themoreyouknow ago

Ezra Cohen-Watnick is the Stealth Bomber

Zammyanci ago

Or maybe MOAB.


Dantes_Lady ago

I agree. Whitaker probably is the stealth bomber, Q referenced. Disinformation: hmmm maybe. A little distraction maybe? Keep them looking at Whitaker while the magic man does his work in the background. By the way, have you seen that Whitaker is a big boy? Trumps 2020 campaign manager, is also big (6' 8")! POTUS is a tall man as well. Just an observation. Lots of big boys in white hats, don't want to mess with them.

Zammyanci ago

Q's got them spinning in circles looking for ???haha. I think Q like alternate ending movie's. And Yes I've noticed the dominant heights. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Tallest_Skil ago

Reminder that he will do absolutely nothing whatsoever, just like Sessions, and just like Trump.

Prove me wrong.

Agapechik57 ago

Matt matt matt Mmmmmmaaaaaaattttttt!!!!!!!

Gitmo-or-Bust ago

First, I am a Q follower for 10-11 months now and hope and pray that something big in the form of a takedown of massive proportions and all corruption being exposed. Having said that, I now find myself pulling away and visiting less frequently as it all seems to be a bad psyop. Perhaps we all have nothing else to hope for so we keep clinging to this last chance for the return of the republic to the people. If Q team has SO much evidence of D corruption and treason why on Earth would they not have leaked some out (declas) PRIOR to the midterms which could have absolutely tanked the D party in midterms? I keep asking why - why give them any power with turnover of the House? Other than 1 senate staffer of Mark Warner has there been any other indictments or charges filed? I have Q fatigue as it seems every foreshadow and promise about dates, big week ahead, booms coming etc are all bark and no bite. Q, pretty please with sugar on top letโ€™s have just 1, just 1 real victory soon to help keep the anons excited. As of now you are officially the worlds greatest tease ever. And your followers are suffering from epic blue balls syndrome.

Tryonisdoomed ago

I regret to say that I could have written this. I believe that there are many who share our fatigue. Still I hope and pray that our country will be put right soon. Either that or it will be civil insurrection, the likes of which this country has never seen. Could be the Fourth Turning of the Crisis

Zammyanci ago

And Q, because Gitmo and all his/her sincerity (imo) has a valid point. I second the request. Just a little bone please. Very, sincerely, zammyanci, PATRIOT.


Spud4ever ago

Thinking not really - Whittaker โ˜† IS โ˜† a Patriot , of that there is no issue , but he isn't the Stealth Bomber !

Zammyanci ago

Welp, it says it on the Qmap. Check it out, it's in the Players section.

Spud4ever ago

Guy, please, one submissal is sufficient.

RageAgainstPizzagate ago

'Stealth bombers' come in many forms: Funny thing is nobody looks close enough.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Truth! Trump paved the way for him back in March of 2017 with that Executive Order

He has at least 210 days with him and they can't do anything to interfere!

Remember when Jeff Sessions resigned on Red October, Note. 7th. This ensured Rosenstein Could Not take his place.

Instead he was replaced with Sessions Chief of Staff.
Since Sessions wasnโ€™t technically fired, he resigned at the request of the President in an undated letter.

The Resignation gave Trump the ability to choose who he wanted.

Clearly, this plan was in place well before events went down. Now we can see them being played out.

Placeholder, I find this interesting is all,

In the British Army, the fictional Loamshire Regiment is used as a placeholder to provide examples for its procedures such as addressing mail or specimen charges for violations of military law.

What are specimen charges?

s a type of criminal charge that can be made under the United Kingdom's legal system. It can be made when an individual is being charged with numerous violations of the same offense. It is used to simplify charging the person, as they would otherwise have to be charged with each individual offense.

An example of someone being convicted on specimen charges is a 2005 case in England where a man pleaded guilty to specimen charges after he was found to be in possession of 19,000 indecent images of children.[2] Another example would be the Denmark Place fire trial, where the culprit, whose act of arson had killed 37 people, was given a specimen charge of the murder of just one of the victims.

Other examples of when specimen charges could be laid include:

Obtaining social security benefits by deception for a specific sum of money on a specific day, evidence being adduced of a pattern of other such offenses. Indecently assaulting a child who claims to have been abused in the same way on many occasions, but cannot say precisely when or how often.

julzee2 ago

Maybe Gowdy is the steath. Isn't msm reporting (I know can't trust anything thry say) but "if" Gowdy does end up taking Whitaker or [RR] place then thst sure would be stealth.

Although I think we have more than 1 stealth bomber. Actually Mueller & believe it or not Brenda Snipes even.


Zammyanci ago

julzee2 ago

Who fills these in? They have Putin as neutral/unknown? Seems to me Putin working with Trump. That's not neutral imo. Just sayin..

Zammyanci ago

NSA White Hats ~ I would assume.


Azurulia ago

It's suspect that Whitaker is a "carpet bomb" before Mueller drops the MOAB, which is that he's been taking in the deep state evidence to protect it, but in reality, he's taking it in to end them.

Bobby's he's got a slave leash around his neck. To make sure he's a good boy.

Curlybill ago

Could still be sessions. Could be multifaceted. Think layers. I think sessions is a good guy. Everyone is for him. Even Whitaker. Gowdy. I think Gowdy is the new AG. I think sessions was just keeping it warm for him

DixieLady ago

I wonder if Sessions could be appointed to his old senate seat in AL when it is discovered that Dan Jones was elected due to a tremendous amount of voter fraud.

Q2theend ago

According to Fox, his appointment is not legal. Only legal temp would be RR. You know that aint happening. There has to be some reason he was installed. It sure has the rats running, whatever the reason. Fun to watch.

Spud4ever ago

Fox = MSM = Cabal

glencocoa ago

Yup. FOX called the election at 6:30 EST! Polls were not even closed yet on the west coast. FOX declared the house won by the Dems and Republicans in the West packed it in. If that isn't an act of sabotage I don't know what is.

Spud4ever ago

There ya go.

Zammyanci ago

Starting to look that way ๐Ÿ˜’

Spud4ever ago


Fighting26 ago

Hell yes!!! Whitaker has a whole lot of shit on them!! He even knows a hell of a lot about the Clinton Foundation and all the corruption there. He is our MAN!! A lot of people R's and D's will go down now that he is in charge!!

Zammyanci ago

Hoping so PATRIOT! That would be awesome!

Fighting26 ago

Yes Tracy Beanz did a video on him. It was great news!!!!

Awake2Truth ago

Great find. Future proves past.

SuzQ ago

Especially telling how the dems had a mass meltdown in regards to getting Whitaker to recuse! Honestly we all might want to buy stock in Depends adult diapers. They are literally shitting their unders. Hilarious!

Spud4ever ago

Wait until Whittaker does his job and exits the stage .

Zammyanci ago

But, yeah remember disinformation is necessary. So maybe... because there is other info out there suggesting someone other than Whitaker. ๐Ÿค”

bamadeplorable420 ago

Forward with Fire and Fury....march on Patriot Whitaker....let's see what you can do.

Zammyanci ago



1deadmanwalking ago

Robert Mueller maybe the Stealth Bomber with unlimited investigation powers. 60,000 plus sealed indictments couldn't come from the DOJ or the FBI without interference for the never Trumpers. The two-year investigation netted a hand full of Russians, Paul Manafort, George Papadopoulos and maybe Jerome Corsi and Roger Stone. Trump has always said Mueller was not investigating him. Just wanted to share my opinion. Matthew Whitaker is cleaning out the DOJ & FBI of never Trumpers.

Zammyanci ago

You triggered something with this, you know, it makes sense. Because of the expected fall out of everything that needs done. This way, whoever it is can continue as a government official and trusted Patriot in Trump's staff. Yes, some may need to take in a disposable role for a time. Hmm๐Ÿค” Thanks for the trigger. After all, Q has said disinformation is necessary.

Fish7463 ago

RM is described as a roadblock isnt he

1deadmanwalking ago

According to QMAP - Players Robert Mueller - Neutral/Unknown Rod Rosenstein - Neutral/Unknown

KarlKastner ago

How do we know for sure? I'm not following the headline? Was "stealth bomber" in his bio or something?

Zammyanci ago

Yes, copy and pasted it from Q map ~ Players section. But, remember, disinformation is necessary. Soooo.

Black_Lithium ago

November 7, 2018

Zammyanci ago

Yes, thanks, PATRIOT.


mlsaw94 ago

Also reading Back drops gives Tons of info-to me they lay the plan for us to read.

Spud4ever ago

WWG1WGA - Trust the Plan - Trust Your President - Trust Q : Never Surrender, Never Retreat !

Zammyanci ago

Yes, reread drops. It's almost a whole year early.


Thorbert ago

Huber is the bomber. Whitaker is the bluff. That is why he was quoted and wrote those stupid opinion pieces bashing Mueller. He is the monster that makes Huber look good to the DemoRats. Whitaker will shake things up. Take out the trash. Scare the shit out of the libtards. Democrats will pitch a fit. Whitaker out, Huber in. Huber is the bomber.

Spud4ever ago

Huber is not the Bomber.

Spud4ever ago

Disinfo IS necessary.

Paladin_Diver ago

But Huber would not have been involved in election fraud sting. Whitaker would.

KarlKastner ago

Sessions stated that Huber would look into anything additional that was a concern.(my paraphrasing)

Thorbert ago

Perhaps that's Whitaker's part to play.

ChiefMAGA ago

That guy thinks he's Q theorizing some wacky shit. Let Whitaker be the guy for now. HE IS THE FUCKING AG.

Zammyanci ago

Hmm. Disinformation necessary in this case you figure?

Thorbert ago

The idea of the democrats pleading to bring in the actual executioner is a pleasant thought.

Zammyanci ago

Q's got them spinning in circles. They don't know who's who. Haha


GolfinGirl ago

Hmmm, now that is something to think about!

Thorbert ago


SaveOurGrandChildren ago

Thank goodness for normal people. I, too, have been on Voat too long in one day. :) I have gone back & started re-reading Q posts. Very enlightening now that some time has passed. Thanks for thoughts as well.

Zammyanci ago


wasupwitdis ago

Ok Matt fire up those engines...lets get this bomber off the ground..........WWG1WGA

Spud4ever ago


Zammyanci ago

Shock~N~Awe ...Oh, yeah!


SubhumanDeplorable ago

Whitaker has only a nominal resume, but at least he is not elistist schooled or DC insider or former Bush lackey.

Zammyanci ago

I agree, so done hearing about BUSH administration, as if it's a good thing. After what we know now about the Bush's now. I wouldn't want either on my resume.


ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Me neither! Pure evil!