15003631? ago

NICE FIND PATRIOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

15002176? ago

Absolutely. Everything going on is pretty obvious. The benefit is that more people wake up & more DEMAND justice. Everything that is coming out seems to be so obvious even MSM reporters. I wonder if Acosta is working with plan too. He is so obviously acting like a fool. That helps to destroy MSM too.

15001171? ago

You guys sound like my wife, i am not god-like i don't read minds or puzzle messages. I am old school (way back) so if you don't mind i have seen this shit before( not like Trump,)good cop bad cop . Had my doubts then have my doubts now. So if you are going to tell me to shut up don't question the plan I will tell you to go to hell(i know we are already there)take your advice question everything and think (any worry) fot our selves. Thank you very much

14994916? ago

5D chess, man: Bernie Sanders agreement with DNC... AND...Brenda Snipes agreement with Q team... AND Bull Shit Ballot Stealing.... But Shills gonna shill /s

14988139? ago

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14978114? ago

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14959763? ago

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14959328? ago

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14957146? ago

paper ballots only!

14957145? ago

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14956006? ago

BS more likely Bernie Sanders imo https://qanon.pub/#1286 https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/1214513.html#1215294 But who knows anything any more?

14955986? ago

All of this election fraud ties back to Hillary Clinton. Watch Gabriel & McKibben YT video referencing Joe Sullivan of Cloudflare on the cover sheet. Joe holds the encryption keys for most in not all of the voting results. Needs to be pushed to officials. Maybe they already know...

14954894? ago

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14954129? ago

BS could be... Boomerang Suicide I.e:

Q 2471 "We knew then. We know now. This time - we have Gov't control. Boomerang Suicide. Q"

15000192? ago

Maybe Boomerang Suicide was Q's way of telling us that the letters/initials BS were important.

Brenda Snipes

14945598? ago

It is easier for everybody when also providing links to Q drops referenced.


14945287? ago

Q 2471 "We knew then. We know now. This time - we have Gov't control. Boomerang Suicide. Q"

14944936? ago

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14944411? ago

Trump said voter fraud would be prosecuted to max law allows. On the surface this looks like just a warning to cheaters and a message to us "We will secure the polls", but perhaps he was also planting the seed in everyone's mind that prosecutions are coming. He knew they would cheat and had assets in place. Destruction and cheating are the 2 things you can always count on dems for - been that way for decades.

14944289? ago

I don't think that "agreement BS" means what you think. Agreement probably refers to the RNC / DNC consent agreement in which Republicans agreed to not pursue voter fraud issues during elections.

14944239? ago

With all the laws in this country we don't have a law that bars anyone involved in voter fraud from nearing a polling station or anywhere near ballots? This is the equivalent of letting a bank robber guard a bank!

14943937? ago

I think BS is Bernie Sanders

14943741? ago

Holy shit!

14943443? ago

Off-topic. But I can't post yet. Can someone post this video from YouTube by Derren Brown. https://youtu.be/owootTAuxic - It's basically how to make a Patsy and how to program people to do stuff. MKULTRA. He even does it as an experiment. He was just interviewed on Joe Rogan and they talked about it in the interview. https://youtu.be/n_tpWrv76Q8

14943288? ago

that same post mentions Fusion GPS...and then they send that same lawyer, Elias(?)....great find, and the theory about the sting op? I think they're DEF onto something. I hope so.

14943005? ago

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ  04/27/18 (Fri) 16:39:079f1575(1) No.1215294>>1215299 >>1215305 >>1215312 >>1215319>>1215324 >>1215327 >>1215328 >>1215332 >>1215335 >>1215338>>1215340 >>1215341 >>1215343 >>1215349 >>1215350 >>1215351>>1215352 >>1215354 >>1215355 >>1215357


Reporting incorrect?

Per WH?

The day before.



Mueller & U1?

Mueller &


Comey to POTUS - not being investigated.

RR to POTUS - not being investigated.

Mueller to POTUS - not a criminal target.




Baiting POTUS?

Why no contact w/ WL / JA?

What is being investigated?

Why is Mueller’s team stacked w/ ex Clinton / D sr level authorities?

Why are POTUS supporters screaming for END?


ADD RUDY (quiet).

Can the investigation officially/publicly drop POTUS from review & continue?

Why did the Podesta Group close shop?


Why are known bad actors in full support of Mueller?

Why did POTUS interview (FBI Dir) Mueller a day prior to SC appointment if impossible to assign position?

Why did Sessions recuse?

What are the powers of Huber / IG (H)?


Who has the POWER?

Who can know?

Are D’s using as midterm tactic to win House?

Are D’s using as ammo to gain majority to impeach?

Impeach on what grounds?

What facts exist to impeach?

House report POTUS no evidence of collusion.


Mueller report will contradict per Brennan Tweet today?

Disconnect exists.

R’s / D’s negative for POTUS.

Insurance policy?

Comey release of memos to obtain SC?


SC/Comey/RR state POTUS not under investigation.

Flynn pleads guilty to none committed crime?

S interviewed?

S/P relationship w/ judge?

2/S/P 302 mod?

Fusion GPS.

The Brits - raw intel / dossier / 5 eyes.


DNC rigging super delegates / funding/ voter rolls / agreement BS

Election/voter fraud





Sec of State



More than you can imagine.

re: HRC insurance [win]



Remainder illegal acts.


SC targeting who?

SC on team?

SC off team?

Questions reveal answers.

Time will tell.


14942910? ago

Haha! Great job anon!!

14942906? ago

When I first read that when Q dropped it. I thought it was Bernie Sanders, but one can only hope it was her!!!

14942899? ago

New Q!!

14942890? ago

Justice must come for the republic

14942869? ago

An interesting thought came to mind 4 hours ago, what Investigative team which has in recent weeks Exposed Democrat corruption from Within their Own camp? Project Veritas! As Q has so often stated Think Logically & These People Are Stupid. Knowing that POTUS/MI Know their Comms and thus Know How they plan to Steal an Election, what would be the Best way to Show the American people their Ultimate Corruption? Plant Veritas undercover operatives Within Broward & Maricopa county HQ where All the thieving & skulduggery is happening-asking questions of Key operatives and streaming Live video of said corruption to Federal/Military law enforcement. Does Anyone Really believe Trump would leave the country with the Results of this our Most Important election of Our lifetimes hanging in the balance? No, he wouldn't, he would stay here and tend to this and send Pence in his stead. But they Did Know what thievery was in place and I believe that once again James O'Keefe and Project Veritas have saved their Greatest expose of government corruption for last and thereby Literally will Save Our Republic from being taken over by Communism.

14995578? ago

James, Veritas and the entire crew are heroes. Ditto for Tommy Guns Fitton.

14942543? ago

Bernie Sanders!

14942268? ago

So what’s the agreement? BS is at this time refusing to allow R’s or the police have any election paperwork. If there’s an agreement with BS then why wouldn’t she turn things over now?

14942376? ago

I said above it could also mean that Q team knows of an agreement she has with Dems to fix the election..... we just don't know at this point.

14942398? ago

Copy. Good angle. Sorry for missing that.

14945266? ago

No apologies needed Anon! You make a valid point as well..... My first thought was they know but it might be the other way around like you say. It could not even be her as well and just a coincidence!

14945616? ago

Yeah I was thinking q team had an agreement with her. U were saying the Dems had a deal with BS.

14942323? ago

That's not true. I just heard from Ronna McDaniel that Broward did hand over the vote totals last night by 7 pm according to the judge's order, it was Palm Beach that did not.


14942389? ago

Thank u anon. I did not catch this.

14942245? ago

Nice find anon. I remember this Q post. I initially thought it was Q team telling us any agreements with the fisa is “bullshit”. Thinking back on it now with your find, it seems an out of character thing for Q to say? “Bullshit”. Q doesn’t say things like this. It’s got to be initials.

14942078? ago

GOOG DNC rigging super delegates / funding/ voter rolls / agreement BS Election/voter fraud Title Here BS is a reference to Bernie Sanders

14942341? ago

maybe double, triple meanings? Brenda Snipes/Bernie Sanders/Bull Shit

14941977? ago

I think that may have been in re to 2016 primary. It's known that she was caught in that fraud.

14942793? ago

Yeah, but what agreement, and how was she allowed to keep her job?

14941964? ago

Oh my. I thought they just planted informants to record evidence so they can prove it and make a case, but it might be even better and that she may have been used in a deal.

14941746? ago

Great find! I hope the decode is correct!

14941396? ago

Nice work anon - we have more than we know.

14941126? ago

So maybe BS is undercover? Not in the past, but maybe for this election? Seriously anon, whether that’s the case or not, THAT is a great find! And I think there’s a good chance this woman is the BS Q is speaking about here given the context of the drop and her association with voter fraud. It’s fuzzy what the meaning is though.

14942509? ago

BS referenced Bernie Sanders in that Q post!

14943718? ago

That would make sense considering the context.

14943052? ago

Ah. Sounds right.

14942444? ago

I honestly don't think it is referring to Brenda being undercover for Republicans. Reason being, Trump went through the trouble of making it clear that anyone caught committing voter fraud would be punished to the fullest extent of the law. How would the optics look if she did this on purpose and then Trump cuts her a deal or doesn't do anything to her at all. He looks like a pussy that won't back up his words. If it is referring to Brenda, I think it would be more to do with her agreeing to commit fraud on D's behalf and Q caught wind of it.

14941721? ago

Could be! I was also thinking they know of an agreement she has with Dems to fix the election, under the guide of "We have it all".

14942024? ago

Pops popcorn

14942542? ago

save me some, please.

14941908? ago

FISA goes both ways?

14941072? ago

Broward County elections = history of problems

14941028? ago

I believe Q is telling us that Ezra Cohen Watnik has led a stealth sting operation exposing voter fraud. Trump has loudly claimed it to be a major criminal issue. This is the first election that he could have the chance to catch them red-handed.

14943701? ago

I believe he said multiple times that "people are watching" or something similar.

14942514? ago

once again, i'm glad I'm not the only one thinking this.

14941009? ago

BS also could stand for Bullshit! Oh well same thing! Brenda Snipes /Bullshit.

14940966? ago

Brenda Snipes hands in the cookie jar.

14940954? ago

That bitch looks like beetle juice

14941689? ago

Who knew Yoda had a sister from the Darkside?

Destroy to get what you want, you must

An agent of evil, she is

14940925? ago

Double meanings exist! BS = Brenda Snipes = Bull Shit.

15006261? ago

Bernie Sanders.

14944800? ago

Pretty much the same thing.

14940847? ago


14940815? ago

Good catch! I think it is in order to mention "searching Q Map" for all of us newbies.

14940683? ago

nice find!!

14940645? ago

This was a sting op by Trump/Q to expose them. Gaetz “just happens” to know the exact moment they load boxes of ballots on shady trucks? Com’n this was a sting operation all the way to expose the corruption and gain support for voter ID. Time to get our country straightened!

14943848? ago

The fact that Rick Scott, as FL Gov, knew about the issue in Broward. The fact that he didn't use his authority to address this issue with an official who had these kinds of problems AND would oversee his upcoming bid for Senate. This HAS to be a sting.

15016710? ago

......"This HAS to be a sting."

or incompetence. I've seen decades of this by the Republicans and it isn't going to stop until somebody STOPS it. Sting operations are McGyver type antics - we need a hammer not paperclips and duct tape.

14995476? ago

That's a relief. Just listening to Scott on fox with Chris Mathews and when asked about physical evidence, he repeatedly referred to the law and ignored all the actual evidence, facts, witness accounts, photos....I groaned and didn't watch all of it. Now it makes sense, thanks all.

14994978? ago

Exactly! I wish people would have a little faith and let it all play out.

14942605? ago

Every election she is involved in including her own is suspect from file cabinets of forgotten votes to accidentally destroying ballots

14941860? ago

Shills gonna shill. Voter ID is useless. It's like handing out a bucket on the titanic. You're all qtards for thinking voter ID is a fix for any problems other than getting you to comply with another government mandated business.

They hand out identification to undocumented immigrants already.

No one trustworthy TELLS you to trust them or someone else. What happened to "Trust Sessions?" How'd that go?

Trust the plan. What plan, to keep our heads down and wait until a knock on the door?

OHHH 11.11 is the date!!! yea for veterans day. It'll come and pass and then you'll push some new date to quell the masses. Just keep going to work. Keep paying your taxes. Keep "trusting the plan". Don't question anything.

Nothing has happened since Q arrived over a year ago. You want to pretend "sealed indictments" are a thing but they started in 2011. Deusnexus.wordpress.com was taken down and archives scrubbed of important posts but still shows this has been published and archived years before Trump and Q.

All you goats are being herded off a cliff, just a different cliff than your sheep friends at reddit.


14948353? ago

Don't forget about the 11/3 and 11/5 arrests and riots that would result in Marshall law that never happened and the wrong Kavanaugh confirmation vote count and "red october" which resulted in the Dems taking the House which was totally because Q didn't want the Dems to know POTUS was campaigning for Republican Senate candidates.

14948455? ago

shhhh. everything is safe. just trust Q, the 17th letter of the alphabet. Key is 17 bro, trust 17.

14941996? ago

Shills gonna shill. Over the target!

14948305? ago

Nothing OP posted is wrong.

14945592? ago

He's actually right on the money lol

14941682? ago

This better be a sting operation to catch and prove election fraud! The recount would include all the fraudulent ballots and this cannot be tolerated! All the Broward and Palm beach Ballots must be destroyed! New ballots must be issued and a the election must be done over!

14943936? ago

People calling for new election. I say just let those two counties re-vote - IN PERSON ONLY - with observers at all polling stations. They won't come close to the numbers they are trying to slip through to steal this election.

14943991? ago

Nooooo, use election night numbers, no need to campaign again.

14941672? ago

I thought the Roy Moore election was a sting operation.

14995240? ago

Why catch them in one state when you can catch 'em in all fifty?

15004680? ago

Why not catch them then? Has anyone been arrested? Charged? The answer is no, but remember “trust sessions”

14992401? ago


14944010? ago

Moore was a trial run, learn tactics, catch more at midterms.

14994957? ago

exactly! No way they didn't expect this in.....of all places.....Broward County!!!!

14945553? ago

Way to move the fucking goal post

14992877? ago

Yeah, but who the fuck is placing the goal posts to begin with?!? Not Q! Stop shill.

14994079? ago

If he moved the goal post, that would be at least SOME action

14942216? ago

I wish it was. That vote would have changed the world. NoName wouldn't have mattered. It scares me, because if they didn't have the ability to prevent that, why should we believe that they have the ability to prevent this?

14951885? ago

The didn't have the ability then to prevent that because of the Concent Decree made in 1982 that the Republicans couldn't contest vote fraud. It is just now that the Republicans can contest the results. Perfect timing! http://www.investmentwatchblog.com/end-of-1982-consent-decree-gop-finally-can-contest-vote-fraud-after-36-years/

14942064? ago

Could have been the Roy Moore camp "playing dumb" to let them think they can use this card whenever they want, and what better time to actually expose them than during a national scale election day?

14945567? ago

They fucked him over for the rest of his life. I doubt it was planned

15016643? ago


There is a lot of wishful thinking going on right now. The (R)s usually bring a knife to a gun fight and they've most likely done it again.

14941061? ago

Watching the enimy destroy itself

14995199? ago

Don't get in their way...

14940740? ago

Well it sounds good anyway. I hope you are correct.

14944310? ago

I kinda caught onto this yesterday as well. Stop and think about it. How over the top is this?

Doesn't this all feel like a scene from a movie?

14962291? ago

Yes, and also, this bazaar situation incriminates the MSM, too, since they are sitting quietly aside and watching a major news story about voter fraud and not reporting. If they're not going to behave like investigative news agencies, then they should lose their credentials.

14940501? ago

And all this time I thought it was "Bull Shit."


15006241? ago

BS = Bernie Sanders

15007155? ago

or all of the above

14994999? ago

it kinda is, lol

14956015? ago

Bernie S

14944596? ago

still lol

14940840? ago

Just a variation on the spelling. They are both pronounced exactly the same.

14940484? ago

Link to Q’s post on 4/27/18. It’s near the bottom of the post.


14940504? ago

Thanks Anon!

14940428? ago

Good job! Thank you

14940363? ago

Only place BS shows up. Very intradasting!

14941073? ago


14941104? ago

I like it, it's a keeper

14941214? ago

Putting it in my covfefe bucket of new terms :-)

14941576? ago


14940254? ago

Great find anon

14940281? ago

Thanks! Just seemed odd and I did not see it mentioned elsewhere so I thought I would put it out there.