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15613082? ago

Watching the video of these envelope events, I thought I saw, V.P. Pence's wife opening her Bush Circus package and an envelope was in hers also. Did anyone else see this or was I mistaken? This, more than all the rest, puzzled me.

15613528? ago

Yeah Pence's wife had one in her book too. And isn't that something? All the wives got them, not the men. Pence's wife, Cheney's, Hillary, Laura Bush & now Michelle. I heard someone somewhere mention the thought that these wives are the handlers.

There's gotta be something to this that we're not picking up on. Why the wives? Wasn't there a Q post that said something like follow the wives..?

15613611? ago

Thanks for that info. This really has me stumped. I will check up on the Q post you mentioned. Is Pence in the swamp?

15615175? ago

I just looked some up and did a quick yt Video. No time t continue digging but please link me to anything you find..;)