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14688835? ago

Honorable post from a patriot. Be prepared for nazifags and shills, voats being heavily assualted with such things today

14689205? ago

There it is again. Nazifags. Hmm...

14692869? ago

My point is that plenty of Jewish people have been lied to in the "lowest" tiers of society (aka anyone who isn't diabolically plotting against you) and lumping them all in with the secular oppressive elites and calling for second waves of gassings are not the right way to handle things. Voat has been full of controlled opposition and inflammatory comments today, and the last few days, and ALWAYS if you spend time in "New". I'm trying to draw a fine line between calling for the murder of a religious class, and a ruling class hiding behind said religion. Organized Jewish religion needs to go, along with anyone complicit in it's higher levels and inner workings. Killing Jews just because they subscribe to the billion dollar funding Bullshit that nearly 50% of Americans fell for in 2016 isn't cool. That's my only point

14693260? ago

We call them the Jewish Mafia now. What do you think?

14698685? ago

I think the mafia at the top pretends to be or comes from Jewish lineage and uses that to keep control, make sure jews are never treated very well, so they can all keep playing the Victim card as the 1 percent. It's the only strategy they have, being the victim. But if the jews as a whole look successful, it's bad news. They keep their own followers suppressed and lied to more than anyone, so they can steal the claim of victimhood. I don't think every jew walking around the suburbs is evil

14698740? ago

on what basis can you honestly make those claims?

They keep their own followers suppressed and lied to more than anyone

could you explain?

This link ( is why i disagree with your "claims".

14699530? ago

Links to other people generalizing doesn't mean you're right. You're blindly lumping in plenty of citizens with a huge cabal of treason commiting occultists who practice behind the name of Judaism. Neither of our statements can be fully supported or proven since these statements are opinions or speculations on the intentions of others.

My only claim is to take things on a case by case basis. not indiscriminately attack a religion. Speaking of which, who would ever deny religion is by far the easiest to identify case where the ruling class lie incessantly to the lower class? You believe that every single Jew is evil because they were indoctrinated? MSM believes every QAnon supporter is an antisemite. Discriminate intelligently.

14699644? ago

at least you can admit we are just pulling shit out of thin air.

but yes sir, im generalizing. a perfectly normal, and effective utility when discussing problems/solutions. You seem to think im ready to commit genocide. youre insane if you think any of our rhetoric on here will translate to any action outside this site. I use my knowledge to protect myself. You do you, give people the benefit of the doubt: I dont have time for that nonsense. I'd can only hurt a jews feelings if i insult them on here (though i dont care), or if irl some jew really wanted me to give them the time of day. but jews dont care about me, eexcept the ones who want me defeated, dead, or cucked.

I dont care if they are hiding behind religion: ive seen statistics that lead me to believe that if its not the individual jews that desire world domination, they are at least ok with ruining civilizations to remain a part of their club.

if you disagree, i couldnt care less. we both admit that we are generalizing, speculating, hypothesizing...

14699936? ago

Fair enough, agree to disagree. I just think we should collect some evidence in individuals before condemning them for their religion, especially if you're going to start doing it to all religions.

14699994? ago

i wouldnt have any action taken against anybody without it. its why im ok with the current soft military coup going on right now: its all by the books. no foul play