14697667? ago

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14692284? ago

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14566125? ago

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14514710? ago

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14464242? ago

Don't forget there is a huge difference between the Palestinian Jews and the European Jews who emigrated to Israel since the '70..

14462758? ago

I've been bitching about this very issue for years. It's not just Israeli citizens. We have dual Canadians and British citizens in our government as well. We're do their loyalties lie?

14458006? ago

You guys sure are fucking ignorant.

14459174? ago

You have no arguments for the truth. We are winning, and you’re terrified.

14457616? ago

I humbly disagree with you. My wife is of Heavenly decent and she would make a great First Lady!

14459182? ago


14456234? ago


Again, amid the fearful noise of the conflict, I heard the mysterious voice saying, "Son of the Republic, look and learn." As the voice ceased, the shadowy angel for the last time dipped water from the ocean and sprinkled it upon America. Instantly the dark cloud rolled back, together with the armies it had brought, leaving the inhabitants of the land victorious!

Then once more I beheld the villages, towns and cities springing up where I had seen them before, while the bright angel, planting the azure standard he had brought in the midst of them, cried with a loud voice: "While the stars remain, and the heavens send down dew upon the earth, so long shall the Union last." And taking from his brow the crown on which blazoned the word "Union," he placed it upon the Standard while the people, kneeling down, said, "Amen."

The scene instantly began to fade and dissolve, and I at last saw nothing but the rising, curling vapor I at first beheld. This also disappearing, I found myself once more gazing upon the mysterious visitor, who, in the same voice I had heard before, said, "Son of the Republic, what you have seen is thus interpreted: Three great perils will come upon the Republic. The most fearful is the third, but in this greatest conflict the whole world united shall not prevail against her. Let every child of the Republic learn to live for his God, his land and the Union." With these words the vision vanished, and I started from my seat and felt that I had seen a vision wherein had been shown to me the birth, progress, and destiny of the United States.

14472866? ago

A bullshit MYTH. Never happened you stupid fuckin' Goober!

14472951? ago

You must be Antifa!

14453551? ago

Either that or start publicly executing those who violate their oath to defend the Constitution. Both would be a wise move, but certainly either a step in the right direction.

14453387? ago

Satans children should be banned from all white countries.

14454931? ago

Send them to their holy land, cut all ties, and let nature take its course.

14453377? ago

For argumentative sake, the intention of this essay; to argue against dual citizenship employed by the government, I believe has some valid reasoning. However, the historical context of the JQ is not quite fully understood by both scholars & laymen alike out of abundance of time from popular discord. With good reason it has been dropped from any legitimate discussion since on the surface it is just a Sweeping Generalization, a fallacy in logical thinking. Utilization of adjectives to refine the argument is suggested to engage and support critical thinking and response. Questions arise in my mind as to who the essayist is when referring to "Jews", "anti-Semitic" & "Jewish gazettes" to name just three generalization. In my opinion, the essayist is bringing an old, perhaps valid, historical point of view but it borderlines on word salad fulfilling an immediate need to satisfy an ego or egos. Hearts and minds are sold by marketing an idea and reinforcing it with positive results and benefits so the seller has a lifelong customer or until a better mousetrap is discovered by the customer.

fallacies "Appeal to A sweeping generalization is applying a general rule to a specific instance (without proper evidence), and a hasty generalization is applying a specific rule to a general situation (without proper evidence).,

14453236? ago

you sound like Adolf Hitler. I believe there are Jews and Deep State Jews. Just as there are Americans and Deep State Americans

14459158? ago

Hitler was a great man fighting for his people against communists jews. The same communist jews that tried to destroy Germany are now trying to destroy America.

14451519? ago

I'm considered a dual citizen in another country, but I'm a US citizen through and through. I only recognize my US citizenship, but the country of my birth counts me as a citizen of both. My patriotism boarders on jingoism. If I wanted to be a politician, you couldn't stop me. I would do more damage if I was disenfranchised.

14457168? ago

citizenship is nothing more than legal status. nobody gets to be an American just by showing up and filing some paperwork, any more than they would become Japanese or Mexican, or any other Nationality. you might be well-behaved, but no one like you is an American

14457952? ago

I'm a United States Marine. I'm way more American than you.

14458359? ago

my faily has been here more than 400 years, and nearly all my ancestors were here when this was still England. you might be a Marine, but you're not an American. deal with it

14451516? ago

WOW! Lot of hate floating around here this day.   Q post 2352 Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.347 📁 Oct 5 2018 23:05:20 (EST) Justice K >>> Highest Court in the Land. Law & Order [majority] [U.S. Constitution] safeguarded. IT WAS OUR LAST CHANCE TO SAVE IT [Non-Force] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2qIXXafxCQ📁 Think HRC win >> SC appointments >> SC 'Corrupt' TILT [ex: LL] Now comes the real PAIN. Now comes the real TRUTH. BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM

They want you DIVIDED.








This movement challenges their ‘forced’ narrative. This movement challenges people to not simply trust what is being reported. Research for yourself. Think for yourself. Trust yourself. This movement is not about one person or a group of people. WE, the PEOPLE. Save the Republic! Hatred and Dissension in the Nation will Heal. WHERE WE GO ONE, WE GO ALL. Q

What is the Foremost Commandment?

Matthew 22:36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” 37 And He said to him, “ ‘YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND.’ 38 “This is the great and 15 foremost commandment. 39 “The second is like it, ‘YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.’ 40 “On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets.”

Did the Jews kill Jesus?

As for the accusation of "Christ Killers" consider Jesus words: John 10:16 “I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; I must bring them also, and they will hear My voice; and they will become one flock [with] one shepherd. 17 “For this reason the Father loves Me, because I lay down My life so that I may take it again. 18 “No one has taken it away from Me, but I lay it down on My own initiative. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This commandment I received from My Father.”

Is not everyone who does not have Christ of the "Synagogue of Satan" and under the Dominion of Satan?

As for the "Synagogue of Satan", all who are not in Christ are under the Dominion or Synagogue of Satan. Again Jesus words to Paul on the road to Damascus:

Acts 26:16 ‘But get up and stand on your feet; for this purpose I have appeared to you, to appoint you a minister and a witness not only to the things which you have seen, but also to the things in which I will appear to you; 17 rescuing you from the [Jewish] people and from the Gentiles, to whom I am sending you, 18 to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me.’

Consider also: John 18:37...Jesus answered, “You say [correctly] that I am a king. For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.”

14459231? ago

You didn’t disprove anything from the OPs post.

14451342? ago

So, basically you just copied Goebbel's rant and replaced "Germany / German" with "America / American"?


14459214? ago

And it’s all true today, as it was true yesterday.

14454990? ago

Funny how it's still true and relevant.

Really makes ya think.

14452944? ago

Why not? Goebbels was a smart dude.

14451247? ago

Are you a Useful Idiot or a Socialist shill? NO! Everything is NOT discussed openly in America! It's not practical Icarus! You can say anything you want,yes! BoR1 gives you that protection [within reason, ie FIRE! in a crowded space causing panic, injury and pos death for no cause and creating dangerous conditions for public safety]. Your premise is proven invalid so the rest of your argument is mute. Brevity is the soul of wit. In times of War prepare for peace. In times of Peace prepare for War. USA(((WWG1, WGA!)))USA

14450932? ago

Huh? HRC has a muslim handler. DiFi has a Chinese spy as her driver. DWS hired a foreign IT guy- utilized by several DEMs in Congress, BHO had several MB members is his admin. National labs are filled with Chinese spies- as are research universities' grad student populations. CF is filled with foreign, pay to play moneys. Wallstreet has trillions in assets, held by foreign entities. Millions of US acreage is owned by foreign interests, including corporations and farm lands. Good luck with shutting the barn door, now that the cows are out.

14450884? ago

I say left them have their dual citizenship. That way well know who does. If not they'll just retire overseas and get their citizenship then.

14450198? ago

I agree. No dual citizenship for those in the government. Their allegiance is to America only. Ron Emmanuel has dual citizenship and he needs to be removed.

We all need to look at Revelations and not the old testament. Revelations mention the controllers of the world. They claim they are Jews but they are not. They are from the synagogue of satan.

So I would suggest best wait to address this is do what President Trump does. He calls media fake media. And we shall call those zionists fake jews. We are not antisemite because the fake jews are from Europe and have no jewish blood in them. They are liars, theives, and evil. They are not jews but claim to be. They worship Lucifer. That's why fake jews are everywhere in politics, hollywood, press, banks. They are luciferian and we need to skip to the chase and say you are a fake jew. U r tell synagogue of satan. U r not even from the 12 tribes of israel. Khazarian fake jews.

14450084? ago

These ideas have challenged me for decades. One of the more glaring concepts (i.e. propaganda, deceit) involves the perversion of language that is used in the Jewish strategy.

The response that “Arabs are Semites too” is a fallacy of course, as anyone who can use a dictionary can tell. Oxford, Merriam-Webster, and Cambridge all give slight variations of the same definition, which is that “antisemitism” means hatred of Jewish people. Therefore whether Arabs are Semites or not is totally irrelevant to the issue of Arab antisemitism. Fred Maroun at https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/the-arabs-are-semites-too-fallacy/

Maroun insists that we all must embrace the dictionary definition of "antisemitism" while ignoring the definition of Semite in the same dictionaries -- a member of any of a number of peoples of ancient southwestern Asia including the Akkadians, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Arabs. [Note: The words 'antisemite' and 'antisemitism' did not exist until after 1890.]

Another tactic in this deceitful crusade of domination is the elevation of the personal at the expense of principle. The Left, guided by the principles of certain corrupt Semites, avoids discussion on principles by focusing on personality and personal attacks.

The perverse idea that 'antisemitism' is unarguably indicative of hatred for The Jews relies on the harsh marginalization of any person who dares to question the principles of any Jewish person or group. And, since these Jews are the Chosen Ones, such tactics cannot be challenged in the current 'climate' of debate. It's time for some 'climate change'...time for the horse to get back in front of the cart.

14449162? ago

See I'm not so sure it's all Jews but rather a faction that claims to be Jews. The Khazarian Mafia. This is a great article on it. https://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/03/08/the-hidden-history-of-the-incredibly-evil-khazarian-mafia/

14452906? ago

That faction that claims to be Jews is all Jews.

As in, the actual JEWS died off.

14448903? ago

NiggersNigger You have recently submitted a similar comment. Please try to not use copy/paste so often.niggers god damned niggers

14448859? ago

Can someone repost the list of dual citizens in government for me? I've got a lib just about redpilled.

14459363? ago

Those lists are bullshit. None of those people have Israeli citizenship. What they’re basing the “dual citizenship” claim on is Israel’s right of return policy.

Literally none of the people on those lists have requested or been granted Israeli citizenship. It’s so false that it is the definition of “fake news”.

Do you know who else has right of return?


Does that make any Irish politicians in the US government dual citizens too?

14452586? ago

Thanks, I appreciate it!

14448735? ago

The original, deleted, 13th amendment would have barred this crap.

14448627? ago

As far as national political office is concerned (i.e. House, Senate), there are very few dual citizens.

14448524? ago

Lumping people into one group that you label and name, then displaying hatred towards any individual of that group, ignoring their unique qualities, is the very definition of racism.

14459258? ago

You failed to disprove OPs post. The cry of racism means nothing. And calling is Nazis gives us power. Now get the fuck out of my country, jew.

14452501? ago

I agree with this sentiment. I'm not in this movement to hunt jews. I'm supporting this movement to flush out, expose and neutralize DS players in whatever form they take. If we expose a DS player that is jewish, so be it. But I refuse to start zeroing in on people, calling them DS, just because they are jewish.

14449171? ago

I'm assuming this moron who posted this is a troll to discredit Trump/Q. (Is he saying Trump doesn't trust Jared/Ivanka because they are ethnically or religiously Jewish?) If they aren't - they are ignorant beyond belief.

The "Jews" who have let the Mossad/DS influence them are no more innocent than the Anglo Americans who have let the CIA do the same.

14448493? ago

"BY WAY OF DECEPTION WE MAKE WAR." Mossad Credo. Look it up!

14448456? ago

If you are a dual citizen, how can we trust you're working for us, and not your other government, or Safe Haven. I'm an American, if America has trouble I will be fixing it, I have nowhere else to go! Dual citizen will Runaway, leaving the mess for people like me!

14448184? ago

Agree. Dual citizenship implies dual loyalty. Can't coexist. One is always dominant. Which loyalty oath is.supreme? Isreal or United states?

14447982? ago

Excellent Read

14447788? ago

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14447706? ago

They infiltrate everywhere, directly and indirectly. Where they are unable to infiltrate directly, they coerce and blackmail those within to do their bidding.

You have probably seen this, but if not it is a good introduction to the problem of the Jews. Be advised it is a 4 hour long but very powerful and informative video.


14447679? ago

I find it very discouraging that several states have been passing laws making it illegal to criticize Israel. I find it discouraging how many billions, each year, we give them, when I do not see the reciprocity. I find it discouraging how many dual-citizens are in positions of power and how they lobby almost exclusively for the rights of their own ethnic interests. Further, I find it discouraging how many of their lobbyists wield power in this country. America First is what I voted for and what I believe in. Period.

14450223? ago

Yep. Now consider how much anti-white hate was made socially acceptable by (((them))).

14447536? ago

"Jews are behind everything" shills are same as all the rest:

( A message for retards who get triggered easy) Okay special retard snowflake nigger, let me hold your precious little baby hands for you because you have no balls. You dumb fucking boomers and niggers have NO idea whats going on and Q has you here so you can wake the fuck up and stop being such spineless clueless kike cock sucking rejects. Of course its not ALL jews, you fucking morons.

You fucking retards are censoring yourselves with your false sense of morality instead of critical thinking.

JIDF is on this board concern trolling so you fucking retards don't wise up.


Revelation 3:9 King James Version (KJV) 9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.





https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liminality https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_dissonance


Consider for a moment our known human history verses our unknown.






2.5 Million years of hominids with similar or larger cranial capacity than our own.




Populations became dense near the ocean for the most part and there is a large amount of evidence supporting a great flood after the younger dryas.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDejwCGdUV8YouTubeYouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0H5LCLljJhoYouTubeYouTube megalithic culture has demonstrated advanced knowledge of axial precession and astronomy as a whole by virtue of their designs and orientations. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axial_precession https://imgur.com/a/1FyIxDOImgurImgur Album Album Reconcile.

Cults exist because its natural for those seeking power to establish such an environment. With knowledge comes power and if knowledge can be passed down so too can that power, the logarithmic growth of tech has opened a window for us but soon it will close forever. If you were in such a position of power to control the affairs of the world, you wouldn't need to raise an army to fight against those who oppose you for their forces would already be under your control. Create the chaos so that the only possible solution of order is the one you desire. Whenever mankind has had a thought for themselves to focus their energy, the energy has ALWAYS been redirected by their methods of infiltration and subversion. Cycles. Great year. Black Sun

Those in power control the historical narrative, if you can see now that we are enslaved why not see that we are blind as well? Who are the deep state assets? How long have they been in place? Its important you really understand this. Its important you realize the power and control over us. Its important you question EVERYTHING and THINK FOR YOURSELF

1947 & The World Wars.

Do you trust the official narrative? Satanists infiltrate EVERYTHING. Whenever mankind has had a thought for themselves to focus their energy, the energy has ALWAYS been redirected by their methods of infiltration and subversion. This is the design with which they control the affairs of the world from darkness.

Remember Cognitive Dissonance. The truth has been in front of us the entire time, the choice to KNOW has always been yours.

Roswell. CIA. Highjump. Paperclip-Bariloche. NAZI tech. & MORE.MUCH MUCH MORE Listen to every word.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tv70Wln6H2Q3:25 "a satanic power"

The official story is a lie and its easy to prove if you know you should be looking. They relied on overwhelming emotional appeal to cloud your judgment and enforced strict (laws in some nations) social stigmas about questioning the authority. Logistically and mathematically the story falls apart, it was impossible. Logically the story falls apart when you realize the emotional lies.

It doesn't matter how much you "think" you know about the subject. You were fed a lie and knowing the lie by heart doesn't get you any closer to the truth. Only independent critical thinking can do that for you. If you are on board with 9/11 expand your thinking. For those honestly wanting to open your eyes below is a very well done ( i argue the best) presentation on the subject. Primary documentation is provided, do not skip around. I know its a long one but this lie is ingrained deep inside you. FIGHT your urge to be triggered and dismissive because i will just call you a dumb nigger and move on. (welcome to free think zone)

Treblinka, Sobibór and Bełżec <-- each camp is easily proven to be falsified. Learn the official story. Learn the timeline. Learn the geography. Learn basic math and reconcile. The video is a summary of primary documentation from the official sources.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vwku0UFB8_s&feature= http://archive.is/YFcaX



Is about 20min of testimony enough to account for 1/3 of the holocaust? What evidence was introduced at court? Who testified? Why did belzec have one inmate witness? What is roman robak's AKA rudolf reder's escape story? Why do the witnesses provide conflicting testimony regarding the camps?

What evidence exists of the these three camps immediately after the war? 1943 order to dig up 1.3 Million bodies and burn the evidence and plant farms over the fields? Do the claims match up with what is mathematically possible given the surface area/ logistical limitations?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5UyynjxAyw "Incontrovertible" by Tony Rooke is one of the best videos on this subject matter in my opinion for redpilling

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kj_VwszvqdM The State of Israel is a Deep State Asset. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balfour_Declaration

Philip Zelikow. 9/11 Commission Executive Director Larry Silverstein Frank Lowy Ronald Lauder Jerome Hauer Lewis M Eisenberg Jules Kroll Judge Michael B Mukasey Judge Alvin Hellerstein Kenneth Feinberg. I/C Victims compensation fund Michael Chertoff. Head of Justice Dept Criminal Division Sheila Birnbaum. Legal disputes mediator Stehen Cauffman Rabbi Div Zakheim Paul Wolfowitz Richard Perle Eliot Abrams Ari Fleischer Douglas Feith Marc Grossman

The "jew call"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOB6f-h2Mpk Reconcile the Balfour Declaration with the circumstances before and after ww1. Nazism was natural? Nazism was nurtured? Does anything happen in a garden that a gardener does not intend? Nazism was planned? Think logically and read the Talmud. Who benefited from Nazism? Who funded it? Why are there so many "jewish" converts and former Yiddish?

His birth certificate is a forgery. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DEntS_iM3c https://youtu.be/jk3KRxTfkLM?t=42m45s http://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/story/31899587/ntsb-no-safety-briefing-given-prior-to-2013-molokai-plane-crash-that-killed-hawaii-health-director Jews believe that all non jews are their current and future slaves. We are subhuman to the jew. Satanists infiltrate everything, powerful people who don't believe in a God masquerading as Jews. Convince the Jew that he is superior, make the Christians (americans) do their dirty work, stir up conflict in arab nations and use the muslims to create further chaos. Nationalism for the jew, globalism for everyone else. Culture and heritage for the Jew, one world government for everyone else. Israel / zionists/ satanists have pitted the world against each other and everyone serves at their behest. SA-Islam, Vatican-Christianity, Israel- Jew. All under control by the zionists.








14452283? ago

So, your tactic is to convince folks of your viewpoint by calling them names, insulting them and ranting about how blind they are for not seeing things the way you do? And all that before you even get into your viewpoint?

Good luck with that.

14459108? ago

You’re a small brained faggot not worthy of the truth. Now go back to reddit, we don’t want you.

14457876? ago

Go back to sucking that bleeding baby dick.

14449037? ago

I know who you are FuckDolphins. You can't stay anonymous here.

14459117? ago

There’s nothing you can do to stop the truth.

14449792? ago

Lmao what are you gonna do, report him?

14449697? ago

thats fine with me

14447444? ago

I have been guilty in not discussing the jewish problem. There was many reasons. 1. The Lord telling us "Bless those that Bless his people Isreal". That was my biggest problem. Once I seperated in my mind that there is a deep state in Isreal just like here (zionists/jews) I was objective. 2. I use to excuse some of their behavior (blackmail and fake news). I use to say they needed to do that to survive. Once I accepted wrong as wrong and not excusable I was able to see clearly. 3. Their is no excuse for the holocaust and definitely is no excuse for the lies, cheats and control of #WeThePeople that some of the jewish people are involved in these days. Some of these jewish people have become exactly what was feared...to control the world... 4. I always defended them because I think of them as God's chosen but am now willing to accept only those that are Righteous are Gods chosen and that includes the rest of the world not just Isreal.

14451832? ago

Jesus himself said that the ashkenazi jews are NOT jews and showed up during his time and began pretending to be jews.

They have absolutely no claim on the land of israel at all, muslims have a much better claim than they ever will.

14454016? ago

So much history that has been ignored for decades snd decades.

14452305? ago

And muslims are just goat fuckers.

Like, just the name muslim. It just sounds like a "raggedy" name. Nothing of value.

14451385? ago

I always defended them because I think of them as God's chosen

Ancient hebrews were god's chosen people, not talmudist loons

Besides.... Since they turned their back on jesus christ... They can hardly pretend to be "god's chosen people" anymore...

14451437? ago

True. It took awhile but am awake now.

14451304? ago

"I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”" [Genesis 12:3 ] Many do not understand this scripture the "you" is Abraham, the "blessing of the people of Earth" is Jesus acting as the final sin sacrifice for all mankind. This was stated way before the Hebrews claimed there holy land and became known as Israelite, and as a group of Hebrew and a few Gentiles became known as Jews due to their religion (in this post Jew = Religious Judaism including the man made burdensome laws).

The new Testament the term "Israel" became a much more diverse group and the "chosen people" changed to Christians people of all nations (both Israelite and Gentile). “Lest you be wise in your own sight, I do not want you to be unaware of this mystery, brothers: a partial hardening has come upon Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in.” [Romans 11:25] [John 12:40] [Romans 9:6-7]

The People of the old testament (the Jews) are not Gods chosen people anymore, many practicing Jews are prophesied to leave there ancient and defunct religion soon, If i had to guess around the time of the two witnesses - Which if you understand this Prophecy and reject the added doctrine (paganism) and learn from the removed, then be ready.

14451477? ago

Thank you. Everytime I read the Bible I learn more. Its helped as well reading other historic books that were not canonized.

14452660? ago

The ones who did not canonize it are the same ones who changed the times, and the laws. Inserted pagan beliefs into Christianity. Burned the old bibles and people who would not give up there old bibles for the new ones. Put to death man innocent women mostly midwives as witches.

this is also of interest to scripture below https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romulus_and_Remus

"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them." [Matthew 7:15-20]

14453986? ago

Oh yes. I am a firm believer in reading The Bible from Genisis to Revelation. I am adamant that when a church uses verses only and the church is loaded wirh church doctrine there is a problem. I do a lot of driving with work and the last year I have been blessed to dive into so many books. Enoch was my first dive and I have been reading like crazy since. I'm also a re-reader so have done The 1st book of Enoch twice then the collection of Enoch 1,2 & 3. I receive so much joy and pray to GOD to help me hear and for wisdom. I think reading other books has really opened my eyes. So many question I had from reading the Bible alone were answered. I do try to make sure the books have credentials such as The Dead Sea Scrolls but I love learning. I grew up Lutheran, perfect attendance till 16, confirmed and love the Lord my God. I have not fit into any church though. I am not anything except Love of God, repentant sinner and I beg the Lord for discernment. I totally agree that those in power chose what they wanted us to know. Mark Taylor has prophesied rhat there is going to be a great archeology find soon that is going to shake the church. I dont know if it will be something found in a dig or just something in the vaults in Rome being kept from us but am anxious to see them. God Bless and thank you for your response.

14454497? ago

I personally think it will be from the "vaults" of Rome or maybe Constantinople (Istanbul). As that would fit with Revelations, and Daniel [Daniel 12:4] [2 Thessalonians 2:3] but be mindful this may be good or could be bad [Revelation 13:11-18]. I will say this something is going to make more people think about the doctrine the mainstream has been feeding them and to start rejecting it to become ready for the great awakening of the true Christians on a global scale just like the first Christians watch this you will understand what i mean by this.


14450748? ago

I am glad you are now able to understand what Messiah meant by His often used term, Synagogue of Satan.

14451300? ago

Amen. It took awile but I pray for not only knowledge but discernment. God will always direct me the right direction even if I don't want to go there.

14456597? ago

Likewise, I pray for discernment and strength; I pray for the wherewithal to cope and do well in fulfilling the plan our Father devised for me from the beginning of days. And in His infinite gracefulness and love our Creator obliges, being my rock, my refuge, my best friend, and my Master: revealing His purpose for me when it is best for me, in His own perfect time.

14448947? ago

14448098? ago

The country Israel didn't exist until the 70s. God meant the nation. A nation is a people not a country. The people of Israel converted to Christianity. The people who call themselves Jews today aren't the nation of Israel. They are the decendants of the Christ killers.

Check out verboten 10 essays on the Bible. Most of them make a lot of sense.

14454642? ago

There may be deep state agents over there as here. However ... ... if we call ourselves descendants of Lincoln-killer, we can call the Jews descendants of Christ killers. There is so much in history not taught in religion. Yes, Jews killed Jesus, but it is also Jews who spread the Gospel throughout the then known world. Bible were written by Jews. Christ himself was a Jew, and he will return to rule in Jerusalem as the king of Israel and king of kings.

We know some of the worst enemies of mankind are Jews, but I won't say anything negative about Jews as a people.

14452136? ago

This right here is the connection people don't make, when we say "It's the Jews", it quite literally IS THE JEWS. Those that say "Muh Ashkenazi's and Khazarians" are saying the same thing in longer format. The Jews the world has known are the descendents of those that killed Christ. It's so fucking simple it is hard to believe. However, though Truth is often stranger than fiction, the right answer almost always is the simplest.

14451376? ago

Oh yes I get it now. I was just stating why I had ignored all this history and truths in the past.

14449882? ago

A nation is a people not a country.

This is true, but it sure brings up some uncomfortable questions about civic nationalists.

14454743? ago

Civnat latches on to white nationalist ideas but at the end of the stands for nothing. It's just empty rethoric. Murica, muh constitution, yeah!

I don't need America to 100% white but 62% is not sustainable. We will collapse or balkanize if this isn't reversed.

14452191? ago

Civic nationalists are weak, particularly my fellow American CivNats.

They don't realize America was founded to be a nation of whites (and "bleached" natives to some extent) for whites. This idea of a melting pot was for WHITE EUROPEAN CULTURES. It worked pretty fucking well too! America, as it should be and was designed to be, was essentially a united Europe, but not in Europe. The motherlands and fatherlands were left untouched.

Then we had to go and let the Jews start up the slave trade...

14449508? ago

If you want people to check something out, please provide a link.

I'm not sure where you learned about the history of the middle east, but your claim that "Israel didn't exist until the 70s," is one of the dumbest statements about Israel and the Jews I've ever seen on Voat or Reddit. Nor are the Jews of today the descendants of the Christ killers. Maybe you should do a little research before you post any replies.

The Jewish question is one of the most important questions, if not the most important question that needs to asked and answered. If people are uninformed or ill-informed they'll never be able to understand the question or find the right answers.

14450203? ago

From a hostile source. "In 1947, the United Nations (UN) adopted a Partition Plan for Palestine recommending the creation of independent Arab and Jewish states and an internationalized Jerusalem.[35] The plan was accepted by the Jewish Agency, and rejected by Arab leaders.[36][37][38] The following year, the Jewish Agency declared the independence of the State of Israel" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel

The bible wasn't talking about some political construct made up almost 2000 years later you dumb fucking nigger.

Here is the other link you lazy asshole. https://archive.org/stream/Verboten11BiblicalEssaysOnSubjectsThatTodaysClergyCarefullyAvoid/VER_djvu.txt

14457027? ago

To start with, and I'm sure you don't care, but there's no reason to call me a lazy asshole. I think it's just a common courtesy thing to provide links to source data, but I guess you're too much of a lazy asshole to do that.

Ok. So I checked out "Verboten." In general, the problem I have with it is that after asking 13 questions and making an appeal for the reader to keep an open mind, it immediately limits how open my mind should be allowed to be.

"Space does not permit explanations for the following statements, however there is plenty of well documented material on the subject and more becoming available every day. We will merely conduct an experiment, asking that you accept these statements, then return to the thirteen questions and see if you can answer them."

Basically the author is saying, "I'm not going to explain my statements, and you should just accept them without question." The author wants to establish the starting point, or the entire premise in a way that benefits him before the discussion even starts.

After reading a pretty good chunk of it, I began to see a pattern or theme. The author is injecting things into the bible that aren't really there.


So I didn't see anything in Genesis 1 or 2 that mentioned skin color. And nothing in Ch3 about the tree being "racist."

So I guess these are the statements the author doesn't want to explain and I'm just supposed to accept.

That seemed to be the pattern. The author making claims and injecting things into the Bible that aren't really there. That's why I got tired of it and decided it, and you, are simply a waste of my time.

Peace out. I'm done here.

14447669? ago

I think a lot of us have a hard time reconciling that they’re God’s chosen people and some of us don’t question it whatsoever..... but the fact is, it’s possible that there’s more than one god. And that’s when it begins to make sense.

14454864? ago

If they are God's chosen what does that make everyone else?

Think about. The entire earth except 12 million people are his chosen.

This is just me but that is the stupidest shit if ever heard.

This jew shit is pushing me away from Christianity. It's looking a slave religion right now.

14454975? ago

RE: "If they are God's chosen..." Should read "If they are SATAN's Choosen..."

14454075? ago

Jews mis-wrote the bible intentionally, so of course they are going to say they are the chosen ones. What a load of crock!! God would never say a thing like that, anyone who thinks so, is brainwashed. I think it really damages a Jewish child, to tell him from birth he is a chosen one. He will spew that lie in the school yard, and then when he gets beat up for saying it, he will be totally confused to find he is no better than the rest of us. Talk about name calling: they call us goyium, gentiles,and shikas. There should be no dual citizen ship in this country. You can't pledge intelligence to 2 countries. 97% of media talking heads are Jewish. They are the ones spoon feeding you your news, it's an outrage! Dual citizenship should never be in government positions. If you were not born here, you should not represent the American people. Jews take their marching orders from the cabal, called the Committee of 300 and their henchmen, the diabolical Club of Rome. (Like Q said, "All roads lead to Rome") Ever wonder why Jews have been kicked out of 17 countries? Their moto: Infiltrate a country and destroy it from within. If they hate America so much, why don't they leave?

14452230? ago

Technically, Satan is a "god". Note the lack of the capital G. He's immortal and operates on a metaphysical plane.

YHWH is the bad guy. Read through the Old Testament and the New Testament. The God we Christians worship is vastly different to that of the Old Testament.

14451402? ago

I just finished a book on the nephellium and it makes sense there are more. I just think there is one supreme God and he is God of love and mercy.

14452251? ago

Though he is more than happy to kick some ass. That's where Christians utterly fail.

God isn't a fucking hippie. He will fuck your shit if need be.

14449988? ago

they’re God’s chosen people

People only think this because of dispensationalism and the Scofield Reference Bible tricked preachers into teaching their flocks very pro-jew and pro-Israel interpretations of the Bible. This is how Satan works - subtly and subversiveness.

This is a redpill that every Christian should swallow immediately.

14454941? ago

Scofield was a 32 or 33rd* ILLUMINATED Mason & preached a very false doctrine that still pervades the country today. LET ME ASSURE YOU (all): THE RAPTURE TEACHING IS **T O T A L L Y FALSE. TO SAY THE LEAST.

14452259? ago


Gott mit uns!

14447820? ago

When you UNDERSTAND that the Gawd of the OLD TESTAMENT is SATAN, then and ONLY then will you understand. Satan is the ONE who commanded Sacrifice. NOT the god that Jesus described.

14447969? ago

The chosen of "God." God is a nickname for Gadreel.

14447949? ago

Exactly. YHWH = EL = Saturn = Satan

14447495? ago

Check out "Disturbing the Peace" on Netflix www.netflix.com/title/80134807

14447298? ago

I agree, however the problem with the Jews is they will simply revoke their citizenship and then reinstate it immediately after they need it again.

The only way to be sure it to ban Jews from government.

14454596? ago

I was thinking the same thing. If anything happens they will just run to Israel and get their citizenship back.

14456792? ago

Their dirty Israeli friends would probably post it out to them / give the dirty Jews a button so they can turn it off and on like a light switch.

14448978? ago

Read the Old Testament. Jews are the experts are finding "loopholes" around laws.

14450146? ago

lol look at the Talmud. There's the Torah, the holy book of jews, and then there's the Talmud, a huge series of books of oral information passed down over generations explaining what God reeeally meant. It's the most jewish thing ever.

14447961? ago

that means ivanka and kushner will get a boot too .left right dem rep all a scam. true power is with the people.they should take it back and stop giving it to anyone.

14448285? ago

Read My Struggle by Adolf Hitler. You'll think the man is a time traveller for how accurately he discusses the very issues we face today as we watch our country rot from the influence of the eternal Jew. Hitler saw what the Kikes did to Russia and fought back valiantly, but lost. Here we sit in America today now watching the fall of Europe to the Kikes in the same exact way Hitler watched the fall of Russia to the Kikes. With small exceptions like Japan and a few others, we are again almost alone in our upcoming all out war against the Kikes and we haven't even removed their influence from our government and schools yet. We may not even put up as much of a fight as Hitler did.

I beg all of you to actually commit the time to learn the history of the one man and group that almost successfully stood against the evil that is the Jews.

14449428? ago

The biggest joke and fake news is the "Russian revolution". Which was a genocide orchestrated by Jewish supremacists. The Jews commanded their troops to go through concentration camps in Germany, as well as civilian towns and rape, rape, rape some more and murder for fun.

Meanwhile, they say that 20 billion Jews were melted down in a fireplace while they laugh over how many millions of Russians they murdered because the Tzar refused to sell out to the Jewish bankers.

Russian revolution was just a Jewish takeover and genocide of the Russian people.

14452334? ago

This. So many "men of the Reich" hate the Russians.

It's not the Russians we hate, it's those that control the Russians. Russians themselves are a hardy people, I believe they deserve respect for all they have been through.

14450276? ago

Then they looked at Germany and said "you're next".

14448412? ago

you do know that hillary , bill all are jews rite ? they are nazis. unlike you think they workship lucifer/satan . they trace their roots to ancient babylonian gods.

secret society and mystery schools teachings are part of their ideologies. jews are as much as victims too.they just distort the truth.

You are right PAST DICTATES THE FUTURE. learn the history which is not though to you.

14452922? ago

Sources please. If you need any from me, just let me know.

14461378? ago

i remember reading them . hillary and bill are rockafeller and Hitler is an rothschild. if you research deeply you will find the articles.will update if i find them.

Please do provide links if you have

14466740? ago

My Struggle (1925), by Adolph Hitler, Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, Audiobook.

Instead of listening to hearsay and nonsense, learn about who Hitler was with his own words before you make wild accusations of the man.

14468223? ago

it's propaganda book bro. angela markel is hitler's daughter