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Pattern_Blind ago

Everytime I see the lists posted I think aboutvtgat famous Daft Punk song. “One More Time!” I imagine Anudder Shoah being this happy and festival environment.

RumpRangerRick ago

Didn't know they were expelled from Kiev in 1910.

Explains why my Grandmother hated them so much.

Samchay6 ago

I wonder if the QANON guys think this is just a coincidence?

Frankenblock ago

That list is bigger than streissands nose

Divine_Intervention ago

Big difference between Jews and the Zionist run by the Sanheedran - Jesus said these are of their father the devil. They bind heavy burdens around men's necks and though they have the keys to the kingdom and don'ot want to enter in themselves, they deliberately prevent others from entering in. Then they are the humble Jews, like the tribe found in Africa, practicing faithfully without all the rabinic laws and hocus pocus they keep adding.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Castro expelled the jews? really. so every pro castro person can now be called an anti semite.

Good to know.

auto_turret ago

Please, never ever stop posting this.

Somnambulant1 ago

That’s pretty stunning to read, regardless about how you feel about Jews. Yeesh. Q mentioned saving Israel for last, and there are so many ways to take that.

drozzxd ago

I wish it stopped after the first line with "exterminated" instead of expelled.

ArayanZ ago

I'm afraid this time though they may just win. White people just aren't catching on to the fact that they're ALREADY in control of all western nations. That includes the US. The globalist agenda is moving forward under Trump. Betsy Devos just implement the Education policies of the UN - and it's not good at all. Trump gets out there in front of the masses and speaks against the globalist policies and agenda but he's doing exactly what they want him to do, what he's told to do.


I'm gonna do the Batman quote here...

"Night is always darkest just before the dawn"

ArayanZ ago

I pray you're right! I'm really worried for my people, especially our young men.


Use that fear to spur you into action. Whether we feel like we're winning or losing... those of us who are awake cannot afford to be complacent.

ArayanZ ago

Agreed my friend.

lissencarak ago

it's just irrational anti-semitism, goy

the chosen dindu nuffin

Doglegwarrior ago

Every black town is a major murder, rape, drug, theft, gang area? Every one is democrat controlled and has strong anti gun laws.. but blacks living there and democrats running these towns are not the problem... the problem is.

White racism

SocksOnCats ago

I’ve seen this list (and others like it) several times. And I find it’s missing one critical column of data: WHY the jews were expelled. In some cases it’s spelled out (ritual killing, refusing to pay tribute, et cetera). But in most, no reason is listed.

This piece of data is important because jews could easily say ‘it was religious intolerance!’ and yet again play the victim.

Further, if we had this data in a concise format, we could filter out all of the genuine instances of pure religious intolerance from the list, then aggregate it by reasons for expulsion. This would then be a very powerful red pill. That is, instead of handing out a long list which most people wouldn’t read, we could say ‘jews were expelled [this many] times for [these reasons]’.

Can anyone easily provide some of this data? Maybe if we all work on it (everybody research a few expulsions and upload their refined list) this could be done quickly. I’m a data guy and would love to have a good look at the data to see what aggregations and patterns we could pull from it.

Also, never capitalize the jew.


Top comment posted an 85 page document detailing all the expulsions. It has more detail.

SocksOnCats ago

It does. I scanned through it but will have a hard time picking out each individual reason by myself. Was thinking crowd sourcing the effort would help.

strawberrycandle ago

all jealous of superior jewish iq and work ethic

UselessHashtag-0 ago

Lmao Jews even got expelled from JEWrusalem

CaptnObvius ago

Apparently every people of every continent are born anti-Semitic. /sarc

thatcoolmartian ago

It's just a coincidence. Jews are perfectly normal productive individuals. There complete control of the banks, media, and entertainment industry that they use to peddle communist propaganda is all just a coincidence.

Koalemos_Grottesco ago

Based goy shilling, your shekels are on their way!!!

IheartSwimming ago

This list is incomplete, you can help by expanding it.

Crackrocknigga ago

Ulysses s Grant expelled the jews from his battlefields because they ruthlessly profited off death and destruction.

He later realized peacetime is different, and jews control the power in this country. His administration had record numbers of jews in appointments. No surprise then, that his presidency is known as the most corrupt in history.

draaaak ago

Oy Vey! Our collective history of oppression!

ardvarcus ago

Jews are the cancer of the West.

Firevine ago


Tallest_Skil ago

300 times


The Complete List of the 1030 Jewish Expulsions in Human History

MDEneverdies1488 ago

On mobile: my phone refuses to open sure to incorrect formatting?

MDEneverdies1488 ago

It won't work either, but no worries. I will just come back to this next time I'm on a computer

Edit: might also be the app I'm using. Currently using boats - don't know if a better app

Tallest_Skil ago

Ah, that’d probably be it. Try it straight from the browser.


I'm printing and binding this. Thank you dude.

MosheSchnozenstein ago

SHUT IT DOWN! Nothing to see here my fellow white people! This was a long time ago. We have changed. Look at all of the good we are bringing to the West! Things are kosher now!

Goat-Master-5000 ago

Holy crap. When I have the time, I'll have to read through that. It's literally the size of a book.

Tallest_Skil ago

A book, you say. What a coincidence, I’m writing a proper one of those, too. It covers… a lot. If you’d like, I can send you a partial draft.

b0ard2death ago

I’d be interested in reading it too. Ping me if you ever post a draft or want to send one.

StompShills ago

Also interested!

bruddah ago

Please remember to tag me when you post a finalish draft

Acerphoon ago

So does this book basically cover the major red pills that the average voat user knows about? (Maybe even more)

Tallest_Skil ago

My intention is that it brings someone who knows absolutely nothing all the way from a bluepill to GTKRWN, and so it runs the full gamut.

BlancDesir ago

Im interested

Tallest_Skil ago

PM sent.

AlbusRex ago

Well done man. That shits epic. Would be interested in a draft if you have the time.

ardvarcus ago

Downloaded and saved. Thanks.

fortuitouslyunfallen ago

Fool me once shame on you, fool me three hun....oh what the fuck this oven's not gonna build itself

ardvarcus ago

There were no "ovens." Don't use the Jew narrative.

Doglegwarrior ago

Good point take an up vote.. the oven thing is funny but its a fucking lie... it is a lie they needed to have a reason to not have mass graves... they needed the jooos to vanish so no one could ever go investigate.

draaaak ago

Yes there were ovens. They're called cremation retorts. They just weren't used to burn anyone who died in a gas chamber, or any sort of mass execution chamber, and they certainly weren't used to burn Jews 3-4 at a time, or anywhere near anything more than a few hundred thousand prisoners over the entire course of the war, none of whom died from genocidal causes, but instead most died from illness and starvation as a result of allied bombings and the severing of supply lines into Poland, Germany, and Austria.

There definitely were ovens though, there is no shortage of evidence of this fact. It's everything else, and I mean everything else, that is bullshit.

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

S/ Buh muh peddle powered headsmashers! vey gorra be real cuz it just makes so much sense!

sshehzad ago

that's racist....


Hello and welcome to voat. Facts can't be racist, faggot.

kiathrows ago

Racism is the most natural thing in life. Ingroup bias is so common among living things you'd struggle to find anything social that doesn't display it.

Tallest_Skil ago

Poe’s Law works better when you’re not on a brand new account and we know you’re not a fucking kike.

Lordbananafist ago

there's never a legitimate reason for trying a "cure" that didn't work 300 times already.



Yeah... we need to move on from expulsion to global lampshading.