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julzee2 ago

Maybe Gowdy is the steath. Isn't msm reporting (I know can't trust anything thry say) but "if" Gowdy does end up taking Whitaker or [RR] place then thst sure would be stealth.

Although I think we have more than 1 stealth bomber. Actually Mueller & believe it or not Brenda Snipes even.


julzee2 ago

Who fills these in? They have Putin as neutral/unknown? Seems to me Putin working with Trump. That's not neutral imo. Just sayin..

Zammyanci ago

NSA White Hats ~ I would assume.


Azurulia ago

It's suspect that Whitaker is a "carpet bomb" before Mueller drops the MOAB, which is that he's been taking in the deep state evidence to protect it, but in reality, he's taking it in to end them.

Bobby's he's got a slave leash around his neck. To make sure he's a good boy.