with everyone knowing of their crimes forcing historians to write verifiable proof of their chicanery.

If Trump kills them, they will accuse Republicans of killing 'innocent' people who were railroaded by a Nazi fascist administration.

Evil suffers more so when it has to face the consequences in the world in which it's crimes were committed.

RedPillMAGA ago

The problem with leaving the traitors alive instead of terminated after their military tribunals is that the next Dem POTUS who comes in will just pardon all of them and they won't even serve out their sentences. NOT acceptable!

TheUnWantedMan ago

I really really really want to argue with your point............but I can't. Great observation. If only there was a way to prevent future presidential pardons for such heinous crimes against the country. I'd rather they suffer the rest of their life with the indignity of prison and knowing every person they see knows exactly who they are. I'd take death over that any day of the week. At least in death the suffering and humiliation would be over.

Could the American people vote on an amendment that would prevent the pardons?

RedPillMAGA ago

I totally know what you mean. The humiliation and degradation (especially if we got some kind of "Big Brother" 24x7 live camera feed of Killery in her cell!) would be priceless, but far too dangerous to leave these traitors and mass murderers alive.

We all know that the Dems DO NOT play by ANY rules, so even if there were some type of legislation to prevent pardons on traitors or whatever crime, there is zero chance that the Dems wouldn't cheat and/or subvert the law regarding that. Plus, doing a "convention of states" to change the Constitution is very dangerous territory, IMO, and something crazy could result from that with nut job states like CA, OR, WA, CT, and NY in the mix. Too risky in my view.

The Dems fight just like terrorists - they don't play by ANY rules. Unfortunately, we simply can't take any chances. God only knows, with all the trillions in the hands of these cabal demons, I wouldn't even put it past them to try a 'jail break' at GITMO and help these SOBs flee to a bunker somewhere.

Nope, "death becomes her" is the ONLY way to go for Killery, as much as I'd love watching her on 24-hour live stream in her crappy little cell. Apologize for chiming in with such disappointing news, but I'm a big believer in "better safe than sorry." :-S

TheUnWantedMan ago

Yeah after this weeks political shit storm I'm all for it.

These Satan spawns truly believe that death occurs twice, once when the body dies and then again when no one left on earth remembers them. The sooner she's gone the sooner we can all erase her from our collective memory.

If she ever is executed and someone tries to mention her in conversation I'm going to simply state, Who? and then move on to someone worth conversing with. They fear being ignored more than anything. I've never ghosted an entire political party but I'm ready to start.

Bring on the military tribunals. 2019 is going to be one hell of a year for popcorn sales.

RedPillMAGA ago

Funny picture - that was great! I hadn't heard that thing about these despicable creatures thinking there are 2 deaths, but it kinda makes sense in their sick minds, I suppose. They need to burn her body to ash so she can't be resurrected like that movie "Reanimator." But even that may not work. What worries me is that when the earth is FINALLY rid of Killery, that evil demon inside her will be unleashed and just fly into someone ELSE'S body - we may NEVER be rid of her demonic presence. Pretty terrifying thought, isn't it? I have nightmares about it.

TheUnWantedMan ago

Your comment reminded me of one of my favorite Bruce Willis movies. He was the actual star of that whole thing, those two harpies just got top billing.

Not intending to provide fuel to the nightmare fire but there is a movie about that exact thing from Wes Craven

As for Hillary....I say drop her into pool of liquid nitrogen to freeze her solid instantly and then bury her under the tundra of Antarctica.

RedPillMAGA ago

"Death Becomes Her" is the perfect movie title for the HRC saga - LOL! Not a horror movie-goer (gives me nightmares), but any ideas about how to stop HRC's demon spirit from leaving her body after death and infiltrating someone else would be welcome!

TheUnWantedMan ago

Only way I know is for those responsible for the demons to send them back from whence they came.

RedPillMAGA ago

Yeah, send the demons back to hell and blow up whatever portal they came from after they're sent back too!

Fish7463 ago

so you want to be as evil as the ones you condemn?

their precedent makes it ok for you to be the same?

you think there are good and bad types of killing?

bloodlust is the same no matter who it is in.

if you want to bring harm to someone, you are just like them......... you will have to confront your self some day and believe me, it's a painful experience.

rulethreeforthee ago

so you want to be as evil as the ones you condemn?

Justice is the same thing as evil! GTFO with that horseshit lol

you think there are good and bad types of killing?

Obviously. What're you some impotent pacifist?

Fish7463 ago

wake up

rulethreeforthee ago

to what?

Fish7463 ago


rulethreeforthee ago

lol pacifist telling me to wake up to reality.

Isn't there a dick somewhere for you to suck?

Fish7463 ago

lol blinded you are.

DavidGydeon ago

yoda, you are not.

shiiiit, even yoda will chop a bitch.

Fish7463 ago

who I am matters not. It does not change truth and does not change you being blinded to it.

DavidGydeon ago

I may be blind to it; but that doesnt mean you can see. And just because you think you can see doesnt mean you actually can.

rulethreeforthee ago

Sure. Say something interesting or with substance.

Question_Sleep ago

Potting Clay.

Your turn.

Fish7463 ago

you haven't woken to the truth that you are the problem (along with all of us) .

noone can be ruled or enslaved unless they submit and consent to it.

you can only be ruled or enslaved if you have fear of harm or death.

if you have fear of harm or death, you don't know who or what you really are, and that these things are meaningless.

if you don't know who and what you are, you are the problem.

you can't blame a predator for preying on you if you believe you are prey, and act like prey. You have to stop being prey by realising the truth of who you are.

This is called awakening. It is spititual in nature because you are eternal spirit and you cannot be harmed or killed.

You are not the temporary fleshly body, but are eternal spirit. The same eternal spirit that is All-That-Is........ ALL IS ONE

rulethreeforthee ago

What is this new age vegan shit? I can't kill my enemies because death is meaningless and we are all one? You're calling me prey because I want to fight my enemies and draw distinctions between myself and pedophiles?

wtf are you even talking about?

Fish7463 ago

clearly not your time yet. Don't stress about it. Have a nice day

toobaditworks ago

That's the kind of talk that got us into this problem in the first place. The courts aren't going to do shit. Slap on wrist and bye bye they're free again. These people committed treason and it needs a harsh penalty. Trump needs to step in an executive order them to death.

Fish7463 ago

so sad you don't understand what this is really all about.

good vs evil

not right vs left.

not race vs race

not only people vs cabal

this is bigger than you imagine.

it is not possible to defeat darkness with darkness. It is not possible to defeat evil with evil.

you can never solve a problem with the same level of consciousness that created it........ Einstein.... .... consciousness is NOT intelligence or IQ. they are very different.

toobaditworks ago

Albert Einstein, Plagiarist of the Century. Tesla was the genius.

Fish7463 ago

lol. OK, no worries, have a nice day.

toobaditworks ago

Look it up.

Albert Einstein: The Incorrigible Plagiarist Paperback – July, 2002 by Christopher Jon Bjerknes (Author)

Fish7463 ago

who cares?,,,,,, you are doing exactly what the shills and the leftists do, by avoiding the point and attacking an irrelevent triviality.

toobaditworks ago

Eh. I never said anything about what you replied with so I ignored it all.

good vs evil

not right vs left.

not race vs race

not only people vs cabal

this is bigger than you imagine.

I know what it's about. I specifically said they committed treason so punish them.. that's it. Left and right Bushes/Cheny/Obama/Clinton...bankers, corporations, foundations, satan worshiping pedos, nwo, etc... all of them.

Fish7463 ago

it is not possible to defeat darkness with darkness. It is not possible to defeat evil with evil.

you can never solve a problem with the same level of consciousness that created it

Mustard_Monkey ago

Rumor has it McCain was killed that way with cancer being the cover up.

Kleemin ago

they gave him X months to live long before he actually died.

capnflummox ago

He stopped treatments...

killkillkill ago

Can someone tl;dr this for me? I don't get it.

archvile7 ago


TL;DR: it's a nothingburger.

lissencarak ago

I think it will be really humiliating to the Q crowd when Hilldog wins in 2020.

Rawrination ago

Honestly if Trump keeps sucking Israel dick and things keep going the same they always have, Hillary's election would at least spark the badly overdue civil war that is almost certainly going to be required to right this ship if it is rightable.

I am very very cautiously optimistic about Trump, but patience is running out.


Just like her 96% chance of winning the 2016 election all the way until 9pm on election night? Is that the Hillary we're talking about?

lissencarak ago

Trump won by the skin of his teeth by promising the rust belt things he did not deliver on.

And now half of Puerto Rico's spics are in FL.

And there is no wall.

Do you think she can't win against him now?


That, you are correct on. No I don't think she could do it. Hard core commi liberals would most certainly vote for her, but the Democrats I have had conversations with, claim they didn't vote for her, nor would vote for her. I get your point, I believe a socialist or a different commi/liberal could probably run and win, but I don't think Bill's wife could pull it off.

Fish7463 ago

lol. if that's what you choose, that's what you deserve. lol

lissencarak ago

I am making a prediction based on his action, not a decision.

Qfan2020 ago

Damn!!!! That’s an unbelievable plot twist! Can you imagine getting the note that the gig is up AT A FUNERAL? You can’t scream, throw up or head to New Zealand. You just have to sit there and act like you are devastated. WHEW loving the front row!

Sparky159 ago

If you got that kind of note during a funeral, you won't have to act devastated, because you will be for real

ScannerDarkly ago

None of those lizard people give a shit that gramps is dead.

dirt_reynolds ago

He helped make the CIA what it is. He was probably more worried about them snitching.

Deflo56 ago

Is this a counterattack for screwing with the scheduled testimony of Cabal soldiers?

HST ago

Hey OP good post but in the future don't directly link twitter. They rate limit people who come from this site.

tomdogg ago

That explains why I always get a rate limit alert when I visit twitter. It happens when I visit from any site though.

thatguyiam ago

Rate link from twitter? Sounds like an STD. Twatter has an std

HST ago

If you open the link in a new tab it doesn't rate limit, but if you directly click from here to twitter it will rate limit you.

thatguyiam ago

...that sounds like a horrible twatter std. Thanks for the protection info against twatter STD's.

shadow332 ago

Really? Shit, maybe the derram bot will come in and make a link for us. Thanks for the info, I won't do that anymore.

EDIT: I changed it and added the archived link

HST ago

Also I'm about to go find a stream of the funeral and watch it. Will comment if I see anything else interesting

HST ago

Yeah twitter is a cunt.

Appreciate it OP, as will everyone in your future posts.

GoyimNose ago

believing in kike enabler trump

Goyim, i....

Mustard_Monkey ago

Anyone ever consider the Jews being the brown shirts for the Vatican?

shadow332 ago

I don't like trump, but what are those notes about?

GoyimNose ago

All the elites are sexually blackmailed. Why on earth would they every turn on each other when they would both be fucked. Look up epstien if you need evidence.

HST ago

They don't need actual notes in order to remind them of that though

GoyimNose ago

I'm not saying they aren't passing notes, just that the elites are all on it together. Maybe an outsider in government found out about them or whatever. Just don't be delusional and fall for the judeo-servative and judeo-mcrat.

shadow332 ago

Exactly. Why was it written, and why there at the funeral?

GoyimNose ago

Remember this conversation when nothing comes to pass

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Are you making a Q argument here?

shadow332 ago

No I don't follow Q.

white_male30 ago


TendiesHitTheFloor ago

That's deep bro. I never looked at it that way, wow!

shadow332 ago

Question_Sleep ago

Good job on this post. Totally made up for the shit you did yesterday. Seriously. Good job.

Hey_Sunshine ago

Got a better image of that supposed subpoena? Cos I can't read it

meglomaniac ago

I think the intention was to imply that was the message written on the paper shown to jeb/laura.

The fact that so many people got these little envelopes is.. odd.

derram ago :

BNL NEWS on Twitter: "BREAKING: A federal court blasted the DOJ and State Department on Hillary Clinton’s emails and ordered a discovery plan in 10 days as to whether Hillary’s private email system was intentionally set up to evade FOIA requests and lawsuits (Corrected tweet)"

This has been an automated message.