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14688835? ago

Honorable post from a patriot. Be prepared for nazifags and shills, voats being heavily assualted with such things today

14689335? ago

Remember you're a guest here, you don't belong to voat and never did, you're tolerated, but if you want us to start making your whole Q shit into a full blown fourth reich just keep calling us nazifags

You people are profoundly retarded, you got FUCKED OVER by the international jewry henry ford warned you about, and you still have that stupid smile on your face when they openly shit in your collective mouth


Prof. MacDonald has discovered that implausible arguments about diversity being a quintessentially American strength have been made by Jews for a long time. He reports that in 1948 the American Jewish Committee was urging Congress to believe that “Americanism is the spirit behind the welcome that America has traditionally extended to people of all races, all religions, all nationalities.” Of course, there had never been such a tradition. In 1952, the American Jewish Congress argued in hearings on immigration that “our national experience has confirmed beyond a doubt that our very strength lies in the diversity of our peoples.” This, too, was at a time when U.S. immigration law was still explicitly designed to maintain a white majority.

It is often said that when the old immigration policy was scrapped in 1965, scarcely anyone knew, and no one predicted, that the new law would change the racial makeup of the country. Prof. MacDonald disputes this, arguing that this had been the objective of Jewish groups from the beginning.

Prof. MacDonald finds that Jews have been the foremost advocates of immigration in England, France, and Canada, and that Jewish groups were the most vocal opponents of independence for Quebec. Australian Jews led the effort to dismantle the “white Australia” policy, one reason for which was cited in an editorial in the Australian Jewish Democrat: “The strengthening of multi-cultural or diverse Australia is also our most effective insurance policy against anti-Semitism. The day Australia has a Chinese Australian Governor General I would feel more confident of my freedom to live as a Jewish Australian.” Like Earl Raab writing about the United States, this Australian Jew is prepared to sacrifice the traditional culture, people, and identity of Australia to specifically Jewish interests. It would not be surprising if such an openly expressed objective did not have the opposite effect from the intended, and increase anti-Jewish sentiment.

14694718? ago

Henry Ford was a Nazi sympathizer along with Margaret Sanger (Planned Parenthood).

14694807? ago


You say that as if this was a bad thing

You saved a bunch of kikes from a supposed death by ovens and gas showers, at the price of countless american deaths, and in exchange you got the mass importation of diversity niggers to infinity to the point of becoming an ethnic minority in your own country circa 2040

Prof. MacDonald has discovered that implausible arguments about diversity being a quintessentially American strength have been made by Jews for a long time. He reports that in 1948 the American Jewish Committee was urging Congress to believe that “Americanism is the spirit behind the welcome that America has traditionally extended to people of all races, all religions, all nationalities.” Of course, there had never been such a tradition. In 1952, the American Jewish Congress argued in hearings on immigration that “our national experience has confirmed beyond a doubt that our very strength lies in the diversity of our peoples.” This, too, was at a time when U.S. immigration law was still explicitly designed to maintain a white majority.

It is often said that when the old immigration policy was scrapped in 1965, scarcely anyone knew, and no one predicted, that the new law would change the racial makeup of the country. Prof. MacDonald disputes this, arguing that this had been the objective of Jewish groups from the beginning.

Prof. MacDonald finds that Jews have been the foremost advocates of immigration in England, France, and Canada, and that Jewish groups were the most vocal opponents of independence for Quebec. Australian Jews led the effort to dismantle the “white Australia” policy, one reason for which was cited in an editorial in the Australian Jewish Democrat: “The strengthening of multi-cultural or diverse Australia is also our most effective insurance policy against anti-Semitism. The day Australia has a Chinese Australian Governor General I would feel more confident of my freedom to live as a Jewish Australian.” Like Earl Raab writing about the United States, this Australian Jew is prepared to sacrifice the traditional culture, people, and identity of Australia to specifically Jewish interests. It would not be surprising if such an openly expressed objective did not have the opposite effect from the intended, and increase anti-Jewish sentiment.

I hope that was worth it

14695294? ago

What amazes me is how much imaginary "power" the leftists and Naziwannabes ascribe to "the Jews". Especially since they are among the smallest minorities on the planet.

Must be nice to have that much money and power concentrated into a teeny tiny group of people...

14695478? ago

And what amazes me is clueless people having an opinion on topics they are clueless about to begin with

Each his own I guess

Of the forty-seven(47) U.S. Justice Department senior officials, twenty-two(22) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 47%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews are over-represented among the U.S. Justice Department senior officials by a factor of 23.5 times(2,350 percent).

Of the fourteen(14) Federal Reserve System chairmen, seven(7) have been Jews or partial Jews. This is a numerical representation of 50%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews have been over-represented among the Federal Reserve System chairmen by a factor of 25 times(2,500 percent).

Of the twenty-four(24) senior administrators of the Ivy League colleges and universities, twenty(20) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 83%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews are over-represented among the senior administrators of the Ivy League colleges and universities by a factor of 41.5 times(4,150 percent).

Of the sixty-four(64) senior executives of the major newspapers and news magazines, forty-two(42) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 66%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews are over-represented among the senior executives of the major newspapers and news magazines by a factor of 33 times(3,300 percent).

Explicitly Jewish organizations don't even bother hiring shabbos goyim for diversity's sake. Of the fifty-three(53) senior executives and directors of the Anti-Defamation League, fifty-three(53) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 100%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews are over-represented among the senior executives and directors of the Anti-Defamation League by a factor of 50 times(5,000 percent).

Funny how that works, uh?

14698920? ago

Funny stuff. Citing Stormfront as a source. You ever think for a second how one would quantify those numbers you threw out? You are easily fooled.

So Jews are drawn to media and government like blacks and Latinos are drawn to low-income labor? Ever wonder why?

Probably not....for the same reasons blacks and Hispanics are drawn to manual labor - minimal education. It's the same reasons why Oriental Asians and Indo-Pak Asians are drawn to STEM disciplines.

I recognize this is all over your head, but feel free to ask questions. I'll do my best to dumb it down for you.

14698982? ago

Funny stuff, you are just throwing your personal opinion backed by nothing but your own bias

14699192? ago

Why don't you toss out citations then?

14699267? ago

Because only fucking morons rely on nothing but their lame ass opinion to back up their claims

14699399? ago

Typical empty response. Go fuck yourself and go fuck your girl Clinton and suck Soros' cock while your at it.

It's pretty obvious you are a 12.50/hr shill paid by ShareBlue or MM.

Suck a bag of dicks. Though I suspect that is what you do for your Nazi brethren. Snort some Pervatin and take on your brothers. You know the drill, bottom boy.

14699428? ago

Believe what you want fucktard, I flipped my daily quota of NPCs already

The truth would fuck you in the eyeballs you wouldn't be able to recognize it anyway