15280605? ago

15271601? ago

Whats gets me is how they are trying to normalise some of this filthy pedovore behaviour in TV shows. Just watched S4E02 of Superstore and they are taking photos of Glenns surrogate mother, his manager - In one him and his wife are dressed as chefs with knives .. while surrounding the surrogate .. and they joke about how wrong is this - looks like they waiting for the baby to come out to eat the baby.

Blatant shout out to the satanic ways of these sick fucks. Trying to normalise their EVILNESS. Cannot wait till every last one of them, and their supporters is safely locked away in GITMO.

15264054? ago

MSM has been pumping out fake news for decades. It didn't just suddenly start being fake when pizzagate broke.

15264126? ago

Do you understand what you're looking at? It's comparing 2 search terms in Google. They both started up the same day. The terms "pizzagate" and "fake news" suddenly became search terms on the same fucking day. The only why that is possible is if it's a pysop.

15264326? ago

I don't disagree with your assertion, just pointing out that the MSM narrative has been controlled by the deep state for a long time. At least since the 40s. In order for Trump to red pill the masses and usher in the returned Christ, he has to get control of the media. The only way to do that is using the EO that Obama signed into law and declaring martial law.

15264370? ago

The sooner the better.

15261810? ago

Obama himself uttered those words. Do you all remember the NIGHT that the emails were dropped? Around 10-12p.m. EST? Twitter was suddenly DDOS'ed into oblivion to try and stop the spread of the emails. It was too little, too late. I would love to know where that attack originated from.

15262498? ago

DDoS is probably not an effective way to hide info, because it just makes people ask about the reason for the DDoS

15262793? ago

Yeah, WE ask questions. The idiots just wait for the news to tell them what happened

15261344? ago

Pizzagate had zero evidence. There is no deep state child trafficking ring. Your hearts are in the right place, but you've been consuming debunked conspiracy theory and you're playing a 4chan LARP.

15268945? ago

You are reading too much into the discussion here. QRV is entertainment, nobody cares what you think. That's the whole point.

We follow Q and make up our own minds.

Please spend all your time trying to change our minds.

15264166? ago

gtfo cocksucker

15263718? ago

Enjoy your downvotes for being wrong.

15262865? ago

Hey there Skippy.

15262450? ago

Did you read the emails, faggot?

15262085? ago

Collect .50

15262021? ago

Before Pizzagate

"We store tomato sauce in our basement."

After Pizzagate


That's not weird.

There's plenty more...check out the comments in this deleted thread - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1467064

15261848? ago

Pizzagate was crawling with circumstantial evidence. Grand juries are convened on circumstantial evidence all the time. Ask Mueller.

Btw, if there wasn't anything going on with those weirdos at Comet, the weirdos went out of their way to make it look like there was.

15261843? ago

No. There was books of evidence out in the public. Read Podesta's emails or stay a sheep.

15261287? ago

exactly. The term "fake news" just popped up, when Pizzagate was in full swing.

And! Something else was funny: Google tried to turn attention to an old football story - also called "Pizzagate".

Here are some links:



Also known as "Battle of the buffet".


15262470? ago

15261368? ago

I also remember a clip of Trump from way back where he was eating a pizza with, wait for it, A FORK!! [[gasp!!]] And that was being referred to as 'pizza gate'.

15261113? ago

The problem I've found is that there's nothing "official" to "decode" things like pasta, dominos, walnut sauce, hot dogs, or even pizza. It kinda looks like someone just made something up that was plausible, and everyone just ran with it.

15269571? ago

Not how it went down. Some anon on 4 chan dropped a pic with translations of the ‘code words’. That was not the ‘official’ anything. But then anons found links to Comet Ping Pong [pizza place server hosting pay for download content], James Alefantis [instagram; many red flags only a fool would ignore] that corroborated the pedo connection to Podesta. Then the logos were noted to match FBI sourced logos associated with pedo networks, and that was official. Then the next door Besta pizza shop was noted to have matching logos (and they changed it within days of the information coming out on the boards).

15262860? ago

Because it's the only thing that makes sense. And then the OPs pic.

Everything we are doing here, the political corruption, the foundations, is because of the pedophilia and human trafficking. Don't be dense

15263942? ago

There's a world of evil illegal shit that isn't "pedophilia"

15264026? ago

Yeah there is, and they all keep their mouth shut about it because there is dirt on them connecting them to pedophilia

15262541? ago

i was lurking in 4chan long ago. i didn't really understand the culture, but i kept hearing other people complain about all the "feds" and "CP" there. while i didn't see any "CP" myself, there were enough references to it that eventually i learned what tf they were talking about. it was disgusting, and i couldn't get tf out of there soon enough. so when the podesta emails were leaked, i didn't need someone to interpret them for me, because i already knew.

stop pretending human trafficking isn't a problem

15263975? ago

Shut the fuck up boomer.

I didn't say human trafficing isn't s problem. I asked where the"cipher" came from.

15261853? ago

FBI pedo terminology isn't official enough for you eh?

15261907? ago

So, do you have a link for that? Because I've heard assertions, but nothing with all those phrases on it.

15262556? ago

the internet... how does it work?


15263923? ago

I know what the symbols are fuckstick. None of those match what that 4ch post says about walnut sauce and the like.

I guess you're just another fucko spouting shit as if it's "fact."

15261181? ago

Have you seen John Podesta's artwork? He wasn't talking about food.

15260721? ago


spread far and wide. no on will understand Q until they understand this

15280236? ago

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15263822? ago

Haven't seen that in a while. Saved.

15262959? ago


15260524? ago

I think this is a huge red pill. If you like this one, how about another? Christine Blasey Ford waited 36 years and change to come forward with her allegations in public to be the day after President Trump had decreed that the for fisa applications and text messages be released without redaction. Just another coincidence, nothing to see here.

15260509? ago

So can you still order a young child at Comet Pizza or did they quit doing that?

15262483? ago

call em up, ask if they still do "Haitian Special" pizza, or if you have to go up the block to the Haiti charity to get your kid fix

15259889? ago

I love how President Trump redefined Fake News to mean CNN, MSNBC etc.

The Comet Pizza false flag shooting wasn't very impressive - they were fairly sloppy. But the power of the media to support the story was very effective.

15269341? ago

The "shooter" was an actual actor if my memory serves. Hell, just listen to the Alefantis Megan Kelly interview. It is like we are in the Twilight Zone. She babied him and treated him like a victim from start to finish, repeating the refrain, "this is fake. FAKE" over and over. It's all a panicked coverup.

15262424? ago

it appeared to be effective, from their perspective

but those of us who watched it with a critical eye smiley became more disillusioned with the media, and lowered our bar for calling bullshit on fake news

15259939? ago

Don't forget the lightning fast "debunk" that the NY Times did right after Pizzagate story started breaking. They waved it off as a crazy right-wing conspiracy and people immediately shut down and stopped believing it.

15262454? ago

they are getting so desperate, it would be comedy if it wasn't a tragedy



15258845? ago

Damage control

15258731? ago

Damage control. If you're dumb enough to watch CNN you're dumb enough to believe the fake news psyop lie.

15258760? ago

It was totally cover for "pizzagate" which was taking off like wildfire. The CIA got ahead of it and shut it down.

15261032? ago

What happened to the fuxker that pulled off the stunt?

15261145? ago

Good question. He probably still works at the CIA.