HERE WE GO-> Schumer Calls on Trump to Withdraw Bill Barr Nomination One Week Before Confirmation Hearings (QRV)
submitted 5.9 years ago by 2962278?
Schumer calls on Trump to withdraw Bill Barr Nomination
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16014158? 5.9 years ago
Yep we all saw that coming.
16014416? 5.9 years ago
So is the assumption that Schumer is controlled opposition and doing this so trump can pick a patriot AG?
16018582? 5.9 years ago
this is what schumer realizes.
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16014158? ago
Yep we all saw that coming.
16014416? ago
So is the assumption that Schumer is controlled opposition and doing this so trump can pick a patriot AG?
16018582? ago
this is what schumer realizes.