14696769? ago

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14693792? ago

Outstanding. Brian Ruhe recently did a couple good youtube vids with Mr. 31 and Charles Giuliani. I'm new to Giuliani but he's not afraid to mention Voldemort, I mean the jews.

Also, check out Neo triestowarnyou on youtube, specifically the 'earth jewish alien matrix' one.

14692283? ago

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14692192? ago

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14569815? ago

Everything can be questioned, even God directly according to the Bible.

14568947? ago

During the 60’s, & 70’s it was much easier for someone that used brainwashing technics to gain female followers. The females were more suseptible to male influence. The female followers drew weak men in to many of the cults. Communes were more cult like than todays millinials realize. If horsey mouth Ocasio-Cortez got fat or her teeth were crooked she would not have any popularity! Think about the seriousness of what I just told you! This is the mentality of young adults. Everything is visual or must offer a reward to get their interest. So many of the parents of these 18 to 20 somethings were to caught up in “social status & keeping up with the Jone’s” to teach these brats how to be responsible adults. They are the bulk of the new Democrat Socialist, everyone gets a prize generation of voters!

14568550? ago

For the NaziFags here who think they are woke.

Who created the circumstances for the German people to "rise up"? Who tended the garden? Planted the seed? Insured its good care and nurture? Why would the jews want the german people to rise up? Holocaust? War against russia? Whites killing whites?

Who benefits?

They PLANNED on it. They WANTED it. Stop thinking such small thoughts, create the inevitable and use it.

14567844? ago

Like sheep to the slaughter Anons actually feel they are making choices when they are being programmed to follow. The ones who had a spark of thought against the globalist agenda have been herded into the Qanon movement, and will kill you like hyenas if you dare tell them anything.

14567799? ago

LIGHT INSIDE, CHOICE INSIDE AND SHIT ALL AROUND TO WALLOW IN 24/7. You have your minds controlled even more than before.

14567765? ago

The Qanon movement has morphed into a cult. A lot of " yes" followers who refuse to think for themselves. They jump on anyone who questions anything. Awake my ass, most of you just exchanged what type of discipleship for another. Why are you so afraid to question things from Q, Trump, Congress or any other source that leaves you feeling uncomfortable? They don't really have to brainwash you anymore, you effectively do it to yourselves.

14567750? ago

Good post OP. Please see the link to further your education. You will then know just how long they have been at this, and how deep the rabbit hole goes. You cannot go back into the matrix now.


14567714? ago

Acts 7:43 Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.

14567325? ago

Jews weren't behind Nazism. That is practically the only thing wrong here, and the post itself doesn't SAY Jews were... It's just a question.

Were Jews going to benefit of sorts? Sure. Outside of Germany. Kick them to the curb and send to Madagascar.

Jews were riddled throughout the German Communist Party that damn near turned Germany Communist post-WWI. This is where Antifa comes from. Same flag and everything.

The Nazi's formed the SA as a response, and the rest is history.

The Nazi's were woke Germans who had had enough bullshit. Rothschilds were arrested, central banking purged, so on, so on.

Germany was free and awake!

Buuuut then WWII got pushed on them.

14578122? ago

Are you a retarded nigger? Did you even read the post?

What circumstances were around germany prior to the nazis? Who made those circumstances? Stop being a nazicuckboy and learn to critically think. This is seriously one of the most annoying things to explain to you morons and OP did it beautifully. The "civil war" were the set up you fucking nitwit. The german people were FORCED to rise up. It was PLANNED.

14567832? ago

The house of Rothschild created Hitler and started WW2. Wake up.

There's a synagogue of Satan behind the average Jew.

14567400? ago

This is where you and many are incorrect. You need to dig further and not fall for the propaganda. You would be a fool if you did not believe that the movement of the what you say "free and awake" wasn't planned. This is where they deceive most of you because you really don't know how to think for yourself. Not yet at least.

Of course the German people rose up. Not only was it inevitable, it was planned. A Gardener tends his garden well.

Nazism was natural? Nurtured? Planned?

Who financed Nazism?

What is Hitlers family line?

Operation paperclip?


14567486? ago

Nazism was a natural reaction to Bolsheviks/Marxists. They needed a plan and nurtured themselves for a time to gather strength.

A few questionable outside sources, (of which Hitler had no intention to pay back... Except perhaps in blood) and party members of course.

Hitler's family line is one from Austria. The idea Hitler was a Rothschild has been debunked. This is a question to encourage verification and deeper digging. You go far enough, you realize the narrative of Hitler being a Rothschild is disinformation.

Operation Paperclip was the extraction of German scientists and a few other prominent minds/leaders to assist the US. It was that or a gulag/forced help sponsored by the Jewish Union.

Antarctica had a Nazi base. A U.S. battlegroup, or perhaps more if I remember correctly, were sent down there to finish them off. Apparently nuclear weapons were used.

We fought the wrong enemy. The Reich was right.

14567684? ago

You go far enough, you realize the narrative of Hitler being a Rothschild is disinformation.

I never claimed otherwise. You have failed to see that regardless of the fact that the Reich was right, the Reich was forseen and planned for. Go further back. Recognize the pattern. Who benefited from the Reich? What plans were able to be fulfilled because of the Reich?

The Jews created the Reich in such the manner as they themselves planted its seed. wake up.

Oto order chao

14567188? ago


14567775? ago


14567128? ago

D3nial of this is futile given the preponderance of evidence.

14567038? ago

I feel like this thread will get more attention if you insert your title into the opening part of the post and actually list what the post content is like a normal title.

14566684? ago

At least fix your copypaste spam to say "Saud" instead of "Suad".

14566761? ago

Posted 7 days ago and only a baby dick sucking kike would be opposed to repetition.

14566529? ago

The god of the Bible is the devil. It was written to get people to worship a false god.

14567591? ago

...A line taken right out of Anton LeVey's Satanic Bible lol

People don't need a book to worship a false God.

14567556? ago

The Lord rebuke you.

14568697? ago

The fact that you have a "Lord" / master, says it all. You don't know who you really are. The fact that this being wants humans to be in servitude to Him should trouble you. The Prime Creator, the "All-That-Is", has no need for servants or anything a servant could offer, as there is nothing that is not IT already. The great truth hidden from humanity is that ALL IS ONE.

14569123? ago

The fact that you have a "Lord" / master, says it all. You don't know who you really are.

That sentence nails it.

14572639? ago

Ah...your arguments are weak. The fact is I serve something greater than myself. The fact that you don't says it all. I know exactly who I "really" am. The great truth revealed to all humanity via Jesus is that ALL can know The Great I AM. Eternity is forever. Chose wisely.

PS: IT and Singularity is a sad, cheap, futile attempt at eternity...it won't go well for those who think they have outsmarted God....because you can't.

14577384? ago

You ARE a Sheep .... baaaaaah jesus baaaah

14581460? ago

Yes, a sheep with a shepherd.

14566483? ago

For those who don't get it... it's the Jews!

14568622? ago

for those who don't get it, the jews are merely human servants of a more powerful master. we wrestle not with flesh and blood.

14568840? ago

The Jews are flesh and blood and fit into ovens very conveniently.

14568909? ago

yeah, and then what? The driving force will still be there and that kind of action feeds it. It loves human sacrifice.

14568923? ago

Hitler had the right idea, he was just never allowed to finish the job.

14569042? ago

the job can never be finished by killing humans and feeding the Evil behind it all. The killing is also driven by that very same Evil. ... Wake up...... All Is One,.. when humanity wakes up and realises this truth, the evil will lose its power and simply dissolve.

14570314? ago

Simple: we kill the "evil" side and end up with the "good" side left. Problem solved.

14570444? ago

you just don't get it. Those killing the "evil" side are not the "good" side. The killing is still serving the evil and feeding it. The evil wants the killing, it doesn't care who is doing it, nor who the victim of it is. There is no such thing as "good" killing.

14570529? ago

Au contraire mon frère.... kill all the Democrats and Communists, and you just saved the world! But, don't worry, they're not human. So, no humans will actually die. Win-Win for everyone.

14570561? ago

There are none so blind as those who WILL NOT see

14570585? ago

I see. But, I disagree. Besides, killing commies would be enjoyable.

14570656? ago

you are certainly entitled to disagree.... if nothing changes, then nothing changes. ......whilst people kill people, the killing doesn't stop... until you see that that which is in them, is also in you, you don't see.... projection.

14570672? ago

I don't care. I'm fed up with all the lies and bullshit and I just want people to die.

14568061? ago

what about popy yopy

14568072? ago

Is he a Jew?

14590918? ago

I don't care

14567307? ago

I'm not saying it's jews...

14566370? ago

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14566285? ago

Election day in Vancouver, today. Do you know who you'll vote for, for school board?

Morgane Oger is a transvestite who is into vore, malingering as a gender dysphoria patient in order to live out an autogynephilic fantasy, who associates with known sadistic perverts and political subversives.

The first people Oger told about Oger's crossdressing fantasies were Oger's own preschool children. Imagine being that age and your father telling you he likes to wear women's clothes. Oger doesn't care what happens to the psyche of Oger's own children. How will Oger protect your children?

Oger's father was excommunicated from the Church for performing abortions, yet Oger thinks Oger can dare judge other people's Christianity. How can Oger judge other people's religious orthodoxy when Oger's own father was excommunicated? The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Oger is incompetent with Money. Oger stiffed an Indian Band for a $100,000.00 in rent on a luxury marina property. Oger racked up $120,000.00 on Oger's ex-wife's (mother of Oger's children) line of credit and never paid it back. Is this the person you want in charge of the School Board's budget?

Oger is litigious and has a history of using law-craft to silence Oger's critics. Do you want someone who doesn't get along with others having a seat at council?

Morgane Oger is a dual citizen! We don't know where Oger's loyalties lie. Should a dual citizen really be in charge of our schools?

Oger supports transgender ideology being indoctrinated in our children at kindergarten. Left alone, 1/30,000 children develops gender dysphoria. How many more are going to think they have this mental disorder if exposed to the concept? Treated with care, of those 1/30,000 who develop the disorder, 80% will desist before adulthood, and 20% will go on to have sex reassignment therapy and live life as a member of the opposite sex. Instead, under the SOGI guidelines, which Oger supports, 100% of these children will be labelled "transgender" and live the rest of their lives stuck mid-transition, just like Oger. Is this the kind of policy you want brainwashing your kids?

If you live in Vancouver or know someone who does, share this information before you go and vote and don't vote for Morgane Oger. Alternatives for your vote include: Ken Denike, Sophia Woo, Nadine Goodine, Yong Zhou, Fraser Ballantyne, Carmen Cho, Oliver Hanson, Christopher Richardson, Chris Qiu, Bruno Baronet, Stéphanie Descôteaux,Tony Dong, Pratpal Gill, and Marco Lee. A protest vote against Morgane Oger specifically can be made by voting for "Mrs Doubtfire".

14566152? ago

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14566138? ago

This is the veil. Lift it up people. This is not a message of hatred or antisemitism or any other label. Don't let them hide behind labels and their mind control.

Take the pill, take a lot of water.

If you are a Christian. Open your Bibles to John 6:1.

Start reading. When Christ speaks of bread, of eating flesh and drinking blood.

He was telling us what is happening.

God bless.

14573782? ago

Extreme misinterpretation of that passage!

14573813? ago

I don't think so. I didn't go by what the pastor taught me.

Please feel free to interpret it conventionally. I implore you to search your heart for the truth.

14573919? ago

I have, and the Holy Spirit guides me as I am studying the Word. This is NOT about what is going on. It is about Jesus laying down His life willingly so that we may have eternal life.

14573968? ago

There are layers to everything Jesus said. Why did he reference specifically the consumption of flesh and the drinking of blood? Why did he imply that was an existing practice, but then insisted they only consume him?

How did they react?

Christ knew about the evil practices of the Talmud and gave himself as a sacrifice for our sins whilst trying to red pill earth about the true evil of earth.

You are indoctrinated by pastors and preachers who were schooled in what to think.

Regardless, I appreciate your time. God bless.

14567788? ago

Book of Enoch was left out of the Bible....why? I've read contradictory reasons.

14567797? ago

A lot of truths were hidden from us all.

14566155? ago

Revelation 3:9 King James Version (KJV) 9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

14567337? ago


Gott mit uns!

14566184? ago


14566129? ago

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14566128? ago

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