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15280642? ago

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15156292? ago

Guns made America ~~safer~~ - The evidence is there to prove it

15155842? ago

Did you know whites in America have nearly identical violent crime rates as whites in "gun ban" countries. It's only when you count the shitskins our statistics go to 3rd world.

15155257? ago

"Defensive gun uses by victims are far more common than offensive uses by criminals" ... that's not even remotely true.

Your gun laws are why 100K people within the US borders are killed and maimed each year. Better than any war that could be waged against you, you just kill yourselves.

15153478? ago

While guns do make America safer. Even IF they didn't, that wouldn't be any reason to take away our right.

15155318? ago

I guess it depends on how many more innocent school children you wish to sacrifice to the God that is your 2A.

Because that's what Americans willingly do every year, sacrifice their children to the altar of the gun.

15149604? ago

I was just in rhe woods with 300,000 armed people. Giess what nobody was shot. Why you might ask. Because liberals don't hunt.

15148993? ago

Great compilation! Thanks!

15148526? ago

It's funny, I've been a pro gun guy for a LONG time... but nowadays I can't help but notice... cross some of this data over with racial data as well. Which places have high gun ownership, no cc permits, etc...? Places that are overwhelmingly white, and have little to no blacks. Who commits most the murders and violent crimes? Blacks.

I still agree with the right to own firearms... But are they really making the difference? Or is it mostly just demographics?

15148035? ago

Fucking saved. Nice job fren

15147940? ago

Great Post!! I just wish that it was required reading for ALL Americans so they could see those stats and proof.

15147882? ago

You get mines bullets first,I open carry often to make a point The rest of the time I HOPE to be the point*- I have no problem smoking the Trevon's on this planet. Antifa is one big Trevon . . . . .You have to go sometime so might as well make it hurt on the way out

15147690? ago

So does a lack of niggers. We have a right to guns. We aren't required to have niggers.

15147147? ago

Great write up. Thanks for the excellent reference resource, Anon.

15146672? ago

15146508? ago

But we have nukes pleb!

15145630? ago

DEMOCRATS ARE RACIST. Proof lies in Shitcago where almost all the gun crime is black on black drug gang violence and DEMS DO NOTHING.

15145590? ago

good information. deep state and socialist libiots hate facts.

A stunning fact is take out the top 5 urban areas(all liberal governed, liberal dominated, with major gun restrictions) and US is something like 194th of all countries in gun crime.

15155297? ago

The US is around 30th in gun deaths in the world. 194th would mean the US has the fewest gun deaths on the planet, because there are only 195 countries. You people are complete morons here.

15145428? ago

Great Info, TY!

15145286? ago

Everyone outside of government schools knows this. Don't believe their pretenses. They are just looking to disarm their adversary.

15144868? ago

Rich soft faggots like Bloomberg just need to die already. He never worked a hard day in his life.

15144593? ago

The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subjected people to carry arms; history shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subjected people to carry arms have prepared their own fall." (Adolf Hitler)

15145515? ago

We aren't "subjects" we are Citizens and there's NO WAY IN HELL THAT ANYONE IS TAKING OUR GUNS so STFU! There's a reason why America is Still Free and We're Staying That Way!

15144877? ago

Are you suggesting that Adolf actively supressed his own population and their ability to bear arms?

You really ought to look up gun laws in nazi germany.

Seriously, what the fuck is it with Americans and making statements that are so laughably demonstrably untrue, and could be demonstrated as such within literally seconds of checking, and yet they all gleefully make them, time after time?

Brainwashing and propaganda is a real bitch

15145632? ago

Americans? Yeah, No - If that was posted by an America, They Aren't American! They're either disinformation trolls or they're the brainwashed California/Oregan/NY Liberal Snowflakes. Real Americans actually believe in the Truth and went to Real Schools, not "Common Core" (brain washing/False History Narrative - Communists in the making. Real Americans teach their kids the Real World (most of us)!

15146008? ago

I appreciate the thought, and there are a few (few) Americans who do so, but honestly they're few and far between. The average American (your "real" Americans included) is subject to significant and extreme propaganda from birth, and through their schools, common core or otherwise.

The number of "real" Americans I know who regard WW2 as "and then America did all the work and saved the day", American history as "American exceptionalism is the whole reason we're great, why doesn't your country have an army the size our fucking continent sized country does", International affairs as "Why aren't you pleased we occupied your country and then bitched you didn't pay enough for the privelige", International demographics as "wow lol Europe is so fucking from the muslim invasion it's all over enjoy the rape (speaking to countries with, on average, 3-5% muslim populations, as America is 55% white, and falling rapidly, and suffering incessant crime and rape waves from their 15% black population), etc, etc, etc.

You're not bad people - I get on well with many Americans. But you are genuinely quite brainwashed, and biased to truly hilarious degrees (think the average Chinese citizen). The founding fathers were A+ god tier guides for how to build and maintain a nation - which rights were essential, which were not to be desired, and I definitely think many non-Americans should learn that lesson. On the other hand, modern America is not the same country they built, or envisaged.

15151961? ago

Can't read it all right now - but I think you'd be surprised how many of us know when they're trying to brainwash us and are better than that. The Idiot Liberals are just much Louder than we are, lol! I'll read the whole thing tomorrow (had surgery, foggy medication brain). TY and I'll reply tomorrow. G'nite!

15145046? ago


15146079? ago



tl;dr - hitler liberalised gun laws relative to the harsh gun laws that were in effect as a result of the versaille treaty up to and including weimar germany, with the exception of restricting jewish ability to bear arms (and inb4 you say : "exactly my point", the restriction of a small subsection of the population is not the issue at hand, unless you wish you claim americans restricting gun ownership of felons represents the same restriction of the population as a whole).

15147708? ago

Ok so according to this he only took the guns away from the population he wanted to exterminate. Nice guy.

15147818? ago

from the subset of the population who had been carrying out crimes against the german people, and who he wanted to detain and report. Mutts and their shitty education yet again.

Note that in America you're all getting giddy about the parading of Americans, and them being sequestered into gitmo, prisons, and potentially fema concentration camps. Or are you going to pretend the deepstate criminals aren't Americans? Cute.

Please, for the love of God, open a fucking book once in a while. Since you seem poorly versed in the accurate use of language, maybe start with a dictionary?

15166704? ago

The entire subset did not commit crimes against the Germans. Trying individuals who are indicted in legal proceedings, and sentencing them to jail or even the death penalty if appropriate is not equivalent to shoving an entire ethnic group into a squalid neighborhood and rationing them less than 200 calories per day. Then later shoving that entire population into trains to camps where everybody was systematically exterminated. That was pure ethnic cleansing, not administering justice to criminals. Their children did not commit any crimes even if some adults did.

15171829? ago

1918 revolution, judean blockade of weimar germany, jewish media triggering the rise of weimar germany, the bolshevik revolution, jewish influence in the versaille treaty and finally the fact that the second they gained independence the two major pets of international jewry (us + uk) forced them into submission.

The jewish crimes against germany were insanely frequent and severe.

Are you even aware that the US ALSO used internment camps for the japanese? did the entire subset commit crimes there? the us had barely 1/10th, if that of the justification the germans used.

do you think that maybe ratinioning their calories was to be expected if they were losing the war, and had supply lines bombed, and they were heavily rationing even their own civilians?

why would it be "pure ethnic cleansing" if hitler had a fucking plan to relocate them to madagascar. Do you think he was planning to deport a load of emanciated corpses?

The Nazis were a special kind of evil.

you're a special kind of uneducated.

15195876? ago

So we have done similar type things to other countries. Should they try to exterminate us? It's statecraft. Politics. Sure I know about the Japanese internment camps. If you will notice though, their primary purpose was not extermination. It was: "We don't trust you, so we need to keep you all bunched up where we can keep an eye on you." Even so, the Internment camp program was wrong. Especially when you consider that there were no internment camps for those of German or Italian descent and we were also at war with them, except for POW's, and we treated them so well, that after the war, some stayed in the country.

Why didn't the Jews commit such crimes against us?

You could say that the extreme calorie ration was due to war shortages, except that while the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto were getting less than 200, the Poles were rationed over 600, and the Germans were rationed over 2,000. I take this data from "The Zookeeper's Wife", the account of the use of the Warsaw Zoo as part of the Underground.

Nobody found any Jews relocated anywhere. They found emaciated corpses and emaciated almost dead people in camps. All of this is not from reports of a few Government officials. These are reports of millions of local residents and Allied soldiers. The sheer quantity of people giving accounts of the Holocaust speaks to its truth.

I think I have shown myself to be educated in these statements. However, regardless of my education, which is considerable, both degreed and self taught, it doesn't change the fact that the Nazis were a special kind of evil. THere are other evils in the world also, but the Nazis certainly were one of the worst for their certainty that they were engineering a better world by picking and choosing who and what would make it better, as if they had some kind of special knowledge of the subject, and then disposing of the rest, humans, animals, and certain plant species, like so much garbage.

15196605? ago

Exterminate? No. Remove from their countries? Abso-fucking-lutely.

You say that the purpose of the Japanese internment camps was not extermination - as I stated, this was not the purpose of the German internment camps either. Had the US lost the war, had the US supply lines been bombed, do you think the death toll from starvation in those camps might have been quite high? Why would hitler make plans to relocate the Jews to madagascar if his real end goal was extermination? You are comparing historical reality w/ regards to US (albeit with a biased spin) to literal propaganda (jewish propaganda at that) against the nazis. What's next, you'll complain about the evil nazi masturbation death machines and death rollercoasters? (aka "true statements" made by jews post war, later proved to be fictional)

Why didn't the Jews commit such crimes against us?

They literally are. In terms of specifcs, it has to do with their perception the Germans are the amaleks (presumed to be the germans) are the key enemy of the jewish people, so they targetted them first. But make no mistake, the modern west, under heavy jewish influence, is exactly what they did to germany. Debt schemes, transgenderism, media manipulation, degeneracy.

They are literally in the process of commiting these crimes against you.

You could say that the extreme calorie ration was due to war shortages, except that while the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto were getting less than 200, the Poles were rationed over 600, and the Germans were rationed over 2,000.

So the Jews got the least, the poles got slightly more, and the tiny percentage of german staff got a somewhat implausible amount? Sounds partially correct, partially like the typical jewish lies of the era. i don't doubt the german staff got more rations than the prisoners. When they're a small proportion of the numbers, that's both easy and natural. I also simply do not trust most journals from the era, which creates a slight problem. There have been too many lies made post war that have been demonstrated to be lies, ergo I cannot trust primary literature from the era, especially that of jewish heroes.

The sheer quantity of people giving accounts of the Holocaust speaks to its truth.

and the sheer number of fictional accounts of how it was carried out, purported to be absolute truth, until it was proved they weren't? The massively decreasing number of dead in different camps? (at one point, auschwitz was claimed to have killed 4,000,000, alone). The fact that while the number of death at many camps decreases, the total magical 6,000,000 jewish propehcy number remains unchanged? The fact that all "death camps" were those investigated and controlled by Soviet (aka communist, aka jewish) forces post war, and none were under US control?

I simply don't buy it.

Nor do I buy the fact that from the outbreak of the war to its conclusion the nazis killed, roughly speaking, 1 Jew PER MINUTE. for literally the ENTIRE duration of the war, every damn minute. The numbers don't add up. The "death camps" don't demonstrate the suggested level of ash.

I think I have shown myself to be educated in these statements. However, regardless of my education, which is considerable, both degreed and self taught, it doesn't change the fact that the Nazis were a special kind of evil

You've demonstrated a solid knowledge of the common knowledge of the topic, I will grant you that. However, your view is little different than that of what the (((MSM))) pushes. Surely you acknowledge they're a bunch of lying cunts, yes? Why then could you provide a outstanding video comment on the new edition of schindlers list? Are you going to pretend the claims of methods of execution which simply were not true do not exist? Why do you never mention them?


You claim the nazis were "a special kind of evil", and yet you fail to mention the crimes of communism (which are inarguably FAR larger). Which is it? Is communism yet more evil? Or do you just regard the (purported) murder of the chosen people as far, far worse than the murder of Christians?

You speak as if the nazis were the only ones to practise eugenics. Have you so quickly forgotten your own history? You guys predated germany in your practise of eugenics


You speak as if you understand the topic, and yet all you do is reiterate the "nazis were so evil" line.

You want to demonstrate knowledge, go ahead.

Show you're aware of Jewish lies on the topic

Show you're aware of the weirdness of the consistency of the 6,000,000 Jewish dead, and why that number predates WW2, and the significance of it for Jews

Show you're aware of the actual history of eugenics

Show you're aware of communism, it's history, and the comparative magnitude of its deaths in comparisons to the nazis.

You have decent knowledge of what you've been told on the topic. That is not the same as having decent knowledge of the actual topic.

15144381? ago

We need to fix the root of the problem--- mental health!!!

15159389? ago

You mean niggers and spics?

15145615? ago

i'd say mental health involved in mass shootings and suicides, but the vast majority of gun crime is drug gangs killin each other and innocent bystanders. It'd be a good to see that data split.

15147105? ago

do we really need to pursue suicide as if it were a crime? How about some plain old fashioned compassion? Taking away the easy ways of being certain of success isn't going to make them not kill themselves, its just going to force them to choose messier ways of leaving.

Convince them not to leave. Say hello when you walk past them. Don't call the cops on them that's the opposite of compassion and understanding.

Sorry. Tangent, and one that bothers me. Inb4 "its okay ... to kill yourself." meme.

15147286? ago

The grabbers include suicide in their stats because it grossly inflates the numbers.

15148069? ago

Exactly, and if there is a suicide on school griunds, its a school shooting, no joke

15148420? ago

It's worse in Canada. Kid twisted his ankle playing airsoft? That's a child injured by gun violence