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15280697? ago

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15280645? ago

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15067951? ago

I have a question. I know it's weird to ask here, but hoping you can answer. My wife was mailed a package to an address her mom lived at years ago. It came USPS priority mail. Return label show name of man we do no recollect ever knowing. I tracked him down to Edinberg, Va which is roughly 80 miles from D.C. I found his phone number and called, spoke to his wife, he was to arrive home at approximatly 8:00 PM.

I ask him to call me and confirm that the package was shipped to the correct address. He never called back. I am very suspicious of the package. I thinking i'm being very stupid to suspect that a harmful package would be send with a tracking number, but I can't shake this feeling. Is that you opinion also, that a harmful package would not be send in an easily traceable fashion, and my suspicions are unwarranted. BTW the package is approximately 10 x 10 x 12

15048212? ago

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15028506? ago

Yes, sticky. Thing logically. Good job OP. Thanks for keeping us going.

15028647? ago

People are shilling HARD right now, it's absurd.

Like I said at the end of my post: When do you receive the most flack? When you are over the target. They really, really want to slow down this movement, so they are hitting hard.

15027646? ago

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15019735? ago

Q is telling us that the entire midterm elections was one big sting operation.

Oh I hope so.

15194333? ago

The more you look at it, the more this is exactly what it looks like.

That he gave them enough rope to hang themselves with the EO he signed in September.

15018568? ago

excellent work

15011330? ago

Very helpful, thanks a lot!

15011227? ago

The thing that concerns me is that there are real patriots expressing real concerns. But when they do, they are labeled and ostracized as a shill or concern troll. The same way the left labels someone who disagrees with them a racist. I thought we were supposed to be the ones who embraced free speech. We really need to help each other and stay united. Encourage your weaker brother because where we go one, we go all.

15011271? ago

I think some of those peiople screaming shill and concern troll at some people, are shills, too. It's a big effort to attack this movement from all sides. Which is why I beleive you should either try to reassure people, or don't talk to them at all. Because attacking them in any way, only makes the problem worse.

15006548? ago

Excellent post! Thanks!


15005337? ago


15004771? ago

There is a lot of news or fake news about indictments possibly today. Could the decimal point in the original Podesta indictment drop been a placeholder? We assumed that it was a date, but are decimals ever used by Q as a placeholder.

This may be a huge reach but what if Mueller came out and Podesta bro's were indicted today? They shutdown right away when Manafort was indicted and Q has referred back to that a few times. Why did the Podesta Group shut down?

Just a thought, could 11.3 have meant 11/13 and Huma indictment 11/16 on Friday?

15003950? ago

So helpful - thank you for taking time away from 8chan to help us! God Bless!

15003767? ago

Now we now - "53-47" posted on the 2nd of October didn't mean Kavanaugh confirmation, Q was giving us Midterm Senate seats numbers - that's real 5D chess!

15003409? ago

Think about it this way. What if there was an ongoing investigation into election fraud, which I believe there was. In 2016 the white hats stoped the DS from stealing the election electronically at the machines. This forced the DEMS to change their plan in 2018 to producing fack ballots, as we seem to be seeing in FL. What if this was a nation wide plan, and what if it involved foreign Gov participants. As FISA'S "go both ways" this would allow the whole scheme to be legally documented and can now be exposed.

The DEMS had to keep it close to maintain the narrative of the fake polls. Do you really think that half the country is that stupid to vote for the resist platform? The results for the REP should have been much better then 2016.

People are waking up. Take the recent provincial election in Ontario, Canada. A Trump like businessmen decimated the Liberals. The Liberals (Canada's DEMS) went from a majority of seats to non party status, only 7 seats! I believe that these are the results we would have seen here if the DEMS hadn't cheated.

Trust the plan my friends, this was a coordinated conspiracy to steal the election on a national scale. It will not go unpunished!!

15002491? ago

great post and a good overview of events. As a patriot I'm excited to see this SHOW with it's twists and turns. The acting has been top notch. The plan is proving to be a well thought out massive operation and should make for an awesome mini series...called WWG1WGA

15002282? ago

I trust the plan only because I trust Trump. Time and time again he has proven himself 10 steps ahead of the swamp. That being said, we must pray for the President.

15001759? ago

Thank God for Trump, Q, Military, Anons and Patriots across our great country who support all the mentioned! Screw all the trolls!

15001289? ago

sleepy sessions will lead the way to sealed indictments!

The elections are secure!



15001102? ago

AhHa, I knew it. Ol' Bobby Mueller has the Treason gun being held to his head. "You play nice and be a good actor Bobby or you gets the Rope." It's there right in front of our eyes.

15001284? ago

Mhmm. Makes for a wonderful stealth bomber, doesn't he? He went completely under the radar, collected evidence to "protect" bad actors and roadblock Trump.Too bad that protection is about to turn the gun on them. Oh, and the declas is still coming, too. Mueller has nothing to do with the declas. His investigation is a bonus MOAB. lol

You know why "DEC[L]AS" in the 11.11 drop was originally missing the [L] for the first few minutes? It's because the Deep State took it.

They took the [L] hard.

15000759? ago

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15000563? ago

I hope so, I am, sick of the assholes always getting back in the game. Time to attack! Panzers March!

15000241? ago

Whitaker is Q IMO

15000111? ago

Fantastic post. We need more like this. Clear, detailed and comprehensive. Great stuff!

14999960? ago

Nov 12 SOMETHING BIG IS ABOUT TO DROP. - Waiting to see

Aug 2 SOMETHING BIG IS ABOUT TO DROP. - What was the big drop?

Jul 29th SOMETHING BIG IS ABOUT TO DROP. - Was it 1757

14999652? ago

Thank you, Anon. It's helpful to have one of you visit from 8ch for those who are not adept with 8ch yet.

14998573? ago

Best post I’ve read in a while. Thank you OP!

14998286? ago

Awesome! I'm making my yt video with this to spread your excellent decode far and wide. Well, not too far given the way yt shadow bans me but...Is there somewhere where I csn follow you clockfags? I made a couple videos about the Q clock but I never actually see much of your guys' work.

14998499? ago

On the Qresearch board on 8chan there is a clockfag bread. You'll have to dig through some the breads to find it, though. But it's there.

Also, reply with a link to the video when ya do it, I'd love to see it. XD

15623251? ago

Hey, do you know if any of you chans have done anything re: "the wives"? https://voat.co/v/QRV/2917543

I am lost on 8chan and don't know how to find things in that mountain of info...lol

15011154? ago

Ok this "proves" yt shenanigans. I went through all my comments and yours is totally gone for me. Yet, you can see it on your end?

I remember clicking on it from within yt studio right. There's a little reply link that takes to directly to a comment with the reply box open so that I can reply. When I did that on yours, the reply box opened but your comment was not above (as is usually the case).

I then switched back to yt studio window where there it was. Your comment right there directly after a comment by a sub named bighair. But when I tried to reply bam! Gone. It completely disappeared and I just searched through them all. Even found the bighair comment but you not there.

I'd love it if you could take a screenshot of it on your end. Totally PROVES the yt BULLSHIT! Why would they keep your comment from me?

15005174? ago

I briefly saw a comment from you..? on my yt channel but it disappeared. The video I did on your post is kind of going viral a bit....:D We'll see how viral soon. I know yt messes w/my numbers so who really knows. I do know way more ppl than yt reports.

My 1st channel got 12,000 subs within 4 months. I was climbing like crazy and then yt shut me down. Opened new channel posting same videos that got me TONS of views before (had 160,000 on the kimdotcom one alone) but can't even get past a few thousand now. And having horrible time even getting to 1,000 subs after 6/7 months!

The numbers in my realtime anaylitics never match the views shown on my channel. So ignore the yt FAKE numbers. I'd say people are LOVING your decode. If you ever want me to make a video on future ones you come up with or other anons want spread out there please link me k? I love your work! You guys are saving this freegin world! Is that crazy or what?...lol

15008729? ago

Really? I didn't delete it. It's still there for me. lol

Then again, I'm not surprised. I get shadow banned all the time over there. I think my channel is flagged by something. And yes. Youtube is actively suppressing all things Q, it is only the bigger channels that have been around before the mass censorship began that don't feel it as bad. Smaller channels are hit pretty hard though. You'll notice Qanon is currently the second most attacked thing after Trump now, as pointed out by Q.

I'm glad my post was able to help set the record straight for some people who were starting to needlessly panic. lol

15008975? ago

So you have a yt channel? How do I find it?

I just uploaded another great anon post reading. It freegin ties perfectly in with yours...lol Sort of like part 2 https://youtu.be/nEL8tEcyo5w

15010631? ago

Yep. This is exactly what I was talking about. This was a sting. I just didn't want to make my post too long, so glad another Anon came and filled in the rest.

There was a red wave, and boy did the dems have to cheat hard to beat it. Any dem who cheated is totally screwed. Becaosue they didn't just cheat a little, they cheated a lot. So you had better have some popcorn ready for that report, because things are going to get really good when that thing drops.

"FISA BRINGS DOWN THE HOUSE" Q is not what you think it means, because it has a triple meaning. First: It brings down the White House (Obama) Second: the current House of Represenatives. The FISAs used to observe the midterms is going to not take down a lot of people in our congress, however.

Third: It's going to openly expose bad actors (black hats) in foreign nations. (Five Eyes) They are not only going to have some explaining to do to the US, but their own citizens and government as to why they were fucking with the USA, their most powerful ally, midterm elections. This will likely cause a chain reaction investigation into them by white hats in their government. (That or provide an excuse for investigations they have already done/are doing.) The ripple effect of all this is going to be global.

FISA really does bring down the house. The cabals house of cards. http://nerdforce.co/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/house-of-cards.jpg

15113247? ago

Check this out. The Q post she's reading talks about net going down, hammer, and then "on the clock". You don't happen to be aware of any clockfag work re:this do you? I'm still working on searching 8chan but I freegin am so lost on there...lol


15011367? ago

Nice. Yeah you shouldn't worry about the size of your posts man. Just put it out there. Or do a part 1, part 2 thing.

Have you seen any info re: those House rules he talked about re: seating members? I'm going to try to search but not enough time in the day...sigh

If you come across any more posts along this line of thinking (or do one yourself) please link me k? This reminds me of the Operation Kavanaugh video I did using this image from fb https://m.facebook.com/groups/229259757779830?view=permalink&id=259205938118545

I've been watching it go down. Since this Trump has been making recess appts of circuit judges. I think as of a week ago he got 29 through. The video read I did on it https://youtu.be/2hDBN9lA6w8

15000746? ago

Cool. Here it is https://voat.co/v/QRV/2849821 My explaination of the Qclock video is one of the most popular https://youtu.be/COki--ppAtc

14998110? ago

Excellent post and explanation!

14997493? ago

This is good analysis... hopefully its true.

My big problem is why did 11/11 come and go without anything happening? I know for me it was a huge blow.

14998387? ago

Oh but something did happen. Something big.

Q has switched gears. We are now in the next phase of the plan. Q has deleted their "Patriots fight" bread on their private board entirely. This is the bread they have been using for Important drops for the past year.

It has been replaced with a "Justice" bread with some pretty big place holders for categorizing things. The implications of this are huge.

14997453? ago

We are the ones who control the government, not the other way around. I love how many people that Q is bringing into the fold. More and more patriots awaken each day to start asking the relevant questions that unseat corrupt foreign governments. We are the ones bringing light to the darkness. And the way we grow stronger is with love, not fear. I used to be afraid of everything. My money, my family, my future. Now, I have Q. I have this community. I read a thread from a veteran the other day that brought tears to my eyes. My struggles with OCD are nothing compared to theirs. We all walk long roads. And we all desire to leave the world a better place than when we entered it. And Q literally handed us a road map. God Bless Everyone. God Bless the Patriots. God Bless President Trump. And God Bless Q. Thank you.

14998405? ago

Once we pull out the weeds and stricter voter ID laws, we'll have a lot more control once again.

14998593? ago

Damn straight.

14997422? ago

Hazzaa to the Giver! Let logic prevail. Thank you, Patriot! WWG1WGA

14996996? ago

All the same, those who I had turned on to the "Q" phenomenon are now telling me that they believe "HRC" will never be indicted - They think the announcement of her potential 2020 run is proof that she is in the clear - The hammer must drop now.

15041641? ago

If they use the term "Q Phenomenon" they've probably been listening to Corsi!!! He dreamed up that term!!!

14997208? ago

Remember January 1, 2019 Military Tribunals are coming we need them to put the traders away for a long long time.

14996739? ago

AWESOME POST MAN. This does make sense.

14996694? ago

concerned, not a troll. I bring up simple issue, Trump's handlers/advisors who are giving/running chit ; SUCK. Either are DS, establishment or out right azzholes slow walking PT agenda. One simple point, ANTIFA.

A case should have already been up on them and yet they continue. Jan, 24, 2017. open an investigation. Insert under covers, setup ICs, infiltrate with X military and UC college agents. Just a SOP conintelPro ops. 12 mths usually for good intel and upward movement. Then get them on record, Av and begin to squeeze. Puts us in july 2018. Then flip mid level and some uppers for the puppet masters and money. week after election, hammer time. Raids for all records, hit the money spots, arrests, serve GJ summons, freeze money with an All hands on deck ops for just one group. It would send message, would show Rule of Law. So if they have an ops on Antifa it will come out by end of NOV, middle of DEC. If TRUMP/Q are going after anyone, if not then JMO< forget it. You can't get everyone at once, and if they go with Military martial law, that is nutzs and would be bad for all of us. Because once you go down that road, anyone else after Trump can TOO.. jmo.

14996620? ago

“Lastly, you know all these shills and concernfags that have infested the board since the midterms? When do you receive the most flack?

You know why you are taking flak? "Midterms are safe” March 2018 Q post Homeland Security memo on election fraud soon? How would you define soon? No arrests except our guys like General Flynn.

Arizona is gone for 6 years to the Democrats. House gone for 2 years and endless investigations of the president and pretty soon Florida maybe gone to Democrats in the statehouse and senate. Do you know how bad it will get to overturn an election result? It would have been a better play to actually make the election safe. Democrats been pulling this crap for 150 years and still no one has had the balls to make it stop. The play will be next time boys.

Same chicken crap you have been fed by the GOP for decades and they called it chicken salad and you ate it up. When are you going to hold them accountable instead of making excuses or dreaming. Half the country already does not vote because they think it’s a useless effort or just don’t care.

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14996485? ago

Corsi is going down, Stone next, is this part of the Plan?

14996193? ago

Yeah but if nothing happens I'm going to be so pissed.

14996082? ago

WWG1WGA <-- and I'm sure glad you're part of it!!

14995729? ago

Great post. Thank you anon. Still here and ain’t going nowhere.

14995617? ago

And you faggots have convinced each other to do nothing again.

There's like totally a plan dude.

How's clappers dick taste?

15041754? ago

Excuse me! I didn't get what you were saying! Could you get Obama to stop fucking your mouth long enough for you to speak an intelligible sentence!!! Oh, nevermind! He creamed your tonsils! You'll have to lick all of that off of your face!!!

15048990? ago


ty 30 year old boomer

14995581? ago

Fantastic post! Well written & very informative!

14995329? ago

didn't Obammy pardon everyone for their crimes in the 2016 election?

14997299? ago

This is why there has been a push for military tribunals. for some "special cases"

The reason why the Kavanaugh debacle was such a shit show can be summarized into this one clip: Listen really carefully to what Graham is saying, and read between the lines: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_gmOsnjrZw

14995250? ago

Wow amazing post thank you

14995050? ago

The hardest thing for me to believe is the pedophile/satanist stuff. Could you point me to legit research?

14997622? ago

To be perfectly honest... some doors are better left closed. There is a reason why Q would always leave the warnings, "The choice to know will be yours" and "Those who know cannot sleep" "THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK!" when talking about this stuff.

Evil, twisted, vile. Words don't give justice to the things some of us have seen and wish that we could unsee. This is the one topic regarding Q where I say, "Trust the autists when they say it's real. They have seen some shit. Truly the stuff of nightmares." and I honestly wish that I was just being hyperbolic when I say that; but It really is that bad.

15003769? ago

To add to this, I remember when this stuff was just starting out. I remember that video where Podesta was getting that kid to call him skippy with the band playing music to cover it up. Mostly just audio.

One of the most disturbing things I've heard, you can tell its real. You can hear the pain and confusion in the childs voice.

It was then I decided that that part of this was better left to patriots who could better defend their identity from those sick fucks, and who could handle watching that type of thing better than I.

Although as soon as the "Bombs" start dropping, I'm activating myself and redpilling my family. Them seeing the fraud will be the crack that I can wedge into to open their minds.

This turned out to be longer than I thought, but I enjoy typing even if no one else reads this. Helps me think.

Thank you for all you've done!

14995672? ago

Do you read Babylonian? Hieroglyphics? Aramaic? (Hints)

14994805? ago

Totally agree. Sit back and enjoy the movie, and think how great it is to be living during this time period.

14997668? ago

Just don't get too comfy. Still spread the word and try to inform people.

Every person we red pill makes the MOAB red pills collectively easier to take when they start dropping.

14994613? ago

Remember when IG report said ‘no bias’ in the HRC email investigation.... and now we just recently learned that Comey had a private server as well lol that implies obvious bias, that he wouldn’t prosecute a case that he was also guilty of doing the same thing lol it’s in HIS best interest to not prosecute the very definition of bias

14994385? ago

Holy shit. Plus one for logic and reason, anon. Great post. Whitaker the stealth bomber for sure... the table is set ... DS FBI and DOJ chronies are going down for their participation in the Russia hoax. Can’t wait for the show stocking up on popcorn right now but patience my friends declass and FBI indictments are coming ... panic in DC!!

14994313? ago

Sorry but those of us who have followed Q from the beginning have seen only talk and no action? How much longer do we have to wait? Until after the 2020 election? And no, I am not a troll, I am simply sick and tired of not seeing anything happen.

14998128? ago

Then you haven't been paying very close attention if that is true.

McCain being "dealt with" to clear the way for Kavanaugh, retaliation against LDR for an attack on POTUS, insight into the "rats" running about, ratting each other out to lead up to the big fish, lots of stuff has happened.

The problem is people are too tunnel-visioned on what they want to see happen, that they miss everything else that is happening. You need to look at thebig picture. The scope of this is HUGE. I just want to face palm every time I see people say, "well, while is Hilary still free?" or "Why hasn't there been any arrests?" However it's suspected that Clinton isn't exactly "free" she only looks that way. Also, there has been some arrests, they just aren't the people everyone is focused on; but rather people in connection to them. They are starting to trickle in now.

People are complaining that the dam is still there blocking all the water, however what they don't notice is that the cracks in the dam have started leaking.

14994223? ago

Finally a sane post! Thank you. I thought you'd all left. It is no surprise how easily people are turning away in this era of instant gratification. God bless you Patriot!!

14994161? ago

Well put.

I do post critique's when I see something glaring but you are reasonable and as spot on as I think we can hope for at this point.

Q could still be an inside OP to perform a military coup but considering how obviously corrupt the establishment is even that would give us all a better chance at retaining our liberty.

Can't wait for that FISA drop, it will either prove Q or the shills correct and for all our sake let's hope it proves Q.

14998600? ago

There is no way in hell the establishment would want us to be this awake. Too many of us know too much to just go back to sleep now. The damage has already been done.

The cabal is definitely not behind this movement.

15647179? ago

I tend to agree but we must recognize we are playing the game of thrones here and as small folk even if we think we know what's going on we can still be easily manipulated by the Little-Fingers and Varys of the world. I hope and think Q is all Q says Q is but I don't ever resign myself to total devotion of any person, group, or ideology because then I have doomed myself to be manipulated and used by it/them.

14994100? ago

Q is a pep talk to pacify you retards while your country is raped by jews.

14994691? ago

So I guess you have a better plan??

14993843? ago

A few days ago I stated my opinion that DWS had pled a deal to help with this sting operation. But Brenda snipes does make good sense. Especially the way she is being thrown under the bus by the msm.

One thing I’m sure of...Ezra Cohen Watnick’s fingerprints are all over this sting.

14998667? ago

The most telling thing is how she has not been arrested yet, despite saying no to a direct court order.

Who is behind the voter fraud stuff now? The DHS. You don't just say "no" to the department of homeland security and nothing happens.

15042133? ago

Somebody might, if that person wanted to disappear! DHS are spooks, in their own way, just like the Clowns In America are, and No Such Agency is. Admiral Rogers drained that particular swamp, and you don't hear about it! Why? The problems disappeared!!! I don't think Snipes wants to disappear. DHS could definitely arrange that!!!

14993831? ago

Awesome post OP. This is why I was sitting back and watching the show, eating popcorn.

Just think about what POTUS has in store should Q team fail. They will make an example out of him and his whole family, barbaric style. So in essence, he has a hell of a lot more on the line than we do.

He HAS to win.

Now. How do we wake up the sleeping and shrieking liberalized common folk? The SJWs. The NPCs?

JFK Jr to appear and consolidate the left with the right?? Certainly seems logical. One can wish ;)

14998689? ago

Judging by what I am seen and how the Qclock "ends" on 11/22, this looks like a very real possibility. However don't get you hopes up. Anything can happen.

14993790? ago

Wonder who this is...SerialBrain?

14998767? ago

lol no. Just some faceless autist passing by and helping out. : )

Weaponized autism is why Q chose us. To help and support the rest of you anons out with making sense of everything, so you can then spread that information to others.

There isn't a lot of us, but we try our best.

15011983? ago

Your efforts are noticed, needed, and deeply, deeply appreciated, Autist. Need to make a ranking system and designations for you guys.

15018790? ago

But yes. Us autists have a role in all this to help support the rest of you anons. To dig up, decode, and get the information out to you guys, so you can in turn spread it around to others in the form of memes and red pills.

...because we are too socially retarded to do that last part ourselves, so it's a team effort! :D

15013440? ago

"I'd like to speak to the highest ranking anon, please."

lol sorry, it just reminded me of that meme. XD

14995721? ago

Nah he’s much more number-centric and biblical

14993779? ago

Qmap.pub currently looking for French anons to help with translations 1AM (GMT). Put the word out.

14993897? ago

Je parle le français. How do I get involved?

14993501? ago

The best advice i can give to the OP Q nutswinger is to immediately seek the help of a highly qualified and experienced mental health care practitioner.

Q and Trump are both deep state cabal LARP's.

14994709? ago

How and Why would Trump be a part of such a thing?

15012045? ago

Because the effort is to create and staff an army of NPC's to counter the other NPCs. Red to the Blue. This is being done to lay the groundwork for the 2020 release of Soros' immigrant and brainwashed soldiers against the Q inspired Red NPCs. This is probably occur as blowback from the 'trials' and 'indictments' that are going to be flying around willy nilly. Enough so, that it will generate enough outrage and fury that when the election rolls around, the entire keg will be ready and the fuse hit the payload.

End of America.

This is the 'Plan' you should be paying attention to.

14993482? ago

I'd love to believe that this is true, but as more time passes, I'm beginning to feel like we're perennially fooling ourselves. Suicide weekend, impending indictments, arrests, mobilization of national guard, public exposure of corruption and spying, voter fraud, declassifying the FISA applications... Fucking anything.

We've been waiting, and waiting, and waiting and we keep telling ourselves and each other to "Trust the plan." Meaning what? Sit back and do nothing because someone else is taking care of it. Trust that someone else is doing the heavy lifting. Trust is earned, and at what point do we say enough? We've seen nothing.

Q has done good things. Certainly. Anyone who could "wake up" this many people and get them thinking critically about the propaganda we're spoon fed on a daily basis is undoubtedly a good thing. But, I feel like I've personally reached the end of my train. I'll still follow Q out of curiosity, but my hope in its authenticity is fading by the day, and I hope that the Q team realizes that I'm not alone.

14998937? ago

It won't be much longer until we really start to find out. 11/22 is the last real "date" Q has given us in drops. It is also when the Q clock stops.

The last date in generally is January first, when all the stuff that couldn't be implemented immediately due to legal reasons in the bills and EO singed this year. (Changes to military court marshal, tribunals, enemy combatant classifications, etc.) It is after that that I suspect we'll see the BIG fished hauled in.

14993890? ago

I'm with you. I am worried Q is keeping us calm, at our keyboards, to keep us quiet I guess. We're too polite. I will follow Q too, but mainly in context of real action....the Florida thing will tell us alot. If Trump lets them steal....well....we're powerless. I felt so good with his rallies....now, letdown. I'm just venting....not a concern troll....it's normal I hope!

14994467? ago

Yeah. It kinda sucks that you can't even express doubt without being accused of being a shill.

the Florida thing will tell us alot.

This. If nothing happens in Florida, how will people possibly be able to defend Q?

15012092? ago

My assumption, if it helps at all, is that we'll start seeing that action in mid january and that one dominoe will lead to the next, hopefully to the Fed throughout the next two years and the unseating of the jewish powers of misrule that have enacted their plan to bring an end to human life.

14993437? ago

Well OK but still drinking the Kool-Aid. If one part of this is true, then we (Qers) are no better than Rules for Radicals Saul Alkinkyites with "End Justifies the Means." For example, sealed indictment or not, the charge of a felony by indictment disqualifies her as serving over the election board. Yet, this assertion is that Qers break the law to achieve a certain outcome "cleaning the elections". ""We have an agreement with Brenda Snipes to expose Democrat's voter fruad, etc. this coming midterm elections." Q". That would mean we use secret indictment to obtain information, but violate the public law at the very same time. While possible and disinformation is necessary - this is deeply unsettling to me.

14993945? ago

Nobody has an agreement with Snipes ...impossible. She is not seting a trap. No way. She's blue inside and outside.

14995395? ago

Boy, do I AGREE with that. She is blue and hostile to her core. No deals with or for her is what I smell.

14992971? ago

Fox News reporting tonight after interviewing Nutzy Pelosi the House majority DemocRATS have 85 targets to go after and subpoena to try and impeach POTUS. Get ready the next 2 years are going to be the ugliest time period in U.S. political history. Trump is highly dfelusional if he thinks the rats are going to work with him on anything won't happen. The target should have been the House and the Senate DECLAS followed by arrest's health care fix and stopping Twitter Facebook You Tube Google and others from censoring conservatives before the mid term election would have fueled a red wave of elated MAGA patriots to the ballot boxes on Nov. 6 the plan has fucked up just like many of us warned.

14994075? ago

Be careful...FoxNews has gone BLUE.

14997378? ago

Or it always has been.

14992910? ago

Yea Patriots, everything is going according to plan. We didn't need the house. Or those state legislatures or governorships anyways. Q tells us to trust the plan. The plan is to disguise the Red wave as a sucky ass blue ripple and come in later with the intel drops in the shape of handcuffs for HRC. No more pedophiles anywhere near the whitehouse!


14994090? ago


14993216? ago

Anything they pass in the house is just going to get slapped down in the senate. However on the flip side, the dems will be blamed for nothing being blamed by not letting anything pass through the house. Ultimately, the dems will be like that yappy little dog that thinks it's 5x it's size and twice as dangerous, but in reality it's mostly just extremely annoying.

They just gave Trump 2020 on a silver platter by making themselves his scapegoats to blame for nothing getting done. Come 2020, the Dems will be flushed out again with my reps taking the place over riding on the coat tails of Trump's election.

14993491? ago

The dems are gonna make him show his taxes. You see a way around that?

14997408? ago

They can't make him do shit.

14999433? ago

What's he going to do to stop them from issuing a subpoena for his tax returns?

14994134? ago

I don't understand how. It's NOT A REQUIREMENT. It's a "nice thing to do". But there's no law, no pre-requisite for POTUS.

14999381? ago

The house can subpoena them if they're relevant to an investigation. Considering all the questions of potential corruption, it's pretty likely they'll make it a legal issue. They certainly can do that.

14992887? ago

Can't thank you enough, AutistAnon, for spelling this out so beautifully for those of us (well, me, anyway) nowhere near your league of brilliance. You've done wonders for my morale. More than you'll ever know! Please give my appreciation to the other 8channers for me!!! <3

14992941? ago

Np. It's what we are here for.

14992866? ago

Seems eerily quiet for the likes of Trump and Q and other democrat talking heads...(Comey, HRC, BO, JB, JC... etc...) considering the gravity of whats at stake! A TRAP?

We'll know shortly I hope....

14992828? ago

Thank you, I agree with everything you said. I'm so sick of the negativity from some of the posters. I know Q said this would happen but this is ridiculous.

14992865? ago

Take this as a sign of how desperate and panicked these people's bosses are.

They know exactly what is coming for them.

14995332? ago

You all need to start thinking on a quantum level. Love and collective consciousness can alter an outcome. If we ALL came together as one, unclouded in our minds, and projected goodness and love, we will beat the cabal (this is why Q stresses this so much. Like. A LOT. It’s very important.)

Come together. Focus each night on positive energy. Meditate.

The metaphysical can become reality.

And unfortunately, vice versa. The satanic cabal feeds on our negative energy. I mean LITERALLY. They grow stronger with each negative thought.

Why do they murder and eat children? To absorb their PURITY. TO TURN THEIR LIGHT TO DARK.

Adrenochrome is merely a side benefit.

We must come together as one. Why do we communally pray in church? United we are strong. Love and positivity weakens them.

This battle is, quite literally, spiritual.

15000693? ago

Quite so! The main stream media is one powerful weapon the bad lot use which most of the unaware victims think is useful. It is difficult to get people to see how they are being played by the corrupt media. It is even more difficult, to persuade people that our energies, our consciousness, 'leaks' out, and merges in a collective way, into a broad potential active power. The nasty lot leak out, broadcast, evil. All we have to do :-) is leak out, broadcast, kindness, [love]. It translates into positive situations in many ways non physical and physical. It is not a new message, it is one which has been offered many times before in many ways. We are spirits in a material world... (Que for song... by group 'police')

14992793? ago

Sessions did not "step aside", he was forced out. We know this because he told us so in the very first sentence of his resignation letter. If he had been on our side, that sentence would not have been written. That sentence gave Trump's enemies ammunition, and that's exactly what Sessions intended it to do. Fuck Sessions.

14994482? ago

Or it just presented one more shiny object to distract them while the plan was proceeding.

14992839? ago

Trump asked him to resign, and he did. Thanks to an EO trump signed, rather than RR being bumped up to AG, with sessions having resigned instead of fired, this allowed Trump to appoint a recess acting AG. Had he fired sessions, RR would be AG atm.

^ very important.

14992745? ago

To be honest, my real concern today is the president. He's cancelled several appearances in the past 2 days - didn't visit Arlington? wow! - Regardless of the shills, and their, "Nothing's happening!" bull shit, I do believe something IS happening, and we need to sit tight. I say we stay focused on President Trump, and ignore the shilling. Something isn't right. Something IS happening, whether it is "the plan", or not.

14992948? ago

He's been in Paris. He just got back today.

14993114? ago

He was home when he was supposed to be Arlington, wasn't he? I thought I read somewhere that Sarah Sanders said something about a "travel lid". "so-called travel lid at 10 a.m. ET, meaning that the president is not expected to hold any public events or leave the executive mansion."

According to Fox News: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-pence-miss-veterans-day-observance-at-arlington-cemetery

14994213? ago

Why should he go to Arlington...he doesn't have anything to prove. Give him a rest f.f.s. He's old! Just got back from France. REST POTUS.

14994414? ago

I understand all of that. I know his age. I get what you're saying. But, I don't think that's it.

14992627? ago

So you're telling me there's a chance?

14994586? ago

HOW could the most analyzed man in the history of the world be hiding the fact that he is in the cabal? Seriously?

14992571? ago

I understand lots of people could feel disappointed... everyone here invested lots of emotions, time and faith. It's natural to be frustrated at some point but when peope let their emotions to take over then some posts/ comments started to sound pretty immature... Q operation is sometimes a great, fun adventure and sometimes pretty tough test...

14992336? ago

Outstanding work, OP. This should relax a lot of the more antsy anons. Take a bow, this is great work.

14992250? ago

Good post. One thing I'm definitely still learning: patience and faith. I had small doubts about this Q operation, especially after 11.11 but as soon as I started looking at the bigger picture it makes more sense. It's not a Disneyland but rather 5D chess. More you think better you see.

14992188? ago

Keep reaching.

14994806? ago

So why don't you tell us WHY you work for the Democrats? Are you just desperate, or are you also into satanic pedophilia? 😡

15041275? ago

Hillary, you need to change your Depends!!! That kuru is really working on you! Your brain must be at least 75% sponge by now!!!

14997293? ago

You got me. Anyone who sees the Qult's pathetic continuous failed predictions and mental gymnastics can't be anything other than a Democratic operative into satanic pedophilia. It couldn't possibly be that you idiots are the cringiest cult on the internet next to the leftists.

15041363? ago

Hello Spook! A lot of you Clowns In America have been on this board since the midterms! Y'all are boring as crap, worse than a "Russian" bot!!! Make sure to keep your cyanide handy!!!

15041693? ago

Jesus, everyone's a shill or a spy or something. You Q idiots are worse than the Denocrats with their "Russian bot!" mania. I can't wait until you leave Voat and v/all stops being 60% morons with your QNPC nonsense.

14991973? ago

Thank-you !!! Will pass along!!! Very helpful!!! Lots of people will find this encouraging!!!

14991960? ago

Larp harder.

14991669? ago

Thank you for the reminder of ALL the above. We have to remember our thoughts/beliefs become reality - so your timing and delivery are spot on. We are one.

14991665? ago

Has the Q clock ever been confirmed?

14992360? ago

It's been "right" several times. Like the day Ginsberg fell for a recent example.

14991345? ago

Great post. I like your breakdown. It clears up a few things. ThankQ.

14991264? ago

I'm SICK of this system. Is trump going to roll things back to the founding principles? Things have been FUCKED for 100 years. I'm SICK of putting "mystery men" in charge of our futures. I'm not talking about civil war, I'm talking about complete defunding. Let the fed produce their paper. You think prepping is about the lights going out? It's about declaring independence from all of these BASTARDS and their machinations. Sure there are roads.....but I consider them bought and paid for in perpetuity around my grandfather's time. YOU are in no place to negotiate. WE are your fucking bosses.....and....wait for it...."YOU'RE FIRED!!!!!" Every last manipulative one of you. Were simple people and we just want to be left alone. In the land OUR FATHERS built. For one hundred years of lies and outright fuckery. YOUR FATHERS experimented on us. Extracted our wealth. LIED, DECIEVED, and SCAMMED us. WE built your palaces and your monuments. OUR GOD giveth, and we are praying to him for the courage And strength to taketh away. Locked us up for not playing by your rules. The contract is broken. the borders are open. the elections are rigged. the enemies are in our midst. YOUR FAILURES. HOW MUCH ABUSE DO YOU EXPECT US TO TAKE?

14995563? ago

You humans are so utterly clouded by emotion. Completely kills logical thinking.

14995619? ago

you humans......so are you AI or little green man? whatever you are, youre an idiot.

15040770? ago

It's Mister Spook, from planet Cia!!!

15040825? ago

That Mr. Spook. He's the spookiest.

14995899? ago

Neither. An enlightened one.

14998201? ago

What makes you so "enlightened"? Consuming human flesh? Yeah that's not enlightenment. That's prion disease.

14993002? ago

Right on. Nothing is ever gonna change. Not now anyway. I'll be dead probably. I hope the #Patriots get back our country when I'm gone. Altho I don't know how.

14996764? ago

Not supposed to promote this, but you know it, I know it and God knows it that taking back the Republic is gonna take armed conflict, plain and simple. Democrats can die violently and I'll cheer. #CIVILWARII

14991433? ago

Trump actually has his eyes set on the fed. It's pretty obvious if you pay close attention.

The problem is as you said, the cabal has been here forever. Getting rid of it won't be super quick or easy. But things are moving. Which is a hell of a lot better than if Hilary would have won.

14993010? ago


14991220? ago

Beware the concernfags cries of Defeat. It's literally pathetic. They sound like petulant children

14992794? ago

Bullshit. The only people that aren't concerned are those that really don't care one way or the other to which side to ax swings. You need to realize that most of us love America deeply. We view that our very lives are hanging on the concern that this whole show my be am elaborate ruse. We are anxious for ourselves and our loved ones. If the situation came to violent revolution tomorrow, at least a sure course regardless of eventual win or lose, would be set.

We keep pointing to the cabals unlimited resources, and how long they have had to figure out their plan, yet people like you want us to believe that they would be incapable of orchestrating this entire Q movement in order to keep the patriotic horde satiated by making it seem as though an all powerful force was at any time going to bring it all down. Odds are they could not be pulling this off, but the odds are not Zero. I know what you thinking right now. You want to scream, if the cabal was behind this, POTUS would have told us to beware of this Q thing right. So the possibilities: 1) not a cabal thing - POTUS would let us know 2) is cabal and POTUS is in on it - POTUS would not let us know 3) is cabal and POTUS has let it happen while he uses it to fight back - POTUS would not let us know 4) Q is as advertised. - POTUS would tacitly acknowledge.

As others have said, this all sounds great, but we have seen many missed windows, no real action, nothing that could not be explained under non-Q related events.

14991181? ago

Over the target!

14991174? ago

I remind myself that disinformation is necessary at times. Logical thinking is critical.

14991104? ago

Nice post, it really is the hope that kills you.

14991056? ago

There is nothing you can say or do that will convince me you're not part of Q.

This post was too good at just the right time.

14991053? ago

the big mistake here was thinking that Q could take on the deep state. All of their plans have failed.

15041397? ago

You've got to be one of the stupidest clowns I've seen on this board today!!! Be a good boy and take your cyanide!!!

14994604? ago

details please?

14990899? ago

Most excellent. We having a saying, prayer really, in our home. Patience and faith. Thank you Qanon.

14990713? ago

Please sticky this post

14990681? ago

The trolls think they can change your mind. Divide and conquer thru negativity and just plain old BS. Theyre insane actually, just like their "bosses".

14994917? ago

insecure and stupid! They come in here and throw around taunts like a bunch of 12 year olds and expect us to change our opinions! 😆

14990597? ago

Nice work

14990473? ago

All I would suggest is be very wary of committing 100% to this Q thing. Expand your thinking. Are dual citizens loyal? Why is so much American taxpayer money being given, just handed over, to Israel? Billions of dollars. Why did Sheldon Adelson, jewish, donate so much money to the Trump campaign? Why have Trump's kids converted to Judaism? Is Trump's son-in-law, Kushner, a jewish dual-citizen?

The more you know...

14990434? ago

OP thanks, kinda mad with myself for gettin so down since this election BS fuckery went into overdrive. I appreciate you breathing fresh air into my sagging sails...WWG1WGA•WW

14990412? ago


14990375? ago

How do you catch a fish? Let him take your line out. Give him slack, then take it back. Give him slack, then take it back. WEAR THE FISH OUT! Then get it in your boat. This is a BIG FISH! Imagine how much line has to go out to fight it.

14994657? ago


14992203? ago

Question should not be how do you catch A Fish, but how do you catch Fish. There are two different kinds of fish, those that swim alone, and those that swim in schools. It appears to me that the evil we need to catch, swims in a school, so instead of using a hook and line, a net is what would would use.

14990415? ago

My love of Wicked Tuna proves that is a lie. You can catch a monster in under 10 minutes if you know what youre doing.

14990697? ago

That's just 1 fish. We're looking at over 100k

14990738? ago

Ever seen how they catch yellow fin tuna? Get them all at once in less than an hour.

14990955? ago

Need a bigger boat?

14990344? ago

You think those involved in the Awan/DWS scandal turned informant? That scandal did go quiet pretty quick. Usually when that happens it means people are flipping

14990302? ago

Meanwhile, nobody gets arrested for flagrant crimes, and democrats declare victory in Senate elections.

14992928? ago

If Dems steal the Senate, then Q is powerless even if he is real. If the opponent wins what difference does it make whether the guy under the hat was Gretzky or not.

14995113? ago

Q is real. But like I've been saying, Q isn't perfect. This plan has been going well until this election. POTUS has dropped the ball.

14990287? ago

I'm just going to say that there had to be an agreement with Governor to leave BS in place. The reasons I've heard for not removing her Wes he didn't want to appear racist. If I was a Florida voter and heard that I would be thinking he deserved to loose his election.

14993108? ago

That's one of our country's biggest problems. Afraid to appear racist. Just ignore skin color and apply the law. How hard is that.

14990172? ago

Oh yeah. You guys might want to grab/bookmark the link to this to use for the next week or so if you find some legit upset, worried, or concerned peeps. It will fall off the first few pages after a day or so, even with a lot of upvotes. (assuming it gets there.)

I'm just one of the many autists in this movement just trying to help! This is the least I can do for you guys over here before heading back to the bat cave (8chan)

14993272? ago

I thank you OP! Although I NEVER lost hope even with the perception that we "lost" the House, I m getting tired of people who are falling away just because things did not turn out they want it to. I hope people who have lost hope, patience, and trust in Q and Q+ will find comfort. Thank you for all the autists who are spending their precious time helping us to understand what is going on behind the scenes. Blessings upon blessings!

14992245? ago

If you were an autist then you would know that this post can be stickied to not go away in a matter of days.

14992465? ago

Obviously. I am not a mod, however.

14990079? ago

Well done.

14990019? ago

very nice!

14989968? ago

So when none of this plays out in the way you're suggesting, what then? Suicide? Disappearance?

14990204? ago

Life simply goes on, I suppose. Ultimately if nothing happens, what have we really lost when it all boils down?

I'm just saying!

14990442? ago

Only our freedom, country, and future.

I guess its not a big deal, right?

14990376? ago

Then we leap off and start our own movement. The information is now out there and it isn't going away.

14991325? ago

I think that's a major part of Q... To promote thinking for ourselves and an awareness that I personally did not have before.

14989787? ago

Nice post, Patriot! Lots of misdirection going on on both sides and a calm head and analytical view is needed at this point. Like a tuna on a hook, giving them enough line to hook themselves up and then reeling them in. Trust The Plan! We The People! WWG1WGA

14989777? ago

My therapy while reading the VOAT board, Q drops, and other news and fake news and other social media? Start listening to a huge play list of Epic music including Piano Guys, Lindsey Stirling, Hans Zimmer, John Williams, and other Epic Orchestral mixes of songs and game music (the Epic version of the Tetris Theme is fun).

14989735? ago

WOW look at the mental gymnastics in hopes to sale another shirt, You sir a piece of shit


14991193? ago

Sell not sale retard

14991231? ago

nope weeetoddid shill

14992980? ago

Wow that was an insightful comeback. I bet you were first in your class of retards.

14991261? ago

Just trying to help Mr. Mental gymnastics

14991348? ago

a campaign of truth justice and facts and together we have destroyed Q to all those capable of critical thoughts.

14989727? ago

Excellent post. I went back and looked at the older drops and read in this new context. I just cannot understand how stupid could the Dems be to keep falling into these sting operations and traps...even predictive AI cant take into account that amount of stupidity. I guess for these people to continue to operate as badly and predictably as they have in the past is because they have no where else to go, or lose?

14989663? ago

Lots of work putting this post together. Well done, I enjoyed reading it and I think you're spot on target patriot. WWG1WGA! Ty.

14989616? ago

I agree there is a bigger picture. You don't set the hook on the first nibble, you let them swallow the hook. It seems like the longer this goes on (getting away with) the more keep coming out of the woodwork (other states). Disagree (at present) with Snipes being on our side though. She can testify against them, but she can't commit fraud herself then say oh, look what they did. Not a lawyer but sounds like a good entrapment case. Q said ballots are the key. Based on ballot volume (ballots received vs population) they should have a pretty good idea of every dirty precinct in the country. Get them all, why settle for the first one out of the gate. Lot to be said about patience.

14989516? ago

Thank you. This is an excellent, encouraging post that makes a lot of sense in a Q sort of way. I pray that you are right because nothing else makes any sense at all.

14989348? ago

Where did this quote come from? -----> "We have an agreement with Brenda Snipes to expose Democrat's voter fruad, etc. this coming midterm elections."

14995157? ago

I think it's an interpretation of this part of Q 1286:

DNC rigging super delegates / funding/ voter rolls / agreement BS
Election/voter fraud

The key is that the current election-fraud news has revealed the possibility that the easily overlookable "agreement BS" can now (perhaps) be interpreted as "We have an agreement with Brenda Snipes," explaining why she's acting like a cartoon bad guy.

I mean, she is an actual bad guy, but now she's even got her paste-on evil goatee for the world to see.

14999492? ago

"paste-on evil goatee" made me LOL. Well played, anon. I needed that!

14992058? ago

The Q post was clever. Even when I looked for BS visually in the post my eyes did not pick it up. (!) BS is at the end of a line. Intuitively hidden. The context is interesting, the interpretation is neat. My bet is as the submitter suggests...

14989608? ago


14989491? ago

It's not a quote, but rather an interruption of those lines given the context of the shenigans we see unfolding in the media and why Brenda Snipes was arrested the moment she said "no" after the court demanded her to show the ballots. Like I said. This is a movie. It's to outrage people to want to kick the democrats out and to impliment voter ID laws, etc.

I apologize if it seemed like a direct quote (I put the direct quotes in bold)

14989756? ago

In the context of this theory, does it make any sense to you for the Republican National Committee to be raising money for the "Florida Recount"?

14996808? ago

Don't reply with logic it may offend someone and they would call you a shiil .

14989329? ago

I love it when a plan comes together, we colluded against those wicked bastards for once!

14989315? ago

Someone sticky the fuck out of this.

14989312? ago

Thank you so much, Autist. Your perspective helps immeasurably. I was reading too many posts from frustrated, frantic anons. What you laid out here makes tremendous sense.

14989830? ago

No problem, Anon. It's what we are here for.

Weaponized autism allows us to go into obsessive levels of attention to detail without even realizing how much time went by while doing what it is we are/were doing.

I'm just glad I could help reassure some people that all is not lost and this choas isn't exactly all that chaotic if you are paying close attention. In fact, it's kind of funny to watch. lol

14990673? ago

The thing is, will FL be safe now that they're doing the recount? I don't know what will happen if Dems steal FL with fake votes .. we need FL to have pro majority in the senate to issue mass arrests right ?

14989280? ago

No, BS is not Brenda Snipes. It means BULL SHIT. Now we expect another person to be a plant for Potus? No, not a shill but another concerned patriot. Don't work for S0r0s either. There are many of us who want action and now we have to wait till this is all flushed out in regards to the FRAUD?? The DEMS Keep winning and the cabal getting stronger. The only way to win is to take control of the media. That means honest reporting. If not, the un-red pilled will still be salivating over every word.

14989273? ago

Thanks for your post, anon. Others have said it, but that's just what I needed. Not too vague, not too certain. Just laying out what we know and sparking some thoughts with common sense. Also, deep respect to all the autists using their time and power for good. I'm trying to follow as much as can, but I'd never be able to make all the vast connection some guys on the chans make. Thank you for your service, patriots!

14989387? ago

I don't come by here too often, as I stick to the 8Chan board. However looking over the shillery I thought, "Holy fuck the flack here is intense... this looks like a job for an autism."

Don't ask me how long this post took to put together. lol Regardless. I just wanted to point out all is not lost, not even close. In fact, things are only just beginning.

15113136? ago

Check this out. The post that she's reading talks about the net going down, HAMMER, and then says "on the clock". Have you happened to come across any clockfag work re: this? https://youtu.be/Yzg8r3823b4?t=1464

15114724? ago

I imagine hammer is in regards to "dropping the hammer."

Net will go down during this time to make things more difficult for them to communicate. Meanwhile, military will have their own special coms to coordinate.

That's my take on it at least. It makes the most sense, imo.

14990814? ago

Thanks for sharing this.

14989964? ago

Gotta link to that board? I watch patriots fight for the drops, but i dont know how to navigate the Chans very well.

14990605? ago

VERY important you read this first > > > https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html And lurk. Lurk-lurk-lurk-lurk. This is a war room, the people lollygagging have likely already been yelled at and filtered by everyone else. Useless crap is just waste of bread and will get you yelled at and filtered, too.

You have been warned.

15000860? ago

Understood. ThanQ

14989203? ago

Yes, tell us oh wise one... what is REALLY is going on. You seem to have a red phone connected to Q directly and you speak with him daily so you probably know what is REALLY going on. Or, on the other hand, you could just be a faggot who believes this shit so deeply that he couldn't possibly see things any other way.

TL;DR -- Fuck you. Fuck your mother. And fuck the horse you rode in on. Go back to Reddit.

14989185? ago

BS may just have an agreement to rig things again, not necessarily with Q.

14989276? ago

Look at those three lines closely. Think context.

What does Occam's razor tell us?

14989078? ago

Q will never tell us the exact date or time because it would also tell the black hats. I say look forward to a big boom, but don't be foolish enough to think Q is gonna drop the information ahead of time. Your post is great I hope many anons read it.

14990008? ago


One thing to keep in mind whne it comes to Q and dates is to never get your hopes up. It could be disinfo not intended for us, but for the Black Hats to slip on a figurative banana peel. lol

Best advice I can give: Hope for the best, expect the worse. Then you won't be disappointed, but pleasantly surprised when things do happen.

14990314? ago

I am a retired history and Poly Sci teacher. I have been religiously following Trump and Q since before Day 1, as I know we have a completely corrupt system. My problem is at this point I have seen nothing "happen" outside a a few coincidental occurrences that amount to nothing in the grand scheme. I have considered myself a loyal attentive patriot and am losing patience. For me, if the midterms are stolen and we go into the holidays with no DECLAS, no unsealed indictments and no arrests, I will have to let my own common sense rule and conclude that Trump is a democrat that has been tamping down and derailing honest patriots who would otherwise be in the streets watering the tree of liberty to save this country they love.

14995060? ago

You clearly don’t play chess. You should.

14995346? ago

Actually have all my life. I see Trump et. al. losing a lot of pieces and not gaining many, if but just a few pawns and perhaps a bishop (Kavenaugh). I am still trying hard to see the path through the chaos, if the midterms are allowed to stand, losing the house and a bare majority in the Senate will be a wall. I am not sure the electorate are going to re-elect Trump if such division continues to exist and many who now support him are having second thoughts. Trump losing would be "CHECK" is not checkmate, or a serious delay in "The Plan" or a bloody civil war which would spread worldwide and that is even more scarier than I can imagine.

15000566? ago

If your vision of a path through the chaos could exist clearly for you, then it would be clear to others also. Some of those others would block the path. That, is why the path has never been successfully trod and completed before. Celebrate the fact that hoped for paths are obscure, and translate that uncertainty into a comfort felt by the opposition who are confidently moving into [failure]?

14993244? ago

I will conclude the #DeepState is simply too big, and too entrenched for a couple of people to fix. POTUS may not be able to crush them. It's scaring me frankly. If we only have POTUS, how can we expect him to solve everything? Unrealistic.

14992038? ago

I'm with this guy.

14991988? ago

Indictments are verifiable, a few have been unsealed. Reason why not more are credible. If the visibility was good, the plan would by definition fail. This mafia type gang is global and state-level powerful. Good people previously tried. It is a logical situation. The adversary is clever. A 'clever' plan would be insufficient. It has to be beyond clever. Counter intuitive, even, illogical plan, even, at least from a linear, conventional, view, History can also be explained by reading into it some covert stuff, but that does not appear in the books. Who wrote the books? A different sort of attentiveness is useful, like an unfamiliar language.

14992610? ago

Your discussion raises some valid, thought provoking points. History is usually written by the "victors", but if you search out sources the "truth" becomes clearer. I have researched diligently and Q defines the problems and culprits well, but must, for stealth and OpSec keep much hidden. The big drops that give Anons hope and anticipation of "happenings" without actual follow through (visibly) of the action is depleting many peoples trust and interest in my opinion. I do not think it wise to give true patriots essentially "stand down" orders that "all is well" we are in control and then they see things going wrong and turn on them calling them shills. You did not, but I have seen it far too often recently. It may be shills stirring that pot though too, so there is that. Good reply Anon, thanks!!

15000531? ago

Thank you. Q offering reassurance can be also seen as a suggestion to simply not get in the way of devious ops ongoing, at public level and covert. Even inadvertently. Indie patriots are not read in deeply at all, but are a powerful ally, resource. If Q team is the best we have at this time (I am sure so) then appreciation and some compliance with Q indications give much power to the greater Ops. The big weapon the bad ones have is the media and its sway. Q sway effects come from left field against that. Witness the cries to avoid the Q psyop, from those who may dislike losing attention, though some may be genuinely unknowing. Qteam is a counter [psyop] to a deadly corrupt media. There are many truths I believe I have discovered which simply cannot be stated to friends because they are - to them - more unbelievable than a chocolate teapot. Credibility would be lost. Upscale to a population, a World, and Qteam has a function of education, and also guidance, of the swarm of mosquitoes. Along with the hard arrests whenever, civil disturbance will need to be balanced by an educated public. Us. Blind acceptance is unwise of course, but Q info has been remarkable in its enabling me to have more visibility of a bigger picture from a million separate puzzle pieces which I had previously.

15001596? ago

Thank you Anon, we all need each others perspective to keep moving on the right track!

14988939? ago

Okay... Everyone needs to calm down

Fuck you, you clam down.

14995401? ago

A quiet mind is the most formidable and powerful

14989232? ago

You spelled calm wrong. Hahaaaa

14990390? ago

He spelled clam right though. .5 deduction, not full point.

14990281? ago

Well played, Sir. 'Calm' it is.

14988933? ago

I gotta say my blood is boiling. This is the same crp that has been going on for at least 10 years. Steal the election, keep control and continue the criminal activities. Americans get screwed again. Their votes don't count and their Gov't is run by treasonous thieves. To make matters worse illegals and legals are driving incomes down and house / apartment prices up. Just put a bullet in our heads and get the slow painful death over with.

15101808? ago

Bullet would be nice, but I'd much rather see them swinging on a short rope, from a tall tree.

14997014? ago

That's why I'm glad I'm older. I'd rather be outta here than live in a communist police state; I'm pretty much believing we're fucked.

15024600? ago

and your children and grandchildren? you selfish boomer fuck.

14993281? ago


14988918? ago

Can you stop making excuses?

Idk what is worse. People who blindly follow Q or shills.

The realness of Q is irrelevant here. Nothing is happening and dems aka deep state is winning/stealing elections. All they need to do is to create a False flag and everyone's attention is there.

"Trust the plan" fags should just crawl under their bed and cry

14992690? ago

I'm done with trusting, but we don't really need to. Shit will either go down or it won't. It's not like we are going to protest if Trump starts arresting Clintonistas though, regardless of how we feel about Q. The genie is already out of the bottle.

14991363? ago

And what will people like you do? I don't mean for that to sound condescending, it's an honest question.

People who "Trust the plan" don't just sit around and not do/acomplish nothing, expecting everything to be okay if they just don't think about it. That is probably the single biggest misconception about the great awakening.

14994995? ago

To the naysayers.... not like you can just go back into the matrix. Kind of a one way street. And why would you want to anyway? F that!

Spend time learning about REAL history, and research our enemy, their motives, and you will find out very quickly, this rabbithole goes insanely deep. And I bet I’m only halfway there.

Watch the videos on the satanic ceremony at CERN last year. Many say the cabal have opened a portal to another dimension and/or hell.

Read the interview with Hidden Hand.

Read Fritz.

Read Behold, a pale horse.

Learn. Keep learning.

Learn about the Nephilim/pre-Adamites.

Learn about Antarctica.


14990956? ago

Sounds like you're the one under the bed right about now. Maybe mommy can help

14990625? ago

Let's say the dems steal Florida and Arizona. You know what will happen? Q cultists will say it was all part of The Plan. FUCK THAT!

14993308? ago

Arizona is gone. Not part of the plan.

14990729? ago

I still believe that something WILL be done about Florida.

But if it stops only at Florida, I am calling bullshit.

(tired of repeating myself lol)

14989582? ago

At some point logic must win out trust. If the Dems win FL and AZ it’s end game. Saying “trust the plan” at this point will be a two year wait - in short, a bust.

14989805? ago

yeah, well said. Totally agree.

Will see what happens.

14988899? ago

Thank you. Excellent writeup and very reassuring.

14988567? ago

I pray that you’re right.

14988400? ago

How has Brenda Snipes been indi Ted? Where is the proof? When was she to be sentenced? When was she supposed to go to jail?

14993333? ago

An indictment actually means nothing until they are arrested, and a grand jury decides.

14992088? ago

She was never indicted. She was never charged. On thing is that two court ruling went against her, but there were not changes filled. To say she was indicted is typical autist misinformation.

14993368? ago

There's a rumor she was indicted for 2016. I don't believe it! And she is just laying a trap for the Democrats! Can you believe that one? Crazy.

14995521? ago

The ONLY logical conclusion.

14995452? ago

I'm surprised Q has not dropped "Trust Snipes" yet.

It seems everyone that is at the heart of corruption is a secret ally.

14988792? ago

Don't know but since Elizabeth Warren proudly posted her dna results proving she's a fraud, I've been wondering if President Trump's DOJ didn't make a deal with many of these lower level corrupt frauds to just keep on doin' what they do, only completely and undeniably in the public eye.

It's hard to fathom anyone being this stupid and obvious.

14992133? ago

Whatever the causes, the 'public eye' is - via the media - a powerful weapon still in the hands of the bad ones. Enough visibility is needed, (with our help?) to allow the 'public' to have truth insights about stuff - including the creepy media. optics rule KO?

14992492? ago

It's hilarious to watch them have to cover all this stuff, the movie's becoming more entertaining by the day.

Er. As long as we really do have evidence and they will finally be held accountable.

14989363? ago

A lot of this stuff to me has been cartoonish as well. These people aren't professional actors so it comes off as almost Benny Hill-ish. There are certain people on "our" side playing their part, like Gaetz getting ousted by law enforcement for "attempting to film the fraud!!!" To a lessor extent Joe DiGenova and Greg Jarrett do over do it sometimes too. It makes me feel a little bit like you do during the first act of a play, very aware that you are watching actors and almost a little shy or embarrassed for the actors. I am not articulating this well, but do you know what I mean?

14993454? ago

I think alot of these people are "normies" and they don't have a clue.

14989667? ago

Exactly, it's almost as if we are watching a TV drama.

I mean, come on! Do things really work this way in real life? lol

14995502? ago

How do you define, real life?

14998188? ago

Go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200 after saying "no" to a direct order issued by a court.

14991073? ago

I can't wait for the eliminations... BOOM!

14989579? ago

Absolutely! It's surreal, almost like we're living in a simulation testing out timelines or something.

14989714? ago

The Apprentice: White House Edition. "Rod Rosenstein... You're fired!"

14995466? ago

Many have said, if a game or simulation became real enough, how would you discern the reality from the simulation?

It’s a lot like Memento. (Which was a spit in our eye, so to speak)

14991041? ago

YES! I would love to turn this whole 'Great Awakening' into a never ending blockbuster prime time reality TV show on Fox! Get all the current genres on board like Big Brother, MasterChef, Biggest Loser, Hell's Kitchen, and The Bachelor etc, to do "The Storm" themed challenges, against Deep State contestants. TV Gold and a fucking genius idea I tells ya! Trump, call me buddy, we got TV programs to make. Enjoy the show! ;) WWG1WGA!

14991091? ago

The elimination episodes will be the best, green mile walk included and all...! :)

14989813? ago

I'd upvote this^^ but apparently there's a daily limit and I've been more generous than usual already today.

14988385? ago

I find it really interesting that POTUS has pretty much ignored Brenda Snipes in his Twatter feed... Methinks the bait

14999095? ago

Funnily enough as soon as I heard her surname I thought Snopes, where out of the way urban myths are debunked.

Would be a very appropriate nickname if she is the first one to start crumbling this house of cards.

15040413? ago

The first thing I thought of was "snipe hunting"!!! But the second thing I thought of was Wesley Snipes!!! Now I'm stuck with this thought of Wesley Snipes crawling around in the dark with a burlap bag and flashlight, looking for something, but he's not exactly sure what!!!

14989684? ago

Good point. By this point his antagonists usually have a nickname.

15001923? ago

brenda is norse for sword or torch.....sniper

14988303? ago

Great post, OP. Mods, this deserves a sticky. With so many concern trolls overtaking these boards, we need some sense of logic at the top.

15002151? ago

Please STICKY!!!!!

14995088? ago

impatience and being pissed off isn't trolling, everything is just being explained about why nothing is happening with "think logically" and "disinformation necessary" literally everything can be written off with that. The previous generations that were complacent got us to this point.

15001803? ago

what should we have done old wise one...we or some have been waiting for you since the 70"s...if you were not plugged in then you would be like most in the previous decades before the internet....i knew climate change was a crook before they coined the expression....what should i have done...wrote a book

14998773? ago

A friendly fuck-you with your arrogance that its all the previous generations fault. I am sure there are many here who have been red=pilled or aware that something hasnt been right for longer than since you were scooped out of your mums vg.

Go back and watch your facebook/twitter feed if you need instant gratification, and you're finding it too hard for you to maintain focus when not being drip fed by Q every single day.

14999727? ago

Found the boomer

14994425? ago

The problem is there are too many nigger loving shills here!

14993465? ago

It's just SBBH.

There were waves of fatpeoplehate, pizzagate, milliondollarextreme, and obviously with Q. During these waves, plenty of users from Reddit came to Voat seeking free speech. Many of them were quickly turned away because they were too sensitive for free speech, being red pilled, or just logical thought.

When these waves started, the new users were quickly culled by SBBH members, some seem to have been convinced to give up their accounts, among a few more potentials not exactly worth mentioning.

The same routine unfolded every time: these subs initially got diluted with shitposts and off-topic bullshit, consistent focus on drama, obvious brigades (oh yeah, I have proof of KevDude suggesting brigading: https://archive.fo/pCngo), and more of the sort. Eventually, one of their friends worked their way in to the mod team and they began restricting speech via bans and idiotic rules. The more critical-thinking goats (don't confuse this with me suggesting anything about the annoying "CTA" posters on the board) got targeted and flushed out via social manipulation, and the SBBH fags were lamented in positions of control. Check out v/GreatAwakening for yourself if you don't believe me - you'll see Srayzie is one of the mods and they're fishy as fuck. Hell, I got banned after a couple of brief discussions with them where I was asking simple questions and tried to help out. I've never been unbanned...

Not too long ago, this subverse had a few posts where users mentioned SBBH, their involvement with PuttItOut (owner of Voat), and their very clearly fishy business. Although I've said a few times I'll try not to say too much about them so that they don't start mobilizing on us again, I saw the attention the few posts I saw got (which made it to the front page on v/all and hovered the front page of this subverse for a day or two), so I decided to make a post letting anons know what I've put together about them (part of it, at least). It quickly jumped to 140+ comments (within hours) and got bombarded almost instantly. If anyone wants to see the info I'm referring to, just ask.

Trust me on this one, it's not organic. It's entirely planned and it has been many times before this. Why do you think Q insisted we make a new subverse when v/GreatAwakening was around for months by that time?

Take it for what it's worth, anons. I'm only here to help. Feel free to correct me.

14990320? ago

Not so much so many concern trolls as the enemy trying derail us. We have always had concern trolls, however when they parade in flingin shit like recently, you know somethings incoming.

14990664? ago


14989564? ago

Yeah Mods, sticky the fuck out of this!

14988926? ago

Just because someone is concerned the plan isn't well going to plan doesn't make them a troll.

15004851? ago

Yeah.. ya kind of are a troll if you question Q & the plan. There's a difference between questioning as in trying to figure out/comprehend what the plan is and questioning as in "doubting" that it's going to work or is real. Those who doubt are trolls and may as well go start their own concernfag place to moan and stay off the true Q follower comms...;)

14997948? ago

None of us actually know 'The Plan'. We know we are all, well mostly all, are on the same team and praying for a successful outcome to 'The Plan'. For the in-depth scope and details I just hope we get to find out most of it when it is successfully completed.

14993126? ago

No, it makes them a doubtfag

14993487? ago

Fuck off

14992331? ago

I try constantly remind myself ... if this a war, then it’s possible Q can lose. I know art of war and all that but as Q admits, deep state is fighting back. I realize they are stupid, but they probably had [have] a few solid curveballs in the quiver, even for Geotus .... something this big could not have been planned that far in advance with no chance of deviating from script (due to enemy moves ). Knuckle up and buy popcorn ... one of the posts before midterms was something “nothing can stop it now D5” or something ... even if they lost midterms I think the plan would have unfolded ... the pieces were set in motion long ago ... deep state is trying to take away the teeth of the plan

14990486? ago

Run along trolls... The PLAN will go on With.. OR .. Without You. This is a Military Plan not a Presidential Plan. Don't like how it's going..? Don't Approve of the Plans Execution..? So what. It'll get done when they get it done.

14995850? ago

Apparently, you have never been on a military planned mission. Iraq and Afghanistan was in trouble from the outset. U.S. forces were poorly prepared for peacekeeping and had not adequately planned for the unexpected. In the first half of the decade, "strategic leadership repeatedly failed," and as a result, U.S. military training, policies, doctrine and equipment were ill-suited to the tasks that troops actually faced in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Forget about family back home having to buy and send the right equipment to keep their sons and daughters alive. “Body Armor comes to mind. Chalk it all up to “U.S. expectations” instead of thinking about the host nation and mission," a nice way of describing wishful thinking rather than realism. Sounds a lot what I hear on the board. Wishful thinking and assuming it is actually going to unfold the way you wish it would. Then again, I have seen little going on.

Arizona is gone or 6 years to the Democrats. Democrats stole the house as they always have. Don’t worry we are watching.

15007230? ago

Which military planned mission? One that the clowns were feeding bad intel and the Generals were puppets to the cabal and other puppets? Or the the Generals who were sick and pissed at not being able to execute their skills to win? Who is really to blame for being poorly prepared? The military forces or the corrupt politicians that wouldn't let them? Who do you think the blame was directed to? "Strategic Leadership Failed"? My ass. That is like sitting Michael Jordan on the bench and blaming him for the team losing. Not only are these people stupid but the sheep that follow and repeat their shit are stupid too.

14992954? ago

Just so long as they win. If this stuff is correct, the world will be a bad place if our guys lose.

14993557? ago

Already bad. World governments running pedo rings. Satanic sacrifices...it's beyond belief. We won't close our bases overseas cuz they're really child trafficking stops for the CIA. Makes me sick. MK Ultra going on. Chemtrails people still don't know wtf is going on. This is a bad bad place. Perpetual wars. Insanity.

14997887? ago

That's why they are fighting, to hopefully alleviate a lot of this.

14989168? ago

The plan is actually going surprisingly well. It just doesn't look that way due to all the chaos right now.

Though think about it for a second: Who is panicking? Who is Angry? Who has the the most to lose? What do people do when they panic and have a lot to lose?

Also, I agree. Not everyone with concerns or are upset is a concernfag or a shill. In fact, the people who scream that are everyone drive me crazy.

However, don't forget: https://qmap.pub/read/1822

  • They want you DIVIDED.
  • This movement challenges their ‘forced’ narrative.
  • This movement challenges people to not simply trust what is being reported.
  • Research for yourself.
  • Think for yourself.
  • Trust yourself.
  • This movement is not about one person or a group of people.
  • Q

15040008? ago

The ones who say "Q is fake! You're all part of the deep state!" are trolls!!! They don't have any questions except "Where are the arrests?", before they tell you that Trump is deep state!!! One said he'd believe it when he saw it"! If he saw it, he's know it! They haven't done one iota of research! They are on here in an attempt to divide us!!!!! Some are ridiculously obvious! I actually told one to tell his mommie to give him the blue pill before they go to bed, so she could relieve his sexual tension!!! I referred to another as Hillary, because it did sound like her!!!

15040309? ago

People who complain about arrests don't understand how crime syndicates are taken down.

You have grab large groups of them all at once, otherwise the rest will be tipped off and likely flee or go into hiding. Everything has to be in position and ready strike all at once. When you consider how many thousands of people are involved, it is not a quick process. In fact, it's impressive they have managed to collect this many sealed indictments so quickly. This is very telling to just how much human resources they have actively invested into draining the swamp.

Also, the cabal has had over 100 years to get comfortable. They aren't going to be removed in less than two. That is simply an unrealistic expectation.

14994558? ago

I hate to break this to you, but Q is trolling the gullible. Wake up! Try actually thinking for yourself instead of equating independent thinking with “trusting” Q’s nonsense “Plan.”

14990023? ago

Who is angry?

We should be absolutely enraged.

Who has the most to lose?

We do. Regular, everyday tax-paying, working, voting Americans have the most to lose.

14993597? ago

Yes was thinking the same. We have the most to lose.

14990321? ago

Fair point. However will your regular, everyday actions lead to years, decades, lifetimes in prison if things go bad?

Well... unless you are a serial killer or something, but you get the idea!

14991782? ago

Yes. If the deep state wins we’ll live on a literal prison planet.

14992484? ago

Fair enough. I think you are absolutely right. lol

14993748? ago

I am the poster you’re replying to, I am still a Q believer. He has come through every other dark time. I believe he has a MOAB in store for us!

14998244? ago

It looks like Mueller is just now stepping out of the way. His findings have been reported on.

It won't be long now.

14991856? ago

Beat me to it

14989687? ago

HAHA professional

14989000? ago

There is a difference between being concerned and being a concern troll. I don't call out the people who are simply concerned. But I will call out the concern trolls who are spewing non-sense and trying to divide the community.

14990276? ago

Yes! This! I was concerned, but thankfully not called a concernfag. I get a bit down sometimes, because whenever I try to red pill, people look at me like I'm crazily following a conspiracy theory. I trust in the plan. I have since I stumbled upon Q back in May of this year.🇺🇸WWG1WGA🇺🇸

14989543? ago

Someone who is concerned will ask questions to clarify things.

A concern troll will advertise far and wide that they don't trust Q/they think Q is fake/they think Q hasn't done anything.

An easy way to find out if someone is a concern troll or not: Is what they're saying an attempt to change someone else's opinion? If yes, they are a concern troll.

14992447? ago

They always whine about how you can't ask questions without being a shill. That's where they are wrong. A relevant question is always welcome. Try asking one and i guarantee you will get a good answer. There is nothing wrong with skepticism or not believing everything that is said, but if you come on QRV only to write paragraphs about Q being a LARP, how we are all crazy and need to snap back to reality etc. it does not serve any purpose and it's obvious that there is an agenda. Same goes if you only ask questions that aims at preaching how Q is fake. Example: Why has nothing happened? Why is no one arrested?? Why not just one or two arrests??? '

We all want questions and discussion, and if you are not a shill and have serious questions, then ask about something you might not understand regarding Q drops, or just anything that adds to the conversation.

14992930? ago


14989640? ago

Being concerned is, "I don't believe in Q, but I pray to god this corruption ends. I don't see a lot happening so I'm a bit skeptical."

A concern troll is, "You're fucking delusional, living in a god damn fairy tale. You're retarded for thinking he's real. He said Hillary was going to get arrested, NOTHING HAS HAPPENED you fucking retard. I need immediate results and am not getting them, therefor, you're a puny child who believes in Santa Clause."

14989718? ago

The former can be a concern troll if its worded a certain way. As I said - if its an attempt to change someone else's opinion, they are a concern troll.

14999696? ago

Trying to change someone's opinion on a given issue is concern trolling

Yeah? So, you're cool with leftists now? How about this...

Trying to change someone's opinion on a given issue is bigotry

Disagreeing with me makes you a shill

Disagreeing with me makes you a bigot

You're no better than a leftist if this is how you think.

14999737? ago

Typical strawman. I didn't say that at all.

If someone is parading around like an attention whore, advertising to others that they should change their opinion - then they deserve nothing more than contempt. I bet you're one of these types, and are butthurt that I'm pointing it out. If so, fuck off.

14999836? ago

As I said


As I said - if its an attempt to change someone else's opinion, they are a concern troll.

Ohhhh, /that's/ what you said. Silly me.

So all you meant to say is that if someone expresses an opinion contrary to your own, and attempts to convince you that their opinion is correct, that person is a concern troll?


bitches about strawmanning

uses ad hominem

14999875? ago

It's obvious that you can't read.

14999991? ago

Well, then, by all means, tell me where I went wrong. Engage that critical thinking Q so often exhorts you to use.

I would suggest that you have an opportunity to change my opinion, but I don't want to turn you into a concern troll.

15000021? ago

Nah, I wouldn't want to educate a fuckwit like yourself.

15000163? ago

Ah, the insults! I do so enjoy the insults!

That means I won, right? "You take flak when you're over the target," yes?

This turned out about how I expected. Habe a good night!

15000339? ago

Nah, that's not how it goes at all. Keep thinking you won though, I find it fucking hilarious.

15024507? ago

you got bitch slapped defending the undefendable and lost bigly.

15000363? ago

Ok, glad you got a chuckle. Don't I win by default though, since you surrendered?

14994624? ago

How about a concerned citizen? I’m called a troll and shill just for asking real questions, not smart ass ones.

14995504? ago

It depends how you word it. If you word it as a reasonable question to seek clarification - you're not a concern troll.

If you word it as "I'm starting to think Q isn't real" or other such nonsense, you are being an attention whore.

14996323? ago

Fascinating what you dismiss as nonsense.

14996770? ago

Am I supposed to give a fuck what you think?

14996933? ago


14989758? ago

You're right. I just needed to vent some frustrations I guess.

14993574? ago

I hear you! I feel the need to vent to! I think a lot of us do. It would be great If we had somewhere where we could just get it all out without being yelled at for being a troll or a shill. We should probably be comforting each other instead of degrading one another. Like Q says Pray.

Confess your faults one to another and pray for each other and God is faithful and just to forgive you.

15006829? ago

I used to feel that need to vent. Then I've discovered something. Two keys now get me through the toughest challenges. Patience and Knowledge. Everyone was freaking out the morning after the midterms. See what happened? Those that are letting it play out with patience are getting more comfortable and amazed at the planning and execution of the military like strategy. We're going to make it go away for good, not just here or there this time, only to come back again. After reading what Anons and Patriots are having to say, and seeing what is behind the curtain, most have gone from despair to amazement. If you are feeling down or dejected, you haven't read and learned enough to know otherwise. That is the little chink in the armor the shills try to exploit. If you don't have the time, use patience until it's revealed what you were concerned about. I went through it a dozen or so times before. But no more. Maybe I don't like feeling foolish for being concerned or doubting when later on it was proven unwarranted. You also invite shills to jump on you if they think they might have a chance to sway you. They don't just attack those that are over the target, they try to take out the weak ones from fighting also.

15017029? ago

You may have given me thoughts and feelings that I don't actually have. Oh! I'm not feeling down and dejected. For me it's much different. You see, I want a place to vent! I want to lament the choices I've made in the past. Some of the military leaders that surrounds Trump are around my age! But for a choice here a choice there I could be one of THOSE right in the middle of it all!!! Even now this setting around making memes and trying to red pill others gets under my skin sometimes. I could and should be doing so much more! Missed opportunities, at times, drives me to look closer and try not to miss the next one that comes my way. And yes I know opportunities come to those who prepare for them.

14989863? ago

Don't be frustrated. Know this - if you are expressing frustration, what might the other side be feeling? 1000x worse, that's for sure.

Trump doesn't let people get away with shit - take a look at the executive orders he has signed since he has entered office. Notice that a lot of them are related to taking action against people doing the wrong thing?

14990161? ago

I'm still holding on hope. The amount of executive orders and the topics of the executive orders, the amount of firings and resignations, the amount of new judges appointed. I'm holding on hope.

14989536? ago

Same. I'm just pointing out why the boat (or Voat rather) is rocking so hard right now. : )

14993712? ago

That in itself is a very sound proof.

14989939? ago

Maybe cuz nothing of any solid proof or substance has happened for well over a year now? Seems at this point the biggest troll of the Q movement is Q. Where’s the beef?!?!?

14993084? ago

Those of us who’ve been here watching from the start have seen it play out. Things have literally happened EVERY day since Trump took office. Your not paying close enough attention. Think for yourself. Trust yourself.

14992454? ago

This one is starting to get old...

15006913? ago

Yup, I find it odd people seem to get caught up in talking to a NPC. (Unless they are other NPCs?) FCOL, move on and talk with those who have some substance and common sense to engage with.

14988283? ago

I hope you are right. But this is all a big stretch for me now. Seems to convoluted for it all to happen - and anyway we are losing everyday. Q targets are NOT being met. At this point - thing are just not playing out and certainly not in a timely fashion. It's getting dangerously too late. I know DJT like to break through at the last minute but now it looks like the DS is winning. If there had been some very modest revelations thrown in along the way - it would have gone a long way to strengthening the Q movement. We didn't even get the Ig un redacted - last March when it should have happened. And answer me one thing - how is DJT going to get anything done when the demcraps take the house and Pelosi and Waters screaming IMPEACH like a bunch of wild hyeenas. That will be it - too late. Please tell me I'm wrong.

14998612? ago

The disabled guy and his mom charred to a crisp in the middle of the CA wild fires kinda took the wind out of my sail. I was searching 4chan for information on pizzagate when Q showed up. I've been with this thing since the beginning. I'm not a concern troll so much as I'm really sick thinking about people burning alive by fires set by PG&E for the benefit of the CA cabal. Dear God.

14991510? ago

'Plants need watering' No worries! If it was transparent without specific inside secret knowledge, it simply would not work. We are bit parts in a massive spy thriller, and lives (many) are at stake. Recent history and remote history all has clear signs of unstoppable corruption (for want of a better word). It is being stopped now. Even with seat belts on we may get bruises. No one promised us a rose garden. Chill, 'prep pray stay out of the way'. Looked at another way, recall who has previously tried to clean up bad stuff? RIP. Enjoy the show!

15105936? ago

I beg you pardon, you never promised us a rose garden?

14989603? ago

Oh yeah. Speaking oh speaking of Pelosi and Waters...

Wouldn't those two make great actors with some indictments held over their heads? To serve as a "Do you guys really this in office?" Also, notice how Trump always referenced these two in every single rally?

Just some food for thought! You never know!

14990211? ago

No deals. Holding indictments over peoples heads is, essentially, exactly what they do ti control people. Youre trying to tell me Q/DJT is pulling the same corrupt bullshit and i should be complacent to sit and wait and hope everything works out for the best?

14991006? ago

Do you have any better ideas? ...I'm just saying!

Also, this is a war. Is turning evil on evil really such a bad thing? I mean, playing nice with people who throw geoengineered hurricanes at us and use DEW's to wipe out buildings and even entire towns isn't exactly the best option on the table, is it?

Evil will not hesitate for a second on what we will. This doesn't mean we have to entirely stoop to their level, but we will not walk away from a battle like this with clean hands.

14991237? ago

Betterr ideas? Yeah, cut out the fucking cancer before it has a chance to spread any farther.

Q has been hinting that everything has to be above bar to stick, not us anons.

14991272? ago

It's not that easy, unfortunately: https://voat.co/v/QRV/2848630/14988967

14991562? ago

"Excuses are like assholes, everyone has one and they all stink."

14991682? ago

there are excuses, and then there is reality.

And reality really, really stinks sometimes.

14989398? ago

Could not have said it better.

14989108? ago

You're wrong.
Or you're right.

They're both right until the future comes to pass

14988967? ago

I don't blame you or anyone with honest concerns about the speed of things, but take a moment and consider everything that we know: The people involved. The number of people involved. Imagine the logistics, man power, and resources to carry out justice against all of these people. The communication in methods as not to alert those you move against.

Like I mentioned in the post: There is a reason why Q has said a number of times: ""This is bigger than people can possibly imagine." and "This is MUCH BIGGER than even AUTISTS can imagine (MUCH BIGGER!)."

I mean, stop and think about it. Just how corrupt is our government and the people in it? Are those people just going to lay down and take it, are those around the globe going to just let it happen? What about the people, the population? How are they going to take the news of:

"Hey, by the way. 9/11 was carried out by our government as an excuse to go to an unnecessary war that got your friends, family, and loved ones killed needlessly killed. Our bad, sorry about that."

"You know the food we eat? The water we drink? Yeeaahh... it's all kind of poisoned for population control, nothing personal. Speaking of population control, you know all this drought and fires that burned your homes down? Yeah... that was kinda of us, too. Sorry about that."

"You know all those actors and singers you love? More than half of them are pedophiles and Satanists that take part of children sex trafficking and child sacrifice. Movies might not exactly be the same after this, sorry about that."

"Remember Obama, your favorite president that was so Perfect? How he was the first black president. He was also kinda sorta the single biggest traitor in our countries history. He continued the pointless war to weaken our military, it's resources, and kill off more of your friends, family, and loved ones. He also racked up more debt than the rest of our president combined and used it to fund terrorists and give them nukes they planned to use on us if Hilary won."

"You know the news you watch? It's sorta all propaganda to keep you in the dark to all of this stuff going on. I guess you could say it isn't even news at all. It's sort of brainwashing and mind control in a way."

...isn't that kind of a lot to drop on everyone all at once? In close proximity to each other? It's easy for us because we already know about all of this. But think about the average person. Those who are completely clueless to any of these things. We are so far ahead of the rest of the sheep that sometimes, we forget to look back. To see just how far we left everyone else behind.

Trust me. As much as I'd love for everything to happen all at once, right this moment, it's simply unrealistic. This isn't even mentioning the enemies of america, what they might do during the chaos of people panicking about this MOAB red pill that is dropped on them.

Logic and reason is needed when considering the scope of all of this. It's HUGE, and many, many people aren't going to take it very well: "The complete picture would put 99% of Americans (the World) in a hospital." Q This isn't that big of an exageration. Cognitive dissonence is a bitch. It can be crippling encounting a single thing that challenges your world view. Now imagine everything you know about the world crashing down all around you.

As Q has said time and time again, and They, nor I, can stress this enough: "This is not a game" Q

15100994? ago

You point out all of those offenses/atrocities against mankind and seem to be associating this to the necessary timing of The Plan, and the course it is taking. If this is what you are doing, I would respectfully suggest that you are misleading people. I will remind you that Q said not every crime will be knows because it would be more than the public could take, and it in and of itself would cause a great upheaval across the land. There is not a one to one relationship between events and revelations.

15101178? ago

Ah. I did not intend for it to seem that way. I was simply pointing out there there are some very bitter pills out there that would be hard for people to swallow in general. I know not all will be revealed, or perhapes only a few will. But even then. Stuff will be hard to take.

The more you reveal at once, the harder it is for some to take.Since the "fire" shenanigans in California began recently, I've been trying to wake up a bunch of people to DEWs. It is extremely difficult, as most people I find simply don't take them seriously.

That the concept of these types of weapon are so alien and lost in science fiction, that for them to consider that they actually exist in reality is pretty much an impossibility to some. Even when you lay out the evidence before them, they refuse to even look at it seriously. It's a pretty strong reminder of just how deeply asleep some people are.

but I digress. I see your point, yes.

15101580? ago

Thanks for your congenial reply. I regret that I did not also complement you for your fantastic content, the way you presented it, and the caring you shows in taking the time to put this together.

Regarding rejecting truths against facts, I think it is natural, almost a survival mechanism, for the human mind to reject painful truths just like our subconscious minds will block our memory of traumatic event from our past As Patrick Henry so eloquently says in his Give me Liberty or Give me Death speech, "It is natural for man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts."

Incidentally, if you haven't read his speech lately, you should. I think much of what he says transcends time, that it applied very much to the awful moment of our own time. I am always inspired by his words which on the scale of history, were written only a moment ago.


15104984? ago

That is a great speech. Considering what is looming over us, it's very applicable now, yes.

I have a hungry mind that craves knowledge. I'd much rather learn the bitter truth of something over a sweet lie. I can take it. Having done a good deal of research on cognitive dissonance, I can identify it when experiencing it and overcome it. Now I have come to find that nothing surprises me anymore, nor is it too crazy to be true.

As far as my post, I just to reassure people that things aren't as bleak as they seem on the surface. That there is actually a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes. When you also consider the EO Trump signed in September, the dems haven't won just yet. They can still lose the house and other seats depending on how the investigations go.

I'll begin to be concerned if the investigations don't want anything or make a big impact. However it's pretty obvious they cheated in some districts, etc. So we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

14998310? ago

Great response. We forget we are awake but others are not and could be jolted. Question is will more come out that could even jolt us awaken ones?

14998999? ago

I've seen some shit. Nothing surprises me anymore.

We could suddenly waken up from the matrix surrounded by aliens and I'd think, "well... that certainly explains a lot."

14995338? ago

God gave us a 4 year reprieve. 4 years to turn this nation back to Him, before HE brings judgement to America...and America will be lost as a nation. 2 years have gone by now and conditions worsen in this country. The child abuse, the perversions of sexes, the bio human/animal experiments, the self serving corrupt politicians, etc. I understand exposure needs to be slow and arrest must be planned...but at some point, it's time to excuse me "shit or get off the pot". Dangling hope in front of honest patriotic people trying to stop the evil in this land, and not delivering even a sliver of hope, is cruel. I will give Q until December 1. After that I will turn aside, quit sharing, quit exposing, and hunker down. I will concentrate more on provisions for the Tribulation that America will go thru soon. I will have to then set my sights solely on protecting my family. If you have put your trust in Q and the Pres and not put God first then you too will deserve what you get. As for me and my house we will praise The Lord.

14993418? ago

thk u 4 all that - the average person you refer to, that you are being so kind & considerate of , are actually part of the problem. They made the coice to be uninformed, ignorant, to stick their heads in the sand, to hide or whatever other choices they made to be dimwits - so, I've gone past sweet, huggy kindness - drop the truths bombs & let all their stupid, idiot heads blow up, cuz I just can't take you ignorant jerks anymore, you deeply affect our lives & it hasnt been for the better. I'm not hugging the hell out of these freaks anymore. (ps I'm a 68 yr old gramma, shop owner, always been awake, been around the block too many times & have been doing things right) everybody wake the hell up (I'm not referring to us here, pls understand) thank-you

15007817? ago

Hear, hear - fuck the tender feelings of all the normies

15001868? ago

they are kids...the reality is the group think manifested

14992846? ago

Your reply should be it’s own post. please repost if you can. love it !

14990840? ago

I'm not American and I don't know the constitution like the back of the hand but what you Patriots are trying do to (other then save the world) is restore it's power. To that end, I am guessing that if the military just came in and took over the country and started arresting people (however evil they are), it would be an action that in itself would be rather un-constitutional. As I said I don't know American history to a great extent but I do know that it is that document which makes your country the land of the free. America is the last true foot hold for freedom, please, do not give up.

15037188? ago

Not unconstitutional when in a declaration of emergency which we have been. Its coming....please keep the US in your prayers. God Bless....God won't fail us either! United we stand.

14991103? ago

More or less the military are kinda running the show, but it's clear they are trying to do this "the right way" as much as possible. Otherwise, how are they any different? They'd just be hypocrites.

You know what they say about fighting monsters.

14990485? ago

Nukes are fake, 9/11 was fake. And you are missing the biggest red pill of all, just like all the other patriots with their chests puffed up with pride. The MOAB that will bring ALL of humanity to their knees. Betcha can't guess what it is.

14993631? ago

interesting, I've thought a lot about how the truth will harvest souls for Christ, before He comes for us. Hope you will let us know what your answer is. No normal person will not see Christ when all this truth comes out, but I can't think of just 1 thing.

14996077? ago

The answer is indeed the Christ, God in the flesh. And the foundations of His Earth. Not flat, not convex and not spinning.

14992338? ago

The Jews right?

14990807? ago

I have a handful of "just in case" theories, ranging from alien ant farm to the matrix and all kinds of shit like that.

Because you never know. It's important to keep an open mind and work towards bettering 4th and 5th dimensional thinking.

14991109? ago

Think more biblical.

14991501? ago

The rapture-like events to buddy Christ from Dogma decending from the heavens to greet us is on the table. Hell the earth could be flat and us living in a dome or a snowglobe for all I fucking know. lol

Nothing surprises me anymore.

14994596? ago

I have always told ppl, we are already in hell, we just don’t know it. Seems I might not have been far off.

14990068? ago

Well said fren. I think they could take the initial shock and not run around like their hair was on fire, it's just a matter of loosing touch with reality...over-time! (Like Hitler, the 'long goodbye' - bonkers at the end). They need to process each new reality changing red pill, before taking the next to avoid overdose. Q team has to be like doctors prescribing an antibiotic, too much too fast and their skin could fall off, too little too slow and the infection adapts and spreads even stronger. I hope they estimated our collective body mass correctly, some of us around here lie about it! LMAO!

14990274? ago

lol exactly! Then again, too much exposure to red pills over extended periods of time also tends to lead to green skin and an uncanny desire to meme and shitpost.

It's better than the alternative, I suppose.

14991602? ago

? Alt to 'an uncanny desire to meme and shitpost'? Could that be: an uncanny desire to shit and memepost? LOL

14988238? ago

Bunch of people acting like snowflakes

14989720? ago

Maybe some of us are just a little "gun shy", (if you are familiar with the expression).

14988220? ago

This was needed.  



14988193? ago

Right? These concern fags don't even have the facts. Republicans already won Florida. Democrats lost the narrative, and Rick Scott has bulldog lawyers who are experts on this issue.

14996691? ago

Tell me about Arizona? Who won?

15101786? ago

I ain't heard no fat lady sing. Not yet!

14988989? ago

Rick scott has bulldog lawyers

bulldog I tell you!

did I mention they're EXPERTS on the issue?

Wew lad well don't I feel relaxed now. I mean, I was worried, but now I know we have expert bulldog fucking lawyers, case closed!.

15101772? ago

lol you comment echos of a Foghorn Leghorn style. Rick Scott has bulldog lawyers, I say bulldog son.

14988108? ago

Thank you for this post. It is actually reassuring.

Also I posted this: https://voat.co/v/QRV/2848621

I am not a shill, just someone who has watched the DS win my entire fucking life and we are in the 4th quarter here.