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14453985? ago

AAaarrgghh ..... getting tired of trying to figure who is working against, or for us. I am not going to let it get to me. I have one thing, details be damned : I stand against the Deep State and Cabal, and with President Trump. And that's all we need to remember, and keep in mind.....

14451786? ago

Amen. Remove the shame of being called conspiracy nuts when you are #TRUTH SEEKERS.

14451625? ago

I’ve seen discussion in this thread about wether the rise of nazism was a planned event. The answer is yes. Evil is required to make itself known according to Gods rules. We being created of free will are required to have information before entering into consort with either side(good or evil) therefore the darkness must show itself as it is. Now to prove that nazism was a planned event I encourage you to research Albert Pike, 33 degree freemason and Confederate General. He laid out in his 1872 book the plan for the 20th century and beyond. When you read some of the assertions he made and compare it to the history since 1872, you will be redpilled to the max!! Freemasonry goes back to Solomon and his consortium with the darkness.

14451443? ago

Christ’s Mission to Israel for the World The messianic identity of Jesus, formed and shaped by the Old Testament promises and the Jewish prophets, leads in a direction that simultaneously complicates and resolves the issue. Instead of seeing Jesus’ messianic mindset in terms of either or, one ought to see his mission as to Israel on behalf of the nations. In other words, in narrowing his focus to Israel, Jesus does the work necessary for the entire world to be blessed. If Jesus saw himself as Israel’s Messiah, the one who will constitute a new Israel, and if he purposefully acted in ways that fulfill the role of the Suffering Servant in Isaiah and the vocation of Israel as the light of the world, then it is no surprise that he would focus his ministry squarely on his Jewish contemporaries. Jesus’ ministry was to the lost sheep of the house of Israel precisely, because he is the good shepherd come to gather the renewed Israel around himself and to launch their trajectory into the world with the healing grace God always intended to flow through his chosen people. Jesus ministered to the Jews for the Gentiles. Therefore, we should say the mission of Jesus is first to Israel (through his own ministry) and then to the Gentiles (through the actions of his apostles), but this trajectory should not be reduced merely to salvation-historical terms. Instead, the mission of Jesus to the Gentiles (through his apostles) should be seen as contingent upon the success of his mission to the Jews. Mission to the nations depends upon Jesus’ accomplishment of his mission to Israel. The particularity of Jesus’ earthly ministry serves the universality of God’s ultimate vision for the world. Conclusion Creating too strong a dichotomy between Jesus’ mission to the Jews and the church’s mission to the Gentiles is unhelpful. As the long-awaited Messiah who fulfills Israel’s vocation, Jesus accomplishes the mission of Israel through his own life and work, thereby bringing the blessing of Abraham to the nations, as was promised in the Old Testament. The mission to the Gentiles was not at the expense of mission to Israel, nor was it merely an extension. Instead, Israel was to be the catalyst through which God would accomplish his promises to the world. Jesus was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel in order that through his regathering and reconstituting the true Israel, the blessing of salvation would be released to flow from Israel and into all the world, just as God promised in the Old Testament

14451494? ago

Revelation 3:9 King James Version (KJV) 9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

FYI bible written to pacify population for further subjection by the jew

14451592? ago

Clearly you didnt read the whole comment i wrote. Or watched the video. The video is 77 min long. Go read the whole comment and watch the video and then get back to me. Plus you just quoted Scripture and then said the bible was written to classify the population for the jews. Your talking out of both sides of your mouth

14451604? ago

crazy boomer thinks he linked a video LOLOL

14451667? ago

Um think. No i did. I posted 2 comments Maybe you only read one. But you didnt ready any. Here it is again. Its about the 2 witnesses


14451700? ago

You did not post two comments. You posted a boomer rant and then bitched at me when you were too retarded to include your original link.

Unlike you (who i suspect is also a nigger) i can read just fine and apparently much faster than yourself.

14452027? ago

And no it was not a rant its information people need to know. If you dont like what i wrote that fine. Name calling and racist name calling just shows your mentality

14451986? ago

And there is where you are wrong. I post 2 comments. And calling me the N word says alot about you. Sounds racist to me.

14451345? ago

Good man keep up the good work

14451343? ago

Okay so I have watched a couple of videos that you posted here.Particularly the one with Tommy Robinson where are they are talking to some Jews and what they believe. Now of course in the video I don't speak Hebrew and I'm only reading what the translation is to what they're saying weather that's really what they're saying I don't know. But the gist of that video pretty much says the Jews that are talking that we are to be there slaves at some point when their Messiah comes. That's in their Torah. I have never read the Torah so I don't know that for sure myself. But it is certainly is not in the Old Testament of the Bible. Now to the Jews thought they are looking for the Messiah to come to rule and reign as their King. Obviously some of them do not realize that Jesus was the Messiah. But others knew Jesus was the Messiah. And knew what he really came to do. These of course were the first Christians the followers of Jesus. They were in fact Jews before and now they were Messianic Jews. The first Christians. And the other Jews that people always see as the people that killed Jesus. And they get angry. But in fact the Jews did not kill Jesus. Jesus willingly gave his own life up to save all of ours. Jews and Gentiles alike. And now I know the Bible and certain parts of the book say that the Jews are the synagogue of Satan. That is true in a sense. But they take the scriptures way out of context to demonize the Jews. We should not do that and I will clarify what I mean. There will be a hundred and forty four thousand Jews they will come to know Jesus as your lord and savior and become Messianic Jews in the seven year tribulation. For the first three and a half years they will be spreading the gospel. These again like I said are a hundred forty-four thousand Messianic Jews. Also there will be the two witnesses that will come on the scene that the Bible talks about in Revelation 11. Who are the two witnesses? Some people say the two witnesses are Elijah and Enoch or Moses and Elijah. But there's another theory that I just recently heard that sounds after research very plausible.  Revelation chapter 11 verse 3 through 6 3 And I will appoint my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.” 4 They are “the two olive trees” and the two lampstands, and “they stand before the Lord of the earth.”[a] 5 If anyone tries to harm them, fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies. This is how anyone who wants to harm them must die. 6 They have power to shut up the heavensso that it will not rain during the time they are prophesying; and they have power to turn the waters into blood and to strike the earth with every kind of plague as often as they want

Now read verse for all by itself  4 They are “the two olive trees” and the two lampstands, and “they stand before the Lord of the earth. The two olive trees and the two lamp-stands are in quotation for a reason. Now I'm not going to go through the whole process of going through every single scripture to prove out the theory of the two are who the two olive trees are and who the two lamp-stands are. I will however put the link up to the video that you can watch for yourself it's about 2 hours long but it's really an amazing video that you should really watch. But anyway the two witnesses are the two olive trees and the two lamp-stands. The two olive trees are the Jews and the Gentiles. The two lampstands are again the Jews and the Gentiles. The Jews where the original olive tree that was broken off but then the Gentiles became the second olive tree that were grafted in but the root of the Olive Tree is still the Jews. We as Gentiles were grafted in when Jesus gave his life on the cross. The Chew lampstands represent the same the Jews and the Gentiles. People think that God is done with Jewish people but he's not he's going to bring them back into the fold. Jew and Gentile together. Not all Jews and all gentiles will of course accept Jesus and that of course will be their undoing and they will end up in the Lake of Fire. But you also need to understand the we are to bless Israel. Not all Jews are bad just like not all Gentiles are bad. Bless Israel


14451046? ago

Kikes weren't behind Nazism m8.

Nazism fought against the same people we're fighting today.

14451265? ago

Nazism was planned. German civil war predates, create the chaos so that the only possible way to achieve order is the one that you desire. Learn your history.

14451292? ago

I have learned my hustory, and yes, Nazism was planned. That's usually how one comes into power.

If you believe in the notion that Hitler was a Kike, or a Rothschild, YOU need to learn YOUR history. These things have been disproven so many times I've lost count.

Nazism almost won and ultimately would've destroyed them.

14451552? ago

Who funded nazism? (Think US republicans)

Operation Paperclip?


You fell for the notion that Nazism was a natural result of the will of the german people without realizing that the jews created the circumstance so that the Nazi party would be inevitable. Of course the Germans fought the jew yet how many jews died? Hardly any. How many white germans and white russians died in the war? What the cost of the war on the white population? Who benefited from the war?

Fear Israel

Go back and try learning your history again,

14452053? ago

I already know the answer to the first. Doesn't particularly matter.

Operation Paperclip was Allied (mostly US) extradition of Nazi scientists to assist research on rocket programs/etc. It was that or head to the Soviet Union. Prisoners of War rarely get choices.

Antarctica had a Nazi presence, and a predominantly US battle group (actually, I think there may have been more than one) was sent to clean house unofficially.

None of that matters. It was the bad guys tying up loose ends, concerning the last two. It isn't hard to figure out.

Germans fought the Jews, but how many died? As you said, hardly any. You really think they were just going to ACTUALLY genocide the fuckers? The idea was to kick them to the curb in Madagascar or Israel, somewhere far away from Germany and, as war was declared on Germany by Judea, Europe.

Millions of white Germans and Russians, as well as Brits, Frenchies, Americans, so on, died as well. The Allies and Russians were manipulated into the fighting for the Kikes, yes. The Germans never wanted the fucking war. They were a thorn in the Cabal's side and were taken out. Germany knew it needed a quick victory and to secure Europe to win, thus came the Blitzkrieg. It damn near worked. Three cities in the East: Stalingrad, Leningrad, and Moscow all almost got captured. That would've ended the Jewish Union.

Who benefited from the war? Kikes of course. THEY WON.

Fear Israel? No shit.

I know my history. I know the Truth. The Reich fought for what was and still is right and good. Unfortunately they failed. With what we're doing right now, hopefully the millions that lost their lives will rest easier.

14450907? ago

What's the use in knowing? And more importantly, how do we translate knowing into doing?

14450415? ago

Isn't it GREAT that the TRUTH is being literally spoon-fed on this forum?


14450466? ago

The jew pill is the easy one.

The year of the Black sun awaits.

14451068? ago

Heil kameraden!

14450282? ago

But these people are not real Jews. They are what God called the Synagogue of Satan. They are the fake Jews if the Khazarian Mafia. They are the only ones that could not be defeated in war. They were brutally evil.

14450366? ago



Resorting to "not all jews are bad" is a far cry from innocence. Watch the clips. What do you think the average line member citizen of israel thinks? I assure you that it is YOUR judgment that is clouded by the mind control tactics of the Jew. This goes back to the first Temple, long before khazarians. You need to study your history.




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KR9sWRzbdJw (<-- This guy sucks bleeding kike baby dicks)

14450261? ago

Thinking for myself, I can see you are just another of the Jew hating shills that blame them for every evil. Sorry, I won't take your hate bait.

14450248? ago

Shut the fuck up with that preachy tone you fucking know it all cunt.

14451720? ago

go back to sucking that bleeding baby dick

14452076? ago

Looky looky, another stupid fucking niggerfaggot projecting his sexual deviance onto internet strangers.

You're disgusting.

14449598? ago

It’s not only attacks “against” Jews but if you look at history, there has been a long going prejudice against Christians.

Who has a blatant biased towards Christianity? Hollywood.

Our own government has been/ attempted to remove any reference to Christianity from government and schools.

Christians are constantly under attack while tolerance is taught for every other religion.

You are probably thinking “but Hollywood makes Christian movies and we win a few battles...” but we don’t. Look at the ones won before Trump. They were token and we gave A LOT more than we got and than other religions received.

They are trying to label Christians as a hate group because “they condemn the LGTBQ and abortion” but look at the ones they are “tolerant” of. Most would kill you for either. The big difference is Christians will tell you are going to hell (which, if you don’t believe in, is not a threat) whereas Muslims will send you there. Jews will excommunicate you and you’ll wish you were dead.

14449263? ago

more "naem teh joo" crap which is unrelated to Q

14449747? ago

found the dumb nigger

14449038? ago

I actually think that Q sent all his Q followers here to voat, not for goats to red-pill us (re: the Jews like they seem to think is their mission with us), or for us to red-pill goats (although some have been awakened to Q because we are here). Goats "and" Q soldiers are going to be red-pilled simultaniously TOGETHER by Q!

Remember, Q916 says that Q is "saving Israel for last" for "very specific reason". Buckle up buttercups because it's quite possible that it is YOU who think you know the truth about the Jews who are about to get a huge unexpected red-pill shoved down YOUR throat.....;)

14449690? ago

Doubtful. Look at the evidence and stop being a bitch

14454454? ago

How am I a "bitch" by sharing my point of view. Wow, you act just like the Leftist a-holes who don't know how to have civil & rational conversation...:P

14448842? ago

Men stand and ask tough questions without bias.


Eh, most qtards are older women.

14449339? ago

Are they single. I want boomer pussy and dinner at 4pm.

14449581? ago

Of course they are single. Most men are already dead at that age.

14448736? ago

When people know the tactics of pedophiles they will see that they are completely controlled by these methods.

This is the ultimate redpill! https://www.brainsyntax.com/Portal/Material/1/David_McDonough_Gov_abuse_brainsyntax.pdf

14448637? ago

Great work, great post! I hope all take the time to read it and let it sink in. Thanx.

14449427? ago

It'd be nice if they did, but they're probably going to have to take in little bits at a time until one day everything they learned comes together and they can see the big picture. A lot of them have been trained from birth to see jews as victims, god's chosen, and harmless. This evil has been going on so long and it's so convalesced that there really is a lot to process, and we're basically telling them to go against a lot of their core beliefs about the world.

14448622? ago

Good watch about true origins of bolsheviks- "In the shadow of Hermes"

Basically jews created everything, we've been just standing, watching and participating blindly. All masonic lodges, all wars, all institution, all religions, movements, ideologies, mixing races into one genetic blend by sending refugees to Europe and everywhere else, all the climate agendas, political issues, governments, policies, divide and conquer, putting babies under government control and most of all DESTROYING FAMILY AS THE MOST FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN STRUCTURE.

Lucifer>Papal Bloodlines (Gray Pope)>Jesuits (Black Pope)>NWO (White Pope) lodges/ABC agencies

14448366? ago

What do you mean think for myself?! You want me to entertain ideas that evil people and institutions have told me are bad my entire life?? That sounds like something a shill would say. You're just trying to divide us! The real Q FollowersTM only push ideas that that fit with our preconceived notions of how the world works.

14450350? ago

I walked into my ex gf's house once while we were dating and her mom was watching CNN. It was during the Stormy Daniels thing and Rudy Giuliani had just started going on TV as Trump's lawyer.

"I think he's trying to make Trump look bad!!!" she said excitedly.

No, bitch. You heard he's trying to make Trump look bad.

Beware of anyone telling you to think for yourself while at the same time presenting you with cherry picked facts and opinions.

14450721? ago

Eh... pretty sure he's trying to make Trump look bad.

14448409? ago

Careful, the boomers are really slow when it comes to sarcasm.

14448118? ago

https://files.catbox.moe/d5cprg.jpg :

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=346BK83d4-s&feature=youtu.be&t=21m21s :

Tommy Robinson, Lauren Southern, Mike Cernovich & PJW EXPOSED - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=sap-miOXYlE&feature=youtu.be&t=12m38s :

David Duke 'Trump is Playing 3D Chess' - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=2qlGVkHaeFc :

How the Jewish Rothschild Zionists Created Modern Israel - YouTube

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14447987? ago

gagaggggg cough cough gagggga water water red-pill choke red-pill choke.

there is a big difference in knowing and "KNOWING"

yea uhh hermit out. cough.

14450954? ago

What's the use in "knowing" if there is no doing?

14451202? ago

true,: action, without understanding is anarchy unless it is properly grounded in truth tho.

14447984? ago

What do you think of all the articles of media from books to films and so on, that depict the holocaust in some way or even mention it as a device in justifying the plot? Specifically I'm thinking about the Dune novels from Frank Herbert. In the 5th or 6th book, Jewish survival of the holocaust was a major plot element. The good guys basically find actual Jews, remnants of the old Earth Jews that had survived for millennia. And their survival conditions from the holocaust was what set them up for surviving the current story dilemma. I want to dig into Herbert now.

14448442? ago


The medium of art/film is a powerful tool for both good and evil.

14448467? ago

Sure do

14448261? ago

That's interesting because the holohoax is a huge part of their identity. Actually anything negative that happened to them is. They focus on the bad and chant never again. They're always reminding themselves that the goyim are the enemy. This might have been a good survival tactic for their group if it weren't for their psychopathic levels of chutzpah.

14449018? ago


Revelation 3:9 King James Version (KJV) 9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

14448310? ago

They survivaled too hard? XD

Seriously, I'm trying to process the fact that they're "God's chosen" and they managed to work this number over Russia and the rest of the world really.

14448461? ago

Remember, they are "God's Chosen" just like the pharisees were God's "chosen"

14448481? ago

Topic is above my paygrade.

14449439? ago

zionists = pharisees = jews = Jesus called them the sons of satan and children of hell.

The followers of Jesus were all Jews, and Jesus was the messiah of the Jews, who came to protect the Jews from the corruption that the pharisees had wrought upon them.

There are two kinds of jews: (1) those who worship satan, and (2) those who are willing to give their lives to protect the goyim. Unfortunately, the power of darkside is strong with today's pharisees, and so most jews have become corrupted.

now, there are few jews left who care at all about the goy, let alone, who are willing to die for them.

14449492? ago

Ah I remember now about the pharasees. Sounds right to me I guess.

14447805? ago


This has been great for details about WW1, but they never mention the Jews.

14447786? ago

This is seriously the most significant red pill of our time I think.

14448155? ago

The jews are the final boss of redpills until we get disclosures.

14448314? ago

True story

14447809? ago

It is.

We have to direct our focus and attention at waking the others up.

Please help me wake them up by spreading truth.

14449295? ago

I think the first step is to clearly differentiate jews from European whites. Many do not consider jews to be a separate group, merely a different religion. And people naturally recoil at "anti-semitism", real or fabricaated, because they have been indoctrinated this way through media and schooling. Step 1. Get them to understand there is a real difference in whites and jews. Step 2. Show jewish privlage in todays world and institutions. Step 3. Show historical jew fuckery. Step 1488. Profit. The process must be gradual to prevent the conditioned brain to automatically recoil.

14449726? ago

Or you could show them what i showed you. Did you bother to watch the videos and click all the links? Jews literally believe you are their slave and that you are an animal. Their scripture literally says its okay to rape children and kill goys.