14700852? ago

Thank you OP, I’ve been thinking the same thing for a very long time. Q keeps saying they want us divided and that’s exactly what we’re doing with the Jewish statements. Every single human being on earth no matter what colour, religion, belief or action deserves to be treated exactly like everyone else. The same is true for someone who commits a crime. We cannot discriminate, that is exactly what the DS wants us to do. If many of the DS are Jewish then so be it, but that doesn’t mean then every Jewish person is a corrupt pedophile, amount other things. WWG1WGA includes everyone!

14700247? ago

Yeah!!!!!!! THANK you for this post.

14699712? ago

I see the terms "Jews" and "niggers" a lot on this board. So, are those who use these terms to be considered shills, or are some of them simply less couth or have something else going on? I have been attacked here by some for not using those racist words. Thank you for posting this; it is encouraging. I never saw Trump as being racist or anti-Semitic, but when I see some of the racist language tossed around here, it has made me concerned about whether this is a good place for me.

14700316? ago

notice that there are a lot more of those comments than there are downvotes. it's because they are probably mostly being made with brand new accounts that have not yet unlocked the ability to downvote.

14698441? ago

I learnt about to Israel deepstate some time back, and how they have their own group of white hats working against it as we speak. (Remember all that news breaking of all of those child sex trafficing criminals in Israel 2 weeks back or so?) Not all Jews are bad, some just really let the Talmud get to their heads.

I think not only the jewish community, but the global community would be better off if that book suddenly ceased to exist. It's purely indoctrination propaganda by (((them))) to stray the average jew from the path of god and our lord and savior.

14699889? ago

“That” book is a problem. Imagine if they fill out your skull with mush like you superior than others and you are a “chosen” one and every other “race” should be your slave. You don’t have skills, you are ugly but for some reason you are superior than the others. So you grow with feeling for entitlement. And your immediate surroundings is that way too.

Now - young people doesn’t read the book anymore. And they marry with other “races. And they escape the immediate surrounding. The world they won’t to build is non natural and is currently desintegrating. They are helpless because in old book there are not answers.

So basically if we are awake and resist them the nature will take care of the Jews problem. Hating them is not an answer. And so on.

14698245? ago

Per Q, Israel is to be dealt with "last".

14697067? ago

Actually Q has mentioned Israel, quite a few times. Also in Drop #916 He also said,

"We are saving Israel for last. ▬ Very specific reason not mentioned a single time." - Q

14696115? ago

Dumbfuck cucks think that Jews control it all when in reality Luciferians control it all. Luciferians just disguised themselves as ashkenazi long ago. But if you couldn't tell they also disguise themselves as Jesuits and Catholics and atheists too.


14696025? ago

Khazar are not Jews.

They are Crypto-Jews. Fake Jews. Families converted who hide behind label to enact ruin. Babylonian/Egyptian Occultists. Satanists.

Know the difference. You will know them by their brand.

14696017? ago

The great awakening is NOT anti-Semitic.

Here here!

14695772? ago

Real patriots recognize that Jews are disgusting satanic child eating cannibal pedos and they need to be eradicated

14695585? ago

Amen. That attacker at the Pittsburgh synagogue has NOTHING to do with this movement. The real Patriots do not condone violence against any innocent people.

14694987? ago

Sabbatean Frankist Luciferian Jews. Look that up OP and learn something.

Not all Jews are bad, however the Puppet Masters behind the scenes are indeed Jews.

14694986? ago

Q 916:

We're saving Israel for last.

Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.


14694740? ago

I bet not one person posting on this sub has been to Israel. A lot of pontificating by idiots going on here. And a lot of shills here too. So sad.

14694730? ago

Yep and fuck all you 'anti jew nazis' who post that shit all over the platform to make the platform look racist or nazi, you CIa fuckboys can eat a rotten dick

14694419? ago

Don't forget Benjamin Netanyahu was very outspokenly PROTrump. That should be first, just ask anyone saying otherwise how they know better than the elected leader of Israel and take it from there because anything they excuse for their misguided intuition can be used against them.

14694308? ago

What a damn shame, Jews did 911 and he should be doing the opposite .

14694347? ago

Trump raped kids with Epstein.

14695765? ago


14694297? ago

There are a lot of anti Semite people on here. In one post they will ask people to pray and the next post they will curse everyone that is of Jewish ancestry. Some spread the lies that the Holocaust never happened. I don't know their motives other than hatred and I don't think anyone will ever change their minds other than God stepping in and waking them up. The battle of the Q army is not only against corruption but also against racism and THAT battle will go on long after we are dead and gone!

14702973? ago

Do not be offended when people question in their quest for truth. Of course they are some deceptive trouble makers looking to start something mixed in, and their numbers are growing.

14695874? ago

Have you considered that a lot of the supposed anti-semites may themselves be Jews making it appear that they are under attack as a reason to shut the board down? Many of you seem quite unfamiliar with (((their))) tactics. How do you know the Holocaust happened? Because history books tell you so? Knowledge is power, do not believe everything you are told or were taught. Right now they are teaching our children that they are more than two genders, that Allah is God all in the public schools. The Universities are full of propagandist lecturers who write the books they teach from. So try to expand your world. Ask yourself, WHY are all these people so angry at Jews? Might not be hatred, might be an effort to wake up people to the truth. Don't expect you to agree or make an effort to discover anything for yourself, you seemed steeped in the dogma that blinds.

14702121? ago

I'm 67 years old and I know what my Father saw in WWll. The Holocaust happened and it was unbelievable what they did to those people. Not just Jews but anyone that didn't go along with the Nazi agenda.

14702846? ago

know what my father saw.

Hmmmmm. Begs the question how you can know what someone else saw.

14695793? ago

It’s because the holocaust didn’t actually happen faggot

14694237? ago

Well said Patriot. The reminderis necessary and at the same time the vast majority of Q followers understand that this is not about division. WWG1WGA is exactly what it is. This is about Good v Evil and Right v Wrong. We are all in this together

14694002? ago

Thank you for your post anon!

There are good people in ANY race or religion just as there are bad ones. Being from any ethenticity doesn’t automatically make you a bad person nor does any religion. It comes down to this, you are either a patriot or you aren’t. It’s that simple.

As a suggestion, let’s all do our best to ignore shills & their comments. It won’t make them go away but it’ll surely diminish their impact on our movement. In other words, don’t feed the fire, just move on past their attempts to rile.

14693766? ago

I think it is important to note that there is a difference between the evil kabal of Jew globalist bankers and the everyday normalfag jew.

14693478? ago

"The next time someone tells you Trump is an anti-Semitic white supremacist movement, and his supporters are Nazis, please point out to them the following:"

I think thats the problem, we're afraid to be the above, yet it is the only way we will survive. The National Socialists showed us the way out, yet we're wobbling our cheeks saying 'i'm not a nazi!' 'i'm not a white supremacist!' 'i'm not anti-semitic!' The arabs dont care about being racist or prejudiced. The africans dont. The latinos dont. The jews dont. Its only whites who still want to lick everyones feet and say 'look how humble I am'. Every species on earth is preoccupied with their own survival, yet Whites STILL wont take a hardline, even with WORDS.

Why doesn't Trump use his twitter account to start pointing out the jewish problem

14695287? ago

Whites were brainwashed and conditioned to think that way by Jews. But, "Muh Holocaust!" Always the victims.

14693345? ago

Trump is rooting out those who CALL themselves Jews, but are not. They are of the synaGOG of satan. Welcome to the battle of GOG and MAGA

14693274? ago

I have been trying to say the same thing for days. If you want to be a Jew Hater create another page and take that crap over there. Well said my friend.

14695310? ago

When you learn more you will come to understand that if you're NOT a "Jew Hater", then you'll be a dead or enslaved Goyim (white idiot). People hate Jews for a reason. It's not just some made up thing for Internet forums.

14693252? ago

What means semetic or antisemetic? Try to find out! Its a fishi thing. PLEASE LEARN HISTORY and forget this words! They are meanless. Who rules this world for 1000ts of years ? Who needs our childrens Meat and blood ? ouu vey ....the Goy...... Godpeed Patriots from a German Patriot.

14693199? ago

So you are all traitors..... Oh wait the Jewish divide and conquer tactic is working.

14693078? ago

How many countries have the Jews been kicked out of again?

14692656? ago

As long as you morons stay in an anon sub, you will have mossad posts like these. Manipulation your good nature and making you hate us, they people that are trying to wake you up.

14693065? ago

Please clarify, are you mosaad or the OP? Both?

14693068? ago

God made jews worse than niggers. No wonder you guys hate yourself.

14692859? ago

you are not waking anyone up. you are not even awake yourselves. you al hopped of the truth train at the first stop, as soon as you found someone to hate and threaten revenge on..you are happily sitting here in your hate bubble thinking you have arrived at your destination. you have only had the first red pill, but there is a long journey still ahead of you. it is easy to stay in the lower consciousness levels than to awaken to the greater picture because you don't have to confront your self and the truth of who you are. .......projection is a real thing and you haters on here are adept at it.

14692878? ago

Jews kidnap, rape, kill and eat our children.

14692905? ago

cool mantra dude

14692933? ago

You should know it's the truth you mossad faggot. I would be mad at God too, if he made me the most broken and diseased race. He made you worse than niggers. lol.

14692993? ago

me, mossad? lmao. I am not a jew. I know all about the bloody jews, but I didn't get stuck in the rut and stay there. I moved further along the journey and kept going. .. the path of awakening and truth is a long and winding journey. you are only at the first stop......... I have been reading and listening for decades, long before computers and internet. It is your choice to either stay in your current comfort zone or to continue towards awakening.

14693010? ago

You're a defective human being called a jew. You guys will die out by yourself anyways. That's how shitty your genes are. God make you worse than niggers. lol.

14693046? ago

lmao... I am not a jew, but go for it anyway, name-calling seems to be the only expertise you lot have. ... one day you might even get good at it.

14693064? ago


We got facts too you jew faggot.

14693107? ago

NON COMPOS MENTIS -----you fucking mindless zombie moron. I never once denied any of your fucking facts about the bloody jooos. Not ever fucking once...... I have known about the bloody jooos all my life. I remember them hunting down the nazis, and as a 5 yo kid 50 years ago, I knew they were the most vengeful,hateful and unforgiving people on earth. I've known that stuff for ever.......... BUT the difference is that I kept on growing up. I have been on the awakening path for decades, and it goes a long way past your precious little jooos that you just love to hate......but you cock sucking faggots won't ever listen to any one. ..... so fuck the lot of you. stay wallowing in your cess-pit sucking each other off.

14693130? ago

So Soros gets to ruin countries. Zuckerberg controls google. Weinstein got to rape all the shiksa trannies. You have to talk to nazis all day. lol. Don't you hate your life? Don't you want to end this misery?

14693148? ago

actually yes I do hate my life and yes every fucking day I think about ending it.. and one day you will be this way too, if you don't grow out of this fetish and seek deeper truth.

As for the others, their time will come, nothing is forever.

14695345? ago

What are you waiting for? DO IT!

14693166? ago

All jews hate themselves and want to kill themselves. If you look at how poorly God made you, it's only normal you want to end it all. Wouldn't it be nice, to no longer feel pain every moment of your existence? Go on. You have already researched ways of killing yourself. What is stopping you? Who are you fighting for? Are you being rewarded how you deserve?

14693198? ago

you really are a fucking moron. ..I already said I am not a jew, and that I have known all about the bastards my whole life........ but you mindless zombies never understand anything. fuck off and go back to sucking each others cocks if you can find one between you all. And you have the gall to say you are waking people up. Fucking Bullshit. mentally disabled fools all of you.

14693254? ago

Says he is not a jew. Still can't stop talking about gay shit. You aren't convincing anyone Shlomo. God hates you. We hate you. You hate yourself even. lol. Why not end it all? Why continue your suffering?

14693267? ago

maybe I'll hang around just to annoy you low-life cunts for a bit.

14693281? ago

That sounds like the saddest life ever. If that is all you have to look forward to, why even be alive?

14693296? ago

it's exactly the same as what you do on the Q subs, so why not some of your own right back at you

14693309? ago

I tell the truth about jews. That is not the same thing. You dumbass. How disappointed is your mother with you?

14693333? ago

Don't interrupt me I'm killing myself. bye cruel world.

14695358? ago

you won't be missed.

14693337? ago

Good riddens.

14692631? ago

Anyone who has lived in a city with a large orthodox population and interacted with them probably knows that they are mooching scum. It's not just Israel.

14692480? ago

If a lot of the corrupt individuals happen to be Jewish

What do you mean if you retard?


Jews are behind everything. The great awakening is anti semetic. Trump is playing the dumb goy as to not make it too obvious.

14692450? ago

anti-Semitic isn't a real thing.

14692342? ago

They are making it about Race, Religion, Gender, political party to divide us. Its about (((The Cabal))) vs The World. Some people can have a good heart and grow up around evil no mater the race, religion, gender. They have brainwashed the masses for decades.

14692292? ago

...and yet we still support him don't we?

This is why we'll never win.

14692013? ago

"This movement is about purging corruption from the governments of earth" - i aggree! It doesnt matter if a corrupt individual is a Jew, a false Jew, a black mayor or a Merkel.

I do however judge people of nations by how well they are able to eradicate corruption in their own community.

14691985? ago


14691946? ago

Of course not - JUST like this is not about Dems vs Republicans ...it's not about race. IT IS ABOUT Good vs Evil - as Q pointed out. Amen. The great awakening is about FREEDOM - WWG1WGA. What some have been concerned about...and it's not being mentioned very much, is that The "State of Israel" (not the good people OF Israel or the true Judean people of Israel) has a cabal factor JUST LIKE MOST OTHER NATIONS. How does the entire country get a pass? Why can't "Israel" even be mentioned without being condemned for it. Israel should be mentioned - just as the USA, the UK, Australia, Canada, whereever, wherever...right? The cabal in Israel (I don't know who they are...but whoever)...needs to be swamp driven just like every other country's swamp don't they? Or else, how is the true Israel ever going to find THEIR freedom - like the rest of us?

14691733? ago

I do still support him--100%. However, if I were being honest, there are times when I would censure Israel. I think the best example is Gaza. The first time Israel attacked Gaza, thousands were killed. They were told at the last second to get out of their homes, and then IDF sent missiles. I openly opposed that military action that killed many civilians in the hopes of getting a few terrorists.

Then, Trump acknowledged Jerusalem as the Capitol of Israel--and the Palestinians in Gaza went nuts. So Israel stopped the riots--people died--many of whom were Hamas or Hezbollah. Well done, Israel.

Israel is not perfect, but they are our ally. I oppose socialist Israeli-Americans in Congress, and I think you should too. I think we should ban all dual citizens from serving in the Federal Government and alphabet agencies.

And, I'm sorry, I am not suggesting that anyone pick up a gun and shoot anybody, but I think Jews in the US should stop acting like stupid assholes. I can tell you tons of true stories ON TOP OF the rubbish we see from the likes of Feinstein and Schumer.

14692592? ago

Isreal is not our ally. Their leaders laugh about how much control they have over the idiots in America.

14705812? ago

They don't always act like it, but in the end, they need us and we need them in that region. Why do you think Mossad pulled off 911?

14709392? ago

We don't need them. We can bomb the fuck out of isreal and make life great again.

14719060? ago

Yeah...that's not gonna happen. A whole lot of Israeli Jews are part of God's remnant.

Hollywood on the other hand...

14719108? ago

God put a blood curse on all jews for killing Jesus.

14691703? ago

KNOW the truth, NOT a bunch of BULLSHITmanipulators.

14691642? ago

Some here may find this interesting, as I have: http://www.nkusa.org/AboutUs/Zionism/opposition.cfm

14691566? ago

Seems like Q subs are stronger at night in terms of votes. lol @ you people being more NEET than voaters.

14691445? ago

THE BASEBALL TWEET THAT SAVED THE MORALE OF A COUNTRY. Thank you god emperor I will continue to MAGA.

14691393? ago

Good post. These Most recent false flags are most definitely to make conservatives and anons looks as bad as possible. Cue was very smart to not specifically target anyone race/religion by name.

The FBI weren’t specifically targeting Italian’s by race. All the leadership of all the mafia families just so happen to be Italian from Italy

14691345? ago

STOP THE FUCKING JEW LOVE, they aren't blood Jews, they hate Christian America and America sucks their hairy ass You stupid fucks just "think" obama was bad,your not even seeing half the picture

14691188? ago

but he did..... Isreal is last on the list because they need the world on their side so they avoid being turned into the next Hitler with everyone rushing to their aid.

All I'm going to ask you to do is tell me what the jews believe the purpose all none jews are meant for? when you find this answer also explain if you are willing to support that religion after learning this. Don't worry they don't hid this and should be a very easy duckduckgo.com search to get the answer.

14691645? ago

The majority of jews/muslims do not choose to be jew/muslim; they are born jew/muslim (per the dictates of Judaism/Islam). In this way, it is more of an ethnicity than a religion/ideology. Some embrace the religion/ideology, some do not embrace the religion/ideology.

14691053? ago

Great post and needed to be stated and upvoted.

This needs 400+ upvoats.

14690860? ago

As others have said Q is about attacking the deep state/globalists/the 0.1%/the pedos and their puppets, NO MATTER THEIR RACE OR RELIGION, it isn't about racism at all.

The deep state wants us divided and distracted, so that they can continue their own moves in the shadows.

Also interesting to note that most the downvoting of comments like this are those who cant see past their own internal racism to the bigger picture. If you got nothing better to say than its the Jews/Muslims/Catholics fault, then maybe this is the wrong board for you.

14692596? ago

It's the truth that it's the jews. If you don't like truth, this is the wrong board for you.

14695226? ago

Not just the Jews.... but, ALL Jews.

14690712? ago

Thank you for starting this thread - it's a great reminder of all the wonderful things President Trump has done for the Israeli people. But WOW, I am totally disgusted to see anti-Semites slamming Jewish people on this thread - today of ALL days - when 11 innocent Jewish Americans were slaughtered at their house of worship for no reason at all. This makes me sick! We lost 11 fellow Americans today - with 4 more fighting for their lives - and injured cops who were trying to protect the people there! What is wrong with these people??

I have lots of Jewish friends and NONE of them are evil or anything close to that. And the Jewish people who live in Israel probably hate their 'deep state' cabal just as much as we hate ours here. It's outrageous for anyone to assume all Jewish people are bad or evil. STOP IT!!!!! Jesus HIMSELF was a JEW!!!!!

14692606? ago

Fuck off mossad faggot.

14692732? ago

I'm a Christian, so I won't curse at you or call you names back - although you deserve it. As a Christian, I'll turn the other cheek and give you the benefit of the doubt that you're actually a Patriot, Trump supporter and Q believer - however rude and wildly inaccurate you are.

14692740? ago

You're a jew faggot you inferior joke of a human being. You are falling apart at a dna level. That's how much God hates you. He made jews the ugliest and most diseases race of all of them. Even worse than niggers.

14690790? ago


14690709? ago

You sir are exactly correct. This is coming from someone who has worn out the ((())) on his keyboard. really. Its not Jews... Its EVIL jews. Its not niggers... Its EVIL niggers. Its not xxx Its EVIL xxx. Thing is we have to have some sort of unity. I used to not be exclusinary but now I am because we have to start somewhere. We need a base of smart, based, not faggoty white males who can get things going then we need a massive and powerful filter for the sewage... Its as simple as that.

14690637? ago


14690520? ago

The Jewish people are not the same as the Israeli government. We can support one and not the other, or not the corrupt parts of the govt.

14690421? ago

Hes already named israel im afraid and by starting with a false premise I will immediately suspect OP as a shilling jew.

Israel has to be dealt with somehow, trump already gave us his plan during the election by stating that he wants a 2-state solution.

I've talked to many muslims about this and they all agree it would be good for them so the only ones left to ask now are the jews.

Trump has already stated that if israel is not committed to peace then he WILL get tough on israel if he has to.

14692299? ago

I LOVE and support President Trump 100%. However, his 2 state solution will NEVER be permitted by GOD Himself, especially dividing Jerusalem.

14696378? ago

Maybe read the bible sometime, modern jews are the fake jews that jesus warned us about.

They have no divine protection at all.

14733057? ago

I do read it. I think you misunderstand the message of Jesus because of your hate of the jews. If you know your Bible, you would know that Jesus warned us about the leaders of the Jews during His time, the Pharisees and Sadducees who were blind, did not understand the Scriptures, and were hypocrites. GOD is eternal, doesn't change, and his promises are eternal. There will come a time when you will see with your own eyes that Israel will be supernaturally protected in the future against military attacks. All you need to read about are the previous wars for Israel's independence in '47, 6day war, and another I can't remember. How could Israel, a very tiny country fighting with very few people and with second hand weapons have won against several nations that attacked it simultaneously? Tell me Israel was not divinely protected? They will be attacked again and GOD, Himself, will protect this nation, not because Jews are good, saintly people, but because GOD promised. HE has to keep His promise to protect His Name which He jealously guards and is more important to Him that His Word (Bible--if I remember correctly).

14691450? ago

14690421? - The Arab muslims living in Palestine do not want a two-state solution. Oh, they may accept it as a temporary measure to gain legitimacy as a State, but will continue their encroachment into Israeli territory. Why would they treat Israel any different than they treat any other country? In order for Arab muslims to stop encroaching they would have to disavow Islam.

14691753? ago

but will continue their encroachment into Israeli territory.

pretty sure thats palestines territory, you dumb jews are lucky to even get a 2-state solution honestly.

14690184? ago

kikes are not my primary objective, it is the holocaust that im interested in destroying. only after the holocaust is dealt with can we fairly answer the jewish question.

it is however curious that the jew no matter how "based" it seems, has the exact same tendencies as the diversity mongers inthat they irrationally cling to their precious victim card, and that they work tirelessly to pass progressive laws or rules

14690048? ago

Totally agree that the Great Awakening is NOT anti-semitic.

But many people on this and related boards are (or at least, they act that way). Some, we know, are shills sent here to discredit Q movement. Often, they are obvious--the ones that are gratuitously nasty with expletive strings that serve no purpose. On 8chan, they include well-rendered but nasty memetic images, as well. Easy to track the offenders, who post multiple examples in each bread.

But there must be shills that are more skillful than that; if I were a shill, I would use a more reasonable approach and then introduce something subtle to induce doubt in the minds of vulnerable readers. A well-informed propagandist knows just what to say and do.

Then there is a third group consisting of confused people who have woken up enough to be aware of the Rothchild banking dynasty and other aspects of the cabal that are associated with Jewish interests/families. They seem to get fixated on that particular area and feel compelled to enlighten everyone else about the "real roots" of the problem. Most of them look like shills. But when I'm not sure, I sometimes engage with them, in part to better understand why they are so caught up in this obsession. Most seem like they are just scared "fringy" people who can't stop thinking about the object of their fears. One of them thanked me for just listening to him (since obviously others had ignored him or, not surprisingly, called him out as a shill).

We are often told to ignore shills. But I often engage with them, as well, if their sentences are intelligible, if only to tell them to get lost. I do this in part in order to demonstrate to any third party watcher what exactly I think of that kind of attitude. I want to make it clear that I in no way agree with their ideas, so that there is a written record of someone in this group saying, "No, I do not agree with anti-Semitism."

I do the same with any statement that I don't think captures the spirit of the Q movement as I understand it, e.g., people advocating violence, forming militias to go the border, etc. For example, there is currently on 8chan a sort of manifesto advocating ridicule as a great tool meme warfare, a position I disagree with (because ridicule is designed to destroy people, not to wake them up). I explained my position several times (in different breads), not so much to convince the handful of people reading what I wrote, but to put a dissenting point of view on the record.

14692601? ago

Fuck off you jew faggot. Jews kidnap, rape kill and eat our children. They are soulless monsters who don't deserve mercy.

14693432? ago

Not a compelling argument.

14693437? ago

You don't care about jews abducting, raping, killing and eating our children.

14693489? ago

You know nothing about me or my motives. If you really care, then get a grip and learn how argue carefully and calmly.

14693498? ago

You are protecting jews. That makes you one of them and one of my enemies. Your choice and actions. Accept the consequences like a man.

14690026? ago

I think Trumpy sees jews / jew-state (israhell) as 2 separate things.

Myself, I see jews as social parasites, or as Farrakhan aptly described them "TERMITES". Look around, see all the social disgenia they push wherever they nest: miscegenation, gender crap, "hate crime" joke laws, financial rot & tyranny.

The jew-state, to me, is a cabal control center - that happens to be populated by inbred jew faggots.

14691912? ago

It's MoronAnon. He's back.

14689960? ago

It is what is it. Garbage is getting thrown out.

14689840? ago

Q does mention Israel... "We will save Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned at this time."

14692339? ago

Because Q is a jewish psyop.

14774429? ago

could be, but it's highly debatable either way. especially with the first posts wayyyy back about the holocaust, angela merkel, the vatican/pope... then they said something about "going too far" and us "not being ready" which i took to imply the holocaust was fake and/or not what we think it was

14774785? ago

While I generally like Trumps' rhetoric, the jewish cabal he's surrounded himself with makes things seems a little 'hinky', and with the secret group that took over "Q" from the original pranksters being acknowledged if not endorsed by Trump, the whole op has a funny smell to it.

14692988? ago

I'm going to start naming the Turk every time I see this shit posted.

Israel is an Ottoman psyop.

14689832? ago

14689792? ago

Don't mix anti-semitic with anti-Israel

14691419? ago

Why are you using made up words? anti-semitic is a made up Jew word,dont be stupid "semitic" wasnt in Websters 1828 Dictionary Who gives it providence now? JEWS!

14690542? ago

No Israel is a name that was slyly used by cucks to hide under and steal land with.

14690495? ago

Muhammad was a child molester and is burning in hell for his evil teachings.

Israel is surrounded on all sides by barbaric hordes of zealous theocrats. Funny thing, right outside the border is wasteland, dead, sand. Everywhere Israel controls is alive with apples, green, fertile soil. The land itself desires to be controlled by Israel.

We see you clowns and know to judge a tree by it's fruit.

Israel has a deepstate as well. The cabal is worldwide.

14692078? ago

It has been prophesied and in the Bible that the desert will bloom and Israel will prosper once Israel occupies their ancient homeland.

14700371? ago

The catch here is that Abraham was not even seeking a tangible land or terrain, but the "heavenly city with foundations" - the New Jerusalem. Consider John 4, where Jesus told the Samaritan woman that the time is coming when we will worship God neither in this mountain nor in Jerusalem. . .I ask, when do you think this time begins? It already has, initiated by His work at the cross & resurrection, and the tearing of the veil to the Holy of Holies. As His people in Christ, we are no longer tied to some specific physical location; He resides inside of us, as we are His temple. If you're In Christ, you're Israel, due to covenant with the King of Israel, the Vine into which we've been grafted. Those broken-off branches are welcome to likewise come to repentance and be grafted back in, but until that time, they're no less apostate/derelict/out of relationship with Him than heathens (because to deny the Son is to deny the Father). The old covenant is null & void, having been breached repeatedly by one of the agreeing parties (Exodus 19:8), resulting in God divorcing Israel (Jeremiah 3) and leaving Judah a widow upon His death. Any hope to reclaim status as "God's chosen people" explicitly requires a new marriage to the risen Lord Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:3 spells it out plainly. To be outside of Christ is a state of disqualification.

14732895? ago

You misunderstand some of what you are saying my friend. GOD Himself said that Israel is the apple of His eye and that Israel is a chosen people. Since GOD is eternal, doesn't change, and His covenant stands forever, are you saying that what GOD said is no longer applicable, relevant, or true at present? I agree that we no longer do we need a specific place to worship, but Jerusalem is special to GOD and is relevant only to he Jews. We are blessed and have found Christ BECAUSE of the Jews! Why else would the Bible say that when Christ comes back, He will set his feet on Jerusalem? I am thankful that the Apostle Paul heeded God's call and preached the Gospel to the Gentiles.

14753943? ago

Couple of questions. . .are you familiar with Jeremiah 19? Or Hebrews 8:13? Or perhaps Galatians 4, which clearly states that those clinging to the carnal earthly Jerusalem are legally Ishmaelites? Vital stuff to come to grips with - you're gonna need to revisit sound premises and toss out the tainted baby food Laodicea has been selling us. The Abrahamic covenant is not the Old covenant. Maybe dig into who was funding Cyrus Scofield, as well. Godspeed.

14695077? ago

Then, they will use their position to roll out the New World Order and enslave the rest of the planet (the Goyim).

14733199? ago

Jews are also victims of globalists, not just us. All men/women/children are sinners and without excuse. Evil has many faces.

14733229? ago

Jews primarily support the liberal, globalist agenda.

14733480? ago

Yes, a lot of them, ESPECIALLY the jews in America, except for a few Messianic Jews (those who believed in Jesus as Messiah/Savior).

14690794? ago

Exactly! I doubt the US would tolerate a single rocket being lobbed in from any of our neighbors. Heck, we're not even putting up with a caravan of invaders from Honduras, who aren't even armed (not openly, at least). Israel is surrounded by nations that have, as part of their founding framework, the desire to remove Israel from the map. If the US was in that position, how much crap would we take? How close would we let our enemies get? We were freaking out about communism spreading to the western hemisphere. Anyway, just saying...israel has a right to exist and defend itself.

And yes, they have their own deep state to deal with.

14690140? ago

This! I have Jewish family and friends! Israel is the problem. They treat the Palestinians horribly. It isn't just a Deep State within their country. They sat on couches on the hillside and watched Israel bomb Gaza as if they were watching fireworks. They bulldoze people's houses or drench them with sewage. They bulldoze their orchards. They limit their water and electricity. The settlers run over Palestinians and one in particular burned a family alive and served little to no time. I have seen them on videos saying, "We hate your Jesus! We would kill him again!" It is their mindset. They are occupiers, and they have become what they hate the most!

14692326? ago

This one is a military-operated persona account.

14696894? ago

This one (14692326) is a zionist cuck boomer faggot.

Are you fucking retarded? Are you unaware that what this poster is saying is literally the truth? Israel is a genocidal nation, hell bent on the supression of the local Palestinians, all whilst manipulating the foreign media to suppress criticism of them and pretend its all 'evil anti-semitism'. People like you are falling right into their hands, spreading their lies free of charge.

14701786? ago

Apparently. All I can say is I must have clicked the wrong reply. I agree it's the jews. So many of these "patriots" are shilling for the jews that it seems very likely "Q" is a jewish psyop, especially with the tight connections Trump has with jews.

14695747? ago


14701699? ago

Edited. Must have been half asleep when I clicked reply.

14692055? ago

Wow! Those of us who know better will not fall for your FAKE and hateful rhetoric. If I were a jew and lived in Israel, and you sent a missile to my home and killed my loved ones, YOU BETTER BELIEVE THAT I WILL KILL YOU IN THE MOST BRUTAL AND UNIMAGINABLE WAY! You think you could kill, send missiles, burn, and whatever it is that you stupid evil people do to jews, and they will respond with flowers are idiots! Actually, I'm glad that they decided to respond with brutal force!

14696021? ago

And while you are at it, listen to survivors of the attack on the USS Liberty! https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=uss+liberty+survivor

14733095? ago

My friend, the US is not innocent at all. We have done heinous things to people around the world. Why? Because man's heart is sinful by nature. GOD will avenge us, no need to do anything. "Vengeance is Mine, I will repay!", saith the LORD.

14737498? ago

Of course we have! However, attacking a "so-called" ally by bombing their ship is an act of war and should have been treated as such.

14733170? ago

And what about Israelis being hit and dying from the missiles coming from Gaza? Its okay for Jews to die but not okay for Palestinians? What Palestinians need to do is revolt against t heir cowardly and terrorist leaders and take back their country, STOP sending missiles into Israel, then peace will ensue.

14733171? ago

Whether Israelis watch bombings or not, bombings will still proceed. Moral of the story? DO NOT SEND BOMBS/MISSILES to Israel! You get bombed as a result!

14689760? ago

Isreal just bombed the shit out the Palestinians today. Boycott Isreal.

14695179? ago

In some places they've passed laws prohibiting boycotts against Israel. Does that sound normal?

14689727? ago

Title Here Oh vey, muh jew wants to transform Europe. Actually not wants to, already have.

14689712? ago

Oh vey, muh jew wants to transform Europe. Actually not wants to, already have.

14689615? ago


14690454? ago

Found the jew / jews ^^^

all day long they've been trying to pose as "recently awakening maga/q follower who is onboard with everything but doesn't think the jews are behind it like the nazifags"

Nice try idiots. shooting at the synagogue day and then you glowfags come on here and push a bunch of "hey stop being nazifags" bullshit as if everyone is just going to forget about the JQ.

14689613? ago

If people use ad hominem on me I flip it back.

"Ya well you're a double white supremacist!"

14689534? ago


14689527? ago

People need to realize that semites are not zionists...zionisms is a disease.

14689492? ago

two things.. why would Q send us here??? you really are not thinking if you believe that Q team didn't know what went on here. second.. why would Q ask us to search out older history books with a focus on ww1 and ww2 ? its becuase literally the only things that has changed are things that show clear contradictions to the jewish lies. stuff like hitler hated every race except arion race( even though he wasn't arion). it's because he wants us to be led there ourselves. if he tried to just tell us that the jews were behind every evil since ww1 then 80% of this movement would flat out stop. that's how much the jews have brainwashed us all.

14690906? ago

The truth will put 99% of people in the hospital.

Because we're already in the fucking hospital. This how damned serious the Qtards should be but they aren't. This has potentially irreversible implications. Epigenetics anyone?

They've engaged in thousands of years worth of vile shit. They're the biological descendants of who killed Jesus, and they just happen to control every aspect of our lives. If their behaviour has a genetic component at all, then this is already worse than biological warfare.

14691617? ago

truth 100%

14691833? ago

I hate to come off as the same tier of crazy as certain religious folk but these things really need to be pondered more, so... allowing myself to rant for a bit:

The scope of this is biblical, for lack of a better word. The totality of it is built upon lies. Little ones. Repeated over and over and over and over...

The Earth tilts, we know this creates the seasons... and we're repeatedly taught the how, but not ever the why. This is where I usually lose people; has anyone ever stopped to think that the collective mind of humanity is destabilized to the point that it has severely affected the Earth in ways we've long since practically forgotten about? Weather warfare is being waged for fucks sake. Is winter even normal or has Christmas/holiday propaganda only propagandized it into acceptance? So many implications become obvious when a small piece of the puzzle changes.

This awakening process isn't forgiving. You've all heard about red pills... but like.. fuck.

14692538? ago

are trying to get at religion is a cover for something?

14692703? ago

Emphasizing the italics... At the base of it all I believe our lack of control over our collective mind is what literally enables and manifests the cold and harsh physical reality we live in. This isn't normal. That's just amnesia.

14689713? ago

This kind of racism leads to murder. Stop it. Just stop it. We do NOT condone any violence, period!!!

14692633? ago

Tell the jews to stop killing us then, thanks.

14690333? ago

i'm not racist nor have i ever implied anything of a violent nature ,check my history. just that the notion of some non jew pulling the rothschilds/rockafellers strings was just too ridiculous for me to bare. i'm tired of the oldest trick in the book(the jew sympathy card) clouding everyones judgement.

14689735? ago

And I don't condone your existence as a guest here. Fuck off.

14689483? ago

False: Q mentions Israel many times. [Israel] Qpost 916

14691030? ago


anon: What about Awan. Is Israel involved?

We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time. Q

14689456? ago

Great point, even though top jews are at the heart of the media attack, the hollywood attack.... If we try to win every battle at the same time, we may lose. Keep the Anti-S to a minimal, until we have the country back, and then just don't allow their bullshit anymore.

14695250? ago

"Anti Semitism" is a trick used by Jews to control the narrative and shame anyone who questions them. You are not allowed to ask Jews questions about ANYTHING they do or say, otherwise, you're an anti semite. Whether it's bombing Palestinians, taking over America's Government, brainwashing people from Hollywood, or (literally) killing and raping children. No questions are allowed. Period.

14689424? ago

Q drop 916

14689420? ago

Just a quick look at the work of Feminism in Isreal and you can see Jews are lied to as much as we all are. Corruption has no religion, race, sex, or color. It is just evil.

14695124? ago

So, because Jews are lied to, it absolves them of thousands of years of treachery? Not buying it.

14689381? ago

Your post is necessary AF right now. Great job.

14689353? ago

Israel is last.

14689558? ago

That is tallking about liberation from the evil.

Nth Korea

Iran is next

Israel last.

Liberation from the DS Cabal and the forces of evil.

14694704? ago

Israel Last = Peace in the mid-East.

14692584? ago

You could easily see that meaning that Isreal is the final boss because they are the evil.

14692697? ago


14692733? ago

Jews are behind everything you faggot. They kidnap our children, rape kill and eat them.


14692975? ago

Lol you probably think nihilists like the podesta's are Jewish. There's a difference between believing in a religion, and using a religion to hide behind while committing crimes. Just ask the pope.

14693002? ago

The vatican is ran by jew satanists. Has been so since the 1450's. Podesta is another satanist. He's a jew slave. They are all retarded and believe in made up demons. They are all also pedos. If you hate the pope and what the church does and has been doing, you already hate the jews.

14689828? ago

This needs its own main post. That's how I understood it.

14689347? ago

125k mishilings served under Adolph Hitler. So they are not all bad, some fought in round one of riding the world of the (((Bolsheviks))) and Central banking kikes.

Working class Jews are fucked over by their elites. Just as we are fucked over by the shabbos goyim.

Say what you will about the evil Jews on top but the shabbos goyim are the ones we need to go midevil on. Like Cordenau said if you're faced with an enemy and a traitor and only have one bullet, skin the traitor alive and tear his eyes out and spin them around on the stalks so he can face his own anguish.

14689976? ago

devils advicate: the shabbos are dysgenic fools that might be put to better use without the semetic influence constantly clouding their thoughts. consider the example of of the addict, how does one treat an addict? by removing the drug of course.

14690475? ago

I'm talking about the ones who know the Jews plans and knowingly fuck over their own people, no quarter for pedos, rapists or murderers.

14689587? ago

there are no one fuking over jews. they sit at the top. the very top. prove to me there are non jews pulling the rothschilds,rockafellrs strings.do it, you cant. you have downs syndrome if you actually think there are people pulling the jews strings!

14690285? ago

Jews are pulling other Jews strings. They have casts. Your right no goy is pulling Jews strings right now

14689393? ago

Working class Jews are fucked over by their elites. Just as we are fucked over by the shabbos goyim.

Thank you for mentioning the class element. A lot of bad people are bad because they lust for money, not because of their genes.

14689340? ago

Fellow patriots.

Today, we lost Retarded Pepe as he charged yolo at the final boss Zog, not waiting for backup or following the plan.

Let's all have a moment of silence for Retarded Pepe.

14689292? ago

The definition of Semite is Jewish control.

If you are not in favor of having the jews control the government, the banks, the schools, and the media, you are anti-semetic


14689692? ago

Ashkenazi are not semites. Everyone is just told that to justify the occupation of Palestine.

14695195? ago

Don't piss in the pool and try to confuse people with semantics about the origins of Jews. A Jew is a Jew is a Jew. ALL Jews. They are all guilty and need to be stuffed into ovens.

14689700? ago

they pretend to be

14689269? ago

Q# 916 We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time. Q

14689546? ago

They have been false allies through the history of their nation. They have tired to draw us into wars repeatedly. They were aware 911 was going down and did nothing to help stop it. They are a fucking parasite that in no way benefits the host. Now the question becomes is it the Israeli government, the Zionist bankers, the Jewish people, or all of them combined? Q isn't giving us a hint on that one, and he won't until this mess is put to rest.

14689226? ago

Great post! Boxing in them Jews is not fair, simple-minded, short sighted and dumb. After saying that, I do not like the orthodox of ANY faith. And we all know there are bad elements in Israel, which would horrify Israel citizen and will, when it is known. Not even mentioning the crimes at the high level of the catholic church.

14689155? ago

Do you see now why Q doesn't ever name Israel?

This movement is about purging corruption from the governments of earth

We got a fucking deep thinker here

14689083? ago

Film 3 - TBA

This IMO will be the removal of the Khazarian Mafia from Israel/the world. Zionist Jews are dangerous but there are darker forces at work here that plague the entire world.

14689531? ago

Well said. And succinct! Thanks.

14689028? ago

President Trump is forced to play along because he knows how treacherous the Jews are.

Judaism is an evil, genocidal Master Race cult and Jews are the most exiled people in human history... for good reason.

Jews are proud of how disgusting the are and they even choose a Satanic hexagram / Star of Remphan / Star of Moloch as their symbol.

14693671? ago

It wouldn't surprise me if the Anti Christ will be a Jew Globalist.

14693748? ago

The Talmud is literally the foundation for all of modern Judaism's laws and theology... and the Talmud preaches how the New Testament must be destroyed and all Christians are disposable and deserve to be murdered and Jesus is being tortured in hell, screaming as he is boiled in shit.

Judaism is literally the anti-Christ ideology.

14690981? ago

Like the swastika, the hexagram has a more ancient significance than your present perception. Some would be disgusted by the rainbow looking at what the LGBTQ is promoting under their banner, but it's initially God's symbol.

In the past, a US flag represented something to their people, then the MSM hammered that you have to hate your flag to the point that a portion of the population is repulsed by it, while the other still attach the traditional value to this symbol. A symbol is neutral, try not to reduce it to your knee-jerk perception of the moment.

14691199? ago

When an evil, genocidal, Master Race death cult choose a fucking Satanic hexagram as their symbol, they can expect some people to take notice.

14691391? ago

Educate yourself. Who was the first to use it? King Solomon. What was it used for by those in Ling Solomon’s court? To bind demons. It’s a protection symbol.

14691440? ago

Who was the first to use it?

What the fuck does that matter?

When a genocidal, Satanic, blood-drinking, Master Race death cult who's history is one long, uninterrupted act of evil, choose a Satanic hexagram as their logo, only liars and the feeble minded would not see the obvious.

14692719? ago

Oh Jesus. Shut the fuck up. You’re probably of the troop that screams “pedophile!” Whenever they see a spiral. Just shut it down.

14692788? ago

Personal attacks against me do not change how evil Judaism is.

Unless you can explain how 3,200 years of Jew evil was all a big joke or some misunderstanding... then you are just another NPC regurgitating the same indoctrination that you've gobbled up with a spoon your entire life.

I bet you aren't even aware that the Jews in the Nazi prison camps were members of the German Jewish Communist Party who were tried for treason after their failed coup against the legitimate Christian based nationalist German government in 1933.

14692807? ago

I know all of it. Stil doesn’t change hateful cunts like you who want to kill them all. And I will never bow to your shitty dark heart to agree with you. Fuck off.

14692836? ago

Your indifference of the Jew's genocide against mankind is not moral superiority.

Your apathy disgusts me.

You should be angry too.

14695095? ago

Obviously OP is a Jew.

14692858? ago

“My apathy” means literally that I don’t want to kill them all. And you do you fucking skinhead. Probably go to work with Jews and think of poisoning them and thinking that Jesus will save your sick ass anyway.

No. He won’t.

14692879? ago

I don't want to pest control termites either, but if I don't they would destroy my home.

Whereas you aren't even willing to fight for your birthright or your children.

You are the sort of person who spits on our brave military for doing what needs to be done to protect your freedom.


14692923? ago

Haha. Go ahead. Shame me. Keep changing the subject.

You literally compare Jews to pests and termites. And the. You wonder why people call y’all nazzifags. You’re a hateful pos.

End. Of. Story.

14695103? ago

I compare the Jews to cancer. It's a more appropriate metaphor.

14699061? ago

You should go jump off a bridge. Being hat you’re a healthy cell in a sick organism. And no. It will never purge of all the Jews even if you tried to. Impossible. So go ahead. Jump off a bridge. There’ll be one less hatefaggot to deal with.

14693019? ago

You wonder why people call y’all nazzifags

It's clear you're more concerned about what people think than what is true.

It's no wonder you attack patriots because you care more about being a politically correct house nigger than being red-pilled.

14689711? ago

Shill troll comment. That is all that needs to be said about you.

14689797? ago

This is a truther community and everything I said is true.

You can't undo 3,200 years of Jew evil with name calling and a down-vote.

14691579? ago

Not name calling when we know your a shill. Think you better just go. You have no place here. And think you better go pick up a bible and start reading to find out what is true.

14691938? ago

And think you better go pick up a bible and start reading to find out what is true.

Your love for God is bigger than mine, hey?

I know my bible very well.

It's a story of how Jesus flew into a rage and accused greedy Jews of being animals and then he physically attacked them.

Then Jesus spoke about how Jews are the sons of Satan (John 8:44).

And then a filthy Jew had Jesus executed in exchange for shekels.

Then the Jews claimed that Jesus was being tortured in hell, screaming while being boiled in shit.

14696029? ago

Like i said you need to read the Bible. Read it in a different way than apparently you have read it before. Things to point out. Jesus was not executed by jews. He was not handed over to be executed by a jew for shekels it was silver. Jesus knew Judas would betray him. Jesus knew he was going to the Cross to die. He prayed in the garden. He ask for the burden to be lifted fom him then also said not my will but let your will be done. He is the Son Of God. He could have stopped it if he wanted to at any point in time. He chose to be the Sacrificial Lamb to forgive every last man and woman on earth of their sins. Past present and future sins that we have committed in our life.

14692158? ago

Yeah, you don't know the Bible at all! The ROMANS were the ones who executed Jesus! Get it right! Let's just say, Jews killed Jesus, why would GOD still call Israel/Jews (Jews are of the seed of Shem-->/Abraham/Isaac/Jacob, not all those pretending to be the real Jews) the Apple of God's Eye? Why would GOD say that through Israel, all nations on earth will be blessed?

14692568? ago

Because jews paid a dude to put lies about them in the bible, like them being the "chosen people". Research Schofield bible.

14733297? ago

Whatever! Just so YOU know, they have found books of the Bible written from ancient times. Besides, GOD did not keep His Bible to survive millennia and will not permit HIS WORD to be contaminated with lies. Remember, authors wrote books of the Bible under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. THE BOOK represents Him!

14741735? ago

Do your research. Jews are not the chosen people.

14692404? ago

Yeah, you don't know the Bible at all! The ROMANS were the ones who executed Jesus! Get it right!

And then a filthy Jew HAD Jesus executed in exchange for shekels.

Your reading comprehension is poor.

why would GOD still call Israel/Jews

Why would Jesus claim Jews are the sons of Satan?

Why would GOD say that through Israel, all nations on earth will be blessed?

Remember how Jesus cleansed the temple of Jew filth?

Perhaps the blessings will come after we cleans Israel of Jew filth?

Perhaps Q is right when he said FEAR IS REAL (Fear Israel)?

14733416? ago

I don't like to give pearls to swine. You cannot comprehend the Bible unless the Holy Spirit gives you understanding. The jews during Jesus' time had no power. The Romans marched Him to Golgotha, drove the nails to His hands and feet, and made sure He was dead before they allowed Him to be taken from the cross. You forget that Q is a God-fearing, Bible-believing warrior(s). I cannot condemn all jews because of a few rotten apples. its like saying ALL Americans are traitorous SOB because of all the evil that the CIA did to all nations! Anyway, no matter what you say, I will never curse Israel because I am afraid of what God said: " I will bless those who bless Israel, and curse those who curse her" (paraphrase mine).

14739691? ago

You cannot comprehend the Bible unless the Holy Spirit gives you understanding

The Holy Spirit tells me otherwise.

14689993? ago

Fuck off! POS

14690648? ago


14689017? ago

We should seperate critisism of Jews as a whole to those Globalist Jews that control banking system. We must not paint this false picture that all Jews are Evil. In my opinion there are some VOAT black hat users that are trying to use 'anti-semitism' posts and comments to stir hate for Jews.

Once again the actions a few Globalist Jews does not means that all Jewish people are Evil. We should be clear in explaining this to new Voat users.

14695018? ago

Nope. ALL Jews. "Anti semitism" is a way to shut down criticism. Anyone who starts asking questions or holding them accountable for their actions gets group shamed with the "anti semite" label. All Jews either support this, or they say nothing or do nothing to stop it. All Jews are guilty.

14707318? ago

No! All Jews are not guilty. You can't blame actions of a few on everyone.

The same way you cannot say all Americans guilty of creating ISIS because of actions of small group of people in Shadow Govt

14689667? ago

Yes. That would be like, uh, hating all WHITE PEOPLE because Hillary is white. Individual people are not their races!!!!! We see people as individuals. Otherwise, WE would also be NPCs.

14690720? ago

Yes. But the ¨They are the same ¨ brigade likes nothing more than to box in blacks, women, homos, Asians, and so on¨. Which means a few things:

They are intellectually challenged, to say the least. Which drives me to ponder why in the 1rst place they are patriots, since patriots usually have a good brain. So are those ¨All the same brigade¨ real patriots. I do not believe so because they are seeking to divide Jews/Christians/Blacks/men/women etc... They are cabal agents. They are morally challenged They are losers because they keep on demeaning say women, because women-are-oh-so-emotional-irrational-they-should-not-even-be-allowed-to-vote. Yet, when they talk about those irrational emotional women, they sound irrational, hysterical, illogical, emotional, just like the very group they so fiercely criticise. I know strictly no decent woman who would like to screw such guys. Losers who are so utterly useless that I can understand why they could never find an intelligent good woman. Because like attract likes, and while good men found good women to marry with, those losers attract only losers, and they do not like losers, and the women losers they meet are not attracted to them either. If you want to have bright kids, marry someone intelligent. Also those losers, which sort of mother had they ?

14689361? ago

I have Jewish blood and I support Trump and Q and pray and hope the God will be with them as they fight the cabal/deep state's global operations. personally I do believe Trump will be the one to restore Israel to God by kicking satan's seat out along with all his evil pawns[aka the soros,rothchilds and such] allowing the rebuilding of and rededication of the temple of the one true God and personally i hope we get to see at lest the top dogs of the cabal hang or get the fire squad for the crimes.

14696843? ago

I'm a good Jew, and I'm excited to see the return of the third temple

My, imagine my shock. You didn't even try to hide your ulterior motive. You didn't even try to acknowledge the fact that Israel as a country was founded on false premises, and has commited genocide against the native Palestinians. Nope - straight to "yaaay third temple time Israel stronk".

"Good" Jews everyone. Couldn't ask for a better example

14695050? ago

Yes the "rebuilding of the temple" is the first step to the creation of "Greater Israel" which will lead to Jerusalem being the seat of power for the New World Order (NWO). The Jews will attempt to enslave everyone on this planet and rule the world as the "superior race" as they've been taught. The Jews believe that they are superior and that they have the god-given right to rule over all the Goyim on this planet as God instructed. The New World Order will be implemented and run by Jews.... like you.

14689666? ago

Israel is a satanic state created by Jews and others following the messiahs Sabbatai Zevi and Jacob Franks. The holocaust was engineered by Zionists like Chaim Weizmann in order to give the Jews a reason to move to Palestine and establish a state for the Sabbateans. It will mostly likely be removed or altered to coexist with the Palestinians. In any case, it will definitely not be the Israel we know today.

14691048? ago

It will be the Holy Land and a place of pilgrimage to all nations, Holy Land, Terra Sancta, al-Quds, Eretz Qodesh, depending on your language.

14690082? ago

it is sad to see Israel like this they were hijacked even back in Jesus's day thus why he had to flip tables and such at the temple, even sadder still is the current age satan has them wrapped around his finger and even all the middle easterners are just as tricked the worst part is they know not that their people are also part of the promise as lest partly as they to are at lest partly of the blood of Abraham through the son Ishmael he had with the handmaiden but instead thanks to satan they think of their brethren as enemies. satan divided us against ourselves as well as caused us to turn against God so we could not stand against him.

14689280? ago

And I absolutely agree with you here, my friend. Some shills are doing their best to pollute that site as being anti-black-jew-woman- and so on.I do not even respond to those bot losers. THey are bad vibes. Don't feed the troll.

14692314? ago

The trolls and shills support jewish supremacy, and the elimination of the white race.

14689872? ago

I hate niggers.

14695466? ago


14699548? ago

They commit the majority of violent crime while being small minority. There's strong data.

14707595? ago

I shouldn't really do this, but I'm going to implore, since I have a dog in this race.

When you say "they" who are you referring to?

14707671? ago


14707845? ago

Oh, okay, My bad, I thought you said niggers. Big difference.

14707901? ago

Lol, what. 😆

14689537? ago

the trolls make hard to find anything good they either reposting like mad to bury everything or posting strait biased against some group mainly Jews and blacks,but anyway it sometimes makes it hard to use this site but i just press on not many places left with free speech thanks to the cabal. I just hope someday soon we can have a either have a supreme court declaration or some kind of bill to protect freedom on the net so this will no longer be a problem.

14695436? ago

They did it on r/greatawakening in the end days as well. Same thing happening here.

14689009? ago

Research the Holocaust. It was a hoax. 6,000,000 Jews did not die in concentration camps. They were not gassed in fake showers, they were not burned in ovens. The Jews made up this myth and have indoctrinated everyone to believe it so they can play the eternal victim. Don't take my word for it. Research the truth yourself.

14708126? ago

The question of number of deaths during the Holocaust has nothing to do with whether the hatred of Jews is irrational, misguided and dangerous. Conflating the two topics is what low-IQ individuals do.

14708169? ago

If Jews are lying about the numbers, what else are they lying about?

14708270? ago

Like I said, low IQ individuals.

Do you even read Q?

Notice anything about the 13 Bloodlines?

Kennedy? Li?!!!

14708298? ago

Nice deflection there, kike.

14708345? ago

Oh brother. Fake Q followers everywhere.

14708533? ago

So anyone who you disagree with is fake?

14708540? ago

Anyone here who can't demonstrate they read Q is very low-IQ or fake. Your pick.

14699411? ago

Read the Phoenix Jounral "The trilion Dollar lie" about the holocaust http://phoenixsourcedistributors.com/html/j039/

14694651? ago

Where is a good place to start..I never bothered to research this subject but now I want to know the truth Give me somewhere I can go to dig in

14692949? ago

So what? Is every Jewish person complicit in that lie? If I recall, the Rothschild created state of Israel told Hitler he should kill Jews because it benefited them to be the state of victims. The cabal needed a Holocaust in order to invent a nation for themselves which was beyond criticism, I'm sure they killed plenty of real Jewish people to accomplish that even if the 6 million number is fake news. (The real genocide was against Russians IMO)

14708012? ago

even if the 6 million number is fake

If it's fake, that means the Jews lied. Why would they lie? If they lied about this fact, what else did they lie about? If the number is false, why aren't "good Jews" working to try to correct this disinformation?

14694998? ago

YES! Every Jewish person is complicit in that lie! Try to find a Jew who will believe that the Holocaust never happened. Go ahead....

14698634? ago

raises hand There is me, and many others. Hell, we are even here on VOAT right next to you.

Put yourself in my shoes for a moment: Imagine you are just an Average Joe kike just trying to be a good little lamb of god. Then you suddenly told that the Holocaust never happened. You are in denial, because why would ever someone lie about something so horrible happening? Despite your denial, you are presented with overwhelming evidence; enough so that if you are to be intellectually honest, you are forced to admit this really is all one big lie.

Then it clicks why they lie to you. That it's to control you. To make you feel that everyone is out to get you and to not trust anyone but other Jews. You are now furious that those you trusted the most lied to you the most. You have been betrayed. You want revenge and to free the rest of your good people from the prison of the mind (((they))) created for them.

...such is the path of the red pilled Jew. We hate our "masters" just as much as the next person here. Probably more because it's personal.

14698896? ago

I really appreciate your perspective. Thanks for sharing.

14701044? ago

No problem. I understand why some people toss all Jews into the same pile, so I can't really blame them too much.

However the reality is, that it is simply ignorance and throwing the baby out with the bath water to think Jews are some kind of hive mind. Sure, admittedly we are a very tribal people as a whole, but to think that there is only one "tribe" is almost hilarious. There are progressives Jews, liberal Jews, conservative Jews. Hell, even libertarian Jews. It all depends on the person and the people around them.

However what is most important is recognizing (((who))) the real enemy is: https://www.transparency.org.nz/images/2016/spy-vs-spy-white-hat-vs-black.jpg

Ever stop to wonder why their noses are so big? The more you know.

14691884? ago

OK but that's irrelevant to the whole Q thing. That's what you guys don't get

14691988? ago

it's not. if they spent that much effort lying to you about the holohoax, what else have they lied about? who controls the Federal Reserve and America's money? did they lie about that too? it's all connected by a common thread... the Jews.

14691381? ago

Let the stupid fuck believe we landed on the moon,fuck them

14691338? ago

Goddamn it. Stop parroting everything you hear.

The communists claimed the 6m number and repeated it. The Bolsheviks were “supposedly” Jews but they weren’t. Hey we’re Khazarians. Read about it. Jews suffered in the USSR. Some made it to the top and did what they could. But as soon as Stalin came tonpower all the Bolsheviks went to the work camps.

Do your own research.

14690192? ago

I was skeptical at first. But the first step was wondering why it was illegal to investigate this. If something is a fact, why is it illegal to question a fact?

14691899? ago

That's exactly what I tell people. Why will asking questions land you in PRISON in a bunch of countries if there's nothing to hide?

That one makes sense to most people. I don't think they go any farther on that subject but they'll agree with this part.

14689968? ago

YOU are the hoax

14689710? ago

the greatest way to destroy the holocaust lie, imo, is to start by dragging out some of the more "creative"(read:retarded) things the kikes tried before settling on their big winner. remember the deadly fap machines or the rollercoasters?

14689604? ago

Yes the thousands of photographs were all faked, and personal testimony of countless victims and U.S. soldiers were all lies. Yeah, right.

14690433? ago

My dad was one of those soldiers. He told me his first-hand accounts. These morons might as well be flat earthers or believe we never went to the moon. If what they're saying wasn't so pathetic, it would be laughable.

It's hard to imagine anyone actually believing Nazi Germany was the good guys. But evil loves to hide it's own existence. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world that he doesn't exist.

The younger generations are at a disadvantage. We are getting so far removed from first-hand knowledge of the world that used to exist that everything that was once common knowledge and common experience is being relegated to mere "stories" - subject to the belief of the hearer.

This is exactly the same degradation that the knowledge of God has suffered. People who experienced Him first-hand grew old and passed away, leaving verbal and written accounts behind. But eventually people stopped believing the accounts and called them merely stories, and more recently, began calling them fiction.

At this point, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln are so far in our history that what they stood for is losing its importance to our society.

And these holocaust deniers are completely ignorant of the first-hand accounts of the horrors perpetrated by Nazi Germany. Either they really don't believe the crap they're spewing, or they are willfully ignorant. Evil will deny it's own existence at all costs.

14695398? ago

I'm betting that you believe that our planet and universe is only 2000 years old too...

14689724? ago

Photoediting was a thing. Also all of the death camps were ones liberated by the Russians, who had a genocide of their own to cover up. And people LOVE dramatic stories. Like about how those evil nazis were turning Jews into soap and lampshades! But even those stories were too ridiculous to defend.

14688974? ago

I believe there are 20% which are good, it is not b/w.

14695213? ago

Did you just pull that random percentage number out of your ass? Or, is that the 80/20 rule?

14699366? ago

Yes Sir 80/20, trying to be polite and so on. Uff ugly word you are using.

14688962? ago

Also a reason why voat doesn't like us much.

Like we care lol.

14689029? ago

I give zero shits what any neo nazi thinks about anything. Their day will come as well.

14692649? ago

Only a jew or a brainwashed leftie would talk about there still being nazis.

14689322? ago

are you threatening me?

14688835? ago

Honorable post from a patriot. Be prepared for nazifags and shills, voats being heavily assualted with such things today

14697724? ago

voats being heavily assualted with such things today


Voat was a hangout spot for us and then ya'll came into our home. Get it straight, faggot.

14698219? ago

Cool, and we basically stole all of North America from natives when we wanted that land. But we were sad during the trail of tears because we lost the teachings of thousands of years of living in peace. With voat, I think we'll get over it. Shit changes, and we don't like being forced into a corner with actual anti-semite's during a political war just because we're about to be falsely labelled as such. Grow up, you lost your echo chamber because more people joined? Welcome to the last refugee of a dystopian internet, we're here to try and help, you're here to whine indiscriminately about jews I guess

14707207? ago

and we basically stole all of North America from natives when we wanted that land.

We didn't steal shit you liberal fucking faggot. We won it in bloody wars that spanned hundreds of years.

Wars happen. It's part of human history.

14707526? ago

You're a shill, or the scum of the Earth. Either way fuck off

14707661? ago


14692575? ago

That's the word mossad uses to try to blend in. They call all the jew dicksuckers patriots. Disgusting.

14689335? ago

Remember you're a guest here, you don't belong to voat and never did, you're tolerated, but if you want us to start making your whole Q shit into a full blown fourth reich just keep calling us nazifags

You people are profoundly retarded, you got FUCKED OVER by the international jewry henry ford warned you about, and you still have that stupid smile on your face when they openly shit in your collective mouth


Prof. MacDonald has discovered that implausible arguments about diversity being a quintessentially American strength have been made by Jews for a long time. He reports that in 1948 the American Jewish Committee was urging Congress to believe that “Americanism is the spirit behind the welcome that America has traditionally extended to people of all races, all religions, all nationalities.” Of course, there had never been such a tradition. In 1952, the American Jewish Congress argued in hearings on immigration that “our national experience has confirmed beyond a doubt that our very strength lies in the diversity of our peoples.” This, too, was at a time when U.S. immigration law was still explicitly designed to maintain a white majority.

It is often said that when the old immigration policy was scrapped in 1965, scarcely anyone knew, and no one predicted, that the new law would change the racial makeup of the country. Prof. MacDonald disputes this, arguing that this had been the objective of Jewish groups from the beginning.

Prof. MacDonald finds that Jews have been the foremost advocates of immigration in England, France, and Canada, and that Jewish groups were the most vocal opponents of independence for Quebec. Australian Jews led the effort to dismantle the “white Australia” policy, one reason for which was cited in an editorial in the Australian Jewish Democrat: “The strengthening of multi-cultural or diverse Australia is also our most effective insurance policy against anti-Semitism. The day Australia has a Chinese Australian Governor General I would feel more confident of my freedom to live as a Jewish Australian.” Like Earl Raab writing about the United States, this Australian Jew is prepared to sacrifice the traditional culture, people, and identity of Australia to specifically Jewish interests. It would not be surprising if such an openly expressed objective did not have the opposite effect from the intended, and increase anti-Jewish sentiment.

14694718? ago

Henry Ford was a Nazi sympathizer along with Margaret Sanger (Planned Parenthood).

14694807? ago


You say that as if this was a bad thing

You saved a bunch of kikes from a supposed death by ovens and gas showers, at the price of countless american deaths, and in exchange you got the mass importation of diversity niggers to infinity to the point of becoming an ethnic minority in your own country circa 2040

Prof. MacDonald has discovered that implausible arguments about diversity being a quintessentially American strength have been made by Jews for a long time. He reports that in 1948 the American Jewish Committee was urging Congress to believe that “Americanism is the spirit behind the welcome that America has traditionally extended to people of all races, all religions, all nationalities.” Of course, there had never been such a tradition. In 1952, the American Jewish Congress argued in hearings on immigration that “our national experience has confirmed beyond a doubt that our very strength lies in the diversity of our peoples.” This, too, was at a time when U.S. immigration law was still explicitly designed to maintain a white majority.

It is often said that when the old immigration policy was scrapped in 1965, scarcely anyone knew, and no one predicted, that the new law would change the racial makeup of the country. Prof. MacDonald disputes this, arguing that this had been the objective of Jewish groups from the beginning.

Prof. MacDonald finds that Jews have been the foremost advocates of immigration in England, France, and Canada, and that Jewish groups were the most vocal opponents of independence for Quebec. Australian Jews led the effort to dismantle the “white Australia” policy, one reason for which was cited in an editorial in the Australian Jewish Democrat: “The strengthening of multi-cultural or diverse Australia is also our most effective insurance policy against anti-Semitism. The day Australia has a Chinese Australian Governor General I would feel more confident of my freedom to live as a Jewish Australian.” Like Earl Raab writing about the United States, this Australian Jew is prepared to sacrifice the traditional culture, people, and identity of Australia to specifically Jewish interests. It would not be surprising if such an openly expressed objective did not have the opposite effect from the intended, and increase anti-Jewish sentiment.

I hope that was worth it

14695294? ago

What amazes me is how much imaginary "power" the leftists and Naziwannabes ascribe to "the Jews". Especially since they are among the smallest minorities on the planet.

Must be nice to have that much money and power concentrated into a teeny tiny group of people...

14695478? ago

And what amazes me is clueless people having an opinion on topics they are clueless about to begin with

Each his own I guess





Of the forty-seven(47) U.S. Justice Department senior officials, twenty-two(22) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 47%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews are over-represented among the U.S. Justice Department senior officials by a factor of 23.5 times(2,350 percent).

Of the fourteen(14) Federal Reserve System chairmen, seven(7) have been Jews or partial Jews. This is a numerical representation of 50%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews have been over-represented among the Federal Reserve System chairmen by a factor of 25 times(2,500 percent).

Of the twenty-four(24) senior administrators of the Ivy League colleges and universities, twenty(20) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 83%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews are over-represented among the senior administrators of the Ivy League colleges and universities by a factor of 41.5 times(4,150 percent).

Of the sixty-four(64) senior executives of the major newspapers and news magazines, forty-two(42) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 66%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews are over-represented among the senior executives of the major newspapers and news magazines by a factor of 33 times(3,300 percent).

Explicitly Jewish organizations don't even bother hiring shabbos goyim for diversity's sake. Of the fifty-three(53) senior executives and directors of the Anti-Defamation League, fifty-three(53) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 100%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews are over-represented among the senior executives and directors of the Anti-Defamation League by a factor of 50 times(5,000 percent).

Funny how that works, uh? https://youtu.be/SO1WccH2_YM?t=19

14698920? ago

Funny stuff. Citing Stormfront as a source. You ever think for a second how one would quantify those numbers you threw out? You are easily fooled.

So Jews are drawn to media and government like blacks and Latinos are drawn to low-income labor? Ever wonder why?

Probably not....for the same reasons blacks and Hispanics are drawn to manual labor - minimal education. It's the same reasons why Oriental Asians and Indo-Pak Asians are drawn to STEM disciplines.

I recognize this is all over your head, but feel free to ask questions. I'll do my best to dumb it down for you.

14698982? ago

Funny stuff, you are just throwing your personal opinion backed by nothing but your own bias

14699192? ago

Why don't you toss out citations then?

14699267? ago

Because only fucking morons rely on nothing but their lame ass opinion to back up their claims

14699399? ago

Typical empty response. Go fuck yourself and go fuck your girl Clinton and suck Soros' cock while your at it.

It's pretty obvious you are a 12.50/hr shill paid by ShareBlue or MM.

Suck a bag of dicks. Though I suspect that is what you do for your Nazi brethren. Snort some Pervatin and take on your brothers. You know the drill, bottom boy.

14699428? ago

Believe what you want fucktard, I flipped my daily quota of NPCs already


The truth would fuck you in the eyeballs you wouldn't be able to recognize it anyway

14692336? ago

There are a crazy amount of accounts claiming to be jews in here.

14692330? ago

ALL GOOD AND FAIR...BUT THEY THRIVE ON CRITICISMS AND ATTACKS... should be looking for them to dismantle their own structures.

14693353? ago

They thrive on criticism and attacks, when who's talking can be finger pointed

When they can't it's just some voices in their mind s nobody but them is paying attention to

14691527? ago

Lol. I love that the racist regime of Australia - who so eloquently slaughtered the Aboriginals - was so easily toppled by a Jew. You know nothing about white Australia and the ramifications of their regime. Ask an Aussie. They’ll tell you.

14693299? ago

I love the fact that israel will simply get nuked and that's the end of it

Funny uh?You have to admit you don't see that of a big oven everyday

14689388? ago

I have nothing against the destruction of organized Jewish religion. I have also seen posts literally calling for the gassing of civilian jews who have been lied to just as much as everyone else was. That's not the same thing.

14695337? ago

I have nothing against, and openly call for, the destruction of ALL religion.

14698314? ago

The destruction of all religion? Or organized religion. This is my point, is that either you aren't specifying enough to say what you actually think about a controversial topic, or you're just difficult to handle due to intense THICKNESS. You wanna go murdering all the christians too? I have little faith in anything happening in the Vatican, but I'm not gonna go murder anyone with a spiritual notion of the world. I doubt you will either, but it appears you don't care to specify, and leave it open with "All jews are bad" Ripe for inflamatory conversation, a perfect reason to get our free speech bastion shut down, and an unspecified claim that is overly broad about an important and complex subject.

Use your 1st amendment all you want, but if you look like an idiot doing it, you're gonna have your speech criticized. Now here comes the comeback where I'm so stupid for asking for intelligence and specificity when you're calling for death based on a persons religion.

14699500? ago

Umm, where in what I typed in post 14695337 do I call for murdering anybody? Where do I say that "all Jews are bad"?

Project much? Or do you ASSUME I'm the same person as the OP, cuz I'm not.

So let me clarify - I think religion, all of it, is the one of the main problems in this world, organized or not.

14699666? ago

If you honestly believe unorganized religion causes problems then we have a fundamental split in values and I'm not surprised you lump all jews together. My point is that at no point do you indicate it's possible some Jews are innocent, and call very harshly against the religion. That quote that's up there is actually used in a very strong argument for why a group of people secluded themselves from the normal Jewish practice and became the mastermind criminal empire that stand before you today. It is not proof of itself, nor is anything you've provided or talked about, the religion on its own has ever done anything wrong. Churches exempt from law and transparency will always cause trouble, just like any government agency (CIA, Big Pharma with vaccines and high blood pressure medication) Every time they can't get in trouble and can't be watched, it's bad news for all of us. Is the answer getting rid of all government? Or maybe just the lawlessness and secrecy they can legally weird against the people.

14689533? ago

What they have done to us, and to the future generations, and to mankind ultimately because this won't end well, is much worse than gassing 6 million of real or supposed jews

Much, much, much worse

And maybe you don't fully realize the long term implications yet, but as a people, we are living on borrowed time, and when as say "we", as a people, I'm not just referring about americans, I'm referring to the whole west

If you still think this is going to end well, that'll hold hands and sing songs as if we were all in a united color of benetton ad straight out of the early 90's, you haven't been paying attention

What we have collectively done, is an absolute heresy, a grosse mistake, the jews themselves made sure to not commit in their own country, for a reason

14689205? ago

There it is again. Nazifags. Hmm...

14694680? ago

really makes you think

14692869? ago

My point is that plenty of Jewish people have been lied to in the "lowest" tiers of society (aka anyone who isn't diabolically plotting against you) and lumping them all in with the secular oppressive elites and calling for second waves of gassings are not the right way to handle things. Voat has been full of controlled opposition and inflammatory comments today, and the last few days, and ALWAYS if you spend time in "New". I'm trying to draw a fine line between calling for the murder of a religious class, and a ruling class hiding behind said religion. Organized Jewish religion needs to go, along with anyone complicit in it's higher levels and inner workings. Killing Jews just because they subscribe to the billion dollar funding Bullshit that nearly 50% of Americans fell for in 2016 isn't cool. That's my only point

14695154? ago

I don't hear any "normal" Jews speaking out against the evil Jews. Why not?

14698369? ago

Because they're sheep. I advocate for arguing with liberal before beheading them, and yet they adamantly refuse to speak ill of anyone except our president. They aren't part of the diabolical plan, they're idiots who can't think for themselves. They don't need to be murdered, they need to be shown the light. If in the face of the light they hiss and lash out, bash their skull in with a riot shield. At that point it's on them. But we don't murder people for being ignorant bricks in this country, even if we want to. We prosecute the criminals, and attempt to educate the sheep, if we can

14698670? ago

When you try to show someone the light and they flat out refuse or resist, you need to physically remove the obstacle.

14693260? ago

We call them the Jewish Mafia now. What do you think?

14698685? ago

I think the mafia at the top pretends to be or comes from Jewish lineage and uses that to keep control, make sure jews are never treated very well, so they can all keep playing the Victim card as the 1 percent. It's the only strategy they have, being the victim. But if the jews as a whole look successful, it's bad news. They keep their own followers suppressed and lied to more than anyone, so they can steal the claim of victimhood. I don't think every jew walking around the suburbs is evil

14698740? ago

on what basis can you honestly make those claims?

They keep their own followers suppressed and lied to more than anyone

could you explain?

This link (https://voat.co/v/QRV/2816654) is why i disagree with your "claims".

14699530? ago

Links to other people generalizing doesn't mean you're right. You're blindly lumping in plenty of citizens with a huge cabal of treason commiting occultists who practice behind the name of Judaism. Neither of our statements can be fully supported or proven since these statements are opinions or speculations on the intentions of others.

My only claim is to take things on a case by case basis. not indiscriminately attack a religion. Speaking of which, who would ever deny religion is by far the easiest to identify case where the ruling class lie incessantly to the lower class? You believe that every single Jew is evil because they were indoctrinated? MSM believes every QAnon supporter is an antisemite. Discriminate intelligently.

14699644? ago

at least you can admit we are just pulling shit out of thin air.

but yes sir, im generalizing. a perfectly normal, and effective utility when discussing problems/solutions. You seem to think im ready to commit genocide. youre insane if you think any of our rhetoric on here will translate to any action outside this site. I use my knowledge to protect myself. You do you, give people the benefit of the doubt: I dont have time for that nonsense. I'd can only hurt a jews feelings if i insult them on here (though i dont care), or if irl some jew really wanted me to give them the time of day. but jews dont care about me, eexcept the ones who want me defeated, dead, or cucked.

I dont care if they are hiding behind religion: ive seen statistics that lead me to believe that if its not the individual jews that desire world domination, they are at least ok with ruining civilizations to remain a part of their club.

if you disagree, i couldnt care less. we both admit that we are generalizing, speculating, hypothesizing...

14699936? ago

Fair enough, agree to disagree. I just think we should collect some evidence in individuals before condemning them for their religion, especially if you're going to start doing it to all religions.

14699994? ago

i wouldnt have any action taken against anybody without it. its why im ok with the current soft military coup going on right now: its all by the books. no foul play

14688777? ago

Thank you! The feeble-minded (nazifags/anti-semites) don't seem to realize that Israel has it's own deepstate, which does what it does regardless of what the people of Israel may or may not want. Just like the U.S. And England. And Germany. And every other govt in the world. Would we want the world to judge us (patriots) by what Hussein and Hitlery did "in our name"?

14694623? ago

Ashkenazi Jews are well known to be one of the ethnic groups of the highest average intelligence, so the deep state will recruit the immoral ones to do their bidding because they are capable.

Intelligence and morality are independent variables, but being intelligent and chosen to be in important positions in government, media and business are usually correlated.

14693570? ago

I’be struggled with that question for some time. And that was my conclusion. Evil is EVERYWHERE and has been since the Fall of man. We’be all been and most are still deceived.

14692485? ago

Jews are behind everything.


This poster is mossad. Stop wanting to believe jews are good people. They are not. They want us all to suffer and die.

14691625? ago

It's the Zionist elite. However, Jews the hardest group to red pill, because what Jew wouldn't want to be part of a master race?

14691149? ago

God bless you anon. Both for the post, and for being open to feedback.

14691279? ago

Thanks. I thought about it, and changed course. Same as I hope for other people.

14690850? ago

Thank you. I would love to quote you on that, well said.

14691045? ago

Thanks, feel free.

14690025? ago

Be garbage and if u get caught cry like a bitch.

This is you.

14690111? ago

You used correct punctuation, +1 Couldn't be bothered to spell out the word "you", -1. So, you're back at zero.

14690267? ago

sick burn, score keeper

14689865? ago

Yep. The HQs of NWO are the intel agencies in each country. CIA, MI6, Mossad etc.. They operate regardless of elected politicians. They are calling the shots. (Also, placing many of the politicians).

14689689? ago

Thank You! I've been trying to keep my mouth shut about some anti-semite posts, but I really don't want to read them. I'm Christian, but I Stand With Israel.

14693909? ago

Congrats on standing with a globalist tool. If you said Jewish people I might agree with you, but the Israeli state is exactly where the problem is.

14690256? ago

israel was setup by/for the rothschilds. It would be more Christlike to stand with jewish people than the institution instigating global instability. but Im not your lord. May God's will be done through you, friendo. God Bless you

14689665? ago

True followers of Q know that Jews are the poison of humanity.

14689736? ago

Which Jews? Ethnic Jews? Jews by marriage? Converted Jews? POTUS' grandchildren? Be specific please.

14689782? ago

Ashkenazi. This is about DNA, not the religion itself. This is evidenced by the fact that the real perpetrators are usually non-practicing Jews.

14689827? ago

Thank you for being clear. We should be clear, if for no other reason that since GAB is, or soon will be, gone, the MSM will be coming for us next. When the normies see a bunch of posts about "the jews", it just gives ammunition to them to shut us down also. Nothing wrong about calling out Zionists, or Ashkenazis, or the Talmud.

14691805? ago

When platforms are eliminated it makes the problem way worse because when speech and debate is stifled the situation just festers and ferments.

14690286? ago

jewish mafia, zionist jews, Dual citizens

these would be better then the genocide-memory inducing generalizations.

14690352? ago

Exactly! Normies hear "the jews", they're full of bullshit propaganda from the enemy of the people (MSM), and they join the chorus of "shut it down". Plus, it's not fair to the average Jew who is just going to work, raising their kids, don't give a shit about geopolitics.

14689580? ago

It's time to start naming individuals rather than pointing the figure at large groups.

14689496? ago

excellent projection game my nigger!

14689643? ago


14689465? ago

Israel has its own DS, and it is the mother of all deep states.

14689406? ago

Assuming you are a Jew, those Nazis are telling the truth about Holocaust revisionism. Less than one million died near the end s of the war when the supplies were cut off. The shower gas Chambers are bullshit as well.

Look into for yourself with unbiased aka not Jewish sources.

Working class Jews are taught the same lies goys are to keep you afraid and in line.

14691241? ago

This information isn’t new to anyone around here. And yet it’s shilled out every. Time. Someone. Says. “Not alljews are deep state, asshole!”


14690957? ago

Religious Jews are not told the same lies though. Many Jews died in horrible conditions in the concentration camps... as did others. Nevertheless, the "Hollow-cost cult" is a blasphemy to Christians, Jews, and Muslims alike. Our God neither demanded nor condoned a human sacrifice as a price for the establishment of a Jewish state. In fact, Orthodox Jews will tell you that God does not condone the Zionist project.

14692496? ago

!73.000 jews died mostly of hunger and sickness. There were no death camps. These places had swimming pools and other recreational activities. Hitler put the jews in camps to keep them safe.

14691369? ago

Never a mention of the Christians killed during the same time frame,it was more than 10 Ill promise

14693038? ago

Ive been to Auschwitz and was surprised to see a plaque on the wall listing all the others who died there, there was a lot of romanian gypsies killed along with a host of other people...not just the Jewish...dont remember that in the history books at school here in Scotland

14691277? ago

I don’t know this info about Orthodox Jews. Most Orthodox Jews are zionists. And horrific ones.

14691123? ago

Jews will tell you that God does not condone the Zionist project.

Yes, it seems to be a subculture... given the ruling class of every race will throw their lower classes under the bus for their interests, it's no surprise the Jewish community's the same.

"Hitlerism enables us to convert all Jews to Zionism." -Nahum Sokolow, World Zionist President, 1933

http://archive.is/pqWGS (lower left corner)

14689939? ago

You, scum, don't belong here. You're not one of us. We know what you are.

14695066? ago

I'm getting real fucking tired of these low info faggots within the Q movement who can't even grasp the most basic of common knowledge. Then ontop of that they use every excuse to not do their homework or they use religion as an excuse to why they don't have to expend their thinking. Then they wanna act like they know what the fuck they are talking about while spewing propaganda.

This type of faggotry needs to end or it will bring this community down.

14691083? ago

You don't get to say who belongs here and who doesn't, Niggerfaggot.

14690061? ago

Listen brainwashed niglet you qiggers are the ones not welcome here

14689579? ago

Actually, Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior, so no. But, that's irrelevant. If some (or even a lot) of Catholic priests abuse kids, could someone denounce "the Catholics" because of the clergy's crimes? It's the same thing with the current attack on Whites. "White privilege (like we're all privileged). Or, "whiteness", whatever the hell that is. It's guilt by association, and it's intellectually lazy.

14692491? ago

The vatican is ran by satanic jews. That's why they don't punish the pedo priests. They encourage it.

14691132? ago

God bless you.

14691247? ago

You too, anon.

14690570? ago

We need a word for just the evil satanic kikes on top, it's way easier to just say kikes.

We also need a word for the dictionary definition of nigger - willfully ignorant,. Ppl who know a true answer is out there and in their reach but they choose to remain stupid. We are crippled without being able to easily speak about those concepts without walking on eggshells. They were poisoned intentionally over time by the enemy.

If you look at a dictionary over time you can watch them change words a la "a brave New world"

14691255? ago

The term ”Khazarian mafia” states that difference well.

14694949? ago

No, it sidesteps the issue and prevents blame from falling where it belongs... on the Jews.

14690214? ago

I just want all the books and artifacts in that secret library digitized and made available to the public online. Then I'll make up my own damn mind.

14690279? ago

Ya never know, Q said they're saving Israel for last. Maybe the Vatican will be before that?

14690798? ago

I hope so.

14690081? ago

Catholics fail at life because almost all of them think if they go to confession every week they can do whatever they like and its forgiven. The fact most of them in this country are dagos and wetbacks doesnt help.

14690741? ago

This former WASP covered to Catholic recognizes that you are an abject moron and know absolutely nothing of Catholic laity. NGFY!

14689927? ago

Thank you!

14689921? ago

whats intellectually lazy is continually ignoring statistics and history

14689328? ago

But Israel and here's are behind all those other countries committing those atrocities.

It's Jewish Zionism, and it's a tight clan

14689485? ago

Yes, Zionism. Not all Jews are zionist, and not all Zionists are Jews:

"During the interview conducted by the Jewish 'Shalom TV' (Joe) Biden said, 'I am a Zionist. You don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist.'"

14689520? ago

If shit was going down and they had to pick...

Well no shit. the goyim beholden to the kikes would say that. And hrc owes penance to the Rothschilds.

14689408? ago


14689306? ago

So you are in favor of giving jews control the government, the banks, the schools, and the media

14689449? ago

No, not at all. Again, when you say "jews", you're lumping all people into a group. Not all Jews are zionists, not all jews are talmudic. Some Jews are patriotic Americans, some Jews are Torah Jews. Hell, there are even Jews for Jesus! Yes, there is a disconcerting level of dual-citizenship Jews in areas of influence in our govt, but that will be dealt with;

We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time. Q

14689575? ago

you know which ones i am referring to, the globalists

14689638? ago

Yes, but those ones are a very small subset of another subset. You're not totally wrong.

14690071? ago

but part of our anti-semitism on here is really just about breaking the condotioning. taking power away from the holocaust lie. shattering their white-guilt weapon. getting people more comfortable with things being different then how theyve been taught.

we seem way more radical than we really are. guess how many fist fights us anti-semites have been in. guess how many racial slurs we use against people irl. none

we arent radical in action, and we arent advocating violence. we are just taking some power away that (((they))) have over us.

14690238? ago

No worries. I'm all for breaking conditioning, waking up the sleepwalkers. In a perfect world, in light of today's happenings, it would be advantageous to be discerning (Askenazis or Khazars vs "the jews"). All of our platforms are going away, would hate to see this one go away too.

14690320? ago

Jewish mafia

points to israel, but leaves out the innocents besides only a healthy amount of suspicion. We dont all think that all italians are in the mafia...

14689190? ago

Nazifags. Hmm, I've seen that alot today. Still got the new-meme smell.

Something's up, guys

14689224? ago

Just using the existing nomenclature.

14689253? ago

Nope. That doesn't explain what I've seen today.

14691313? ago

I’ve used nazzifag for weeks. All over the place around here condemning the endless “put the Jews in the oven” comments. It’s fucking sick. They’re no different. And if they think this board isn’t targeted bc of those assholes they’re wrong.

14689303? ago

I can only speak for myself, that I used the existing descriptor. Can't speak for the others.

14690211? ago

you're a genuine, quality person. kudos

14690260? ago

Thank you, anon.

14689137? ago

Finally. Someone gets it!

14691355? ago

gets a quarter of "it" How can americans be so blind?

14692498? ago

The difference is we are ashamed of them. We are ashamed of the horrible things we do. They are proud of themselves. Proud of their trickery. Proud of their deception. Proud of their ability to undermine, divide and rule their majority hosts. Even when a Jewish person is red pilled on history, the Holocaust, Bolsheviks, Holodomor etc etc they go from playing victim of Hitler to playing victim of the person who red pilled them. Crying and saying shit like "even if all of that is true its no excuse to be anti semetic and lump all Jews in together".

Because they always react like that, twisting and turning, denying, defending, dismissing, claiming pride, claiming persecution, still, even in the face of all the evidence to the contrary they DO deserve to be lumped in together.

Until the so called good ones come out and take some responsibility and show some fucking honesty about the reality they are all willingly subjugating the Goyim. When they take part in the cries of anti semetism against the few Goy willing to speak out then they are fucking complicit. When they say 'fellow white people' only to undermine us. Undermine all white etnicities. The Celts, Slavs, Germanic, Nordic etc.

Fuck the lot if them. Then they cheer these false flag narratives that always seem to benefit the fucking Jew. Ugh.

14695263? ago

They have the Kol Nidre, it makes everything okay.

14692889? ago

I think this is similar to the anti-islam stuff as well. Until the so-called good ones come out and take some responsibility and start going after the bad ones, they are complicit.

14692522? ago

I hope you've got Italians/Sicilians clumped into that etc...

We're Caucasians too ya know!

14706125? ago

More than you know. My boss and mentor is an Italian man very like Donald Trump. Trump reminds me of him everytime he speaks. He's an armadillo. Hard on the outside, soft on the inside. All he does is help people. He created a monster construction company and still lives like a humble carpenter. 1400 employees and he makes time for each and every one. He is there to give advice anytime he is asked. He doesn't sugarcoat things. His version of help might and probably will hurt your feelings but if you listen to him your life becomes infinitly better. He won't do it for you but he'll tell you what to do. The thing that gives him most joy in life is providing good high paying jobs. I absolutely love italians. I am an Irishman in Australia and we along with the Italians are building Australia. Like we did with America before that. We are brothers in every way.

14692570? ago

%100 my brother. %100

14692998? ago

Humans aren't going extict unless it's by our own hand.

14693554? ago

Westerners. Caucasians.. not humans. And it is by our own hand with the help of decades of anti western propaganda. Anti white propaganda. Decades of minimizing the good and maximizing the bad relentlessly across all media. Most white people have bought into the propaganda that there will be none of us left in 40 years and that that's a-ok. They think it's natural progression of events.

14688790? ago

This is important to understand. Thanks for posting this. Well stated.

14690545? ago

Yes, it's very important to understand the difference.

For example: I am an Ashkenazi Jew, however I hate these people just as much as the next guy here. I am also intimately aware of the cultural cancer in the Jewish community that is the Talmud. I firmly believe that every copy of this heretical indoctrination propaganda should be burned. In fact, I think the world as a whole would be better off if this were the case.

While I am a Jew in the racial sense, I am not religious. Well, I suppose that's not necessarily true. Funnily enough, Q has made do a lot of self reflection and shift my stance as an agnostic to dipping my feet into faith. Reading verses of the bible to better understand Q, I have had more then a few surprising revelations. There is an uncanny mirror of Biblical prophecies currently playing out right now."

In particular, some very interesting comparisons drawn between Barack Obama and Jarred Kushner. From their names' origin in meaning to their dates of birth. For example: There are 7098 days actually between BHO's and JK's birthdays (as in not including their birthdays) 7100 if you do. Applying Gematria you get:

7 - Resurrection/Spiritual Completeness 0 - Nothingness/Potential 9 - Final Judgment/Divine Completeness from the Father/Fruit of the Spirit 8 - New beginnings


7 - Resurrection/Spiritual Completeness 100 - Children of Promise/Election

7100 > 71 > 17 (mirror)

In the Bible the number 17 symbolizes "overcoming the enemy" and "complete victory." And as we all know, Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet.

Regardless of meaning, some pretty fascinating coincidences.