15624081? ago

Here's a good place to start digging... https://www.abeldanger.org/kristine-marcy-nee-mcconnell/ Contact her brother Field or maybe David Hawkins.

15623275? ago

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15623187? ago

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15620757? ago

The woman are the handlers that supply children for these pedoshitbags. ??

15619176? ago

The wives are most likely to sell out their husbands to protect the children/assets. They would cut a deal easily.

15622486? ago

Biden's son gets no deal

15618294? ago

In the videos, all we can see are that the Bidens' envelope was on the floor. It looked to be closest to Mrs. Biden.

15622062? ago

And someone said it looked like biden said to his wife "it's for you" lip reading. I'll bet it "was" hers.

15618215? ago

Pence's wife got one too

15618231? ago

Yeah so wtf does this mean?

15618989? ago

Maybe Pence is deepstate, which is what many have thought in the past.

15617227? ago

Women running shit goes ALL the way back to Genesis. Eve was the original shot calling whore who slept with Satan and bore Cain. You didnt think it was about an apple did you? The FRUIT spoken of is a bad translation of the term SEED. The took the SERPENTS (the phallus) SEED.

Able was the son of ADAM. Which is why satan's son KILLED him. To attempt to prevent the birth of the future messiah that had HUMAN dna.

So who is the WHORE of BABYLON? A conglomerate of these wives in our age?

What was worshipped in ancient Babylon?

Who do these people worship NOW?

Is Satan REAL?


Is the THOUGHT of Satan real...

Where did the term satan come from?

What entity is prevalent on a TON of company logos?

What is the origin for the BLACK CUBE?

Who worships the BLACK CUBE?

What is a 2D representation of a cube?

What shape is at the north pole of Saturn?

Who places a HEX?

Who has ritual SEX? Origin of term SEX?

What nations bear the 'HORN'? aka the phallus called a Obelisk? Origin of term Horny?

The beast of Revelation has how many heads and how many horns?

How many continents are there?

I could go on and on. This is a DEEP rabbit hole.

15623652? ago

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lilith Let us not forget the talmud version of events. Lillith did nothing wrong. She just wanted to be on top.

15619871? ago

Witch Coven. Hillary was brought into one in NY after the election. It’s all about the witches. Think Beyoncé, Oprah, Abramovic, all the shrews speaking at the Women’s March (like Madonna), etc.

There is a REASON Trump keeps pointing out: “Witch Hunt”!

15618734? ago

Angels, even fallen angels, are pure spirits and have no ways or means of reproducing. To say that the devil had kids is non-sensical.

15617801? ago

  1. Satan means accuser.
  2. While the Hebrew word "peri" (fruit) can mean offspring, as in fruit of the womb, it is a very different word than seed "zerah".
  3. Your notion that the forbidden fruit is actually sex with Satan is fraught with difficulties. You'd also have to argue that the Hebrew word for "tree" can also mean "penis" of that this is intended as a metaphor. You can't just SAY it's intended as a metaphor, you need some evidence in the text. Nowhere does it say that Eve "knew" the serpent, for example.
  4. You'd also have to explain how the Hebrew word for "eat" as in "eat the fruit" has a sexual connotation, and that in this instance, it doesn't mean eat but something more like "take it into your womb".
  5. In addition, you'd ALSO have to explain why the command not to eat that fruit was given to Adam, who obviously can't give birth (sorry transgenders). How could he have taken Satan's "seed" into his "womb" if that's the REAL meaning of God's command not to eat the fruit? You COULD make a really weak argument that there MIGHT be this metaphorical meaning when it comes to Eve, but it STILL falls apart where Adam is concerned. That would mean that the command from God has two different meanings, one for Adam and one for Eve. But the FACT is that the command was only GIVEN to Adam, not to Eve. Adam had to teach it to her.
  6. So basically, even if you can argue, which I don't think you can, that the Hebrew word for fruit CAN mean "seed" somehow, you cannot make a good argument that it MUST be understood that way in Gen 3. It just doesn't work.
  7. If you are inclined to believe in your Gnostic, made-up theological ideas, by ALL means go right ahead. But do NOT delude yourself into thinking that the text of Scripture backs it up just because someone says that "offspring" is an alternate translation for the word fruit. The PRIMARY meaning is fruit, and offspring is a secondary meaning from the analogy of the fruit of the womb. That does NOT mean that if the word for seed can ALSO mean offspring, that therefore they are the same word. That's a fallacy. That's like saying that since males are humans and females are humans, therefore males are females.
  8. People do this kind of thing all the time though. They look up a Hebrew word in Strong's and suddenly they think they understand how to interpret the text. Words do not mean whichever possible definition we choose out of the dictionary. Meaning is governed by context, not the whims of people who are merely choosing whichever one is more interesting.
  9. The whore Babylon is in Rome to this day. We call him the Pope. Well, the entire Roman Catholic church government is the whore. Namely the CHURCH. God called Israel a whore as well. (See Hosea.) The people of God have always been whores.
  10. You are, however, spot on about the black cube and Saturn and the rest of it. Which is probably why you thought that the alternative interpretation of Genesis was right too.

15617114? ago

You could tell the shrew "W" is married to is used to giving the orders.

15617036? ago

Fuck me you're right. Didn't even consider it. Good eyes.

15616646? ago

I'm not a lip reader but I believe Joe Bidens wife says "Do you know what this is? and "Its you." Then they both look up with shocked looks. Did they have screens above for people in the back and was their reaction on the screens?

15616257? ago

He said it almost a year to the date.. last December 4th and 4 days before the funeral

15616245? ago


15615927? ago

I thought this same thing yesterday after seeing Michael get his envelope.

15619859? ago

Is he the wife, or Hussein?

15615416? ago

Trust Grassley

15615298? ago

Funny Video of the 4 wives: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KLSg1h0e-M

15618207? ago


15615276? ago

This is the most powerful list of Women/Wives in the world... Long article but your mind will be blown after seeing who's really wearing the pants!!!


15626537? ago

My mind is blown! I read/skimmed the whole thing. I need to research more about the blackmailed/compromised men. Are they all involved in the evil themselves or are some just in positions of power and influence and threatened with evidence that is false? Are some of them just duped by these well trained, very determined "women" ? Ugh I hate stating they share my gender. These people are sick! So much more ro know, but not sure I want to. I think I need a drink! Thank you for sharing nevertheless. Keep the a faith Patriot!

15626665? ago

I think it's similar to how shell corporations work... You setup and have friendlies on all the paperwork that you trust, god forbid something happens but basically they are just puppet people on the books that receive a couple bucks for sitting on the books.

But if the shell corporation is run by government bodies, they just have fake ID and paperwork created and control the entity 100% without having to pay a stooge to be on the books.

But then you also look into how many of these women are part of cult/witch covens, then it even gets more stranger.

But it also makes sense, if the men are part of illuminati cults the women would be part of something similar for the women like a witches coven... Which Hillary is part of one and was recently celebrated as their White Witch leader on Instagram i believe last year.

I put it all into the category of bloodlines... Old and new... Which is power and money and control beyond most peoples understandings of what true power is!!!

15627268? ago

Ya you can totally see the bloodlines in the women and then in the men you can see several generations being extorted like the Murdochs. These women seem to hate men and it's almost like the master plan is beyond just having your compromised guy in the White House or other high powered position. It's almost like the evil goal is the total breakdown of the traditional family unit. Sure these women are marrying and possibly having children, but it's all a big lie.

15618430? ago

That's a lot of "allegedly"s without any hard evidence.

15617196? ago

Wtf mind blown, this doc is a whole new level to this shit. I'm not even sure how to handle it...

15615454? ago

I have that PDF on my computer and every so often I search it when a hussy's name is spotlighted.

Mike Pence's wife is not on that list which of course does not mean anything. Remember, the Pence's also got a gift at the funeral.

15615266? ago


15615202? ago


15615520? ago

Awwww... liddle faggot is scared.

15615544? ago

my name is Tim Ritter from Kalispell, Montana. whats yours?

15623137? ago

I'm your worst nightmare - I'm one of your neighbors. Guess.

15623804? ago

Hey! You aren't the old curmudgeon I met at the intersection a while back, are you? I heard that guy was a real son of a bitch.

15623246? ago

Didn't know I had a neighbor that was a traitor to the american people. All my neighbors are good, hard working folks and I love them. Come on over and have a cup of coffee. We'll discuss the terms of your surrender.

15623274? ago

And for the record, I don't have many nightmares. Certainly not ones involving bogeymen. Ohhhh......I'll bet you're one of my pizza partying neighbors.

15623283? ago

Coward. I have zero fear of you.

15616758? ago

There is no Tom Ritter in Kalispell. Fake "bravery", asshole er I mean liddle faggot.

15619121? ago

Tim. And I beg to differ.

15623928? ago

Who is running your shop in WA while you are back in Montana? Or did you step away to deal with your court problems?

15624004? ago

Oh my! See.....that's the thing about having a big mouth. You've got to make sure all your ducks are in a row. And you're way off base anyhow. Nice intimidation attempt, though!

15624013? ago

Haha, you're such a coward.

15624037? ago

It was a very expensive process getting myself out of the fuck barrel. Took me twenty years. Want to hear about it?

15615186? ago

The elections are safe.

15615183? ago

Trust sessions

15631255? ago

Just wait till Sessions is reinstated as AG and they all realize they have been had.

15618654? ago

Hey you have the WRONG James Baker in your meme. That is the James Baker who worked with GHWB in the White House. You want the other James A. Baker with the beard.

15618155? ago

Lol awesome meme! Thanks for that..:)

15615181? ago

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15615180? ago

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15615179? ago

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